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The Positive Effects of Video Games

With the increasing immersion of technology in the social life of the population, the
search for electronic games as a form of distraction is increasing, whether they are
played on various platforms, such as cell phones, computers or consoles. Thus, a person
who arrives tired after a long day at work tends to look for games that calm and relax his
mind.On the other hand, a young person who just wants a form of distraction tends to
look for more hectic games, which are often violent and/or carry a lot of information,
whether explicit or not. Thus, the following section seeks to show; How can games
positively influence social life?Most electronic games require concentration, teamwork,
observation, logical and quick thinking, problem solving, as well as improving motor
coordination and developing the ability to tolerate frustrations. Thus, after the player
develops these skills, he can also apply these skills built in the online universe, in his
daily life.But games are not just used as a form of distraction, some games are created
specifically for education, developed by programmers in partnership with pedagogues,
psychologists and teachers. Others are for general use, but with teacher guidance they
can bring real knowledge benefits. Electronic games can be used in education to teach
children to read and write and also help them to learn subjects such as history, math,
English, etc.Figure 1 shows the initial screen of a virtual educational game where the
player must use geometric and spatial orientation knowledge to help the character to
fulfill the proposed path. For this, they will need to indicate the direction he should
follow to win the challenge . The game Among Us, which became famous in 2020, is an
example of a game that positively influences its players. In the game, the user is
simulated as an astronaut along with 10 (ten) other players, however, one of these
players has the mission to interfere and make the other 9 lose the match. The ultimate
goal of the game is to do all the little missions present inside the spaceship and/or
investigate and find out who the imposter is (name given to the player who gets in the
way of others). Thus making players develop skills such as logical reasoning, decision
making and good social interaction. As a form of distraction, electronic games can also
be used for the treatment of diseases; These video games, which scan the player's body,
allow the patient to alternate leg and arm movements. At the same time, they require
greater cognitive effort, such as working memory, alternating attention, and processing
speed. In Parkinson's disease, there is a subtle decline in cognitive functions, especially
attention and executive functions (processing speed). Video games contribute to the
stimulation process, slowing down the disease and improving executive functions .
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Kaique Gonçalves de Almeida

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