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NAME: Clive Orstead


SPECIES TRAITS: All stats are standard.

HOME WORLD: 627-301: X000120-7

TL Range Damage KG Magazine Traits
[2] Autopistol 6 10m 3D 1 15 Rnd
[2] Autopistol 6 10m 3D 1 15 Rnd
Blade 2 - 2D 2
Rifle 5 250m 3D 5 5 Rnd
Unarmed 0 - 1D 0
1 Type Rad Kg Options Protection
END Vacc Suit, TL 12 90 8 10/ Lsr 10/ Enrg 10
Soc Type TL Benefit
7 Type TL Benefit
Type TL Benefit
Type TL Benefit
Type TL Benefit

RADS finances
Pension Debt Cash Ship Mortgage
Cr 12,000 Cr 0 Cr 39,940 Cr 0
Astrogation 1 Boomarang 0 Streetwise 0
Athletics 0 Mnflmnt Bola 0 Survival 0
Dexterity 1 Net 0 Tactics 0
Endurance 0 Leadership 1 Military 1
Strength 0 Mechanic 0 Naval 1
Broker 1 Melee 0 Vacc Suit 1
Electronics 0 Unarmed 1
Comms 0 Blade 1
Computers 0 Bludgeon 0
Remote Ops 0 Natural 0
Sensors 0 Shock Whip 0
Gambler 1 Whip 0
Gun Combat 0 Pilot 0
Archaic 1 Small Craft 0
Energy 1 Spacecraft 0
Slug 2 Capital Ships 0
Bola 0 Recon 1
Stealth 1

Autopistol 1kg TL: 6 1kg DMG: 3D-3 Rng: 10m 200cr

Autopistol 1kg TL: 6 1kg DMG: 3D-3 Rng: 10m 200cr
Binoculars, TL 8 1kg TL: 8 1kg 750cr
Blade 2kg TL: 2 2kg DMG: 2D 100cr
Breather Mask, TL 10 0kg TL: 10 2,000cr
Cloth, TL 10 5kg TL: 10 5kg P: 8 500cr
Commdot 0kg TL: 10 10cr
Data Display/Recorder 0kg TL: 13 5,000cr
Environmental Suit 1kg TL: 8 1kg P: 0 500cr
Eye Protection 0kg TL: 6 50cr
Metabolic Accelerator 0kg TL: 10 500cr
Rifle 5kg TL: 5 5kg DMG: 3D Rng: 250m 200cr
Scope, TL 7 0kg TL: 7 50cr [Scope]
Unarmed 0kg TL: 0 DMG: 1D - cr
Vacc Suit, TL 12 8kg * TL: 12 8kg P: 10 20,000cr [TL 12 Electronic Suite]

Term: 0 Scouts Explorer Rank: 0 Title:

spacecraft 0, mechanic +1, astrogation +1, comms +1, gun combat +1, astrogation +1, new enemy: bored noble, new
contact: crooked trader, new contact: army quartermaster, new contact: private investigator
There was a mishap during this term! Your ship is damaged, and you have to hitch-hike your way back across the stars
to the nearest Scout base. Gain some Contacts and Enemies.

Term: 1 Marines Ground Assault Rank: 0 Title: Marine

ensure [slug] at least 1, ensure [gun combat] at least 1, tactics 0, vacc suit +1, dexterity +1

As a rank 0 Marine, the ensure you pick up proficiency with a weapon. You are assigned to the security staff of a space
station. Increase Vacc Suit or Athletics (Dexterity) by one level. Sorry, you were passed over for promotion this term.
It's time they start respecting you for all your hard work!

Term: 2 Marines Ground Assault Rank: 1 Title: Lance Corporal

tactics +1, ensure [energy] at least 1, ensure [gun combat] at least 1, ensure [archaic] at least 1, ensure [gun combat]
at least 1, gun combat +1
You are on the front lines of a planetary assault and occupation. Gain one of Recon 1, Gun Combat (any) 1,
Leadership 1 or Comms 1 You were promoted

Term: 3 Marines Ground Assault Rank: 2 Title: Corporal

stealth +1, ensure [leadership] at least 1, gambler +1

You are on the front lines of a planetary assault and occupation. Gain one of Recon 1, Gun Combat (any) 1,
Leadership 1 or Comms 1 You were promoted

Term: 4 Marines Ground Assault Rank: 3 Title: Lance Sergeant

end +1, new ally: naval officer, ensure [leadership] at least 1, tactics +1

You were promoted

Term: 5 Marines Ground Assault Rank: 4 Title: Sergeant

unarmed +1, new enemy: marine commander, advancement modifier [2], dex +1

A mission goes disastrously wrong due to your commander's error or incompetence, but you survive. If you report your
commanding officer for his failure then you gain a +2 DM to your next Advancement roll. If you say nothing and protect
him, you will gain him as an Ally. You have reported your incompetent commander, thereby gaining +2 DM to your next
Advancement roll. You were promoted You're doing a great job! Not only did you get a promotion, they insist you stay
another term.

Term: 6 Marines Ground Assault Rank: 4 Title: Sergeant

blade +1, str -1, str +1, broker+1, recon+1

There was a mishap during this term! Injury You'll never forget the feeling of losing a part of yourself. Choose between
reducing your Strength or your Dexterity by 1 Reduce one physical attribute by 1 Modified Dex by -1 Mustering Out
Benefit: Edu +1 Mustering Out Benefit: Int +1 Mustering Out Benefit: Int +1 Armor or +1 End Mustering Out Benefit:
End +1 Congratulations! Because of your 24 years of service, you can draw a pension of 12000 credits on the 1st of
every year at any A or B starport. Mustering Out Benefit: Gained Yearly Pension of 12000 credits In this career, you
were injured [Str: -1 point, ].
Your previous employer covers (100%) of the cost, leaving you to pay [0] credits.
Let this opportunity (and potential debt) pass, or get professional medical attention? Your out of pocket cost will be [0]
credits to heal Str: -1 point,
You seek professional medical attention. It's time to heal!
Naval Officer Crooked Trader Bored Noble
Army Quartermaster Marine Commander
Private Investigator


Being born on an asteroid belt with a life of zero gravity usually predisposes someone to a specific
lifestyle or line of work. Not Clive. He had dreams of seeing sunrises and sunsets from the surfaces of
planets. He longed for an atmosphere.

So when he was young, he enlisted. Not something closer to his station, but for the scouts. Not a far
stretch, but his next occupation was. Ground Assault Marine.

Clive was not strong, and at 5'11", his thin frame made him unintimidating. However the hardships he would
endure and his endurance under stress earned him the nickname 'Sarge'. If he was shorter, one might say he
had a Napoleaon Complex. Never tell him he can't do something, because you are almost garaunteed to be paying
out of pocket on that bet.

Connection Event [Incompetent Commander] with Larys(Human, 34, Female, Navy-Flight):Larys piloted the
dropship that picked Clive up from the combat zone. She helped testify against the commander sealing their
friendship. Without her testimony, it looked like a bleak outcome.

Connection Event [Promotion] with Angelica(Human, 42, Female, Agent-Corporate):Angelica was an entertainer
and an up-and-coming administrator for budding corporations. She and Clive had a long conversation about what
the future held for both of them. They never lost touch.

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