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Writer: Samar Alee BCM19-33

Business of Religion
They say that the oldest business in the world is prostitution. I don't think so. The oldest business
in the world is religion because God is sold for the highest rates. There is a famous Pakistani
realtor by the name of Malik Riaz. He has developed a massive place by the name of Bahria
Town, and it is beautiful to look at, but it's stranger that whenever I have passed in front of it, I
have been in someone else car and whether they were rich or poor, the cursed Bahria Town.

Probably the counter the curses, he has to build the biggest mosque in Pakistan there as well,
which people come to see far-flung areas. So, this phenomenon exists in our society. When the
rich have to sell religion, they do it through a theatrical display – a huge mosque, which will
have features from Egypt, the Arab world, turkey, and Malaysia. Where a poor person would eat
dry bread and be grateful to God for it, the God of the rich is different, and that of the poor is
different because of the kind of home that the rich God lives in, and the poor can never live in it.

This will always be the case. Capitalism is everywhere; it's there in feminism, human rights, and
democracy. How can it not be in religion? I think religion is bought in a way because religious
people are bought. If my monthly house expenses are being provided by an influential and
powerful person, I am a slave to them. I have the same problems that the rest of society does.
Daughters are also going to get married; the kids are going to school, they need to earn to live
through life, and I know to make it possible, the money comes from a powerful person.

The influential see his influence maintained over the people, and now he is not using only money
to maintain the influence, but also spirituality and religion because he is one due whom entire
community got introduced to religion. This is evident in our country. The thing most traded
along with the living dead is religion and religious clerics. This is not limited to Pakistan but
other countries as well. So, whenever religion is organized, people enjoy the benefits a lot
because everything is standardized now. The middle class has always had a wired affiliation with
religion because they never understand who they are.


They want to accept that they are poor because the poor are less privileged compared to them.
And they do not get rich, but they want to be rich. They think of themselves as temporarily
embarrassed billionaires. They don't realize that is so rich in itself is a sin because how can you
be rich and pious at the same time when people are dying of hunger in front of you. It's a
common example that you earn through fraudulent means build a home and the write
"MashaAllah" on it on the first day. It's just a show-off, and it requires money.

To construct your building in competition with others has been a known attribute of our society.
We think our God is just like us; we like to see ourselves in God because reality is a reflection.
We are the first ones to do "shirk" as we make our feelings and emotions our God, and we call
worshipping those feelings and emotions religion. In my opinion, all wars that religious leaders
fight against each other are the war of their self which is imposed on the people. And we act like
lost and innocent sheep in front of them. We feel so useless that the same God to whom we will
return after death, we can't even set out to look for him?

Writer: Manahil Khan BSAF 6TH


Dark Light

Darkness opens the door for the light of God to enter your hearts.

Beyond the limits of your physical body, you are a spiritual being of light. Inner wakefulness
takes you to the treasures inside you through your faith in the Divine. When your soul awakens,
you step into the world that belongs to the truth of God. A candelabrum glows in your mind that
enters you, and your soul loves it. You have found God, closest to your soul, where you feel the
sweetness of spiritual paradise and the divine light that is healing and admiring your soul to
become better able to embrace goodness. Spiritual Awakening feels like you're living in a new
reality, where you surrender your soul in front of God and get rid of all other sects and beliefs
that keep you away from the truth of God.


Here you can truthfully talk about the said emotion, where you feel free from your past skin. You
have never been this honest towards yourself, and this change made you the better human you
have ever been.

Writer: Salman

Character Insights: The Fundamental Binding Influence

Character is the latent glue that binds every human interactive structure. It is the source out of
which values are born. Honesty, Loyalty, Integrity, and likewise values are the product of
character. Thus it is crucial to have some character insights.

Humankind has witnessed the emergence and fall of many great empires & civilizations. Some
empires lasted long while others didn't. The debate gets hot when we discuss the reasons that
lead civilizations to their demise. Although great civilizations experienced many ups and downs,
they lasted long in history when their subjects as a nation demonstrated a solid moral posture.
There is a relationship between the populace's character and their empire's greatness.

Kings, Presidents, or Ministers- their job is to take input and make policies. The intermediary
process by which these policies are implemented is through institutions. The quality of
institutions determines the governance of the state; administration determines the progress of the
country, and progress results in citizen well-being. In his Book 'Governing the Un-Governable,'
Dr. Ishrat Hussain concludes that the governance issues pioneer Pakistan's slow growth and

Capable and morally strong men formed these robust institutions. Talented but ill-character men
cannot be trusted for such designations. Character is the essence of quality institutions. Imagine a
capable but ill-character judge!

At the fundamental level, every human structure- governance and social- comes down to
character. The character decides the fate of families, organizations, companies, and many other


systems and relations of utmost value to us. Islam's emphasis on character is self-evident in its

Stephen R. Covey, in his book 7 Habits of highly effective people, rightly described 'character
ethics' as natural laws. We all, to some extent, know this fundamental truth, consciously or
unconsciously. In other words, through divine guidance, your inner self knows this principle.
Those with high affinity and harmony with this law enjoy useful life.

In the words of William Gorge Jordan: "Into the hands of every individual is given an
extraordinary power for good or evil-the silent, unconscious, unseen influence of his life. This is
simply the constant radiation of what man is, not what he pretends to be."

Writer: Syeda Rida Fatima Gardezi

BSAF 6th

Women Rights- Feminism (Social Awareness)

In a third-world country like Pakistan, women are exposed to a threat, violence, and unnecessary
inferiority. Voice needs to be raised against all the odds to empower women to speak up for their
rights and to alleviate the status of women on the grounds of equality in contrast to men. This
idea is popularly known as 'Feminism' or Women Empowerment.

Feminism is not about portraying women as superior to men or a higher gender than men. Still, it
merely raises the voice to at least consider women as an equal gender to men.

People should believe that women are also capable enough to cater to their responsibilities
independently without any assistance from men. Whether it be in Education, Earnings, or
Employment, Women have the potential and courage to run a mere family or even a country. For
a secure nation and a better economy, women's participation and support are equally important
and worthy as men's. They must stand shoulder to shoulder with men to face circumstances of all
kinds. As we can not clap with a single hand, likewise, men alone can also not compete and
prosper successfully.


The mainstream mindset and the disdain attitude of the misogynist seeing women with intense
prejudice should be washed and cleared from the society to make it a better place to live.

Moreover, the belief that Women should be caged and pictured as mere objects or someone only
to do house chores and feed children or men as the only suitable candidate to be the breadwinner
for the home should not be supported.

Feminism advocates for gender equality and supports the idea of a broad vision and a thought-
provoking behavior regarding women sharing responsibilities and duties with men. Also, there
should be no harm and shame for men doing household activities. People must highlight and
distribute equal opportunities and responsibilities in life.

Thus, this article aims to create awareness among women to understand the political, economic,
and social benefits of gender equality and throw some light on feminism and women
empowerment. Women should liberate themselves from the conservative norms and chauvinistic
behavior of the community and should not consider themselves a weak and incapable gender.
This ideology should not be advocated by women only. Still, the men should also promote
women's empowerment in their circle to symbolize an idealistic and learned member of society.

Muhammad Ahmad Hassan

B.Com 2nd

The Interesting game of BULLYING

Throughout our lives, as University students, we have seen it with our own eyes, been a victim of
it, and in some cases, been an accessory to it. The thing that I'm referring to is BULLYING.
Bullying is. Unfortunately, a widely spread and heartly followed the system in our society, with a
Person being the Bully and having a Victim who is less in physical power or appearance. In our
community, where a MAN is always treated as the stronger gender, these men aim to assert
dominance with a prominent perspective and come out as the BAD GUY. Surprisingly for men,
the whole bad guy image is more appealing than the other gender might think. And hence, male
masculinity is perfectly justified by the Act of being a Bully.


Bullying is done by a set of individuals that are either present during the Act or
just come around after the damage is done to bring more mental-emotional pain and discomfort
to the Victim. Some might think that the only person to blame for the bullying entirely is the
Bully, but in reality, the PASSIVE BULLYs are the more significant reasons for the mental
torment of the Victim. These passive bullies are the individuals who were present at the CRIME
SCENE but did nothing. These people do not say anything but their nonverbal acts are more
potent than the actual physical acts of the Main Bully. For instance, think for yourself what
would hurt you more? A punch by a Person without anyone to witness it or energy in front of a
crowd of 20 people who will laugh at you and degrade you for your lesser power to hit back and
later on keep reminding you of the one time a person punched you?...

On a sadder note, these passive bullies are the Victim's friends or family
members, crew or classmates, mentors, and TEACHERS. These people are more responsible for
making the Victim's life a living hell, and they cannot be punished as they did not cause any
physical damage to the Victim. These passive bullies make the victims to have mental diseases
such as PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and much more that might lead a victim to take their own
lives by their own hands.

I have had a personal experience with bullying and passive bullies that I
would like to share. Back in the day, when I was at school, I had a teacher (I won't name him)
who made my life more miserable than it already was. As a child, I had Speech recognition
issues due to which I could not speak correctly, and I used to stammer a lot. This became my
biggest insecurity, and I became a shy introvert. I still remember quite vividly how I used to have
these 1-2 hours long sessions with a speech therapist, and my mother was always worried that I
might not be able to speak correctly ever in my life. I remember I was in that Professor's class
doing my work with my head down, and I was writing some stuff. The Professor asked me to get
up and asked me a question about the lecture, and as soon as I opened my mouth, I stammered.
The Professor made fun of me, mimicked me, and mocked me. He became my Bully. The whole
class of 41 students laughed at me and appreciated the Professor as he had won a medal or
something. The style became my Passive Bully. I was always picked on and mimicked from that
day, and I was made an object to be laughed at. As a child, we all felt things a TAD bit more
intensely, and I went into severe depression as the passive bullies who laughed at me gained their


number from 41 to around 200, and half the school was laughing at me because I was the
younger brother of the two most famous guys at the school. Well, it's been years not, and I have
no grudges towards that Professor or the guys at my school.

The only questions that remained were these.

 Did the Professor gain any benefit from it?

 Were my classmates being immature themselves should be blamed for it too?
 Should I have at least sought help from the management at school?

Another case that I have is related to a current classmate of mine who was
pushed from a position given to her, and A management member in public performed the whole
procedure. The things he said about her and to her in front of the entire class were ethically
meant to be told and addressed in private, but no, the guy needs to make a show, or else his
prominent Role in the management will not be satisfied. And all because of satisfying himself,
he became her Bully. Sadly, people will try to hurt you and cause you torment and other
discomforting casualties in whichever phase of your life. For anyone who read it this far, I would
Like to thank you and request you to be a better person in this society. Please do not be a part of
bullying in any way possible. It’s you who will make this World a Better place.


Writer: Nighat Jameel


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