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Semester Fall 2022

Statistics in Psychology (PSY516)

Assignment 01 Solution
Name: Zameer Hussain
Student ID: Bc220417499

Examples Independen Dependent Justification

t variable variable
Prof. Haris is Sleep time Exams In the given scenario sleep
conducting and score time is the independent
experiment to variable while the exam scores
explore whether the of the student is dependent
exams scores of his variable because in the given
students will be scenario Prof. Haris want to
impacted by the explore the cause of sleep on
amount of their sleep the student exams score to see
time a night before this relationship, he can
exam. change the sleep of students
(increase or decrease) to see
the impact on the student
score. As they get higher
scores or low in their exams.
Dr. Shehzad Passengers Catch According to this case study
conducted a research travel via influenza Passenger travel via airline is
on passengers. airline independent while catch
Results of his study influenza is dependent
showed that more variable. In this scenario Dr.
passengers travel via Shehzad conduct a research on
airline, the more passenger to explore whether
they are likely to more passengers travel via
catch influenza airline, the more they can
during flu season. catch influenza during flu
Here, Dr. Shehzad can
reduced the number of
passengers and then see the
impact of influenza is
decreased or increased.
Miss Nimra has Other Miss In this scenario other brands
launched a brand of brands of Nimra’s diapers (canbebe and
baby diapers. To see molofix ) is independent
whether the diaper diaper brand variable and Miss Nimra
of her brand will diaper brand is dependent
hold the most liquid, variable because she wanted to
she took one diaper see the others daiper is
from her brand and 2 holding the more liquid or her
diapers of canbebe diaper holding. So that’s why
and molifix and change the other brands
found that diaper of diapers to check her own
her own brand holds diaper quality of holding
the most liquid. liquid.
Other brands diapers are
changing so others daiper
brands are independent
Ms. Shahida Online self- Academic In the given scenario online
conducted a research regulated performanc self-regulated skills is
on virtual university skills e independent variable and
students. She found academic performance is
that students’ online dependent. In this scenario
self-regulated skills Ms. Shahida wanted to see the
positively impacted impact of students online
their academic positive self-regulated skills
performance. on their academic
performance, if they have
positive self-regulated skills
then they can perform better in
their academic curriculum and
if they have negative then they
can’t perform better in their
academic performance.
Mr. Rehan Fear of Rejection In the given case study Mr.
conducted a three- covid-19 sensitivity Rehan wanted see the impact
waive study and of older of covid-19 fear on the older
found that fear of adults adults during all three waves
covid-19 increased of Coronavirus. So in this
the rejection scenario fear of covid-19 is
sensitivity of older independent variable and
adults during all rejection sensitivity of older
three waves of adults is dependent variable.

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