Sweat Cycle House Report

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By: Sarah Edwards, Katie King and

Camrie Tippetts

01 Executive Summary

02 Introduction

03 Methods/Sample Size

04 Demographics/Statistics

05-10 Hypothesis Results

11-12 Additional Insights

13 Recommendations

14 Conclusion

15 Appendix
Sweat Cycle House, a local cycling studio, worked directly with our team to conduct a customer

service research survey to determine what factors of the Sweat Cycle House positively or

negatively influenced their experience. Our initial purpose was to gather general customer

demographic data like gender, age range, zip code and then evaluate their experience at Sweat

Cycle House. Our team strategically chose survey question topics to unearth significant

relationships between independent and dependent variables such as preferences, time well

spent, skill level, instructors, likelihood to recommend, and other experiential aspects of

attending a class at Sweat Cycle House.

We came to several conclusions after performing data analysis on our survey data. As part of

customer’s intrinsic motivation to attend and participate in a spin class, instructor’s technique

and words had a strong positive relationship with overall engagement. Therefore, the instructor

of the class had a big impact on how participants view their enjoyment of the Sweat Cycle House

experience. Similarly, the strongest relationship to customer’s likelihood to recommend was the

instructor’s words and encouragement throughout a given class.

Another major takeaway was that all the service performance elements we tested for (bike and

shoe equipment, front desk service quality, and an instructor’s ability to help with needs of each

participant) were positively correlated with overall enjoyment. These same drivers were

strongly correlated with a customer’s likelihood to recommend Sweat Cycle House to a friend.
Therefore, based on our data, the most impactful aspects of the Sweat Cycle House experience

are, for intrinsic motivation, the instructor’s technique and words, as well as service performance

elements including bike and shoe equipment, front desk service quality, and instructor’s ability

to adapt help with needs. These aspects of the spin experience are crucial to reach the key

outcomes of overall enjoyment and likelihood to recommend.

Considering the data and findings, we recommend the following:

Continue to engage all five senses
Improve the sound system
Repair bikes
Continue to cultivate a welcoming environment

Page 1

For our project, we decided to work with

Sweat Cycle House, a cycling studio located

in Pleasant Grove, Utah. In working directly

with the organization’s owner, our team

"Full mind &

conducted a customer service research

survey to determine what factors of the

body immersive
Sweat Cycle House positively or negatively

influenced their experience. The general

experience on
purpose of our project was to gather data

regarding customer demographics like

gender, age range, zip code, as well as

a stationary
preferences, time well spent, likelihood to

recommend, and other experiential aspects of

cycling. After gathering this data, our team

was able to provide analyzed data and give

helpful feedback to Sweat Cycle House. We

developed recommendations ranging from

and then gather insights about customers'

the highest-rated instructors, equipment

experience at Sweat Cycle House. Our team

needs, and best practices based on customer

strategically chose survey question topics to

feedback. Furthermore, our team discovered

unearth significant relationships between

recommendations on what Sweat Cycle

independent and dependent variables such

House should stop doing in regards to the

as preferences, time well spent, skill level,

same factors of instructors, equipment, and

instructors, likelihood to recommend, and

practices. Our purpose was to initially gather

other experiential aspects of attending a class

general customer demographic data like

at Sweat Cycle House.

gender, age range, zip code

Page 2
To reach the largest audience possible, our team implemented several methods to ensure

our customer feedback survey was widespread and efficient. Our team created a QR code

poster for Sweat Cycle House to put up at their front desk and at exits for customers to

scan and fill out. When participants finished a workout class, they would be prompted to

scan a quick 2-minute customer experience survey on their way out or when they

interacted with anyone at the front desk.

Additionally, Sweat Cycle House posted the survey link on their Instagram story to

ensure the largest demographic would have the chance to fill out the survey. Some of the

spin instructors also posted the link on their personal social media platforms to reach

more people.

Our sample size was from a total of 82 responses, recent participants in a Sweat Cycle

House class, to gather the data necessary to give useful feedback and recommendations

to the organization’s management team.

Page 3
The first block of the customer feedback survey we created was demographics. We asked

for preferred gender, age range, and zip code. With this data, our team was able to better

understand what the average customer going to Sweat Cycle House looked like, including

how old they are and how close they live to the Sweat Cycle House. This information will

help the company better understand and market to their target audience. We also later

analyzed this data to see if demographics had any effect on our key outcomes.

We gathered a variety of data on our
drivers and each of our key outcomes:
overall enjoyment and likelihood to
recommend. The data we gathered on
our key outcomes were most
important for our research. For overall
enjoyment, we asked participants how
much enjoyment they feel during a
spin class. From our sample size of 66
participants, the average score was 8.8
out of 10, with a median of 9. The
minimum score was 1, and the
maximum was 10.

The graphs to the left show the


For likelihood to recommend, the 63

responses averaged a 9.3 out of 10,
with a median of 10. The lowest score
was 3 and the highest was 10.

Page 4
Below is our research diagram for the project:

of our inputs results in positive

key outcomes.

Our project diagram outlines our inputs and key outcomes that we wanted to research through this

survey. Our inputs started with intrinsic motivation, and leveling up (which includes challenge and

skill and their effects on an experience). We also wanted to test for service performance (RATER),

which stands for reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness. Lastly, we chose to

include the instructor of the spin class as a driver. We wanted to test analyze the effects of these

immersion factors on two key outcomes: overall enjoyment of the experience and likelihood to

recommend to a friend. The hypotheses for each relationship are listed below, where each driver

has a positive relation to the key outcomes.

H1: Intrinsic motivation is positively related to overall enjoyment.

H2: Intrinsic motivation is positively related to likelihood to recommend.
H3: Leveling up (challenge and skill) is positively related to overall enjoyment.
H4: Leveling up (challenge and skill) is positively related to likelihood to recommend.
H5: Instructors are positively related to overall enjoyment.
H6: Instructors are positively related to likelihood to recommend.
H7: Service performance (RATER) is positively related to overall enjoyment.
H8: Service performance (RATER) is positively related to likelihood to recommend.

Page 5
We analyzed each of our hypotheses through our collected data and came to a few different conclusions.

We ultimately found that some of the drivers we researched did have a significant relationship on overall

enjoyment and likelihood to recommend, while others did not have a significant effect on those key


H. 01 — Some tested elements of intrinsic motivation are positively

correlated with overall enjoyment.

There is a statistically significant, strongly positively correlated relationship between

instructor’s technique and overall enjoyment, r (64) = 0.64, p < .05.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between

instructor’s words and overall enjoyment, r (64) = 0.56, p < .05.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between a

darkened room and overall enjoyment, r (63) = 0.53, p < .05.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between group

unity/community and overall enjoyment, r (64) = 0.47, p < .05.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between music

and overall enjoyment, r (63) = 0.44, p < .05.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between

shoutouts/hollers from the group and overall enjoyment, r (64) = 0.45, p < .05.
There is no statistically significant relationship between room temperature and

overall enjoyment, r (65) = 0.26, p > .05.

There is no statistically significant relationship between attending with a friend and

overall enjoyment, r (64) = 0.08, p > .05.

Page 6

H. 02 — Some tested elements of intrinsic motivation are positively

correlated with likelihood to recommend.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between

instructor’s words and likelihood to recommend, r (61) = 0.34, p < .05.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between

shoutouts/hollers from the group and likelihood to recommend, r (61) = 0.46, p < .05.
There is no statistically significant relationship between group unity/community and

likelihood to recommend, r (61) = 0.38, p > .05.

There is no statistically significant relationship between instructor’s technique and

likelihood to recommend, r (60) = 0.04, p > .05.

There is no statistically significant relationship between darkened room and

likelihood to recommend, r (60) = 0.06, p > .05.

There is no statistically significant relationship between music and likelihood to

recommend, r (61) = 0.13, p > .05.

There is no statistically significant relationship between room temperature and

likelihood to recommend, r (60) = 0.14, p > .05.

There is no statistically significant relationship between attending with a friend and

likelihood to recommend, r (63) = 0.08, p > .05.

Page 7

H. 03 — There is no statistically significant relationship between

leveling up (challenge and skill) and overall enjoyment, r

(64) = 0.23, p > .05.

H. 04 — There is no significant relationship between leveling up

(challenge and skill) and likelihood to recommend, r (61)

= 0.15, p > .05.

H. 05 — Although we couldn’t statistically analyze the instructor

questions, the highest liked instructors were: Alexa,

Lauren, Lauryn, and Hailey. In addition, responses

indicate that certain instructors may positively relate to

overall enjoyment, with Lauryn D., Jax, and Lauren S.

relating to the highest average overall enjoyment scores

(9.21, 9.13, 9.10).

H. 06 — Although we couldn’t statistically analyze the instructor

questions, responses indicate that certain instructors

may positively relate to likelihood to recommend, with

Lauryn D., Jax, and Lauren S. relating to the highest

average likelihood to recommend scores (9.78, 9.63,


Page 8
H. 07 — From a regression analysis, we found that service

performance (RATER) elements including bike/shoe

equipment, instructor’s ability to help with needs, and

front desk quality combined are significant predictors

of overall enjoyment, R^2 = 0.12, p < .05. However,

bike/shoe equipment is the primary driver of overall

enjoyment with 55% relative importance, while

instructor’s ability to help with needs has 37% relative

importance. When these drivers were controlled, front

desk service quality did not have a significant effect on

overall enjoyment.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between

bike/shoe equipment and overall enjoyment, r (63) = 0.31, p < .05.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between

instructor’s ability to help with needs and overall enjoyment, r (63) = 0.28, p < .05.
There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between front

desk service quality and overall enjoyment, r (63) = 0.16, p < .05.

Page 9
H. 08 — From a regression analysis, we found that service

performance (RATER) elements including bike/shoe

equipment, instructor’s ability to help with needs, and

front desk quality combined are significant predictors

of likelihood to recommend, R^2 = 0.20, p < .05.

However, bike/shoe equipment is the primary driver of

overall enjoyment with 47% relative importance, while

front desk service quality has 43% relative importance.

When these drivers were controlled, instructor’s ability

to help with needs did not have a significant effect on

overall enjoyment.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between bike/shoe

equipment and likelihood to recommend, r (61) = 0.34, p < .05.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between front desk

service quality and likelihood to recommend, r (61) = 0.40, p < .05.

There is a statistically significant, positively correlated relationship between instructor’s

ability to help with needs and likelihood to recommend, r (61) = 0.23, p < .05.

Page 10
In addition to the hypotheses above regarding our four drivers, we wanted to analyze the data to

see if age range or gender of the participants had any effect on our key outcomes: overall

enjoyment or likelihood to recommend. We filtered the data by age range and gender to research

their effects in comparison to each other.

Age Range
Results indicate that there is no statistically significant relationship between age range and

likelihood to recommend, r (64) = 0.06, p > .05.

Results indicate that there is no statistically significant relationship between age range and

likelihood to recommend, r (61) = 0.17, p > .05.

Although we couldn’t run a statistical test on gender categories, females tended to have a much

higher average overall enjoyment score than males (9.05 > 5.25), with participants who selected

“Prefer not to say” for their gender having the lowest overall enjoyment score (9.05 > 5.00).
Although we couldn’t run a statistical test on gender categories, females tended to have a slightly

higher average likelihood to recommend score than males (9.41 > 8.00).

We asked a few open-ended

questions in our survey to gather

additional information about the

participants’ experience at Sweat

Cycle House. The first question was

“What factor motivates you the

most to attend a spin class?” From

our results, we found that the most

common response involved having

a good instructor at 23 responses,

with health and exercise next at 14

responses, and fun in third with 7


Other themes included atmosphere,

music, and friends and family as

driving factors to attend. All of the

most common response topics can

be found in the topic bubbles and

the word cloud graphics.

Page 11
The other open-ended question we asked was at the end of the survey: “Any additional

comments for the Sweat Cycle House?” We wanted to give participants the opportunity

to share any other feedback or thoughts to share with the organization. We received a

variety of suggestions as well as encouraging comments in each category. Some

suggestions included offering more classes, improving the sound system, updating

equipment, and increasing instructor training. However, many participants gave positive

feedback on the great atmosphere and environment of each spin class and their gratitude

for the community feel and friends they have made. The most common response topics

are shown below in the topic bubbles and word cloud graphics.

Page 12
Overall, Sweat Cycle House is impressive at implementing design thinking principles. The feedback
from customers was generally very positive and the enjoyment and NPS scores were very high. Below
are recommendations that we feel will elevate Sweat Cycle House to the next level. The following
suggestions stem from the open comments from the survey and our 1.5 + years of experience design

Action Details Outcome

Keep providing cool

Riders will continue to

Continue to engage
towels with lemon scent,
feel more engaged and

all five senses a cool room, mid-ride

continue to be surprised

sprays and fun music. by this small touch

Many riders
Riders will be more likely

Improve the sound

complained about the
to recommend to friends

system sound system and

and feel more engaged

even left Sweat

when they can hear the

because of it instructor

Some equipment was

Riders will feel

said to squeak and

more comfortable

Repair bikes provide unwanted

and can rely on the

resistance. Clip-ins
equipment during

are loose their ride

Many riders feel

Continue to
Riders will

welcomed (all body

cultivate a
continue to feel a

shapes) and love the

sense of belonging

atmosphere and

environment and purpose


Page 13
After conducting strategic data analysis to determine the significance of the relationships

between various independent and dependent variables, we came to several conclusions. As part

of customer’s intrinsic motivation to attend and participate in a spin class, the key positive

drivers of our outcome of overall enjoyment were both an instructor’s technique and their

words. What we can conclude from this significant finding is that the instructor has the highest

influence in causing participants to enjoy the Sweat Cycle House experience. Similarly, one of the

strongest positive relationships in regards to a customer’s likelihood to recommend was the

instructor’s words and encouragement throughout a given class.

In addition, the positive elements of service drivers that were correlated strongly with overall

enjoyment were bike and shoe equipment, desk service quality, and an instructor’s ability to

adapt to the needs of each participant. These same drivers were strongly correlated with a

customer’s overall enjoyment and their likelihood to recommend Sweat Cycle House to a

colleague or friend.

Based on our data findings, what we know now is that the factors that have a significant positive

impact on a customer's overall enjoyment and their likelihood to recommend are the same. It can

be concluded that the most salient positive aspects at Sweat Cycle House experience are

instructors, bike/shoe equipment, and desk service quality. Therefore, between these three

drivers the most paramount is the instructors and their ability to attend to the needs of

participants and be encouraging during any given class.

Page 14

01 Raw Data Google Sheet

02 Qualtrics Results

03 Lucid Chart Diagram

*Actual files were submitted with the report in

Learning Suite if links do not work.

Page 15

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