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Name: and Language Test 2A

___________________________ – Year
Class: _____9 No.: _____ Date: ___________ Teacher: _________________________
Reading | Mark: ____________________ Language | Mark: ____________________ Enc. Educação:_____________________

I – Reading

Read the text below.


Once upon a time, gaming was a hobby for nerds. That has changed, and it is now one of the most popular
forms of entertainment in the world. The gaming industry’s rapid growth has brought it to the point where it is in
5 direct competition with sports, music and films. Even worldwide celebrities are turning gaming into their
favourite hobby and many aren’t afraid to freely speak about it. Despite their busy schedules, they try to set
aside a few hours a week for gaming. The industry is so diverse now that there’s always something for
everyone to enjoy and that’s the key to success. Here are some examples of the impact of gaming on some
famous people’s lives.

Drake plays Fortnite in the recording studio

rt-toppers, he and his friends are often playing Fortnite in the recording studio between 12-hour production sessions for a “mental break.” He has show


Elon Musk has a wide range of favourites

Mars, among other projects. The entrepreneur often talks about gaming on Twitter and once replied to a tweet with a list of his favourite games: BioSh

Brie Larson – the Nintendo ambassador

wn YouTube channel featuring video game content. A commercial for Nintendo Switch, which displays how Larson fits gaming into her life, featured the

15 (abridged and adapted)

9.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa (2022)

A. Tick () the correct option. Identify the celebrity who…
Drake Elon Musk Brie Larson
1. promotes a multinational video game company on mass   
  
2. plays video games to relax after long periods of intense work.
3. has played his/her favourite game live for fans to watch.   
4. has answered followers about his/her favourite games.   
5. has shown the world how gaming is part of his/her daily   

B. Find in the text (between lines 1-15) words that mean the same as the following.

1. increase ________________________
2. occupied ________________________
3. music hits ________________________
30 4. various ________________________
5. unite ________________________

C. Answer the questions below.

1. What makes the gaming industry so successful nowadays?


2. Who is Drake?

3. Why is Elon Musk famous worldwide?


4. What is Brie Larson’s recent project on gaming?


9.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa (2022)

II – Language

A. Read the synopsis extracts and identify the types of films. Choose from the list below. Two of them are not needed.

comedy thriller western drama musical fantasy

1. Billy Elliot (2000) 3. The Magnificent Seven (2016)

The young son of a coal miner in mid-’80s Britain takes an interest inLooking for gold,
ballet, but greedy
his father industrialist
doesn’t Bartholomew
allow him Bogue
to dance. Billy takes
takes controlinos

2. Elf (2003) 4. Spider-Man:

The story of Buddy the 'elf', a human raised in the North Pole by Santa
No Way Homeand his real elves, and his journey to find his real dad provides genui
With Spider-Man's identity now revealed, Peter asks Doctor Strange for help. Whe

1. _________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________ 4. _________________

B. Check the word groups about music and circle the odd one out.
1. compose – perform – conduct – songwriter
2. lead singer – cellist – hard rock – musician
3. concert – orchestra – band – music charts

9.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa (2022)

C. Brie Larson performs Captain Marvel on the screen. Read about the book Captain Marvel: an Origin Story and fill
in the gaps with the words from the list.

Captain Marvel: an Origin Story is a 1 __________ and action book by the British 2_________ characters
Sharon Gosling. The 3 __________ version was published in 2020. It tells the story of Carol
Danvers, who dreams of going into space one day. She ends up as head of security at a top-secret
NASA base where a series of events suddenly turn her world upside down. She emerges as print
Captain Marvel, one of the most 4 _________ superheroes in history.
This book is about dreams, being true to yourself and taking charge of your own power.
Marvel Origins tell the 5 __________ of our favourite Marvel heroes from their early lives and
struggles to getting their powers. These 6 __________ books are the perfect way to introduce stories
children and teens to the world of Marvel or to learn more about their favourite 7__________.

D. Complete the sentences using the present perfect or the past simple.

1. I __________________ (just / book) the tickets for the concert. I __________ (read) great comments about
Drake’s European tour lately.
2. Sue _________________ (not go) to the cinema yesterday. She ___________ (not buy) the tickets for the
night session on time.
3. “___________________ (you / ever / be) to a film première?”
“We hope we’ll see The Marvels debut in 2023! We _______________ (hear) yesterday on TV it will be in
4. “John and Peter ___________________ (play) two new video games so far this morning. They
________________ (not take) a shower yet.”
“No worries. It’s Saturday and they _________________ (study) hard last week.”

E. This is Brie Larson’s to do list before she got home yesterday evening. What had/hadn’t she done?
Write affirmative or negative sentences using the past perfect.

Before she got home yesterday evening, Brie Larson…

1. _______________________________________________ (record the last scenes of her new film )
2. _____________________________________________ (send a dinner invitation / to some friends )
3. ________________________________________________ (see the official trailer of The Marvels  )

F. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences: past simple or past perfect.

1. The show just ended / had just ended by the time we arrived / had arrived at the concert hall.
2. Did you heard / Had you heard about Sharon Gosling before you read / had read Captain Marvel: an Origin Story?
3. When the director came in / had come in, the actors didn’t finish / hadn’t finished rehearsing the scene.

Good work!
Your teacher
9.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa (2022)
Year 9 – Progress test 2A

Answer key

Reading (100%)
A. (5 x 6 = 30%)
1. Brie Larson | 2. Drake | 3. Drake | 4. Elon Musk | 5. Brie Larson

B. (5 x 4 = 20%)
1. growth | 2. busy | 3. chart-toppers | 4. numerous | 5. gather

C. (4 x 12,5 = 50%)
1. The gaming industry is so successful nowadays because it is diverse, so there’s always something different for all
tastes. | 2. Drake is an influential Canadian rapper who has been on top of the music world. | 3. Elon Musk is famous
worldwide because he often writes on Twitter, he is the owner of Tesla and wants to colonise Mars. | 4. Brie Larson’s
recent project on gaming is her own YouTube channel presenting video game content.

Language (100%)
A. (4 x 4 = 16%)
1. drama | 2. comedy | 3. western | 4. fantasy

B. (3 x 5 = 15%)
1. songwriter | 2. hard rock | 3. music charts

C. (7 x 3 = 21%)
1. fantasy | 2. author | 3. print | 4. powerful | 5. stories | 6. action-packed | 7. characters

D. (9 x 2 = 18%)
1. have just booked; have read | 2. didn’t go; didn’t buy | 3. Have you ever been; heard | 4. have played; haven’t
taken; studied

E. (3 x 6 = 18%)
1. … had recorded the last scenes of her new film. | 2. … hadn’t sent a dinner invitation to some friends. | 3. … had
seen the official trailer of The Marvels.

F. (6 x 2 = 12%)
1. had just ended; arrived | 2. Had you heard; read | 3. came in; hadn’t finished

9.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa (2022)

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