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AASHIF KANI S 190091601001




Expt no: TITLE pg no

1 Steady & unsteady Flow Past a Cylinder
Using Ansys Workbench 3

2 Flow over an airfoil 9

3 Laminar Jets Using Ansys Fluent 13

4 Plate with a hole optimization using ansys workbench 17

5 A non-slender cantilever beam under point tip loading 27

Expt 1 : Steady & unsteady Flow Past a Cylinder

Using Ansys Workbench

Introduction :

Chimneys are tall cylindrical structures used for venting exhaust gases into
the atmosphere. With their increased usage in industries, it is important to
study the aerodynamic effects of wind on these chimneys. As wind speed
increases, the pressure forces experienced at different locations of these
structures also increase.

It becomes critical to understand and study the distribution of these

aerodynamic forces in the stability of the structures, which can be
estimated with the help of engineering simulations. In this course, we
consider a canonical problem of steady flow past a cylinder to understand
the aerodynamic effect of wind on chimneys.

Problem specification :

Consider the steady-state case of a fluid flowing past a cylinder, as

illustrated above. Obtain the velocity and pressure distributions when the
Reynolds number is chosen to be 20. In order to simplify the computation,
the diameter of the cylinder is set to 1 m, the x component of the velocity is
set to 1 m/s and the density of the fluid is set to 1 kg/m^3. Thus, the
dynamic viscosity must be set to 0.05 kg/m*s in order to obtain the desired
Reynolds number

Solution Domain: Fig 1.1

For an external flow problem like this, one needs to determine where to
place the outer boundary. A circular domain will be used for this simulation.
The effects that the cylinder has on the flow extend far. Thus, the outer
boundary will be set to be 64 times as large as the diameter of the cylinder.
That is, the outer boundary will be a circle with a diameter of 64 m. The
solution domain discussed here is illustrated below.

Boundary Conditions

Fig 1.2

Steps for designing cylinder :

Step 1 : open ansys workbench and select ‘fluid flow(fluent)’ under analysis

Step 2 : Make a design modular for cylinder in geometry .

step 3 : After generating the cylinder from given dimensions go for meshing

Fig 1.3

Step 4 : After completing mesh go for set up file

Step 5 : Define the boundary conditions for steady flow

Step 6 : By calculating the boundary conditions, do 1000 iteration for the


Step 7 : double click the result columb

Step 8: using , ‘contour’ and ‘streamlines’ see the results for a cylinder
which is steady flow

Result : steady flow

Unsteady flow :

We can skip the geometry step, because it is the same as the "Steady Flow
Past a Cylinder" geometry and we have already duplicated that project.

We can skip the mesh step as well, because it is the same as the "Steady
Flow Past a Cylinder" mesh and we have already duplicated that project.

Result :

Expt :2 Flow over an airfoil

Introduction :
An airfoil is the cross-sectional shape of the wing of an airplane or a propeller blade.
The airfoil body is designed to mainly produce two aerodynamic forces:

(1) perpendicular to the free stream flow, which is called the lift force,

(2) a resistive force in the direction of the free stream flow, which is called the drag

The airfoil shape, its surface area, and angle of attack play an important role in
deciding the magnitude of these aerodynamic forces on the airfoil. When designing an
airfoil, the best compromise should be obtained between the lift and drag forces at
different free stream conditions. Engineering simulations, mainly CFD, help designers
understand the effect of changing different parameters on these aerodynamic forces
acting on the airfoil.

Analyse set-up :

Boundary Conditions:

One of the simple things we can think about before we set up the simulation is to begin
planning the boundary conditions of the setup. One of the popular meshes for
simulating an airfoil in a stream is a C-Mesh, and that is what we will be using. At the
inlet of the system, we will define the velocity as entering at a 6-degree angle of attack
(as per the problem statement), and at a total magnitude of 1. We will also define the
gauge pressure at the inlet to be 0. As for the outlet, the only thing we can assume is
that the gauge pressure is 0. As for the airfoil itself, we will treat it like a wall. Together,
these boundary conditions form the picture below:

Step : 1 –
Open Ansys Workbench
Now that we have the pre-calculations, we are ready to do a simulation in Ansys
Workbench! Open Ansys Workbench by going to Start > Ansys > Workbench.

step : 2 –

First, we will create the geometry of the airfoil. In the menu bar, go to Concept > 3D
Curve. In the Details View window, click Coordinates File and select the ellipsis to
browse to a file. Browse to and select the geometry file you downloaded earlier finish
the geometry

Meshing :

Size the structure & do bias and solve the mesh

Step 3 :

Start set up your work

Define the boundary conditions for inlet , outlet , wall etc.

Define the solution at the column.

Step 4 :

Run the simulation by 1000 iterations

Result :

Using these contours & animation , graph icons you can analyse
the flow over the airfoil.

Expt : 3 Laminar Jets Using Ansys Fluent

Introduction :
In many industrial applications, such as combustors and mixers, the flow introduced into
the flow domain is in the form of a jet.

A jet, which is a type of free shear flow, is exhaust from a confined source such as a
nozzle into the quiescent surrounding. It is generally a stream of flowing fluid that mixes
with the surrounding quiescent fluid that is generally at rest. Depending on the cross-
section of the exhaust, these jet flows can be planar or round.

From an engineering standpoint, the jet centerline velocity, spreading rate, and
penetration length are the parameters of interest. Based on the flow properties, jet flows
can be laminar or turbulent. Nozzles are designed for maximum efficiency under certain
flow conditions by studying these flow behaviors. This can be achieved using
computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

Problem Statement

The laminar jets will be set up similarly. The mesh has the dimensions in the above
image, and the problem is axisymmetric. Farfield boundary conditions, indicated by lines
BC and CD, are specified with gauge pressure 0Pa. Line AD is the centerline (axis).
Inlet 1 is on line AB from y = 0 to y = 0.005m and is the jet inflow of 1m/s in the axial
direction. Inlet 2 is on line AB as well, from y = 0.005m to y = 0.205m. It has an inlet
axial velocity of 0m/s and is also in the axial direction.

In the laminar case, the fluid is air, and should have a density of 1kg/m^3, and viscosity
0.000125 kg/m-s (Re=40). This viscosity will later need to be updated for the turbulent
case to provide a higher Reynolds number.

Step 1 : Start the fluent ., Once you have downloaded the files, open Ansys Fluent.
Select double precision and the 2D case (the case and data files cannot be read in if
you select the 3D case).

Laminar Jet Setup:
To make sure that the mesh was imported correctly, go to Solution Setup-General and
under Mesh, click "Display." The dialogue box as shown below will open. Display the
mesh by selecting and displaying the appropriate surfaces (fluid).

Step 2 : import the model

Step 3:

After closing the mesh display dialogue and going back to the Solution Setup-General,
make sure that the axisymmetric solution is selected under “General,” viscous-laminar is
selected under “Models,” and that the appropriate boundary conditions and materials for
the laminar case are selected based on the Problem Specification

Initialize the solution by going to Solution-Solution Initialization and using Inlet 1 with axial
velocity 1m/s to initialize the domain. Check your initialization by going to Results-Graphics and
Animations, selecting "Contours" under the Graphics section, and clicking the "Set Up" button.
Display the stream function (constant values along streamlines, which are tangent to flow
velocity) for the fluid surface as shown in the dialogue box below. Click the Display button.

Your initial velocity stream function should look like this:

Laminar result :

Using these contours & animation , graph icons you can analyse the laminar jet flow

Expt : 4 Plate with a hole optimization using ansys workbench

Introduction :

It is well known that Ansys software can simulate structural analysis such
as statics, dynamics, nonlinear materials, and buckling analysis. The
objective of solving and analyzing these problems is to estimate
parameters such as stress and strain and predict if (or when) a structure
might fail. The objective of the design engineer is to ensure that the
structure, when subjected to appropriate loading, has minimum stresses
and strains. Using the Ansys optimization tools, engineers can solve
structural designs where multiple input parameters can control and
optimize the design objectives.

We detailywalkthrough of the Optimization analysis of a structural problem.

Procedure :

Consider a square plate with a hole in its center. The plate is made out of
"Cornellium," which has a Young's modulus of 30E3 ksi and a Poisson's
ratio of 0.3. The length and width of the plate are both 10 inches. The hole
in the middle of the plate is subject to a uniform pressure of 18.5 ksi in the
outward radial direction. Due to the symmetry of this problem only one
quarter of the geometry is needed as shown below.

The radius of the hole is the design variable. Furthermore, the radius is
constrained between a minimum value of 1.0 inch and a maximum value of
2.5 inches.

Using Ansys software, minimize the volume of the plate by optimizing the
hole radius, while staying underneath a maximum von Mises stress value
of 32.5 ksi.



In this tutorial the initial Ansys Geometry and Mechanical Files are
provided, Open this project in Workbench by double-clicking on

Initial Solution :

To view the initial solution, select from the main project

window. The default units in Ansys Mechanical are metric, so go to the top
menu bar, select Units and change from Metric to U.S.Customary (in).

If you do not do this now then you will likely have to start over so please
change your units at this point. We will begin by viewing the total
deformation of the plate. Select Total Deformation from the Solution tree
in the Project Outline window on the left.

The initial case in which the radius of the hole is 2 inches :

Total deformation :

Let's compare the deformed shape of the plate to what we expect from the
applied boundary conditions. First, let's look at the radius of the hole.

The radius of the hole has uniformly increased, which is consistent with the
applied boundary condition of uniform pressure at the radius.

Next, let's examine the left and bottom edges of the plate. Motion along
these two edges has been parallel to these edges, which agrees with the

applied symmetry condition. Finally, let's look at the top and right edges.
We can see that both have deformed away from the hole, and the
deformation is smallest at the top right corner, which match our

Equivelent stress:

Next, let's view the Equivalent Stress values calculated by Ansys.

Select Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress from the tree in the left panel. We
would now like to view the stresses as colored contours. Select
the Contours from the top toolbar and choose Contour Bands

The following image should now appear, the contour bands representing
the von Mises stress.

Now let's do a quick mesh convergence study to make sure that our
solution is good enough. Remember that more elements in a mesh might
give more accurate results but can significantly increase the computational
time. So we want to refine our mesh (have more elements) until the
solution changes so little that we can deem it to be accurate enough for our
purposes. In other words, we will have Ansys refine the mesh until the
change in a chosen criteria is less than a specified percent difference. In
this example, the criteria we will examine is the maximum value of the von
Mises Stress. From the tree on the left, right-click Equivalent (von Mises)
Stress > Insert > Convergence. Set the Allowable Change to 5%, as
seen below.

Next, click Solve in the top toolbar. It turns out that Ansys Mechanical only
needs one iteration to reach the Allowable Change. After one iteration, we
see that there is a change of around 0.10% in the maximum von Mises
Stress in the plate. From this, we can conclude that our solution is mesh

To see the final mesh that Ansys Mechanical has created during the
"convergence" process, select any result and then select "Show Elements"
as shown in the figure below

Next, right click on Convergence in the tree on the left and choose Delete.
This is done to speed up the optimization process, which we will perform

Once SpaceClaim has opened, go into the Design tab and choose the
Pull tool. Select the arc that represents the hole and then choose
the Ruler option from the mini toolbar that appears:
SpaceClaim can now be closed.

This section applies only if you do not have access to SpaceClaim. In that
case, you can also use DesignModeler (the older geometry engine) to
specify your parameters.

Response Surface Optimization

First, Goal Driven Optimization needs to be placed in the Project

Schematic. In the left-hand menu called "toolbox" expand Design
Exploration. Next, drag Response Surface Optimization and drop it right
underneath the Parameter Set. Your project schematic window should look
comparable to the one below. Note that all the systems are connected.

In this step, the software builds a surface by interpolating the discrete
sampling points selected in the previous step. This can be thought of as
building a model of the terrain in the design space.

Start by double clicking on Response Surface in the Project Schematic

window. Once the Response Surface window opens click Update. After

the update has completed click on Response to see a plot of the volume
as a function of hole radius.

Equivalent Von Mises Stress:


Expt no: 5
A non-slender cantilever beam under point tip loading

Introduction :

This SimCafe Structural Course was developed by Dr. Rajesh Bhaskaran

at Cornell University in partnership with Ansys. It serves as an e-learning
resource to integrate industry-standard simulation tools into courses and
provides a resource for supplementary learning outside the classroom.

The purpose of this course is to showcase, in a relatively simple situation,

where simple beam theory is no longer as valid as it is in the limit of a long
and slender beam geometry. In some commercial codes, simple one-
dimensional cubic beam elements for bending deflection, do not capture
shear deflection when the beam is no longer slender.

Alternatively in Ansys, if shear deflection is accounted for in the 1D

element formulation, results for the beam’s tip deflection will not agree with
tip deflections predicted by simple Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. This course
is meant to highlight where it is relatively straightforward to apply 3D FEA
and resolve a correct solution.

Problem specification :

Consider a fixed-end, aluminum cantilever I-beam point-loaded at its tip as

shown in the figure below. We will be solving for directional deformations
and normal stresses

P = 1000 lbf, L = 24 in, c = 4 in

The cross-sectional area and second moment of inertia are A = 9.45 in^2
and I = 112.3 in^4 respectively.

Start up :

For this problem, we are going to import the geometry into Ansys. The I-
Beam itself was designed using a separate CAD software package, while
the application surface area was created in Ansys Design Modeler.

After download the I beam just import into the software .

Note that the addition of a Sweep Method control will allow us to later
increase the number of divisions made within the I-Beam body. This
increase in divisions provides the solver with more elements along the span
of the beam, in turn providing the user with a clearer understanding of what
happens as the load translates through the I-Beam to the fixed end.

The problem focuses on the increasing impact which shear deflection has
on shorter, non-slender beams. This shear causes a difference between
the analytical Euler-Bernoulli solution and the 3D finite element model.

Ansys created the stiffness matrix for each element, assembled the global
stiffness matrix, then inverted the matrix to get the nodal displacements.
This is the bulk of the computation that Ansys performs. The following
results are derived from these nodal displacements.


The following images demonstrate how to plot the directional deformation

in the y-direction.

Right-click on Solution >Insert>Deformation>Directional.

Now left click Solve. The image below is of the y-directional deformation.


Performing the three-dimensional analysis results in tip deflections in
agreement with theory including the shear deformation but does not render
normal stresses at the wall given by simple beam theory. Below are the
hand calculations from (one-dimensional) Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and
the predictions for the normal stress at the fixed wall obtained from a fully
three-dimensional analysis that includes Poisson effects from the
dimensions in the cross-section. Recall, from the calculation in the Pre-
Analysis section, the normal stress at the wall due to bending deformation
alone is 854.9 psi whereas that predicted by the FEA analysis is nearly
double at 1715 psi.

The Euler-Bernoulli theory predicts normal

stresses in the absence of out=of=plane stresses (which are presumed
negligibly small. Here the out-of-plane ZZ component of stress is predicted
to be approximately 820 psi, i.e on the order of normal stresses due to
bending alone. These substantial out-of-plane stresses result in Poisson
effects on the normal wall stress, increasing its value substantially.


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