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FINAL TEST 2 Name Mark

Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

A Christmas Surprise
I In today’s world, companies are constantly trying to come up with original and innovative ways to get
people’s attention. That is why Canadian airline, West Jet, devised a pre-Christmas marketing stunt that
really got people talking.
II One day in November 2013, passengers on a flight from southern Ontario to Calgary arrived to catch
their plane. To their surprise, they were greeted in the departure lounge by a virtual Santa Claus on a
computer screen. The digital Santa Claus struck up a conversation with the passengers. As they spoke,
he asked them what they wanted for Christmas. Passengers were more than happy to share their wishes.
Some of the younger passengers dreamed of getting a toy train or a doll. The older passengers asked for
various gifts, ranging from a flat screen TV to everyday items such as socks and underwear.
III All the conversations were recorded without the knowledge of the unsuspecting passengers. This
information was then used by teams of people who rushed out to buy the presents that the passengers
had asked for while they made their way to Calgary.
IV Imagine the passengers’ surprise when they were greeted at baggage claim with the gifts they had
requested. As the gift-wrapped and individually labelled gifts came round the carousel, many
passengers burst into tears.
V Shortly afterwards, a video of the event was released. It went viral with incredible speed, as people
rushed to share it on social networks. It quickly became the latest of many viral ads created by
companies that can no longer rely on traditional TV commercials to obtain the viewership they once
VI Some experts question the effectiveness of this kind of a campaign. They claim that in the short term the
West Jet video is unlikely to generate more ticket sales. Yet, companies should not underestimate the
importance of building a positive image for their brand. Much of advertising is based on the fact that
people are more likely to look into purchasing a particular brand in the future if they have positive
associations with it. And a powerful image of happy people receiving unexpected Christmas gifts is
certainly something that people will keep in mind for many years to come.

1 Write T (true) or F (false). Find evidence in the text to justify your answers. (4 x 3 = 12 points)
...... 1. The passengers were unwilling to speak to the digital Santa Claus.
...... 2. Most of the adult passengers asked for expensive items.
...... 3. The passengers didn’t know that they would receive the presents that they asked for.
...... 4. Passengers received their gifts while they were on the aeroplane.

2 Answer the questions. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. Why did West Jet decide to buy Christmas presents for its passengers?
2. Why are traditional TV ads less attractive to companies than they were in the past?




3 Choose the correct answer. (1 x 2 = 2 points)

According to the text, the West Jet video ...... .
a. can have long-term effects
b. will increase sales
c. is a waste of time to watch
d. is not very popular

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1. think up (paragraph I) ....................................................................
2. welcomed (paragraph II) ....................................................................
3. started to cry (paragraph IV) ....................................................................
4. receive (paragraph V) ....................................................................
5. remember (paragraph VI) ....................................................................

Write an essay (120-150 words) presenting your opinion about the following topic:
How are you affected by advertising? (25 points)

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