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Ray Lyman Wilbur, Seerel.. y

GM.,.. O~ ",IUI. IMnctH

Profeastonal Paper 164





Propert'j of


For:." by lob. kpr.-tntaD4n& oJ Ooeum.nta. w~ 0. c. .... .. • - .. . .. .. .. .. Prk-. '1.01 (paper 1:'0 "''''

IDtroductlon __ . ____________________ __________________ . ________ "' . . ___________________________________________ _

P ...
HI.tory and IeOp. ot investllationl ............ _...... _........................ _._ ... ___ ..................... ___ . . __ .......... _______ .................. __ ............ ___ e ...... _ _ _ _ ... _ _
Previou. lVork _________________________________________________ __________________________________________ _
Chapter I. (}eoaraphy _______________________________________________________________________________________ _ 2
!,ocatioD. and extent ___ • ___ ... _________ ....... ;0 _ ... _ _ . _ ......... _ ............ ___ ... _ .... ______ ... ___ ... _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ ." ' ... ___ ... ____ ...... _ ............. _ _ _ _ _ _
1rhe[Dap------------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________ _ 3
aketeh ________________________________________________________________________________________ _

Spanish entrada8 ______________ _____________________________________________________________________ _

1rhe trappeni _____________________________________________________________ ________ .. _________________ _ 6
Powell &nd Wheeler lurvey, __ .. " ________________________________________ ____ ____ ______________________ _
eroNingll of tbe Colorado _________________________________________________ ___________________________ _
1ropographte _______ ______________________________________________________________________________ _
Climate o( .autbeaatern Utah _________ .. _______ .. _______ .. _______ .. _________ .. ______ • ____________________ ___ • __ _
General condit[olll ______ .. _______ .... ________ .. ___ • ___ •• ___ ... ______ • _.. ___ .. ____ .. _______________ • ____ _____ __ _
·PTeeiplt&Uon _________________________________________________________________________________ _______ _ 14
Fteeordl ______________________________________________________________________________ ___ _______ _ 15
(}eographic d~trlbution __________________________________________________________________________ _
Variation from yenr \0 year _________________ .. _____________ .. ___________ .. _____ ...... _________________ _
Seasonal distribution ________________________________________________________________ ____________ _
Character of rainstorml .. _______________________ .. ___________ .... ________________ ._ .. _________________ ..
Temperature _______________________________________________________________________________________ _ 20
~ind______________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 21
Soil ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 28
Vegetatlon _____________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________ _ 24
AnirnaJa ________________________________________________________________ • _______ • _________ • _____________ _ 24
IohAbit&nlo ____________________________________________________ _______________________________ __ ________ _ 27
Indian tribes _______________________________________________________________________________________ _ 27
1rhe ~orlDon ptoneers-------------- - ---------------------------.----- ________________________________ _ 27
I.ees Ferry .. ____________ .. _____________________ .. ___ .. _...... __ .. __ .. __ ...... __ .. _________ .. ______ • _.. _-'_____ ._____ _
Pana ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 30
Cannonville, Henrieville, aDd Tropic- ___ .. __ .. ____ .. ___ ...... ____ .... _.. ________________ .... __________ .. ___________ .. 31
EocaJante ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______ _ ~

PopULatiOD _______________ .. ____________________________ .. ____ .. _.. ________ .. ________ .... ________ • __ .. __________ _ 31
~i.u1ture---------------------------.------------------- ______________________________________________ _ 83
Chapter 2. ___________________________________
:::: ::::: ::::: :::: :::::: :::: :::::: ::::: :::: e _____________________________________________ _
General atrati!raphio relations _____ .. _.. ________________________ .. _.. _ .. __________________ .. _.. _______ .. __________ _
Perxnian (orInaUoDB .... _. ________________________________________ • _______________ .. _____ .. _.... _. __ . _____ _____ _ ~
I.ocatioD aDd esten .. ____ .. ______ • __________ ... _______ ...... ____ .. ____ • ___________ .... _.. _.. ______ ' __ • ___________ _
Kalbab llmeetone and Coconino 8andstone ______________________________________________________________ _ 88
IIlatorical sketcb ________________________________________________________________________________ _ 88
l'o",hero FUUbab F1ateau ___ • _____________________________________________________________________ _ 88
~rele CJli«s_____________________________________________________________________________________ _ 39
Physical leatureo ____________________________________________________ ; __ ____________________ _ ~
Slrat~&phy---------.----------------------------------- _________________________________ , __
FaunBlohazacter ____________________________________________________________________________ _ 40
CI888ifieatlon and oorrelation _________________ ..... ______ .. ______ • ____ • __ - __ - _____ - ______________ • ____ _ 43
Kaibab-Moenkopl oroslon Interval _________________________ • ____________________ -- - ____________________ _ 45
Triaaeic formatioDa __ .. ___ .. ___ .. ______ .. _. ____________________________ ... ______ -- -- .. ---- - --- - - ..... - - --- - .. ----- .. 48
Historical oketeb __________________________________________ : __ : _______ - ____ - ____ - ___ - ___ e ____________ _
~oenkopi(oJ'IDation----------- .. ---.-------- .. ------- .. ------ _____________ ~ _________ .. __________________ _ 47
Areal diatribullon and thIek ________________________ e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - _ - - - _ . _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - __
IJthologie feat"""' ___________________________________ e _______ - ___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ • - - - - - - - - - - - -_
Stratlarapby ______________________________________________________________________ e _____________ _

48 and correlatioD _______ .... __________ .. ___ .. _.. ___ .. __ • ____ .. ___ • -- ____ - - - - - --- - - - - .. - _ .... _-.:. --- - - - - - __ _ 80
Moenkopl-Bhinuump erosion interval .. ______ .. ___ .. _____ .. ________ .. _____ - __ ,_ -- - - --- -- - - - - - _- _- .... __ - - - -- ---_ 32
Sbinarump oongloDlerate _______ .. ___________________________________ - _________________ ._. _____________ _

Chapter 2. Stratigraphy-CooIiDuod. p ...

TrlAMIo rorma.tioDl-Continued. 63
Chiole form"Lion- ___ - - -.--- - - .---." - - - - - - - .--' - .-- - - - -- - -- - -- . --- --- _.. -- -. - - - ---.- - - _. - _.. . - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Definition, areal extent, &ad thiekaeu __________ - --- - -.- --.- -- w __ - - ' .- -- . - - - . - - -.- - - - - - _ ... - -- - - -. - - . --
Typlca) .eetlOOIl __ ------------ ---- -- -- --- -- ----- - --- .--- -------- -.-.- - - -- --- - - -- __ A - - - - - _ .. -. -- - ---
GeDeral re&Wrea of Itratigraphy .nd Iithol.°8Y ---- -- .- - - - -.- .-- -- - - ~ --- - -- --- -- .-- - - - - -- - - - -- - - .. --- - -- 56
Ap .ad correla.t.ioo ______ - ----- --- - .--- ~- -- - --- --- -- . - - - -- - - - ---- - - -. - - - ---- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - _. -- 1I8
ChlDle· Winsate eonta,1. -- ............... -- ................. --. -- --'''' -- .• " -- . -- -- ...... - .. -- .. .. 1I8
JurAMIe format.iolll_ ------ ----- -- - -- - - - - -.-- - -- -- - - - - - -.- --- --- - - - - - ----- - - ---- ---- - -- --- - - - - - -" - - - - - - - ---
Hiot.orie.1 oketch •• __ .... __ ...... ". _'" __ ..• __ .... __ .. --0. --.--- ......... -- .. . ...... --- .. -- ......... . 1I8
GtlDerallithoiolie features ____ - -- - ------ -- --- ------ - -- ---- - - - -- -- -- - - -- -- - ------- - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - --- 60
Pruen .. kaowtedlc 01 the Juraseic of 90uthern t'lah __ . __________ _______ ____ _____ ________ __ __________ .. __ ~ A
Major divisioll8 of .. he Jurasaic _______________ -. --- - - _r - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - --- p ------ - - -- - .. - -- - - - - - - -- 61
GIeD CanyoD group (Jul'08sie!) --- - -- - ----- - -. -- - - - - -- - - - --- -- - - -- - -- --- .. - --- - -- --- -- - - - -- - - - . -" - - - - - - -- 81
Winpte lIandstone _____ --- -- ___ - - -- _-- ___ ----- ---- .. - - - -- - -- --- -- ----" - ---- - --- .. - - - - - -- - - .. " - - - ---- 62
To(Ulto (1) tormatioo ____ 0 . . . . __ . . . . . . - - . . . . - - - - - - - - - - . . , , - • •• - -- . . . . . . . . ---- . . . . . . . . --. -- . . . . . ' "
Navajo .a.ndltone_ -- -- - ------ ---- - -- --- -- --- - -. - -- - p ----- - .. - - - - - - - - - -- ---- - - - - - - - -- . - - - -- - - - - .. - --
Distribution aDd puenl appearance_ -- - - - - -- -- - --- -- - ----- - -.-- -- - -- - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - .. - - -- -- - - --- 64
Stratillraphlc rell.turel __________________ . _. _______ - -- -. -- - - - - -- ..... - -- - - - - - r -- - - - --- - ... -" - -- - - - -- 64
Structure, texture. and compolitioD _____ ---- - - - - - - - - - - --- ------- - - ---- - - - --.- ---- - - ---- ---- - - --- 65
Color ______________ ~ __ ~ _____________________________ __-------------------------------------- 86
Glen CanyoD .roup of Pari .. Valley and westward_ - - - - -- - -- - -- -- - .. --- - --- - - .. . -------- - .... - - - ----- - --- 67
Son Ito/Bel group (Ju,...,,;o) ........ -- ..... -- ............ --'--'" ... . " ---- ... -- ....................... . 69
Di.trlbution and topographic c:!l:preMiun _____ --- --- --- --. - - ---.- ---- - ---- - ---. -- .. - -- -- -- -- .. - - --- ----- 69
Ge.neral "tra.tilrll.phie &rId litholollte fen.l:urel_ - - - - - - -- - -- -- .. ----------- - - ----- - -- - - - ----- - - -- - - - - - - --- 70
Age and correlation _____ ____ ___ - - -- - - - - -- ~- ---- - - - - -- --~ - .. - -- ----- - ---- -- -- ------ -- --- - -- - - - " - - --- 71
Cume1 form.tioo _______ ___ • ____ - - - -- - - - --- - . --- - - -- --- -- - -- ------ - - .. ,- "' . - --- - - - .. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 72
HiltoriBal .ketch ____ --._ - -.- -- - ------ -. --- - - -- - - - - - -- - - ~ --- -- - --- - .. - -- ------ - - - -- - -- - -- - - - --- 72
Stratigraphie .ectiont. ___________ .... _-- ----. - -- -- ---- - ----- - -- --- - - - -- --- ---- - - - --- -. --- - - -- - --- 73
F.n~r9da .an&OOoo ___ . _______________________ - ________ - - _._ - 5-- - ~
-- ----- - -- -- -----. - -- -- - - - --- 77
S~mmer\'Ule format!... ....... ________ --_ - - __ -------- -- --- ---------"'- -- - ---- - - - -- '" - .. - - --- - - --- - .. -- - - -- 7T
Ban RalRclsrol.lp and MorrLaoh rorm&ti.oa. (Cretaceouln undifferentiated ________________ __ ______ _____ · - ----- 78
HoIlII Creek Valley ________ .. __ .. _______ ...... -- ____ • __ • ------. --. -- •• ----. - -- -- . -- •• ---- -- ---- -- 78
Eoealanlo> ".iley. __ __ . ________ -- ____ . .. ------ -- -. - -- -- ... -- -- -- .. - --.-.--. ------ ---- •.. ---- . . -- 61
Paria V"ney ________ .. ___ _.. ___ ___ _____ • __ • __ .. _____ .. _________ _____ _____________ • a - - - .. - - - - - - . - - - 83
Glen Canyon nJion __ __ ___ ______ . __ _- - _____ __- ___- - - - - - - -- - --- -- ~-- -- - - - - - --- - .. - --- - - - - -- -- - --- 8&
Cre.. nceoua formationa __ • __ - __ _ -- - --- . • - - - - - . - - - ---. -. - - -.- - - - .... -- - - -. - -- - -- '" - - - - - - -- - -. -- .. - - - - - - --- - -- 89
PrevioUi "Qrk. ___________ ______ ______ . . __ ____ _________________ _______ . -- . ___ ______ --- ------- -. - -- . 89
A~dllltnnuUou ••••..•..• : •. ..• .••. ••. .. _ • • ..•.••. • ..•..•• • ..•• _•.•••••.. _ ••.•... • •.•••... .•...• • , 90
Topo",apbic expre.ion _________ _______ _______________ . ______ .. ______ • _____ • ____ .... ______ ___ - ___ - - - - -- - .. 90
~=:t;~:~~t~~· (C;;~~~1}:~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~: ~~~: ~ ~~: ::::: ~:~:~ ~~: ~: ~ ~::: : : ~ : ~:::: ~::: ~~: ~
<Xl:-relation ___________ ... ___ • ________ _____ . ___ __ _______ • ____
'O _____________ • _____ .- _ _ _ _ _ _ • __ • _ - -- ---
Areal ex\.leut and thickoeE8 _______________ . _ .. _______ _____ • ____ .. ________ .. _______ • ___ .. ______ • ___ .. ___ -_ 91
Lithologic and atntigraphie fetlturetl ___________ 'O _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ • _______ • ____ - -


--- -- ---._--_..-------_._------- 1
---------- ---- ----- ----.------
------ ------_.- . ----------_._- 10
--- -- ----------_ . ----- ----------
------.---------------' ---.. . -.
Undifferenti~t.ed Stralll\t Cliffs And WahwCAp .and;tc;~;; ___:::: ~::::::: ~ ~=:: ~
Wua~b format-lou (Eooene) ______________ • ____ :::: ~::: :-- - -- - - - -- -- -- ... ~ .. -- - ---- - ------ --. - --
Di.tribut.loD and topoaraphio expre.ioD ___ ______ _____ - -- - - -- -- - - - -- -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- -- -- l~
Pre'\-lou. atudis_. _____________ .___________ ----- -- ----~-- - -----~--- -- -- -- - ------ , - --~-,- 11
- - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 4 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____ _

Ch81)ter 2. S!ratigraphy--Continued.
'TertiAry rocks-C ont inued.
W.:)satch formation (Eocene)-Cont iut1cd. PIlt;1"
Str.t.Ugraph.ic and lithologic features. __ • __________ '. ______ ____ _. _'. __________ •• _~ __ . _. __ a __ ' . , . _ _ • __
linconfor ulity at base of Eocene ____ .• ____ ... _____ _______________ • ____ ... _________________ ..... ____ __ __ _ ~
Quaternary deposits ___ __ ________ ____ ____ • ____________ a __ • ______________ _ _ _ a _ ____ _ • _ _____________ a _. _ ____ _

rocks ___ - ___ _______________ __ '" __________
Ig[ leo u~ a __ ______ _ _ a _ _____________ • ___ . _ . ' ________ ' . __ • ____ _ __ _
Chn.pter 3. St.ructure . _- . ' ______ ____ ____• ___ ______ ___ __ .' ___________ ••• __________________ • ___ ____ • ____ a ___ a __ _
JlistoriC:l1 sketch __ • • __________ ____ _____ ______ _.. __________ _____________ • ___ • ___________ .. _. _ .. ____________ _ ~
R.egionnl relations __ __ • __ ... ,. ____________ ____ _______ _.. ___• ___ ____ ___ ____ ..... _. _________ _______ ____________ _
~'Iethod of determinat·ion ___ ___ • __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ _____ __ • __ ___ ___________ ,. ___ __ ___________ _____ __ ___.. __
lVaterpockct IDonoc-line.... _____ _______ ______ ____ ______ __ ____ ___________ __ ____ ________ __ _______ • _____ __ ___ __ . _
Circle Cliffll upwli.rp ___ _________ ____• ___________ • ____ __ ___ __ __ _. ___ ___ • __ • ____ __ __ • _-..... __ .. ____ ______ ______ _
Harris synclinc __ ______... ___ ___ __ ___ _____ _____ _______ ____ ____ ___ __ _______ .. _____________ _____ .... ___________ _
CoUet.t antieUne. __. ____ ___ __ _______ .. ___________ ___ __________ ___ .. ______ ____ .... __ ________ .. ___ • __ .. .. _. _______ _ ~
Esoal.a.ate mouocHne. ______ ___ __ ______ . .;. ____ .. ____________________ ___ __________ __ .. ____________________
A ___ _

KatpnrQ"rits do\\>n\\'nrp ____ ____ __ _ A ____ ____ _ _ .. _ _ • _ . ___ _ • • __ __ _ ________________ _ __________ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _

ltock Creek anticline ____ _ . __• _. ___ _____ __ __ ____ ____ __ .. _. _______________ ____ ______________ ________________ _
Croton syncli ne ________ ___ • __• _. ____ ___ _______ ___ __ •• _____ . ______ ____ _____ _________ _________ ___.________ _ ~
Last Chance ·s yuclinc ____ ____ __ ____ ~ _&___ __ _ • __ ____ • _________ • ______________ • ________ __ ________ ._, _ ~ __ __ __ 121
Smoky Anticline •• _. • ____ ___ ____ __ • ___ __ _______ ___ • _____ ___ __ ____________ • .. _______________ ____ _
~lo\l D tA in ~
\\'n-rm Creek .syncline _____ • • ____ _____ ____ __ ___ • ___ ________ ___• ______ .... _ _______ __ _____________________ .... _. ~
\\rah~·c ap syncline_________ ___ ...... _~ __ _.. __ _________ __ .... _. __ ______ ____ ___ . ____ __ __ __________ _____ __ _______ _ ~
Table Cli ff sync.1inc ____ ___ ___ ____ _____ .. ___ __ _______ ___ . ______ ____ ___ _________ ____________ ___ • __ __________ _
Echo tnonocline ______ . ________ _____ _____ • ___ . _____ ___ __________ _______ ___.. : __ __ • _________ ____ _________ __ _
Pilria. plat.forw. ______ ___ _____ _____ __ ___. ______ _______ ___ __ ______ . ___ ____ ___ ___ _ .. ____________________ .. ___ _
Ea8t Kfl.ibab monocline __ ______ ______ ___ _ .. ___ __ __ __ ____ .. ____ __ _______ _____ ___ ___ _______ ... ____ ____ _______ _ __ _ 122
Kaibab upl\'urp_ .. ____ _____ ___ • __ • __ __ ____ __ ________ ,,_ . __ ____ _____ ___ ___ _• . ____ ___ __________ ______ __ ___ _ _
Ea~t P nunsBuguutfsult _____ __ _____ _______ __ ___ __ ___ _______ _____ ___ __ __• __ __ __ ___ _______________ _____ ___ ••
Ch'pter 4. Physiography _______ __ __ ______ __ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ _____ ____________ ____ • _____ ___________ _____ _
RegioDal relatlons _______ __ ___ __ _____ _______ __ .. __ .. __________ ___ ______ ___ ____ ___ ____ _____ __ .. ____ ___ ____ ___ _
Factors that. infiuence erosion __ ____ __ ___ __ _______ ____ __ ______ ____ • ________ ____ _____ ______ __. _. ________ ___ _ _ 12.
CIlIOa!e ___ ___ __ • __ ______ __ ___ __ _• _____ ____ _____ _________ __ ___ ___ ________ __ ___ __ ____ ___ ___ ____ _____ __
--- --- ---- ------------. --- ---- -- --- .-.- r---- ---
Vegetatfon ____ _ • __ _.. __ ___ __ ___ ___ ____ _____ __ ___ __ __ ___
Strea lll gradients ________ __ ______ ___________ ___ ______ ___ _.. __ _. ___ .. ____ ____ _.. ____ ____ ____ __ __ __ ___ .. ___ _
Ground _________ _________ __ _______ ___ __ __ ___• ___• __ • ____ _ • __ __ _________ _ • __ .. __ ____ __. __ __
w~ter __ _ ~_ .

Rolnt.ions of topography to geology ______ ___ _____ ____ ___ ____ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ________ ____ __ ___ __ ______ I~ __ _ __ .. 127
(}enerat relations ___________________ ____ _______ ______ ____ ________ . ___ ... _____ __ ____ ______ • _____________ _ 127
Relation of vnJley (orm to rock hrt.rdne6a.. ________ __ __ ___ ... _____ ______ __ ___~ ___ _ . ___ ___ __ _____ _______ : ____ _ 128
Valleys in soft rocks ____ ___ ___ ________ ______ __ _ ~ ___ •• ____ __: ______ .. ~ • __ _ ~ M ___ ___ ____ • _________ __ _ _
Volleys in hard roCk8 _____ ___ ______ _____ ~ _ . ___ ___ __ ___ ~~ _. _______ ~ _________ _• __ ____ ___ ___ ~_._ .. __ __
Valleys in hard aDd sort rocks __ ___ • _______ .. ________ ___ ____ :: ___ ___ ___ ___ • _____ . . ___ __ . _. __ __ .___ __ _ 129

Relf1~!.ec!f o:t:::c~n::.l"~~~:~~ .-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~::: ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~:~: ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~..:~ ~ ~:: =~: ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ==: =:: ~: ==: ~ =~ =::~ ~: ~
Extent and or erosion _____ ______ _______ .. __ • ________ _ . ______ _-.- __ _________ .. _ • ___ _____ _ .. __ . ___ ____:. __ _
Mt~ ~
Erosion 5llrfo.ree . _______ ____ _____ _____ ___ __ ____ ____ . _____ _______ _____ __ _____ _~ _:. __ ... ___ ____ _• . ___ . ___ ~ ._-____ _ 133
Regional di8tributioD _~ ____ _ . _____ ___ ____ A __ _ _ ____ _ __ _ __ ___ _____ .. _. ____ ___ • ____ .. ___ __ ____ _ _ • ____ • _ __ __ _

C·a nlloDvillo erollion surface ___ ____ ____ ___ __ ______ • __ ____. ________ .. ___ .. __ • _______ _ . . ______ .. ____ . _. _____ _
Surf:lce of Knipnrowits Plateau . ______ __ .... _____ __________ ____ ____ ~ _. __ ... _- __ ___ ___ ____ ~ ___ __ _____ __~ ____ _ 134
Surface of Paunsaugunt Plateau ___ . ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ __ __________ __ _____ _ . _________ __ _____ ___ __ 134
Slopes of Aquru-iu" ________ __ _____ ___ • __• ___ ___ ___ __ _____ ____ ___ ____ ________ __ ____ • ___ _______ _ _
Eroalon 8urfaces a.t other localities ___ _____ ____ ___ _• ____ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ _. _____ _... . . _______ . __ _"' ____ • ___ . __ __ 13S
(·nolosed meanders ___.- ___ _____ ___ ___ ____ ___ __.. __ __ _... _____ __ ___ ___ • __ _____ ____ ___. __ ___ ___ __ __ __. ___ ____ _ _ 135
Cyclet of crollion . ______ A ___ • _ ___ ... _ _______ _ _ __ _______ • w_ .. ___ ___ • __ _
_ _ _ __________ ___ .. ___ _ __ __ __ . ... _ . ____ ____

Feat·ures of valleys _____ __ ________ __ _____ _ • . _____ . ___ _____ _____ ______ .. _. __ _ - __ ____ ____ - - - - ___ ___ .. __ • _. - __ _ 139
Olen Canyon ... ______________ • ____ _____ ________ ___ . ___ ____ _ • ______ ___ . ____ _____ ______ ___ __ _____ ____ ___
Wllhweap, Warm.. Last Chance, and Rock Valleys.. __ ___ _ a _ _ . _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... _ _ __ _ _ _ • __ __ _ • _ ___ _____ ___ _ ______ _
Poria Valley _______ ____ ... _______ __ ___ . __ ______ ____ ____ ____ _._ .... . - - ___ ___ __ ___ - - - - - __ _____ ____ _ - - - - __ _ 141
Esca lante Valley •• ______ __ _____ ____ ____ _ • __ _______ •• ___ _• ____ __ __ _____ _______ - . - -- _- ____ ___ __ ____ -- -_ 142
)'finor phyai·o@ra.phic features ___ ______ ___________ __ ______ .. ____ _____ .: __ • _____ ___ ____ ___ __ - __________ ... ______ _ 143
AlJu"ial ~rrace8 ____ ____ __ ____ __ _______ .... ____ __ .. ___ . _. - ____ _____ . --- - - - ---- -_ - .. _- - - - ---- --- __ - - _ - __ _ 143
Canyon walls ___________ ___ _. __ • __ .w _____ __ . __ __ ___ __• ____ _____ ___•__________ • ____.- __ --_. ___________ _ 144
Butte. a.nd towen!l ____ ___ ____ w __ _____ __ _ _ _ _____ __ __ ______ • ____ _ _ _______ - - - _ .. - ___ • _ _ _ _ ,_. _ - - - __ _ - . _ ... _ _
Arches and' brldges __ _______ __ ___ ____ ___ _________ A _ . __ __ _ _ . .. - _______ _ _ ____ _ ____ - - - ___ _ __ _ _ • _ -. - _ - -- ___ _
Wlltcr pocketa __ ... ___ . _ _____ ___ . _ ... ________ w ____ __ _ ~ _ _ _ ______ - - __ ____ • _ _ _ _ .. _ 0 ._ - ___ .. _ _ _ 0 _ _ • __ • • _ _ __ _ _
Work of the wind _____ ___________ ___ ___ ___ ______ ___ __ ___ - ___ _- _--- - - - - - - - - -- -- - . -- - - - - - --- - - - - - . --- 145
Landslide8 _____ _ _ ___ .. _____ ___ ____ _• ___ ___ k ________ ~ _ _________ ... ~ - - ______ • __ ... -- - __ ... •• __ - -. - .
p ...

PL6TC]. Topoa:raphic Dl&P ot Kalplll'Owita region, Utah~AriJ.oDa4 ___________________________________________ .-. In pocket,
2. Geolosie map of Kalpoorowlll resioo, Ut&b-Arisona ___________________ : _____ - - - - - -. - -: -. - - - - - - -- --- - - - In pocket.
a. aeoer.u1Od view of Kalparowitaresloo looking nortb from the Utah-Arizona boundary hne_. _____________ ;___ 8
L A Contact of Moenkopi (ormation and K&ibab Umoolon. at mouth o( Kaibab Gulch; B, Cooloct 01 Kalbab hme-
',10.. and Hermit abale 10 Kalbab Gulcb; e, Vi..... alon, old Ule trail leadlo, to the Croeain, of the Fatbo.. ;
D HTraU" over Navajo aandatone Waterpocket Fold, near B&ker ranch ________________________________ _ 40
6. eor:ohl,tlon ohart .110'11'101 relations ~( the p ..leosoic and Meloloic rocks of the Kaiparowita region to tbOie of
••nt~o ..------------------------------.---------·-----.--.-----.--------------------.------
8. A,adja
Marble 00.... ; B, K&lbab limeolon. near junction of Fall. and Muley Twist roado __ ._. _____________ _ 40
7. 4, Sbnabkalb shale member of Moenkopi formaUoD about 3 miles BOuthwatt of Paria; B, )loenkopi strata uncon-
(ormably overlain by Shinarump cooglomerate In northern part of Circle Cliff.; e,
Butte I mile lOuthw••t of
Parla._. _________________ . __ • ____________ • _________ • ___ ---------.------------------------------.-.
8. A, VI.wlooklna north aero,i Colorado River near Leea Ferry; H, Bu~te 0/ Chinle .hale capped by jointed Wingate
_tone In lOothWoatem port of Clrole Cloth_ .. _____________ - __ - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - --- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -. -- 72
9. A, WaU of Colorado RJvor 8 miles above mouth of the Bee.lute; IJ, HODeycomb wea.theriDI in block of Wina nte
aandstooe, Silver FaUa Canyon. _________ - _.......... _................ __ ...... __ ............ ___ . . ____ ... __ ...... -- ......... ... a 72
_ _ _ ......... - - ......... - - ... - -

10. A, Gleo Canyon weat. of Kane Creek; B, Wall bordering Kane Creek.; C, Glen Cenyon Dear mouth of WUID
8pnnil Creek ___________________________________________________ ------:------------------------.--
11. A, Banded red and white eandetone and calcareoWl .hale of Cannel formation near Cr08lin, ol1.he Fatheraj B,
Clid' of mlUivo Entrada undatona overlain by banded Summerville 6trata. .a.nd capped by remnants of Mor...
rieon unde\Ooe, Halla Creek Valley near Baker rLDcb _________________________________________________ _
12. A, Blah 01 nppl ..marked ohaly .. nd.teD. In Carmel formation, 40 feet above lop of Navajo in Dry Canyon; B,
Evenly Itrat.itled Entrada ...ndetone near Cannonville; er.-bedded Entrada .. r.d.tooe near CanDonville_ e, 72
13. A,vrabweapCraek
Banded ahal,. Summerville (1) Mlld,tone 1 mile lOuthweet of Ca.nDonvilllj
________________________________________ Bt MOniBOD (7) ea.ndatoQe on lower
. _____________________________________ ----
U. A, 8traiSbt CIlII...n<lllone on EacaI&Dte River weat 01 Eac&l&nte; If, Tropic .hale overlain by St....I'ht Clill.
aan<lllon., vrahweep Cn.ok; C, vrall of Wahwoap aandalo.., vrahweap Creek. _____ . ___________________ ._ IOf
16. Bry.. Conyon_ • ________________________________________________ • ____________ • _c_ _____ _____ ___ __ _____ 106
16. Struo.un map of Kalparowite regloo ___________________________ . ________________________ .______________ 120
IT. GeoIOilo 88OtlOOB ao .... Kaiparowlte regioo _________________________________________________________ In pocket.
18. Paooraml. view from ...., of vraterpoeket Fold and .ketch ahowlnl lurI... diatribution 0/ (ormatioos. ________ 120
19. A, VIew lookln,__ aouth aloo, Halle Valley from polot JUBt above mouth 01 Muley Twlat Creek; B, East Kalbab
w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www _ _ _ _ _ w __ w_w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w _ _ ww _ _ w
______________________________________________ _
SlO. A. B. Vie ..... [lODl a poin' near the II Out" ____________ • _______________ • _________________________________ _ 136
21. A, VI... aloDl faoe of Straight CUIJa; B, Monoclio&! • .uey In Tropic ahal. alon, Eaat Kaibab monooUne eaat 01
Butler Viney; C, Colorado River from" pinoacle above Leea Farry __ .• __________________________________ 136
~. A, Oleo CanyoD "'OBt of mouth of K&oe Creek; B, Dry Valley, a bowl-like deprl!OBioD cut in the loft .trata 01 the
San &rut group and 'he MomlOD (T) lormation; e, 8tronlly underou' meander OD "fuley Twlat Creek ____ _ 138
28. A, Canyon of Dea\h Hollow Creek; B, Canyon tributary to Muley Twi.' Creek ____________________________ _
24. To_phio and ,eolOCie map of a part of 'he vralerpockot mooocIine ____________________________________ _ ~~
215. A. Colorado RJ.ver a~ Balla CroaiOli B, CannoD\"llle erotion ,uri.ce from point De¥ head of Little Canyon ____ _ 13~
26. AI Par~ Valley neaz Pula;: B, Paria River below Pariaj C, Glen Canyon at Waterpocket Fold _______________ _ 162
27. A, PUla VaUey neal' mouth of CoU.onwood er.k.; B. Paria VaUey 1 mile below JDOu~h of Cottonwood Creekj C,
Cave in Navajo Mndatone, H&rri.e Washj D, Arch formed by eraaion of Navajo undslone in. wa.U of Eacalante
Canyon above mou\h of Sand vr..b 16
28. EfOIIion ratQnan14 ____________________.-::~ ===== ====:::: ::==: ::: == ==:: ::::=:: :::::: =::: ::::::: =:::: =:: =
= 115~
2~. A, Gold dredJe on Colorado Ri ••r Dear mou~h o( HanBOn (Pine Alcove) Creek; B, Steamboat eM'!.' H. SJWI'M",
coolttuQted to tt'IDaporl coal from Warm Creek to Lee. Ferry for placer mininl___________________________ 164
10. Coal _IODB measored In Kane and Garfield Counties Utah 16:
31. A, Petroutoroua Moenkopi ,\r&\& in eastern part of 'Circle -Ciitf;:-B-oil-~p-o-~b~~k-~i-C~i~r~d~-ii;e~-~t
tI Bennett', oU fleldll" _______________ ... ___ .. _______ .... __ • ___ • _.. : __ :_ •• ___ .. ____ .. _.. _._ .... _______ _____ ___ __ 15~
P ...
FIGURE I. Map .howinl the loea..tion of the Kaiparowit8 region _________________________________________________ _ • 4
2. Ma.p of eoutheaatern UtAh .howing location oC m.eteoroiogio atationa with reCeronce to the rims of the Blab
Ph,'-ua and to Colorado Valley _ ____ __ ______ ________ _ _________ _ _ ___ __ _ ____ ____ _ ___ _ ___ _______ _____ 18
3. Total and mean annual precipit.ation at-station8 in eout-hea-at.ern Ut&h _____________ ____________ .. ______ .. ___ 19
-t. 8euonal distribution of rainfa.ll In southeastern Utab ___________ ... _____________________________________ 20
:Ii. Relation or time of killin. frost to altitude in BOutheutem Utah__________________ __ _____________________ 23
8. Correlation of Crct.aceoUI formatwne and distribution of {auUM in Utab and adjacent regioDs_ ______________ 113
7. Generalized block diagr~ma ropreoenting .tag.. in the phyoiographic hlolory of ~he upper Paria Valley________ 123
8. Map 01 • part of l{ane County, Utah. showlnc distribution of coal e~posure. in Lb, Straight Clift's aa.ndetone
alone tbe tributaries or Warm and Laot Chao.. Creekl_______________________________________________ 150
9. Outline stratigraphic and ItructuraJ map or the Circle Cliff. area, Garfield Count,. Utah___________________ 156



INTRODUCTION lIountain. The purpooes of this exploration-to de-

termine I'ontes, to locate water holes, and to select
areRS where deto.i1ed geologic study could profitably
In their traverse of the Colorado River and of the be undertaken-were successfully I.ccomplished. It
rim of the High Plateaus the members of the Powell was found that the strlltigraphic formations previ-
Survey outlined a large aren between the Henry ollsly mapped in the Navojo country extended with
Mountains and the Kaibab Plateau within which Ihe little change throughout southeastern Utah.
Kaiparowits Platellu is the dominating feature. Diffi- During the summer of 1918 the exploratory survey
culty of RCceSS, dry climate, scant vegetation, small by Gregory was continlled. After leaving Green River,
..... ater supplies, I.nd complete absence of human Utah, on May 2, three weeks was spent in the stlldy
population previmted I. study of this region lInder the of stratigraphic sections at Temple Wash (San Rafael
conditions then prevailing, and the trl.ppers Ilnd Swell), Plensant Valley, Tl.ntalus Valley, I.nd along
prpspectors who preceded and followed these early the Wnterpocket Fold to the Colorado River at the
explorers were little interested in making detailed mouth. of Halls I.nd Hanson Creeks. After cl'08!ling
examinations of the sandstones that eonstitut6 most the \Vaterpocket Fold at Muley Twist, the next five
'of the bedrock. Largely for these reasons the Kaipa- weeks w .... devoted to nil investigation of the physi-
rowits region has long remained geologically unknown, ography and stratigraphy of the Escalante Valley,
and probably parts of it at least have been seen by . the rim of Glen Canyon, and the Kaipo.rowits Plateau
white men only within the last 10 years. Geologic and the examination of the geologic features of the
surveys within this unmapped area were needed for Paria, Wahweap, and Warm Creek Valleys at plac~s
correlating the formations and structure with those in not previously visited. In 1922, after completing in-
surrounding areas, and it seemed desirable to. know vestigations in the Kanab and Parunaweap V aUeys,
/\lore of Ihe physical features-the soil, water, climate, Gregory and L. F. Noble extended their geologic
and vegetation-as a guide in determining the use to traverse of ~evo.dl. and western Utah to include the
which this arel. of largely unappropril.ted land might Pari. VaUey and the south side of the Kl.iparowits
be put. Furthermore, the very fact that the existing . Plateau. The top and the east end of the Kaipa-
knowledge of the region was meager made .1. strong rowits Plateau were examined, and sections were
appeal. measured at Canann Peak, Henrieville, and Tropic.
With these ideas in mind field work designed to In 1924 Gregory spent two weeks in a study of
cover those pl.rts of southeastern Utah thl.t had not Mesozoic and Tertiary strata &long the eastern tribu-
been examined by scientific parties was begun by taries of the Paria River, I.nd in 1925 and 1927 he
Oregory in 1915. During that year a pack-train trav- extended the survey eastward across Glen Canyon to
erse was made from Lees Ferry along the north wall correlate the geographic and geologic features of the
of Glen Co.nyon and thence northeastward &cross the Kaiparowits region with those of southeastern Utah
Kaiparowits Plateau, through a region unmarked by and southwestern Colorado.
trails. From the head of Collett Wash the traverse Decl.use of the poesibility that the Circle CliBs
was continued to Escalante, where supplies and ad- region might contain oil poola, Moore was assigned
ditional horses were obtained, thence down the EI- to stratigrl.phie and structuro.l studies in this part of
calante River, across the Wl.terpocket Fold, .nd I southern Utah for three montha in the summer of
through the Henry MountaiDB to the mouth of I 1921. Assisted by A. C_ Tester and P. C. Benedict,
Trachyte Creek, where the Colorado was crossed by he mapped the Circle Cliffs dome, & part of the
swimming the hOl'Oea I.nd ferrying the equipment on I. Straight CliJrs front, the Harris V I.lIey southeast of
• makeshift raft. The work of the season ended with Escalante, and the Ha11a V.lIey from Muley Twist
the traverse of White Canyon and the elopes of Ab&jo Creek to the C<>lor&do River. In addition to fairly
18940--31-2 ,
Triassic and Cretaceous in chapte r 2 have been written
precise ~hough rapid geolocie and structural map- mainly by Moore, and the base map, geoiogic map,
ping, numerous stratigraphic sections were measured
sU-ucture map, and geologic sections been pre-
and some fossils were collected. A reeonnai.6sance
pared under hiM direction. Chapte rs 4 and ~ represent
study waS made of ~e Tertiary and Mesozoic forma-
a combination of manuscripta by both authors. This
~on. north of Kanab, where ~e p&rty outfitted, of
the Kr.ibab Plateau southward to the rim of the
subdi vision of work has been adopte d for convenience
The a.UthOI1l share responsibili~y equally for the
Grand CLlIyon, and along the route acrose the Paun- only.
ations recorded a.nd the opinions expressed.
oaugunt Plateau to Tropic Ilnd Henrieville in the observ
upper Paria Valley and to E1IC&lante by way of the These investigations in the Kaipa rowits region are
tive. Much of the work is recon.
road south of the Table ClitJ Platel.u. A trip was by no means exhaus
i~ explor atory- but ~he text and
made from the lower Halls Creek V dley to the point naissanoe-some of
present the ma.jor features of
On the Colorado River where the Waterpocket Fold maps should fairly weIl
geolog y of tbis interes ting part
Nached G1eD Canyon. In the later part of the field . the geography and
HlBon I. amall area of eo&l land WIB studied in I of the Colorado plateau s.
louthern Wayne County on the northwest slope of PREVIOUS WORK
Mount Ellen, the most northerly I.nd highest of the
peak. in ~. Henry Mountains. After pissing through , • After the termination of the Powell and Wheeler
the Pleasant Valley and Capitol Reef W IBh the party aurveys (see p. 7) • fluarter of I. centur y passed be-
proceeded by wly of Fruita and Loa to Richfield. fore the region that borders Glen Canyon a
Beginninr early in June, 1m, Moore's work 11'18 field for geologic study.
continued in the Kaiparowita region, with the pri- In 1900 a party consistinll' of Tempest Anderson,
mary object of cl ...ifyinr a large territo ry in lOuth. R. L. Barret t, W. )1. Da.vis, Richar d E. Dodge, and
central Garfield and eastern Kane Countiea that had Herbe rt E. Gregory visited Lees Ferry on their way
been withdrl.wn 18 possible cod land. A. C. Tester from Flagstaff, Ariz., to Toquerville, Utah. Studiea
and Y. W. Baas were IIS8istants. In general the work ' made by them of the physiographic features of Echo
"18 limillll' to that of the previou. year, but in
Cliffs and the Pari. Platea u Ire recorded by Davis.'
tion a reconnAiesance topographic map was prepared. Lees Ferry wu again visited by Johns on' &lid
(S.. pl. 1.) Shime r' in 1906.
Inveatiptioll.ll were directed chiel!y to the Creta. In 1913 Lawso n' published a peper on the economic
ceoua rocks of the Kaipl.rowits Platea u I.nd I. ""P8Cta of the" Shinar ump clays" (Chinle formation
pert of tha upper Vliley, but the older and
of pres~t nomenclature) near the settlem ent of Plria,
younger rocks were studied and mapped throughout ' and bnef notes on the coal at Esca.lante and Warm
most of the region. Field work terminated Sep.
tember 7. Creek and the placer gold along Olen Canyon haYe
appeared in. engineering and mining journals. With
In J~y, 1923, IS goolor,iEt of the plll'ty engaged
in mappm , ~h. Colorado River in the Grand Canyon these exceptions, no geologic studiea ha.d been mllde in
owits region prior to the field work on
~oore had opportunity to study the rock formatiou.: the Kaiparpresent report i. based. On the borders of
In the Lees Ferry area. which the
Altho~h the wo~k of ~regory Wila primar ily a the area exploratory surveys and detailed reconnais-
had been made, and for,. large part of
geographiC and stl'at1Jtf&phlc reconnaissance and that sance survey.
the atlas sheet. of the Wheeler and P,owell
of Moo~ collBitted of buic studies for possible future the area
indicate the supposed extension east.
eoonomlc development, the conditions that governed surveys, which
ic formations represented in tM
~~e work ~nnitted both investigators to make ohaerva. w~rd of the geologavailable.
tiOll.8 relating to all subdivisions of geology. Parts
of , High Plateaus, are
t~e lrea. were studied by both geologists. Under these Colorade :
10..... W. lit .. A. eJ:curstoa 10 C_ Grand Cao7oa .: tbevol
1 _
~sults prop. ~ Zoolo- BuU .....01 aa (... _
Circum stances the of the field !!tudies may a.".rd c.n.
lOT-198, 1901,
Mua. ..# . . . . " . u0) ......
erly appear IS " smgle report under joint authorship 'loblaq , D. W.o .epott eo tbe nolOPat J Uc:ur,1o e tbrouch New
The author ship of the piper hi. heen divided as fol: lfezlco. Arlme •• aIM! Vtob. IUDlr:Ut ot ltu'WII· ""-.b Q . .rt .01 .I". pp .
......,. u . "..
",08--{lli. 190..
I?wf : Chapter 1 and the sections on the Tri_i c, Juras. ... _~ Bhhne1', II. W., Permo-C.rto.,teroue
IIC, &nd Tertinry in chapter 2 have been written mainly .u.;:, Amerlea Bull., ~L 10, PO. ('7' ........ ,8.0' ....
tbwu.e n "tllO•• : ~ol.
r 3 and the section s on the pre. • Llwaoo. A. C. TIle IOId 1o the Shlo.rum p at Pari.: Ero•.
by Gregory. Cbpte 901. 8, pp. 414-"8, 1915.

PR!ilVIOl:8 WORK 3
Since the begirullng of the field studies on which the sequence iii closely similar to that of .the Kaiparowits
present report is based, twenty papers' that relate region have also been published.'
ilirectly to this region have appeared. Several papers The papers by Noble, Reeside and Bassler, Gilluly
relating to bordedng areas in which the stratigraphic and Reeside, and that published under the joint au-
thorship of Longwell, Miser, Moore, Bryan, and Paige
• LooQ:well. C. R .• "'lIe'r, B. D .• Moore, R. C., Bt'f ... Kirk. lind
PIIlp, 8idney. nock formatioDa Ia. the Colorado PlatSlI of lOutheo.a(.ern are of particular value for comparative .tuilies.
t'tab aDd DOrtbern At'iaoll&: U. S. Gaol. lune,. Prot. Pnper 132. pp.
1-23, la2B. Moore, B. C.• Stratl(p'aPbJ' or • part ot ..mtht·ru Utah: Tile Green IU",..r Delert eectlon, Utah: Alii.. Jour. 8cl., 4th ler., ?OI. 40.
.... Aaoe. PetroleulD Oeoloi;l8t1 Bull.. yol. 6, pp. 199-221, 1922. pp. 1:I1-G7T. 1018. Ilab, C. L.., HlrlKOa or the . . rlDO Jura.le of
Bryn, Kirk. Wind eroaloQ at Leee F.rrr: Am. Jour. Bet. ~t'h 'et'., Uta': Joar. GeolocY. nil. ::1. pp. 83 .....' IOU, Tbe pre-Ko_topl
yol. 6. pp. 281--30T. 1923. GresorY. B. B .• IDd Nollie. L. P., Notea 00 (p~Permlao 1) uDcollforlDU,. of tbe Colorado Pl.tflI..: Jour. GooJon'•
• Seolcc1cal h11VerM trom MoJava. CaW'.. to. the mo.tb 01. tbe Saln vol 28, pp. 81-H. 1D20. Butler. B. I .. aDd otbera,. Ore depoatta .1
lua.a: Alii. Jour. Sci., !Jth .er., vOl. ft. pp. 22t-238. 1823. Bryna, 10 .... Uta'; U. S. Gee!. 8~rve1' Prof. P.~r Ill, 1120. Noble, 1.. 1'., ... IHo
Dl8CUnloD. OD l"Od:-dlled dalD, Leu J'err1: .I. •• Soc. etvn EnE. Ttana.• Uoo of the Paleosok: tormatione ot tbe Gt'ODd Cau10S1i1 at t1M 81._
Yol. 10, pp. 181~lm. 1128. La Rut:. a. C., Water ,01"(>1' and looct tun: u. S. CeoL But"Q' Prot. Paper lBl, pp. 21-33, Ina. a~ld..
fOotrolot Cclorado River ,b elo.... GreeD Rtver. Uleb: U. S. Geol. Su",e, J. B., Jr., aDd UQNlrJ'. Barny. 8trat"rapble aecUoa.I la IDUthw.l.n
Water-Buppl, Paper Me. 182ft. Noble, L ..... A .cellon ot lb, !talbab Utf.' luul nortb.estera ArlaoD..: U. S. GeoL 8Drve1 Prot. Paper 129.
JllIlfttene to. B:albab Oatch, utab: '0. s. 0.01. Bune, Prot. Paper laO, pp. G!-71, 1922. IlIRl', H. D., Oeolotlc Itracture ot Ina Juao C••fOO
,p.. \11-60. 1928. Uoon. Il. C., Orlilo. of haeloaed. mell,u4en OD al~m. aDd Idjae.ot couot17, UUb. I U. I. Oeo1. .Umt Bun. TDI, pp. 1 • ..,11&,
ot m. Colorade PJateaa: Jour. GeoloD, vol. 34, p,. I8-IT, 1828. 19201.. LoDlr"en. C. R. o TM ,re·Trlaal1e gDcootOnD.it1 . . . .tbern
Moore, R. C., IIlpUlcanet of 11lclOtM!Cl meandera 11l the pbraJoll'uphl.c Nevada: Alii. . .rOOf. ScI•• Dtll au., vol. 10. pp. 88-100, 1I2~
bletorJ af Ule Colorado Plateau eotInu1: Jour. GeololY. ftJ. N, ,p. • GlIIul),. JemH . . .41 Jleeelde, I. B., Jt., 8e4JmeataJ7 1'OC.' of the
l1-JlO, 10M. Berry. Jt. w.. CrcadB 1.a tlM 8hlaanlmp CQnglolMrat(! SID Rd•• Swen an4 lOme .cIJaent arlal Ia. eIIaterD Utall t u.. e. Geol.
cd' lOutbem Utah: "'U'1DltOD Acad. Bet Joor., ,"oL 11, pp. 103-307, SutTe, Prot. Pmpel' 180, pp. 81-110, 1928. Lo_I"U, C. R.• OeoJOI'J
1.2T. Grelor" B. II., 'fbe ka"ajo C!OlIlItr,...... lftCI'aphle aod h,.dro· ot tbe :\fadel,. MountalDe,. Ne... wltk a aeetloo to Ille OraD.. Wula
lraphlc HCOUllO.luauCt 0' ",rtl or A rllonct., New liIulea, aDd Utab: Clta. ill WHtera Arlsona: Am. J'our. lei., Dtb ICI'•• 9'01. 1. pp. 30-81,
U. a. GeoL Burft,. W.ter-Suppl, Paper 880, 1'18: Geo}OlJ .r nte IIJ:!I. Ct'OIII. Whit..... 8tradcraphlc r.uUI of • recouDlllMaace ia
Na"jo EOUDt17-a. recoonallllflDCe ot parte ot Arlaobl, New lIe:aleo, 1fC8tem CoJorndo and . .atera Utab: Jour. OaoloU, .... 1. 11. pp.
and UtAh: U. S. Geo)' SIW"'"", Prot. Paper 88. 1011. Emery. W. B., I 83+-8'T8, 1.0T.


northeast boundary is Halls Creek. As thus appl·?xi.
matelv outlined the region has 0. length of 90 nul•.",
The Kaiparowits region lies mostly in GIl'field a bre~dth of SO miles, and an .8 rea of 5,400 square
County and Kane County, southern Utah, but inel~des miles, nearly an in Utah. It is a vast expan... of
a sma.ll part of Coconino County, Ariz. (See fig. 1
undeveloped grazing land utilized .by a spa),se popu·
and pI. I.) It is approximately included between par· lation tha.t clusters ill a few small set·
t1ements where water for irrigation is
available. It is remote from the popu·
lation centers of Utah and Arizona.
The villages of Tropic, Cannonville,
and HendevilIe, near the head of the
Pari .. Va.lley, mark the terminus of
an automobile road 90 miles long that
reaches the Den"el' & Rio Grande
Western Railroad at :Marysvale, Utah.
From Marysvale a highway oIso ex·
tends 80 miles to Escalante and con·
tinues 35 miles to Boulder as a wagon
The five settlements-Tropic, Can·
non~ille, Henrieville, Escalante, and
,Boulder, situated at the base of tile
High Plateaus-are the only per·
manent centers of population, and the
l'Onds to them nre the only ones that
are kept in 1·epair. To reach the few
intermittently cultivated dry brms
and the temporary .tock ca.mps, l'Oads
haye been marked out down the
Escalante Valley, along Pine Creek
and Halls Creek, and down Paria.
I Creek. With suitable wagons it is pos·

I sible to reach W"rm Creek and t he

Circle Clill's and to cross the Wa ter·
pocket Fold, and at times supplies
have been brought to the settlements by
wagons from Kanab, 40 miles west;
from Green River, 100 miles north;
and even from Flagstaff, Al'i •. , 250
J 10:) MILLS
L'~'~'~~~' ______-J' miles south. Except for the county
Ftouu I.-Map .bo .... l ... l'\e locllUon. ot th~ Kalparowtu Jf1.;Lon (Iba<ll!d 3rea) roads to Morys\'a1e and to Panguitch
and those in the immedia.te vicinity
allels 87· and 8S· and meridians 110· 45' and 112" of the villages, however, the recognized "ways of
80'. Its south and southeast ooundary is formed by going" may be called roads only for the want of a
Glen Canyon of the Colorado River; its west and better name. They are in reality trails with alternat·
nortb boundary follows the valley e>f ti,e Paria River. ing stretches of sand, bare rock, and steep illclines
the edge of the Paunsaugunt Plateau, the west ba .... over which with few mishaps a .kirlf111 dri"er may
of the Table Cliff Plntuu. imd the rim of the Aqusrius conduct a stl'ongly built, Iigh~ly loaded wagon. For
Plateau to its junction with the Wa.terpocket Fe>ld: its most of the Kaipal'owits region .addle horse" an(l
"ack trains arc the only practicable means of trans- dition. to the regions t.hat lie to the north. The firot
~rt_ (See pI. 4, C, D.) Only one established trail expedition, unde.r Nuiio de Guzman, met with disaster
crosses the Kaiparowit. Plateau. before reaching tlIe Rio Grande. Marcos de Niza
The deep·cut iutedocking canyons tributary to the was more fortunate. Accompanied by three other
Colorado, the buttressed walls of the Kaiparowita priests, the Borbary negro Estevanico, and a small
Plateau, and its distance from settlements make the body of soldi...·., he t .... venied Sonora and western
eastern half of Kane County peculiarly difficult of Arizona, reaching Zuiu in 1540. Jlis descl'iptions of
access, and the information obtainable from the few the &Cenery and especially of the intereoting pueblo
stock men who have penetrated parta of this region ~il1ages led to the ela,b orately organized expedition of
is meager and unreliable. The explorer must rely Franciseo Vt\squez de Coronado, president of New
on his e"perience and knowledge of topography to Spain. From Zuiii as a base, Coronado disp&t ched
lind routes nnd water holes. expeditions into surrounding regions. Junn de Pa-
dilla and Pedro de Tovar discovered the unique Hopi
villages, and Garcia L6pea de Cardenas came, in his
The topographic base map that accompanies this journey northweshurd along the Moenkopi trail, to
, report was prepared from plane-table .urvey. by Il great river whose blnks extended "three or four
Moore, supplemented by maps of the counlry along leAgues into the ai .. " and Wei.. "broken into pinnacles
Glen Canyon made by the Colorado River survey. higher than the tower of the cathedra! of Seville."
of 19'21, by a m..p of the Powell National Foreot made ljndoubtedly Cardenas wa. the first white man to see
by the Forest Sel·vice, and by the reoonnaissance maps nny part of the Colorado cllnyons.'
of the Powell Survey. (See pl. 1.) After the expedition of Coronado (1540), Spanish
In the Cir(·le Clift's, along the Waterpocket Fold, exploration included visits to Lhe COflst of California
and in the middle part of the Escalante Volley An area (Cabrillo, 1542-43; Velosco, 1564), excursions among
of about 6;;0 .quare miles was mapped on a scale of the pueblos between the Rio Grande and the little
1 inch to the mile, wit h plone toble and alidade. AI· Colorado (Espej 0, 1582-83), and the founding of
titudes were determined by vertical angles b..sed on a Santa Fe by Juan d. Onate (16U). E:lplorations in
bench mark of the United States Coast and Geodetic the Gulf of California were made by Vizcaino (1595-
Survey in Halls Valley .nd loe.tions by stodia trav- 96), Iturbi (1615), Ortega (1632), Carboneli (1636),
erse and trioniulation. Section corners were located Can•• (1642), Casanate (1648), and Pinodero (1664).
southeast of Escalome and northeast' of the Cirele The Jesuits (1642-1766) added little to the e:listing
(~ilfs, and their position •• nd those of control points store of geographic knowledge, but the Franciscans
in the inten·ening area were established by primary (1707-1812) undertook mftny expeditions into un-
triangulation. In the region east of the Paria River known territory now included in New Me:lico, Ari-
and along the south flank of Lhe Kaiparowits Plateau zona, Utah, and California. So far I.S known only
about 1,450 square miles was mapped wilh plane table one of these famoU3 entradas ruched the land. beyond
and olidade on L scale of 1 inch to the mile, and a the canyons of the Colorado.
reconnaissance topographic map' was prep&red. This Silvestre Velez de Escalante, min.i8tro doctrinero of
survey showed th.t even the largest otream CQUI'SeS Zulli, ond Francisco Dominguez, visitador
and the most prominent cliff. and meSBS were inac- comisa .. io of New Mexico, set out from Sa.nts Fe on
curately or quite erroneously represented on the July 29, 1776, for the purpose of discovering a better
earlier maps. mute f New Mexico to Monterey than the one by
The geologic mapping may be rlassed as detailed way of Gila, Mojave, and San Gabriel. In addition
reconnaissl\noe. For parts of the region knowledge to these two priests the party included Juan Pedro
of the stratigraphy and structure is insufficient for Cisneros, alcalde mayor of Zuni, ne!na.rdo Miera y
precise mapping; for other parts more of the geology Pacheco, capitin milidano of Sant.. Fe; and live
i, known than is practicable to represent on the base soldiers--Joaquln Lane, Lorenzo Olinre.., Lucrecio
map. The geologic boundaries in much of the region Muniz, Andros MUiiiz, and Juan de Aguilar y $im6n
Ire based on mapping with plane table and aJidade 00 Lucero.' From the ' clear description by Esc&!.ante
a sca.le of 1 inch to the mile. Though the geologic hi. route is readily traced. It led through the La
map does not attain a uniformly high degree of ac- Plata Mountains, across the eastern part of the Great
tuncy, it probably records fairly the significant fea- Sage Plains to the base' of the La Sal Mountains,
tures in the ~ology of southeastern Utah. (See pl. 2.) thence northwestward acrees the Colorado and Green
HISTORICAL SKETCH '.01 ac!diUooa' _tal .. _tid rererencCli, lee Gre'lOl'J. H. 11., The
NenJo ~DtI7----- ~ocr.pblc and hydrOi(rAphlc: roeoDDahianDCt of
IUlUIII EIIT.AIIAS parb! of ArIJoDIII. New )(edco, aod Utah: U. I. G.I. a.nej' Water·
IIIppl.1 Paper Iso. 1911.
The occupation of central Me:rico by the Spaniards Il:aeaIaate 8. V. ... DI,rlo, la DocumeatM JW)ra I, IIlatDrla ,.
ill 1514 was followed by a series of exploratory upe- .Uslco, pr. t . .,.01. I, p. 178.
Rinrs and through the Wasatch Pla.teau to Utah I TBI TUl'PERS

Lake. During the second and third decades of the nine-

It is ditlicult to picture tho motives tha.t 100 Ese&lanto teenth century trappers llnd fur ,t raders crossed the
to take this extremely circuitous l'oute. He ma.y have IWckies a.nd pushed their way into the Valley of the
been in1luencod by current rumol'S of a. great ri ~er Colorado but their wanderings, which m8.rk a note-
north a.nd east of Monterey, which might lea.d hIm worthy ~riod in western exploration, added nothing
to the California. coast, and by vague accounts of tribes to the knowledge of southern Utah. After the over-
and villages north of Tusaya.n, but a. re&ding of .the throw of Spanish power in 1821, a few traders ex-
Diuio gives the impreasion tht zeal for e¥ploratJOn, tended their operations westward from Santa F. p~r­
the pure joy of seeing unknown lands a.ud unknown haps as far aa the lower San Juan, ond Chittenden ,.
people, exe,·ted a. strong inftuence. Whatever the rea- expresses the belief tha.t in 1824 William Bicmell, a.
sons that brought Esca.Iante's party to the west base trappel', wintered on the Colorado below the mouth
of the, it was evident to the lea.der that fur- of the Green River. The Mission Fur Co. and its suc-
ther tra.vel to the north a.nd west would lead • way cessor, the American Fur Co., operated chiefly within
from his prospective goal. He therefore turned south, the Missouri River Basin. The business of the Rocky
crossing BtrelUIl5 leading from the mountains_ Find- Mountain Fur Co. centered on the Upper Green River
ing that the India.ns knew nothing of roads to the in Wyoming a.nd extended westward to Salt Lake
sea or to the 8pa.nieh settlements at the south, the and northwestward into Idaho.
contemplated journey to California was aba.ndonOO Camps and winter quarters were established on the
.... ith keen regret a.nd the decisioo reached to return streams of the Uinta Mountains and on the Grand
to Santa Fe t1l1'Ough the Moqui villllgea. This deci-
River, a.nd partie!l WGrG at work along the Colorado be-
sion necessitated crossing the Colorado and long JOUI'-
low Camp Mojave. The intervening stretch of about
neys through unknown lands. With tho scant sup-
600 mil~ WIS unmolested. It offered few attractions
pli.. remaining, supplementOO by seed. and pitlon
to the trappel's, It was not beaver country nor buffdo
nuts, the party made their wily dong the blse of the
I'Inge. The river "could not be approached," its
Wasatch to the Virgin River, thence elllltward fl'om
Lordering countt)' was" desolate," " desert," and t"av-
the vicinity of 8t. George, heading ca.nyons, crossing
6t-sed by "impassable chasms." Little food was to
plateaus, following dry valleys, ILnd finally reaching
be obtained, and few India.ns were there to be robbed_
the Colorado September 26. After a 12 days' search
The fur hunters were interested in bea..ers, not
tor a possible cl"OIISing among the cli/s and sharply cut
scenery. With the exception of Jp.mes O. Pattie,"
tributary gorll"8 of Marble Gorge and Glen Canyon,
an old Indian ford was found at the point aince known who in 1826 made his way northeastwu.rd from Mojave
as the CroS!1ing of the Fnthe.... The route southeast to the Green River along the general course of the
from the crossing presented no great difficulties, and Colo"ado, no trapper is mown to have been on or near
the party reachOO Oraibi November 1ft, 1776, and Zuiii the gl'elLt river between the mouth of the Green a.nd
January 2, 1777. The traverse of the plateal1ll lind the mouth of the Virgill_ Pattie's narrative is a las-
gorges north of Grand and Glen Canyons and the cinatinlt story of trapper life, but Wlfortunntely it is
cl'OII8ing of the river is perhaps the most difficult so deficient in geographic description that the route
undertaking credited to the intrepid Spanish padres. followOO can not be traced. After it 1....08 Black
The Hurricane Cliffs and Kanab Canyon are formi- Canyon the tl' is picked up with assurance only at
dable obstacles, and from the Paria outward the region the headwaters of the Platte.
ill deeola.te and abandonOO even by Indiam i it is a Frtlmont" summarizes the knowledge of 1843 in
«no man's land" that sapar.tea the Utes from the the following terms:
roving N syo.jos. Access to the Crossing of the Fathers The Colorado Is but little known, Ind tha.t l1ttle de.rlved
is through a narrow gorge, down precipitous slopes, frOiD \"l.C\le report. Tbree hundred mUM ot Ita lower part, as
and crossing is feasible only at low· or on· ice It approRchea the Gult ot California, Is reported to be Imooth
and tranquil i but its upper part 1. manIfestly brokeD Into
during abnormal winters. (See pI. 4, 0.) Lieutenant mllll7 mUll and rapid&. From many descrtpUons ot trappers.
Marshall,' who in 1872 found th.. ford but did not It 1.1 probob1e that In its toamlul course omODI It. loCtJ preci-
cross, described the region 8S "one of remarkable pices It preaents many 8Ceuea ot wUd C1'aDdeur; and though
gl'811deur and almost unique in its loneliness." So far Ooft'ering maD)' tera.ptatlona sDd otten discussed, no trappers
as known Esc.lante was the first white mon to traverse I
• C..ltt~ntltQ, H. W.• T~ A.orlean rllf' trd. of the fir We.t. vol 2.
southern Utah and the only e:tplorer to enter Glen pp. 5QO-607. 1902.
Canyon before Powell's memorable tra..e...." nearly a U PaUle. J. 0 •• Peno •• l aclveulurH of Jam... O. PaUM, ol K:.otuck,.
e4J.led b, Tlmot~ i'llDt. 1813.
century later. .. FNmoat. J , C., R'-'1)ort of the uplol'l_. upedltloa to tbe Hoek,.
llooalal •• ,. 18"2: :!8t~ Coal., 2d .na., I. Doe. 17.. , pp. 129-130.
I U. e. ~ auue,. W. lOOtb v ....."'Pt.• .,oL 1. p. as. IS8&. lUG.
baYe been round bold enouab to undertake a ,"olare which bas
these ideas in nUlld, Powell returned to Utah in 1870
80 c:ertain • pr06pect of • fatal termination.
"lid from headquarters on the upper Kanab explored
I ves" pays his ~pecta to the Grand Ca.nyon in the canyons of the Virgin and thG Uinkaret Plateau
the vicinity of Cataract Creek in the following terms.: JOvestigated .
• trail to the bottom of the canyon near
Oun b.s beea !be IIrst ...d wlll doubtl... be tbe I..t party Toroweap, and on his retul'O crossed the river at the
of white. to .,.lslt thl. prodtleu Jocality. It &eeID8 lotended mouth of the Paria on a ferryboat built of lumber
by nature that the Colorado RI"er, alon" the ,reater part brought from Kanab.. After consulting with the in-
ot Its Jonel1 and majestic W1l7. shall be forever UDTlatted and.
dispensable Mormon scout, Jacob Hamblin, it was
decided to have supplies taken by pack train to the
mouth of the Uinta, the mouth of the Dirty Devil,
During 1867, 1868, and 1869 Maj. J. W. Powell the Ute ford (Crossing of the Fdhers), and the mouth
ws.s enllaged in general scientific exploration in west- of the Paria.
ern Colorado and eastern Utah under the auspices, of This second expedition left Green River, Wyo., May
the Smithsonian Institution. While engaged in this 22, 1671, and the mouth of the Green River Septem-
work he mllde the memorahle trip down the Green bel' 19. Inability of the pack train to reach the mouth
and Colorado Rivers. Leaving Green RiveI', Wyo., of the Dirty Devil with provisions compelled the
the old Indian crossing, May 24, 1869, Gunnison'. el<pedition to abandon one boat and to hasten the
crossing of 1~, now Green River, Utah, was pused journey to the Crossing of tbe Fathers, whel'e supplies
July 13, the mouth of the Green River July 18, the h ..d been cached. The party continued to the mouth
Dirty De~il14 (now Fremont) July 28, the Siln Juan of the Paria and thence to Kanab for winter quarters.
July 31, Ilnd the Little Colorado August 10. This Powell left the river party at the Crossing of the
e:ttraordino.ry journey ended August 30 at the mouth Fathers, followed the Ute to Puio, and pro-
of the Virgin River. The course of the Colorado from ceeded to Salt Lake City. He thus became the first
the mouth of the Green River to the mouth of the geologist to tl'O verse the southwest base of the Kai-
Yirgin was covered in 23 days, it distance of ~39 miles, parowits Plateau.
more than 23 miles a day. The task of getting the The plan to l'ecover the boat left at the mouth of
boats along, overcoming obstacles, procuring food, the Dirty Devil led to the first eumination of the
and recording distances and directious left little time upper tributaries of the Poria, the hea.dwatera of the
or enel'gy fol' scientific observations beyond the im- Escalante, the Waterpocket Fold, and the Henry
mediate river bitn1<s. As stated by Powell:" Mountains. Starting from l{anab in May, 1872, rune
men in ch ..rge of A. H. Thompson made their way
Our last tr(p waa 10 hurrIed, owLDC to the loa of nUon., up to Johnson Canyon through Swallow Park and
and the seleDtlftc Iu&uumenta were so badlJ' luJured that we
were not IOtJ&tIed with the resuUs obtalDed~ AO we Uall ·
along the base of the Paunsaugunt Plateau, where
once more attempt to plea throucb the canyon_ in boats. Thomp"on says:
. derotIng two or three learl to the trip. Trnnt wa. exceedingly slow aud: c!lmcult. Our procress
19'0.otten barred by a canTon, along wbose brink we were
Altbough the scientific results were meager, this compelled to follow till some brollen-down !dope afforded a
first traverse of the Colorado bronght an end to the WI7 to delCeDd. thea up or down tbe canyon until another
fants.stic .torie3 of swiftly revolving whirlpools, long brokeD alopo permitted no to a ....lId. tbea across • m... to
underground passages, and plnnging waterfalls. It another caDyon, repeatloc the mu.nelver • d.ozeD timea In halt
that Dumber of mile..
proved that the river could be n ..vigated by darin"
souls with less di1liculty and perhaps less danger than The Paria was reached near the mouth of Yellow
is involved in traverein" its banks &CI'OSS waterless , Creek and the traverae continued to the head of
tributary canyons and along dry e1iffs perched thou- Table Clilf Creek [Henrieville Creek].
sands of feet above the stream. As expressed by Bere we eUmbed 1.000 reet up a ItHp cla7 rld.. hulBl
the Piutes, the god T .... -wo..ta had made the Colorado an averace 810pe 01 20- aDd ottell DOt more thin IS teet
[wld.l at tbe top to lb. head ot • Darrow nUo,. ""lied
gorges &.II a trail &cro&S the arid I..nds and when later Potato Vane7 [Upper Vallet. a brauek or tke EB<alantel.
that trail was closed by sending a mighty stream to Do"" tbl..... traveled S mil"" ao4 mad. Camp' at a """I
OCI'upy it, no route to the beautiful land to the west "PriDe In tb. mldot or a heautltol ....
remained. From this camp at the ba.. of the towering pink
To obtain fuller Imowledge of the region obviously precipices of the Table Cliff Plateau, now the site of
nquired more time, a.nd this involved stores of pl'O- summer ranches, Thompson'· studied the 8Urround-
visions suitably placed along the ri yer route. With log country. H. saVA:
To tbo north ODd S mil.. ~lstaDt Table OIUr Platen .....
DI?a. J. c.. Report upoo tb. ColorafJo BiTer of the 'West: S6tb
3,000 feet above u, Its fa~ 8 8Decealfon of IDaeeellSibJe preeS..
c.•.. tat Ita., B, !!JI. Doe. eo. 1161.
The 1UUUe .. Dirty DevU," ",Tet) b7 I.dl 811auer. of Powell'. PIU'17,
"108 app~rl"lc tor tbt. es:ceptiooaU7 ..a6-.lade. _I,.n... tT_1ft.
\I Pow.D. Z. W.O I:splorati. . of the Colorado Rlyel' ot ~ Welt ad
at THm.(MK)D. ,t.., H., Report 00 • trip 10 tN moetb. ot' tbe Dlr11 DcTiI
Rt.,er, la r ••ell, I. W.o Eaploralloa or the Colorado Bt fJf tb. W.t
hi tr1hatarl-. p. J04I. SmJ~DIaD Iuat .• lSTI. 1104 it. trlbut.,Iew.,. pp. 133-1t6, 1875,
~ ----~~---


plcea, Ind .toop, broken, ir... elld .lopotI, From the ba.. of
t.e eUIb IOUI rI~ run out to tbe edge or the v.II07, To the
1tbrou.,;b a deep.
tnc our party to
Darrow caD10D to tbe Colondo RiTer. Be1in~
be tbe discoverers, we decided to eon thla
ea.t. abOTe camp, tbe, roU off into a lo~', Darrow p1et.eIU. stream In hODor ot "ather Esc.laote, the Old SPflDlsh explorer,
lIoUllded on the ..... br • weU-muked \lue of duro, ber!DOlnl E&callnte Rtver 80(} tbe ecuntr)" wblcb it dr.lna r.ciJ.laote
near tho toot of Table ClIff ' Plateau aDd "'DUnolng "",th_ B..lo,
e(} mil... to. polDt OD the Colorado Blftr oppoalte Ibe Navajo The "'estern bound.ary ot tbe bl'lsln Is the 'fertleal waU rorm~
Wou.tallt. At tbe wutera termlDU8 tb. 110e .. tomewhu.t Inl tbe ",terJl edge oi tbe KaipArowits Platea u. i'rom tb.,
broken, but toward the ... t It loereo... lu hetcht tlU It last It yer1 base ot the clift' the dr.toBle I, to the Escolante River by
Dada tor ao miles an lnaece:&alble rerUCIll Win, 2,!JOO feet Darrow, deep elDYoos. preaentJng apparently lmpossable bar ..
hlltb. Ita I.stern hounclorr 1M • line of cUtts. eommeoetnr Rt Flers to Irn"e) toword the aoutb. To the nortb and 20 mile.
the foot of Potlto Villey and prelentJDI an .hOOlt IlDbroketl away rose tue castero slope of the Aquarius PlntcDu. It.
tront to tbe Colorado Rh·.r at a 1)(Jinc but .. mUe. lbo". tbe Icneral trend Js north aDd south, but Iwnl to tbe oorthweat
t¥'rmlnUM ot the .-nteru line, tbwr g1\'tn, to the plateau a trape- RntJ about 40 mile. from oor point ot observatlon a gNat
zoldol out:1oe. b&T!oc a leo,,"tb of M rulles, I breadth It: the _Uenl an",1e proJec..U H8't1\'ard to~' .rd tbe Henry Mount a ins,
bue ot 15. at tbe opex 4. nnd atandln, at an attitude ot 0.000 the slopes at Its bose seem lol' to continue out 8 long distance
te('t aboye ketO leyel. For Itl or 20 miles the we.em eDd J. and form. JaW', brokrn ridle betwccn canyon. rUDo1o;: iiotltb-
rut by • perfect n(~lWork ot cu,nyolls nod "'bort llneli ot cUlb, wllrd tOo tbe Escntonte Rh"er and otbel'1i rucnlng nortbward.
mnldn. travel ftcr08l it .Imoat Im~Hlble. The mIddle aDd Here, It Anywbere, tbls caDyon rt;1on eouid be crcSfed, :wd 1
hHtorn portlOl1l a,... qUIte level, Ind wben once 00 tile awnmit (I«:,ided to CO eastward II10ni the alol>C or Ibe Il-eat plAteau to
prOlPUI In 101 dlreet:tOll 18 eo.,. 80 far 1 .. 1 han heeD ab:e the salient spoken of nnel thea Rttempt tho pllSSOI;e along :he
to (lII.certaln. we were tbe lIut whIte ntco to nsit Ule ploteau. 1·ldge.
'l1J. Indian ume fur a $OJaH elevation near the oorth end 11
J[at-p4r-o·wltll (CIOtlOD l'etk], 10 'Te taIled tbe wbole plotnu With the position of the Henry Mountoins estnb-
111 that Ufile. lished. ThompsolL chosen route along the base of the
Continuing the course down the upper valley, the Aquarius Plateau across the Waterpocket Fold to the
p..rty reached the stl'eam which Hamblin had mis- Henry "fountains and Trachyte Creek and rea checl the
tllken for the Dirty Devil IUId down which he had Colorado near the place where the Oan01l.ila had been
I cached the previous yenr, Finding til. boat iILt.d,
f()ul:ht hi. wly for 50 miles through quicksand and
tortuous channels in all unsncce!i8ful atte,mpt to bring four ruen of the party used it for an uneventful trip to
s"pplies for Powell'. boat party of 1871, ThompliOn thc mouth of the Pari .. and later down the river to
and his fellow topographer. DeUeub.ugh, realized that the mouth of the Kanilb, Thompson with the l'e-
the £tI'eom they had boon following was not I,he Dirty I
maindel' of the party retraced Ihe route to the E'SCII-
Devil but R pl'eviously unknown tributary to the lante ar..d after milking ostronomical observations. es-
Colo1'8do, the mouth of which had not been noted by tablishing topographic atotions, nnd sketching the !ea-
the expeditions of 1800 and 1811, A view from the tm..,s of the Escalante Bosin, continued on to Kanab,
top of I cliff ..t the crest of the Ifold, near \Vbeelet'" states that Lieutenant linrshlll of hi.
the present village of E....,alanl •• made their position stal!' rowe 0 tl'..erse {I'om the Parin settlement to the
r1ear, Thompson 11 writ •• : Crossing of the Fathers ill 1872, and his "progress
On rftleblIl. the we touud we were 00 tbc "'estern"" indicate Lhat during the same year all of
rIm of I .....In-Uk. ""Ion, 70 mil.. 10 1e"lIth by 00 In breadtb southern Ut..h and northern Arizona between Nevada.
1..:1 extendIng tram. UK' eosteru. .lorA ot tbe AqulrlUl Plateau and ~he Waterpocket Fold and north of the Coloraclo
on the larth to the CoIontdo River on the lJOUtb and trolD tbe was mapped by hls topographic porties, but there is
Hf'nr), MouutalDl cn the ea_t to our potnt at ohse"aUOD 00
the ""e-.t. A larae portion of tbls area II Dated Mouton. rock,.
no other evidence to show that tho Wheeler sUI'Ye), ()f
t,..... l'fIO(j )0 dlrectlons by • IlCrtect llbyrlnth of oa:row 1872 was extended to cover the Kaiparowits region,
J'OI"Je., IIOmetlwei aeellltni to l"l'(lU Ncb ot.ber but IIDaUy unlt- ond Dellenbaugh" is authority for I,he statement thot
hll' In I l\rlnclpol on8, wba»e b:nck line could be- troced.. Cuttlnlf the data on thls part of Wheeler's map were tnken
it.. " '''1 to t~ COlorado. tew mlltl nb('lYt the moutb of the San from sketch maps prepared by Thompson, The mop
JUIlU Rlnr.
Away to the and 50 lillie. dlliltant rose the Btory U:oun- itself iii obviously the product of long-distance sketch-
hll ... tbelr cra, lluPl'tl Ih'eaked 'A'lth Ion" lInel ot white bl -ing, It is also prob ..ble that tho mop of the region
tho ttUO\Y whleb y('t n..'IIlttJooo In the 8UlcbCll benr theh' aumnl1ta. from the mouLh of the Sun JUln alon" the Water-
On our ' ·U)...... doWD tbe Colonulo River lu 1811 we hfld pocket Fold, which i. credited to Lieutenant Hallie
(J('t['rn.t~cl the moutb tlr tll(!l Dh·ty Dl"' il Ri\'l~r to b~ Rbont 30
(1873), i. iu part at based on Thompson'. data,
mile. DOrtllf',ult trow Ibt~ · Dluunt lllu,;. teah ' uK It at least SO
tulle. trom our Pre:I@Dt Cl.nlP and dtrt't.1:ty nCl'g" tbe ue(wOI'k GIlbert" credits the triangUlation of that region to
ot CIl1))'01l' bPi'ore u,. 'ro proceea rutbt'r lu t~ direction we Thompson and the topography to W, H, Gr ..ves,
bad been puraulD&' \\·ftS lmposalb~. No Inimal without wine- SIrnngely enough, no mention i. made by Wheeler <}f
eould enulti tbe d'-"t~[l lUlcbes In the ~n&totle balihl at our the work of Thompson or of the observations malIc I:'y
lef,t. Tbe etrelUll "'hid! we had foJluwt"d Iud wbor.e toune
!lOOn hemlDe loel 1u il'e multitude of cbums betore U$ was DOt ::,:. s . G("Of::. Surv~)'. W. IQOth lies:. RI!(,tt,. Yol, 1. p. 52, 188'J.
Ule one we were 10 se"reb or but In unknown, uonamed rlnr, U. I . GI!O" nd (}col.
1813. Bu""". W. loot h. lin• Tot:4)J:;t"vbtca
.. l Alln
t1rnIDtnQ' the cnsttrD ,lope ot the A\luftrlus Plateau and O:Owin,
: Dellt"Dbau,,,, .... S .• peOiOoal l.."Ow ....lnlc:atlC'OIi. April 2:' 1918.
u noaPliOIli. A. Y.• 0,. cit .. N, 111-139. aUbert. O. K .. R~" on the C('Ole.:y of t'lle neary lfOllDt. l~
ed" pI- 1. 1810.
U , ti, (a·:OI.OGTC,'.J. suftv.t::r l' no,.. t;SSIQN .\L P.\I'ER 11>\ PLATE a

.- -----


powell's pol'ties of 1869, 1871, or 1872. . In fnot, prepured by the Geologicnl Survey, in 1921, these
Wheeler ignores lhe work done by nll the pntties of sheets haye constituted the sole snulnble information
the Powell Survey. regarding t·he topography aud drn.inage of tltis region.
I'i IS74 Thompson, assisted by ~T. H. Gran's and They present in bold outline the dominn.nt features
J. H. Renshawe, completed mlps of the Aquarius nud ndmu-ably portray the qua.lity of relief, but out-
Plateau and the northern t.ribuluries of the Escalante .• ide <>f lhe routes t,·.versed by Thompson and promi-
Bnd extended the survey to lhe Henry 1I[ountoins. nent features visible from easily accessible vie\vpoints,
The following information regarding explorotion the information they g1"e is of little value us a guide
nnel mapping in 1875 has been gi¥en by F. S. Dellen- to further explorations or as a base on which !,reologic
. baugh: n data III"Y be. presented. The conditions that SUr-
I hn\' c rl"bOlU[JSOU"s .Uury of' (be trip be made 1u 1875. 1'belr rounded the work prohibited more than gene,,.1 re-
supply comp lith. SCluon ","'ns 011 tbe southeast s.trle of Rabbit connaissance. The sho,·t siops lIIade by the river par-
Ynlley. Gllbe-rt ,tarted tot ~he Benry Moun tnl 11S On Au lot~st t.ies permiUed only generalized observations along
12. 1875. Thompsou went to 8 camp nbout )2 mil es abot'o
Parlu ~ttleml'ut.. th1.!ll to D. point IIbont 3 ml : ~ b('IQW tlle " old
Glen Cn.nyon Bnd at the few pillces where the canyon
se>ltlemeut," toon to . camp iu Sentinel Rod t ("rahwenp j Creek wnll could be scaled. The land parties likewise we,'e
.. wnsb." about 20 wiles.. He llud difficulty In Hndtng the hampered by lack of time. Thompson could give but
trail. showlug thllt he Wthi on one which was pr()bo.bly the eight dRyS to n survey of tbe Escalante Valley and the
El Yndo trull, dud he wcot fo thli place (EI Vndo] l_he next Kfliparowits Plateau-about 3,000 squllre miles of
day. Then he went to Warm Creek. then to 0 Iloin t below
Pnrhl setllpDlcut ognln, then bnck. to PUD;1lilch, when ce he
intricately diS>ected nnd structur.lIy complex country
bid come some few dnys before. Earlier . he wos in Tun tnlus in which the relief exceeds 6,000 feet. .
Volle)' (July 19) Rnd worked bls way to the slopcg ot thl' The geologic results of the early survey" mny be
A(lUUrluB, cnm,lIog on July 20 at wbot we culled )I084uito summarized as follows:
Camp ht" 1872 becnuse we were Ctltcll sth'e thC're 00 n ruiny Powell's trips down the canyons in 1869
night. He tben went to Boulder Creek, to hea d ot Potato
Creek, to False Creek [Horris Wllsh], ultd 10 Last Cbnnc(t lind 1871" gave the first knowl.edge of the geologic
Creek [Collett] • • n-lvlllg .t this I• • t on July 28, 187G. fcatmes of Glen Canyon nnd its .immediate vicinity.
On AUGust 2, he WB9 at bis c3mp 26 , "GilbcrL GrOT'eR. Howell" in 1875 recorded observations on the stro·
Jack [Hillers], find m)'sel t storted for tbe eud of the KII.1· tigrnphy nnd 5t.cueture of lhe region b.tween the b.""
poro~1ts Plutuou. Came about 25 miles dO~'n the 1'nlley, of the Aqua.ri us PlAteau and the Henry Mount,"ns,
l;){mbed the ant bench ond up about 300 teet of the second,
.... hell we cnme to a plnce we could not g~t o~er, W'OI'ked on
briefly desr.l'ibed the 'Valerpocket nnd Escalonte
It aad cot tile wule, Net, up, elUDe down to the lower bencb Folds, and measured a section in the upper Poria Vol-
aDd camped. Tied the mules up on account of no water. ley. Gilbert" in connedion with his study of the
A:l1Iust S. Fin isbed our trnU Ilnd got to the top or the plateau Henry ~[, in 1875 and 1816, outlined the sali-
at 9.30. R<lde till 2.30, muklng 15 miles be(ore we retu:bed ent physiographic fea~Ul'es of lhe Waterpocket lIexure,
lbe end of ' tbe plateau, 'Vos 00 th e end about two hours,
Got lCO<IeUc benrlng9 ond a lew tOpo,gr8.lIblca.1. Reached water tltt Escnlonte Basin, and the Knipnrowits Plale.u.
tbat Walter lGro:ves] hnd found In the mornlot, a bout halt He remarks:
put 1, when our mllies had a chlluce to drink. 'l'be 1trst Two munths would be for too sbol·t 8 period in wbich to
",,,ter .Ioee .resterddy D1orning. suney a thousand Iquare miles In Pe-nnsyh'aula or llUnols,
"Wednesday, August .. .. • -. It to(}k us about two but Illuong the Colorado plnteams It proved RumcieDt. A lew
hoara to ,ct down !)()() t eet of the tlrtit cUff, ond our cnwp coropl-ebensh'c 'Views from rnountaln tops ga"e Ule Iweral
wu lOme 0 miles from tbe comedown. We renched our caulp dldl1lbutlou of too tOfwotions, and the remnlni!er ot the time
of the, 3d lllstnnt ubout n, 111. Reached tJLmp at u'p. m." wos &ppnt in the examlDiltloll of rtll.e localltlea wbleb best dis·
The>" then went ou bock from tWa co_mp ()u Lo!!t Chnnce played tbe pecuUar features o( tile atructure. So tborougb
Creek (0 n camp on Pine Cl'eek a mile above itl Junction with w:l1I tbe diaplay and 80 lIati~laetory tbe uamluntioD thar lU
tbu Escalnnte. I, SO w Mormons from Pan gultcb, who tlrtl Ill'epnrtllg mJ' repc)l·t I 'b ove relt 1~1l tbon e\'er before tbe desire
talklnC' ab~nt makIn, n s~ttJelDcut hel'e. Ad vised them to call to reyh;1t the ft.e1d and pro\'e JOS coficlusiou!I by mOl'e extended
the place E..,alaDte." obSCTflltlon.
ThcD1~n went out theD across Lhe Aqunrius Plateau to
the luppl)' compo Dutton" in 1875, 1816, and 1877 mapped the we~t
The work of the Powe.1I Survey in the Kaiparowits end of the Kaipllrowits Plateau and the "egion about
region resulted in a reconnaissancetopographio map the headwaters of the Escalante und the Pnria, but
on a scale of about! miles to the ineh ",ith • contour the age Assigned to the stra.ta and the desc"iptions of
interval of 200 feet, published by the United Stotes • POwell, 1 . W .• I!:~ploratlon (It tbe Colorado River 01 lbe W<-at nOIS
Goologien! Survey as the Henry Mountains, Escalunte, It_ Iributat1I."., 1876.
"Howell. K E ., U. S. Gc-og. ud Ceo!. Suro;erl W. 100th llu. Rt"pL,
Echo Clift's, and Kanab mnps. From the time of their 901. 3, PI'. 227-:«11, Uni.
appearance in 1886 until lhe mops showing the nreas • GJlberl, G. K .• Rl!port on t be reo lo~1 01 tile R('OI'7 Mount.IDs, pp.
1~13. U. S. G~OI;. anI! C<=ol. 8ur"" ~ )' Rock)' Mtn. negl(1o, 1817.
to be flooded by the proposed Lees Fet'ry dam wel'e
• DuttOll, C. E., R eport on Ute. f«l logy or til" BIt!) Plateau. or Vtllb.
• P'~Dal Wll'lmUOICOII(lo.
U. S. G('(lI;. and O~ol. survey Roelly ~HQ . RII,.;lon, 1880•
plateau .... 11...nd canyon. suggest that bis conclusions and the C"ossing ,s de!ICribed by Hamblin" as
were blsed on obRerntions made at vi.wpointA on the follows:
Aquarius Plateau, many mileft distant. Our l'Oute ",os I dlJlleult one to travel in the winter .eAsOG.
The ford ot the Colorado wu deep and d.llngeroua at aDy dme
CROBSIlfas 01' TBB COLORaDO but upeclllllr ,,' hen the .fee "'W' running. Sometimes there
were steep rocks to climb j III other times {he trll! ra.n aloDC
ClilJ dwellings Ire found on both sides of the Colo. the 1I1w<»;t perpendicular sides of deep rock 83:. urea, n:urow,
rado River and &Iso ... ithin it. canyons, and probably wilh frequent short turn~ ,,'bere u ml!!step micht plunge UI Dr
the Pueblo tribes and I ..ter the .s-avajos and Ctes knew our Ilnlmols buudreds ot feet below. SometLmes the preclpl-
of severll crossings of the Colo"ado which they occa- 10UII rocks were cOTered ,,'lth lee, which bad to be backed.
sionally utilized. The known movements of warring with our hatchet! before we could feel any surety of a toot.-
hold .
Indian bands significantly coincides with times of I
At one time we waited until Dearly midday tol' the sun
!£Jw water 0,· times ... hen the river ... as f"ozen over. to melt tbe frost Dnd Ice on a steep rock, that we mJCht be
Old trails lead to the Colorado at its junction witb ollie to C'el our antmahi out of n pleh onto the plain above.
the O,-een, It the mouth of the Little Colorado, and On thil occasion my J)Ock ulule sUpped ond tell, tben rolled
down Bright _luIgel ond Shinumo Crooks. Supai in- and BUd dowD. to "'ltbln about a YIn! of. the edp ot n cba!lID
form.nta stole thlt crossings by meaDS of rudely con- below. We fRStened a Ion; lariat to the animal flDd laved it
und the pack.
structed rafea were made at Grand Wash, at the mouth
of tho Virgin, and at point. on the lower Colorado. lis extreme difficulty and the hostility of the
'fhe Splnish explorers, trappers, and hunters were Navajos discouraged further use of tho Glen Callyon
faUlili.,· with I.he long·used ford at Green River, Utah, crossing, but the project of converting the Hopis to
whie" ... IUi recommended by Gunnison (18531) as a the Mormon faith;though delayed, wos not abandoned.
,"Oute {or a r.ilro.,1 and latcr w•• utilized by the Explorations in soutbwestern Utah, which resulted
Dcnv~r " Rio Grande Hailroad. Tho Incient Ute in the settlement of St. George and of fertile spots in
ford, now known a. the Crossing of tho l?athers, w•• the Virgin and &nta Clara Valleys in 1861 encour-
r"discovered by }o;ocalonte on his eventful journey aged the search fOI- I crossing which might make pos-
from Utah Lake to the Ropi villages of Tusayan .ible the expansion of the aettlements into northern
in 1776. Arizona and which did not involve the long, difficult
Sy.temati~ sellrt'h for a fensible crossing of the route to (he old Ute ford.
Colorado was the result of missionary enterprise of A feasible crossing was found at the mouth of the
the Mormon Church. In 18n8 the intrepid scout Grand Wash. By swimming the horses and trans-
JO<Xlb Hamblin porting tbe luggage on a homemade boat Hamblin
l'(.'4!8Ived Initructioul f~1I PrClldent Dl'lghllm Younl' to take crosse~ the river Ilt this point in 1862, traversed the
a CII1D[l&ny ot mell ODd yhtlt the Moqut .. or town ID.dlnUl, on Coconino Pla.teau, and pl'oceeded along ~he of the
the eac .tde lIf the Oolom<1o Rlftl', 'Ibe object at thle .-is1t San Francisco' )foulltains and across the Little Colo-
wnll to learn IOwetblu, at the char3cter aud. CO.l1(UUon at tbl,
rado to Ornibi. This mute " ' LS found to be so long
I"",ple aDd to ,.ko .~'.Dt.~. ot any Dpenl~ th~ mllht I
be to prMch the 'OQel to them 0 nd do them I'ood. 11' ,md tbe water holes so smon and 80 for apart that the
",turn from O... ibi 'VIS mode over the old Ute trail.
Leaving Santa Clan (near St. George) on October At the Crossing of the Fathers U fording was difficult
28, the party of 12 men, including a Spanish inter-
and dangerous" but was successfully accomplished on

preter (and a Welsh interpreted), proceeded by way
New Year', Day, 1863, after the lOES of eight hones.
of " Yellow Rocks Springs n (Pipe Springo),
trqnntd tbe ('Iln7Ol'. Illld platnl1& eut"'QI'(\ And Arter cl1mt>-
. On Hamblin's next "isit to Tusaysn in 1868, the
river wat .. gain croiSed at the foot of Grand Wash
lu; dllDJeI'ODIL clift's aud, cronlng eJ:tenaJ"e nS8urea La. tbe
rocka. tbe teDtb dar out from bome we crossed tbe Colorado but d a place near the blse of the Grand Wash ClilJs
lUu,r at tbe Ute ton] knowII in Bl)8ull!lk blstory as tbe Cro.r. ' the site of Pierce Fe ....y (now abandoned). On re~
lac of the hth.... tllrning from Oraibi by the saffie route in Mlly, 1863,
The t beyond ..... reported "not only difficult Hamblm reported: "We had explored a practicable
but -,metimes very dangerous." thoug? difficult route for" wagon from St. George to
A second journey over this route was made in 1859 the LIttle Colorado." The length of tbis route a.nd
aud • third in 1~, so timed IS to C"OS$ the river at the scarcity of w.ter we..ot of the San Frllncisco Moun.
its low-water stage_ The return from t.he IIncom- tains led Hamblin to try a new route which he had
pletocl third trip, which WIS dolayed bv disastrous pre"iously reconnoitered, alld in 1869 " successful
trouble with the Navljos, was Iccomplish~ ill winter, crossing WIIS mlde near tho mouth of the Paria-the
present Lees Ferry .
• Little, J, .I. .. Jacob ".albUa. a lla"t;tU,... o( blll I,)('nonal expert'- '
em:!:, :M (!d., . ' ~, Salt 1.ak4 CUT. [).:o\\'ret N~"'", 1008.
With Hamblin for a guide the Lees Ferry route was the region east of Glen Canyon was" better country"
used by Powell in 1871 and by Lieutennnts Hoxie and than that immediately west.
Marshall, of the Wheeler Survey in 1873. It hns be· The officials of the Mormon Church were favorably
come the established line of travel from Utah to Ari- impressed by the report of Silas Smith, and with
zona and is the only crossing availnble for wagons chnl'acteristic foresight they promptly issued a "cull
along the 788 miles of canyon between Green River, for the Saints to occupy the Sun Juan Valley." The
1:;tal1, nnd Needles, Calif. The Crossing of the pl'esidentof the church W88 firmly convinced that
]'athers, always dangerous, is no longer practicable j a "our people will want all the choice places where
portion of the landing has been blnsted away to block there is water 8nd grDss." But to occupy this £01'-
the route 0,1 m&ruudhlg Navajos. away region was D sOl'ious undertaking. Its climate,
In 1870 southeaslem Utah, comprising about one- its agrieultuI'R1 possibilities, and the attitudo of the
qu.rter of the Stnte, was In unkno,wn land. Powell few · Indians who made their home iu the adjoining
had marked tha course of the Colorado but found no regioru; were Ii ttle known. The proposed settlement
fe •• ible routes leading from it except those already could be reached only by the exhausting tnils th,rough
Imown, Explorntiona by scouts of the Mormon Moenkopi nnd Marsh Puss or by the st i!llonger Green
Church had I'esulted in locating smaU tracts of il'ri. Ri"ol' route. It was recognized thllt the interest. of
gable Innd at the east base of the High Plateaus, along the church demanded that the pioneers in the proposed
the Puia River, and at places south of the Colorado settlement have their commol'cial and religious fts·
canyons, Paria was founded in 1871, CannonviIIe and sociations with their brethren in the Utah villages
Escalante in 1875, and" about 20 families were Jiving rathel' than with the gentiles of the Colorudo mining
ill Potato Valley" in 1878. t"wn.; with :Escalante I'ather than with Durllngo.
To these isolated settlements at the end of long With these ideas in mind, the prodigious t3sk of con·
wads leading aeross the jagged cliffs of the High structing a wagon I'oad from Escalnnt.e ~CI'OSS Glen
Plateans came reports of good lands still fal'ther eRst Canyon to the middle Sun Juan Valley was nnder-
but sepal'nted from them by the impassable Glen Can. taken. After preliminary sconting on both sides of
yon, To confirm these l'epOits an eXp<ldition was the canyon, a crossing was selected at the Hole in the
organized for the o"plol'&tion of the San J Ulln V ~lley. Rock, n,t the lowe I' end of the" SO·mile desert," 41lliles
III 1879 a party of 25 men under the leadership of I south of the mouth of the Escnlante.
Silas Smith crossed the Colorado at Lees Feny and In Octobel', 1879, a party led oy Silas Smith, Platte
followed the mal'kedtrail through the Painted Desert Lymon, and Jess Nielson, with' a huge numl>er of
to the Hopi village of )loenkopi. "Led by inspira- workmen, horses, and wagons, was established in three
tiOIl," the pal'ty roached Marsh Pass on th.e Navajo camps, building a road down the desert, collecting
Resen-otion and, avoiding the canyon of the San Juan, supplies, and assembling material. for .. crude ferry
made their way eastward to the mouth of Montezuma boat. Between November 6 and December 29 aboul
Creek After exploring the San J uan Valley between 70 miles of road wa• .:onstructed, and early in Janu-
McElmo Creek and Butler Wash and obtaining infor. ary 80 wagons, nearly 200 men and women, 50 chil-
motion from roving prospectors, the party turned dren, 200 hOI'SeS, and 1,000 cattle h..d re ..ched the rim
nOlthw"rd to the Blue (Abajo) Mounb.ins. Continu- of the canyon. Work then centered on blasting the
ing Llong the base of the L. Sal Mountains, they canyon walls and bttilding a Oat· bottomed iJQat about
cl'osscd the Colorado near the present town of Moab 9 feet wide and 28 feet long with planks bl'Ought from
and followed the "Spanish trail" to Green River, Escalan(e. The Colorado was crossed in February,
Ut ..h, and thence to Salt Lake City. and the emigrnnts labodously made their way to Fort
This expedition demonstrated that :1 route through Montezuma, neat the pl'esent Aneth, and I~ter to the
tlte N&Vajo country from Eseal ..nte or Kanab to the mouth of Cottonwood Oreek, where Blull City was
San Juan Valley wa. impracticable. The country to established. On April 5, 188(), this settlement enrolled
be traversed consists of stretches of S8ndy flats alter· 225 pioneers, and the foundatioll was for tile con-
!l&ting with areas of sharp·cut canyonsj the water trol of southeastern Utah and adjoining 11I'eas in Colo-
holes are f,u' apart and the Navajos none too friendly; rado IUld ~ew Mexioo by adherents of the Mormon
and even if a wagon road could be constructed and faith,
maintained, the distance, about 600 miles, is prohibi- This e1'OSSing of t he Colorado by the "San Juan
tin. But the expedition also demonstrated that the ' missionaries" was a heroie undertaking. It i. diffi·
San Juan Vatl"y a1fo~ded opportunities for irrigation cult enough for experienced men with a pack trainl
f&l'ming and thd the Abajo and La Sal Mountains for parties that include women and children and
wilh their adjoining plateau lands were destined to loaded wagons it seems impossible. Except fol' snow
become valuable grazing districts. It appeal-ed that in winter, wafer is available only at nine places on
arhievr.ment~ for which Utah is famous, and it is
the 216 miles of road, and at three of these places it
doubtful if anything but religious zeal would have
is strongly alkaline. I
made t.he undertaking possible. But, however difti-
Fram Escalante to lhe Hole in the Rock the route
(,ult this route, there is nO other place betw.... Lees
presents no extreme difficulties. The" road" i. of the
sort oommon to southern Utah-a trail along which Fe ....y and tbe Wale .. pocket Fold where n crossing for
.... agons could be established \vithout expensive and
strongly built. wagons may be dragged by 4, 6, or
~ horse teams under the guidance of experienced carefully planned engineerillg operations. A pack-
cldvers Ind where progress is made by "hardening train traverse of the rim of Glen Canyon makes com-
quicksands," removing talus blocks, CUlti~g "dug· prehensible the feeling of these missionary explorers
ways," ~ negotiating" sand dlln~, ond bumplDg along t.hat "We were led as if by inspi .. ation to find the only
o..r knobs and sharp-cut depressIOns of extensive sur· possible route where 0 "oatl conld be made."
fD"". (Jf bare rock. ERst of the C<>lorado the tOp<lg· The disadvnntages of the road by way of the Hole
l'ophy is forbidding. Short, box-headed tribularies in the Rock led to the search for a practicable Cross-
lend from the river to tile plateau aooye, and only at ing tarthel' upstream. Scouts f,r om Escalante found
the rough, slippery" Clay Hill divide» is it feasible that the Colorado could be approeched without much
to cross .the di.sected upland9. """,.0
,,-~ f the "d"d" lVI e difficulty at the mouth of Hall Creek, and in 1881 the
are the deep canyons that Iud to the San Juan, the dangerous Hole in the Rock cl'oesing was abandoned
lOugh south slopes of Elk Ridge, and the sharply Ilnd the feny boat dragged by horses to a new site-
IIIJturned rocks of Comb WasIl. the present little-used Halls Crossing. The first con-
'nle crossing itself i. formidable. .... b1'esk in the necting road f Escab.nte marked out aC"(Jss
,·anyon wall marks it!; west end--tL mere .lit in the Spence .. Flat, down the" sand slide" into Escalante
towo,·ing cliiTs of massive Nanjo sandstone. No Canyon, and along the canyon floor to the mouth of
clnyon leads 10 it, Ind tbere is not/ling in the sur- Sil"er l'a.n. Creek. It continued up Silver Falls
rounding tOp<lgruphy to indicate its presence. It mll.y Creek and through Muley T"'ist Canyon in the W ater-
now be found by tracing the marks of wagon wheeli pocl..t Fold, thence down Halls Creek to the Colorado.
lIel'"", 8 miles ot wind-swept rock. After entering With the settlement of the upper Fremont Valley
the slit tho "road" uescends by passing through Rnd of the lands about the Abajo Mountains, tile need
1I0tches in the tops of projucting ledges, down across developed for .. crossing of the Colorado that would
dill'·fllccd bunch." to a platform 600 feet below. The not requi ra the long journey down Halls Creek or the
slit originally WIIS R V·shaped groove, too narrow even still longer jOlll'lley by way of Green River and Moab.
{or a hoI''' if tho p<ltholes and steps were absent from By this time also placer miners were It work on the
ita bottom. At one place there is a sheer 40-foot drop Colorado, and their operations called for .. place on
into a <iepression. By blo.ting rock Bnd buHding out the .-iver to which supplies could be brought either
platform. nnd by the skillful U!I& of logs brought from I f Colorado towns or from Salt Lake City. In
the Koiparo\~its Plateau, I pat.h waS made down 1880 Dondy Crossing (Hite) was located' nea .. the
which single horses and men on foot might make I mouth (Jf Trachyte Creek, at I p<lint where the cftnyon
their way to the river. WI\gOTlS ,.ere taken .part walls b.. eak down and an island midway in the current
ftnd carried down on the back. of men and horses, or i9 cxposed at low water. The crossings between Hite
I(,wered by ropes. Rusty ringbolts embedded in the and Lees Ferry are utilized occasionally by scientific
cliffs Rnd the ,."moins (Jf a roughly mad. windlass parties, prospector., and etockmen, hut Glen Canyon
t.enr witne"" to the method employed. Only Ileces- remains t.lle sOllle barrier acroes lines of travel that
sity eould induce one to toke a horse down this trail; wos encountCl·.dby the Spaniard, the trappers, and
t.o descend on foot is I strenuous bit of exercise. the sun'eyors for the Pacific railways.
The impression. gained by a t ....verse of this first
Esralnnte·Bltlff City trail is confirmed by m.ll who TOPOGRAPHIC OUTLINE
used it. Through the eourt...y of the hist~rian of the In its larger geogmphlc relations the Klciparowits
Church of the Latter·dlY Saints, the unpublished re. ,-egion fOl'ms put of the Colorado Platenu province,
1'OI1:S of the San JUOll mis.ion have been examined. which comprises l00,()()() square miles of stl-ongly
Like most occounts of men who do much nn'd sav lit- carved tabular relief emphasized by volcanic masses.
I~e 8'1(110 whom hardships are port of the daily· rou· The outstanding top<lgraphic features are terraced
tille, these I"'p<lrls to hcadqllarte,'l< ftre brief and plateaus, cliff-bound mesas, mOlloclinal rid"es and
matter of bet, bllt they kll of ho .... s lost ann died. strail(ht.-sided conyons--all impressive alike for " ,mag-
(,f grain exhausted, of accident •• of sickno"", And of nitude ond ruggedness. Land sculpture is developed
nelL.nea to st ..... Dt ion. The partie. east of t.he river on so enormons a scale that features in the landscape
••pacially .... m to hue sulfered. TIlis at tbe 1ll11l0ticed here wonld be prominent and picturesque
Hole III th. nock slRnds high in the list of pioneering landmarks in other surronn<iin!!5.
The region as 1\ whole lies at an altitude of obout . Plnteau is a huge block of sandstone, the Waterpocket
11,000 feet, and the downward departures from this monocline is a ,·idge of folded rock intricately dis-
Jev"l or., approximately equal in amount to the up- sected and flauked by hogbacks, and the broken
..... ard departures. (See pI. 3.) "comb" in the vicinity of Paria is the edge of saud-
The crest of the Waterpocket Fold stands at 6,000 stone beds uptumed in the East Kaibab fold. The
feet, and for a. distance of mOre than W miles the Circle Cliffs are inward-facing walls of sn.ndstone that
·Ka.iparowits Plateau shows a level top at 7,000 rim an o\'al depression. These prominent f..,turei are
feet and rises to 9,000 feet at Canaan Peak. But so but large-scale examples of the mesas, butte5, and'
.deeply has the region been trenched that two-tllirds ridges that characterize the landsca pe of southem
of the P.ria River, one-half of the Escalante River, Utah. The view from any vantage point gi a feel-
.and nearly all of Halls Creek flow in channels below ing of strength and solidity_ Delicacy and grace of
5,000 feet ond Glen Canyon is cut to dept.hs below the out-liue a,'e lost in the general massiveness. The huge
4,000-foot contour line. The extreme points of the mes.s ringed with high escarpments rise from hori-
Kaiparowits region ore Table Cliff, 10,500 feet, and zontfil benches, some of them miles in width, anti the
Lees Ferry, 3,120 feet. Immediately bordering the hutte. are firmly based on broad expdnsea of rock.
regioll and forming, RS it were, its western and north- En-ept on the High Plateaus talus slopes are replaced
crll wall are the High Plateaus-the Paunsaugnnt by bare ledges. Even in detail erosion forll)a follow
(9,500 feet) and the Aqua.ius (Thousand Lake Moun- 1\ common pllttern of angl"" rather than of curves and
tain) 10,000 to 12,250 feet-the highest land in south- slopes; pilasters, ponel., Rnd .lcoves lire bounded by
ern Utah. For the l'egioll as a whole changes in alti. straight lines. Canyons Ire everywhere. Maul' of
tude are abrupt; gentle ,lopes are con.picuously ab- them are t,renches cut into 8 seemingly levd surface
sent. Above the valley floors the platean benches rise lind are seen only when their rims nre "cached; others
uy steps, bcnch after bench, and into the benches the , lire so intricately intel'lac-cd as to leo"e no space for
·sh'l'OI11S Are sunk nn equal amount. tr.. ils. Neo,' Con •• n Peak the heods of 14 caU\'OlL~
)[ost of these OOnchlike platforms terminate in cliffs we"e crossed in a distance of abont 3 miles. •
hundreds or even thousands of feet in height. On the In gc.neral the "urface slopes of the regiou extend
south fRce of the Paunsaugunt Plateau the Chocolate from the High PldteallS southeastward to t.he Colo-
<:lilts, Vermilion CliiYs, White Cli!s, and Pink ClifTs, "ado; down these slopes the water is CArried in bare
separated by broad pIR.t forms, form a terraced wall rock canyons. TI,e Escalante, with its many tl'ibn-
'more than 5,000 feet high. A series of prominent raries, carries the run-off from 1,840 sqUAre miles; the
benches are. nearly continuous along the northeast and PRria drains 935 squllre miles and receives most of its
southwest slopes of the Kaiparowits Plateau, Rnd the water from its western h·iuu!aries. Hnlls Creek, 40
southeast end of the plateRu forms a. giant stairway miles long, drains about 110 squnre miles. Rain t.h at
descending 3,500 feet to the Colorado River, Rbout Ii falls on the south side of t.he Kaiparowits Plateau
Illiles distant. Few benches interrupt the precipitous goes directly to Glen Canyon. Few regions are so
slope that leads to the top of the Paria Plotenu, 3,000 thoroughly drained. Flat-floored, wide washes are
feet above the stream at i'ts bRse, or the wall that I·ises '''''e, and only on the tops and about the base of the
more than 4,000 feet in front of the Table Cliff Aquarius and Table Cliff Plateaus oro there stretches
·Plateau. of meadow, through which the tiny sll·eom., make
'rhe plateau benches are so continuous that eanyons their wa,. A shollow pond on the Kaiparowits Pla-
which ~ut their edges appeal' at a distance as insignifi- teau is the only permanent body of wIlter in the regio"
cant breaks in a horizontel sky line. Some of the east of the High Plateaus.
benches are so wide and I.,.el that canyons sunk into The streams that head in the Pounsllngunt. Table
them are inconspicuous features. E"en Olen Cnnyon Cliff, and Kai)larowits Plnteaus ha~'e permanent water
appears from a distAnce as • narrow groove in a broad ill their upper courses, and" few' of the boxlike hend.
"'''panse of flat land. of canyons in the Water pocket Fold contain running
Ex~pt for the lava Hows that partly cover the wnte,·. TIle characteristic stream of the region is an
limestones of the Paunsnugunt and Aquariu. Plateaus, intermittent. one, which usually flows in places along
all the topograph.ic features of the Kaiparowits ,·t'gion it. course but "'hich becomes throughgoing only in
nave been developed in sedimentayy rocks; the vol· response to seasonal rain. and . local showers_ In
·canic piles, the laccoliths, and the necks of bo,-de"ing exceptionally dry yean the onJy water received by
region. are abeent. The Kaiparowits Plftteau i. a Ihe Colorado between the Escalante River and the
slightly tilted aedimenta.y miss that extends as a P8l'io River is probably contained in the liquid mud
llarrow mesa from the High Plateaus to Glen Canyon, ""pplied by the San Juan. The Paria River and
'70 miles distant. 11.8 culminating point, Canaan Peak, Halls Creek are at times without water in parla of
ls an outli~r 0f the Table Cliff Plateau; the Pada their conrses, and even in the Escalante Canyon
14 I telus and the UtAh-Colorado line an stations record
stretches of bare sand bave been recorded. The in~u­ :~~~ than 10 i,nches of rain except Bland~ng and Monti-
ence of the semiarid cliroata shown by. lhe behaVIor .ello on the slopes of Ahajo MountalD. The melUl
of dreams is rellected likewise in the SOlI and vege~­ :nnd.1 temperature ..t Giles is 51.1° and at Hite 69:7·.
tion. There Ire no large .. reas of dunes, but sand IS Snow may fall on the High PlateJlus at any tlIDe
piled here and there in and beyond tbe stream chan- between September 1 and June 1 and may lie for
nels There are no areas of desert in the sense of .... eeks or even months. Only in exceptional years
.. id~read stretches of Il&It and o.Ikali, but the lower are the roads to Kanab, to Cannonville, to Escalante,
:&!calante Valley and parts of the W..h'Weap ~u~tl'Y and to Boulder possahle in winter without cleanng the
are without water and sho.. sparse and .peCl~~h2ed drifts that block the" dugways." In severe wintel'$
v"ietation adjusted to sterile loil and low ramfall. these settlements have been isolated for week. at a.
Tbe cany:n walls the faces of mesas and butleo, and
expanse. of rock' many square miles in area seem time.
011 the lower lands of the Escalante, Wahweap', and
remarkably naked. These wind-swept surfaces are so W&.rm Creek Valleys snow rArely remains long enough
bare of vegetation that green tints and subdued tones
to interfere with grazing, but all parts of southeastern
resUlting from plant cove!'ing are lacking in the land-
t'tuh receive some snow neal'iy every year. At Alton.
8l:ape. 'rhe conspicuo". colors aeen are the colo,... of
Ihe mean a.nnual snowfall i. 73.6 inches, and even Lt
the rock. themselves-red, brown, yellow, and whIte,
Giles it is 10.2 inches.
intensi6ed by bandi of dark gray. . In southeastern Utah clear skies prenil. The few
For variety and interest of topographIC forms no
part of the plateau province offers more attractions. records avail. ble indicate that the amount of sun-
Dislant and near-by view. amply repay the necessary shine is compnro.ble to that in northern 'Arizona, for
which the estimate of the United States Weather
hardships of travel ..
Bureau is 210 clear days, 80 plLrtly cloudy, and 70
CUMATE OF SOUTHEASTERN UTAH cloudy in a yeor. It 1& probable that few if any pillces
in southeastern Utah have less clear skies than Flag-
staff, Ariz., .. hich receives 81 per cent of the posssi~le
Stat;stiea of rainfall and temperature within the sunshine, and for parts of Garfield and Kane Count.l~
Kaiparowits region are meager and unsatisfactory. I he figure is doubtless grelLter. During MILY, June,
Because of their position the three meteorologic sta- October, and Novembet the skies mlLy be cloudless for
tiona in this region record data of little more than 5 to 10 days in succession. In the eun the hed of sum-
local vuue. Escalante ig at the immediate base of mer is intense', but in the shade of a rock ' or tree
. cool-
the High Plateaus; Cannonville (includinjt Losee and ness prevails, and this area is unlike humid regions m
Tropic) i. near the head of a broad, deeply intrenched that the line between scorching heat and delightful
valley i Paria is in a canyon. All three station. lie temperature i. drawn at the edge of the shadow. Fol'-
approximately in a north-south line, and t.heir rec- tunately bot air is also dry air, and the humidity of
ords tell liUlc of the climatic conditions prevailing summel' ranges from so to 50 per cent. The dR.ily
east. or we.t of that line. However, the records of 1'1lD,,<T8 of temperature is more than roo and usually
these thl'el! stations, when considered in connection exceeds the ditference between the means of the WArm-
"'ith thooe of other stations in Kane and Garfield est and of the coolest months in the year; consequently
Counties and in adjoining counties, giv8 a reosonably cool Or even uncomfortably cold nights follow the
II1ltisfactol'Y picture of the climatc of southe....tern heated days.
Utah, of which tho K.ip ...owita region forms a part. In I:coerai, it may be said that southern Utah has
Utah as s whole is deficient in rainfall. Only 16 a group of local clima.tes of widely dissimilat' aspects.
Ollt of 169 stations record averages that exceed 20 The distribution of the sun's heat and the form and
inches.R year, and only 1 that exceeda 30 inches. I position of topographic features appear to outrank
Less than 10 inches of rain falls at 50 stations. The cyclonic litorms and prevailing winds as controlling
High Pilltenus are relatively well watered and have factors. The great variability in topographic expres-
severe winte ... ; most stations in this district receive sion is reflected in equally great differences in climate.
more than 10 inches of rain each year ond record mean Not only are the climates of high-lying Kress con-
annual temperatures of about 43·. At the eastern foot trasted with those of lower altitudes, but ca.nyons that
of the High Plateaus the rainfall is as heavy u the adjoin plateaus, two adjoining valleys, the opposite
ILvera&,~ On top of the plateaus, but the mean nnnual .ides of and mesas, and even opposing canyon

tl'mperatures ore grenter. Between the base of the .... lIs may different climates. The summers 81'&
very hot, the winters are cold; daylight is aecom- I Re(~urd, of prcctJ)HatioR ill '(lVt1tCI'. UraA., 1'. f"clc.
plDied by heat, darkness by chilliness. The annual, ~T
.. ·T'ro:e,.·l
seasonal, montMy, and daily rainfall is subject to wide A.1to., K __ c.... l7

..riatioDs. During July aDd August rain may fall in Altlludt. T,ooo he. RGCrIrd from Jlm. .f1. 1M, &0 !.Itoy, un". IQc!IlIII,>e, from
RAnch, about tI mlIGI JOuthv.'.' or Altonl
quantities sutlkient to flood the country; in most other
month. precipitation is deficienf. During the hottest
mont.h. moisture-laden cloud. cross the sky but pro-
duce nO rain, except perhaps a .few scattering drops.
To the Navajo and Piute mind the" rain hangs down-
"'Ird "and " ~nds messR~ to the earth."


Some miscellaneous observations on the rainf""l of

southeastern Utah are contained in the reports of
esrlier scientific ~xplorers, and others recorded in
unpublished reports in the archives of the Mormon
Churcb. AdditioMl general information has come
f.'Om long-time residents of Kane and Garfield Coun-
ties. Fortunately volunteer observers bav. made in.
strumental records at stations within and bordering MND ••
the Kaiparowits region; without these unselfish serv-
ices a discussion of the climate would be wholly spec- T....
ulative. .....
1 ...04
Cannonville, including Tropic (1889-1919; 192r.- ).-
26) and Losee (189S-94), furnishes the longest ron-
tinuous record of precipitation in the Kaiparowits
Jnoemw _._.....
JuUW1 •.• ______ •
I. 61
t.~ 1..
.. 7'1 ' ... _
' Jua.... ___ .•• • _____
July. ________ .____

region. It affords nearly complete records for M

years (1889-1923). At Alton, including Ranch (1902-
'ebruery _______ _. 2.30 . 1.a I

WiD'.. ····· !o:3tfl:',I·~

.= =
Marcb •• __ • _______ l.ll .!B 1M
AIIIlM _____ ._ •. • _

8IlDUZlel'. ___
St'p\rtIDbtt•• _.____
C>etober. ______ .___

1.7(1 :
1. 60
~ I~

3. .58
1915), tho precipitation has been recorded for 26 con· A..II. __ .. ....... . .... U8 T.
Mu••. . -_. ___ . ___ ,go .2& T. November________ L-tO !
.&0 ~t7

secutive years (1902--1927). At Escalante the rainfall ' Bplq_. ____ $.37 1.~ 2. M FalL..._. . '! •. " 1--;:"- &"
observations cover 27 yeus (1901-1927) but are
_ _ _ _ _", _ _ -'-_...L_-"-__A_"""_"__----- -! 20. d6 11.4.3 1-1.&6
neither consecutive nor complete. For Giles consecu-
tive and complete records are available for 12 years ".n ••, Ken. C._I,
(1895-1006). For Hite the records for 10 consecutive (AI'IIude'. 41,921 tMtJ
years (1900--1914) include 12 complete records. At
Kanab records have been made since 1899, except duro
ing 1901 and 1908--1910, but for only 15 years are
there complete records, II,nd only three groups of 4
years in regula.• suceession. Paria has l'ecOrdS for 6
years (l89&-1900), including 5 years consecutive and
complete. The ohsel'vatioDB at Widtsoe cover 16 con·
secutive years, which include 10 years of full record,
witb two groups of 4 years in regular succession.
The records for these eight stations are too fragmen-
tary for general climatic dudi .. ; they suffice, however,
to indicate tbe nature of the rainfan. They enable
those interested in wILter development &nd agriculture
to plan intelligently, for they indicate in a general
way tbe total precipitation, it. distribution with refer·
mea to the growing season for crops, and whether
ahowers of brief duration or long-continued" soaking"
rains normally occur.
inc.~-CODld . Rret'lrd.Jf o( JWecipHali"'It #It .fllJehc,." Utall., in ~Jlchc.ot---Conld.
lI.corN of pr""'pUaU... I• ... tAcnt VItiA, hi.
Ka ...ab &.iDa Ceanl;J'-CooUnued
Canaon...-il.. , Gant.r. eo•• t7-COlltlnUed.
T otal T ...I TOI.I ' T~
P1.'rlod ,'" '.,'11"
lfl!iUl dr lillt wei· foritXt for
~ftt1o drl~ 'It!I·
,,"l' ); (:31'
j~'" y..,

Dcoembet" ...... .
- -0. -
June. .... .. .. ... ..
-- -
3.1 \ 0. J& '1'.
Jlllmat~· .. ........ . JillY' .... .......... 1.38 '''' , 6.61
,ebru...)' ..... .... ·
Winler ....• ... Aurust·· .. ···· ··· I....:.!. ~2
Summer .. . ~ 3. -«i ' 1.06
March .. __ ... . ___ •
Ap'II. • •.. .. ......
. 10, . ~ ' .70
S6Pl.eUlblr ___ .•• _ .~.'28
OetGber .. __ . ..... . .81
. ~~
I T.
~{Ay .. . ... _. .. ... .
58 ~ ~ NOv6Ill1xr... ..... . til . 2:t ... II
SpriCIt.. _._ :: 17 j L~ 1 3.0/1 FaU __ .. .. . 2.. 76 , - l. ~
-! '&17
--~ ~
Annual .• •. 111.37 , 4.~' I.. ,;'

• Rceord pciOf" to 1~20 ,noJ ror 19'1'~ 1UIt\ 1fi2d !-or Tro pia. " tnllM IIOtlh Of
P.I., 1( . . . Cnat1 CIUlROll,1JJe.
WMlllo., GarlrW C.lmtT
!.\ :lIuufe, :,OoJO tc.t . POlSt olDeO furlDGdy ~alled Winder]

--p~~=- /MUD :~~

,..... '
1 ..... tc.!-~

=~~~~ :=~::.~ o.~ ~~j

F(!brl.l~. ___ ... . j~ . ..c; 1.06
C••ne ...llta. Gt,rft.l. CouA\7 1
WjnIH . • ___ __ '!._
Nj-2(;w SIlUlm~r . • .• :~=:;;==L"",,=
!.\IUt.Ut!II, ("COO 1Io<lt)

~- ~
M.rcb ............ ~~~ SCptember.. ..... ~ .Il -a::

NM. D~,.-~;; 3 .~ October. __ ...... ~ . : ~I :.

API'lL......... ... .83; .71
_Y l'llo~ IIUl. :Jl'b'(. Mu. I~ ,' ~11l)1~ I ~llr I s.:tJl~~ri: ~1U ~.T... U .... .. h. .6 ..Jaj T. N"o\'ombcr.. ...... .71

18611·_· .••. ..... 1.•• •• __ __ __ o. ~ o. 16 .5.2', 2.f:! o.. t 1. T. S. ' __ __ .: _

S......... _;'311
!_ 1_.ooI.lI_._.....!
OO L...._F
.•..:.•_._ . ~~=:..~.3".'~-:.~
••..'. .> UO

j...")'. . . . . . . . . .
lWlO •.•• J. I , ';lIO 0.':50..w . .( , 00 33111 . );) 1.r.G • 1.1j. 1.1.0
.... Annl!ai ..... j 100Qtl &.1 I.6. U
Ih'll1. . . , T; I. ~ ,U, 1.00 1. 1
I 2.. __ 1. , 1.461 1,.1) . 102.
1.1), U,G 1 . ~1D~ 3..&0\.
T. ..iO T . T.
.00, 1..
. 1)).
11. 6.\
IIIPJ. . . . . .30 3 M' T. I . i .08 1.2o) " ~ .8G 'f. , -I!} I. 12. ..., .., G......l. OnmtJ'

l )jIH" ' _1 I ,
"j . ~ ... .
l{1tlL • . . 33 ."(1 1.<11), T .
,.., •• . .1 ••. •••.... ,
.~1). 1'.
.Q.1i T . ' 1.00 1..
2I. .. .... ••.
. ~ l.~il , 81 . (~ " T.
·80 .Ol;----- - " .' ______ _

.ro T..Iii I T.. 1. IH ~ {O IA1~~nde. &,700 !e~t)

n:,~ __ . u 1'. i .1 .t4!
,3\ .ttl 1. ::.0.. T. 1. 34 2
1t ~1 T.~ .
l~O2.. ;ttr~. :~~tt:I.! 'l.~.w.J~~. :'::<:.'~21 :"lD~I';~i8.74
1110,)..._ - ". . . to .1"2 . '11, .1.5. 3.-«) . 88 . 98' . II. (h
1861.• i. 1IQo .i1o T. ' 1.'bl 1,7: .00.M1 T. . 10. 67
)ll(I3. •:J , i:l)' -111,1 'J OO! u~ u.' .~ .~ . ~7, l. U . %l. . :.I: 1. .., ." ~.~(I
JQl\'I ••• J 'r".~ ..)2 . "/0 .:1 .8 • . .» . 1. • . 00 .oo~ T . & 18
IDGt•. •• 1'. 'r. 'r'~ 'I'. l.~ .~I .n fCW: T.

T. . . 1 , !.. T1
l a(kl . ... ,IX) lil 1.2' .1 1.11 T. ! .~ .10 200 T. I.~ ."1') 1I.m:
.~ ;j."~
. • I VU ;). 2O 2. 0..1IO- . n T I. o.U:, l.S 0.
uo ~ au :n.i)J: 1.~3 , s.~

i ..
l lilOD ••• • . 110 .11) -U, \. Gl ., I T. 'l 3(1.-11.31 T. 111m.... 1. 51)1 M) .M .GO 1.6 • .U LlO ,"I .00. 00
)(,1.,.. . ... :Ut1 . 1(1' ,l 1.:1\ 1. 311, ' ' ' '1 I
.• 'l V7. T . :\lS 110411 1"»4. . . . . 101 .as.
1. &.\ .~ .150 "~~l' '1. M Lei.
I .00.J ,

lS;\~'~'f~ ";:'~i::~~
.~. ,:: T~~:::~)·"-::i:~I111··::~r~wl··~·lr~~ri5
l UI" ••• ' . I~I .0• . c. 'JJI) .'l} 1. I ~I U\ I. . .01.U 7.47
181'».... , 1.'\ . .12 .tl1) T . 1'. ' ,fa ,~ 3:1 'In T. 1.70 3. !lel IMW

'~I I.~
111\0.. . .. s ~o: , 1" l.\~ . 'XI . Itl)tl l.~ 14~1 3.~1 :ua I.-lS ,Il'J H. 1!i.1
10IL .. :'l.., l .
UU2. ... ~ .10.
IVll•. •. . &!I 1..
. .1.2 .Ll'T,
J.~il l..21 'l'J .tlll.,
.J1 I.i 1.2c
.f!I! 'I . T . . IS I.
,CMl 'l. f,(i .M .•0: .1112 33
. (1) ".2~
l~ I. ~ .11 1.16' L ~ lUG
.41Z, .1(.1 H.OlO lum .... 131
l~tO •.• 2 "'." I. .32 -13.
1.63 :l.fU
.72 32112. 72 1. • 1.31
' LOt

ItlL .. :l n I. ." . . 071 I. ' I.OS &'i~! .7'J . .I/oll T . . ~ 1".'!lI6 1011 ... ' 158 I, · 1 s:l . 00. I.:\f I.17! L 2.83 . l2 .25 . 3
I~M .... 2.;9: :1;; 't', I.,.,. I. ~M . 12 .... ~ 1.21 . .OCI .g.::: 1. 8-41 H.offl ISI1 .•••. 00 . I.SG .. ... , ... ............. 0001~ SI . .1 .... .
191f.1... ....,2 .31 .11 . 31 .I~ .00 :U_ .......... . "'''' .. -. ~d- . . ..... . IIUl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 ..... 2.1~ : . . ~ .............«i ..... .
IVI7....... . .1 1. 00 .... .. . .... ·..... ..... . ~ t .11.1 • I .00. • ~ .00 ... . _.
1917.... I Il, l. ~ 1'. 1. 00 I • 1. 1l) .82 1 153. .00, ,00 .00 J at
19I5... . 2'21 ' ~I 3 "G , ."2J.
2.30~ 2. ' ~I ~6' 12 .,')3 .to I.
!:!::::I :~~~ ~, : ~~~;~: :~~ ===~~1:::~'
, ..,.... : .,. . ,.
=: ::~~~~ :::!:::::~~t=.:: ::.:;i~ ..~:~ ..:.~: ~::~::
I] .,., .N 118 " "'j .'L ... 1. .10 ......
lOl9" .. , . ~ I. ~ . DOl .;)I
I"" "'1.. 1
l(t2l... . ' -'" ..... ..... .
~ . 116 T •. • 1 . • ~ ...... ~ ..
Ll.ll. OOI···'· .
.. ... 1.00 l
I~. . .. , . ~. ~ .(,0, '. 3:1 .501 .00. 320'
i . ..0'
LWj T ... :::
. .... .1 •...•••....••.•
. OIl.
:l10 .
...••.• ..•
.30\ t. 30. T;;
1.10,.01 .....
~~::: ~~i ~::~=:::~I:~~:: ~:.:~:::~~ ::~:~·: ~~~C~:~: :~:~, ::::~~ ::.:~~, :~:::~
lazJ· .. 1· 05r · OO .30 .70 . ~ .00 2 l&) l.10 "' ..... . 1. 40 .33"
Itl::f•• _• . 20 ,00 l. W~t5tI .... ,03! I . !.(Io .o-~. . 02 __ ........-
um.... L ...• ,.. ... :.... . . .001 .~3:J~ 1. ~
'.,.. ... , ... ···· ·1 . 11 ' .00 . ····.1 . "' ~.. U O ~ ,.10 , " 'j;
. 3 ..0 .Ii .03, 1.11);' . __ __ 1~. . . . . 00 . . 0711 . .00' 1, 90, 2.. L z! .20 . ..o I. :-111
2.!.Or s...ttt So .:!:O~
M",.m ..l""l.91-:-;:~ ., 1~~WIl,;-l.i·~~i-~..;(il3; 1927.... ..0 2. 1 1. tO I . , 1.7(/ J. I 1 ,

l~ .. ~ l.tlj .11 • ~ ~ 2.1 1. 33) 1. 0IZ: J . 83 11~

Rt."('6rd$ of pl'edpit4 tif"Jn. 11& foutiICP"H. U~(th.. iii. "rchflt---CoDtd , OEOORAPUIC 01&'TRIBUTIOX
Ele•.I.nU'. Garlelll c.u.c.,..-Conri mJ~
The influence of geognlphic p()i;it.ioll on dist..-ibu-
T otal
I.. to<
Tow ~ T .. .J 'l'ovJ
lor to.- tion of rainfall is Apparent on compa"ison of t·he
Pt'rioo ~IL'ttD
""'ct- Pt':ticd M~n
tlr telt '«d ·,." ncords of t.ho differen t "tations. In the lower parts
,.'" YMC ) 'l!'II:tor

I>«<Jllber. . • · . ----
8uul .o'

... ...
u. OO
l. t..o
l 1unt .. . ... . . ---- - 0.'.7
Ju.Jy .• •. _•• •• • ___ _ l. .fO
Au;-utU •••• ______ _ :US
- - --
1. ol3
1 S1
of volleys tributary to the Colorado t.he rn.infall is
low; at Giles, Hite, nnd Paria, with,lldes of 4,000,
F ~bntnt)' .. - ----- - 3,500, ond 4,700 fee t, t.h(\ mean annual rainfall is 5.62,
W ~tu- -.-·.r;::7S ~ oo 8. 00 Su mm!t ____ "-', ~" 1.28, ond 8.45 inches, respectively. The only record at
, 4. '"

" ... I..,.'"
. J<I 1. 10 S e-I)I4!.wt;\fr • ___ __ • l.lQ
hI.reb .-- -•• ---- - J.Ol
. 1I,"'!)
Lees Ferry is 9.96 inches for the wet yenr 1916. Of
p:~.I - : ~~:: ::::::: ., '; 4 .DO I
.00 , Oet4')btr __ ___ _• .
. 00 N . ..mbo,..... ...
1. 02
. 00
1. j'()
. :!tl these stations ouly Giles prl)Sents records considered
'" .~pr14i~ . . .. - ,.~
I." 1. 10 II P'II""" " ~I-U;- - ;. '" typical for oreas with altitudes below 4,000 feet.. The
l l R ';1) 2l. 71I
.\nnuaL· __ l1 · K:I
,·. infall a t Hi t.e is affected by nearness to the Henry
- HI~. GuGeld <Aunt)< )Iountoins and ot l'ario b5' the presence of converg-
I.Hll\LJdo 3!.OO f'Oet) ing ,'aUeys. For Illost pl.ces along Glen Canyon the
You ~
ao. F~b. MIU", t" pr, 'M"y1lune k u l YAltl.I S&Dl Oct.! NO" ' jD«. n~ rainfall is probably less than 5 inches; vegetation is

llilOt ..• . 1 .00

)tl(L{ : ~: .f ] .~
r- ~·----"I--~--J-- -- -- ----
li::::~:~ .~:~ . t~ :~~ :~:~1; ~~
. 4:.1 To.: .tk
131 .~ 1 . ~ T.
. 1:1 1.01
. 45 .~
"O:~ :j~: ::i:~(~t ::ij~
I :~

.00 ~i! .....
3. & T .:.. l:i . .:Ja.
ullusually' deficient. As the Colorado tributaries are
",cended t·he rainfall increa ses. Along the Pt.ria River
Cannonville, 35 miles upstream from Pario "nd 1,300
feet highet· , receiveS a third more rain, and along
11X6- •• • • 74 .~ t.-t~2 . ~~ •• ~ '1'. .4:0; I. :; I. . 11 1. 7~ . i~ tI, .l
1001 .. . . :i; .,u ..51 .~ 1... 1 .olE ~ . ~ 1.31 • ...2:: . 4 ~ . 3D 8.. 30 Kanab Creek Alton, 30 mile>; llpsu'eam and 2,000 feet
, OJ!,.
}gco.::: O"::"~
I. .. . :~ . . ~,
.060i' .
I. ~ ~:~.. :~ !,... .I~. I." •• ,.
'~ " ' ID 8.71 highe,' than K,umb, receives nenly twice ns much roin.
1. .M ..Ci" C:
. S; . 1 T.:. .I .'1
I. >"
.J 1. . 'I·...
!l.:. ' _j'.
i ].f.t j
IflIL . _ . 117 , :U .22 ..
'1" . . 6. 00
lli11l1 ... : ~i . ill . ~3 . ~~ .00, 1. 1. 12; ~~!
.M . .1 . 9. 43 It is illte~sting to compare the rainfall of two coun-
)1)11. . . 3-1 2 12 . .-n . U .(Bj 2 2.l • H .Ui Il. s:i
ties, Bevie)' and Piute, wholly wit·hin. the JIigh
l QI 3. ~~' .31 . 81 .H ~ "

I )
. 28 . 0:,l . ...... !11 .G2 .6& • .ii l 6. '"
IgLL __ 2101 .~ .1 .37 1.1 1.011\1 . • 1--.-· . .. . . . 1____ . 'h'~ ''''' _____ '
Plateaus, with that of two adjoiNing counties, Emery
".....f.. ."I .70: .", . "I ."I .., .": " ~ ~r· ., 7:2i and Wayne, d,nt lie ea.,t of the plateau rim. (See
TObl ToltLi
(Of TIliIll To~
fig. 2.) From the beginning of the rec-o,'d to 1920
~ku wet· ~t

0..- 1: ~II ,uo ~'t1" ':.~ i:

Pt-rlod Mt-aD l'l'r!O'J M c... n 'WI!.!.- the average rllinfilll of throe plltteau st..tions in Sevie,'

~1btM" __ . . _.. .
Jw.Ullir 1h __ .. ....
tt,'rItulVy .. __ •. h • •
. IM!
1 !1
• ............
lul)' •. __ ..... . . _.
."'upsl. ______ ... .
O.-t ~
C-ounty is 11.47 inches; of Emery County, 7.36 inches.
In Sevier Coullty PlateRu stotion (altitude 1,000 feet)
r~ived 15.19 inches. In Emery County the rainfall
doc'·.lIse. regul... ly etlsh,ord from Cftstledale (5,500
.,.... ..... .."" ...
Wlut-.r. ____ !l. 03 .M 2. 28 S UIlU'T'.U. ~ .. 1- a 1. 103 .M

.., ...
:Iol:u-tb ••_••• ____ __ l.n Sepl lllUMr --- .... 1 1. ~ Ia feet), with 9.03 inches of rain, through Victor and
. OS Occ.obct .. __ . __ . 1'.
~.::':: :::::::: ~:~t* Woodside to Green River (4,080 feet), whern 0.62
Sprlne __ . ___
I~ I
N..""b" ........
I 13 3. t!1 V~ U .~ __ ....
. 78
UII ... 163
oS. ·57 inches is recorded. East of Green River, in Grond
County, the rninfa.!1 increase. with the a.!titude. The
Gllu. W.yn. COUllt,
• .\ nnnal._ .. _ 7.78 J, 12 , UII

record of Cisco (4,386 feet) is 6.33 inches, and for

I AlICtudo .. 000 rel!&l Thompson (5,150 feet) 8.17 inches.
A comparison of Piute County \Vi~h Wayne County
y,.., ''''.IF'b. iM''. Apr. 'I I, 'U"." UI) Au•. SoP'1 0:-';:--." 10 0<. :u,:", shows the ~ume relations. The average rainfall for
- ---. -=--- ----~-- -- - 3, 11
1& .. _ "il.~I O'61 T. T. O.!Q 0.12 0. 1( 0. 17 o.. ~ I.CH! o.. -t~ T. th" stntiol)S of Pillte Collnt.y is 9.98 inchea, for Wayne
I..... . . . to' .00 T . T . •.. T. , . " :~ ~ ; ,n T. r~ UII
11!I9T....! L IOt .~ O. ~ 1.57 .24 T •
1• . __ . •90'1 .20 : 'M
IM __ _ . 38 T . 1 •
. .s. I.
. ... " ~.83
.36 · . ~ T.
. 711.03
.aa . 78
. 41
. 72
'm .H.
.~ ~ ~ 10.111
~ :.
County it is 6.80 inches, and a deerelll!e is recorded a.
the Fremont River is df'Ecended. At Giles the rainfoU
10 1....1 .Il . . 00 T. : ~ T. .071 T . . 30 . .21 ' . .00 2.215
. ~ : ~ '\'1 .~ l: ~ ': ~ is 1!.62 incbes.
It6I.. . . . 111. T. • . +1 ,0:1 .M 1 • .25, T. T. 3 II
11<0. .• T, ., '''i ..., .051 ''''1 3." . In ~r~ing Garfield County from the heart of Ihe
JIIOS.. .. _ .10 .42i '
lD .•. • T. ' T.
, ..... . . . " , '.78" .~
. 1 1. 1 . M·.-915 .1 1. 17·
.:m: .62- . 47) . -31 1.l8 .88
I. " q'l .05
.87: I."
.71 .:~
.42 t~

T. 5. 113
, Wl 6. 73
.. M, It.II. ":H
U High Plateall! to the Colorado the precipitation de-
l ~ ..... 12.. • 20~ t .72 .00 . 3II .~ 1.27; I.
Meatl. . . lSi .32:
. 38; . 55 .501 . 23 , ..51 ,N .72 • !HI . 6Il .IJ!._~ Q
creases from 11,62 inches at (altitude 6,560
teet) to 1.28 inches at Hite, 115 miles e..'it (3,500 feet).
,., T . ... ,.,
Total 'I'ol.!

"''''. ..... ",'.a...o,

, ""ad driest

1,,- IOf
drI.. , 'Vo·et·

The variation in amount of roinfdl from yeor to ..... ~"' I ~ ..

~lZ1bef .. __ •. __ --- - T.-
~ 0. 12 lune. ______ .• _____ l 0. 2a year ranges between less tllon h.1f tbe normal Gild
.~~:=:::::: ~ ---------1
JUI1- .. ..
,0\ ugwill '" .. -- -- __ I
. 61
• 70
. Ii
1.1& twice the llol'Dlal, measlIl'ed through a period of years.
"'Into!( •• __ . --:432.70 Summcr .... \~ (See fig. 3.) The records for )\.lton sho,,", that 3 years
....,. ... """....... ...... I."......
.89 , 77 1. sr
.,. ~

of excessil'e rainfall oceurred during a 2G-yeu pe-

T. St<piOOlbn-____ • __• .n . 87
__ ....... .4.2

T. .78 }t.,'(Jwmber ... __ ___ 107 rioo-32.52 inches in 1905, M.85 inches in 1909 (the
. 10 : 1.30
8pd ftJ . • •• • • 1.43 . to , Foll. .... ___ lS< I. SO .,. heaviest rainfall for this station), and 28.82 inches in
lell. The precipitAtion preceding and following these
! 1 .-\nnuul __ • __ H' ~ IO II. I»
eriod that includes the wettest years at Alton, Oan-
~ wet" yeanl was near normal. The driest year on ~onville, Escalante, Giles, Hite, and Kanab. At..u
record at Alton il 1m, with a preeipitauon ~f only stations of record 1927 was a wet year. These dry
lUi inches, or ahout half the normal, and thIS year and IVet periods are not, however, mnde up of yean
.. as preceded and followed by other d~ At that .how corresponding records for all statioll8.
Cannonville where the meen annual ramfall IS 11.37 Wide variations at one station are not matehed by
• L _ '"1 'inch•• ".. recorded for 1918 and nearly
mc' ...., ~.U ~. Th simil .... fluctuations at all other stations.
be times as much (21.78 inches) for 19"". e oor-



A y N E
o e9


I,. --------~~~----~----~--~---~-------.~:~~

FIoou. I,-Map or lOatheutorD Utah altowtB, IocaUoa or lMteoroloa1c l uUonl wlt' ~r.NDCe to. the ,1m. or th4t RiC"
Platu.a. U. I. ColM'Sdo Vallet

responding utremes for Hite are B.III.nd 12.M inches; I 9B.S01UL nIaTRmOTlO:ll
for Kanab, 7.29 and 20.70 inches; for Pari&, •. 83 and
14.9 inch8l; and for GiLeI,2.25 and 11.99 inches. Ex- For a re,ion whose muimum precipitation is in-
kerne variation in succeosive yeara is ahOWD by recorda lufticient for agricultu ... and in places for grazing,
at Cannonville, 11.77 and 14.97 inches; at Hite, 4.« and without irrigation, great variationa in rainfall from
12.36 inch.. ; at Kanab, 8.61 and 18.00 inches; at Paria, :year to year are significant. Of even greater signi6-
6.18 and 14.09 inch.. ; and at Giles, 8.96 and 10.18 canee is the amount of rainfall r_ived in correspond.
inches. 'l1l. f~entary records show that drou&ht Ing months from year to year. In this respect south-
Wlta general in lOutheastern Utah in 1898, 18gj), 1900- eastern Utah is seriously handicapped. (See fig. 4.)
1904, and 191t.-1918, and 1922-1924 and that abnormal At Escalante the precipitation fOI January ranges
amounts of rain fell during the ye .... 190!l-1911, a . from () to 2.45 Inches; for July from 0 to 3.~ inches;
and ."en for August, the wettest month of the yenr,
from 0.43 to 4.~0 inches. At Giles the difference fOl'
the months of dillereut years is as follows: January,
trace to 1.10 inches; February, 0 to 1.2l! inches; March, (
trace to 1.10 inches; April, trnce to 1.57 inches; Mny, z
trace to 1.12 inches; June, 0 to 0.72 inch; July, trace ~
t~ 1.50 inches; August, ·0.17 to 1.56 inches; Septembel',
trace to 2 inches; October, 0 to 3.20 inches ; November,
() to 1.20 inches; December, 0 to 0.50 inch. For some
nlOntb. the uinfall of the driest year eJ:ceeds that
of tbe wetteot year . . Similnl' contrasts occur in the ...
records of other stations. J:
The diagrams of seasonal distribution of rainf,,11
(fig. 4) show that summer ,is the rainy season for
Cannonville, Escalante, P,aria, and Widtsoo, winter at
Alton, winter and spring at Kanab, and fall at Giles
and Bite. The recorcb for Cannonville, Escalante,
Giles, Hite, and Widtsoe indicate one dry seaoon fol-
lowed by one wet season with two, seasons of inter-
mediate grade. Alton and Kanab have a dry season,
preceded and followed by wet seasons. PlU'il haa
three d1'Y seasons. These periods, however, do not
COM'eSpond witb the ireaooDS, as that terlll is conven-
tionally used. 'rhe period July, August, and Septem-
ber is the season for maximum precipitation at Can-
nonville, Escalante, Giles, Paria, , .nd Widtsoe, durin"
... hich 36 per cent of the total rain falls; and April,
May, and June constitute the dl'iest group, with 20 .
per cent of the precipitation. Rainfall in Jallual'Y to
March is slightly greater than in October to Decem-
ber; these seasons receive, respectively, about 23 and
21 per cent of the annual precipitation. For _~ton
and Kanab, Janua,'y to March constitute the rainy
season; for Hite, October to December.
The season of leRSt rainfall, April to June, is the
growing season for most crops, and therefore the sea-
1IOnai distribution of r is unfavorable for agricul-
ture Or vigorous reproduction of many grasses. Half
an inch of rain a month for the period April to June
is an unusually large precipitation for most parts of
1IOutbeastern Utah, and during dry years the com-
bined precipitation of these three months may ba less
than half an inch. Moreover, plants obtain only a
portion of this meager supply, for evaporation is most
.eil'ective during the clear, dry, hot days of early sum-
mer, and the efficiency of the rainfall k. correspond-
ingly lessened. The moisture in the ground, which is
.pplied by the rains of winter supplemented by the z
_ttered showers of spring, is su1licient to allow seeds ~
to ItOrminate and to send their shoots above ground
but is inruflieient to bring a crop to maturity. 'The
ninfaU of July therefore becomes the critical clim .. tic
factor In gruing and agriculture. The tables show
that for the period under observation less than 1 inch ' t !I
SIH:)NI Nl NOIJ.VJ.Jdl'~"d
of nin fills during July in 10 years out of 26 at .'
dowJlpour and the prccipitntion for a month may be
Alton, IS ont of 38 at Cannonville, 8 out of E;s(:a· the result 'of an hour'. rain. Such showers seem ac-
lante 11 out of 12 at Giles, 12 out of 1~ at Hlte, 9 out tually to pour grr nt quantities of water on the grounll,
(If n ' at Kanl-b, ;; out of 6 at Pl\.ria, and 4 out of HI at
ancl during their' progress the f\a~ surf.cos become
Widl s"e. tl. . lakes. drv washes arc connrted mto torrents, and
With deficient spring rairu; and grea~ uctllshons cliff face~ take the form of sheeted waterfalls. Usu-
in the July rainfall, nnturaJ agrICulture In. the KQlPo- ally t.hose sho .... ers are separated by d&ys or weeks.
rowits region is unprofitable. In exceptIonally wet M~ch of the i1Tegularity in distribution as reoorded
VeAN; some" dry farms" in the Butler, Dry, Round,
b . individual weather stations is doubtless due to thi ..
~nd Escalante Valleys have produced small crops, but
for most years the yields are ins~ffi~ient to repay t~e
v~rv local distribution of rainfall.
The usunl shower is local, shortlived, and sporadic.
cost of •..,d Dnd tillnge. On umrrlgated Jand tban·
It rovers but a few square miles, or " 'en but a few
donod homel'f •• ,l. Dre common.

c .. •
eE -
l!c --0
3 £..&~
" 11
,.11 n
I' ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _,
14 ~ -
II 1\

o AJ'tor. Cennonvdle E!JC3lente Giles ~na W fdtsoe H,u Kanab

FIQ\:1l1: 4.-S."oDol t1i.trlbutkm of ratDtaU III lOutbeaatern Utah

The mean monthly precipitation at stations in the \ hundred aores. It lOay thoroughly soak a small are ...
Kaiparowits region and vicinity is shown in Figure 4. 011 a canyon floor or mesa top without affecting ad-
This diagram also shows the maximum and minimum joining areas beyond a clearly defined limit. Prob-
recorded monthly rainfall and the disLribution of rain ably no single shower or series of consecutive showers
during the wettest and driest years. At some st.tiOM has oo\'ered ,,"II of Kane or Garfield County. Dur-
the rainfall for certain months in the ddest years far in)! June, 1915, no rain was encountered on a traverse
exceeds that for the ""me months of the wettest years. from Lees Ferry to Hite, but the rain gllges at Can-
At Escalante the greatest measured precipitation"for nonville, Widtsoe, and Alton recorded two or more
May ocrurred in the driest year on reoord. showers. In June, 1918, Escalante received five times
its normal amount of rain, while Cannonville, 35 miles·
distant, received Ie.. than half its normal amount.
The characteristic rainstorm of the Kaiparowits On September 1, 1922, one of the heaviest downpours
region is .. violent local shower. Gentle nins that last e~r received at Connon ville did not reach Butler
more than 24 hours are very !'Ore, bllt. showe ... of Valley, about 10 miles to the southeast, and on Septem-
20 to 30 minntto' <lllration may result in a h.... ry ber 16, 1924, 8 hailstorm that destroyed fI'Ill!· trees.
uud cO"ered the ground with wllit~ ice marbles had for it seems as if each bolt was directed toward the
• radius of leSs than 5 miles. men at work in the field. In September, 19-2-2. two
Shower:; on the Kaiporowits Pl:lteau and along (h~ men were killed ill GI'OSS Yalley, south of Widt"",.
rim of I.he High Platenus are usually accompanied by
hui!, nnd during their prO;::I'eS8 and for some time
afterward the air is uncomfortnbly chilly, but at ulti. The elements of most ·significance ill the telllpera·
Itll]es below 6,000 feet the intense hed (hat pl'ecedes ture of southellstern Utllh ore given in Ihe follow in?;
the spring and summer showers is reestnblishecl within t.bles, which ore compiled from rceonls obtain.J
aI> hour Qr two after the rain hog ceased. The ground through the United Stlltes Weat.her Bureau. All the
soon loses its welness, and so quickly is clothing ond !;tations listed ore in. churge of voitUltnry observers:
camp equipment dried that it has been found unneces- and many of the r~cords are incomplete and some Itmy
sary to curry tents, even during August. The only lJe inaccurate. The infol'mMl.iolt AVailable, however,
Sfrious hindrance to field work is the lightning, which is considel'oo sufficient to indicate tlle value to be gh'"n
olmost invoFiably accomponies showers in August nnd to the tcmperat.ure element in the climate of the Kai.
September. It is disturbing to see lightning st"ike parowits region. The figures are for the period end· trees and rock. and frighten the pack horses, ing December 31, 1023.
Huord. oJ te'''pc-atUr6 in .out/ur" Uta~ (0 "-.)

(."-]Iitude, 7,000 rMt. S:.atjOll in bilb. oorrallf \'.lkI" "cd a"'"

500 IeIll flow h.LIo offonthlib. At Ih.lICb, :1I '}.onO{ \'slley, :'\boOl6 to:WIi south"'t'l>l, prhlll" to ItII.~1
~1 ··b'U'- --

3:')' Macch Ararlt ,..... I , !leI:;,

-' - - - - - - - - - - -
July .\tlRWl I : 1111n r
. _.
Ot-Io- No-


~f ea l] ••• ___ ._ . • ______ _.. • __ . _•• _. •• " __ • __. __ ___ "

~~~;t ~::\~~ =~~n: _ ::~~ _

:.::~:::: ~: :::~ ~ : :::~:
~~~ ~=~~~u:~::~:: .: : ::::~:' ::~:: :~: _ :.::::

$1.7 1
JIi! J
100l l
33. •
...,0 "'. a
,.-, , ......
41, t)

" . ..:u. " '"..

, ... 1'0
... 1
.. ~ . o
71. ,
:I':"... ,...
1~. 8

"• -,'" -
311. :I
21 . 0

{A),itude, 6,000 feet. StatioI11o=-~d ID !tmnll ,.1\110,.; c."'" and p!utuliland:s """tint! hundred re t in t:elgiJt.s ro ..... lnfla:s LG chI! ...."ClIt "rut. oorlh; )0,,- hili. to th. soulh nnd e~"l

.,. .....
• 27. 1
~' I
".,\ ....
I , ".°I .\2. I
(M Q, ._ •• __ • • • _ . _ _• __ •••• _ ____ • II.' 1!11. t ..... \1 ~i.O :18.1

til. ' -106.'
U Ulb&lt monthly mellll • •• _. ___ •. • : :~:: :: : ::: :: -::::
Lo~t I)J.Quthl), mean . __ . __ _ .. ___ ••• ____ _.. . _.•
11. e ,. S!.. O 110.2 ~z. 0 7!1. Q
,. 62.. •
Lo r= 1 :~=~r:::~::: : ::::::::::;:::: ::::::: ::1, ,. ff1
11. 7


"a I, , " .,. " ,.

3-t. 7 .2.8

-Ii. Ii
101 100


f!aeal ... t.

.... .... .... .

{A.ltilude. &.7D!I ,"to Su;,,- iD tmal) \Owo in .b llI, country .. illillUrue:-oor. rocky !tiU«'. ·(ID f!dp 0' alli, balTeD pllil!:!.!

, ,..' ..., .... ... ......... ...,.. ........ ....

.,.. ..'7 ,.. ""'1
:;:.2 .. .... ....ea.c
W.::J • •• ___ ••••• ______ • . .. ___._ • . __ ___ . .••. _ GO. , !O. . I

." <u
12 G7. 7
"" '1.0

7. .

~~:5€f~:~:~:~:::~:~:~::·~::~~:::::: ".." " n' r ,.

01.. 71. :I ", 0 77. 0
13. Z .,. 1 :ki. & &2. 5 ,u7 IU ... 0
-17 -II i
II "
" I • I ~I~ -It

r."ltI\ude, 01,000 "t. lLatw. iu •• IIt,. gfsnLat! rl'itt I• .,..rally rol:.QfI: COOIIlr)')

l&&1;,••• __
FIlabell mo
LoW", ....
DirbMt tem
-~I#~i::::H·::E::~j.:j:j ""
.... .... . , ..
'" 1
31. 2

./57. D
" .0
at. e
111. 8

~:~ I
...... .... ",........... , "......U..
! ".7
67. 11
7oI. S

::0. ,
.... ........ . .
-,73 .. ".0 la."
In. 1

1.o11"6U tem
"" -21
• •
-18 I,
" , 11 -11 -21


[A1t.itll~. a,~:)t fOe'. Stadoel ia tM I1D.fOII 0( Colorado Rt'rV, .. baM .-&lII a..... 1,500 let 2,OOr} !C';1' '-llh; IlIt.tIOll~:.J t., from rh.... !

~:~~=::~::::::::::: _:::::.:J
tneao ____ •..•• __• __ • . . ______ . . __
::=t'~~::::: -::::: ~: :~:::~~: :~:::= : ::1
It .... .... ! .'..., .... ... ,,
..... ...... , . ....
:Mi. 7

• " . 1<'1 "

:.7.1 I M
if. 7


n.' 1 ,.
M. I
41. 4 ...
, ... ,,
.. ,

14 1 OJ
" '" ~J I. -1

" ....
f."'IUtude, .,911 rtet. Couatrr" ,.,*,07 M\·.r aad ope tet U. :IOUlb, witb Ilta"h abrupt bilillo "'... n.or~hl

... , ....
... ,~7.3
GI. •
Re: ...
... ,01 ".1
30.' ".0 100&1.5
70. •
.,. ....."0•
a1. :I: 4:!.e
30. • 1t1.9 42. 4 Z7.7

" ..
17. I
1 '"• 101
10 Igj i a. " 101
RICOf'tlI <I_JHTfII",.;ft ,gIICk.", Ulall (" F.)-Cootinued
(Ahltutle• • be_' 1,600 -.ell

The induence· of oltitude and topographic position times performed by the Navajo! at Ihe Crossing of
on temperature is shown by a comparison of t~e tabl~s the ~athers.
for Alton, Giles, Rite, and Kanab. Decreasmg alti- Righ rangea in annual temperature accompanied
tudes are accompanied by increasing mean annual by great daily range. A daily range of about 40·
temperatures. At Alton (altitude TfXJO feet) the is probably common to the whole area; ranges of W·
thermometer rarely goes above 90·, and the bighest have frequently been experienced. A worker in this
temperatures recorded for 18 yearll are June; 94·; region soon learns that however hot tbe day may
July, 03·; August, OS· i and for four or five months be an ample supply of blankets may be required at
in a yelOr the thermometer lalb below 200, and -20 r,ight. In June, 1918, along the south rim of the
has been recorded. At Rite (altitude 3,600 feet) zero Kaiparowits Plateau the bellt of the day interfered
u-rupentures are rarely recol-ded. The range between with field work, but on three lDorning9 frost covered
the highest and the lowest. monthly melOns is least for the ground. At altitudes above 11,000 feet several
Widtsoe, 5.60, followed in order by Rite, 28.~0; Alton, days with temperatures of 700 to 80· were followed
W.O· i Escalante, 31·; Cannonville, 32.40 ; Kanab, by nights in which ice formed in the camp buckets.
33.So; and Oiles, 84.2°. These figures of menn an- Sudden changes during the dlly are infrequent, ex-
nual temperature and the l'Gnge between the lowest cellt when thundershowers cool the air for a few
ond tho highest overage monthly means are not un- hours. On b:ot summer days a hailstorm may lower
like those prevailing in temlJerate lutitudes and there- the temperature within an hour to a point where
fore give little indic'ltion of the temperatures ellperi- handling instruments and writing in notebooks is
enced in this region. painful.
'rho annual and daily re.nges of temperature Lre Fortunately, bowevel, in the Kaiparowits region
of greoter significance. The maximum annual range high temperatures Ind great daily range are ac-
recorded for Alton i. 114° (940 to -20°); for Esca- companied by dry air. Instrument&! measurements
lante,116° (08 0 to -17°) i for Giles, 132° (1110 to have not been made, but for tbe region as a whole
-21·); for Rite, 116° (115 0 to -1°); for Kanab, the humidity is probably less than at Flsgstaft', Ariz.,
120° (106 0 to -15·); and for Widt&oe, 169· (92° .... here the mean relative humidity is 62 per cent, be-
to -lTO). The greatest t'ange (lSS0) is at Cannon- ing lowest (39 per cent) during June, the driest and,
ville, where D July ""d August. temperature of 1010 during some years, the hottest month." High hu-
i~ oaset by the low February record of 82° below
midity and high temperatnre oro not contempora·
tero. At nll points within the Kaiparowits region neous, with tbe result thnt heat, though distressing, is
below 7,000 feot, temperatures that exceed 100· not enerva.ting and oppressive. Here, as in the Nl.v-
norma.lly occur for 10 to 20 days nch year. At such ajo country, U a bot-air bath, not a steam bath, is part
times tile temperature in the sun is ahnost intolet·able. o! the daily routine."
In ti,e Fiftymile Desert and the Wahweap country
the surface soil reaches 140·, and bridle b\lckles nnd The average date of the tlrst killing frost of au-
camp utensils ellposed to tha Bun almoat scorch tha (umn ranges from September 12 at Alton and Can-
lingers. Except within the deeper major valleys Dnd nonville to ~ovember S at Rite; and tbe average data
to a leM elltent in other canyons, temperatures below of tbe last killing frost of spring rallges from March
zero are normal in D~mber, January, and February 24 at Rite to June 20 at Alton. The stations under
Illld at points on the higher plateaus zero weather fo; ohserVRtion (see p. 21) have normally a growing sea-
five or ~ix days in su~i~n haa been ellperienced. son as follows: Alton, 84 day.; Cannonville, 98 days;
Reservolfs are coated With Ie&, and the soil is frozen Widtsoe, 99 days; Kanab, 128 day.; Escalante, 128
to depths of 2 to 6 feet. Nearly every year the Colo- days; Giles, 140 days; and Hite, 224 days. No frost
~ado River ~n Glen C.nyon freezes over in places; records are available for Paria. Where water hIlS
10 1878 the Ice was ~ feet thick • t Lee. Ferry' nnd h«:en m.ade available this long growing season, coupled
dnring the winter of 1924-20 horses were taken ~cros! With high temperature, is favorable for alfalfa, corn,
on the ice .t tl,e mouth of RaUs Creek-a feat many • U. ft. We.tbn BOi, B~ll W, 'rol. 1. l012.
Ind fruit rlising. However, when Il period of several up and down canyon walls the air seems continuously
years is considered, it appears that the normal length in motion and at times is difficult to face, but during
of the growing season may be much shortened. Thus the course of field work no widely sweepin~ sand-
the growing season may be shortened by six weeks storm WIIB encountered. The most disagreeable expe-
It Hite and reduced to 9tS days at Giles, 60 days It J-iences are Associated with the huge clouds of whiding
Kanab, 15 days at Widtsoe, 1S1 days at Escalante, and dust which roll across the ground to meet the oncom-
22 days d Cannonville; and Alton may have killing ing thundershowers. As compared, with the winds
frost any month of the year. These records are in adjacent areas, those of the K&iparo\1'its region Ire
eharted in Figure 5. neither intense nor continuous. In the minds of the
The bearing of these figures on agriculture may be Navajo who live south of the Colorado River the
seen from the fact that oorn requires, on the a "erage, Wind People were sen~ to dry up the eorth, a.nd ~ Wind
eo to 150 day. and fruit nn e"en longer time to reach and Night" (sandstorm) is & dreaded expression of
maturity. , powers for evil. To the Piu~ of southern Utah the

FJOv .. G.-RiI!'1nl!Gn or lIme of 1I:»Ua. froft to altltudit 1Jt .oothea.t«11 Utah. Baaed •• J'~ordll aC lD~teorolot'!c ,tallo ...

WDlD winds and storms over the plateou top and among the
winding canyons are Dot unfriendly; chiefly the light-
Small areas of dunes and rippled flats of eolian ning is dreadful and sublime. Mooney I. halO thus
sand, widely spread over the Ka.iparowits region, bear translated one of their folk songs:
witness to the presence of winds. In place!i rocks Ire
The Yl1nd ItirI the w1llo~T'.
being polished Bnd etched by wind-blown SAnd and
Tb. WInd 8th.. tb• • mow,.
vegetation i. successi vely buried Ind uncovered. The :.rind .tIn the wntOWI,
For the tll"O stations where records have been kept The wLo.d
atln the creMeS.
tbe prevailing direction of wind is west at Alton and The wind .tlrt tbe (I'Q8IfI.
northwest at Cannonville. As it crosses the grass- The rocks are rinc1ng,
(overed or forest·covered High Plateaus its force is The rocks are rlnglDI.
diminished and it reaches the settlements at the plateau Tho roc .... or. rlnc1n~,
base strained almost clear of dust. As the wind pro- Tbey ore rtnclog In the mountaIns,
~ds east... ard down the Escalante Valley it gathers Tbey are rln&1nct In tbe mountalrua.
The, Ire rfnc1ua In tIM! mountains.
force enough to sweep the ground clear of dust, which
it earriea to Glen Canyon and to the uninhabited An interesting phase of wind activity was observed
regions beyond. The wind along the southwest base of in canyon., wher~, with seeming disregard to regional
tbe Kaiparowits Plateau likewise has no collecting direction, winds on summer day. travel up the valley
ground for dust and is hindered in its course by rock and reach the surface above by going up the hot clift's
masses that rise from the surface and project from the at the ct.Jlyon head or dividing to follow tributaries.
plateau. It mllst start and stop, pick up, and deposit At night they return down the valley, and the explorer
lind at relatively short intervals. The absence of ex- soon lemrna to place his camp fires with this knowledge
tensive aats and the presence of innumerable cliffs, in mind. At many junctions of canyons small ridies
~, and canyons provide conditions unfavorable for of sand are alternately moved and replaced.
~lI1Jlterrupted sweeps. Whirling columns of dust are • Noo.e7. I_met. Bap. Am . .2tholOQ F.urt.eatb AnIlI. R., pSt.
In evidence, and around bases of rock buttresses lind 106f-10111i. lags.
Inrlrely to the arid climate. Because the scant suppl~
of water ill the ground is not suHicient to leacb out t~
III the Kaipal'owit.i region soil is rare; if defilled ."luble COIL~tituellts, the bits of plant food sparingly
n. dueply uecomposed or disintegrated rock mixed distributed in t.he rocks are accumulated in the soils
with humus and water it is alm<m--t absent. On flat- and .tol·ed for long periods. That the soil has fertil_
topped mesas and plateaus the soil, weathered directly ity is shown by the vigorou.s notural growth of pereu-
f",m the underlying rock, forms & mont Ie & few inches niols and GIUlllals whc,'(l sullicient water is l)l'l)sent and
thick, Lut e,'cn he"e the soil covel' ia not continuous. by the c"ops hanestcd at Lees Ferry, Pario, Cannon-
On the plateau c<lges (the" breaks") the arell.9 of dis- ville, and Escalante. The one substance lacking is
integroted shale and .andstone, though technically I water. The dry air and open-textured soil pe"mits the
d."><ed as soil, bnve no agricultural value. In general moisture to escope o.t the surfoce, ,tIlUS dep''essing tbe
tho conditions ore unfavorable for moking and retain- Wllte,· table to It deptb thot makes natural farming
ing i!Oil~. The scanty vegetation, the absence of sod, unprofitoble ILnd dry forming speeuJotive, but irriga-
tho .udden .howers, and the "Rpid run-olf favor re- tion farming brings satisfactory returns. Unforlu-
mov.l of the ""iI o. rapidly as it is formed . Soil does nately there is not enough woter available in the Kai-
not remain on the .steep slopes that ore characteristic parowits region to supply more than a few squa1'<l
of this region, nor ou flatter "-Teas where tbe surface is Dliles, el'cept .t prohibitive cost. The most flLvorablv
thoroughly wa.hed by tumultuous waters from cloud- situated lands are already under in-igation,ond tl~
bursts olld ~wept cleau by winds. Over hundr~-ds of lund that might be irrig..ted is more than ofl'sat by
squore miles t·be surfa::e con.ists of clean, bare rock. I the .mount destroyed by the down ~utting of alluvium
)o[""t of the soil in tbis region is 1t'lnsPOrted 8Oil. It
in the washes. (See p. 30.)
hOi! been lll'ought to its present positiofl by .t''earns and
wind. ltlllny depr ..sion. on the surface ba"e been VEGET.o!.TION
filled by deb .. is washed from their edges, and into
IlIl1ny rock trllcks 811rf~ce material from near-by llembers of the Powell and 'Vbeeler Sunev. we"
I,l.""" h •• been dumped. Some former canyons and impressed by the geneI'll scantiness of the pl&~t cover
inullmeroble tributary "ulleys have been partly filled lie southerll Utah. Powell" remarks:
with .Iream-bome debris, and a fe,. tI.t-lloored \"11- 110n1 portioDI o! tbe ele... u.ted dttitrtct are del'old ot Um-
ley. nro lIanked with soil deposited .t high ..... ter ber; • • • the forests ot these \Jl,per regioDI are met-
DOtonou~ .. tbe l'ar1et,. 01 tree Ute is 1'ery small: • • •
.lageo. Similnr soil is displayed in alluviol cones the eoulterow trees .. • • are ragged and ,narted. alld
dong volley side'S lnd in f .. agmentary terraces th.t tbe lumber they Ilftord l. not ot the ftaest q,uaItt;y.
cling to co.nyon wall.. Eoli.n soils in the form of
Powell list. (j species of pines, 6 of fir, II of juniper,
dunes are displayed hero and there It lhe bases of
3 of popl8t, 0 maple, a box elder, an oak, a birch, a
~liff., on opentlllts, .nd within CIlnyons. At one place
hackberry, and 2 species of ash-tbese last seven rare-
III the Escnlante Valley dunes ha,'e completely oblit-
~ .. ated the canyon wall and replaced bue rock with
soil that supports. covel' of 'fegetltian. In tbe Wah- n 1Il... rl,. complete lilt ot !Orelt trees. • • • }II-early an the
(11188e!l on the bt(blonds Dre bunch gtllU. The spRees bJ
,~eap eountry. wind-blown soil coats lArge oreRB, and
whlcb they are leparaled are bare or occupied by W'et!dI and
hlle dns~ se~llD~ fro~ the air probably forms put of Ihrubs. .. .. .. A. contlnuoul torf Is never ICon. .. .. •
" ,ost. SOIls III t~IS regIon. In foct, some of the best The regionl lOuth and east of the High Plnteans are exce",.l·
g"II~Ing "reUS ID volley. owe their VAllie to nnnn.l mgt,. desolate; naked rocks ore tound. refusing tooting eVft
Irrusscs thot find uncertain foothold in the shifting (or dwarfed C'edars and pitlon pines; the Ipriup 1D..!.re-
sond>;. queDt and ),ield no bountiful IUIl(1:)'; Ita patcbes of Irlas are
wldet,. ICRttered, BDd it baa but little va~uo tor a~rlcu1tura!
Such soil as the region .lford. is de"ived from rocks purposes.
thot nre deficient in the minerol matter needed by
plont.. Tbe sandstone and sandy shale of the Puia Dutton" saw in sharp contnst the "egelation of the
Volley, Glen Canyon, Waterpocl<et Fold, and Esca- rim of the AqUl~rius Plateau ~nd of the canyon lands
lllllte Vnlleys nre p,'Ovaitillgly quartzoee and. therefore that Itretch enstward to the Colorado. He says:
poorly supplied ",ith plant foods. The ilndstone and Yealorda7 [in upper FremoDt Vane1] we were totllOJJ over I
burnlni aoil, where nothln; &l'OWS Ave the ashy-colored Mae·
shale thot con~itute. the upper h.1f of the KaIparowits the prkkl, pear. and tl. te'.. tt:'danr tbltt wrltbe Ind cuulorl
PlotenD contRIIl a hlgber propOltion of desirable min- their ~tuntM Ihnba under a scorchll1;: IUU. To-dav "'Ie !let!
e,... b, and the Iim..tone and baslltic 1"". along ti,e amQllit forests ot rare beaut, and IU1:urlnnce; the .l~ Is molll
Ia~ ,,~d top of tbe Paun,augunt., T"ble Cliff, and
AqIIlU"US Plateaus furnish 80il of good qU'Ility. But,
AJt~oulth about .90 per cellt of the svil is derived from
1'01 ~ th.t furmsb hUla or 110 lime, !lotn.h, and phos-
phorIC lInd sulphuric lcid, the soil is not infel·tile, owing
.ud cool; tbe ,rA3~ are I l·eeu. and f'npk. and hosts of tlowt!n ecologic p,·oyiuces. The unusually complex yertical
dt':'d: the tur! ljke the buu of • PCI'lii.u CIl1l)tt·
and horizontal
· arr&lt"'ement
.. of canyons , stream ftata ,
Eac;lwud from the plateau rilll he saw s Iopes, cI ,lfs, lIIesa tops, plateau tops, areas of soil, and
bun,iI,I' plu.1us. barten even o( SAge-all Ilowluc witb brilbt nr.... s of bare rock lIatur.. lly provid.. local environ-
("{Jior BUll 8ooded. wItb blui)lg tinoUght, .. • • It ta tbe ment with little regard to contour lines.
tluem\t or deMIIlUoD. the blankest so!itu~ , • superlative Cottonwoods g"ow \\'ithill the lo ..·es! canyons at
deU'rt; • .. • tbe plaiD is burren, t reeless:. and waterless. 3,125 Ceet and also ill dry washes ",uoye 6,000 f;et. III
If Dutton had descended from the High Plateaus plnces yellow pine constitutes forests between 7,000
to the " desolate" Escalante Basin, where " the air and 9,000 fect but is absent (mm lurge areas between
boils like a pot," or had visited the Pari'" and Glen 1,000 and 8,000 feet a.nd ilppears here and there below
Cau"on distl'icts, some harsh lines would be absent ~,OOO feet . Piiion and juniper rllnge ft'om about 3,500
fron", his picture. Traverses of these regions b"ing to feet to the edge of the High Plateaus at 10,000 feet.
rie,.. a re,na"knbly distributed and widely varied /lora, Sagebrush, willow, and waler-loving' grasses, reeds,
.bove which, along the plateau rims a.nd tops, trees and ferns seem to be distributed almost regllrdless 0 f
and urn.b are as abundunt as in most pR,·ta of the altitude.
l"lOlildo plateaus. It is iI'1le, however, thnt ..egeta- Although it is difficult to establish boundaries, ot
tion in the Kaiparo'Tits region has an unfriendly en- has been found convenient in field work to recognize
Tironment. Nowhere is it luxuriant, and at few pllUOeS three plant zones in the Kaiparowits region, as
do the plants crowd one another in their search for follows:
..ater and favor ..ble soil. As .. rule, the grass is in 1. Zone of cottonwood, cactus, and yucca. Thi •
bunches, tho shrubs in clumps, and the trees in smdl zone includes the Colorado and tributary valleys to an
groves with considerable spaces separatin: them. altitude of about .5,000 feet. Within this zone vege-
}[any plants have no nenr neighbors ; they stand as tation is overywbere scanty. In Olen Canyon yucca.
individuals in t"ncts of several acreS or are present by and cactus occupy the few talus slopes and cling to the
twos or threes in area$ of several square miles. Ex- walls; willow grow. profusely on exposed sand bars,
cept en the Kaiparowits Platellu and about the head- reappearing after each flood; cottonwood.. stand on
waters of the P"ria Bnd Esc.lnnte Rivers, patch6S of high lerel terraces at the mouths of tributary strellms,
green are a small part of the Ia.ndscape. Large arerua where serub cedar, oak, box elder, Brigham tea, rabbit
"'8 devoid of vegetation. brush, hackberry, and grease wood are also found.
The high w~l1s of hundreds of cllnyons are in gen- The vines and bushes within and adjoining Olen Can-
e,..1 without plllnl coYer on th~i r mces and on their yon are duplicated in the Paria, Escalallte, and Halls
top:!. It is possible to follow the rim of Glen Canyon Vaneys and along stream ways draining south from the
from the Pari. to Halls Creek and to continue the Kaip8l'0witl Plateau. Cottonwoods Ire particularly
journey dong the crest of the Wnterpocket Fold to abundant in the Paria Valley. Tbe vines present in-
the Circle Cli& without stepping on grass or passing clude poison oak, Virginia creeper, clemntis, and grape.
b.!neeth trees. (See pI. 21, 0.) Similar conditions Grass of several varieties nppears as detached tufts
woold be found in a traverse along the Esc.lante among boulders, in rock cracks, and on quiescent sand
Ri"er from its mouth to Sand Creek. For the region dunes. Moss and fems watered from seeps form ",een
•• a :"hole, including the plateau tops, dUfs, and clln- spots on red sa nd"tone walls. Tamarisks and Lom-
yon walls, it ii estimated thd vegetation in the sense bardy poplar that wcre planted a.i" Paria about 187~
:hat thLt term is used in the Colorndo pla.teau prov- h. ye made good growths; fruit tt'ees, corn, Ilnd sor-
'lICe coveN! 20 per cent of the surface; for the lower ghum give satisfactory yields nt Pari .. , HILlis Ranch,
F.... I.nte V ..lIey, tbe southeast end of the Kaiparo- Lees Ferl'Y, ..nd Hite.
w,ts Plateau, and the south half of the W.terpocl,et 2. Zone of pinon, juniper, .. nd sage; altitude, 5,000
. ·old it covers probably less than 5 per cent. to 8,000 feet. The dominant vegetation for a larger .
~h. distribution of plant life in the Kaiparowits part of the Kllip8Fowit~ region consists of continuous
tfgJon corresponds roughly ... ith the zon&! arrange-
forests, scattered patches, and individual trees of
rnen& outlined for northe ... tern Arizona,·· but the pinon and juniper, together with vigorously growing
boundaries of the zones Ilr. more Irregular ..nd broade,', SAgebrush. (See pis. 8, B; 22, B.) This type pre-
lod overlapping of zones is commOn. In this region vails on tbe top and flanks of the Kaiparowits Pla-
Iopogrlphy, with its attendant control of rainlall, teau, along both sides of the Watel'pocket Fold, and
temperoture, evaporation, insolation, and wind, deter- on the slopes of tbe P8unsaugunt, Table Clilf, a.nd
Aquarius Plateaus. Tbe rel ..tive amounts of ·piilon
~'- the character of plant life and the boundaries of
and juniper difer widely from place to place, &ltd the
• Gtf/tOr,. H. E., The NllVeJo eountr1 - a Ceo,:;raphlc a.t b,dro· I sage grows under tbetrees, in "parks" between them,
~~ ~1I.tsslllllCe of .-rta of .\rlaoM., New )f•• leo, .ad Utah : i cr in uninterrupted fields covering hundreds of acres.
' . . 81l1'~T Wuttr'-Iuppl, hper 380, P. 7:!- 191 • .
WiLh tl,."" dominant forms ore found Ileorly all the ConiOBelinurn IelJpulorum. Erigeron macranthus.
Cinoium (near C. drummondi; PoteDtilla flU""".
pllnts represented at lower altitudes, and within this and C. eatonW. ChaenacLia dougluti,
~",e are ma.ny indi,·idull trees and some groves of Autenn8ria rmiea . ZygadeDUJ elecaD •.
yello\\" pjne .nd aspen, eharaderiatic of highe~ alti· Geranium riehardlOni i. Anemooe &loboaa.
I udes. BuUberr;.,., service berries, and mountam ma- Castilleja Jiulnoerolia. Wahlber,ell& drnmIDolKlii.
hogany are fairly common, and at Pleasant Spri~g Achillea lunwals. Arabis drummondii.
(altitude aoout 6,000 r...t) occurs .~ unusual a~,a. With regard to the utilixation of the lond the ,ego.
Lion of pinon, juniper, upen, ..")\0\0, oak, blrcJ." tation of Garfield, Kane, alld SAn Juan Counti...
• Iders, IlIxuriant wild cherries, ..nd rosebu.h~s. FrUIt Utah, has been studied by Depue Folck," of tht
trees, co.. n , wheat,and
- flourish at C.nnom'ille,
. L"nited States GeologieRl Survey. He recognizes fi1"t
Tropic, Henrieville, nnd EscalAnte. Potatoes, wInch zones, which he descl"ibes os follows :
were found growing wild in the PotaLa Vall,), (Eseo.
t. The transltlon def!.ert brllAA typo occup!es the lo¥.'~r all~
Innte), produce c"""lIent cropa. Lud... or the re.1oD IDd I•• mixture ot ,·orloUI Imoll brulh
3. Zor.e of yell01l' pine, spruce, and fir; Dltitude, opeei .....bleb dUfer Ia domlaoDco Ir.d deDatt.r accordlDS to
8,000 to 11,000 foet. On the upper slopes and top of I local condit'o",," The Dlor. COUllDOD of tbe .. plJ1ntB or. spee;..
the Aqu" .. ius, Table Cliff, ond PaulIeauJ:llnt Plilteaua !
nnd rollnd .bollt Clnaan Peak yellow pine predoml-
ot saltbush ••ueb .0
.had...·.:. (A/ripl ... c<J,,(crtl(olia), .0.,.
mon •• llbU8R ( .• 'rij'/C" •••C.""".), two SIlloli suarute.",",
notes at altitudes under 9,000 fert rand is iollowed up"" : iipct'~e. (A.triplez ,mtl-aUi; nn:1 . .Urlple:w corr .. ,«ln), as well
BS Uttle rllbblt brush, bJnet brush (ColcOflYtW t"a-mo.:.a:slmG;.
ward in turn by spruce and fir. The trees U"e intcl'4 Mormon or Brigham tetl (Epht:l¥a.). grcusewood (Sarcoba/tli
.perled with beantiful grove. of aspen and IUider- " • ..".leular..,) . Yu ..... , and pricklyp.. r . Gmllla, gnUeln. 100
gl'uwn with oak, willow, JWlnz;anita., sngG, a.nrl many Indi:l~ rlce are tbe principal ,rfJ~.
p:rnS8es. In pIa!"•• the pines gl·OW singly or in widely 2. The .bndscale Iype oc<:upl •• cniy a tew of the low...
• pOC"e'! >:roup', oncl g,·.ss-floorM parks arC common. ,·.lIeys. where ahodocale (A.lrlp/ell _ferl i/o/i,,) I. tile doml·
N.nrly nil the IRnd. in zone 8 are within the Powell nu"t .hrub Dnd 1$ \l.8llullr ...oeloted ,.!tb little robblt br""l,.
Mftltbush, dnd cHher ,roma or Cftlletn CraSti.
Nation.1 FOl·ost..-th" !<Ource of lumber and of sum- 3. The Junl"""plrlOn 11pe Is tound Ih.·ouKhout iIIe .roo Ilndor
mer p:rozing for Knne, Gurfield, "'ayn., and Piute dl"""""lon betw .... altitudes of 1,000 Dod 7,000 teel. WithlD
Conntie.. The following list of plant, growing in Ibl. type os ronppcd .re moo)" omnll open [>Dlehes wbere pur.
the for ....! has been furnished by M... Wollnce M. or mixed ota"d. or .mnll brush dom'Date. At the blih.r al,l.
Riddle, forest !lupc.rvisor: tudes t~se stonds cOIl8IJ\t ulmost entirely of s.'1gcilrush; \I;
tJIO lower BrC'ft8 there :1 in mallY pl:J:CCI only. SC'rubbr gro\,. ,l:
V.Jeriana oontophyl:.. I LigUlJtieulD porteri, wild torrot of juniper 'Nith n abort bru!lb a.nd ~nss aSBOctntlon toDlfl(kC('(!
Kunzla trldentatflo, bit ter or Duystephana aflilli., mradoW' luJncillDlIy ot s.hadseale. saltb'JHh (Atrlpr~:I OtlMCac'C1'IoI). gal·
deer bru.l~. bl""bcll. kotll (rOss, Indtan riCC (Orvzopsl. AymeMW!C.), And crnml
PHUdocymoptarul ticteetrDmii, Duyslcphan. porl")·U. gI"Of.& (Bovtetov. gnJ(.;li.l) . In addlt!on mountain DUthognn."'.
.. nRelic&. Dugald". hoopcsii, .n~~· oak brush, crab applo ( CrczJoCgzu), nDd cliff rose urc abundant
.'.tm£alUIl' thompeonM, lOCI). · W""~. hruab species included with thlt; tYJ~.
Aelragalna dceumbena. nuU p.,ipJ:oro rrutlcoaa, elk brulJh. 4,. The oak t.,vve OCCUI"8 tn onll' n few l't1loth·el,. small
loco. Arnica rhizom.ta, dwarr lun· Al'ettS at the blgher altitudes, ,eu('... l1)~ adjoln-tng the Umbered
Scricolheea dumo!llL, ~arbetT)·. Hower. torest areo!.. Tbis tne as mapped "I\'CSl of l{ontleoUo repn:-
Hcdyttlll'uJU pnbulare. tJce. Arnica corditoll&.. Fcnbi: an ftlm08t pure stllnd ot oak brush (Q11<"TC11I "ra ll-
w(:cd. Mnblcnbual& t.riftda l no catem cn,f.I) Iup[llemcx;.ted by a few Icatter!es yellow pine amI in
Apocynum aeopulo:,ull'). grasa. places IImoll AUI[e pa1.cbea. Ou the slOpes ot the Henry
Koelcrin CriHtatD., carly MrOM. De,l pbiDium barbcyl, Inrklpur,
MouDtftlns the typo includes a number o[ other Bpeclu .Dd is
Cnrcx mi.~ndrrt. mountain Sympborionrpoa oreophilu.,
In rcollt, a high brum type. with aRk. the d.ominant specie$. trip hrulh.
Cnrex. fcstivtl. Thc rld:;e ot this IIn~ '''' ext!'1!lD.oI, rocky ond. ".neB.
Merteos!n. .ampaonii, water 811ppvrUn,:: onl)· 8 SPSr5C gl'o,.. tb or purple- loco weed, ",bereu
.Juneu. badiulI, mcado,,' arMS. bluebell.
Hym&llOXJ'8 rlohllrdsonil. yct- the upper porti(lo ot the north $Iopes eon~t11us patches or
Amllrella. scopUlOrllI)l, bille
lo",·w(.'Cd. f:q.rucr. IIr, and Il-"pen , .lld ,.ellow pine ;:rows lower dOWD
Lithoepermum m~lli"()rum, Rnd in tbe eaoyoD.8. Some at this Urnbar' ""ould bs,oe tom-
Am.rell. Illcbeja.
),("110'" boneYluc.kle. mrrctol "A1ue 1l it were at(esatble. Sa"ebrush. buck bru~
Chanl&ener(on nna:UtltifolluID I
Erioaot\um rrOC'C:'um, amall (S1JfHpltoriC'C"·po.), an(1 rUff rO&e (C(Hca'Rfa ,'sullaMa") .~
flre ..·eed.
yellow""",,. n~:alcll with the ' oalt brullh on theie mouutalns. At Alton
Ocuro Ore;onclUlC', nancll_bill.
£rtogooum eorymhOlum, aPl,le ye1low Iline itt: n~hltpd with thc onle brWlb.
... li t".... ItCl'eti
Asclcpiodors. dccumben' l poi-
bru.ob. tOn ..'UloW'. G. The suge tYfK\ deslgDales Iren s where Enge (Ar1emitfG
EriOlonllm rt\eero09uDl. FcotuO!l ...n!&erl. fritf.c:w.ta.tll) Vrest'nls a domlnRnt oppetlnlDce to the eye. awl
ThalietruDl Ipft.uiftorum, Faatucft ,·Irldula. makes up practimlly 73 per ceDt or the IrouDd cover. Buncb
.... ater,.·~ed. Brom\l8 polyftlltbll'. I: r :Isa ( ..tumpuron ."i("Qtu".) I. the principal .econdaf'y apecles 0 d 0 r _ l i .limn, AcrOltl, hiomaliAl. Itt the b1tiher 0I1t1ludC1; but II! I'Clllaced by ,allet. cra" (Bil~
hOf'1JCmiut. Po. (aeftb ... n.n. )tURe'ii) on tbe lower mC'ttQ:l. Sl'attm'IUi; plants of btl' rabbit,
TiVJ,malul luridu•• Imartitll Aeonitum coIumbianuru.
mUk\\"eed. .. Pll!l"1io"lll COlBllI\lnlctlion ~ rUDtl&lttfl"d ,_ • l~ t~r rrom 10"" (I.
I Luplnua (.p.). Sortbr"ll. J.D. Hi. W:!G.
h,..;lh .nd linle r.bbit ll'ru~h (Chr/llJoI-MlIIU-U-J ,h!tf.bP1l.1IU.,,) better place,. Th,'y ;;erm tn hi' wny_ide, not
lind • Ptrlodlcal growth of slP-venl' Innunl gntSl nnd weed
t-1Jf'l....s (K.~ur tbrougbl)ut lliia UfIE'. In- ceneral, lhl'tO t,YI....
perm.uent 8ett.iement,.
j, Jlot f ound ~tow 8n altitude 01 5.000 teet. The Hopis say that their .nc•• tOl'S came to Tusayan
h~m regions nort.h nnd west. They nlso speak of an
ANIMALS edIct. of the" old people," forbidding' travel or dwell·
Among the indigenous animals of the Kaiparowits ing beyond the" l,lTellt water chAsm." Although in
rogion field mice, cliff mice, ehipmunlu;, .g round Hopi tradition this prohibition i. gi"en a relil,';ous
""uirr~l~, cottontails, on(l were frequently seen, bi.gnific ..ncf, it seems not unlikely that t11I'lOt·js of
Rnd the nocturnn.1 desert rat (" t.rade rat ") is much pIoneer ...outo formed ih basis.
ill fvidence. Porcupines, badgers, and woodchuclu; From R c.enter, probably ot Chinle, the N a"aios ex.
Ii". in forested areas. Snnlles and li:tnrds appear on tondl'<! theu' .ettlemenls " .... t, ~ast, and south but
the lower dryer lands, bllt reptiles ore here much lei'S nossed the ('.olorndo onl." for huntiug oile! buter.
common th.n in regions south of Glen Canyon. Pra.i. Likewise t.he Piutes, wI", appear to hftve been forced
rie dogs likewise ore not abundant. Bea";; Dnd wild by hostile tribes to occu.p y undesirable l'onds, chose the
roh< ...·ere seen on ''''erol occasions, .Iso tracks of the San JuAn and Virgin Valleys and the pllltenu lands
mountain lion. Colonies of Sonoran beavers are at fRrther west and eost in preference to the Paria and
,,"ark on Boulder Creek and Sand Creell, and the EscalsnLe Valleys aud the Kaiparowits Pin tean. Ar.
name Pnunsaugunt (place of hea,'ers) for the south. rowhends fmmel hen a I\d show that th. rogion
~l'Omost of the High Plateaus suggests mnch wider b.low t.he rim of ehe High FI.telllls was a hunting
distribution. n is reported that otter, deer, and moun. !!'l"Ound, but the >prings Rnd conYOll Uottoms sho" 110
tain sheep 'vere plentiful ·during pioneering days ond sign~ of long·time occupanc.!,. Thompson in 1872 met
lhat wild horses were occasionally &C('O. The Piutes on. bond of Pilll.s ,t the northeast bAse of the
t.1l of once abundnnt antelo~. East o( the Kaibab .-t'luorius Flatc.u, and the pioneer 1I[ol'1II0n hand found
J'lote8u deer arc now rare, and the only mountain four or Ih'e Piuta families living in tho Pobto
.heep noted during tho course 01 field work "'85 a Valley. Several times Ihe Navajos entered the Paria
flock of six net.r the sout.heast base of the Kaiporo- Valley by the of the Fllther~ and raided the
.. its PIaLeau. Here, os in other parts of the South. l'io~ecr outposts, and (hey still "isit ti,e Kliparowits, centipedes anel scorpions are found, but. thou::h rej:lon to sell blankets and buy buckKkin. The Piutes
Ihey are .occasionally unwelcome visitors about comp, Ii~_ewillQ come ocC8si~~aHy. to ""II boskets and to gllt.her
they are not abundant. Crickets and spiders are pinon nuts .nd medICInal herbs. The 1920 censlIS lists
plentiful, but mosqu.itoes give little trouble. Deer four Indian. in Gadield County and none it) KIlle
IIi .. are a troublesome pest in some of the upland Count.". During' the course of !ieologic field work in
marsh)' nlleyo. Grasshoppers found in sufficient 1900, 1915, 1918, .1921, 19-22, l.nd 1924 the only human
.bllndanee to serve the Piutes •• an .I·tiele of food. In being!' Sl!~n ~utslde of settlements were a family in
ISH tltey destroyed the CI'OPS ot Kanab. An mh,I" camp .1 P.fla, cnttIemen engaged in a round·up on
Ming VAriety of aquatic insects the in ~pring·fed Hall. Creek, aud a few sheep herders within the
hgms, small dreams,and raim.ater" tn.nks." Among lIalioH",1 forest and on the Kaiparowits Plateau.
those studied by Moore oud Hungereord, the Illost. com. THE .0111(011 l'IOIlI.U
mon are back 6"immers (lI'olo1lecta), wawr boatmen
(A~toco'i:la), stridel'S (Cenio, Trepobak6, M;Cf'(). ~he MOI'hlon immigrAnts to Utah lost little time it!
"';;a), and dytiseid beetles (R"anlll~, T "~rmO'Tleclf~)." spying out Innd su.itnble for settlement. Within 10
yeal'S. after tlleir orrival at Solt Lake, in 1847, pioneer
cololllc~ h ..d b.en l'frtablished at I.ehi Provo Ncplil'
IJIIDJAJII TIlJ:.IS F'I'U more, B eaver, Parowan, and other places
' ,
along the,
The Kaiparowits region has always been ,parsely foot. of the Wa.otch Mountains and ill the San Pete
.. ltIed. To the clitr dwellers ond the Pueblo tribes it Valley. The Virgin Valley alEO had been visited by
,..~ IU unfriendly, isolated country. The few ""loll missionaries and agricultural prospectors. In IBM
cldr OOll_ in Olen Canyon, in the Paria Valley, and scouts were sent out in an directions from Sonta Clara
~Iong the rim of the Kaiplu'Owit& Plateau are in strik· a. a ceul~r. Four expeditions made their way east.
IDg tontrast \\;th the numerou.s well·designed struc- ward Across Il,e Uinkaret, Kanab, and Kaibab
tu~ found in 6ur~ounding .I-egions. They are poorly PlAteaus and crossed ti,e Colorado, extending their
bUilt and suggest temporary dwellings, pioneer out, explorations into the "londs of the Navlljoo and
posts, or refuges for scllttered bands driven out from Moqui" (1858-1860). As a reElilt of these investi!rll.
tions, "many Saints were called from the north "'to
form settlements in 80uthern Ut.ah." The city of St.
Georj:(e V8S founded in 1861: fcrt.ilo spots in the Vir.
peaceful whites to live among Ihem was not disagree.
gin, Sant.a Clara, Ashc, and Muddy Valleys were oc- able, but the uninvited occupation of lands by an in-
cupied, and the way was opened for ""tending S6ttle- creasing uumbet· of families, wit It flocks and herds,
ments eastward along the base of the High Plateaus to was alat·ming. In the mind. of the IndilLn all land
the Paria River and to l-egions south of the Colorado. and fOI·ag<> and huntin g in southern Utah belonged
For this work of colonization the adherents of the supplies
Lo the :Piules Ot· to the Navajos, alld aU food
Mormon Church were peculiarly adapted. Unlike
were the common proper ty of the cI ..ns. To him poo-
the Spanish explorers, intent on conqnest and conver-
session of land did not imply conI inuous occupancy.
sion, the scouts of the church were men interested
IL was not only his privilege to ask for food! it was
pl·itoarily in agriculture and stock raising. It .. as
hi. t"ight to demand it. Even before the coming of
their busineas to find lands, water, and gl·a_ to select
spots BIIitable for villages and farms. The pioneer the Mot·mon pioneers und the possession of firea.rms
Mlonists were looking for homes, not for places to ex- and horses, the profitable trade in furs and skins had
ploit and abandon. Out of this attitude grew their made it less necessary to depend for suppo rt on the
policy of dealing with the Indian s--a watchful friend- cultivation of sma.n trnels of land, supplemented by
liness, which hos saved BOuthern Utah from the dis- hunting, ..nd the possession of horse...nd firearms
astrous experiences of most other part. of the country. made the Indian still more II. nomnd. A pat·ticular
'1'0 the Mormons the Piutes, Navajos, Ind Hopi are grievance of the Piutes wa. the destruction by sheep
Lamouites, one of the lost tribes of Is.... I, who may and cattle of the «0 k" and other grosseo, the seeds
gradually be 1....10 imed, and they are also neighbors, of which were • valuable lIOurce of food. As Jacob
with whom friendly relations are essential. Hamb lin" e"presses it:
Regarding the Pi ute. of southern Ut.ah, BI·ighom The lreut llUlll'ben ot aDimal1 broUl;bt into the couutrY .by
Youug w~ote to Jacob Hamb lin" on :March 0, 18~:
ebe settler. loon devoure d m()ljt ot the ve6;etaHou that
produee d nutritio us seeds., ou ,,-blch the Indian. had beeD.
1.'bc bcur ot their redempt lou draw" nigh, and the tim. hi
IlccUiltomed to !U~lst. When, at tbe proper treUson of tbe
not tar 4!atlnt when tbey v.-lll rocel"e koowled&e aDd beeiu to
rltle nod increase In the land and become a veoPle whom the yeur, the nath'es l'e::lorted to the:;. placet to pther seeds, they
tound they bod been dellroye d by Ctlttie, WIth, perbaps , tbelr
Lord "Ill bl....
The . hou)d be elleOUr8~ in keeping aDd lakin&, cbJldrcn Cl'yln:t for food, onl,. the poor COll801artoD waa lett
thelll ot pth(!r!u l" Ilround l~r tlt"e8 ond tltlkiol
cat'e of stod:. 1 highly o.pprove ot Jour d~gns In dolnc yow.r
tbelr grievanc :es.
tltmlDC tbrough the nQtI.ea; 1t teacllea them to obtnln .. sub--
&lstcoce by their own lDdostty and leaves )'OU more Uberty to Thoao who htn,oe caused lhelie noubles ba.e Dot renlized tbe
.llllt otbel'9 Ilnd exteDd your ml.,lon uy labors amon, them,
A. .Jttt.atlon. I bave nuwy timet: been sort:!l, ,rleved ,to aee the
few mhudonorletl to :dU1W oud Instruct tbem bow to raise .took I IDdlan. w!th their llttle ones £;lulnC upon a table lipread wIth
and &TR IOII, nnd taWD Dot eat It up for tbem. 18 mOlit Judlclo"
a. food and tl-ytIl&' to ;et our people to underst ond thefr circum.
YOll should alwlI)'1 be corerul to lmpreaiJ upon thew thRt the, ataneea. wltbout betn, able 11) do so_ La.nk hU8rer and oiber
HlJoutd not lnrr!nle ulJOU their rights h1 0111 particul ar, thua InftueJ'lC'eH canted tht!:la to corumlt man,. depreda tion",
culll.atl nK honor a.nd good prlnchlJea In their 1lIithtit by ex-
Piute and Navajo alike resented the focts tha.t deer
lI.mple u well .. precept.
and elk and mountain sheep we!"e driven from theit·
In a public address in OotOOO1", 1852, Brigham ~ceustomed feeding ground s · and ~hat the domestic
Young aaid: livestock which took their place were treated !IS pri-
Any lUall who Chl' Illdh.n :othootd be ck' with Dlorc vate property.
sevel"ely Iha.1l tUl' ch~"thl" a wbitL! DU1U. You bretbl"ell ItlUst
1111 aside your 1ll1•..,.y t<'\lUngs to,,"'uti tbem and t.'eIllte ""\9hl\ll The troubles began by .. Navajo raid on Pa.ri., tbe
tn kll1 theUL most distant outpost, and the theft of cattle from
l!'rolll the day of its founding St. George became Kanab, and this raid was followed by Piute attach
011 emigrollt trains thd we'·e going from Salt
Lnke to
the commercial, odmillistl·ative, and eccIcsillStic cap- the murde r of settlera at Short
Califo mia and by
ital of southern Utllh. With f!"iends and iuppliea Upper Valley , and Averet t
Creek, Pipe Spring s,
Il&ured, outlying settlements could be established with ra of Powel l's explor ing
_ome confidence. Pipe Spring s was colonized iii 1863· Creek. In 1S69 three membe
Mocco.sin Springs, Kanab, and Mount Ca.rmel in 1864: party were killed while asleep. Th..~ these murde rs oi
.nd Paria ill 1865. K Coullty, with 16 settlements Indian s by whites and wbltes by Indian s did not de-
was organized in 1865. This hopeful progress cam~ nlop into .. disastrous war with its consequent devasta-
to .. n end with the begimling of Ihe Navajo raids in tio? of.U .. hit~settlements in southern Utah is largely
I oWlIlg to the f"llh, skill, and
daring of Jacob Hamblin,
186e, and for the next five years the population of the
whole county probably averaged less thall 2;} whites. who discouraged reprisals and took upon himself the
l!'Ot· the two years preceding the first a.ttucks the task of visiting hostile bands with a vie,v 10 establish-
Indians had been restless. The CODling of a few i~~ peaceful I~lations. Late in 186lS he dtemp ted to
VISIt the Na,·slo chiefs, going by the Lees Ferry- Tuba
• L~ttIC. 1. A .• Iftcob B.mbUn. a oarrutlve o( hi. penoQol
fllCt, 14 _., Balt Lllu~ cu,..
'l>e5l'ret New., 1900. r. IdlHD. pp.. ,.. ....$ .
route, but upon reaching Oraibi he learned th.t the m~llly thin~ . You hr(> t"('I'~. wil!lC: ~· I)\1 h,,\'t~ " lood beart. \Ve
Novajos were in a revengeful mood .nd that" it would will be frif'lld~ . Nothing nl(lre tin'·€' I to FRY.
be usele.. and perhaps dangerous to go into their In 1871 p.a •• \'fas concluded with the Navajos, and
country." Returning to St. George, he began a series Ihe long succession of thefts, parleys, murders, nnd
of visits to the c1.ns north of the Colo.'ado River, with punishments came to nn end. ' Ill the 'fall ()f !hllt year
tlle hope that the Piutos woulil throw in their lot Hamhlin Rnd Powell profeed•.d to FOI·t Defiance, IIsing
with the Mormon pion.ers. The ptospeets were not the newly found cross; ng at I.ees Ferry, and in a
bright, for the white man's WRy of doing things did council nttende<1 by some 6,000 Navaj.os considered for
not appea.) to tI, e redsldM. H9mblin "'ftS told in 185G: three d,,),s the hoped-for pfncoiul relntions to be es-
We cnn not be goO'l; we must be PI\1te~ . Wt' want you to tabli,hed !lmonl( the Nliviljos, Piute~, nnd white5. The
be Idnd to us.. It mu)' be thn.t sOlOe of our ('hlIdl'cli ".11\ 'b~ ronneil was continned nt O"aibi, where lin agreement
,ood. but WI;: \\'(Jut to follo,,,, our ollJ customtt..- WIIS reached thut in the settlement oI future misunder-

But tad:, combined with the previou, foil' Ireatl11mt standings HRstele shonld represcnt the Navajos and
ond the heredi!nr.v feud between Pilltes and Nft¥ftjos, Han)blin the Mormons of Bonthem Utnh. The peace
finallv'ed to an nllinnce, uncI during the yenrs 1807 t.o talk closet! with the words oI the ~nvaio spokesmon:
1871 'Piules and Mormons sympatheticAlly combined "We hope we muy be able to rAt at one Uble, warm
in "'..tehing po ..-e. and wilter holes on the Arizona- by one fire, .moke one pip"', (HId ~Ieep under one
nah trnils and in wnrding (off attncks of maralldilll! blanket." This nnwritte.n arbit.rntion treaty was i.ith-
Navajo bands. full." kfpt; even U'e trencherous killing of thre.
The misunderstanding between the Piules and Navajos ill 1815 by 8 resident of Grass Valley, which
"hites came to nn end with that remark.ble confe"ence roused the rel'en:.,,,,.ful feolings of the whole N avnio
of September 19, 1870, on thf. bleak summit of Shi.,- tribe, did not result iLL further bloodshed.
,,·it. Plateau, when in replyin/! to Hamblin and M;jOl' Confidenrc in the word of t,he Nl\vnjos led the
Powell the chief ot the Shiv"its snid : " pion .... rs to reor~upy their abandoned jields and "il-
Ingc, Rnd to search fOl' new locations in t.he region
Your talk Is coo<1, and we belIeve what YOli say_ We bclle"~
f.St. of the High Plnteaus. The rnined homes .t
In ,JaeOO Ilod look upon you os 1\ father. When you 1lE' hungry.
you may hu'-e our IRme. You mfty gather our (WCf"t fnliiti.
Pari. (winter, 1871) and ot Lees Ferry (1873) were
We lIi111 Io':'il"e ,rou rood when you corne to our lund. We wlll r .. tored. C.nnom·ille (187~), Henrieville (1878),
sbow you t'he svrings, and you bUty drink; the wnter is good. nnil Esclllnnte (187r.) were colonized, and permnnent
We will be fl1endSl, And ,,,hen :you come we win be glnd. We settlers eMme to the FrelilOnt Valley (1883).
will tell the Illdlnr.s who U,-e on the otber 1tide ot the great
But the redamotion of londs lind the building of
rIver tbnt wo ha.-t"e seen Ku-pn·rnt~ ~ODC (um ot!. ret'p.rrlnc: to
Major Powell). lind he's fbe Indlnn${' friend. Wp- will teU homes in \.he Kaiparowits region presented diffienl-
. them be Is Jf\('ob'lII Crlpnd. W(Ii ore ,-ery poor. Laok Ilt QUI' ties not experienced by the settlements farther ..est_
....omen and cllllcll"eu: the)' are noketl. 'Vt bm·.... 00 horse.; The climate is nnfavorable, and the Ilpproach to cities
we eHntb the rocks, and our t'~t ore ~re. We Uye nmon,; t1mt fel"', as sources of snpply is long nnd difficult.
rlX'ka, ftr.d they yield little f()()(} find mnny tbon.... Wlleu !he III corresponding latitudes the ()Ilses at the west base
toll' moons CORle Ollr ohHllren ftre huugr)', lYe hMYC not much
of the Wnsntch are WArmer, receh-e 30 per cent more
to Jrln; you mllst Dot thInk us IIIf>nn. Yon are wIse; tre
bay, beard you tell stNlnge things. We ore Ignorant. LaEit rainfoll, nnd are traversed by strenms of greater Rnd
year we klllE'd three white mon. Dad men laid tbey 1\'el"'e more ..gulal· lIow. Escalante is 80 miles from the
our t"Demlel. Tbey tDld· gr~nt He!. " ~e- tllought them true. railroAd; Cannonville 90 miles; and Parin, by way ()f
We were mad ; It mllde u~, big Cools. We nre Yf'ry sorry, Dv Kanab, more than 150 miles. Escalante, Henrieville,
not think of them: tt hi tlo:tf': itot n~ be (riend .. , We Qre ond Pari a ne at t.he very ends of Iittle-tl·.veled' roads;
l«DOnut-IIke Httle cblldreu In understanding compared with
10U. Wben we do wrong do not get mad and be like
,-cry few people poss through them e:rcept to visit the
mHdren, too. score of families on upper Boulder Cl'eek.
When white men klH our )Wopl€' we ldll tbern. Then they From the borders of these settlements unoccupied
kill more of us:, It II not ~ood. \Ve b~r IhM the wblte men land extends for 120 miles; eastern Kllne and Garfield
Ire I creRt number. When tlwy stop knltn~ UII, there will be COlloties and two-thh'lls of San Juan County consti-
no Indian If!(t to bury tht de,u't. We lo,·e our eonntry; ~
tute an area. of about 10,600 square miles within
know not ot.ller Innd., We beAr thAt other lnn(ls I1re better:
we do not kn()w. Tbe pinel- sloll. (lnd "1\~e lI'e glad. Our chil- which there are no permanent habitations. The mnch
dren ploy In tbe WArm 8nnd : we ~r 1lK'm tiling and ITe Ilad. buildings at Hite, at Halls Creek, and. in the Henry
The leeds ripen and we hn'-e 10 .... t. and ,,'e ere glad. We do Monntains are intermittently occupied, and prospec-
Dot "'Int their looci tftDds: l\' C wlnt onr roeb anct tbe ,rent tors come and go from their cabins ill upper Glen
m.ounta.lns wbere (lur fAthers ltr-ed. We fire \"etJ poor; we are Canyon, but neither white men. nOr Indians 11IIYe
'tel,.. Il:I1or'ftD.t, but ""c arC Ter,. bonest, You han hOl!1e5 and
chosen this region for more t.han t.emporary use.
• LIttle. I . .6.... op. cit., " 41. Fllrthermore, the settlemellts themselves are separated
,-Que,ted t. PI.en. I. W., £':II1('l'nrlon or Ih. C{tINutlo hit't'r or lbe from one another by natural barrien!.
"Nt. pp. IZO-lSO, J87Ci.
Torea~h Tr pie, C&nl)Ol> ~J1e, trod Henr~, three ;!l~ u. 1M Ute ior4 (iy.""" "f ,(he F&me:-s ) 1lJlli 1l
,.AUeml'nrs wt,<>ae horJ..... DelJrl,. o,,,,rlap. IL t1'l..~j... ,hfo Mh' f"",..ihh!- ~1'3iO<iIl::: ot l.t=er Pn.l"i1l Dar..-.:.n. th.-
y ... &!!Oll or au! fl'QHl Eicalal>te mll!!t dimb reci.on ',,!tow Pal'.u. ~- a ~np<>mry at<lJlpil;g PI""'-
rhe H'1I"1I Plllt"au drcle Thbl. Cliff, and d~ t , ' (0;;'" Pint an,l. 'Il"aj"" lUId pt'NlJ> ; Jur !:be tlil!:
I'W!p 101.... into> ,he Paria "-alley..Y", P,aria t~, j bo..!nre th~ Rlma/i, se'l"'t' tiIr",,-nsi~
t annon.·illo th~ rC>Qd i, tD. rough bM "f .. -;t.r...11U, Ie I j. pl.alll! dllfl.l\g l1is"xpllll'atj(om., "",J '['"wert 11~,1 J)
.." ioun.! during th" counoe <If fi..Jd ,,'ork ~h~l 1h& j 'M&t'Sh~1i (iSr21, 0Drl.A n . ThDrnpllOO rl~(5) CIUtl?td
poople a...Ilinl!; ill th< Puia Valley h;>,. btlJ oE the: t'.re. Jt 1;; poo>'iiJi<o liun E"""lontt' (l~) 11190 P.l<""d
:r...c..lAn~ , ' "lIe1 lILld "f th~ Wllterpocliet Fold ~ jthis .;pelt.
that the Glen CanY01! region 13 un!llIIUliar " v, _J\..z • sit., i.,r '" ;,n...l1 agricu1 'Illlll "<'<'ImmWllt:y Lb.
idell "of &<-mnle 1 "(,Jr.ilyof PoIm lIFf"'llN'.l A[t.-..<'tive to the pv..aeer..
Within ch~ IUiPU<)w1ts T 'gjan rMr~ nre ~ilO . (tit'· , pw..a ('any<lD ';" -here -cr~ by • }, !l'b"ck {Eioot
ment.l>-L.-e: F~IT)'. Car.rlOO.-ill", H",ml..... D~, Tropi' K1l1bal.l BlGIJ"cliD~), 1<.00'" whieh the 'V II.II~, fiwr
, tbe I.f.t throe included 'WltDltl 11 ""diu. of Ii wil~,) IlJrolldtlll' 11ll,} !>ek,w which fc.r a dl31ani'tl "f ./>oul
L .•la"t". n Boulder. Le F~l'l1' k the home of ~ llIil~ t.he b4llJOlI ~l.; '!I/.~n . blI"k from the !It.r.. m.
\I~ family; BouJdu lfl ,I" ..bout :t,} iamili"","In, ,~~'ng a1J \l\'ltll nllt£. in II h'Vtocato~ pr®tian fur jrnga:
Ii.;, on 'aLter ram:!> ; th~ iour 6I!!.denl(!nti 'lion. Gr>l.ZUlg l.4orls IIl>fffiJ on both goes {Ii th~
re ocmull "111,,;._ Al of tlwm are ".'_;"ll"leJ ~Iraa.m, From ,__rdB k"P. b. 11. bi;;toriJ!.Il "r 1.-
iU'e!l . o ",&terM., tiUahle l boN red by boIrrcn b.,J, i L ,-lnOD Ch1Jreb it'~ ,th~t in 1~ Pel;6I SclIUl'U
01 WId ex'*nl.·· I ;;.-tJ.JeJ at R.IIcl<: HOlIfiI>, !! mi.~ 1:",J= t}lil hogb<tek.
LU5 nan ""1; 1.0 be drI..-m .way the fullowing yC4l' by N..".jCl>
~F~rry, .\1'11, lt$ chosen .. & reiul;e bJ John D "':,(\ l\titi..,1 pis 1""" ~ .. blJ)t£r:fur.ra.ids 00 iIbttIe·
I.!'<I in hi.> atttm}ot to c-.p" Lh.. """"",\uenec' oi par. mepu, iutber " , . In 1 71 Rock H()lllII! .....~ n.l~:
tiOl.pati.\I] in th~ , r""RtoUn Mead",,". ma.s>al'l't' (1.85';')' 1 cued Ly .,,, f"7',iljfl.S, DO J:,ou..'<e5, mrNlls. • fuN, 00
. \ tl'&C of!t fc ... hllndrtd a,'"", m, r 1>'1 m'" lh "f trw j ~ IDJj~ of J.tdl were cruu;I rue+..eO.. The n..n .=
l 'a"" is fuorably .itua~<i for ;'-'-'!!t1i,,'Il., IllIlllI... ~here cre 11 famili . . lI.tldtnllpJftN' produced " pleBty
c<>rn, nnd fruit tTPfO; b,wo been iRlerlll't,u,ntl:; pb.nted n~ ~.'':'> !lIIrghurn, and gs.rdell t.nJc:k." In H:..-l! .LiAu .
• illet! about IbiO. In !l boat. b"iit vI lumbtr brought I nil;" lanher ckrwn!<ln!l.m, n1I:> ffilal.l.whed, ..lid it iloot
from the Kaihab Plateau Hamblin and Powell crO:lSed became a prosperous community of cattlemen and
the ColorILdo at this point, demonstrating its value as f~rmers. But Reek House and Adairville were des·
a ferry site. In 1873 a fel'l'Y boat was conet,ructed by b ned to short lives. In 1874 "trouble with the
mcn from PBria, and in 1874 it was protected by a ditches" caused the, 15 families at Rock House to relo·
stano fortification. Since that date Lces Fel"Y hiS cate above the hogback, at the present site of Pari.,
been an 088onti,,1 station on the route from Uh,h to and in' 1878 the eight families I.t Ad"irville joined in
Arizona. It is com'enien! hcadqual'tel's for Govern. the exodus, for" the water in dry did not reach
ment surveying and e:tploring parties. During the their forms." In 1877 there were people enough to
"gol~ boom II of 191<f-1913 Lees Ferry was the head- fOI'm a ward of the "stake." For several years
quarters for parties of men who were working at the new village of Paria prospered. rhe field !lnd gar.
War~ Cl'('ek a~d nlong the Paria. For some years den CI'O~S l'9tul'Dcd good yields, and the cattle in·
past It,has conststed of a dwelling house, a few acres c~-ell",:d IR numbel' and quality. Dy 1884 the poPllla.
of culttV&~d land, and a ferry boat kept in operation bon mcluded 107 resident members of the Mormon
by Coconmo County, Ariz. With the completion in Church, in addition to nonresident cat.tlemen and
1929 of the bridge &CI'OSS the Colorado at the head of about 20 Piut. men Ilnd women who worked inter·
Marble Gorge, ~ Ferry is 5 miles distant frolll the mit~ently on the basis of half rations. But pros·
F.IR.b'litaff.Kan"b hIghway. Its histol'ic ferrv boat nnd perlty came to a sudden end in 1885.
pIcturesque approaches are no longer of use: Floods. in 1883 were followed by the unusually
URn ,",vere wtnter of 1883-84 and by more floods in the
summer of 1884, which washed away farmhouses and
Pa,:ia (pah, "'Rteri re.h, deer), on the P.l'ill River, fields and converted the nllrrow &lream channel into
50 miles above its month, is lhe oldest sct&lement in • wDsh that ."tended in plRet!s from rock wal1 to rocl,
.0utheR!t Utah. Situated on the established trail lead. wlI.lI. (See pI. 27,) Excepl for a few acres PI,()'
tf'Cted downstream by rock buttresses al1 the arable,
I"~ ~or ~"0'1Pt10Nl ot the out,-Ukt .;dt~1'It~~h la th~ Plateau pnl'f'.
• ('I!t

~~:~~lat i;tlOlraph),. p. H . IIUO: Grt'COf)". n ..1=:••••The 0011.

I It'e • ,~. "Am. O~Jtnlpherw Ana.hI, Yo1. a. pp. lOT-ill 10111'
~r)'. n , E., Reller, .\. G., nDd BI.hlll). A L Physical It d InnOO disappeared. In the spring of 1884 Paria bad
its maximum pOpulation. Iu September of that year
t" . r ooQ, .
"f Utah. Tbe oullll at U... foot of tb.. W.... Lcb.' · Geo,' 48 people remained, and in 1885 the Pari& ward was
a ~\lew. TOt 1. liP. 3.fo6-;JMl. 1916, . •
uisorgunized, For the 40 years ,the removal of
Ill'llABITAliTS 31
. ";il and aIiUl,;.l hanks has continued, until the amount \I'U' l'omplet"d in 18l)'! the vill~ge ha" more thllll
of usable I:tnd probably does not exceed 60 aaes. ,\oubled it~ population.
·rhi. area supporls in part the two or three families
... ho Ii ve at Paria during the p[;\ and har ·estillg nCALAliTE
..a,ons. The ambitiolls pl:ms of the nonresident
In ISH the Escalnllle Valley wa. visited by H,lIlt·
.uilltah Land & Cattle Co. fOl' the constl'uction of a blin. In 1872 Dellenbaugh and Thompson, of Powell'~
"om and 10 miles of ditch · for carrying water from
v exploring expedition, " saw Mormon. from Ponguitch
Ihe Paria to ehe 50,000 ac"cs of land ·on its banks I'e· I t II :1. f ma ki ng .. se,'tlemen t IICI'e:tn
W 10 ·a <ec 0
. d a d'
main in n speculative stage. Likewise Ihe exploita.
them to cdl the place EscA.Junt~." (See p. S.) The
tion by the. American Pincer Corporation of the .s· fi" st settlers came in 1875, :md a town site was selected
~lIrued gold "esollrces of the region, whieh in 29]0 iu 18rO in the Valley, neO,. the junction of Pine
resulted in ,,,,col'ding 108 mining claims, affords no
(!rcek and the Escalante !tiNr-the present ,'i1lage of
Jl''Omise of a repopulatoo district. (See p. 148.) The reports of &rolll. land, of .llund.nt
CARlfOBV'LLE, HEIUIEVILLE, AND TROPIC w.ter for i"l;glltion ond power, and of inor."I. graz·
ing land. that extended fa .. in 011 dil'Cetions induced
With Cnnnonville ns " ceuter, Ii,.
settlements hove llIony families to I.a,'e the le~s congenial plotcAn topa
been esta1t>lished in the "ppe" Paria Valley-alI of te. th~ west, onn though for the lirst two yellrs some
them within a. rodins of about 6 miles. Three of of th~lll were forced 1.0 find sheltcI' under overhanging
these-CAnnonville, Henrieville, Dnd Tl'Opic-,hoYe r()(:ks, in caves dug in banks, nnd in JllI>.kes"ift
grown into "illa~",s; the other two-CliltDn, 2 miles wickinps, tent., and shl\Cks. FivIt yeu.. aiwr it. es·
...t of Tropic, and Geo"getown , 3 miles southwest of toblishment the E ·s c.hmto lI'Rl'd enrQlloo 4401 names,
Cannonville, on Yellow C"eek-we"e abandoned be· and its eonsistent growth hns mode the "illllge the
cause of the scal'city of watcl' ond the destruel.ion of Ist'!"",st compact settlement in southeastern Utah, A3
the fields by floods. The site of these villages has a typical record of pioneering in the Kaiparowits re.
~d"llntngL'i not found elsewhere in the Poria Valley. gion the following accollnt of the settlement of EsclI'
It is well watered and has good soil; firewood, coal, lente is given by permission of the historian of tho
ond lumber are near at hand; extensive tracts for Church of Latwr.doy Sainls:
gt'llzing surround it; and the climate is suitable for In ~'ebru"'1, 181~, WlIIlnm 1. )'Ial<o, bune Riddle, bo.c 1.
6eld c"ops t.nd during most yea,'') fo,' fruits. That Riddle, Chorl•• D. Wblte, 100Ioe Turl•..-, and Wllllnm Hutcb.
tbe lcttlement of tbis region was delayed 10 years 11llI'I, III of a.o"et, utob, .roued the Eocnlnnte Mouotaluo
after the establishment of Konab and Paria is due fl'Om Sweet,,·.ler au~ eXI~ored the regloo ot country lyll1~
largely to it. isolation. To reach it from the ,",' est in. 810ne tbe E""nlftllto Creek ond Itl b.-lbulo.I •• with. "Iew to
GndJng • place auItablo fO[' the loeatioD ot a lettlement. 'l' hese
.oIved building expensive ronds down the cliffs Df brethren, being f.vorebl7 Impreoaed with the countl'7, melli.
the High Plateaus, Dnd from the south the only fellsi· ared sowe of the tand where E.c.lante no\v "ands Dnd ottl.
ule apprOllch is along the bed of the POl,ria River. Tne maled tbat there were 1,000 acre. of lroble land or more
fi ... t settlers came to Cannonville in 1875, to CLifton 1\'111<'" eould be u.. d for .gr!cultural purpo.... 'I.' bey 01...
in 1875, to Hent'ieville in 1878, to Georgetown in 1880, found a ere.t pl.. t.. of Part. bed on tbe hllla Oil tbe ""uth·
wesl. Tbe:!'e brethren p:ve A good re[Klrt ot the country.
and 1.0 T~\'opic in 1891. With some fiuctnations, the whleb Icd to Ihe setllement of F."".lanto being (ounded 1be
coulbined populo tion of the tlll",e existing vill.ges has lOme yenr.
ShOWll • small, consistent increase. All the settlements A nuruUer of brethren ttom Pougultch, ""lto desired to
in the upper Paria \' alley have ,.xperienced great cbange their pi""" DC re.I(len"" 10 0 eounlry where Ihe eli·
dilliculty in oontrolling the intakes of irrig&tion mllte wa~ mot',-' moderule thon on Ullper Se\'lcr, decided to
settlo In Potato Valley 0(" on the E8CD.lante Creek, havln« been
<litches and in mointQinillg the c.. n&ls across the dIu· Impr..!Ied b:r the report or tbe •• plor.,·, nlr... d~ mentioned.
\'iol fiats. Beginning about 1890, tha Pltria River and Con_"elltly Andrew retor 8:how I"'be w•• npJ'Olnted b7
many tributary streams have cut deeply into th~ir DIBhop George W. Sevy, or PUlIl':Ullch, to toke cbargo ot lbe
fl.oor5, ...placing fertile lields with a network of can· p.opooed ""lOllY). Thom•• neap•. D1l,";d 81""OllSOll. Doc Carl""
yon. Willed with sand and Gravel. At Henrieville 8hlrt., William Ah·ey (all oC P.ngultch), Dnd h .. e Tun>'
I bow, at Pana.ccn, ~ey .• croll(ted the rIm of tbe ba, at wbut
all( annonville ..bout Q third of the ar ..ble acreage t.. colled Ihe Saddle of the ):"".III"to )[ountalns JUDe 28,
o[ 1880 hall been destroyed, &nd each year sees more 187G. ,,1th two wa.oua. The"" ....,. tb. fir>tt "8gOM . .er
f@rtilG soil c...... i.e d away as stl-eam·borne silt. At broul'ht luto Potato Volley. The bl'ethren ."""""de<! In (Ie'
Georgetown land suffici~nt for the 8"ppo,t of one ...,Ddlu( t~e O1ountnln on eut 61do "rter rou;hlocklnq
bmily remains. Tropic has forestalled future diffi. Ibo wheel. and a man rl~lng wllb web btud wheel. ~'bu.
lti b hO h h . they wade tbe d.n.:emus descent and rlrrind on the present

CU ea Y developing an irrigation supply 19 on t e .Ite or Eocalante lUlle 20, 18••. ' ' sI. meD mentlolled bud
Polunsaugunt Plateau, where II. dam on the Sevler DO tomlttes wil.b them. The)' beld a eoullcil at the moutb
Rh'er and a ditch" miles long directs ... at«r over the r>t lbe caayon and ~eclded 10 locot•• town alt. on tbe oorth
platellu rim to lands along the Ploria. Since this ditch .1<1. of tlu! creek. op"""lte Ihe pl<lcc "'bere lbe town .. f
.E~ca18I1te nfl. standti. Tbey made I temporarl saney aDd.
aa.e. wbkb WII8 raised 6n the 24th, At tbIs time ther~ WIS
onl1 • Ter)" Hale watpr In the Eacnlonte Oreek-liral'Celr
(Iref.Ared to bund • )ouse, Heb . . n clalmtn. I quarter see·
sumclent tor tbe people to irrigate tbeir IJnrden RJlOtI\ to 111
tlon. In or,Ier to l!IeC'IIre fbe land tor other leWers, wHh a view
notbloc oC tJlefr rarm..-but in 8 most marvelous .,,0.1 the
til building up n town. Ou this visit these pioneer bret)reo.
water COUlmenced to focreue, thougb there ".8 con91derable
while IIvln" in tht"ir wll«OHS, fJJlent con_tdernble tlrte workiuc
no tlw rond ()\'cr the mounlnln, D'lCNSt of them returning brun. eearclty ot "".ter until 1882.
r"r Ch rifol1 maa. The &E'ttlerw IneutiolJed reprelented otiler men. The unsatisfactory feature of Escalonte'. situation
wbo also ('arne o\·er durlDjl the senlon Ano aql.ted 10 the !

work on the rll.'1. The understandtng 'IUS tbllt efH."1l mIlD

i. ita inaccessibility, The village stands at the base of
..hflllld h,.\'e 20 R(TeA (It fHrnllnJ; lano, 2lh serf'S at lucero slopes Bnd cliffs thot necessitate .. climb of 2,700 feet
Iflnd, uno II cHI lot. In CII~e II oUtn h/Ht t ..... o ,,·lve. or Inort to reach the" saddle" between the Aquarius and Table
thnn (Jne tRIOII, be ,YOY '0 hove two (lr Inflre clty loti. Onl1 Cliff PI.teaus~ Rnd t,he sharp descent beyond is only
for a Ilhort lime- ollrln(:, the w'nh~ l· of 1875-76 lfll1\l tlle jl!fRut the beginning 'of a road that st.retches 52 miles to the
t(Nt1emcnt mUrc..fy nenled.
In Fl·llru.~' , 1S76. ,.ollle oC the hloclbt'cn ,,'11& bud \·h.1.te<l railroad at Morys,-ale, Before the present expensivt,
F.J'Clllftn tf' 11110 'O"ul"k('d on the rond the p"wl()ot~ ,.fIlr returned skillfully planned )'oad wos constructed to 'WidtsDe,
III Ilwh' ('ho~n Im'alion and eommenced 1Vork OD ID lrrlca- mail and wagons traveled the rough, roundabout
Horl ./Jt(·b on the 1I0..'h lil<l~ (It the E~rfl'4nte Crack In route through Henrieville, Tropic, and,
(,rd ... r tn brlnlJ water onto the tOWD Bite, bot to Aprn, 1818,
thc' br ethnon ngre«! to mll\'e tbe tOWD lite 811d bulld Hlelr' which made the distance t{) the railroad about 125
buu.~1i on the ".. ntb side or tbc etr\'om ror farmln .. purposea. miles. When snow lay deep on the mO,unt.ins e"en
J osiah Borkel' vr(lA the flf'lolt moo who brn\1jtht 1.'1 Ids family; ~his route WRS barl't'd. In tho winter of 1886 an outfit
lac "rrl\'Cd in )In ft''', 1STG. And bnd .. terrlhh.! experience .In wa. forced to go by way of the Wate,'pocket Fold,
er~.'m: the Eu,,' Fork VlI.llry III tbe UoW. About. dOleD
othC'f rflmtliC't) ftrrlY,:a )oter tn the apTln~, WlllialD Ah-!7,
Hall Creek, Fremont Valley, and Salina.-a distRnce
the ftrat to lon:tr hili rllmlly on tile preMnt town site, found of more than 200 miles. Befol'e the railroad WRS con-
I!Ihelter fn a tenOl .... hlC'b he bulU. In tbllt Illme eeUu all structed to ).{arysvale (1900) salable produce, chiefly
th .. I!nt wom~n or the aettl{'ment tOllod tPTnrlornry Ihelter butter and cheese, was carted to Salt Lake City, 250
AjiUlinat lftormJl, which were nat ' Infn~ue"t In the bec1uning.
'l'be ,.better thrrc WI'. touna to be br,tter than in the sbnntles
whlt'h Ih(! brethN."n haNtl1, hftd CCD8tru~d oC willows. In POPULATION
thai ..arne et-U.r, 10 by 12 fPct. the arst ('holr praeUcea in tbe
..tI101»rnt werQ held. while lAeetloca were eomme.oeed m• The distribution and growth of the population of
bowH buill of bl'1lllb and .. 1110..... In June, 1816, 0. tho 23d the Kaiparowits region is shown in the following
ot Jut,. 1!iB, " lnmbcr shoot, na hastllr bunt In wb.lth a
publ1c atnner wnlf ..rvP.Cl On plolK'Cr dR,.., Jul)" 24. All tbe tobie, The figures for 1900, 1910, and 1D20 are thOE.
people pIlrtletpnlt-d In tbl. tefillt, hl<'lndln~ a number ot P1ute given by t,he Bur.ou of the Census; the other figures
Indt.n., a1toltefhcr 140 8Oulll, not eountlnc: canlnet. Prnfcul represent the membership of the Church of Jesus
to th1ll, on fl1e tf'nCcllnlal dn)' nt the Unite(l grntes, Jul,. 4. Christ of Latter-day Slints, which is estimated by the
11(76. 11M' J)eOIlte .b()"'l·1l thetr loyalty Ali: bl'st tber could Ia
the n\JeKon~ (,f • ~tll'r nnlt t11l.', hO!l\lPd a !ltrlpeo N:lVW.jO 1 church historian to comprise 92 per cent .of the
blllnkt't to tbe breelle. Tb~,. howe"", acnt for B G'eDulue I populotion,
PopllltJlirm O!tA. KaiparO'ViU re,ion, 1881-19~O

r"rin~~~~:'' = ':-~I·;; /7J -'~7 ; ~. ~_ I~:? ;~~ '''s, "~6 ~~5L::~_ _ ::~_ _ :~~~ _:~~
E ....... le _________
C.nnollville _______
441 417 436 I 6lrl
187 86 128
242 1 130
211 '
846 11,032 1,006 1,040 1,033 1,046 1,064 1,015
219 I 311 283 277 216 216 207 227
Henric"lUo_______ _____ __ ___ _____ 146 136 142 ~ 18~ ' 158 170 , 158 I
153 147 : 157 I' 159 20:
Goo."'low" _______
___ _____ ___
_____ ----l----
-----1--- - - 1----- 22 85 61
194 i,______
__ _______ __ ________________
_ uu _nu_
m ______
379 --;;;;- --;7-;- --;;2-- --;6--1 - --;8-0--'--;5-8-- - -;2-;- --;;7
104 ~.91 ••
177 ~175 •150 , •130 •H4 . 144. . .192
____ ___ _1 663 686 I------'---+---I---\--.:...j.--I--I--~
611 I, 111 I, 49311, 448_ ,1,515 1,602 1,718 2, 172 2, 170 2,086 12,006 2, 021 I, '98 2,089
• Alttll. • September.

The records for 1930 gi"e the population of

('NISUS Georgeto\Vn and Pari., also Kanab (1,1911, more than
G~rfield ('ounty, which includes not only the settle- one-half the population of the county), Alton, Glen-
menu of EsCAlante, Boulder, CannoDville, Tropic, and dale, Johnson, MOllnt, Carmel, and Orderville, the
Henrieville e...t of the High Plateaus but also the viI- tot ..1 is 2,235, of Plngui!.(-h (1,061, or lbout one-third of the Dllring the pel'jod 1900(11)2() the total increase in
popUlation of tbe county), Widtooe, Hakh, Spry, the population of Kane County wi. 243, and :l'or that
Antimony, and the farms and ranches of the Sevier I part of the county east of Kanab the population de-
Valley, ... 4,642, For KllIle County, "hich inCludes 1 creBsed to a point where only 12 pel'llOns remained,
During the same period the population of Garfield pl'actice it hd" been found unprofitable to supply water
Count.'· incr•• ,.,d by 1,368, of whom 802 were added to.s much as half the otherwiiIC available ncreage, and
to tho setllemcnts on the High Plateaus and L6G to since tho region has been oettled milch choice lalld near
those in the Kaiparowits region. The population of Cannonville and at Paria bas been destroyed by flood
Kane Coullty. 2,054 (0.5 to' the sqUllre mile), and of ch.nn~[jllg. (See p. 30.)
Garfield Cou';ty, 4,768 (0.9 to the squore mile), ,-eem.< After 40 yeur,,' experience it has Locn possible to
very sillall for regions settled 50 yenrs ago, but it ade- pI nee ulldel' ditch about 4,000 aeros of land I.hat im·
quotely represents the U carrying capacity" of south- mediately "djoins the village of &;Calunw, .bollt 1,000
eastern Utah. The nnmber of uew settlers cominl!" in .cres on Boulder Creek, Sand CI'eelc, and ot·hol· tribu-
i< offset by tile number moving out. The ,m"ll anllllni t"rie. to the Escalnnte River, and nbout a,ooo flcrea ill
increase shown-about 68 for Garfield County, 12 fo,' the vicinity of Tropic, Cannonville, and Honrieville.
K~lIe County, IInu 27 for the Kaiplu'owits regicn--is Of these ..rens, which cover about 8,100 acres, it has
l"rgllly the excess of births over de.ths. The families beell found pr~dicable actually to irdgate .bout hllIf.
of rUl'al V"tah &Fe lal·ge. In 1920 the population of Gar- This discl"epancy is accounted fo,' in part by the varia-
6eld Coullty inclnded 2,198 children (about 47 pcr c~nt) tion in water supply from yeur t.o year lnd the diffi-
under 14 years of age and 1,216 children (26 per cent) "ulty of maillt~ining ditches, and in part by the lack
londer 7 yenrs. Esc ..lnnte claims the largest proportion of ne~r-by market for crops that could readily be
of children under 5 years of age of all American com- raised. The small iu popnllltion lias lbeen
munities. The population is remarkably homogeneous. accompnnied by a corresponding increase in the acre-
Il is almost wholly Nordic-the absence of dark eyes (lge cultivated.
ond hair is very conspicuous. Of the combined popu- La Rue " .ul<!,'Ilsts tho possibility of obtaining water
lations of Garfidd and Kane Counties native-born at Esclllullte for 1:1",00 Bcres !.lilt at a ('",,1 not jllstified
whites constitute 97.1 per cent and foreign-born Ly prospective "alue of lands. He also thinks it
whites 2.8 per cent, of whom 99.6 per cent are from I •• prolJ ..ble that by utili,ing otouage reservoir. the
northern Europe. Col<>red races, including Indians, ,I Paria may furnish sufficient wlltcr to reclaim "pproxi-
are represented by f<lur Chinese and one Xegro. I mately 10,000 !lCI..,S of iLdditionalland." But attempt.
[n the decade from 1920 to 1930 tbe populoiion of to use such waters within rari .. Canyon have resulted
Garfield County decreased from 4,768 to 4,642, II.nd only in h ....,tening the destruction of lands by periodie
tbat of Kane County inc'"eased from 2,054 to 2,233. 000d9, and plans for conveying ",ater from the Paria
or its triLuta.ries to the smull acreage above the canyon
.AGRICULTURE walls olTer little promise. After a survey and estimate
Powell recognized the fact that the Kaiparowits of cost, a .chcmo for reclaiming 25,000 ac'· ... along the
region hod "but little value fot· agricultlll'e," and lower Pari a was abllndoned.
Thompson's traverse ~ross the Paria and Escalante The principal crops raised on irrigated land in this
Valleys led him to the conviction that • region Itre •.Ifal fa , wheat, oats, barley, and potatoes.
Garden vegetables are grown in abundance, and in
lu thiA portioD ot Utah Jrrtgatll)D Is essentltll to o.grleul~ure.
favoraLie seasons orchards produce satisfactory yields.
It aU lbe sin;;l. acres 1t JI possible to cultivate without arllO·
crallrrltcation were I1IUregnted. I do. Dot believe the tum would The annual wheat crop at Escalante is about 3,000
reat~b ooe--tonrth or 1 square mUe. bushels-more than enough to supply the community
Th~ experience of the settlers i. quite in accord with
with flour. In 1917 it was 6,000 bushels. Likewise
these conclusions. Cannonville, Tropic, and Henrieville raise food
. Without artificial i""igation the food crops of the enough to meet most of their wants and could profit-
ably produoe mo~-e if the cost of hauling t() market
Kaiparowiti region would be those of the clift' dweller
and Piute-pifion nuts, cactus fruits, the seeds of the were not so great.
"ok," «waiva" (wild millet), sunflower, goldenrod, The pioneers of the KAip,u'owits region rejoiced to
find that the streoro flow increased soon after perm&-
some squash, and rnl-ely corn, and when Pongonits, the
wind god, dried up the springs and withered the lIent settlement. weTll established. Th" church
gr• .".,., reliance would be placed on deer, rabbits, hlstorian writes:
hadg...., porcupines, rats, mice, and lizards. The arell. In direet un8wer to prayer'll Qad suppllcn.t1oult on. the Jlllrt
of some of the apostle, who "tslted the lettlement in 1!:tS2, tbe-
of land th.t originally possessed the essential agricul-
W'llter In tbe E8catante baa lDCreued In Q most Dl4rftloU!I mall-
t~ ... l features of suitaLIe climate, lovel sul"face, fertile nero To say that there 1a at present ftve time. the amount ot
8Oil, and sufficient water for irrigation furnished at water that ItrYed the first .ettlera would hard I, do justice t(~
rtasonable cost is estimated ns 8,000 acres for the fbI!! tnets.
Escalante V"ll.lley, 5,000 acres for the. upper Paria Val- I
.. l.a nl.M, to:. C., Colorado ltl.or nnd Itt llliliution: to'. H. fJeol.
ley, ."d 3,000 acres for the lower Paria Valley. In Sllrv~'J' \\'al(lr·i'lll(l(ll, l':a~r :J1).1.
l'P· 118-124, UHf;.
This phenomenon, which is widespread within the State., The ,.iJlIges and adjoining farms serve as
Ileadquarlers for .heepmen and cattlemen, without
Ollorado Plateaus, was noted by Powell:"
whoee interests tbe populat.Jon of Escalonte, Cannon.
The Ino"'o" I. ftbundanlly pro<ed; It II 0 m.tter of onl· ville Tropic and Henrieville probably would be nIJm.
,'.r.. l .., The OO.....llon. or the wrller thereon ba.. bered' by. fe'w tens and Boulder mig,h~ not exist at ali.
been wlcleh' extenrled. JJB\"ln~ examined as tar as {MlS8ible
all Ille tact. oeemlDg 10 benr on tbe .ub)..t. the theory ot the DIJring the summer about one·third of the popula.
IDereo .. ot ral.,.n "'•• reJ.ded. aDd another eIllla"atlon more tion is absent from the \'illllges, caring for stock and
n.,OOrl., III l1Ie tllture of nb' aeeepled. raising feed on ranche&. The prosperity ?f
The Imount of watC'f flowing ID the streams 1$ but • .efY these communities depends upon the amount, '\-8l).~
small pnrt of that ,,'bleb falls (rom the beavens. The ,reater d . I d'
port ot the rolnfon napor.,e. frOD\ ,he ourfoc" ",hleb 1m· "bility, and nlue of p.stur.~" an ' , AS m n Ian
medIately r(!ccll'e ft. The exccetUngly dry ntmospbere quickly communities, the outs~ftndmg cltlZ.ens are those who
reobMorbs the mol.lure orclurloDaJl,. tbrown down h)' • ('OD- have & kno""'ledge of '\'rAtel' holes, tt'ails, grass, Rnd
junction of to \'orln, CnntHtlOO8. An,. ebonIes 1n the rl1rtlteHo browse shrubs.
whieh reeein the ln~lllltRtloo tBVOf"Ibie to the rlp1cJ pthpr- d d did
In. ot Ihe rain Into rill. and hl'OOU lDd ereeII., ..'bile takln, The amouut of Ilnapprop.-iate an unreserve an
to the stream. but. 1IID011 amount of tItnl preclpltAled, "'Ill i. enormous-in KAne County about 2,300,000 acres
jp'Oftt1ylnere... tho .oIuone of the .tream. them.. I'.... ,b....... and in Garfield County 2,500,000 acres, But _these
tb. w.'.r In Ihe .Irennuo be.r... 111\811 • proport,lon to the figurea have little value as a guide to prospective set.
alDouDt dl.charKO<! from tbe cloud.. TIle ortlnrl.1 ('hnn~e. tlen. Land is plentiful, but stock feed, though nu ..
wrouJlbt by ana l on the MlIJ'race ot tile eat'th appnr to be
u<lequate III the production ot the observed e!lcct., The d~ tritious, i. scarce, Catt.le and sheep must rllJlge
st,ueU.n of torelll. which hn. heeD Imm .... In thl. eouD\l'y widely in search of scant grasses, The stock owned
tor the paot 13 y.... ; Ibe cropplns of the 'r...... aM tho at Henrieyille, Connom'ilIe, tr.d Tl'opic roams o"er
t ..... dln' of Ihe loll by ruttl.; tile de8tructlon of tbe the Paria Volley and the Wahweap country and along
dRm., cnua1nr I dro.llI""e of thu pond.; tho ere.Mr.g ot drJtt-. .d Esc.a
wood from "' ..,,,'" ,haDnela; llIe drolnlDI of upland moodo,... Glen Canyon, and that owned by rest _nta of •
Rnd ",ony olber .U,ht modlOcaUo .. oil COrulJltrc ,. lnel'ense lanle and Boulder uses the broad EscalAnte Basin, the
too neeumul.llon of wnter In tbe It"'O"'., ODd nil thl. Is Kaiporowits Plateau, and lands east of the Water.
odd",l to tI.e lurtlty of ,,'oter to be uBed In 1l'tlgnUon, pocket Fold, As Powell" long ago pointed out, for
Studentl ot ,001011)' ond phy.lcol ,eograpb), bo.~ long been all southern Ut...h the condition.. are such that fixed
awore ot tbe!te tact.. It.& well kDown that, under t.he mOdt-
fylng Innuen.,," of moa. the streams of ony rl'glon ,..d....... ecI diYision lines for pasture lands. fencing, and indio
frtml tho "'l1d~r ..... Ire cblni'<l I. mlllY cbor... vidual ownet',hip of watNIDg places is impra.ciicable,
1..-1111... In llooc1 tImE. their '-oIume9 I re ,·....."I<elr III- P owell's osrim:ue of 4. squnre mil<:s lIS the mini lim
eruacd l1lId tbelt po,...... " r dem-••UOD lDultlplled. lh - . amount n~ry for -, p .stunga farm" to r the .....
IOOS at droncht '"""" III ..""", t",,,
"1m po~iJJl bcI1>Tf' ""'"
modlll<'d Ill. ,urfa.., ot Ih• •' t""",me <-n.lrolr UTY ; tb. gion that includes all
f K
ane an
d Ga Ii-....
r \OW vv1l1ll1t-S
F"' _

.maller """lI'Obk- 01,,'111''1 hav~ tb..t r f'Ol""'"

n.IVI~.tlon W1l.<; ronsidi-nC h~' t.he pion1!et eettiu3 too 10"' . • "~n
.honened, 80,1 llie ",,",,' rh'''' run .,. at lJJM~ .lUI ! .1"" for the be,;; l~tiolls_ and h s p ro" to be elltiri'J~
""rlon bc<om• • mOl'< and IDOl'< dl/llrutt darlu dry ""Ooll' ; HI pplicah~ for. sotlth all rt of l it.. Hi~h
In multlp\if'd "'II¥' til.... ,1I'«t.s .'" dlm"",,'atcd. W'blle 10 P lateans. For lu/,oe puts of s gion it is .,;ti.
tbe main lh., l'tTIUirird cm.n,."'T'S wrnn$tbt ill" lI'JAlJ ( lD Ita!' SllJ'.
fnee oro prud"cll,,- ot t nd l'bUlt l In humid r~"u •• the mated th.u; ullder ~\'l'ragto climBri~ ()()nditions 1 _rt
chA"" 81'8 <hl. Or od.o".. us to ,., •• In .rld I"f\'lnus ~ b, mile is non. t.", much t o to"not ."ch
~f st.-.ef'. In
acrl... ltu.... b d"""ndeDl upon tt'l'l;;II" ..... ror b... I~. It 19'~ lh. number of can Ie owned by ' d~tlt~ ,,1
'" 10 1.._ •• Ill. ""l!I'ly 01 ,,-at"'. Eseft}anle, Boulder, T ropic., CAIlJlMlville, and Henri •.
UnfortunAtel), ineroa...", in sur/lee llow is aotam· ,'me ' ....3 approl!:im&tel~' 12,000 and the Dumber (Jf
r "nj~d by deereftse in th~ .mount of ;!l't)und "'3t~r .nd eh.eep about S~,OOO," O f these AnimaL. .000 ""ttle
b~' 'lIdden fluctuations i n the n .lume of ",.ter in the lind 23,000 .;h..,p ITI'Te ."c:mllmod"t~ in th. Po....e-lJ
, tren m,,- :!I[u~h arable lAnd is dl'Stro, I, and tha"l Nationlll Forest- the ttle for Ii ' months (.fay Iii
,,-hlch maius is mort> diJlicnlt to irri""t• . T ne ..... atE-r 10 Oct-oher 31) and tm ~b""p for 3~ _ m1Xlth. (Junr l'
hos been obtained at a rnin(lllS pri .... , The ."'Pfrim.nts to September 3Cii. Wi thou! the !0t\'.5il the stool!: indus-
by Sampson and W~yl" in tllt ,tanti • otional F~ ! try wonld Il{'~ily d';1'jndle 10 11 proportions.
of ""otml t ~h show rondu i.-ely tha t attiileiwl inter· The pioneer .;etl.lers, '!h small berd., /Uld OO"...k>, be-
ftr.nee ><ith n!l ln I r,m·oll is d~tJ-im.,ntal , fo re tioe nati'l'e ~egetati()n hlld bren di<furbed. WeN
STOCK B.USING .UlTOUDded by conditions 1L.<ua1 fo r stock rn.g....
The K lIlparowils region is _tiaUy a gt'..zitl~ di •• - Good years" of lbe period ending in 89S ere fol.
triet, puh.. Ih. larp'I, .- t~e r-&nge" in the "Cniled lowed by bad )'tM1' culminating in 1896, ... ben ",ooot
ro P"t cent of tbe rang~ stock died of drought aDd
411 P\1,..,.n. 1 . \Y. St~p(,rt OIl' t.ll~ l&zaab gt t b aC'!G: t~c. o-t tht star"..tion:' If1CJ"f11~ rainfall combined with the
t:'alt«l Stata. ~ r4. r-r tll-b:. 18'i1\.
~ &I~lI. A. 1\..... d WPl'1 L 1-1 .. Ita'll" P""r'f'Iilf',.. ~ 1D "~1. J W op.. ('tc' pp:=o-n
ffiat1o.u to ~a tfI .t"-I toe .. t4~ na ¥fH:iq )..aDI! t. @... I:1p-pt Aar.
RnIL t'U.. lP] - &h;aata 10.7 1'f.. ~ It~... ;00"*C "Pf""'"t..r, ~. • ft'ID.DIulll:ln-
l\coa iIa."foJ.J. . ::7. 1fl2S.

~stcnsioll of the grazing al'ea to include the Kaiparo- terior.ted as pasture lands during the last decade, and
.. itlI PI"teau brought more fnorable conditions. it seems unlikoly that they can be restored to the state
()-.erstoclring of the ronge in response to the increased existing during the period 1815-1890. Some system
,..1\16 of cattle during the World War appears to have of reservation seems most likely to bring improvement.
been the tirststep toward the prese.nt unfortunate state. It i. interesting to note that in the Kaipo.rowits re-
In crOSsing tho Kaiparowits in 1915 grass for horses gion the lack of water is not a s~.-iou. hiudraJ!lce to the
..... abundant along Wahweap, Warm, and LASt catUe industry. Though wder is ooarce, the available
Chance Creeks and the meSAS and dUM-covered area. sourct'S Bre so situated that only a few .mo.lI al'eas
toSt of the Puia. On top of the Kaiparowits also of grazing lands are unutilized because of distance
,flSS was plentiful. In 1918 many Bocks of sheep from water holes. Many starving cattle were seen,
fOllnd good pasturage on the plateau, but during three but nOlle thAt were seriously stlfrering from thirst.
days' travill about W81'm and 'Vahw.ap Crecks the
pack hOl"1!es lived on oats, leans of cottonwood, B.nd
erps of brush, and lack of feed pl"Ohibited travel along Gold has been taken from g"uel bars in Glen Can-
the rim of Glen Canyon. In ]922 there was insuffi· yon, and more CIln doubtless be reoo"el'ed j but amount.
cient forage fel' pock trains at all places except ~And­ justifying large outla.ys are unlikely to be fOWld.
<lune areas in the Escalante Valley. In September, (See p. 148,) The" oil" at Circle Clifs and in
1924, no grass or bro .... se of any kind was found in Glen Canyon above the mouth of the Escalante hl",e
lInfeneed areas of the Butler Vall.y and obont Canaan so far yielded no returns. The one known mineral
Peak. There is no doubt that 't~ Escalante and resource of potential value is t.he coal of the Kaipa-
rari. Valleys and the Kaiparowits Plateau haH de. rowits l'll\t~ftu. (See pp. 14~la3,)

GENERAL iITRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS the format.ioll i. char*cterized by es.sentially similar

The sedimenta.ry rocks of the Kaiparowits regioll lithology, peculiarities of wenthering, and topographic
are chielly of Mesozoic age-Triassic, Jurassic, and expression. The variegated ma.rl, limestone conglom-
Cretaceous. The highest plateaus of the region-the crate, and silicified trees of the Chinle formation dis-
Paunsa.ugunt, 'fable Clift', and capped tinguish this di~ision in practically Illl part! of the
by Eooon. strota, and in the upwo.rps, wheI" erosion plateau countI'y, and e,'en the thin Shinarump con-
has planed deepest, Penni!>n limestones and sand. glomero.te shows little change o~er thous ..nds of square
stones .ppear, In their lithologic features these rocks, miles.
particularly those o.ssigned to the TriaSilic ..nd Juras· Tho strongly predominant rock type of the I"gioll is
sic, resemble closely tho corresponding S6I'ies in other sandstone, Hard, massive sandstone fOI'ms most of
parts of the ColorOldo Plateau province. the plateau bench.. and verticnl canyon walls; weak,
Except for variations in thickness, there is little dif- shalJ sandstone makes up a large part of the slopes
feI'ence betwccn the fonnotions exposed at the Circle and valley flats, Limestone is rare, except in the
Cliff. or the Poria Valley and those in the Navajo Kaibab Plateau, Lenses and thin beds of conglom-
cOUlMy, 150 mile, to the south, in the Virgin Valley, crate appear at ceI'tain horizons, ClAY shale is wide-
ao miles to Iho ~outhwC8t, and along upper White Can- sproOld in ports of the CI"etaceou8 and TI'iassic, bllt
yon, 100 milea to the Ol\st, The Navajo sandstone eRn wheI'e traversed it is quantitatively mnch 'less than
be traced almost continuously from western Colorado sandstone, The stratigraphic featul'es of the forma-
to southeastern Nevada al1d from northem New Mex- tions in the Kaiparowits region are summarized in the
ico to central Utah, and t.hroughout this great region accompanying table. (See also pI. 5,)

tJrotJll Qbd CornLlltion Cb&tacter ThlckDHS (lMt
- _.. _ - - ---
Caicareoul sa.ndstone, ahale, And limeatonci pink:
TerUlIr)'. EoIlOlle. W&lJ8tch rorUl4tion. . white, and vllrieolored, soft; uDderJiea blghe... 2,000
plateau.; OTnl>" out in oliff. and forma elope•.
- - - - -Unoon(ormtLy
Bluieh-drab' Rne to moderately COOrM! &rained
Kaipan>wit3 (I.)Mno.- o.rkoaic l18udelont and IlAndy ,hale, with &
LitHi . ,,'eak c:alcareoua cement· (orml elope!1 and 2,200
bo.dlands; a. fresh or braokish wa.ter deposit.

Yeilowiah·cny ruaeaive· sandstone v.-ith .orne

aa.ndy ahale, the upper 200 feet very maaeive
WahweapuluiatuliC. and hard; I"'rlea downward loto alternatlc. 1,100-1,300
h~r~. and soft bed!!; & prominent oliff·formiD.l

Yellowish ,to brown Irregularly hedded medium

UpJ.H.·r Crutl\.Cenus. S"raigh~ Clitfs :lQnd· to mAI.lve aodstone; COlltlliDlil coal bed •••
stone. much a. 20 feet ill thickn~_; forlTU!J prominent. 900- t ,:lilt)

Dilliah-<Jrab Ar~ill.oeoua t.o sandv ehale; ;:'~l

uniform in color and tedure' rr8.des to f . -
TNpic !'dUlle. iferou. sandstone at b..e~ shale contaioa 500-1,450
.\buudant GrlJphaea Itttirbcrr!/i and o~her fouila;
form" alopea and badland• .

Yellow to nearly 'trhite ulldatone' con.loDl-

Dakota (1) er~tio ill part; irrelut.rly bedded; contains
atone. thID beds or coal and )arle lilicified trees in 1)-100


II to li~ht blui.h..gra)" ao.ndy btlnded shale,

l.n,,','I" ('"n·tnc~ma (1). M,)rri..)tl (Ilrm:1thm, ~ ve:Y ma$8lve, hard conglomerate, aud coarse
~nt.ty lU:lroon, yello\\'. and gray irresularly
•••. ~ - .• ~ •... - - - - • - - - _. - - - -- - • ••• - - - - ,-UnC",luf"rluit.v _
~ .
_i.- ~~~~~dstone: ~:~~ :acSfprne
tlts I

Group and Iornuttivtl Tllidrnl'A (rfel)
._.-_. - -'dd€'.d red·brown to grA)' (Tlnble sand-
Summerville; IIhale-like bedF, alternatins nd and 100-500
form~t.ion. 'II'hit<", form b... ,\d€'d cliffs; ~ont"illt$ Illu('h

Yellow,, Ught-red, hrowil and gray fine,

Ent.radll. soud- even-8rained llfIudatonej in places one maSlive 201)-.800
8tone-. cro....bedded Itratum · oelll. poorly bedded
Jurafll~, landstone Dnd red Ihafe.

I Pink to red and bluish oandy lbAl.· ",hi~ .nd

buff 3l1..ndstone; gyp8um iu bedl and 88cementi
Carmel (ormt),- I dense ailiceoul and earthy darli;~mAroon Qna
Lion. !)(}-4&0
li,'ht. bluish-green nme!ltonej we"t.herli in bo.d-
lands AAd forme benoh on loop of Navajo Mnd-
, .
-!---- -Unconronl1it.~ -
Light crea.mY-\'~llo'\\'. whito1 pinkilb, and buff,
I Nuvl'Ljo Ulld- hi«Wy c.rcM-bedded •• nctllit.o~.; weat.hers in
sIOnt', high cliffe And innumcn,ble cones, tow<!r8, and 1.200-1,~mO

Locnl umlon·
domes; fornll eAve'!&, slcove., And nat.ural I
brid,es. _ _ __ L____
formit~· .
Maroon coarao-cn.iued c.rou-bedded landatone,
Lower JUNt~tlit· ('/), collilomerate, blue.aray hard. denlle lime-
JUl'lUlie (1}. l'odilto (7) for- stone; a.nd maroon and brown abalo; all in t.hin 12&--240
mation. irrefJuln.r bcda.
--- ------ 1---- ----------------------1-- - - - -
Reddiah-browu. very mtusive IBnd8tonc; prom!-
Wingate 8R.nd- ncoil)' jointedj crop" out oomrnouly in It linllc
"tone. vertital aliff ·tna1. reIoCmblei a paUtJOdc' oro.- 2ro-tOO
bedded but. not 110 prominently &s Nd\'ajo
... ---.-.------- -r------------------ "-Uncodormity- - -I - - - -- - - - - - - - -
Thick va.rj~Ia.t.ed calcIIoreoull aho..le or "marl,1l
finc-_'tmincd &al.ld~t,OIlC, cbert,y limestone, nnd
Upper Trift.olJili('. I Chioleformft.tioD. conglomeratic limestone; Inndstone most 415--800
abundant In t.he middle perL; containa large
__________ . _.•. __ • • _____________ ~___I---m-·Ii-e-iti-ed--I-~
-. -"-.-----------------------ll--
Light.-grny to yellol" couTiC-grwned to con-
Upper (1) Tri"..i•. IlolOeratio mndatoue, very irregularly bedded
Shinarump conglom- and variable ill thicknee9j INidea locally into n-12fi
Tri....aie. ernte. bluish land, aho.1ej contninl .ilicified wood;
forma prominent. bench.
---------Uncooforwt,y- - -f------- - --
Chocolate-brown to yel1o.,dsh "hale krt<! IInnd ..
stone, cOI)tn.lniJ)(( locally in upppr portion IVery
Lower Triueie. thin hard lirueltonea; .hale vcr)" .andy and
Moenkopi (ormation. Irades iuto ehaly eanddtonej tho und.tone
range. (rom thin-bedded platy Lo thick ....-
live beds; ripple marked.
----- - - - - - - - - ---J-Uncontormity -· · - - - -------
White to ,ellowieh mauivc, more or lcM dolo-
mitic limestone, in pan chert,; lower part 164
KAibab limestone. increaains)y sandy and Il'I1dCII downw&rd into
Mndstone "ithout .harp change; fouiliferoua
c"rboDiCernus. PerDlian. ia part.

Light crw.m1-,..hi~ caleaT60ul crose-bedded 0-93

Cooonino Mudstone. medium-grained SQ.J1&tcme.
PERMIAN FORMATIONS limestone, Aubrey sandstone, and ~d1V ..Jl limestone,
In addition to the "Aubrey I> hmestone and tho!
UCaTIOlJ aJ'1) UT.lfT
"Aubrey" sandstone-spoken of also as "Upper
Beds of Permian age form the surface of the Kaibab Aubrey" and as "cherty limestone" and ~ CI'll8!l-
Plaleau, which extends from north-central Arizona bedded .andstone I>~the Aubrey group included at ita
northeastward ne.rly to the Paria RiYer, in Utah, I>8se a series of sandstones and shales which were either
These exposures lie on the western border of the Kai· classed with the "Lower Aubrey" sandstones or
parowits region, and as they are but prolonga.tion8 of treated as L minor subdivision as "Lower Aubrey"
the Permian beds that are welI displayed on both sides sandstone and shale. Darton I simplified this nomen·
of the Grand Canyon, a discussion of them propedy c1ature by the substitution of the terma Kaibab lime·
belongs with reports on that region, In this paper stone for "Aubrey" limestone, Coconino sandstone for
they arc briefly described for comparison and L'Orre- "Upper Aubrey" sandstone, and Supai formation for
lation with COl'responding beds in the K.iparowits "Lower Aubrey" sandstone and shale.
region, As a result of the extensive studies of Noble' the
In the Circle Cliffs several canyons have cut into generaliaed descriptions of previous writers were reo
Permian limestone and sandstone, C:lpOiing in some plaeed by an analysis that i. based on detailed eumi·
)Jlaees more than 200 feet of strah, and a deep well nation of carefully measUl'ed sections.
drilled near the top of the Circle Cliff. dome gives Reeside and Bassler' sepal·.ted the Kaibab of the
information concerning the rocks beneath. In addi- Kanab and Virgin River Valleys into five topographic
tion to the broad exposures on the Kaibab Plateau ~nd lithologie divisions .
• nd the outcrop. in the Circle Cliff., Paleozoic rocks Correlatioo of the Kaibab on the basis of lithology
oppear at the surface in several other parla of south· and po.leontology presents little difficulty, but in spite
ern Utah. Permian and Pennsylvanian rocks are well of the abundant fossils present the exact age of the
displayed on tile San Juan Ri vel' at Goodridge, on the
iormation remained long in doubt. Maroou' classed
Colorado. Hiver in Cataract Canyon, along the lower
it a. Permi.n-the equivalent of tho Magnesian lime·
Green H,ivel', and in the canyons that head in Elk
stone of England, Newbeny' regarded it as "au
IUdge, Permian rocks are exposed in the San Rafael
integ ....l part of the Carboniferous." Geologists of the
Swell, in White Canyon, and in Grand Gulch. Per.
Wheeler and the PowelI surveys referred the "Au-
mian and older rocu are cxtensively developed also
brey " sandstone and "Aubrey" limestone to the upper
ill the Virgin River region in southw ... tern utah. It
Carboniferous and 11 few feet at the top to the" Per·
i.l therefore very probable that npper Palecaoie 10rml.
rno·Carboni ferous." Darton' and Robinson' plaeed
tions underlie aU of the plateau country in lOuthern
the Ka.ibo.b and Coconino in the Pennsylvanian.
In the Kaiparo"'its region the exposed strata of Noble' correlated them with the M.naano group of
~ew Mexico, then considered Pennsylvanian. In dis·
I'el'llliin age Ire ..signed to tile Kaibab limestone and
the Coconino sandatonl!, cussing the geology of the Little Colorado Valley,
Gregory' states that "fuller investigation may re-
Kallal LIIIEITOIfI aliI) COCOlIllfO UIII)ltOnl slllt in placing ,II or part of the Kaibab among
Pel'mian formations." Evidence f"om many sources
increasingly favol'3 the cOl'relation of the Kaibab and
Descriptions of Ihe beds now eilled Kaibllb linlestone Coconino with part of the Manzano group of New
nnd Coconino salldstone appear in aU the geologic Mexico, which i5 now classified 85 Permian.
reports that relate to th.e GI'8nd Clnyon region. The.. -------
, Dar-toa, ~. H" A reconn81nllaee 01 part, ot DorthwclltcTO N""
fOI'l1lAtions could scarcely escape obaervation, fOl' they Mnleo aDel lIortIJen. Ari:lOn&: U. II. Gell. Surve7 Ball. ,,3:5.1910.

ue cut by inmllllcrable canyon., The limestone fOI'mw

I Noble, L. "'0 Ttae 81:l1aumo lIuadn.ne1t: U, 8. Ge-ol. Surv.. , BIILI.
3-11, lin,,; .l. -.clloa Gl til. Paleosolc tocaratloOll DC the Gr.!ld
(he lurface over wide areas and presents persistent fea· ClfQ'oa at the: BftIIg trQIl: U. S. G"1. 8ur\"cJ prot. Paper 131, (Jp.
25-1'3. 1823. .
tures of lithology and fossil content. The sandstone is • a..-fcle. J. D.• jr., "I~ Bauter. H.r~ey, Blr.tI-=~ble .~II_)nll in
• distinctive strlltigl'Uphie unit, marked especially by .. utb:weI'te-n Utab aod lIIortbweuet'. A.rI&OlIa: U. 8. Ceol. SUrYf1
.>tot. Paper 129. pp. at-T8. 1022.
its prominent cross· bedding. They were noted by I Xareo., Jute •• RbulDl •• , Se-'d DOte_: U. 8. Fac10e B. lit. Espl..

)!arcou in 18,;6 and by Newberry in 1861 and were 1'01. a, pt .... Po HiS. 18at.
I Kewben'7. 1. B.• Geolocical roel~rt. I•• ,·tl. 1. C., Report u.pon tltoe
luter discl\ssed and represented in sectiOllS published Colorado Qlver of the West, pt. S. p. 11, 1861.
by Powell, Mnrvine, Howell, Gilbert, Dutton, and I Darto_, N. B .• op elt., pp. %8. aa.
~ RoItIDloll. H. H .. The !SA. Franet"cnD .elc".tc Qekj: U. 8. GII.)I.
Walcott, Studies of the "clrboniferons" by geolo- Sur,.., Prof. Paper n. pp.. 2+-':!IIi. 1013.
gists of the Wheeler and the Powell surveys resulted • Op. cit.
·Grq9rJ', H. E .. GeolOlf7 of Ute NrlYOjo COIIDtr,.: U. ft. Geol. SllrYtf
in the weIl:known threefold division called Aubrey l~rot. PUP"' 93, pp. 1S-2:!, l!.Ui.

The uSUal section of the K.ib" b formation is in· not deep nor in this urea probably at n great dist·u,
~olllplete; either the bottom is conceuled or the top from lund.
i. l'eDloved by erosion. The se urch by Gregory Bnd Be,," use of its g"eat resistance to erOsion, as co
~oble ,. for a place. where unquestionably all the Kal· po red with the QVCI'lying ;\Iocnkol'i ulld Chinle f
bab is disPlayed was r,,'warded by finding in Kuib.. b Illations, which hal'e been stripped frolll its surf.
Gulch .. COtnplete section with the Hermit shde below the Kni"alJ formution in House Rock Valley prese
a r"ther Sfnoo(hly rounded surface, which tllarks· I
and the ~roenkopi above, a section which may serve
accurutely the structure of the rocl<s along the e
~. the tyP<l of the K .. il,m b limestone.
flank of t.he Kilibab fold. In the steep slopes of 1
The COConin~ sandstone maintains II. uniform char· fold short consequent streams have ca'"Yed d~p, 11
.cter throUghout th~ Grand Canyon district, although row canyons, in the ,,-ails of which tho broken edges
there are tnu'ked variations in thickness. The sand· the Kai"ab st.·at. are sharp and angular. The ro
stooe called Coconino in southe"n Utah," pArt of strewn bottom of theSe canyons consists generally 0
..-hicll is described in this paper, occupies a strllti· sede. of short steps over the edges of succe:;sive h.
graphic position tlmt corresponds to the Coconino of beds.
th"Orand Canyon but probubly is not precisely equiv. At Knibnb Gulch, about 8 miles south of the sctl
.Ient to it. - lUent of Puria, the canyon walls consist of Herl
NORTHERN KAtHAD PLATEAU shale succeeded upward "y Kai"ab limestones •
"ll11dstones thllt are unconformably o\'erl"in by Uo
f:scept for Q sm.lI Olltc,'Op of Hermit shale in Kai· kopi so fJdstoues "nd shale. At ~he "use of tlte sect
bab Gulch the eXllO.,ed Pcnnian "ocks at the north c.len r~ous' sand-_tone immediately overlies red sha
ond of the Kaibab PI.tea" consist entirely of the no bL'(/s,·a"le to tbe Coconino ~l\lldstone are preS!
Kllibab limestone. As seen here, the Kaib ..b is a some· 'fhe strat.a exposed in Kaibab Gulch IIllly app
, magnesia II gray IIrelluceous Hmestone, which priutoly be considered the type section of the Knil
colllmonly weathers very light dralrgray 00' bull. It limestolle. (See pl. 4, A, B.) .\s dcsc";],ed by Nobl
i. medium tu massively bedded, and the thickness of the stmt .. of Knibab limeRtone in Kllib." Gulch c(
individulll beds unges frolll a few incheS tQ several prise lh'e major divisions.
feet, A~ indicuted by r""isbine. to erosion, the rock
i. h,ude,' than thOlt of the formati on.• nbove and below. St.'l'tion II" Kaib«'" a.Tell, Utalt
Jointing is conunon, though somewhat irregular, nnd (At top.) Yel'Y irl'egulnr beds of ('08 ~'!:fC' bl'ecclll-cougluDI-
hal guided the weathering of cliffs and canyon walls. el'llte, intel':jtrutiRcd .witb bor'r shale fmd cntcureou~
Most of the KllilJnh limestone is siliceous and arena· IO.ndstone Bud .eaPlled by mnssh'e bells or burr Ume·
""ous. In consists of about equal amounts of atone; tbe lI me-stooe rorms II strong cUtt; the shale and
snudstone form "s sl,llle brokeu by irregular cUffs ot
calcite 01' doloUliu: nnd qUlUtx; elsewhere it is ...and· hrcLocill _________________ _________ _________________ _
&toile with lime ilnd magnesian ccment, Gradation :\(ossl"e gray crystn.lIlne Hmesfone. cherty ol:d foam!·
in the amOllne of sand grains is $Curedy noticeable in eroclJ, cuotnlntng 0. bed or l"nd14one 10 U:e middle
Dlany la-yers, but in some tJ,ere is a distinct alternation ODd llu*iiug nt top 1.nto DHernlltin~ bed15 of chert and
of sandstone and slightly sunJy or quite plllll lime· butt earthy Ijmes tone i tbe ~dJt f!l £l"Oy <.Tysbtllloo
liDlC:St o.ue rOl'm !iltrong' cUlls; tbe ,Itetnntlng beds ot.
stone. Besides the sand grains in the body of the
chert and buil ·Umestolle .t>o,·e the a:rq), limet;tolll.!
rook silie .. occurs as sm.ll nodules and as quarts t'urw. 11 steep, ledgy slope ________ ______ ___________ _
geodea. Locally chert nodules llnd lenses are abun· Dull and l'eddlih fine·il'I.lned ID.udstoue, pOOrly consoU-
dane. In parts of the formation mallY f'ossi I marine dllted ant) Irregularly bCtlded, Intl'l':'ttrutHled wIth bed~
iO\'ertebrlltcs are well preserved. or sundy breccia and trlolvcrtl~; fOl'm,. slopc!'- ______ _
MltSfil\"c buff sllJceou» 1IlUHtooe. ellerty :md IOlucwlult
In other parts careful search re"""led onl1 frag.
t'OSHmrerolls, containIng· .ome ea!cureQu:i sandlj,o oe
DleDta'7 shells-no recognizable fossil remains. The cenf tbe middle and I . ...~ll· dcflm.'tl. fM'tl of bard dnc-
Kaibab is evidently of marine odgin, but the fossils :;;rnlned hufr cNP-bedded .. DdBtofl~ nea.r tbe l)lllle; .11
Dud the abilndance of sandy mllteriJIl that it contains bods eS:':ept th~ calcOfeoul .. n(lstoue In tbe DllddJo of
tile member t.)rt.lstroDC cUfts ___________ :.. __________ _
indicate that the wate,· in which it WIS deposited was
A,1terllll.t!.ng bed... of arenaceous linlcs:tone aud lrrecu-
:' Gtt-l'O t l. fl. )1, Ilod Nobl@, J•. F " ~()( t.... 011 • _colopal tra,'.r,,: Inrly bcddl!d Ooe-cmined buff .aud.stone i ooe tbln bed
.\G. lour. 8eL. Gtb .er., vol. ~, pp. 229-218, 1023. or 1tme~tolle. in trU!i mld.dle! Qr th~ member. Lt "'err (os-
U 1.oQw1llL C. R.o ~n.ser. H. D. , MOON, R. C., Dr,..... 1t1r1c. .lId
s lUrerou~; the member torwa u ste~p, }L"<IlifY .IOI~,
hlp, lkloe1. Roek (OTDlaUorut lu (be Culo."o Plalua. of ••ut_,e- broken by ,maa!l ... ___________________ ---- _____ _
... trtU. .~ .ort.bern ArIZona: U. 8. Geol. .une, Prol. Papet 131.
f. .. 1925. )I"er, H . n., Geologie .truet.~ ot BaD. I ... c.P1O'l •••
~OI.t cooDt<l'7. U!ab: U . 8. Gool. Surve1 Bull Tat, pp. 121-122.
19:!4. GtUw1. Jomell, aDd R.eeslde. J . B.• Jr.• Se1Itmtot'l"7 neb or
liar &. btltl'l Swell and :tOme &djUl!ent' a r~;.I.. I. eostlt.'. Utah: 0. I . U N"ble, L. tJ'.. ... ..etIoa. of tb. Kalbo'" IlmelitOIl. In fi.llIab 01
~. SUf"I'e)' Frot. Pllper lolO, p. a3, 19:!8. Utqh : tr. $ . GCNI. 8 .. rve, Pto(, Paprr 1,jO, PI', .. r-ajO· I!)"!&
properly termed a limy s~ndslone, b.ut it is co~mon 10
The detailed secliolls of Kaibab limestone at t~e find an almost imper«ptlble gradation from limestone
Bass trail (Grand Canyon) in the Kanab Va.lley, 10
with scattering grains of sand to sandston~ with
lhe Virgin Volley, and near Lees Ferry, as !pve~ by
abundant lime cement. The amollDt of sand IS con-
NoLie, show a remarkable correspondence lfl .htho-
sider..bly grea.ter than that .in the K ..ibab of the
logic detail and sequence of strata with the secl.lon at
Kaibab Plateau or the Grand Canyon district. One
Kai bab Gulch. Even the Kaibab of the Muddy
peculiar light-yellow soft, massive ledg~; which
Mountains. Nev., 8S analyzed by Longwell," . may be
weathers in well-rounded surfaces a{ld contaInS abun-
re.adily correlal ed. But the beds that are aSSIgned to
dant anguhr fragments of chert, was observed at ser-
the Ka.ibab at Ihe Circle Clift's and at the San .Rafael
eral places in the Circle Cliffs. This chert-bearing
Swell differ much from those at Kaibab Gulch In corn-
bed i. in part a residual deposi t, and the chert is
!,osition, arrangement, and thickn~ss. Though the
{olllil. indicate u.pproximately eqUIvalent. age, they clearly of secondary oritPn, but its posit!on w~thin the
('an not h. correlated with assurance. EVIdently the formation beneath m&.SSlve, evenly stratIfied hmestone
vicinity of lhe Paria River ,?arks .the position of a shows tbat it does not represent exposure and dis-
significant change in the Kn.ibab IImeslone. Imme- integration of a part of the Kaibab rocks in i><>"t-
diately west of the river, in Kaibab Gulch, are the Kaibab tiroe.
oasternmost outcrops of typical Kaibab limestone. As exposed in the Circle Cliff. the Kaibab formE
East of the river the formation thins, becomes more steep cnnyon wans that are made up of a series of
!<Ilndy and loses some features characteristic of sec- massive benches and intervening slopes. In places the
tion. ~'''8\ll'ed in the Grand Canyon region. East of cliffs are sheer, but in general "'eak materials at lW-
Glen Canyon no slrata assignable to the K.ibab bnve tain horiwns prodllce slopes composed of a series of
l>P<ln recorded. minot· benches.
The Coconino sandstone, as defined in the Circle
(;fRCLB OLlYFB Cliffs, includes the light creamy-white, more or less
cross-bedded so.ndstone that underlies the lowest ob-
served limestone. It dift'ers in no essential respect
Several canyons in the central part of the Circle from the sandstone in the lower part of the Kaibab
Cliffs aft'ol'd excellent exposures of Permian limestone and is undoubtedly conformable with. the beds above:
and limy sand"tone that art! without doubt refHl'able indeed, the definition of the formations is somewhat
10 the Kaibab limestooo. (See pI. 6, B.) Beneath arbitrary. The only basis for regarding the sand·
the limestone lies light-colored cross-bedded sandstone stone as a stratigraphic unit distinct from the Kaibab
that is classed as Coconino. As on the Kaibab Pla.- is the great thicJmess of the s..ndstone, os revealed by
teau, the limestone occurs benellth dark-red sandy boring, and its correlation with the thick, wide~pread
.bale of the Moenkopi formation, and the lithologic sandstone that in other part. of Utah has been called
character IUld contained fauna of the limy beds are Coconino. This sandstone is \'el'y ca.lcareous; as ob-
.....ntially the same as those seen in typical exposures !'erved in some thin sections, the calcite filling between
of tho K ..ibnb throughout the Colorado Plateau prov- tho sand grsins is approximately equo.l in qu ..ntity to
ince. In fregh exposUl'es the Kaibab limestone of the tho sand. 'rhe quartz grains are medium in size and
CiI'Cle Cliffs is \'~ry light gray to "lmost white and fairly well rounded. A few of thAl rounded grains
w""thers to ~re'111y payor buft'. It is fairly evenly l'Onsist of limestone. The cross'bedding is neither
bedded, and the thickness of the individual beds so prominent nol' 80 uniform as that in the Coconino
I·nng•• {rpm IL few inches to U feet or more. Locally of the Grand Cnnyon; the individual cross-bedded
very thin-bedded, almost shaly strata appear. Some I"nses are murh thiimer; and the platy weathering of
uf the bods are very hard, even textured, Rnd fine Ihe cross laminoe is much I... striking. In general,
gl'ained, weather with a characteristic finely pitted the rock ..pprars Ies>< resistant to weathering than the
$urface, and are marked by fine mosslike dendrites type Coconino and forms rounded «bouldery" sur-
of manganese dioxide on fracture plan... Other beds hCl'O brtween irrel!:ularly disposed joint planes.
are medium g1'ained and subcrystalline and contain
disseminated rounded gnins of quartz sand. Alter-
nating with the purer limestones beds in which
ilia proportion of sand is SO great that the rock is The stl·.tigraphic sequence and the composition of
lbe Pel'mian beds in the Circle Clift's are shown in tbe
• Lnn«WC'II. l'. R.o (toolo.,. ot tbc lI11ddr Mount.ln.. N~,·.: Mn.
Jour. Set. IIlh ~r .. vall. po -IS, 1921: U. 9. Of"Ol, Surn',. Un II. iDS. following measured sections. The maximum exposed
pp. 8a.-t3, I tl'l8 thickness is 236 .
u. ~. m:OI.OOIC ,U . ~u nn:y

A. <';ON T ."CT u ..• MOhNKe)!>1 . ·Om,.1,\TIO :"oi .\ NI> K .\Il1 :\11 J.T.\ I ESTO:-O£ AT :'\101..TH 0 .... II . r.ON T ,\ CT OF" K .\IIIAU l.I :\lI:;sTO .... F. ·\ [\' 0 fI.-:H MIT SU .\T.E I ;\' "AIHA" c.n.r.fJ
" .\l R.\ " GU LCH

C. \' IE\\ ALO~G OLI.) UT I:: TIUIL LE.\ O Ii'\C. T() nit:: C HOSSING OF" Till'; P.TIIEl\S D. '"Tn .'IL " OVER ;\' .\\' .UO SM''' OSTON£. WATEUPO<.; KI·: r t O
OL!). NK\n U.\I(I".;I\
Wasa lcr. (7') f or-mal lon

ig~ WahweOlp
$a nd£tone
1,300 fee1

~f:fiif,% l ,snnd$tono
950-1,000 feel

1,140! feet

460 (eel

--- --- - -- ---

2)00 feel ~Dnd :; l onc
r,200 feet "

:.:!.::==== ==:::::- =--

Chinlo formation
850-980 f eet

~~~:2!:~~~ii!Ercl= ----- - -------

- - - -- ----- --
- -- - ---~==~ 1P§~!i!!iJic£~ITi~KJ:!'cl: - - - - -- ---- ---- --------
-- ----._-
Mocnlwpi formation
390-,!)40 feCl

Ksibab lime~tone
Moenk opI 517-600 feet
~~ --- ?
1,72!J - 2,035 feet

~ -- - - __ t
-- -

li mo:>stono
490-1,059 feel

.. 1::J:=?1 Redw.::J1I
1.500 !. feet


--- . -
C. flo GlIOr.oGJC'&L av.YZT
kliOJl (If too P.. leowic roclts
C .......... ".
'" tbe Gr.l.nd Canyon at
8as3 !'nil
11)0 L. ... NCIIbI., U. S. GnIl Survf)' ......
...."'-a.wo.... "'~
Prot. "~r 131, ,.t I" 1_
.... -.

Top of plDtc<.lU
r-r=.,-------r "
1.200 - 1.200 fNt

TertiarYr)roeks Str-oi(:hlCliffs
950-1,000 feet

1,I-'tO! feet

460 (eel
1------+ ____ _
-- -- ---
~{j;.'.\'I;,t j~ NUVDjO
2)00 feet SDndstonc
1,200 feet '

--} - --

,I. Chinl e format ion

050-900 feet

- ---- --
Moenkopi formation
390 -540 fee~

Kaibab limestone
517 -600 feet
~L~~~ ___ •
J,72!:j - 2,o35 fe e t
~ ---- - __ 1

, ." ""r'-r~ Kaihab

490-1,059 feet
Top o r pl u l ('t .l u

, 700 feel

-,' 1,200 fod.



=!-- - - -_____-1- ' ~

o;;;---.j \

:::~== ==::=:=:==-=== - ---

Chin I. fo,.motion
I.COO f~et

M«n14.opi (ormllltion
&4O-~OIO feel

- ---?
--- ----1---- - --- - ---------

Goodl"'idSc (1) forJTltttlon

1,~82 fset


Ge-1IIB1iMd . . . of a.dt
Clift. w,~ r....
• n.I II.,. XIUtaill
-_O/So I
1oIW...... -..,
' I5ItdI Pkia •
""- ,-",,-~.
~~ ...

! -


- - - - t --- ----
-- --~~.'" --- ---
--- .. -
Goodrid.e(p) ror ..... Uon
1,!82 fa"
. 100 r•• l

Shale. 600 reel

KirU<tnd .h.l.
632.-1.t70 faflil

---------- ,,


I l ewa .h,Io
I ,\600 - 2,t90 fcot
, I

600 feel

Moaoverde (onn..t.on
275-800 reel

Monce • • h&le

Wen c o. ,hal. 500-800 r"t

',eoo (eet.

Me [1,..0 (ormol ion

<400-700 feel send.toM
No (Ima ro.-mDtion ~O-I.OOO reel
400-1,000 r•• t.

Chl!" l. ah al e
1,182 - ' . . l

Cutler formaUon
O-'Z,OOO'(1!Ot De Che lly ••ndelo".
0-5111 feet

MoenkopI formalio"
300-500 r•• l

.- .. - --- ----------
GoodridC. formetion
I.SOO- (~et

H.rmol. (ormation
1,.800 -2000 rut


PRQ".aalONAL PAPlia 1st :PLATB a

d ..u. (I/'Cimt
""""'" F""

GeM-r&liud .-tiGn ol.he
Na.,..p t ountry
Br II. &. Gtotpr'J, U. $. .;.w.
au,..., Prot. h ~_
~L a. lJl6.

s t eau

70J r~rl

l.200 f~c:1.

J-,1 M liV&f"dd forma t.on

215- 600

[ /lvllBa ~tOf>' 1.4<.1 1'1::0 :; Ghole

~ 070 (e~t 50 0 · 800 rf't!t

Me Elmo form oD l lon

4(;0 -700 f eel

HI!'IYo1jo • .,.nd6tr;u, .
-WO'l,DOO r u l

Ch,,·.r . CIoh Qlc:

r.t 82-hcl

tic et.1 11y tI . ndatonC'

O-.!IIJ~ ( 4!III'l

Moen koPI formolion

300-500 feel

----- --- ---


Gcodridg.. ffj fc rr.>allon

1,582 feel
1'IWt'E~ION .'L I''''PE~ 161 PLATE li

A . ': \I.'R8!.E (iOI\OI':

Vi.:: .... 1(0)khij; ,1000Ilit r..ullI I:! mii ..... /fOJI). or l~... I''l'rry. l'IWWlru llh Ly K C. L.. Hue.


U. !i. GEOLOGICAL ~OIt",1-;Y

A . :.-IUNAIIf{ldlll"iIJ ,\I .E Mr:~"Um 010' MOENKOI'I FOI1M,\,TI01\' AIJOUT 3 Mlt ....:g SOUTHWf.:!oJ"r 01. P,\RtA

II. ~tum'~:\OI'I STnATA UN(:oNFQIU IAI1I.Y O\' ..:nT.AIN BY S IIl N\ n U~ IP CO;\;G l.o\lEllATE Ii"\" i"\"ORTIIEHN

Beo/.ibn oJ KGihab Um.(;IJtt'l1lC Q~ld COC(-'ni7IrJ .!and.done we~' of Pe.rminn-Continued,

T M P€IJTt.JI. Cir,ele Cl£f(~·, Qar(i.cld. Coun-lJ/. Utah. Kalbob l1me$tone-Conlhlll("d. FC'C't
2, L.lDlPstope. yellowisb gt'Uy, flo tt , rhln to me-
(Mc-lkIred b1 Ra;,-mond C. :'tIoorc] dium beddud. poort)' (,X l~d; this zoo'"
cb~rncleristlcnJJy ?'entlle1'S R!::I a slope- ;
Ttlass;c (M ll(>nk opl fOl'nlation) at tof'. NtrtlS l."o\"ere<L____ ______ ___ __ ______ ____ 43
Permion: I . LUoestone, IIgbt c~nmy ~·(' l1o\\'. dol(1mltic,
Knlblll:! Jim('Stohe- ~ r. t denl5-f', l1ne-grnined, very massive. nntl In.
6. Lhtle8.t one, )'(,!l\ow, dolomitic, in mn8S ~ ve. beds 1 to 2 feet thick willl ver~· fl oe Cll"\-
e"en~y bedded LcdgeJol. U'mt wf~then lD Jurge lies; weathers In lilrge blol'ks and Irregu·
n ngular blO(·.~ pitted b~' solution; in ploces lor roUUlied si(lI'le'5; u[JPcr port lUore evenly
(:ontoiDS Dumerous dendrites of mllngnnese. l:C'ddrd nnd weatbc l"S to sligh tly IlgMer
d..i(Jxiuc Dlill concretions resembling wad; ('olor rl1:1n low(lr PllrL ___ ___________... __ _ r:.6
('o:atnin8 fo~ s ils; forms l'esistnnt cnp of
)lromln ellt bench ________________ ____ ____ 87 'roUt. ~nlbflu Iimc£;t oll e _____ ___ ________ _ l3G
rJ. Llme.,,:o ne, I1ght yellow, soft, dolom itic, mB S- The uPP<'rmost portion of the K"ibnb (bod 4) nt.
~lv e, filled with Ilngulur fragments of
t.bis locality bo.s less tban half the Ihickness of the
wbite cbc rt; weotbN"8 in 1'mooth slope;
~xposed__ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ ______ __ ______ _ ______ 15 corresponding stratum (bed 7) ot The Peaks. This
4. Liln~ ston e •.130ft, ligbt ncnmJ yellow. tbin clecreose appears to be due to pre-)lfoen!topi erosion.
fO medium ht'ddrd; weathe r'S in stope i
(fa rlly concealed ___ _ _... ..,. _________________
~ 37 Section. 01 . Kalbob '",''(;8 10116 ",orlhca..' fll lV4Qoubo.:c .M(~'Ja .
~. Lim es to ne. whltI:.', vCl'y snndy i rounded sund bclo'W Ydlm.o CC11Ie, ! mile~ u:cd of pcltt t 1chct'e Burr traU
sraiJls scattered rather e\'cnly through cf'OSBU "fe N",~jO $(wds,one, Cirolc Cntr_, Ga r/f(.'l l Count!/,
til e limestone but more Ihue thon snnd i Utah.
wenth ers in thl.rk le41l:cs _____________ ____ _
2. lStuulstone. White, medium to '-:ODl'se grained. F{!(·t
roun ded quartz Kralns l1) • lime mnlrlx. Trln~sic (Mo('nkorJi f(Jnnotinn·) li t tur~ _____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ __ 2GS
morc Sollnd tbon lime ; nl:lg~lve-_______ _ _ _ __ 19
T o tul Knlbub l1mestone_______ ___ _______ 108
KnlhRb IIruestonc--
Coconino SQ[ld~tODe- G. Lirnetltone-, brown nml yellowls.h, t.4oft; con-
1. Sands tone, white. medium to course gulned, tnlns mu ch chert; lI'c.others In ledge Ine.g-
rO\llH]C(] quartl irains in a llme mntrlx, U1uf1y pitted ; IOCRll,. Komewho t shnly_____ 18
mod€'l'otely ~f[. 1!1o~~lTe: brenks Into Irreg- oj. Limestone, ran (0 gray, In port 8On!ly i con-
ulnr lJlockll on weathering: exflOSed_______ 73 tolllS numerous enldte ('oDcretlons oDd
('hert nodOreR___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ __.: ___ ~ ____ 32
Totul P~rw tqn_______________________ _ _ 230
3. Santlstone, whlte to butr, medium to ODe
Bect.lQ" of l\(libn b I{.mC,:jtOlw 1Mlr l/1. 01 The Plmlo'If, Circle , t;roJned, eolcnreous; upper port grnci~ to
vel'y sond)' Umcstonc__ ____________ ____ __ 30
Ofl,rficld. Cmmtll. Vlnh
2. Limestone. dark gray nnd brown, very snndy ;
Ilf ('v,!(u rt:d by RI\)' moud C. lJoon:) ,,'co. lh ~l'S In Dng-uWI' block!:' with pitted
F .., !olurful.'£S : rOI'UlN ft prominent ledge; con-
!J"rinssll' (1tlt:t!ckopi (ormation) al top_ ___ ________ ____ ]07 rll iDs pelec,:.'pot:ls________ __ _______ _____ ___ 5
1. Sund.;.;tone, wliJte to burt bl'OWU, fin£! to
P1'"rmio." : medium gmtnc-d, mnR8h~c. cnICllrL~Us;
KRibnu 11m~tol)(.'-- w(>uthcrs gl'IIY; CrOl)'I'I out III rouuded 8ur-
tne<'s; exposed ____ _____ ______ _______ ____ 42
4, Lime stone, ligbt creamy to rieh yellow, ao10-
roltie, massive. In rotber even bcdE 2 to [)
teet Ifh lck i weathers 1:1 huge Ilngnlnt Totol Kllibob Jimet'tone_______ __ ___ ____ ]27
:solu t ion-pitted blocks i lower pnrt coftr8e The top bed of t.he Yellow Cone soction apparently
..~tlioed. uPller part fine grulncd and
dense; caps bench __.______ __ _____________ 11 corresponds to the soft cherty zone ",hieh on -the north
3. Llmestone, lI~b t )'ellowl~h gnl)', doloDlitic.
o:nd west side. of The Peaks is overlain by very mllS-
fine grslned, very massive but rotber soft; Slve, hard, thick limestone. The pelecypods (Pkurl>-
fA'totbe rii wblte in smooth, rounded sur- phoru. T n. sp.) obtained in the 5·foot bed of limestone
tote. Qud slopes; coutuios obundnnt chert are the snme ns those found more abundantly in the
u.nd hurd sJlUnterl' white fliDt 111 nodules. SIlndy ?eds in the central port of the Circle Cliffs, neor
Wnsc13·, nod nnculnf (ragments; In placet!-
tb~ r ock resembles n breccia composed or
the pomt where the Muley Twist rond to Green River
BlJgulnr chert trngments beld in n matrlx joins the ro.d from Silver Falls Canyon to the Ohio
of' limestone; exposc.d __________ _~_ _ _ _ ____ 18 Oil CO.'8 well, neal' Wagonbox Mesa.
il«li()" QI Kcibcb li,rw.ft()lfC at jlV&et~ of JittJG. '1'1O'i.Mt ad Lot .4380. About 1 ruUe southwe8t of Obio OU Co.'s wetl,
Silwr Falla '·...fmt. t'Ofldll, ,.,..,.\ of Oh-ia Oil 1C;.U, Co:, near center ot Circle 01 tis swell, Garfield County, Utah. I'rom
Ci rcle eltlf., (,'fU~rltJ ('0#,11111, 0141& limestone about 10 to 101 teet h ti;he r stratfCfal)blcllll,J' tJII.G
col teetlOD 4379.
lll~",d " . . )'.01MI C. lI"-A. ( Sed pi... e. 6 "
F ...
Trl" ...Ie. (lloenkoJlI forma tloll) .t loP________ ______ ___ 30 SpaDSO, PiCudomonotLi atl'. P. bAwn!.
-- Choncte. hiUanus?
Productuo oJr. P. popei.
PaeudomonotLs ,8p.
Myslina sa. M. 8wallo\\'L
I'dlnian :
Kalbab llD'1e.ltone- In>duCltuI lvesi. AstarteUa ..if. A. cODcent.rid.
... LlmtKtooc. IICht ~' ello"'I!'Ih ,t'.'I, nr)' <"Iterl')'; P'Ultula al1'. P. lDOotpelierenlJis. MyoeooohaT D. sp . ellert !n Irr@gUlJlr Do<hlICtl. leq~, .nd Puat.ul• .III). Pleurophoru:s alT. P. o(eide:1"
lU)'t-l'\I j Ibe IImeetouo .ott. rothll'"r tbln Compoait.a al'. 1.1.. ,
bcdtled. lad, In atol>CI that art Edmondla an. E. ovata. Pleur0l'horeUar .p.
• tre'4VlI wid, weo.Ulered tral.'1Ueutl of chert- 10--26 Nu(:ulaT .p. Euphemus? .p .
:So Jllmeatoue. ,.eIlow IDd IIgbt tlfl , lloIolllltic; Pr.raU.lodoo! sp. NQutilu8 IV.
lower pe rt Tery HIldy, ,radlUl without Aviculipecten, 2.p.
.hUl' dta.ulC froID llDderlrtna .adHoDe j
upper part fine Crallted. hOl'd. d~ . Lot 4381. JuncUou ot SJlver Flllls uDd Grcen River fOOdS.
eberty, wentberlDg In anl:\llAr p:ued about 3 inncs south ot Ohio 011 00.'8 well, GarOeld CoUDt,..
"Iocb ; the IImcstone conW.lD. IlUmel'OU-. Utah. Frou) cllicareouli saudlltone, bed 2 ot measured se<.'tlo_
aIDAn, lfeenl.h lraloll. apparently :1tl U(..'Qo a t tbls lJOjllt :
Dlte; tOSlllllerou._____________ ____ ______ 41j
Z. Sand",oue. IIlht ,roy to aln108t white. fine PleurophorU5! n .• p.
rnthtel1. ,,·er,. <'lIk'll!'eouA, mG8Iln: w\."O.thcf'»
)·I"'ltuwl.llh. in rounded Ibould~n and lo~ 1.ot 4382. .About :'J lUiItlS south at Ou "o test well and about
blocb. III part lott. In part hord ~ "ntdt.~ 1 Rille east or JUHCtiOQ 01 8Ul'er Filla and Green River l·OlIdi.
lneall)" to Tel')' 8ant.J, nmestone In whlcb teater at Clrcl~ CIUt'1i s~u. Godield Count';. Utab. FrOUl
lH:!rCl! ot .nd aDd limo 11 2bont ~llnl; upper part ot Knibab lime. tone, bed 3 ot :U~:Jut'e\J lectlo.:
C(l1LiIliC~ruu.'I ___________________________ ._ 6S
1. J.lweMlO(&e, dad, ,rll.)", wl'Y 11800,.. hard i 8eplopora1 .p. My.lin& '1'.
~l;llOtM!d _________ • ______________ .____ ____ 1
COOnet. hillanu3'1' Myoeollchaf D. tip.
\'otnl K.tblb 11 __10"0__________ ___ ____ I.S6 ....t.'"
P .. off, P. tnOutpclieren-

PUlt.uI. sp.\eUa! D. 01',
Pieuropborul afl'. P. occiden-
r ..vw,6,J. cR .... ACTa.
Composit.& ap. Pleurophoruel .p.
Careful soarel. for fossils in 11 numoor of sections · Edmoodio .If. E. ~bboe •. Placloglypt. cann .. ?
Pernipecten' 51>. Plo.roIomarta 01'.
of the Kaibub ill the Cirelo CIi«. revealed a scarcity Uma o . • p. AeUtiino. .p.
of orgunic 1",,"~in8, Fossils were collected, hOWi!vcr,
both from the wile of limestone beneath the ,'ery Lat 4382. Oue ullie ea ~t ot Junction of Greeu RI,.er aud
ehelot)' zone and in the lower sandy beds. Though SU"'e:r }"alb c..uyon roods, 3 m.lles lIOutb ot Obla Oil Co.'.
faunal lists show il predominance of molluscan forms, well. GUl',f leld Coullt.)'. U tah. KalbQb Ihnestone, Crom bort.,.
UO tcct oolow t.llllt at lat G82:
the molllJiCoid8, including both bl'Yozouns and brachi-
"pods, arc numerically most abundant in the lime. 8pona<J URdel. , 8ebiloOdu8 D. 6p .
stones. T,,"o or t1u'ee type. of product ids ne very 8eptcpora 111'. 8chiloOdus Bp.
common, Tho limy ... ndston. contains larg" numbers P'hyUopora 511· 8ebizoduI1, 3 Ip.
of a single type of pelecypod, the I..,mnins of which, 8chbophori. n .• p. AstarteU .. afl'. A. concentriea.
though 1.'Cllel'llUy not well preserved, CO,' OI' completely Chonctet h.ilhm us1 Aatartell.. afr. A. vo.l'ica.
PUitula mont~licrel\lIiu ."Qr. Myoconcha! n. ISp.
th~ surfoce of mllly sl.b.,
Compoaita Ip. Myoconeha! n. SJl. VQ.l.
G. H. Girty'. identification~ of the fuuno, ncwm- Por.lltlodoD .Jr. P. polit •• , Pleurophonu5 aft'. P. oecideQ_
ponied by bl'ief COllllllent concel'ning the collections, ParaUelodau aft". P. ..ngH... \allo,
liN presented oolow : ID()uensia. PleuropborUi lip,
Ac&ntbopecten eoloradoeru.i •. Pleurophorue? sp.
Lot 4.319 .•"-t Ihe Yt"lIo,," Cone...... rtbea..-ct or Wllonbox lies., Pernipectell n. SI'· . Bucanopeia aft'. B. modeata.
:about 1 ~ udlN tint ot Bun Flat; eo.~ aide ot CtJ't!te CUI!'.. o.llo.,..toD d . D. occldcn- Euphemud .p.
Ga.rdt!'kl Count,. Utlh. i'rolll lIme'&toDe. bed 2. Yello'lllo' Cone talit!. P1eurotomaria iooet,. (eever.,1
-«tton: .",vieuHpccten indet. (»C\'eral '1'.) .
"".) . Or-thocerlll5!
Mar&iuifera I"Y.
btlltlntii, .
M . rrkto.'.\atartciia ~I •.
Pleurophuru.~ It . SI',
Pecudomon()tU. i?det. (se\'eral I Orlffithld
... 01'.
• p .! ).
A'1lU1hopectctl M\lrad~II"i..; . M~' alina atf', )1. s'III's.lloTt'i,
Lot .j3S1-a. At we:;t slde ot. Juuctio u of GreeD Rher and f9rmati oll ; ulld what may be termed the Mrm.l
81h'et' I'oll tl Canyon roads, a bo ut 3 miles w mh .ot Oblo 0 11
Co.':! well. Garfield County, Util h. t"'l"OIU upp:or l)tln of calcarC'·
Kajbab fauna, repl'esented by tists given by Girty," in
0\13 !Rl ndBtooe, bed 2 of section :
19wer beds.
At the Bass tra il the CoconiD9 sandst9ne, next belm.
So1ellomya ? sp. Schizodug': sp. the Kaib.b, is 330 feet thick. It is a buff, un if9rmly
Nucula sp. pl.curopho rus'! n. !I [>. fine·g,·ained sanJst<>ne, characterized by cl'9ss·bedding
ParaUctodoo? sp . BcHerophon 6IJ .
Oil • huge scnle, nnd presents tbe appearunce of ..
M,'IlJina afl'. M. permia,na? PlellTotoma riR ~ I) .
single bed. It f9rms the str9ngc»"I., highest cliffs in
Lot "381 . Blu1l' OD wes t tilde ot' creek. at Junction of Grel'n Ihe upper P8l"t 9f the canY9n waU. The quart.z S11lld
R \'ef and Slh'er FaUs Canyon ft)ud:i, 3 Illites MOuch of Ohio gr. ins 9f the f9l'mati9n are round together by silice9u.
Oil Co.'a test ",'ell, Garfleld Count)' , Utah . FrOlll lowel' 110rt l-ement, and the rock does n9t effervesce with acid. In
of Kn UJ8b lhncstonc:
the lower PQ,t 9f the Coc9nino 01... abundant tr acks 9f
Spong. Indet. CLiothyridilltl'! :tp. small reptilcs and amphibians. '" Southeastwa"d,
Fen~teUa sp. Delt-o pccten s tf. D. occiden- toward the n19uth 9f tho Litt-Ie C91orad9 River, the
Septopora1.p. talis. thickness 9f the Cooonin9 increases, but nOltheast·
Chonel •• bill&DOS1 A\'iculipecLen indet. (severs.! ward, in the Morble Gorg.l, it diminishell pr<Jjl;rI!Ssively.
Puatula at!'. P. Dlonipel!ert:3n. • p.).
sis. P~udOlUoll ot L4 ? lOP.
In the upper part 9f the Marble G9rge the Kaibab
GirtyeU.1 n • • p. Pleurophorw? 0 . liP, and Coconino retain their characteristic features, but
SpiriferiDa .p. Griftithides ~ sp, the thickness 9f the C9C9nin9 is less than 100 feet.
Squ4mutario.l lip. (See pI. 6, A.) These formoti9M are 8n.tlyzed in the
fo1l9wing sectiM:
~'he fauDu represented by the collectioDs ha,·e been dCSC1'lbcd
only In small port a nd contain wnDY [leW' species HOti ~awe
Sect/o,.. o( IIh! ,r,a/l Of .Ilcll'blc (}orOIJ OP1'OlfU e. tlld IIlOtl/,.. of,
now ,enen. Vutber'Dlorc, the preser\'utloD of all tWlJ um·
B(/dger 0" 6C1.·, 7 11J mUc /.f tlcl010 Par'i" IU ve,'
tel'lol t. unfavorable for ~Iose ldeutlfieatioo. Doth these ch'a
CU1WJtQllCes bove colltl'lbutcd to mtlke It necessary to lertl"e
Plany (orms with oot)' gencrlc ref~rcnce::l or with [ht! species l'el'wlnu :
only approxhnntely ldeotUled. In spite ot this fact, the fouual KolbRb lImcstoue- reel
reltltitms ~ tolld forth with oo.u lliderabte clearness and cOl'l'Obj)a 11. Limestone. gl'O..1. wcatbl!rin" IIcht buff, with
rQt~ tbe correlations »uglelted. on the deld lnbebl, All tb ~ lute-rbedded sbal)' IImeslone, cber" ; 8ume
lots are Pcr mlan aDd llhow more or less close fa nllnl 1l00ult.1et of tbe bt.~. mO!fSlve, 2 or 3 toot t hlek,
to tbe Ka: bnb limestone, tonuln. 1Vt!nk beochel ; tbla dlvLaliUD cbDr-
oC!tt>rl~tICtlll>' fonu. broken .tOpe8_____ __ lttO
CLASSIFICA1.'lON AND COBR.ELATIO:S 10. UlIl..:!;otone. a rOJ', " 'eIltllicr1o, l'IroWll; very
ruoMlye and bard, bed. S to '10 teet thkk,
Although the lithologic character and stratigmphic stl'8tlllcutioo e\"eD; lonn l .b ~r clltl'8;
heW. break III ulIlIlul ar Jvfut tlll."elI __ ~___ _ :!26
position ally the beds beneath the )foenk9pi in the.
9, Limestone. P'111 to ltutr; medJum to ma~­
Circle Cliffs with the Kaibab limcst9ne and alth9ugh sh'e bed, form bencbes tbut alternate wlili
the contained f9SSiis indicate clearly the Permian ag.l thin-bedded soft libel, to Mudy bedll, and
9f these rocks and substantiate the c9rrelation with the wbole fOrDl8. steep z.lope; this wenker
tbe Kaibab, there remain several uncertainties C9n· sene torDl9 _ Ilentllent break. between the
cerning their c1assificati9n. sheer clUh above and below til tbe canyon
"'-~ tl ll ___ __ __ _ ______ __ __ ________ .. _____ _ lOS
In the Grand Cany9n the st.atig-I"Ilphic divi.i9ns of S. Llolelttone. ,roy to bu.1l. and annwtouc;
the ~rmian are clearly defined ond persist, with few tbls dh'LdoD commonly forma. Iteep clUr
changes thr9ugh9ut a very large &.rea. Noble'. secti9n thot If; continuous wltb the underlJlllg
at the B ... trail, which may be It.ken to represent the lGlndstone cUfI'; ronde up II,Jj toIl0\\'8 :
.\'erage c9nditi9os, sh9ws n62 feet 9f Kaibab lime· LlmC8tone, ~Dy to buft, thID____ a
<¢<lne, subdivided into three 7.011_(1) clitr·forming, Limestone, bult; a bard mu.. l y~
foosiliferotls and .ome,,·bat cherty gl" y crystalline laYer" i Conna ~bee r cllfl_______ 1
lim~st9ne, m feet thick, at the t9P; (2) an in-egu·
larly bedded bu If and reddish friable sandstone 13G
LIUlutooe. burr, sorter than adJa-
cent bed ~_ ___ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ G
Sandstone, brov.-D, crOill-bcddcd,
feet thick, tending to f9rm sl9pes, in the middle; and h n rd. 11 Hhlglt! rnn8l.4ly~ ledgtt__ 5
(3) oandst9ne aod limest9lle, grading upward into . Snud.tQne, reddllib, lOft, willy;
",assive ailice<>us limestone, 13~ feet thick, at tbe base. DJlltu.-s reeeu In cll1r or In
places a slope______ __ ____ ____ 2
'l'be tbickDes1I 9f nle Kaibab in the Grand
CanY9n distl'jct is • little less GOO feet. An u Glr t7, O. j! .• In D~ rtoa, N. 11., A J'eCopoalltllaDCe (It Darhl or oortb.
abundant marine permian fauna i. f9und in the lime· t:rDN'C!w H~IC'U aad .-\.Tlxonu : U. ~, Geol. 8u~·ve,. Dull, Uil, 1910.
$I9ne; a distinctive assemblage of fossils occurs in the
so ·called "B~llero'P"01i bed." at the summit 91 the
.od I!IM" Wa'l,
.. Gilmore. C" W.,
'0.. b
11 tootpriltls from Ih'il Gr~Jld Caayon: SPlit -
IfOnloo }II ~ Call .. loL 'i7, No, 0, 19:26.

In its stratigraphic position, its very massivo n"ncal-
Kalbob Ume2JtcHl~CoDdDDed. " .. , Feet cBreouS character, the lorge scale of its southward:
8-. Llme-ltont>, ,ra1 to burr, Dnel ~IlDd· dipping cross-bedding, and its light color, .this sand-
~t oDe-CoDUDUf'd.
Sandstone. reddh.b brown. moder- stone seems clearly to belong to the Coconino forma.-
AfeJy bard: forma rounded tion, as repre.<ented in the Grand Canyon. Ho.vev...,
.lalK' or went ('lIff.a_______ __ 1 the line of division between the Coconino and the Kai-
8ondatonB, brown, ctlh~.reou~,
~tt and rather aba1y, form"
. bab is not prominent, pully because distinctions in
.1I~hC .101'" _____ _____________ 1 Y.o color and weathering are less marked in this area than
L hnefoltone, b:uiKh gray: wpatl t~ r in the Grand Canyon district. In the genera.lized sec·
buft" j bard; lorma proJI't"tl n 6r
If:'dli«t _____ _________________ 2 tion at Lees Ferry reported by Bryan" the toto! thick-
soo .... tonc. rr dd l..h brown. Eo(L ness assigned to the Raibab and Cooonino agrees ap-
. c.'8tcnreou... erumbl9 to looae proximately with the ·meRsurements in the rJarble
,.and _.. _.. _______________ 1
Gorgt', but: as givcn by Bryan, the thickness of tb.
l .... ID~jtonp. Jl ght ,el:ow to crelllJl.
.... y >IOte. Chin bedded, shnly. Raibab .ppears too small and that of the Coconino
hnlllJrp: cuntlllll" ~mnll spotl correspondingly too large, unless much limestone of
um nudnlc."6 "f ma0l=nneW' typical Kaibab lithology is included in the Coconino.
dloxlde ____________ __ ________ SlA,
Limestone. b:ui¥b drab. dark.
. The Permian """tion at the upper e/ld of the MarbI,
hllrd;. breoJ;." witb ft rhlcl n ¥ Gorge di:tren little from the sections in the Grand
HOund: "8ry fine Iruined aDd Canyon uct'pt in the less~r thickness of the Coconino
....8rth,. In .1,peo1tl.n~ i w('aLheri s.ndstone and the greater thickness of the underlying
In Il n5:1e m D~lvl: lei au with Hermit shale, which measures 531 feet at a point 3
.urtace flnely pltte<l ____ .. _.. __ Ilh
mil.. below Badger Creek. Even tbe softer zone in
the middle part of the Kaibab and the sandy beds COr·
Total Kolbob lImelJtone ____ _______ ..f81
respond to features observed many miles to the south.
(:oc"Onlno IIO.ndstone- . The Permian beds of the Grand Canyon persist witb
7. Sandstone, reddish brttwn. gOI1Pfally bard but surprisingly slight change for a distance northeast-
.JouUy l ott: crumbk!s in the hand:
the lower 2 fee t a manlv!! layer, ward of at least 65 miles from the Bass trail, but in
lt1"CgUlDrl,. bedded j tbe next 3 teet evenly KRibsb Gulch, about 30 miles northwest of the upper
lamlDllted horizootally: the opper 10 feet Marble Gorge, the Coconino aa.ndstone is absent; and
~rrlllul i1rI 1 bedded, 11lther mRII.lye : welltb- there typical Kaibab, 717 feet in thickness, rests di-
(!~ lu ronndl"••urfncea. Jlollulu ut tap__ 16
rectly on Hel'mit shale. Seemingly the north wa.rd-
6. ndstone. )'cl1o,,,1ah brown, blnt tIItn
bedde~ (-' It c h stratum crDas-beddNJ: diminishing Coconino sandstone disa.ppears betore it
wcotber. 111 plnty tr.gwenta. atalued block reaches the nOI1;h end of the Kaibab Plateau. Con-
on BUrtftrc ________________ ____ ~ ~________ e ceivably, howcver, the sa.ndy beds in the lower PIlJ1; of
G. Sandstone. Jtgbt red, 10ft, IIOme\vhnt Irrega· the Ko.ibab at this place are equivalent to a pOI1;ion of
IIlr], trtratUJed; the layers cut BerON io-
cllned IAmlnne of .ubjaceot bcd:_________
1:1 the sandstone called Coconino in Utah.
4. Snndstone, U;,bt yeUow, a .[oele berd mill- The top of the Kaibnb dips beneath the surface 10
,I.. Iei4e. .......bedded; breaks In large miles north of Kaibnb Gulch, but \vhere it reappears
block,. promloently amlned wltb desert in the Circle Cliffs its lithologic features reaemble
vn.rolMb_____________ ___ _____ ___________ 5
those of the typical Kaibab in Arizona. However,
. S. SilodBtODe, yellowJ..h, blghly cros.·bedded:
weatber. tn &.Illba tbAt breAk oblique to tho formation as a whole appears sandier, and the
tile booJdlol; mao>I'o_________________ __ 18 amount of fairly pure limestone is much less. The
2. Sandstone. nr.)' light yellow, sugary, promi· deep boring of the Ohio Oil Co. in tbe central part
nently c s ·betlded. the tncllued :o.,lnftu of the Circle Cliffs begins in the Kaibab and shows
dlpplll.g sollthwest : siliceous Cf'm~t : verl'
111ft.." .. --_____________ ______ ___________ U that the vary calcareolJS sandstone, \vhich is strati-
graphically the lowest rock ~xposed, continues be-
Total Coconino AodatoDP___________ IS neath the SU,·fIW0 for several hundred feet (p. 1~7).
He<mlt oIle.le-
Cuttings from the upper part of the well reveal no
1. SandBtoDe, chocoJat&-brO\\'D to reddish brown.
be-Intoed. deuce; lOme beds PlOderately essential differences from the adjacent surface rocks,
hard and form week curls: ll\oetIy rather nnd there is every reason to conclude that these Imel<-
soCt, Inlerb~ded with sand,. shale ot alm- posed strata are a continuation of the CarbOniferous
liar color i the anndstones are chAracter- capped by the Ka.ibab beds in the Circle Cliffs.
Ized by concretionary 8uudure; exJ)08ed_ 296
AL places in the Marble Gorge the Coconino sand. ,. Bryan. Klrt, 10 Loopel), C. R" ..4 ot.en. Roell: tormAtlon. . .
tbe Colorado Plateau at Nutllt'a.tetn Utab: U. 8. Geol. Sun,,. prof..
stone i. apparently divided into two subequal ledges. l'a)t'r J32. pI. 1. ~('t1nD 3, 1026.
10 the decrease in thickn."" of the limestone in .he inCl'ea~u ill Lhickne~""i of the CIlklt.l'OOU8 :oiUndy l~dl5
Cirele Clill's due to erosion prec.eding Moenkopi depo- represent a gMdu.1 but m.rked chonge in th~ litho,
giLion, which rellloved the. up!>';r part of the beds ' logic charade~ of Klibab ...,dimentution indicuti \'0 of
Ollce laid down in the Circle Cliffs region 1 That nppl'Oach toward au old land maS>!, Studies of the
some part of the Ilorthw~rd ano:! eastward thinning in C"rboniferollS and e,,'ly lie.ozoic l'(>ck. in nre•• ell.t
the Circle Cliffs is due to pre-Triassic erosion is Sllg- llnJ north of the Colo':.uo River judicllt. that there
ge,;ted hy the absence of the so-called B~llerop't(n> wus pCl'sistrnt or recurrent eiel"atioll in Il region
faunll, which indicates that the youngest part of the bordering southern l]toh, Red clay und sonrl, <,om.,..
!(aiblb preserved here is olde.r than the top of. the conglome,'ute, Dnd g"itty arkose (MolNs, n:el'III~Il,
formntion in the. G,'and Conyon country, At. the und Cutler form"tions), which are """t.inly in part
San Raf....1 Swell, wbe,'. the Kaibab limestone ranges of subaeri,,1 ol'igin, iodie.,to lllnd conditions, and so
in thickn~ss from 8,) feet down to a mere film, Gillulj do notuble unconformities that do not persist south-
Dod Reeside 11 found a widespread erosionai uncon- . w~tw;\rd. In passing fl'OlU northern A.d~olla to
formity below the Moenkopi formation and ''eIlched southe.'n .nd soutlleastern {~tllh the Carboniferou.
the tonelu.ion that" some of the Knibllb limestone hDs beds below the Knill.b 0hRnge so greatly i.. charllet.r
been removed and that in some part the eastward thnt equi\fal~nts of the (ormatious of the Grind Can-
thinning of tho Kaib"b i& dne to pre-T"ins<ic erosion," yon (.. n 1I0t IJe eert.ainly identified, It i. perhaps not
Sandstone that is e"id.ntly <qlli-·nlent to Ih"t Lelow possible t<> determine definitely whether the •• ndstone
the Kaibnb in the Circle Cliffs is found ill the Cataruct termed" l'oc,,!uiuo" in SQul-heastel'll Utah i. atttllllly
('_nyolI, along the Sau Juan River, in the lfenry eqnivul"'lt to the Coconino of the Graud Canyon or
Mountains, and elsewhere in e.. >'tem ond southern whether, II.' i. tl'll" ill pu·t, it is " facies of Kaibah
Flah. This i. the "Aubrey" .nntlstone of enl'lier I c1~positioll. By uelinition the nlme Kaibab i. he,·e
writers, Dnd has been called Coconino sandstone in "pplitl(\ tn the limestone facies of th~,;e wide'I""ea..1
...,.,.,nt .. eports," Does this .and.tone really corre- Permian deposits, Dnd tho name Coconioo i. employed
spond to the type Coconino sandstone! The ~omplete for the purdy subjacont Md partly intel'grading and
gradation between the fossilif".'on. limcstone of typi- intertonguing, SAndstone facies thut occurs iu elLSterll
eal Kaibab aspect Dnd the unde,'lying sandstone, which Dnd southern Utab, This usage is followed in the
is likewise fossiliferous, seems to indicat. that they designDtion of t.he Permia.n strDta of the Circle Cliff.,
Ire only _lightly dift'erent part. of a single widespread However, the thinning of the type (',oconino townrd
deposit. Limestone occurs in and unde,'lies the sond- ! the north, the mOl'. or less pronounced ditTerences iu
stone, as shown by sUI'face cxpo.Ql1res and by well lithologic character of the type C<lconino and the
",cords. The occurrence of marine shells in the sand- Utah Coconino, and stratigrkphie uncertainties of
stone of the Circle Cliff. and its calcareous chDracter di1l'Cl"ut sorts suggest thill e>.-tcnsion of the name
contrast with tile vertebrtlte footprint" and siliceous Coconino to Utall is of doubtful propl'iety,
rhamcle!' of the typicDl Co('Onino nnd, togcther with
.tntigraphic evidence, suggest that the formations aI's
not exactly equivDlent, This tonclusion is supported At none of tim exposures in the Circle Cliffs wher"
by the observations of Gregory and Noble'· th.t ,.he contnet between the Kaibab limestone and the
typic!l Coconino thins northward ·to the vanishing Moenkopi formation was exomined is ths,'e any
point in Kanllb Canyon, is 2a feet thick at RyaD, on marked discordance in bedding 0" any very notioe-
the ,,'est side of tbe Klib.b Platellu, ~,.d is enti.-ely nble irregulnrity of the upper surface of i he Kaibnb,
bcking in Kaibab Gulch--<>bserutiolls which led to However, .. n unconformity It the top of' tha Pel'mian
the suggestioll "that sandstone assigned to thc Coeo- is indicuted by " mD"ked variation in thickness of ih.
nillo in the northC:l",tcl'n, eastern, alHJ liiOutheaste .. n h~rd yeIJowisl',-b,'own noncherty membe," that caps
(lOlrt6 of t.he plateun pro,·inc'e lIl"y form part of the tile KRibub ill t.he northel'll port of the Cil'clo Clilfs
Kaibeb," Differenres ill lithologic peculillrltiessupply alld the gradual disappeal'.nce ,of that member to the
additional evidence. east and sollth, The moximum observed thickness of
It seemS probable that the lesse,' thickness of tbe tlti. ledge-forming IIIomoer is 31 feet, as measured a
limestone in the Circle Cliffs and the San Rafael short di.tance west of The P.nkA, In the southem
Swell, .s compared with atea. to the sonthwest, ihl and eastern ['Drt of the Circle Clift's the Moenkopi
alternation with limy sandstone, lind the considerable rests directly on the \'~.'y eherty ¥one th.t underlies
the massive hard lim... ton. just mentioned, and in
~~GlIllily. Jo.r.a., lind Ree.lde. J. B .• Jr., 8edIJllf~DtarJ' rocllA 01 n.
plaC(l~ not. much of the cherty member remains,
fta.. btae! 81\'.11 and mm.a .djacml't ar~ . . lR Uta. : U. a.
Cto!.. 8or.e.' Prof. P.~r 1 M. p, cH. 1!>Z8. Where tho "'PI"" part of the Kaibab Ilppellrs. to hav..
l.I Len:t;wtll. C. R .. and otllen, er. cU .• ". It. :\lll4ilr. U. D., op. rit .• been ,'e.moved by .,'Osion, the lower limy sandston",
'·U. ,,<'CUI' proportionally ne"I"r the top of ihe formation.
-GreIW'" R E., anil Xubll'!. L. r.o"". cU .• 111'. 2:ul-:l:::i . 11)':!3.
Whore the uppermost KaibAb is missin&: a light-~ol ­ Ire nOw defined. Duiton " alJplied t.he term ~ Shino_
ored sandotone of uneven &hiclm_ commobly occurs rump shales" io the group of strata now recogni>ed
wt the ba.. of &he Moenkopi_ as Moenkopi, Shinarump, and Chinle formations (i.
That the Moenkopi fonnation rut. unconformably plrt)_ He has milch to say regarding t.hoir cOnstant
(>0 the Kaibab or i15 equivalent has been generally character, their color, Rnd their erosion features and
reeognizod by students of the Colorado Plateau stra- adds:
tigraphy. The extent and .ijplificance of this erosion ""1tb the eS{-tplioD (If Ibe dark irolH~rily shales of the Cre-
intel'vol has been du.cuaed by Da Ire" and more re- taceous. the toues of other !orlUnUona UTe uSUDlly bri;bt.
Ul"ei)', lind orten e~ft'~lI)ell deUcote. lD the Sblnnt"ulup this
tently by r.ongwell" and others." The des<:ribed ex-
lint mOltiJ' stroo;. def'pt. and ao rich OJ to become cloy1ac.
I.,... ure~ indicate on extent of the pre-Moenkopi ero- Maroon, Ilore. chMOlale. purple, tlnd especiAlly '1' dol'l( brow.
~i()n surface of mOre than 80,000 square miles. At ish red (nltl'0118 Reid color) are tho J)TcvaHtng hues. • • •
most plncea the relief of the eroded Kaibnb is small i Tile lie of the ShJnlHump Is either Penuloll Ot' Lower Trln"'!''',
it .... a. chnnneled but not deeply incised, and Ihe lowest idcntltr with tbe l(lwcr rtd beds of o.lorodo nnd W),om1a: Ii
Moenkopi beds maintlin the dip and strike of the unquelltJon.1Jle. (aDd) .ho ! ormntlol.l tberc!ore covers an artl
prol!abl~ .xc•••Ii.DJ 250.000 squAre mno •.
Mgh..,.t "'rata of the Kaibab. At Spring Moull!'lin,
Nov., llOwever, the elllire thickn_ of the Kaibab Ind , The top of Ih. Shinarump was not cletenwned by
plitt of &he Supai was cut through, and in the Moab Dutton,
nlPon the Moenkopi rest. with shArp discord'lnce on , owing to tbc ,ndnn: trllNlitlon into the YMDlillou Clift 8I'rh...
the Cutler. For the plateau pro,-inte U 1\ whole t·he ablJ'ge. • • • Wltbin rbese (Sbhl:ltU\Up) ,hltl<'s there (lCten
evidence .u~ge&ts • foirly uniform emertl!ence, fol- OC"CMrt a fJR&rulllr c(!Ill:'lomel'nte. It cODE-lats ot fl'n::mentl .f
lowed by a general widelipread submergence .. it.h lit- .Welded ••cod embeodded bl' • llln trll: oJ laud nnd KI'I~.I.
Son'letimca trunll. or trees . of co.nslci.erubte Size. tborou~hl1
tle thange ill the attitude of the Kaib.b beds. As .melded. 01'1 roo.d.
(Jointe<l out by Gillul." ond Reoside," .. if it is true, ,
as h... been tuggested, Ihut the Coconino and Kaibah In the Henry :.\[ollntain region Gilbert" pLaced tb.
grade l'lt.rllly one into the other, the unconformity is .. Shinarump group" tit t.he base of the" Jura-Trias"
not lIece.snrily of much importance 81rllchll"tllIy over and aubdiyided it into
the province .. a whole-thnt i9, it does not 10) vlrlepted cla1 shll .. pmple nud wblt. abo"e Hn4
iudicat. a pel'iod of orogenic activily." cbocolate belo.... and .lIIelDed WOOd. 300 reet: (b) grllJ' coo·
Ilomerate with .Ulcl&ed wood, tbe •• Shinarump conglomerate. It

TllfASSfC FORMATIONS SO teet; (e) eboeolate-co)ortd shnte, In fJlut sand", 400 f~t.
In these descriptions the Chinle formntion, the
Shinarump con~lomerate, and the Moenkopi forma-
Although the gt"l!d Triassic fOI'roationa of the . t·ion Ire ffoo,ni .. ble. All the geologists of the Pow,U
platel" provin<'e are boldly outlined by color and min. and Meeler surveys recognize.d this threefold dh·i-
ner of erooion, the precise limits and a,e of the forma- sian of &he so--cnlled "Shin"rump group" andtenta-
tions are difficult to establish. Most of the mAny tively Il... igned it to the Tdassic, basing d'eir con-
un.confonniti .. are IOClll; the strata, e&peciQlly the clusions on the Triassic age of sa.urilln hones and fos-
thlDn~r undaton.., limestones, and shales, change in si~ plnnts 'l'Om the Shinarump conglomerate, deter-
character \Yithin shan dist..ces lIang the slrike and mmed by Cope al)d ~cwbel"l"Y, To these workers the
f_i1. Ire enl"tmely aCtIn:e. Naturally the'"l!for~ th~ Sbinarump cong-Iomtt'ate "'IS merely a marl<er in the
published dflcriptions nnd cll9llificatio'ns of the'Tri- midllt of a g~eat thickness of shole resting on • wid...
o""ic sediments of southern Utah are very dissimilar. 8pl'cad platform of Carboniferous limestone. :Ko
Howell," in Ihe Icction of the )[esozoic that he do~bt ha. be.n rast on the Triassic age of t.he " upper
measure<! in the raria Valley, a...igncd to the Triassic ~hmarump" (Chinle), but I.he eArly .ptllvlliling opin-
2,260 !~I of stnta.• In ~hem he included aIL or part of Ion that the" lower Shinarump" (Moenkopi) is also
the 'hll~tc and NI"alo, the Chinle, the Shinarump Trias.;ic was abandoned after Wlllcott hod described
ronglomerate, and the lfo('llkopi, a. th_ formations Permian fOfsils from ahale underlying the Shinarump
con~IQmerate. This discoyery led to the conclusion
th.t the Shinorump conglomente marked the division
behreen the Triassic and the Permian. 1I0wever,
fuller knowled"", of the relat.ion of the )-foell-kopi to
. ·O.ttOli. C. It. aepol'1 •• the ,eolOIY ot t bo OIgh Plateaua-;
llab, Jit. H4-HT, 1:. .. Gf'(Io" a'rld O~I. Burn!! nock,. l,(ta. R~

I .•
GUberl, G, It. R.,.,.I o. tbe- gt'Olo",' or tbe Heb\"'f llo11l:itlllb., p.8,
G~. ud CIK". 8,n'''''' a(l('ky ~tD . Ue-i:loo, 1871.
t ·. Ill . .
TRlASSIC ¥Oltr,( .. nONS 47·
~he ShillArump obm'e and the Kaibab below and <1 re- neady complete ••elions nwnsurcrl, r.sp~ctiYely, 490
""nsideration by Girty of the e"iclence de.r ived froIU Rnd ~O f~t. In t.he Circle Cliffs r~gion the Herage
fossils ~8St doubt on the accepted correlation. As. sub- tbickness of the .~fo.nkopi i. 4i5 feet, the masimum
divided by Gregory" ·t lm Triassic included the Chinle being slightly more than 5()() feet and th~ minimum
formation and the Shinarump conglomerate, and the 304 feet-n "srilltion ascribed mainly to erosional un-
Moenkopi wns classed as doubtful Pormi.n. Loter conformiti,'" _t Ihe top and bottom of the fOflllAt.ion.
studies by Girt)', flOwever, proved the equinlence of ~eyond the borders of the Kaiparowits re«ion the
. .
the Moenkopi of southern Utah and kno\,n lower wnr1ntlOn is greAter. The type seetion in t.he Little
Triassic beds of Idaho. ColorRdo V AlIey l11e08nre~ 389 feet, blAt ~fiS~I'" found
The l'riass,c, then, as now defined, embrttoes three 920 feet on the San ,J uun Ri"er, and AS shown by Ree-
subdi<isions--the Moenkopi formation, tbe Shinarump . side and BR ..ler ,. the t.hickness of the Moenkopi in-
rooglOIllHAte, and the Chillie formation. The beds crenses westward, reaching its 1'1lOXlmUm in the Virgin
ossigned to the Moenkopi contoin foSsils of Lower , River Valle)" ,,·h.r. two sections include 1,775 and
Triassic age; the Chinle form'Itioll and probably alsO I 2,033 of strnt.. At len"t lOCAlly in the. ~Ioab
the Shinarump conglomerAte are Upper Tri .... ic. region the )(oenkopi is cut out entirely by tbe Ilneon-
forlllit, at the base of the Chinle."
A)(E .... L 1)J8TmJ)U'TIO~ .\:sn Tl-llCIC",f:SS
The Moenkopi formation nt ~s Fn-ry con!>i!'!! of
III thc Kaiparowits region the Moenkopi formation
bed8 that Jiffer liUle in compO-'ition, structure, ami
is exposed at Lees Ferry; at Sand WAsh, near the
arrangement from those in the Na"aio (·ountry, to the
ab.ndoned settlement of Paria' in the Hou"" Rock
south and east. '.rho predominant litllOlogic features
VaUey; and .. t the Circle Cliffs and in Adjoining areas
I UP. thin bl-own sandy gypsiferolls shale and red and
on the west flank of the Wnterpocket Fold. At Lees
' brown sandstone with white bunds neor the top. (See
Ferry, where er""ion of the folded strat. in the Echo·
p.48.) At Sand Wnsh likewise t~ddish-brown sh.le
monocline brings all the Trill..ic formation~ into vie",
and brown sandstone make lip most of the section, bllt
the Moenkopi rests on on uneven sudnce of the Knib.!.>
the lowermost 400' fed iij bonded with "On~ and indi-
limestone and is capped by Shinarump conglomerate,
"iduol beds of alternating red and 'green sh .. le .. hich
which forms 8. sharply outlined bnsal step th.t mlly be
give to the outcrops a st.rikingly beautiful appearance.
traced for mile" sOuthward along t.he Echo Cliffs ond
This nssemblag~ of beds reSEmbles the Moenkopi of
aouthwestward along the base of the Puia Platean.
the Kanab Rnd Virgin Valleys more closely than those
(See pI. 8, d.) At Sand Wash, the northern terminus
of regions south and east of tho PAri a Valley.
of the Kaibob Plaleau, the Moenkopi forms the base
In the Cirele Cliff. the Moenkopi formatiOn consist.
of the Vermilion Cliffs and is well expooed a.long the
Paria-Kanob road. Southward it extends up the dominantly of interlominated mudstone, sandy mica-
House Rock V .. Uey as . 0. much eroded and faulted ceous shale, and tbin-bedded platy or sRndstone
thlt splits readily along lamiuoe, coyering the weath-
series of beds that coat the flanks of the elStward-
dipping Koibab monodine. (Sec p1. ., A.) West- ered slopes with flaky sandstone chips. Wit.h the
ward it may be continuously t.raced to points beyond mlldstone and tbin ",ndotone occur lenses of masshre
fine to medium·grained .... ndstone, but grit and con-
the Virgin River. In the Circle CIi ·fT. dcpression ero-
sion of the <lverlying formation! has exposed Moen- glomernte, as well as true clay shale, are lacking.
kopi beds 08 an almost continnous flOO1' in an oval As 0 whole the rocks of the Moenkopi formation are
Irea abou~ 80 miles long and 10 miles wide. From weak and tend to form slopes brollen by
this nrea extensions of the lIfoenkopi reach outwa.rd ..eak b~nche., some of
"'hich ore bAl'ely disce.rllibl •.
radially Klong the stream nlley. that cut. through the In some places harder and thicker sandstones that are
encircling J u ra ..ic cliffs. (See fig. 9.) massive )ocally and weather in large .Jabs or in thick
The thickness of tho Moenkopi differs widely in dif- angular blocl<S form pronollnced but generally not
ferent places. At Lees Ferq it is ..bout WO feet, and very higb clift's. Beneath the protecting cap of hard
sections meAsured at near-by localities include 390 and Shinullmp con~lomer.te the Ilpper beds of the Moen-
420 feet of strata. At Koibab Gulch and Sand Wash kopi form a cliff that rAnges from I few feet t·o more
fltan 100 feet in height. Commonly t.his rliff i. re-
• c~rr. H . E., G!!'OIOIl.Y or Ibe Na,-aJo <eOulltJ"1 .• ~.&.IA/1lIOI
., pam o( Arlr;oDa, Nrw Xexim. and Utab: U. S. GM!!.. Survey rrof. • LoD,,·~n, c. R. 1\041 other., 011. tif .• p. Jj,
'aper t3- pp. 30-.31. 1917. SP.C al!!to, n. If .. l'rrmo-'I"rtatllte .. R(ofl!lde, J. B., Jr.• ud Ib!:II.IIk-r, l1n.r'·~r. op. ('I!" fl. fU,.
til north ....estf'rn Arizona: GooI.. 8«. A.. ftrk-. I\ul! ., '"01. :10, pp. • 03- .. Bl\k,.r. A, A .• lk7iJbh,C, E., :McK.IVJlt, K T., 111111 Rl:'l'tIhk-. J . It ..
... l~J'· jr,. op. clL " 11";.
Seelio,. of JlOf.:ftlrop. (m·uHl-tJ,q,.. "1, 1ff)ItU.. li4e o( C"I,,,.,,,Jr) J«t...
ec<sed, the mas.i~·e Shinarump proj ..,ting like Il great a·I I~t!cB Ferry
cOl'nice, (See pI. 8, A ,) The brick-red colol' of the
)foonkopi, in contr• .t to the light greeni." gr~y of
tho Shinarump, Dnd the etching out of fairly evenly ShinnruU1p con,tOlJlcrute .
• pa<'ed thin soft bed. in the Moenkopi cliffs contribute l;oconformil7.
to the strildng resemblance of th<>$C dill's to "ell-built )(oenkopl loroUltiou : PM
brick houses_ J-imc.tone i. not abundant, hut on the ii. Shllle, arenaceoUlj, Nnd lfllu ftnc·~rotl!cd .sand-
stone. banded dork lefl. brown, and wh ite, lu
south side of thi. area, near the vel'y top of the forma-
alternatlIlG' beds; Cdlc:nreoos and Iron
tion, a few thin,.beds of very hII'd, dense, fine-graille<! cement; IIOUle beds or shale tbln u.s cnl-dooard,
llnfossilifnrou~ limestolle are int.crbedded ill the sandy their foliation surfaces rtpplu Dlllrked, sorne
.hale, and one of the~c beds, a foot thick, which is cracked (lad cooted ~... ltb G"l'alils of mica i in.
light blui~h gny 011 fresh frucllll'e and wc~thers a clude& tluoo tblo beds or sandy, dnk7 lime-
tRlmi.h brown, eontinnes with vcry even thickness 101' atone; thin ,'eiu. or gypsum crOM nearly
c\,ery Ineb or \"t~r'tlclll cliff tace; , esli.
nellriy R mile, At another point neal' tl,e top of the lntlted ___________ ._____________ __ ___ ______ 2"lf)
formation on the west side of tho Circle Clift's the 4. Shole, uniformly chooolatc-cotored. yery ' Sllndy,
'Illlfl,!' bed. arc distinctly cllcareous. Gypsum is also In paf>t imbricated nnd uDe'fenl)" bedded;
rare, No interstrlltified bed. of gypsllm and little sec- mun,. folia.tloD surfaces nre IUD dried and
ondary ,'ein gYP""m were ob.erved, bllt .mall frag- ~how rlppl~ marks :and ..UsteoID" Antes ot

ment. of f<Clenite Ind minel'Ulizod watel' indicate the muscoyIte; ICQWS ot gypaum cross the beds,
tntersectinl' at ditter-ent angles: uUl'q'1Il1 re-
presence of mOl'll or loss di_minuted calcium sulphate.
sts~nee of the vtrtlttl CIlU:tel weat11erhu: to
]n exposures of the Moenkopi neRr Capitol Wa..h and produce 11 slope that rises by sbort·Slluced
northward tow. I'd Fruita, in Wayne Coulliy, only a atopo _____________ . _______________________ 160
.hort distance north of the Circle Cliffs, the Moenkopi 3. COl1l'lomerate, broll'l1. CIJUlIIOSCd of wud pellets
i. strongly ~\'psifel'(lIlS, In a Cew places ca.sts of sillt and rra~neDt. of l'uleoreous shale and oi
••• 0stOl'0_ _ ____ ______________ _ __ ______ ____ .,.
crY'llals were observed in the shaly sandstone, 'file
2. Shale, yellow. ripple marked, friable; lome 107-
oil-be.ring bod. of the Circle Cliffs lnd the Water- ers sepbrated by thin sbeeta ot ~ypsum______ 8
pocket Fold belong tl) the Moenkopi formation, (See 1. eooglomerate. but( and browIl, composed chiefly
p, 154 Rnd pI. 31.) of pebbles ODd cbll)8 ot Ihneatoue, with which
A ch...ctel'i.tic feature of the thin-bedded .t ... ta are embedded both worn !:find lU6;"ulnr chunn
i.. the abundance of ripple m.. rks, In many places of cilel:t 08 mUi:"ll a. -1 inches in lep,th; the
upper part ill plac(>8 shows ne3ts ot poorl1
each platy layer i. marked ",ith asymmetric ripples
rounded pebble'll ot chert, qn.rt~ Rnc) quo.rts-
that measure on the averuge abollt In inch from tte less thou bait on Incb In diameter: len~
crest to cI'est, Ind 90me of the thicker sandstone sbows ot IVa,., erdls-bedded 8O.1ld!toue nnd ot yellow
I very fine cr()l;l!-bedding that is due to migration of shale nre Included; ,,,eatben "'ltll Yel',
rou"b snrtu(.'C _____ _________ .______________
~ Jh-8
the I'ipples, Mud crneks, which genel'dly affect only
Olle or hI'o thin layers, appear in some places.
The dominant color tone of the Moenkopi in the
Totnl MOt:ukopi CQl"lnlltiou_______________ aoo+
Circle Cliff. is a .hIUO of brownish mal'oon Or red- JtnJllab limestone.
ui"h chocolnte-brown, but a considerable part of the
formation is Il very light ci'eomy tan or buff, In parts The Moenkopi formation at K .. ib ..b Gulch is not
of the r",1 divisions Lhero M'e thin ash-gray xonea, ,.ell displayed for study i parts of it are covered,
These colo,.. ON art'angerl ill definite binds and zones other parts Rl'(l dissected into badland mounds. and
thllt follow the Ledding and evidently I'epl'esent origi- the steeply dippiug sLI'ot. are locally faulted and in
nal differences ill thc clJal'l\c'ler of the deposit, the places coated with debris from "nd~lides, The incom-
r.,'ric pigmen!.s being eOIll.p letely oxidized in 80me plete section is here included for comparison with
pu'h of tlle formotion, whereas in othel'8 Lhere i. much sections measured to the south at J... e8 Ferry and 8
Ie.. iroll and this not so well oxidized, The wide dis- miles to the north .t Sanrly "Tosh,
~ributiOIl and e"ellness of the banding are nLh&r strik-
Ing fcntUl~ of 811Y g<!lIeral "iew of the Moenkopi $cclio. 01 J/oenkopi fOr,.uMioK ot KtJClJab aUlo1l. Uld
!und... pc, (8<'e pI. 7,) ~}(e..u~ by Herbert E . GNlC"or1J

Shinarump conglomcl'ut'!_
SeetiolL' Ilf the Afllfnkopi wel"e ll1easll~d at Lees ~(ocDkopl formntiou: ~)(

Ferry, K.ibab GuidI, S..,d Wash, and the Circle Hi. Sb31e. bTowu. lumpy. :IIal,d,.. Iln).!SiterQUll, with
Clitf., . Jlxe becl~ 1 to 3 teet thick: of brown triable
~ud~ttm~ _________ ______ . __ ._________ ..1______ ~
s(>('tiO/l fJ( o~"' j 'NfJ1'1f.1'''Tj
C'WII1If'tmC'f'fltc (flul uppc.t' liarl 01 .VItCtIr
Nof'II\orti formnlictn-Conlimk: d .
11. I:l-aII (\to;tOO£l. reci , t18k~. hntu;j(,:Ht'd; eonllllns Dlud
Ito" forHUltifJlt 011 ""t,r ,;4(0 Of CII'c:I<: (~'tfh flc-Iw:er- H(,"~
("1'('(" d"d The Pfoaho O(lr}fC'ld ern,,,''''.
lumps ttnd. Fnlt pM'ndomO\'rlJ~____ __ __ ___ _____ 2
13, ~b:ll~, light nd, intel't'lrMlifiNI with burr and
whirl' tC8ialnnt bed$ tlncl I(·n;;('~ or ('ros~·tK'dd("(l
scndstoTlc: forms !CtC'e[l ~loJl("",.,.._ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____
12. 8hIl1(*. brown an(l droh. f.:nndr; H'n~ g):I»)ifcr-
00 Shinnrlllllr ('un~k:tm('1'tllt'
__ _____ _________ .. ___.. ______ .... 6-60

OUB DPtlr bH.q.; \T(,Rlbrr~ to bodhmd knolls MO(,DkOlli !(lrmnn(m:

W"lth relURrknhl,' - n'guhlt' hilO,h; (It l!). Sholto, ('no('l)lntE' ·brl)wn , \,('ry ,,"ndy. ;radin;
hrown, gn>e:D. and ~rft,y _ ___ _ _ ____ _____ _____ 183 into Ifbul) ~tllfll'tl)np, Inon ('AiCll"-,,-ms .bon'_
o i
n. Covered, probably <'t"d ,.hl1l(>_______ __ ____ ______ 00 1S,. SOindston~, chorolnt('-bl"{lwlI. thlll I~M['''.
10. Llml"stooe. burt. nrenn ("\·OlH1. In plu('es sbnly i r)l,ple D\lIrk(>(lo and Cl"II~$ lawlnule-tL_ .... ____ S
C'ontnln3 Ullth,'termlnllble !!=1l('11 fl'n~mtnIS_i_'" 2 li. 811111(>. ("liOCtllnt(,ohl'DWll, \-ery IiQl'Idy; f[rllctt>iIi
'!),S1.u:lf.", cho('o!ate·brown ilnd rt'(L _______ __ ______ 16 Into thin :'!11mly ISlmthtrOn(O, mktl("('1.lllRo___ _ ___ :;.
8. Sbale. rl'd and green: wh tlC JrJlt3l1m in r('~lnr, Hl. Snnd'toDe. chOC'olnta-browD. bnrd, @hftly to
e,'e-u bedz___________ _____________ __________ 1 plnty i forms. IIUl:tn projt"ttinr )l'Cl;::Jo _______ _ 1
7_ SbRI(>, bruwn, \yi;:h Il!llc.' h gY)'}tI:um In !('nml nud 1~0 8bal~. ,'lro\\"l.I. Mndy, ,n,dlllg to rhin shnl,.
di.o.:'SE'mlnnt"M gralns__ __ ______________ _______ as Nlmd~t(llle: w(>fItht'rJ1t AS; ____ _________ .. s
t_ S:J.DCsrOnl!, bl·()Wll. tn bfi(ls l('~s tban 7 f~l thlck, H. Snncl,tont>, ('h~lntft-t'rown. hard. lllnty:
And sundy l"bnlf', unenl'll!Y tll;"(ldE'.d. h _'nth:ull1r: torDU!! a ledgE' ___ __ ________ _________ _____ _ 1
Nut.Jns thin b<"(I~ (It ~YI~nU1------ - - -------- 40 13. Shillf'. ehocolat e- hrown. $Rndy; gmdf's; to
fl. Shfllc. brown , tn rf'~11~1I1' lK"tl~__________ ___ _ ____ 41 td\II 1)' tNlndst(ln~ _______ _____ _____ _. _____ ___
of. Shnle, brown, with -MU<1StOfJE" lellRS, I;.YI'SIlUl :'II:d 12. 8ftDd~loDfo,(Obocolute-hrown, th:n bc>(hh,'<l; t(l-
lime (.t'ment __ __________________ _____________ 33 enJly "'('n1-bE'1'~
mlltsln" lind f(lrm-, • vromJ-
3~ Sambtone, dnrk brow-n , III tltl~ll<i 1 to 4 fel't t1l1ck. nent prI)J('('t1I1~ tee1er.. "!pple mnrket) nillt
olte:motinl: wllb ~nndy I!:bnl" AU bedl' bi£blr laminate·tJ: c~.lltt"jn8 pblll,\' zon{"8_. ________ _
trreJ!'ulll' and UrlCH'n: ('Y~-l'lE'dded, 11Im(lY; ll.- 8ha.le. chocolate-brown. Mnd,., Plh.onQ("(lulII,
Eurf:l('PS ot o\'()rlnppin, lR1J,iufte abuodentlJ' ...·lth thin !r('tiUlIJ nnd be-dj; ot lort IlImhlhlne:
markrd ,,' Uh mud cracka, ripple mnr"" ~'orm In uJlpcr port contnln. thin b~ (\aI; (If Ihilly
trnila, nnd .finke-A at micl : forms: 'lab tDlu5____ 2S InDd8toue ______ _________ .,, __ ___ _________ _

2. Sbalpl, dRrk brown, glistenlD.a: wIttl mh:Q; bed t. 10, Snnd.t01w. light t:rt"('Ui8h g,'NY. (lInt)', nn(>
wavy; bl'enK!J into luwd, 8hnl'(l·ahnped ~ll1ll1ed, .lIt(·II~ ' ('onIC. with hl~e A!oI)'llllnet:rie
flnkel_________________ ____________________ • ripple DlorkH i prod\l~f'8 It IClIJht benrh _____ _
J. C(lnglomernte, CQmpoaro ct Battened r,ellets ot 9. 81101(>. f'hocnlnte--browD. I! U D d)"; ('Outllins
gray·butt' Umef!it(lftc, red ~blleo laoostone. lind nlmndac.t thin bc<ls ot .huly IUlIlda1une thnl
quorts. arrnuged os If'WK''1 In sbillft Rnd nl "'n.thel"S' I'D thin d11pt;. mxl plnty stnbs;
<:f06Jl-bcdded colne ('nl~nl'C(l\18 snndsto1l8 £orln!4 gentle cOlindAd slope in "'hleh m ICIl-
C'fIntetl ",!tb ('b\ml:i:!t (If IlUlH1Z___ _____ __ ______ 1-4 t.'oous n1RleriRI itl. Mbuntlant ___________ ,__ ~_ 27
8. Sand!ltODt, brown, ",ith thin IICbt·grn)' bunda,
Totn. 11oenk(lpi tormAtlon______ __________ :;1-& pln1)', "'in, thin bed. or IIb.le bet"'ee-n
L1Jt('onformlly. lnycrI. ,"pry mk.ceou~. ril)ple
KQlhb limestone-, mnrked; .top In.YN' Tn), hard nnd Ilohby____ 21,~
io Sh.le. cbocolnteo-brown, ttllDdy, l\·lth thIn yeUow
At Sand WBsh the upturned beds that form tbe base Inll brown Ix'd~ ()f HHndstone- (bat muke
of the Moenkopi have been beveled by erosion and .l"ht 'bGnches____________________________ r,G
plrtly buriod in debris i some o( them hR'·. been dis- G_ Sandstone. 1Igbt 1<"How. ~lnhM!d rfii un oUI·
turbed by landslides. In general the expooure re- crO[). verr JIOB!JlItve, hord: torUl~ projecting
"'.11 .. ______ ___ _________ _________ ______ ___ _ CI(l
~mbles the Moenkopi out.CI·Ops in the K~DAb Valley. 5. SAndtdoo(". light. yellow, mnSlllh'('; wenl"bf'N In
The lowest beds are brown thin .andstone and ripple- thin (llnte8; grfldn to "billy anntbtlone:
marked and sun-dried shal~. These beds are followed (orinI' bfUch___________ __ ___ __ _____________ 12
upward by 4 to 6 feet of ~·.lIow earthy limestone and .c.Shale. ("bol'Ollte-bro,,·n. BUi,(ly. mlcacroui_____ 40
about 000 feet of .andy, very gypsiferoUB, very thinly So Snndfttont, lIJ;bl ft'l1ow, locn;11 ~t.3ined ~
(In outcrop, hl.~ve; ~l11dt"S locnll,. Into
laminated shale sh'ikingly banded by zones of red s1,oly. or thln ·bf!dd(>c! IIl1ndstvne; forms
Ind green. A~ve this bnnded shale lies about 75 J1r()IDme.nt biolith __________ _______________ 1&0
feel of reddish shale, sandy and 8lighly gypsiferous, 2, Sand_tone, yellow. \'('r1 IIIhnl1: ~rad~ 10
.Nnd, shnle _____ _________________________ 5
Ind about ro feot of reddish-brown shale interbedded
1, Snndltone., ,cllo,..·. (",!("nre-on&, mlclI~.a;i. mnio-
wilh massive sandstones 1 to 3 feet thick.
.lvE' but tllfnl)' I.rulnnte..... willi rIpple bed·
In the west port of the Circle Clift's, in the ~astern (ling. ,ra<'IK to .bll), IdDd8t(jfl("; t.r1O,..'!<! - __ ..
Plrt Idjacent to the Waterpocket Fold, Ind in tbe (Top of Kllbnb UJJK'8toue 3:5 tt'et mol'~ Of le~8
contra! part near The Peaks exposures of the Moen- ~Io,..,)

kopi include all the bed8 from the top to the ~ of

the formation. The following sections are typical of
I.he Circle Cliffs region ne a 'whole:
Tr ia...slc---COnti uued.
Practically 311 the bed. in th. foregoing secti?n Moenkopi COl'm;ltlon-(;Olttiuued, Peet
thicken or thin along the strike, and some of them diS- 9. S.a.!lristone, yellow, lloll gru iue,1. soft ; w~lltl1'
appear within .... Iatilroly short e1i.bnees_ The col.or er$ ratber sbrtly ______ _____________ ___ .. - 3
<Iillisiolls ':lre persistent and appe:tr to follow defimte 8. Shale, marooo, witb thin shnly sandl;tonp._.... 3g
1J<,dding planes_ The uppermost ~8.j feet IS chocolate- I, Sondstone, bull, brown , and groy ; Rue
.:m ined, thin bcddOO, iu luyers to .:I Incbes
brown, whereas, with the .xception of about 40 feet, tJ,lel< ____ .____ .. ________________________ - S
the lower 1110 fe"t i.light creamy yellow. Some of the 6. Shale, ,.eUt)"'Jsb brown, sa ody ___________ .... 2t
ma.~iv. sandstones included in the lower division sre 5, Sand~tonc, pink to maroon, thIn bedded.
pi nleish red. with It tew mil~I"e loyers ss Inu(!b AS 16
Inches in tJllc'ko~ ot Intervols; hIler-
8cotif.ln J1ICa8vrt:tl jUdt ',-'elfl o( Jl()i?~t teller,; lturef TwUI bedded wIth 's bale, T"Cry sancy: upper [lQ,rt
(Orl.'C" RI1.-er) road e,"or.
t"II.",o-ft tMOutlA. elf".-
0", ca.' yelJow·bl'OW IL .. ________________ ,___ _ ___ _ _ 48
.ide v( (Jirr.lD Olitr". Garff,el' Oa.nJ.u. Utol&. -I, SalUh;touc, {;,l'g1 dnd lI.ght pb.1r., Une ~olnei1,

lllo.'ll.-arf!d by (t;1)'OJOnd C. lIO<)1'el lund i weotheu ,b rown Rnd! U~ht KrQY', til
Trlns:dc: Feet beds 2 ioche8' tQ 1 foot tbil!k, but ill fre~h
ShInarump eona;II1III CfRte-- e$J.)Osurt.~ b('(!Ij. ollpe<lr v.ery uIDSI:\h'e. u.pper
7, S8Ddhtooc, bIuiijh grAy, III plDl'C:i hluck trow vort :,u ore I'eddhfb thnn lower; o rd lllorilJf
conta!ned bitumens. lIHl.iS."I[ye. mediullI to well exposed __ _________________________ tl
C~lH'!W gl'lliIlPll .. ___ _ ______________ ____ __ _ ~-o:lO
3. Snndstolle, red, 'With tbln sandy shale 1::tter-
lCocutt:opi forrllurll)u- bedded. mediunt to IDo.@sil'e beddlng____ __ 31
0, Sho tp-, 111111'0011 to chocolntc·brI)WD, vcry 2. Sund:=toue, light brown ODd yellow to pink,
lQJudy. 111'111 tbln 1)laty 8illId~tone: weutbe~ ,"cry thin bz.dded, platy. abundant l1pp1e
In .Io(ll' .. ___ ___ _____ _____ _.. ____ ____ ______ 1.0
marks; grades locally to shu Ie; "' eu t1u~rfi
6. SnnlJHtone. gny, WeMhcf'lulC bl'o?"n, In beds reddlsb brown; larlns slopes______ __ __ ___ •
2 to 6 Incllefl thki. .c{Jll1'llteu \jy S to 12 1. Shale, pink to red, sand,.; coutnins thin
hlf!lh!'8 of lOUlldy lIhuh~ ________ .. _ ~ _______ _ _ 9
beds of platy sandstone; went]len in
,f, Sbnlc, yellow' uud ..nq. Mndy: [flrUl~ sIOll(!; ~Iopes__________________________________ 21
obout :!8 fr et obO"e biL<;e • bed ol bard
shal y, ,'cr)" C.IClifCOWI fine 'I'alned 1;:1'0)'- '1'ot:'l1 l(ookopl tOl'matJoIL______ ______ :tool
brown ~ud~toue UpllC'Clrl_________ ________ !)O
3, ShMlc-, IIl1ht J'GnOW, 1'E~rllJnndy; (rade'/' Into
Kalbnb IIm..toue.
al.eiyw4Iublt.I.1f1Q and loft liundtdonc: woo. th-
t'\"!j I.UUl'.'tlr"Cl, ClJlCClully upper 10 to 2(J teet~ The diminished thickness of the Moenkopi in the
whleb W('tlOIt~l"N I . ft rLm rock: (he Dud- region of The Pe.ks appeal's to be due to a decl'ease ill
stollC1f nl'e 5Cltnmted wlth on Il[;d ore In
(lort staIned bllcll: _____ _______ .., __________ 00 thickness of the upper chooolate-colored zone. This
e. StlndMtOl'M!. J1hlk lIud' brown; Crude'A tl1 .nd¥ decrease is accompanied by a corresp<>i:J.ding ,incl'ease in
!<lhftle: bfldtllllC verT trre(Ulnr. due "rained • the thickness of the massive ShiDlll'ump conglomerate,
lI:lt!1 of tbe dh'lslor. rather Dlrutilve, perts t<, which the presel'vation of the outliers of the Shin.-
10 ",rry thin bed .. l'DrlnhkL,__________ :..___ 118
rump called The Peaks is partly due.
1. EamtHtone; Ullper part brown. :'lDrd, limy;
lo,.,,,r JRlrt 8"n.!1, lOn, tmd aomewbut,. ------- -- - -- ------------ __ ___ ____ _ _ _ 8 AGE ~\!\D CORRELATlO!'l
'1'ot:.11 11oenkl1pl tOl'llllltloll __ _________ __ _
Pm'whi t) ';
In the absence of satisfactory faunal evidence tho
K"lbob nml'Slouc,
uge of the J..loonkopi formation in the Kaibob region
In generlll· the Moenkopi shown in this can not b'l directly determined. Conelntion with the
section i. not esselJti~lly dift'e ....nt from that in ex- type Moenkopi of the Little Valley, Ariz., is
posures f ..rth.. r west, except that the upper part of bosed on lithologic character and stl'lltigl'aphi~ posi.
the fornmtiolJ seelllS to be somewhat less resistant to tion_ The formation lies between unmistakable
crosion and IIniforlll!y makes slopes, and that tbe Kaibnb lime.tone and Shin,u'ump conglomerote, from
lower pArt inclucle'S massive S&Jldstoncs, some of which which it is sepal'1lwd by evident unconformities_
01" strongly p<tmlifer0us. There is no doubt thot the ~{oonkopi 0f Lees Ferry,
Sc.:t.imt. o{ JiO(,H''t>pi /ONtUJtl.ot, mCtlS1tre4 iJl. ca~um' /10"'" Of Kaibal! Gulch, Saud Wash, and the Circle Cliffs is
Tile Pt'.""', .o'·"oIt't.t o( WlJ.{I'onboz ..Ve,1a, Circle OU"" O (U" part of " widely extended formation thut lies at the
/10114 Couly. UI.,.
bose of the Triassic'.
Tl'illSSh: :
In the older geologic literoture 6f the pillteau pro~­
Shi.,arullll). (.'olls1omera te ________________________ G0-1oo inee Il!;eries of cllOcolate-colored shales 'Was '~gni2.d
UII~\ln.rfinn lI,r. = as the lower di,-ision 01 the "Shinarump group,"
MOf"ukolll fl.)rmoti,lU_ whiclt WM assigned to the Triassic. To eq\livatent
10, Sbnl~, mllfdon . smutty: contains 1Il3UY strata in the Painted Desert 'Ward" applied the
Ilfl.Pl!l·-tbin SUTld$tl.l~ layer~; ~rn()es tl)
~'('lI (1 w tn tWlk!r 15 t('eL___ __ ______ _____ M .. Word , L. p ,. Siotu. of the lIe.o2olc do~s a( tbf: U:llt~ St:ltf:S;
0, S. Ceo!. Sur.~·1 lflJu . .f9, pt. 1. pp. 19-19, Itl(K;.
term Moenkopi formation ILlld described ils constitu- Kaibdb, lIlArk. the base of the J[()('llkopi at Lee.
ent members in these genet'al te,'m": "It is '-cry prob- Ferry, An attenuated rep,,,sentlltive of the Vi ...~in
able tllat the lo,ve,r , portion of the Moenkopi beds membe,' which is included in a section meas-
o to t,he Permian_" To pel'mit comparison based , ured at Sand W3sh and l\ thill uufossiliferous lime-
on measured sections the Moenkopi was redefined by stone at Lees' Fel'l)' may be _qui-"slout., The Shnab-
Gregory ," Rnd its featUl'es as shown in the Litlle kaib member hns been tr.<-ad f,'om the Kanllb V Illey
Colorado Valley, the San Juan V:llley, ond the Defi- to the PaJ'ia Ri"e!', (See pI. 7, A,) East of the Pari a
ance Plateau were descdbed in some detail. The and south of Glen Canyon detailed correlation ,,-ith
Moenkopi of southwestern Utuh is discu,;,<;ed by Ree- the beds ch.\"lC,teristic of the Moenkopi of the Vit'gin
.ide and Bassler," who found that west of the KRibab Ri,'er Valle," i. difficult; members thllt Me pl'Ominent
Platea.u the Moenkopi lltt~ins n thickness llluch gt'eate,' in that ,".IIe\" are abaent a" nt leust in~'Onspicuous in
thun ut the type locality and is d"'isible into five per- this areR_ it
is probable thftt the MO~llkopi of th~
sistent members, togethe,' with n discontinuous ""it at Kaiparowits region represents only a part of that pre-
the base of the formation, ns follows: ' se"~ed in arcas farther west, I,ikewise detailed cor-
relotion of ."Wi visions in the Moenkopi at Le... Ferry,
Sand Wa.h, 8ml the Cit'Cle Cliff. with beds of equiVll-
lent .ge eo.t of Glen Canyon can not be ntode with
, n<=tllJd~ and
(From DU"le.~J
8. Upper red boos; brick-red. (It!cp red. and bNWU In sections 1lI~llsured by Longw,~lI Qn~1 Pllige a.long
abate nod sandstone: locl1l1y mo@sh'e bedli uC
yellow medluul-gL'nloed uDdstone________ _____ 473:t
the Colorado River lielo\V Caturnct Canyon the Moen-
6. Sbunbkalb shnle me-wOOr; grQy to white $.ml.!y kopi form.tion, which hRS a mninllllll thickness of
,hnle and soft saoo8toDe with some lliuk IOrei'S 8:10 feet, indud •• till..,. distinct subdivisious. The
nod much gypsum ___________________________ 360-030
lower di \'ision, Ilbout 400 feet thick, con.i"r. of '''gu-
... Middle- rcd bed~ IJlmllur to No. 2. 1... ly hOOded toed and maroon .. nd"tone and ... ndy
3. Virgin timetltone member; eo.:art hr )"('!Uot\' 1IU1~stoue shale with u layc,' of g"ay conl(lome''1lte ~t the baS<!,
acpnrit(>d by yellow and red calcarOOM 8IHlh~ _ _ 11-160
The middle divi.ioll i. a coa''S. gray cross-bOOde,l
~28S oAnd,toM a fe\\' iuches to 60 (eet thick.
1. ltock CnnyoQ eonstoDlp.rt1te JJl~mbl'r (Ub~ llt at Tbe lIpper tli>'i.ioll, which is limited at the tol' by on
some JocnIiUes) : no Msemblag~ ot sbah!, lime· erosional uncodormity, comprises 300 to 400 feet of
!'toDe, 1Q'P8um, C()ngloUlcrlt e ot 't mestoue lind chocola.te.rolo,oed, red, and gr.y sandstone, Recellt
cbert boulden, and tl minor amoullt ot 9O.1ld-
investigations of 'Reeside" and othe" indicate tbe
probability that only this upper di vision is Moenkopi
In the Virgin River Valley the Rock Cunyon con- and that the underlying red shale and sandstone belong
glomerate and the Virgin limestone ,!uembe,' are char- ill the Permian_ l'he Crescent Creek section includes
acterized by a ma"ine fauna of Lowe,' Trinssic age, • " few bands of dense gray limestone" 100 feot f!'olll
A. me.snred by Lee," shale and f06Sili fHOUS lime- tho top, and calcareou.s is recorded at Trachyte
stone O<juinlent to tho V:irgin member attain a thick- Creek and Twomilc Canyon, E~st of tb. Colorudn
ness of s~o feet near Cedar City, and Lonll'<ell .. de- River the lI1assl ve ero...-bedded sandstone exposed ill
scribe<! th~ lower half of 1,200 to 1,600 feet of ~Ioen­ the walls of uppe" Glen Canyon oontinues as a char-
kopi in the Muddy Mountain • • s marine limestone, acteristic feature of the Moenkopi and gi "05 to tha
In the Spring MOllnt.iDs of Nevada the mlldn. por- formation all appearallco qnite unlike that in the Little
tion of the Moenkopi is about 000 feet thick Colorado, Pari .. , Kftibab, And Virgin Valleys.
Of the subdivisions established by Reeside Ind The detel'lllilldion of the Virgin limestone rnember
Bassle,' the Rock Canyon conglomerate appears 10 be as of Lower T,iossic age, corresponding to the .:V:ceko-
represented by tbe assemblage of miscellaneous mate- Cera8 ZOf1~ of ~utheusteru Idaho, flJ1J the cOl'l'elation
rills that is immediately associated with th6 Kaibab- by Gilluly .nd Reeside" of the Moenkopi of the San
Moenkopi unconformity at most localities in Utah, ' Rafael Swell with the Woodside, 111 ..ynes, and All-
Arizonl, and Nevada, A basal cong,lomerate, com- ,, Irareh formations of the Uinta ~(ountaills-.ll recog-
posed largely of ~hert fragments derived f,'Om the nizad a. I.ower Triassic-make it reasonable to as_ume
that ~Il the bed. Jllapped in the Kaiparowits region as
:1IGr.r1. g. E., G~ or lM ND'·.jO ~..IIdC'1: U. ~. GHI. :lor",
Pr'Ol'. Paptr H. pp. !3-31, 11»1T. Uoenkopi are of that age, The heru. that conformably
-leesId., I. B.• ir.. .. 4 B...~. HIl"~1. Strulbcnphk II«tloos In underlia thi~ fossilifet'ou8 zone appear to belong
-.atb.f!ilt~ Utd end DOrU.watena oltlzoa.: C. S. Gool.
Prof. Paper 121, pp.. liO-t!, J~.
u 'w... clearly to the same time interval, and they .,·e sepa-
• LN. W. 'r., 7_ 'trOD Cou.t1 coOl tid•• l"t.b: t:. 8. c.ot. hn~,.. I rated by a well-marked 'unconformity from th~ under-
hlL IHI, p. 302, 1 to1 .
• Lot.p~Il, C ..... Geo1otJT 01 thoR lluddr )(o .... t~iD.. St!"'. : ....
1000t. Bel.. Gttt 1IC!.r., ,·ot. I, p • .a8. 1021: U. S. G~. S,*n'I!S Bull. mA. (umlilftl,I''Iltlo1U.
pp. (3-(j'2, 1~28. ==-01111111. 1:1~" . lII'oI. R•.!C'1tk1~. J. B .. jr., 01'. ct' .. pIli;.
lying Permian Kaibob limesl.on~. In the. K~ip'rowits
overlying ~rif~ [If FhA~€, ' Su.nclstOl~r; and lime.too, ,
whi •.h ron.t.itul., the Ollnle format.lOn.
ngion, when the ennly bedded Moenk?pl. doe~ not
conf.llin marine fossils but where wr~' smllior htho· SBIIIARlIII' COKGI.OIIEItATE
loj!'ic and st.ratigraphic r.l.tions art found, It seems
very probable that th ... rock;; corrcspolld In 19~ RI."I The con~lomer.l. thot WRS originally described by
.11O;,lrl b. referred .ecordingly to the Low.,. Tna ...... Powell" ;s
the middle. member of his" Shinarump
Near F,'uita, Wayne Connly, ('tall, fo .. ils \\'ere col: group" (Tri~ssic) h.8 boo.n noted by.nearly all work.
I :tro from 8andy limestone beds in the MoenkopI. ers in the plateau province. .\ speCial study of this
;~""". fossil. wer.. identified by G, H. Gi,'ly R" follow", uJlm;;,uRI formntlon wns made by Grcgory.3'J In New
, llexieo. Arizon,,; Vtah, ono Nevada the exposures 01
Y)"Rl1na ft. 1q"I. Ill~.lllilla toll'.
["t'UltomUJlolI'll' n. 111ft. Ih.k.t'-w(~lIfll:' ~)l. . the Sh'i nlll'ump cllllj.!;lomet'nte Arc remarkably ahlre;
pk-ur(ltnl1l;lrtQ~ 101'.
A.. rortelln? II).
llolopel? "1'.
o,.,r r:v"Cltla! ~
I Nntic..1>{.I.':ihs? t;Jl.
the beds exhibit the sume range of thickness, te.'(tu...,
and composition. RI1<1 at n'Arly .11 plAces form !'t.
sii't. nt. bem'hes bet wcen series of fri.ble shales. Th.
The lowcr portion at least of tI,e Moenkopi exhibits wpstel'ntuost outcrop of the Shinarump isin thcSpring
• ff'''IIIIlFitv of bedding and uniformity o( te"turc 'Monntllins. lI.,·...
From this area it may be trae""
..lint t"Istrongly sugbrcst d~position in R large ~dy of ea.twur<l through the Muddy Mountains, along tilt
wIlI.,r. A witllilrawal oi the sen, occ(,mpnDled by Vermilion Clift·s. a~..OSS the Waterpocket Fold and
mon or Jess crosion and the oocurreru:e of more 01' Glen Com'on to e.stern Utah, wbere it forms the
II.... ,';Ilesp,.. ad continental oepooition, is indicllled platenn ,,;mmit ·o f Elk Ridg~, In ,the Kllipe.rowi~
t,y Uw hilltn" in the Moonlwpi a~d the' characler of region the Shinarump conglomerate IS represented m
th~ uPP"" beo. of the for'mahan In dIfferent part. 01 sect.ians measured at L<>cs Ferry, at places n(,ar Pam ,
M'nth •• ,tern Utnh and the Xuvajo country. After and .t Ihe ('ircl. Cliffs. (See pp, 49, 00.) At Le"
Moonkopi time there Wft, ,,'ide;pr .. d erosion, which Ferrv the 8hinnrUlHp consists of 45 feet ot much Cl'OS~'
I'''rtly bcvded tho sofl Moenkopi st"aln Rnel in plnces bedd-;.a "el'\' lenticular ~"ay conglomerate, and in·
mrved (li9tincl e"osioll dlRnnel. in them, The sub- cludes len..,~ of Bnndston: of different textures. The
>e'llIenUy deposited Shinarump can"t~'"tes .a very pebbles of qllurtz nnd quart.1.ite, as much as 2 inches in
widespreud thin veneer, which col'ers tlllS el'os,o~ sur- diameter nre in contact with one anotber and also
facc and fills its depressions. It op.p ears that m the arranged' as chains of pebbles embedded in sandstone.
(,'ircle ClilTs the erosion pre<.'(\din~ the Shinarump Fossil wood is abundant; three logs more th.n ~o fett
epoch ellt deeply into the Moenkopi, rNno"ing all of in length , one of them 2Y2 feet in diameter, Ilppear
Ih~ IIpper contincntal bed. laid down he"t. neal' the top of the fo,'mation. At Sand Wash an,d
Kaibab Gulch. ,,·he .. e the Shinarmnp conglomerate is
30 to 80 feet ' thirk, large pebbles are rore and tb.
After tbe deposition of the Moenkopi red beds there formation consists essentiallY of coa,'S. white cross'
.. as 9n inle""al of erosion th.t affected" very lorge bcdd~ conglome ..ate on,\ gn~r1y lenticular s.ndsto~l'"
pu1 of the plllt$U couutry, ns is indicated by the togetbe .. with milch fo .. il wood. At the Circle Chfl -
widcgprtad evidence of remov.1 of pal't. of the Moen- the Shinllrllmp is present as gray, irregularly cl'06S'
kopi bed8, tb. beveling of lhese beds, the corvin!: of beddod, mo""i"e sandstone, without prominent ~ .
...a.ion channels, al\d the very marked change in the glomerate len.e. or abundant petrified wood, and ,I
natllre of th. Iledimentation lhat p,'C'CC<led lnd- fol· differs much tl'om place to pla.ce in t,hickness, te3'ture,
lowed the el1,sion. bedding. composition, and color. West of the South
In "'\'Prlll ports of the Cirrle Cliffs the study of the Fork of SiIl'er F.IJ~ Creek the rock is grayish.brow~,
rontact bootween the Moenkopi lnd Shinorump SllOWS h·.. e~ularly bedded massive sandstone which shows Olin
that the dip of the Moenkopi rocks is slightly dift'er- cros~ lamination and contllins bluish slU\dy shale in its
ent from that of the Shinarump. The conglomer"t~ middle pnlt. Near The Peak. the body of the rock i$
nnd Coane grit of the Shinn rump extend mOre 01' leu fine'grninpd massi"r Sllndstone that ~ontains beds ~nd
e\'enly .CI·OSS the sliglltly upturned and smootbly lenses of conglomerate. Most exposu.res of the Sh,n"
boovel~ lower lit\'atn. All trosional unconformit.y is
rump ill the Circle Clift's orea include ~ lower ~ft.
e.sily ,Iemonsbated, In very m.ny places erosion massil'e •• " bed, ~ middle group of greemoh·
r1umool. ~o t.o 100 yards in width and 20 to 100 feet
in depth, carved in the Moenkopi bed., I ..e filled '"ith - ~ Pow,"1I . J. W., i{l"port O'flo lbe If!OlO~f of' tM elUlt4!rn portioD of tbe
Dinl. l(OttQtaln~. PI" 53, &..'-611. U. S. Oeol. ud GCOI'. Muncy 'tv, ..
t.he massive grit of the Shinarump, lind t·he abrupt 211 cUT., lSi'.
thBn~e in tho choracter of materiftl nlong '.lntven SUl-. • Gnlory. H. E. The Sblllu'UCDP (.Onc'amecat.: Am. Jour. Sd.:
fac ... . is t,·cry .. here characteristic. The Shinnrump 4tb IIt'r .• \'01. ~. PI). t%t ....·US, 19U: Geology of the NAvajO eoLlaU.,.·
tJ. S. Geot. '.no·,,)" Pror. PaPt"l' 93. ["P. 8T-41. 1017.
1Il'~' be considered a "basal conglomerate" for t,he .. Grc.'J:::or}'. n . K. 111.4 No\)lf. L. F ., op. rHo

gray shale~ lind on up,per nmssive cro.:iS-bedded snnd- ., identi"al with what Font.ine called Zall;;tes powdU
stone that forms Q l'eslstanf· ledgtl. ... De~rt \;'ll"oish~' from Auiquiu ,"
i. common. In addi~ioll to fossil wood some folia-
tion SUrfiet'S display impressiolls of fern.. Within CHINLE FORXUION
distnn<!CS of less than ~ mile at the he.d, of Halls Creek
IH~f'INn'lOX, .\RE.\L E:t.'l·ENT, AND THICllSESS.
aud along Capitol Reef Wash the Shinarump ronge.
in thicklless fmrll less thau 30 feet to more than lOC! As defined by O"'gory," the Chill Ie formation in-
feet alld in texture grades from medium.grained to cludes tire gmup of shales, "marIo," thin soft ."nd.
coarse sandsrone. Locally nea'r Pari .. and sOllth of , slones, fi/ld Iilllestonc conglomerates lying between tho
Fruita, in 'Vayne CoUllty, the Shinarump is wanting,
Shin.r-ump conglomerate and tire Wingate sandstone.
In general the te:lture of the Shinarump along the
W.terpocket Fold Rnd nOl,thward is finer grained thu/I This interesting Dssemblage of hns been !I'aced
.t localities in' nodhel'J\ Arizonll, Pebbles th.t .:leeed froll) the Dutton Plateau, N. M~x., DerOSS the Nanrio
i inch in diameter are ral·e. The •• me condition prc· conntry to Lees Ferry, and along the Vermilion
nils in exposures about the Henry :\10ulltaill'. Cliffs into southwestern Utah. I~ reappears in tire
BrcUOIl or SAi1Wrtllnp COtfgi!llll(JftJle )lOI't.fte.l~t at Wugo"boz
Muddy MOlliltnillS ,:1nd Spr'ing MOl/ntain, Ne,'., west
J/elQ J.h. Ute 9Lrt:le eli-trot. Oar(fcld CI},.nty, Ulf.l.lI 01 wlrich no "utcrops have been discQvered. The
t:\{ellaure4 b,. IhrmllotJ c. M'Jorl.!l fot'lIIation is .xposed in uppe,' Glen Canyon, at the
CMule rormntlou : S.n Rllfael Swell, and eastward to Orand Junction,
9. Brown. blue, and IMllllle sault)' lJhar~; rornlll Along the S .. n J uall Vlllley it may he tmeed wcll into
.Iope. Colorndo, Tile Benrs EDts and 'Vooden ShOt) BUI tes,
Sblno.rump conglomerate:
8. Browo m,Ufslv.e bnrd ,·ll)LJh..'-lUnrk,!,() croAA-lw.dded
the culmin.ting pOints of Elk Ridge in Sun Juan
sandstone: weathers durt lJrowu II! large I1ngu- County, Utah, 'H'e erosion remnant·. of Clunle shales
lar blockg; distnt~grlltcs gto.dnally Illo~l;- thin I and sandstones.
Irregulllr cross laminae; l"Om.tiu.'i "'yttt,1 h.... vc:;;. Throughout most of thc Kaiparowits region the
of which ft collection "",::IS obtnJoed_____ _____ __ 4~ formation is concealed by younger rocks, but defm'llla-
7. Ll;bt &r~f'l"Sh-blue PDdy shale; \\'catbent 10
slope ____.______________ .. ________________ .. ___ 15 tion of the beds along the Eeho Cliffs, the Eust K.ib.b
6. Yellovd:sh-brown platy rll)plc-markl.'d cross-bedded monocline, und the W.terpocket, Fold has perniitted
Inndstonc, In beds 3 Inebe. to:2 teet thick. witb slrenIDs to cut deeply illto the ovol'lying beds and tn
Illternatlul' :iOft sandy f;hall! and sbal, !fsud-· e"pose ill sOlllil places p,ll·t and in other places all of
stone ___ ___________________ ___ 8
the Chinle. The Chinle is ",ell displ~yed on botb
~ _____________

5, LIGht ,recl1Lsb-blue SODdy ilh:.lle; conttlin.:4 thin

sides of Ihe Color'>ldo River at Lees Fel'ry; it fOTlns
JelUi(":J Dnd ~!'J of sbaly ,sunrl~Lon~ thnt grode
10cllUy to beds of ripple-marked Cl·o6S·lJedded the borders of the bllsill in which the old village of
plat7 3ilnd9tooe I¥.! teet thick; this dlT"islou is: Poria is placed; it is '''posed in Glen C>lnyon below
crOBs-bedded ulso Oil la:'ger .scale. an.d thlll beds the mOllth of Hulls CI1lCk; and ~omplete and partial
of 1lI1Dd»tone slope ouliqul?ly dowowurd_______ l() Isectiolls nrc revl!nled in canyons cut into the western
4. Yellow soft nlos"l"e 88oostone. with hard yellow- flank of the Water'pocket Fold between the Escalante
hlb-brown c8llplng rim r.eck 1 toot thicL:, rather
eyenl., bedded ______ . . ______ __________________ 1 Rivel' olld the north .-irn of tho Circle Cliffs.
3. Light creenlsh-blue sandy IIhu.lc___________ ______ j Reeol'ds show that the Chinle is thickest in not'lh-
2. Salt m41uive, trre:ularly be<ld.ed seol1atone, light c"stern 1\.rizon. and southwestern lhalr. At its type
creamy yellow to nearly whlte, locally with .. locality, the Chinle VRlley, 1,182 feet of .trato ll~ ex-
browD llotches 011 weo.tbel'l!d surtno.· ____ .. _____ S-J i posed. In the Lees Feny region measurements of
ToLaI ShlnaruJ:,l p oollgluntel'l:lte______________ O".l
400, ;')20, 980, .nd 1,000+ feet reported, and at
~oea.kOf>l formation: Virgin City It section includes 996 feet. In south-
1. Cboeolnte·brown sandstone lind $iudy stlllll! i enstern Utah nreasnred sections give 592 feet in Pari ..
forma slope. Volley, 414 to 593 feet along the Wlltel'pocket Fold,
!he 1ge of the Shinarump conglomemte is deter- 320 .to 393 feet in upper Glen Canyon, afld 830 feet
mmed chiefly by its stratigraphic position. It lies in the San Juan Canyon. Some of the val'iation hr'
between the Lowet TI·ia.'lSic Moenkopi formation .nd measurements, especially at Lees Ferry, ,·.sult. from
tbe Upper Triassic Chinl. formation. Fossil conifer- difTerences of opinion regarding the division to he,
Ous wOO</ of species characteristic of the Chinle is .. tablislred bet"'een the Chinle Ind the Wingnte, but
Ihundont. Frogmentsof f06sil cycads from the are .. the evidence show. that the formation is thinner ill
nOl1heast of Wagonbox Mesa (bed S in section above) Ihe K.iparowits region than in .. reas to the south-
are described by Bel'l'Y" as Ottna:m,itea p()uvJili, east and .. est. How lUuch this thinning is due to

t.:I Grel((t[Y. I{. E.. G~loN'.)' d

~ IlttT1. E. W., C,cad. Iu tbe Sbto4rU1811 t!Qblj:!dQlentt.;! oi Southo!:ru ttto! NIl'·"Jo couatry: U. H. GI!UI. SUn'!.!,
It: WublllgtQft ." cad. Sci. Juor.• Nt. 11, pp. :JO:t--=Jf)1. 1~2T. pruf. I'ilp~r \1:1. II. "2. 1:)1 T.
Chinle formal iN\---colJduued.
~m.II(of origi".1 thickness ond ho,,- mUl'h to 1110 ero- ll . Ljmestooe l'Onglmoerate, brown j pebble.s size or
,ion thot Jlreceded the deposition of t-he GI.n Canyon peGs cemented by lime nnd IrOL1 __ ____ ______ _
grouJl of !'un(b,ion~ remnins ~ to be determine-d. 10. Shnle. nod ODd green, lentk'Ulor; wenlbcl"8 as
., DI"I'." ________ ____ __ __ ______ ___ _ __ ____ _
TYtIC.\L SEeTIO!'"' ~. J..ImetStone conglomerate, brown. nodular; coo-
talns Sl\urion bonf'8 Ind some peQided Wood __ ..
S. Shale, pm'pie-green, .. ndY'. CtllCtlr{>()u8 i CODta.iQII.
The ~trati/,'I"aphy of the Chinle formation in ore3>
J1mesto'n e pellets.. Quartz pebble~, nnd l~
tlll.I bord.r the Kaiparowito region is shown in sec-
l.ion. moasured by Longwell" in upper Glen Canyon, 7.
of loosely cemented Si nDdl!ton ~ ___ ~ ______ ____ _
Limetttoue conglomerate, brown; we-otbers Into •
by Gregory" in Ihe Xav8iQ country, by ~{i~_er" in concretlonnry Dodules ______ ___ _____ __ _____ ..
the San JUln CAnyon, and by R<!e><ide_ and Bassler" 6, Shale and" mnrl" like No, 3~ _____ ___________ _
5, SODd~tonc., brown ~ tine gra ined; weAk~' ce-
in the Virgin River Valley, Fur Ill<' }(nil'al'o"'it< re- mentcd wUb lilUe and lron ___ ~ _______ ______ _
_/.(ioll )foore" II." published ",-",-tion. ITll'o'III'"d .t the l
4. Sbare, brightly colored, Yl"'lIow, greell, Invender,
head of Holl. Creek Ind in the Circle elill',. Tho fol- pUl')lle, red, plDk, V">'. btue, nDd ",bit.; hl~hl1
lowing additionol ~ctions are typical of the Chinle ir~l!lo.T In belldlIlG'. composition, nnd texture;
exposur•• b.t,,'ocn the Grund Canyon Ind the -Woter- BI Sil'rles of gnd,. calcareous sha le. calcareous
Hnud..'~ctoDe, and impure lIma~toDe; Includes
IHJ('ket Fold:
many IeIl!H of Jimestol)e conglomerate. tlort
SlY'tiMl fJf lof('(''' pa,., fJ! Oldrut: fCL7'111(JlifAt QJI ,fllf' I'i.l(' r4 Poria ttnn<bstolle, and dlY mud balls. also baIls of
Hi G' Lee. I'f.TYf/
qUArta ~nd. pebble. of quart", chalcedony.
jtll"~J'. Itnd iron..;tone, Rnd 'reins Dud sc;1ttered

11ft'Il"'lrf'. 'J' UeMri Fo. (;!"t·.Iu,..y J l'I'Y8tJlt:s or ~)fp~um; lr(>trLOed wo()\l occurs 81
c-b!ptL, bt(J('ks. aB(l lop; n few boucs (Iud teetb
Clllnh.- funDI thIn : Fel't
flf tiAurion. ana brtl}ccn U11i<) shell.: wcnthen
21 . 8l1ndlltoDr, HJ(bt red and butr. t'irl(' eV'f'n ,rnlu~,
Inlo rouud«'" knolls \\' Ub spongy powdery lur·
(!'r~-l.IetJded 00 minute 8Cllle, tn bed:oo 10 10
fa<..'C, 100'1illly called wl\rL __ ________________ GI

.. 0 ril!'@t thick; eXlends up\\'ord .H mun)""

3. 8und!stoD~. dull grlly-bl'oWII, lrl'Cbrull1rly b"ntled
l'n'P.Il!5·heddttt sondstone tv the foP c., tbf' ('un·
with block strenks; 1t'lIti('n!a.r; el·oss·~dded , ;
'UD "·ull.
600 grHin(>d; weak\)' Cf!IDcnted wltb Llme____ 23
!.1" ghale Dod nndstoD8. U~t rOO D:nU ,rar. 11) II·
tl'nRl1o" ~(lrte. of ahule b('C1~ & Int'bl't' to C 2. Sb'll<" pluk. purple, .blue-green, l'ed.. c"lcareo\1~;
feet thick nnd _odatODC tK>ds ] 10 G if'E"t ('()Dtaim' ogC'(.'glH(:S 0'( Mnd. JUllltMI of blue-
rbtl')(;'\eDly bedded; It!} more nr 1f"1'~ grcf'n ('}:l~' , nUll 'bln lenses of ct:oss·bedded
(·roa.......b(·(ltIed: ,'ontain ~bort lpn8~ or riot- lumili:ton(t: ~n)Suru pl'e6Cnt us thin !illort beds,
' .. ned (.'lIIY balls: C.tCftl·el'U~: ft!'W lClurhm bOIlP V(,lll&. ond dt1 trtchcd cl'ystnlsj wcathers to
.. IUllr] .. ,.._" ___ ~ ~ _ ____ ______ ____________ _ ____ 10
il'luonC'nb: 90fDe to:I.:tlon .'Jr!lu·es rlpr,l(>
n.nrkC'd AIl(1 fi:un boke.L _______ ____ __ ______ _ 110 1. Shnll', ,r:I~'; ve-rY thiD bellded, snn~y fiod cal·
m . I!'I'Rll'. dirk rcu. t'(,I~' thin. 0. 1...-'1 I'(>(.U" : !'t.mE.- f"IU' eoUIi: lfQlDC tollatlon surfaces liard bHk~.

rulilition acrtncea r1pple mol"ked_____________ 1 ~lIs.lf'nJn;;. ulld riI'ple marked ______________ _ s

1~ 8:fI IId1'l (I"P, light f\>U, Imhrlcntl. .l. r .. ll'lN!oUl;: :
t"(fIltoiu.. ftlkt~1 trC tnim, shinn qtUlrl1 rtebbles, 298+
lind l'r)'tllnll1 of ;)'pt;unL ___ .. ______ .... ________ 2 UnoontorDlilY.
11. ~hRtp. bhf'I, I.,n.l)', f>ftlcnreou.... ________ __ . __ ____
]6. 8n1ltI~loIM', I'rcpu.whlh..." mR~'q·.'t1dl~d __
Hi. Sh"ll" r{'d "utl '"'1 i .~mtl\ ftj tbln ns J'nl-l~r,
Shlnarnmp C"onglom("flit(' : ('{Intnlntllogs tbat 'exceed SO feet ia

OenCTalir:c tI .('CI;ent t., (JhJ,u" fo",v,lkm ! mile. wett 01 Part.

\\,1\.)'; rll.p)e lJ,lo.rkrd ______ _
H . Umear;tofk' nnd lIU1l'8toilC "'on~I:~(~~-l~~-~~~~ r~('ll)(ul'("d by Hl"t'bfrt F.. Gr(·"ol's1
_feN) ; ('01t(,ft'tlOunry limrl't{lne pphblC's 1n
Plght k>nllcuJar hetls .. in('h("ol ft\ :1 rf'el thick: Sundllotone. uf G l~n Callyorl group.
("Ontain", hurtan 1.1Ilb' w«":ttbt'rt.'tl 11llCl .Ilnk Chinle formatlOD:
.DOI',-" lhoundJl____ _______ ____ ____ ____ _____ _ !!2 ri, Sundltooe And Ilreoaceous .bale, 11gbt red~ «reeD·
13. ~I\nd.toll(' ... Lnllded." wbll(' Iliid brown. It-n- whit(- IIn.'1 )'~1I{J'f\': str8tu 2 incbel to' a f~t
titular. friable .. thklt. Yt'fY lrrt'C'111ul'l,. bedded: tine grnlDoo; all
12. ttblile and ··1».~~:~~I~-;.--t~_;e~-~:;.- ~-;~-;~;I~ l'ul('arooa.; C{lotnius IUllnS' lensel ()t mud
":nl)': t'cntllhl1 It'U~ 0( lilnO'tODc t'On,glolU' and Ih.nel!o1one con~OlDcrn.te, nt,o stru.,. of
tonU. alld 0( nllc·grtttned brown ~ndtttOll(t and lllmoll qunrtz Pt'bblC'lIJ: weRtbel'1 into mesas ond
""nih) Jl('triR,,,:l \\'0011 __ _.. ________ _____ ___ __ __ 30 boz·headed canvnn,
-t, SbBlc Ind .. mari." b;.-;b;.;-~~t~~~-;~;~a-t~d~
mh'oreouli; lueludes moo)' lenses DC concretloo.·
, 1I1'X Jlm~oDe cnrlg:olrtera te, IOLOe lenses of
.'Iro'''1) Imbrk:nted 80lLdKtOoe. and Etrlug-en of
quora graiu.; about SO feet ~low tbe top oe·
('or thIn bed~ of IY()I;Um. Dnd 00 feet from tile
bott'bm mueb J)etr1fted "'ood i 'Weathet'S into
Toundt"d monad, _________________________ --__
:billie (ormfl t i() lI-Conlinul.'tl. ~d Chinle {onollll<UI-(;(.utiuued, F't-tt
<.: 3. Soodl'toue. white and Im« ; (:Tll~-1J€dd<:'d gen('rnlly 10, Shl11e, eomlry-yellow at h:lse. grud :lIg Ur1wRrd
in ,W O seI'iel:l (It b('ds SE'I'"T1ll ed by slmle lu)'ers; to ligbl l'renlI\)' Inn·ndeT. light red. nod
eorltainS two lenses of dark-green fihn· lJrown ; 3rb,-ilJoCCQua in lower porlioD: be-
.tone and mODy Jell$f.'i; of quurtzite pebbles__ __ 42 CODll'8 JD(Tell.!ilnbly culcareouJ:I upword: tbe
2. Sbal~. variega ted. wldcl~' \'o1'lnllt in eomposldoD, mtddle and lll'f..e.r partl coutllin trregulol' nol.l·
I('xtur~. lind stntUticutioll: wl'nthel'R like ~t). 4. 6;:; tll(~ lind lilyers (It impure limestone. Il\uttlco.
1. SlllldHtolte. brown, I.u bells 1 to 6 (eet tbiele. ~pn­ )J~ht grf'enish blue And la velldl'r: the \lPPCI'
ra tE'd by l (t )' er~ of a-t;,.r1l1i\{'efIUS UIH1 ~I\(:y ~ ba)(·; 3 fet't npl)Cnrs loeftlly as u mosah'c nodulor tw-
conlaioS ~me grPEuru ti na clln(' relioJlnr~' lilll'-!- 11lIf(' III1~tone-; thIs zone wenthe1'8 os n slopC_ Co,j
::>1{lII(' _____ _ __ _ ___ --------- - - -- ---- -.~----- _ _ _ _ 60 !', Slimistone, dark bl"OWh. llle<lluJn to (onrse grntncd,
~ oft. crumbly, mil."l\ceous.. calcareous, eroS$.-
ToWI elllol!! fOrInntlNL_____ ________ _______ (;!},.2 hCtldl!(l: wenthc,r!t hI roundt'd Irrl~gl11nr 6U1'-
Sbinarump Cl'IIg;ODlt'l'aU.'. fnet's or ~Iunlr)s t(J 10nse tmntL ___________ ____ 2'i
K S:nHJstonc. d:trk brown, Ulcrllnm grnlned, bud,
SrcliOlt. of ('Jai»le fcrrt'llat ·iF./li (011 e(I"t sMv ()t Cirdc. (.'fitrs. lIorlk· l'ross-bed!led, UltlliSi'fe: conto Ins tblll ~trenks
CU.:JI 01 WflU0r/OO:r .1l c.~(1- und lensC!i ot CtlDgJOlllcrute to wbleh some of
the "[l{'bblcs arc 1-% Inchew 111 tll8wetcr; wcolh·
p{<."fU1urcd b)' Roymond C. )loorel in IQrhe IIngular bloeD, wblcb dl siutccrate
along th~ platy crosl'; beds: forJDS a pro'nJinent
Wingate roIH.i:)tOnC': F"" ledge ______________ _.:. _____ ___ _____________ 4-6
22. Sandstone, rCtldi~b brown , tine grnill('d. l'ro~·
T, Sbale. Innd:r. purplJsh to b"own: w~lberll ••
oc'(lt:!oo. prolOinently jolnt(>d, .Iope_______________________________________ 24
Cbtl1!e fornmtioll:
G. SonllstollfCll tlark brown, thlnl), lo.mliluted 10 ir·
21, SbiLte. light bluisb. calcoTI!(ms, weatlu:l' iug in
reb"Ulllr tuned lines duo to rillple marking; .
,lol,Je; up[Jl'r part staJned pnrlJle, cspedtllly
t!!.Jlludnllt mk'1l along b('(IdID~ pItt nell ; fOl'ruS
.. loo~ joInt I.lnoe!, prob<lbly Oil account of pre- bfont.'IL __ ___ ______ .__ _______ _____ __________ :;
Wingate- \t'eothering _________________________ ' ~8

G, Sbillc. sundy, pUl'ple to brown; wcutbcflJ In

20, Limestone congloruerl} te, ltl"ht s;:reeu lab-bluc ruas- ronndl-d !:41or.c ___ , __ __ _________ __ ___ _______ 29
tin: layer, ~1I011>08Cdl or p~bble8 of limestone, ·1, Limestone. tlark t!ol'th,. brown, Impure, demit!;
qutrlE., jO!t.ller, uod Mild' In " lime matttx ____ 1-2
HboW's fine structnre rompolred oC wlnute rRdt~
)0. ShutE', lIght blub:ib . ('IHt1n'(;'oUJii; weoth{'rs , III
alope______________________________________ __ 31 ntLn~ crystols on wentbc.I'c(] l:iLUrfnct's; wcnthfH'8
1n Irregulat' nJld roun(led block!i ____________ 1-11,.6
18. Limestone, bard, nodular, mnNJ:ivl', light blu1!ih 3. SholE', blue- to porille. sandy: WCftlhcTIS In sloVO__ 2G
grC€:n, mottled \'\'Itll light purple: fOl'lI1S pro-
Jecting lod;;o______ ____ ______________________ 5 2. Llmestune, brown. \'ery f('rrngll1otls, hu(l: break.!!
into Irrec"Ulnr rrBgm ~ nts chat r(ll:t('mblc ruugh
17. Sbalc, ligbt b:ne, C'nlcoreous; grades lnto Ume- slag; contains Im't'rtl'brotc fosalla and trot:-
storle above and below; Corms sloJ>C__ ________ 87 ments ot sl11c1ficft wood _______ ______ ________ )-2
16. Limestone, hord, Ilodula.r, massivE'. Hgbt bl u~b I , 8bnl£', dark bro\\·n :It base; gl'ndejl; to 011 \'(.~-gt·t?en
treeu, mottled with l1ght purp:e; forw$ ledg~; in mtddle nnd to blue and light blU I$h gra)'
llpper pa,rt conulinli irree~l:lT n04!ules ot agate· in ll('pcr Plut, stlndy; \\'puth('rs in rOl1utit'd
like filot _____________ . _____________________ 6
~ IClpes:' ond bodlnntl"__ ______ __ ______________ s,'l
IG. Lt.mestou.e , impure, Ugbt gretmlsb LIne, with
streoks aDd motUin, ot liGht purple: bard but Total ChInle formntlnn __________ ____ _____ noo
breaks readily into Irresulnr (rngmeub§; crops Shinarump t'ODglomel'ftte,
out in sl(lp_e but grAdes without marked: change
into ledge-torming beds,__ • _____________ _.____ )t) BeaHon of CMnl.e fOl'1n.allon. 1<'4 «.,., CaJItCf'No tr/.l)utarll (If SiI·'C-fl'
H. Li mestone, Ugbt blue, mottled with light pUl1l1e ; Farrs Creek ~Qff·t" In'lIt of Wa,uol .. lJl);l'I .Mesa
upper port l:t hurd lind mnssi\'C_ ___________ _ G
1}lI!IIJJu\!tJ by Hl'I'bcrt ..~. Grl!'llor)'}
13. Sbale, I1tbt bluish, colco reous, wenthe-rs 10
slopo___________________________ ____________ .7 Wingate sandstone.
]2. Shale. Ugbt yellowlslt brown. c31coreo'ut! i becomcs Cblnle formation: Feet
Mnd), In upper port Rnd grades into thinly 27. Sandstone eongloUlHrIltl!, In\'Clldcr (IUd K:·~lJl:,.:h
bluc, mouled red; cOlll3lst~ 'ot ngg rcgntes of
laminated sort clllcareous sllnd!:ltone; upper
pOrt ('hODges locally to bard mass ive cro~!J­ sand, mud bolb , (>(.'llets ot limestone, and
bedded sandstone 10 feet In great,e st tblck- Khort. (blCk Jensf8 ot dark-red tobulc; friable:
BCSS _________________ ______________________ 26 uPfJC'r part mucb oxldlv.ed ______ ____ ~ _______ _ 8
26. LtIlH~~tone cooglomerate. cray'grcen and gTecn-
U. Sondtitooe, I1gbt 1~Howif::h brown, medium to
blue:!£ ot pchble8 alUI nggl'l'gnte8 of
coonsc graincd, " e ry hard, massh'e, Ulugcn·
lime-staDe ( 95 J1Cf l'E'Ot). a.nd quartz ond iron-
Ua)ly cross-bedded i brealts down 1n Jurce ltn·
t-ltont: (5 Pf'r cent) thnl ronj:e In size from tbnt
rulor blocks and 1Ji'efltheJ's In thin plRty t mg·
ot pellS to pebbles ns much 88 ) Inch In dlnUl-
ments' contnlns mucb ('otlrre crystnlUoc ent·
cte.r, cemeoted by ~Ime; Ineludes q few leDI!C8
cite be't"'een Lbe grotns; locally eon,glomeratic
ot firm, dcnse P-oY-gt"L'en Ih:nestone; formll
and contaws Srret;ulat beds and )eUSei, a:il 12
resistant bcDCb _____ -------~ - ---- --- -------
mucb as 1 % (eet thIck, o,t 10ft purplish s haly
25, Shale and sbaly Modstone, roo ruu.i - 'Purple;
conglomernte ,,-jtb pebbles thrce--fourths iocb
eOlludns: a few strIngers nnd lIdo ICDiI(."1; ot
or Jess In diameter, composed' ~b:efl,. ot fine limestone l'Onglomeratc; cnlcoreuus; weathers
limy sund1:itone; w~tb~rs as a It'dgc whlcb ill ~Qrp-('llt rninlnture t'ilnyons ___ ____ ___ ___ _
tblns locnlly to ~ te. t__ _________ ___________ 22
Chinle !ornulrioll-Colltinucll - FoM
Chinle forwQtJon-ContinlWtl.
8. LJme.tone coogiomernoo, purple and bf\lwu:
24. Slnct.tOM, Hs;bt red, bJ"llWO, uud fP'~JI.white;
cootuirld' coucretiouory pellets: of chert and
Imbr(,coted; rf-ieOtlaU, • lieries of leo.iM about
lron... tone: lUauy Ume:ltolle 11ebb1es routed
1 Incll: thick tllat overlap ID &I tlilttlr Irregu·
la r 1Hooner ___________ --._ --.• - ------,..- - -. --- blnck with maugaDe~, rcsh'tunt ___ ___ __ __ _ Z
7. Shale, blue-gray, cnlco.reous, bard i torUls sleell
Xl Llmntoae eonlll)menre (SO per cent). bhulh .lope_______________________________________ a
.reen. pay••:ul m"ttled. Ind .~.le (40 per
Cleat). red Iud bro1\-o, Irregulorll iDterlcuved: 8. SuDWJtone, butt. thlDly llDd {rrcgular111am1nu ted
llme&toae oolJiji!lts ot gntenh!h flattened ....ilI8. nnd tUlbl'tcolal; Includes mud IUtlIl)S ; flo me
Dlld ,,'lUI It are lt~nG'eI ot Gl'e.~ mud: (OilUtiOD surfll.<.'eS rlPllle markoo ______ _______ 2
we.then luto • rova;b kllobby .UI·tll~_____ _ ~o 3. Shlile. red. hl'OWll, Bud .rellow, (,Dlcareou~, irreg-
22. Shale, mottled red. Inudef", Jl'1'ee1JiM bl_: ulurly bct:ftled, I ncl'ell ~ fDgly Sind, towud the
grldes jnt() 23 ______________ ____ _.. __ ___ _
12 lOp; l.'ontolul:I 'lome Umonltc! nodulel oud iron-
21. Llnl(... tvDe, ,;reen Rnd gnay. ul"Htn!. deu*!; lu- !It one CODCl'etJolls - ---- - - ------- ----- - -_.- -___ )J
tludCli 1I\-1Odeti 0( Cltlclle «)'*taI8; r"~hlnt: -l. SUudt!t<lJle, brO\l"D aud ye llow, lu thin, e\'eu heds.
fnrms b£loch .______. _____ • ___ ___ ___ • __ ._ •• ___ _ 2 C3 lcllrwu.'i Bnd mic.:4ceous; fonus 01'10 protect.
lug beuch __________ ... _____ .... ____ ____ ____ ___ !
20. Sbate, red Dull ~rll.1. lootHed, (''AltIfOOU'; grades
luto 21 gad 19 ____________________ ___ _
8 3. Sbnle, bltnllcti yellow DOll brown. with lHottHug
to, UDtcatone conglOlUCrate. apaofEJed grftd. red. ot 141'endN', white, ood t'ed, arsllluceous Dca.r
la\·e. . . . "lid blue; htdadei calctU1WUIf mud bose. strollgly enlcureoWf Elooye; includes bod-
bulls natt .cg:reglttell ot enIdt\! _____ _
cr,.tol~ 'ut~s Dod lenses of ~u.nd, ceme nted by illite nud
18. Shale, rellow-red, ('"IllcareoDlJ. I@Dtit.,lar. snll; dllUenoo "nud lumLl ~: slove___________ J!J
w8\Uhen tu rOllluJed .ur(ftc~ ___ ___ .____ _____ _ 2:; 2. Shale or· thin-beaded, tln",y l!!8 udstone, but!' Dod
17. lJlUeJCtllllecungtollM!r.le, 'I~D-Grltl. Ter, b.ud brown, "cry uuevenly bt..~ded; sp Dle Ia.y~rl$
.ad lkmRO: lncl~ ,Jebblea or Ja~l."Ier and crosg-be<tded; shows ripple UJIlI'k;i lind con-
j ·f llm.. OO.... ·h ____________ ______________
talns 8 few saudlln boDes Dud trogmeuts of
10. Shllit! and "!lUlrt." brlJ(htl, colored, vredolJli- iO\·ert~bra.tes; weuthc1'l5 luto ycllow clay 11 IUs
IHIII( tOile. yelldw Mild Il~ht nMl, with ~trNk~ Ilud bDtt~ with tilted csps____ ______ __ __ ____ +l
and patch or I1U'1J',", IP'e\1D, btu, aud INb- 1. Shale.. dark brO\nl, gruy, ADd earthy block,
,ror: 81'nlllJ;emellt. cOlor, Rnd COtn[hWlliOB ot lrrl"(Ulorly bctlded, Dooulur; coutalns much
l>t:dlC ydlh.:ly und nbl'lIptl7 vorlant; wt>utben to iron BIi staiu aDd concretIollary WQS!'Ies___ ___ 15
round(.od klluU, wltla. IIPUDIiY surface __ _______ _ 60 Total Ohinle tOl·matlou_____ ___ ____ _____ ___ _
Iii. Snlld8to.~, .n..'tll, wh1tn, red, yellow, lOll era7.
croP-beddell. cuJcnrcoU8, bl.;bly hlAticular: ID- SbluQ.l1lwp con,lomcntte.
cillt.leit leuses or UWe9t<llle cullc:lonerate and
or Iluttcnoo mud lUlllJlli; 801.e pelrlJlcit wood
tUld SIluriau bontM; ttOt't, cruwpln readlly 1.0
Mtud __ ____________________________________ _ In essentials the Chinle of the K&iparowits region ii
H. LlTup,stone couglowernte, brown, btu-green, ond identical with that of the Nnlljo country, where thi~
Itlyend~r; Umest,?oe peJt~tB and (OncretioDury formation is thicke,- and more widesp,'ead and has
lorma In YJae from tbat of blrdaboc to that been studied in greflter detail, All types of rocks and
ot hen's egWl Are nrrzwccd ns .trlng1 and. of fossil. are common to the two areas, and in a broad
lenses r~Lstli Dt to weotbcrlul' ______________ .. 4
13. Shale nnd 01 mlul", brightly buo<led aud moUled sellse the arrangement of the stmta is the 5ame, Dur-
dark red, light red, Yt!l1ow, blue-green, lav- ing Upper Triassic time the conditions of sedimenta-
ender, and ft8h-g'l'UY; serJes of Ol'Cl'WI'ping tion appear to have been uniform over most, if not &I~
lel\.5eti of cotco. tcOWf .nd8tooe, arrlllaccoll8, of the plateau p.-ovince, But although as .. whole the
calcnroouH, una a.reunceom. shute, ana Hmo-
Mtone con,:101ncr1lte; Include. c"IICrt.~ioDllrf
bed. that compose the Chinle constitute a stn.ti-
ng,:;;rcgutt_~ of limestooe, el.,.
Iroll8toDC, and gl'lPruc nnit of unmistakable individuality a COID-
ptt,'!son of tl1e 16 sections measured in the Kai'parowits
and, alalo IIWHU ltebble. nDd UPSUUl erys-
1Ub.: 'A'cllthl!l'l5 to rouu~ kDuIl8 ___________ _ 10 reg'QIl makes apparent the wide vu-intion in tho order
12, L.lnlC1ltOtie COnr~ODlenlte, lavender and pink, of deposition, composition, textnre, color, and struc-
d~ru.e, reslstnut ________________________ _____
1 lUI" of the Chinle beds. Within Ull area of II fe«
11. Sbille :Inti mnrl, "lIIril'lAJlt~ like No. 13 ___ __ 43
10. Llmhtouc COItllower.te, brown; consi3c8 of square miles all sect.iOll" may show the 83me range
boUI, dl~"t1I, lind 100000gew Je,f, tblm 1 iucb In of color a"d include the sume kinds of ,'ock but the
... labM.... (!or: we.k lillie Cflncut permltlS tb~ rock c~lor:;; of individual beds are not persistent,' and one
to w~ther Into a 8U•• ot l"L~ I.tJlUt pebbte'lL_ 3 kind of rock may be replaced by auother kind within
9. Shill., ush-Gl'ft1. purple, nel, rreeu. and wblt@,
":r1 nlic:aceoQS llid ealca.reoUi. Imbrlt~Illt..>d.: short distances along the strike, The relative amountil
1..·11Kil bred or rrcen rcwbtnut Jandattlnt! ueur of limestone, shale, and saudstone differ with eacll
the top; L'Ofttalm. dlaRlllloote(! IJ'ptlUlI1.. Iron- section, ftS does .. Iso the position of these strata ill the
stone concretion., 110100 Inurluu Itoue~, uud set'ie., Moreover, the gradation in composition of
tntllm_eo~ of petTll'h:d wootL _____________ __•
the st",tlL and of their included lenses and accessory
teI'ills i. such that no two workers are likely to duced by res.i stant. ledges of limestone conglomerate,
:'ribc the rock a'· to subdivide the beds in exactly but in many mound•. the hetel'Ogeneous material re-
be ",me mon ner. Variation is particularly noticeable sponds as a uni.! to weothel'ing, and the slopes are con·
:u Ihe Circle Clift·s, where with few interruptions out- tinuous down tQ their flaring bose. (See pI. 7, 0.)
11lp' of Chinle mny be traced for seveml miles. (See Oisintegration of the clay h.s produced " coat of
C I. S S.), In this area the lowe" half or two-thirds fluffy material a foot or mOre thick, exceptionally light
~f the S1lctions is dominantly sandy and relatively
IU and incoherent. Walking on the surface in these areas
dark and the remaining upper part is VCl'y calcareous is dillicult. During heavy rains this superficial mato·
and li"hter ~ol ored. The and conglomernt.e l<ial is: carried to drainage challJlels as stl'ClI.nlS and
lPpea; and disappear withi" short distances and differ sheets of mud, and in plnces the \llounds are stripped
...tabl), (rom place to place in thickness and litho- down to bare rock. With condit.ions so faverable for
logic <haacter. The calcareous beds range by in· the removal of weathered mRterinl it is surprising to
>t ...ible gradations from hard, compact limestone to find so few "rens that lack the powdery cover. The
liray shale, which unlike typical shale brenl" into ~"pla''"t.ion lies in the readiness with which the shale
irregular.shaped sharp.angled fragments without ahsorbs wllter. A frugment of fresh rock immersed
IOlicenble bedding 01' jointing. In accordance with -
in water' swell. to nearlv twice its bulk , and nfter dr)·.
ing is nothing mOre ihou ,t pile of disconnected, irreg.
the degree of oxidation of the iron in the rock, the
color of the limestone ranges from light bluish greeu ular gra.ills ; alterntlto drying ulUl wetting produces :1
to light I. vender, lind some beds or portions of beds , u","tance purt of which pusses through filter paper.
Jr' oIl of one color, whercas others show mottling. Unde,' tire microscope most of the mllterial appears to
M the ,out.h end of the Waterpocket Fold and at the be colloido!. The following chcrnical nualysis of a
Burr troit tire calcareous beds nre dominantly blne. >pecimeu of the gray shale was made by Prof. W. C.
'fhe outstanding fentures of the Chinle format.ion Dlasdale, of the University of Cnlifornia :
Ire fossil wood, the peculiar limestone conglomer'ate, AltaJ~*i. Of Mptollnca of ,,'ay from Lee! F't7TY,
Iud tire ,eries of vuriegated shales that weather 8101 ___ .,.. ____ _____________ ___ ____ ___ 0'___ __ uJ. ·H:i
lhe manner of marls. Fossil wood is common in the AI:OI ____ ". ____ ___ __ __ ______ __ _______._____ 18.00
10l\'er b.lf of the formation; nenr Sixteelllnile Spring, F..a.._._._ ... _..•__ •__. ______ . __ ._. _____ 7.80
",.st of Paria, and at places in the Circle Cliffs it con· C.O __ • ______ • _____ ... ___ ._------__ ------ 1. 87
>lit utes Ii fo~sil forest. It appears as chipa, ... blocks, )(r()••• -.---.---- •••• ----- - . - - ---- - .• -.-- I.U6
H,O at 10-;;' C._. _____________ ___ ___ .. _____ G. 77
Ind IS tree t.runi< s as much as 80 feet long nnd 3 fe et
Ign ition loss noo\'c 105" C________ ________ 7.20
in diameter. No t·rees were found in place, with roots
extending into the ground; the logs show worn sur· tl7, ·J6

floo. and ends and have been stripped of branches. In discussing this analysis Lawson .~ cnlls attention
'1l<igs are starce, and no cones 01' needles were found. to the ftld that the ratio of silica to alumin~ is far
Tb,limeslone conglomerate occurs as lenses that .. "nge grcMer tlran that in clay composed of kaolin and that
in length from" few feet to a mile and in thickness from the 1I.1110unt of quartz prosent is insufficient to uceount
Ie.s than an inch to more than ~ feet. In places it is for the excess of silica. He concludes:
."""ptionally resistnnt, forming prominent shelves on It seeDls probable-, thererore. tbllt .. c,)uJol.idel'!l.blc PI '~) ljOl'tiou
,tilf faces; elsewhere it crumbles easily. Some ledges of the dOC'C'1l1eDt colloidal s ubHtnnre ICCn under tbe u1Jc r o ~colle
consist mostly of dense limestone that coutnins a. few Is In reality .lUcie Ilcid IID~ that thf!' prescnce 01.' silica In this
tonu DloD.S uCt)llnt tor tho pecu1inl' bebt\vlol" or [be dar with
poU.ts; others are made up of balls firmly or weakly
l1'a h~ I' .
(erntntOO. 'rhe conglomerate consists essentially of
,liult and mangOllOse pebbles, most of them concretion· Tile f.iabl. " marls" and .h.les of tire middle part
ary. Chert, Ferely jasper, fragments of calcareous of the Chinle are the most richly colored beds ill the
.olle, and weIJ·rounded quartz g"ains are also present. [,lateou province. Unweathered rock shows deep tones
Tbe oonglomer ate grades th,'Ough loosely compacted d yellOW, ash-gray, lavender, purple, rose-pink, rna·
surdstone with disseminated cryotnls of L'llicite and roon, sienna, lilac, .nd c,'eam color alld ,arious shades
oolornite into .ondstone with Lime cement. The shale of red, blue, and b,'Own. Ou weathered surfa(,es, espe·
ci.lly when viewed 'f rom a distance, the color" are
llear the middle of the Cbinle is unusual in mode of
blended into bands <)f dark red , brown, pink, green,
"etthering, in, color, and in composition. Where this
,hal. is weU exposed to weath~ring' it appears as mam·
purple, .. hite, and black.
F rom it~ lithologic character, local "arintions, bed·
""lIary mounds outlined by g"acefully curved slopes
cling. alld fossil content, the Chinle formation is evi·
leading to shallow, broadly concave valleys. The sides
dentl~· a f"c,;!,-wnter deposit. No marine fossils have
of the mounds are scarred with innumcrublB runways
till throllgh ollly the disinte"roted surface material. " ,ta1l'SOO . •t. c .. Tile !told or the SblaaruDI[lllt Parla : Econ. GeotUg"Y.
rs.., pI. 8.) On some mounds " are I.iny benches pro· . Y(~I. 8. , . .... G. HH3.

boen I'eported trom it, but instead tbere i. found
abundant silicified wood and in plaees and other
freih-water .bella and the bones of 1l1Od vertebrates. The contact of the Wingate and Chinle formatiOll5
The marly bcdJl appoar to have Ill'en deposited in fresh- I in southern Utah closely resembles that of similar II,
water lakes or ponds. posures in Arizona. (See pI's. 7, 0; 8, B.) In mOIl
The position of the Chinle mnfomably above the places the two formations meet as seemingly conlonn.
nidently stream-bomo Shinarump conglomerate Ind able beds of lmlike color, texture, lind compo$itioQ
the more or less gradational nllture of the bed~ near the and when traced along clifT faces show lit.tle evi~
contAct of these form.tionA Curther indicates the con- that indicates lapse of time. In faet,. at localities
tinental character of the Chinle depalition. where the uppermost bed. of the Chinle a .. e red SAnd-
stone it i. difficult to detennine the lim its of the forma.
tion. Close e:umination, however, ,!Sunlly reveaa
stainiug and deoomposition, which suggest exposun to
The Chinle formation i. 8IIbstantiaUy the equivalent the atmosphere, ind ·Rlso loi;.. lIy interrupted lenticular
of the 400 reet 01 " varieguted gypsiicrous marls eon- bedding. On Silver Falla Creek a bed of red co~lom.
taining silicified wood" measllred hy Howell" along era~ ... nd.tone that contains l grains af quarh
1ho I'aria Hi ver and of the SOO fl\<!t of • variegated and pieces of blue-green limestone and chert 2 inches
clay shale, pUl"ple ..nd white above and chocolate oe- or less in diameter li.. at tbe base of the Wingate, and
~tringers extend down into greenish Chinle limestooe.
row, with silicified wood," lI'hicb constitutes "din-
At Paria the top of the Chinle is mnl'ked by a thin
Ilion a" of the "Shinarnmp group" of the Henry
discontinuous bed of conglomerate in which .g rains of
Mountll; ns as described by Gilbert." It i. also the
quartz, fragment .. of limestone, calcnreous mud bal1s,
equivalent of the "upper Shinarump" "days" and and pellets of clay an conspicuous. A t the Circle
...hDle~" of Powell and of Dullon and a lower part , Cliffs lind near Fruita, Utah, the top of the Chinle is
of their Vermilion ClilT" group" or ".erics." Part. uneven and the mossive Wingate sandstono occupies .
of the Chinle find equivalents in the DoloreS for- dep'ressions in the underlying shale. At seveJ"lll places
mntion of southwestern Colorado. Correl.tion with ripple marks and mud cracks wete noted in the banI
tho Chinle at its type locnlity in the Kavajo country fe" feet of bed. assigned t.o the W ingate. These ob-
i9 made with IISS'1I11nce. servations, added to those recorded tor Glen Canyon,
Evidence based on f_ils •• to the age of the Chinle San Juan Callyon, and the Navajo country, show that
of the KaipMrowits region, though meager, is quite . at many places the Chinle wos ~t lenst exposed to
o6ti.ioetory. The fo."i1 wood has not been studied erosion before the Wingote was deposited. 'Fhey also
hcyolld its identification as 8e"eral different species "f show that the unconformity. i. nowhere conspicuoUJ
coni fcrou. lree. closely ..elnlOO to thoee from the and thnt the time elapEing between the end of the
Upp.r 'l'riussie of Arizona. Most of the mollusQ col- Chinle epoch of dopoo;ition and the beginning of the
lected have proved too frugmenhry fIll' specific identi- Wingate epoch was not great. It may well be that
fication, and saurinn bones are known only os repre- deposition WftS continuous ;n. parts of the plateau
sentative of specie! found in the Chinle of Arizonu ..province.
and Dolol'" of Colomdo. In the collection of bones
and SClllesdf fish •• Professor Lulll·°l"t!" Plloli-
iop"O'I"tU sp. (Lo"cr and Middle Triassic) Or Semi- HISTOIlICAL SXETCH
flOl,., ftp. (Triassic)."
Nearly all geologic reporb! on southern and ...stera
Von Huene'" hOI expressed the opinion that What Uteh, northern Arizona, northwestern New Mexico,
h.vB been called Upper Tri ....ic nrtebrates include Dnd southwestern Colorado include descriptions of
also Middle Triassie typee-that is, Chinle alld Shina- beds assigned to the Jurassic. }farcou" speak. of
rump ~"Y include also Middle Triassic. The age ot Jurassic rocks along the Puerco River but it is im-
the Chinle seems deldy et;tablished as Triasaic Rnd i. passible to determine what portion of' his "GypsUIII
probably Upper Trianie.
formation" is assigned to this age. On the evidence
., How-ttl. E, M•• 1:. I. o.a. aDd CWI'. S.rv.n W IDOtb if ~upp1ied by fossil plants Newberry n regarded a Ii-
Rf>)K ..TttL .. ,. ~n . 11111. . ~...
foot bed of carbonaceous shale oel.r Oraibi al Juras-
II ...o~~. ~K.O·!,e,ert ou the 1'fO~ of ''e HeDr, l(ouotolu.. ]I. .. sic, .. the sole representative of the J ura.sic series."
'. - - a_ ~ "no R.oeQo )111\. tqle, 1817.
La11,. R. I., ....... 1 ee_uMnttoa.
. . .:...,,:, ,.. Yo.. ~M.. de Ih. an .f the C8IIUantal ' beod. • Nan:au. JuJ~ R..... Ittd Grid DotH: U. 8. Paclftc B. a. JJ~
'.erSc.. .... tb reGan. _ - . foeetl "_rtftntu ' 1J • a. ,to '. lIP. no-uu 18H.
• Newben1. l~ I .• Ceokcs.ra, report, 10 198, J . C.. Report . D ~
Kat. Mu. Prw.• WOI. U , art, IS. 1m. '
.. . . .
CoIoNd. BI ...r ot Ih ....·tIIt. pt. '. pp. 82-83, 129-181, 1881 .
11 ,.-ellassigned " 20 or 30 feet of red marl" between Cross" assigned the La Plata sandstone, 250 to 400
~Ie Rock Spring (in Steamboat Canyon 1) and feet thick, to the Lower J ura ..ic l>n the basis of its un-
pueblo Colorodo (Ganado 1) to the Jurassic and stated conformable relation tq the underlying Dolores
that "bed~ evidently belonging to this series were (~Chinle ill part), of Upper TrillSsic age, and assigned
seen near the Moenkopi. . • • • To the eastward the" McElmo formation," 400 to 1,000 feet thick in
.~ [lbe Jurassic] thins out rn.pidly, until in eastern southwestern Colorudo, to the Jurassic and correlated
~rizonB and in New Mexico it probably disappears it with t.he Monison formation.
eotirely.'" Gregory" recognized the La Plata sandstone of
The Jurassic of the Paria Valley is restricted by CroS3 as Jurassic and el>tended it southward and west-
Bowell'" t<> 600 feet of "cross-bedded sandstone, wal'd to include the Winb'llte sandst<JIlG and the White
l'1Irieualed gypsiferous sh,des, calcaroous shalo:s, and Clift sanel.tone of t.he early surveys and a.signed to
.,rl; shales and sandstones "-beds that constitute the "McElmo formation, Jurossic (')," all the beds
th. lower part of the San Rafael group, as described between the top of the La Plat.a. and the base of the
in Ibis paper. Beds in the Pari .. V,\lley that corre- Dakota, t,hus including the" fossiliferous cnlcal'eous
spond to the . Navajo sandstone and Wingate sand- shales" and the" gypsiferous shales nnd thin sand-
stone were considered by Howell and Gilbert" as the stones" of Dutton.
topmost 1,400 fo 1,700 feet of a 2,250-foot section of As described by Reeside a,nd Bassler,'· the strati-
the Triassic. For the Henry Mountain region Gil- graphic series along the lower Virgin River includes
bert" used '''Jura-Trias'' as a term descriptive of "J urassic SIlndstone" 2,100 feet thick nnd "Jurassic
,n beds between the Dakota and the series now rllCO!:- , lim",;ione ancl shule " about 460 feet thick.
nized as the Kaibab limestone. Dutton ,. likewise as- As tt'eated by Longwell, Miser, Moore, Bryan, and
signed to the ,i J ur~-Trias" the beds in the Zuni Paige," the Jurassic of southeastern Utllh includes
region, New Me-"ico, th"t lie between the Permian from thebllse upward Wingate, Tgdilto (I}; Nanjo,
and the Cretaceous and stated that, "genera.! consid- "gypsiferous shales and snndstones," t.nd "vHl'icolored
orations" howevel', strongly f. vor a .J urassic age for sandstone and sbales," nnd unconformably above them
thore beds which lie above the Wingate sandstone," lies the" McElmo fornJa.tion, Cretaceous (I) ," 12~ t<>
which he correlated with the Vermilion Cliff" series" 665 feot thid,. In their genernlized descriptions of
of southern Utnh. In discussing the ma,,"'Jlificent ex- "gypsiferous shales nnd sandstones" the lowermost
posures that border the Colorudo River on the north, beds at least of the" marine Jurn .. ic" are relldily
Dutten" me ntioned a "Jutijs.ic white sandstone," recognized, and ," varicolored .,,,,,dst.ones and shales"
which immediately iuiderlies 300 to 500 feet of cal- i;; on appropriate field nanle for the series of highly
careous gypsifel'ous nnd urenac'Cous shale that contaIns variable nnd brillia.fltly colored strata that commonly
typic.l Jurassic fossils, and concluded: underlie' the Cretnceous of the Colortldo Plateaus pl'OV-
Tbe JurllJt.ttic wblte snnd~lone ~ee.ns to be peculIar to the inee. Luptou,"' Emery,·' and Duke" set the lowel'
northerh .flU WCl:lt<'.rn IlOl'tion8 or the phitcnu province. In boundary of the Jurassic at the top of the Chinle
loul~h Colorado n.nd western Ne\\' Mexico DO stratigl'ophtc formation and recognized the top of the Navajo sand-
mMnber has yet b~n found whlcO enn be Identified with It. stone as a horizon above which are stratI! of known
'l'bet~ remafQS. however, the pDsslbllity that In tb()!',c more
Jurassic age and IIlso strata which hold t·he position
luter),. reg:ion~ the. JuraSSio 6and,;toDell IDny form the UPpel'
PArt of the sandstolle .~rte:t now reckoned o.s Triassic.
of the" McElmo" and closely resemble the i\lol'rison
and which may prove to be Cretaceous. All field
In Dutton's, view both the, Jurassic and Triassic workers agree that the only unequivocal horizon
.Ireta groduaUy chlnge in color IlDd decrease i.n thick- markers are t.he Carmel and Curtis formations, from
- in passing from the Virgin River to the Zuni which faunas of Sunda.nce age have been obtained.
Plateau. He added: Because conclusive evidence is yet lacking concern-
So fir ftl present knowled,e II concerned. y..e are ot Uberty to
~Ie (1) that tbe Jarnlllk IUDdlitone thins out .completely .. CrON, Wbttmna, u. S. GeoJ. Sur-vel Oco1. ,Ula_, Enlhu~er )Joul\talo
iD. .-.lD.ten"tll. or (2) that It becOmes the summit ot tbe pre- toUo (l\o. 111), 1910.
• Gregorf, Fl. B.o GeoioJ;1 of tbe Na\:aJo COUDtr1: U. S. 0001. SUtvC!1'
limed Triassic of New Mexico ond can not be distinguished Prot. PIll*' oa. pp., 60--88. 1017. toRcad:de.l. S., ,r., and Bu,.er, Barvel. StMltilirepblc .cctlon. 10.
lIOuthwCiJWn. Ula,h end n(lrthwll'ltcrD ArIzonA: U. S. Oeol. Survey
• KIl.e)" t. E,. U. S. Qeog. and 0001. 8urt'oya \Y. tOOth Mer. Rept. Prof. raper l.20, pip. 13-83, 1022.
tl Long",tll, Co D., .Dd otbell. op. dt., pp. 11-14.
~ .. ,. '27:1, lS1G.'
• Lupt .. , C. T .. (!)II .ad J(U Dear GreeD Blyer, Grud Count" Utab:
GI"'rc. G. Jr., Idem. p. 160.
U. S. GCtOI. 1Ia,r.·e)' Bull. 6"1, p. 124. 1014: GeoloQ aDd cool reecrureca
-C1lWrt. G. R .• Report OD tbe Icolo.,. of the HeDry MountnlDly
ot ellltlo ".ne1. Utllb: U . B. Geo1. 8u"e7 Dull. 628, P. 25. IDle.
'." 1tr;, • EmM'Y. W. B., T.. Greea River Deeert aectloD: Am. lour. Bet, "th
• notton, C, B.. Mount Taylor aDd tbe ZUni Plateau: U. S. Otol
~., Illlll AnD. ttept.• p. 138, 1885. llet vol H, ,. IN. 1'1',
.;.' DU~. c.. L.. BoriscJo. of the mRr1De lor..ale ot Utah: lour. G~l-
1J S~~~... C. Eo. Tertlllf1 hi_tory of the Orand Cuyoo dl.trlct:
011. ~oI. 27.9. 141, 18111,
· . ~i. SUtvel 1(011. 2, pp. 3G-38. 18~2.
. terv·-'.' Nearer views show thnt " red walls" r...
in'" the age of th~ s&nd3ton•• between the Chinle ~nd III ~
from mAroon to light yellow an d t h at " wh'.te w.u. n
th: fossiliferous marine Jurassic Carlnel formatIon, !,snge fron'I almost flonr whi.tenes£ to delicate shadeJ
these strata which make up the Glen Canyon group, of green or brown, afid • detaIled annlysls of the strata
are designated in thfs report JUI"a<9ic (I) . . hows that the general color IS the resultant of mia,
Indudin" the Navajo, Todilto (I), and WlOgate ~olors ond that the prevailing tone arises in lIoIl\e
tentatively lilSigned to it, t~ Jurassic of the plaw,au places frOID th~ pr~llliDenCe of some bed and' in otber
pro.inee i. an assemblage of .s~rata remarkably .hke places froOl the degree of we;Lthel"lng 01' t.he st~te of
in extent thickness composItIOn, and color. W,lh tho atmospbere. 'The color of a hand .speclmen IS Dol
most of its essential' features present it ext.n~s from that of the clil as .. whole, and speclUlens from the
the San Juan Mountain.• , Colo., and the Zuru Moun- stlme slt'atum vnry in tone with reference to their
tains, N. Mex., westward and northward across Utah position llong ~he strike, their nea.'ncss to bedding
and Arizona fur into Nevada. From a center at Glen
planes, and: the.r tut"re.
Canyon it has been traced southwa~d across th~ Navnjo
Reservation and north",.rd to pomt. ~yond the San PltESE:IIT KNOWLEDGE OF THE JURASSIC OJ lOutHUI
Rnfael Swell. Throughout this great area the thIck- UTAH
ness of the Jurnssic averages about 2,000 feet. Thick-
nellSes of loss thun 1,000 feeta.ppear only ut its essteI'D AlthouO'h
the stratn assigned to the,
J urusic II',
and southern bOl·de.·s; at lhe head of Hall. Creek 3,510 the most conspicuous of all rocks In . the plateau
feet of beds lie belween the' Chinle and the" McElmo." Province, definite infol'lllaiioll regarding their .DIode
of deposition nnd place in the time scnle remains to
GE:IIEllAL LITHOLOGIC FEATURES - b<. obtained. Tbe lithologic evidencc of 'equivalellt
The Jurassic is essentially a huge pile of consoli- O'!e and origin' of the broad subdivisions is strong; ll-
dated . and. Its massi". beds and shaly beds alike are thouO'h the recogni7.ed member. thicken 'and thin and
predominantly compoecd of quartz grains; limestone fom; and re-form along the strike 35 single massive
and gypsum constitute pl'Obobly less than 1 pe.r cent, beds or seriCli of thinner beds, they everywhere PI_ot
and true argillaceous shale i. present chie~y ns sm.all • group of features lOhich as a whole rendel·. them
plasters included in irl'egulor beds assoc .. ted WIth unlike the members above or below, The WIDget<!
locol unconformities. l<lRllY thin bed~ and thick bods and NlLvajo sandstones, separllted by the Todilt<> (~)
closely reremble each othe.· i they ore alike crOES' formation or seemingly merged, constitute an unmu;-
bedded, travCl'lled by baud. and' sb'ellks of whit. along tuknble series' the combination of features that char-
and aero",! the planes o"f foliation, Rnd wben unweath- acterizes the ;veriying Sl.n Rofael group is not dupli-
ered show ,similar I'ange ,or oolor. 'I'he striking ditter- cated elsewhere, and the MO'Tison maintains its indi-
ences in appearonCtl are the expression of the lnfluence vidualit)' throughout \he plateau province. But
of such incidental felltures os texture &nd m.nner of neither the upper lim it nor the lower limit of the
weothering_ Without much ex.w,'ation some whole Jurassic is confidently known, and subdi-l,isions within
,",dion. of the Jura.sic might be described .s fine- the system have been made largely on the basis of
/:rQincd cross-bedded .. ndstone, the colo.' and .tratifi- tel.i;ure, color, and arrangement of beds. Most of the
eation of which nre reveded by woothering. With the beds have been deposited by strenms or by the wind
exception of' the inconspicuous beds of siliceous lime· and consequently include many uncoufol'mities thai.
stone, the sholelike beds and mossive beds are friable perhaps are no less significnnt thuu the poorly defined
Ind crumblo readily under pressnre. Even on "i{ld· hiutuS8ll uSed in separating tbe JUl'Rssic (1) fl'OlO the
swept surfaces the impressions of hobnails are visible, Triassic or the Jurassic from the Lower Cretaeeolll,
and experience in o,limhing clift's 8000 let-ds to lacle of i.f the Morrison tMcEbno) is of Lower Cretaceous
faith in seeming.1,Y fi,'m projections In,l crevices. The age. Fossil. of unmistakable Jurassic nge have been
weakly cemented fragment. pried from cliffs by frost found only in a few bed. of the Carmel and Curtis
soon disintegrate and ore rt'moved by rainwllsh and fOl1nntions. The organic remains in the Wingate,
wind, leaying little or no talu8. Todilto (I), and Navajo formations cousiEt of fnlg-
The impres.~ion gained from a superficial view of ments of ,.ood and of bone, (lin05uUl' track., unios,
the mns.~ivc walls and dissectcd surfaces in the Kai- Dud, worm trails thlLt have Triassic ail well sa J urassi.
parowits region is t·hat the Cretaceous beds are gray affinities. In fact , no entirely satisfllctory evidence
:lUd dull and that the Jurnssic stratn ore brightly col- ex.ists for placillg tile Olen Cunyon gronp in tb.
ored in variolL~ tones of ,·ed. But e'-en at a distance JIU'assic system, and it is possible that future studies
",hite patches ate "isible, and .. the eye traces a con- may resnlt in drawiug the Jurassic-TJ'inssic boundary
tinuous fnce of 0 ploteou or flank of a monocline thc within the Chinle or at any horizon between that
color is seen to change from red to yellow, to white, formation nod the top of the Xavajo. Even the ag.
or to brown abruptly 0.' gradually and at i .. ~gul.r of the Morrison has not been fully established. So
f r detailed chronology is concerned, work among
..ic rocks issWI inhistory
"riting of an "de~unte
an exploratory stage. The
ot the plateau province
baSllI ""l'i •• of lent.icular massin Eandstoncs--the Salt.
Wash sandstone member-but t.he formation is excep-
Honnlly irregular in composition, color, and arrange-
daring Mesozoic time must awaIt tuller knowledge. ment of beds.

Beeause of lithologic dissimilarity, color contrasts, Beds assigned to the Glen Canyon group extonr!
and ~<ilIences of brenks in de.posit.ion, three large sub- entirely nCl'OSS southern Utah and eastware! to th~
divisions of th" sh'at", between the Chinle formation La Plal<l Mountains of Colol·ado. In Arizona and
~nd the Dal{ota (¥) sandstone are readily l'ecognized N'ew Me.xico they are nearlv coextensh'e with the
in tile field: N,w"jo country. - In they appear in the
1. The Glen C"nyon group, J urnssic ( n. In .s trati- Muddy Mountains and the Spring Valley MOllnta,ns;
Crtlphic position the Glen Canyon group is ident.icnl trln'erses west of this district revenl no equivalent
ITit.h the so-called La Plata" group" ot the Nanjo beds." The term" Glen Canyon" seems approprint.e
rountrv JlS defined by Gr'e gory, ·who considered. i~ the for the gl-OUp of rocks t.hat form the walls of Glen
equivaient of the La Plata s"ndstone of southwestern Canyon of the Colorado throughout it.s 162-!llil~
Colorado. Recent studies, howeYer, indic.te that 'l'OII''Se from the Henry Mountains to the Echo CUff.
probably only purt of the so-clllled La Plata" gJ.'oup" nnel likew.", ti.e ",aUs of the lower ports of the c"n-
of the Navajo country is represented ill the LII Plata yons of the San Jt:nn, the Pa... in, the EscRII.nt~, IIlId
.. ndstone as described by Cross. To avoid contusion mnny smaller t.ribut.nries. The Waterpocket Fold i.
the lerm Glen Canyon group is introduced. The es- an almost c.ontinuous ridge .of sandst.ones ot the Glen
,.aliol components of the Gl~.n Conyon group no two ClLnyon group which unite~ the ",.Us of t.he Colorndo
m.",ive Cl'oss-'I;>ede!ed c1iff-ll1aking sandstones, the Ri"er with th~ nlonoclinal eoste,'n sIopes of the San sandstone above and the \Vingato sRndst,me RM.el Swell, SO· miles t.o the north, and the lower
bok,.w,sepo.rated in 1II0st places by the Todilto( i) for- ESCAlallte Valley is a floor of sandstone .of this group,
...tion, which consists of (aleareolls Mnd- 20 miles wide, which extends eastward across the Colo-
stone, Ih.le, and thin, dense limestone; Its mass, es- rado River nnd south and west to join the Parin
tint, CIlloI', wei Ill:mner ot erosion make the Glen Con- Plateau in the I.ees Feny region. Over most of
yOD group strikingly prominent. southeastern Utah tbe Glen Canyon group might be
2. The San Rahel group, Jurassic. The term San considered the bedrock. It lies, beneath the High
Rafllel gl'oup has been proposed for the assemblage of Platen us, and on it rests the Kaiparowits PIMe.u and
strata which occupies the horizOil ot the marine tbe highlands about the Henry Mountains. Thr.ough-
Jurassic of the plateau prc)\:jn<;e and which lies 00- out this vast nrea the Glen Canyon group, is nowhere
t"fen the Navajo sandstolle and the Morrison forma- less than 600 feet thick, and in many places it e:tceeds
tion. It consists of the Carmel , Entrada, Curtis, and 2,000 feet . It is an unusually prominent. group ot
Summerville form ll tions_ Although with ,t he possible beds, and thel'e are few points of .observation in south-
txception of the Curtis tormlltion al\ subdivisions of enstern Ulah from which it is not yisible. (See pIs.
the San Rafael group ore represrnted. ill the KIIiparo- 19, A; 21, 0; 26, OJ 27, 0, D.)
wits region, where fOl'luRtion nRmes were tent.atively In boldness of sculpture the sandstones of t,he Glen
applied before neighboring ll",as were studied, the Canyon group stand first among the formations of
fuller de"elopll1ent of the group as a· whole ill the San the plateau province. Where t.he beds are horizontal,
Raf.el Swell seems sufficient reason Ii, selett the group precipitous cliffs extend for miles, and on the cI'ests and three formation names from thAt area_ The of gentle folds great blocks of sandstone· with ver-
Stn Rahel group includes massive sandstone, .haJy !.ieal sides Rnd sharp c.omers stlUld high above the
GllldStone, gypsum, ~nd IimestQne and is remarkable bordering canyons. Whel'e the beds 81'1) steeply up-
for Tariation in 'f orm, extent., and color. Beds that turned, erosion has cut the sandstones into un!lCtlable
torn.pond to those included in tho Son Ratael have pinnacles, which project above high, bar& masses Ot
Rtaernlly been classed as " lIIeElmo." . rock tbat rest like flatirons against the limb of the
3_ l[ol'rison formation, Ctetaceous( i). The Morri- fold. Likewise in yariety of Architectural features the
IlOO ~onn.tion in the Kaiparowits region occupies the Glen Canyon s..ndstolles take high rank; they are sur-
Iotrallgraphic position of 011 but the basal pOl·t of the passed, if at all, only by tbe FM'ene limestone and tbe .
"MeElmo" as that IeI'm has been used by Cross and remarkable assemblage of IMllta included in the San
~ Gregory. It is the equi,·.lent of I the "upper Rafael group. Deuutifu'lly molded -domes and rounded
~fcElmo " of Lupton nnd Duke and of the" McElmo » " GreiODry, H. F: .• IIDd Nobl., L. F., Note. on II. gto10lliC trao;r(,l'se ltom
of Elllery.
For the recion
as a whole the Morrison lluhI1H!. Cnllf.. to thf: mouth o( finD Juna Rh'er, Utalb: Am. loor.
(OQs1Sto of an upper series of ""riegated shale and 0 SM ., urb tie !'·. \'01. ~. p. 231, 1923.
ridges mark the surface of the sandstones, and many
Miser .... described the Wingate on the lower s..
cliJl' faces consist of a series of amphitheaters and Juan as ma.sive cross-bedded snndstone, 270 feet thick
pilasters, which utend from the top to ~e. bottom and at Piute Farms, 330 feet thick near Spencer Camp, ~
are CIlrved without sharp edges. Wlthm the rock feet thick at Copper Canyon, and 275 feet thick li
itself hi ve been carved innumerable recesses, many of miles above the mouth of the San Juan. In sections
them mere pockets ' and niches but some that have measured in upper Glen Canyon Longwell ,. describes
brood 1I00l'S and arched roofs, forming rock shelteN the Win nate as a sheel' wall of massive snndstone about
suffid.ntly large to aceommod,.to the l,ouses .of the 300 feet "high at the mouth of Crescent Wasb; Dschie!!y
ancient cliff dweller.. Here and there appear windows an unbroken cliff 366 feet high at Twomile CanyoD;
:lnd the gracefully fOl'med arches of natural \)ridges. nnd as a massive member 300 feet thick, underlain by
In general view the Glen Conyon group i. readily
3 to 30 feet of coarse-grained thin·bedded lenticular,
distinguished from the beds that lie below it. Its njas·
.iven....., color·, and mOllner of erosion are quite C
un:like extremely cross-bedded "nndstone at Goodhope Bend_
. ., At Capitol Reef Wush the Wingat" is a massive rlil.
those of th~ underlying variegated shales of the hUue
form.tion. Where the ove"lying Carmel formation i. making bed 420 fcet thick. Within the Kaipllrowit..
well ,·.presented, its di.tinctiN dull colOl' nnd thin region t.he Wingate consists of a single ledge of fine-
Btrnlil'ication are in st,·ong controst to tbe light color grained cross-bedded, very massive sandstone 250 feel
and t.h e massiveness of the Glen Canyon. thick nt the Circle Cliffs, 260 feet thick at the BI11'r
In many places the overlying thin beds are stripped trail and Muley Twist, in the Wuterpocket Fold, MO
for back and expose the top of the Glen Cunyon group feet thick at the Bitter Creek d ivide, and 2S0 feet near
as a sondstone-f1oorcd plat,form-un esplanllde tbat the mouth of the Escalante. Along the Paria River
wind. in and out of valleys and around the beautifully the Wingate is represented by a series of cross-bedded
bonded SolD ~afnel Cliffs. (See pI. 21, 0 .) massive strata 10 to 30 feet thick, which form the low-
ermost 160 to 200 feet of the canyon wall. Corre·
WIl'IGATESANDSTOl'lE sponding structure and thickness wore notc<a in Il cliO:
The definition and description of th Wingate s>lnd- () miles northwest of Paria. At r~es Ferry Moore as-
gtolll' of the' Navajo country presented by G"egor)''' signed to the Wingate the lowermost 400 feet of finl!-
holds good for tIle Kaipm'o\\:its region, The composi- gmined medium-bedded to massive orange.ted sand-
tion, dctailcd structure, and ol'l'&ngernent of pIU-tS of stone in the cliffs along the ri'-er. The average of zr
the Wingate are essentially alike in the two regions, measurements of the Wingate within the plateau pror-
and the I'Ilnge of v~l'iation in color, texture, and strati- illce is about 285 feet. The formation is thickest ·along
. ficotion lies between the same limits. (See pis. 8, B ,. a line that extends from the Chllska Mountain., on
9, A,. 19, B; 22, C,. 23, n .) Characteristically the the Navajo Reservation, northward along th~ Watllr-
Winguie 01 ,t he Kaipltorowits region is 11 very ffia.ssivc, pocket Fold to the Sun Rafael Swell. It is thinnest or
flne-grained sandstone, .bout 300 feet. thick, underlllin most modified in the Echo Cliffs and is possibly ruJt
at most locnlities by a few feet of lent.icular snndstone represented at all in regions west of the Poria River.
nnd shnle, in part conglomeratic. It commonly ap- Typically the Wingate sandstone is orange· red, not
pears nli a singlo ve!1icol pnlisnded wall that dacs Ilncommonly mther brilliant in tone, ond it retaiDl
obo\'l\ slopes o·f Chirll. bed.. Ct'o;ls-bedding ranges that color thl'Oughout most of Arizon.\ and UtAh, but
froUl inconspicuous markings to larger-scate truucated iu places all or parts of the formation are I'ed·brown ,
laminae, but tho grcut n-eeping curves thlit cha'ft\cter- lind in the northwest wall of the Circle Cliff. and
ize the, Navlljo snnd.touo nre generally lacking. At south of Fruitn, ill Wayne County, it5 color grades
ploces n.long the Wlltorpoeket Fold cross-bedding i8 too from orange-red into light ·creamy yellow or nearly
little developed to· be re\'~aled by weathering; the only white. III the Kaiparowits region the overlying
IORrkings on the smooth, rounded surf'aces of sand- Todilto( 1) is t),pically mnroon, much darker tban the
stooe ore small, sluIllow pit. that h!\~e the appearance Wingote, and the Navajo sandstone runges from
of "boneycomb. (See pI. 9, B.) Strong verticol white, cream-color, 01' tan to red Or red-bl';'·wn, aDd
jointing thllt cuts the sandstone iuto huge blocks is Il in parts of tlte E sc-II1ante Valley it is pink, with ca-eam-
common feature. 'l'he high, nearly Wingate colored bands. Although the color of each Qf the
cliff. pl'~ent an impassabl. barrier ~xcept whem three formatio~ differs from place to pla<l4!, at no
streams have carved narrow pathways across the out- Oll~ place studied in Arizona or Utah is the color. of
crop. the Wingate, (he Todilto, .nd the Navajo the same.
• Gregot'f. H. R.o Oeolo,;, 0( II~ NOVIl$o country: U, S. Geol. Sur'.C'y fllilaer. Fl. D .• In Lonl{~...II. C,. R' I and othCnI, op, cit., p'. IT.
Prot, h~1' O~, (Jp. 03~M. 1D17,
• tAagW'e-lI, C. R., and: others-, op. dt ~ pp . IS. W.
dong the W mterpocket Fold to the Snn Rafnel Swell
Early students of the geology of southern Utuh and into the &n Juan CILnyon, Similar beds hav~
recognized two d ivisions in the beds thut lie between -boon mapped in the Kaiparowits region. It is cleRr
.he Chinle (" Shinnrump group," in part, of Powell that & distinct, widely traeenhle stratigrophic division
and Dutton) and the os;emblage of beds variously OCCurs between the 'Vingate and Navajo •• ndstones in
c&11ed "marine J Ul"ossic ," " Grny Cliff," " Flaming most of the Navajo country and in Utl>h. There is
Oorce," and " MeElmo," Powell used the terms doubt, however, whether this middle division of the
White Cliff U group " and Vermilion Cliff " group" j Gl en Canyon g.roup cOI'responds to Grc"ory's type
Oilbelt used the terms" Gmy Cliff group" and Ver- 1'0dilto; henc~ this name Lq applicable o~ly with a
milion Cliff " g roup" j Dutton called the rocks Vel'- query to the region herc dtl€cribed. The Todilto (1)
lIilion OWl " series" and " Gray Cliff sandstone," In of the Kaiparowits region ~onsist s typically of maroon
• section measured in the Paria Valley Howell "' and reddish-brown calcnreous sandstone with leS3er
records 800 teet of " buff massive cross-bedded snnd- lind YIlrying "mo~mts of shale und limestone, The
ItOne," underlain by 600 feet at' " pale-vermilion mos- sandstone bOOs range in thickness h 'om Il fruction of
sive cross -I.>~dded . ondstone" o,'edying 400 feet of an inch to more than 10 feet, but th ick beds are much
".ariegated gy psif erolls marls conlaiuing silicified less common than thin beds, The beds commonly
wood " (Chinle formation). The beds thllt occupy thicken and thin, ov.l'lap, tail out, 01' are replaced by
the goneral posit ion of these t.wo Ilnmistaknble sand- shale " 'ithin short distllnces .Iong the strike. (See
stones "ere suhdiv iderl by Gregory'· into the W ingot.e, pis, 9, A; 20, 0 ,) The quurtz gruins t hut compose
Todilto, and Navajo formations, the Wingate rOIl!(hly . the snndBtone nrc well rounded, well sorted, und COllrSe
oorresponding with thc upper purt of t he Vermilion nnd I re n1'l'anged in cross-bedded l.minue thnt meet
Cli8' nnd the Navajo wit.h the White Clitl'. The name at rel.t.ively sharp ongles, The sholy beds nrc essen -
Todilto wns introduceu for the limestOlle, calcareolls tinily vcry thill finc-gl'aincd qllUt'tz salldstones that
ahale, aud thin c:deareous saudstone that appear in contain here and th",'e bllUs and lozenges of consoli-
the midst of the g l'eat slIndstone cliffs that tower above dated mud, Like the sandstones the shale beds are
(he Chinle formntion , lenticular und present few even foliation surfaces; in
In and Ileal' its type locality, Todilto Park, N, Mex" degree of consolidation they differ gren.tly, The lime -
the Todilto is predominllutly limestone and c.leal'eous stOlle appears as compact gra.y layers, as fragments
shale, commonly less than 10 feet thick, Northwul'd embedded in sandstone and shu Ie, und as lenses of
and northwestward across the Navlljo Rese.'vat.ioll limesto. n e cOHglomcrate. Lime is nlso present 11S ce-
1I000sured sections include increasin"h- less limestone ment , Small lenses of conglomerate composed of
"' -
lnd become thicket'. 'At the mouth of Piute Canyon quartz chel'l and sandstone fragments cemented by
tbe po!'ition of the Todilt,; is occupied by 100 feet of lime "lid sand arc pre£ent at most places within the
thin ond irregUlarly bedded red sandstone and" sub- lu",er half of the formation. The characteristic color
Grdinate amount of calcareous shale, limestone, and of the Todilto ( 1) is maroon , which revenls the formn.-
bmestonc conglomerate arranged in overlapping tiort as 11. dark-red b.nd in cliffs of Willgate and
lenses. At Navaj o Mountain the formation is even Navajo, but in some beds in the measured sections
thicker and contains but inconspicuous lenses of lime- maroon is replaced by gray, purple, orange color, or
atone and linle conglomerate. This observed depar- pink, and on the northwest side of the Circle ClifTs the
ture from type of the Todilto of the northwestern ~ntire To<lilto (1) is light creamy yellow, In the walls
Navajo Reservation led to the comment:
of the cunyons that lead westward from the Water- .
pocket Fold the Todilto (f) appears as dark-red shllle,
1be po,tHOD ot these beds between two D.18SSive sandstone thin-bedded calcareous sandstono, and lenticnlal' COD-
llrata, WiD.ate nnd XQ\'lIjo. is the basis tor their 1118umed
glomel'atio limestone. One bed of pUl'ple limestone in-
equlTaleDee .. I[It tb e 1'odilto formnUou . Tbls expresslo.D,
oo.ner, 1,10 diilerent from that in the type locality that this cludes'small angular c\mnks of white chert. At the
eornlatloo must be considered only as • worklDC field Bole in the Rocli: tho Todilto ( 1) consists of red shilly
~1PO'beola. ~andstone and thin discontinuous limestone. On the
~inoe· the publication of Gregory's conclusions .. surface of one of the limestone leflEes watel' emerges
sene:- of thin incgular calca reous sandstone beds, in- as a seep.
<iudtng some limestone, which occupies a horizon be- The Todilto (1) is readily distinguished in the field
tween the Wingate and Navajo sandstones, has been by thinness and irre:""1llarity of stratification of bed.
t~ by Paige, Longwell, Moore, ..nd Miser from Nn- and by features thllt clearly indicate deposition in run-
~o Mountain up the to the Henry Mountains, ning wiltor, thu. cont1'lISting shllrply with the under-
lying Wingate n.nd tho o\'et'lying Navajo, Coutacts
~ weI I. 1:. It... v. S. ~og , and ~ol. Survt,. W. lOotb Vcr. Rcpt.,
...t"lie with tho beds al)ove and below indicato a ehunge in
" ... ,. tn, lUG. conditions of deposition , In some plnces the tmnsi-
~. B. Z'O00. cit. , pp. :52-e;O.
'1'1111 lUIPAIIOWrr8 ItIIGIOlf
tion appears to be gradual; elsewbere unconfol'mities
Where the beds are steeply upturned, us at the Burr
trail, the Todilto (') f()rms a ... lIey.
'!It. In places lenses of eonglomenta mark the bast
:~ the Todilto (I), and" at many 1000Jit~e2 along th~ 11.& Y.lID 5.AlI'DITDltl
Colorado a distinct erOllional unconfom:uty separate.
the two formations, Wingate aDd Todllto (I), len-
ticular Ouviatile be(h filling valleys on the surface of The Navajo undstone is remarkably well displaytd
the Wingate."" An unconformity at tho top o~ the in southern Utah. It appeal's in the San Rafael Swell,
Todilto (I) ii shown at plares where tbe fine-gramed, surrounds the Henl'Y Mountains, nnd extends eut of
cross-bedded Navajo sandstone ...ta on an .uDev~n 9ur- the Colorado River into San Jnan and Grand COIIl1.
face of shale or slablike 03ndstonc that IS sprmkled ties. It forms the surface Of t.he Waterpoeket Fold
,.ith broken chunk. of shale, fragments of limestone, I\nd the Escalante Valley ~nd the walls of Paria,
and pellet.. of clay. At some localities the topmost bed Johnston, snd Ka nab Canyon., and as the towerin:
of thG To<liIt.o (1) is Elm baked, and .t a few pla.ces White Cliffs it utends to points beyond the Virsin
ripplo mark;; w obflCrved. Ncar Warm Spnng River, Throl.lghoutjtslength Glen Canyon is limrned
Cnnyon, Longwell noted in brown and pU'1>le shale with the Navajo sandstone, and complete sections
numerous sun crllck., 3 inct,es wide at the top, filled al'e revealed in Pori. Canyon, Escalante Canyon,
with buff SAndstone pxtending downward from the Muley Twist Canyon, and the canyons of score. of
main mass of sandstone. Similar .and-filled tl'i butal'ies ·t hnt lead to the Colomd() from 1M
81\n crock. "'ere obaen'ed at the top of the Todilto (I) Kaiparowits PI.teau, -
in Milley Twist Canyon, But notWithstanding. t~is Tho Navaj,o sandstone is everywhere a cliff maker.
• vidence of unron'ormiti.,. the upper And lower limIts Unsealable walls of eommandil)g height sre commoe,
of the Todilto (I) could not be delinitely IixM in but unlike the Kaibab,. the Dukotn (1), the Straight
many mea,m'ed ""c:tions, and tlte unconformities may Cliffs, and the Eocene st.• ota, whicb form e:<tensife,
hAY. only loco! significance. almost borizontal terraces, plateaus, and mesa tops,
The 'rodilto (I) in sontl'lern Utoh is I'eprescnted by the Navajo sandstone shows vel'y uneven audRm
outcrops at mony pla(!es enst of the Pari. Volley nnd The frio.ble nature of the rock and the absence of rt-
tne High PI.teaus. South and east of Glen Cltnyon .istant covering beds results if! the production of
it appears wherever rock. at this hodzon are e"posed. rounded IIIIlSSCS. The floor of the lower Esralanu
The Todilto (!) is thinnest n.~ well QS most calcareous Basin is a lIIazo of overlapping mOllnds, and erosioa
n•• r the Arizona-New Mexico boundnr,. but shows no of tIl e White Clifts hss produced conical towers ..d
regulnr gradation in thickness Or in compoeit.ion where "nipples." The broad cl'est of tbe Waterpocket Fold
tmeed northwestwnrd. In the great sandstone elift, is a be\Vildering mn."S of low, f1n.t domes separated by
th.t extend (I'QI!!. the PU'ia Valley westwsrd .croso intel'vening brand, shallow pits, An a,·eo. of dissected
UtlLh and into Nevnd,,·the formation ha~ not been def!- K "vljo sandstone is "ery difficult to trnvel'se. Tht
llitoly recognized Ind may be absent. mounds thnt. form the surface are smooth, Slid their
In selected me.' Ul'ed sections the following" thick · rims end suddenly at the brink of deep, OIIrrow enJI-
nesses arc recorded In New Mexico: Dutton Plateau, yonS whGEe presence is little expected, "Hand holds"
2 feet; Todillo Park, 10 feet. In Arizono: Segihat. and" toe holds" Ire rare nnd inconveniently placod,
00"-\ Conyon, 28 f~>('t., In Utah: Piute CRnyon, 100 Where tlley o.rc Cllt in Nani() sandstone big CRD)'oM
feet.; mouth of Copper Canyon, 1~ feet; Twomile nnd little canyoD8 alike have box heods Rnd sheer
CIInyon, 249 feet; Crescent Creek, 159 teet; \Yarm ","ll., and many are inaccessible without special equ!p'
Springs Conyon, 220 feet; along the Waterpocket mont. The e"plorer soon learns that the way by whl~.
Fold, 160, 160, 214, anr! 220 feet; Circl!> Cliffs, 175 h. entered a CAnyon may be the only mode of eXIt.
feet; San Rafael Swell, 40-1tlO feet. (See pis. 10, (J; 19, A; 20, B; 25, A ,)
In generd the Todilto 0) tops a bench of Wingate
sandgtone, and from it the Novaj() is stripped back for STRATIGRAPHIC nATURES
some distanc,", th". formitjg a shelf along "hieh a
feo.ibl~ route extends .round the buttress of Navajo Sections measul'ed .t foul' localities and detailed ex·
BOndstone and dmfn the slopes on the limbs of mono- ominat.ion at many othera show that the Navajo sand-
e1ines. At the south end of the W.terpocket Fold stone OGrth of the Colorado River diffe\'s in U() eSSl'~­
ft~S to the Colorado Riv.r is obtained down the dip ti~l from tho.t south and east of th~ river, as pr.m-
slope of the Todilto (t) beds, and ,t the Hole in the cus!y described. It is essentiaUy one bed of rema~'
Rock 1\ bench of'1'odilto (1) for DIS a atep in t.he canyon ably unifonn texture o.nd without features that permIt
wall, thus making the crossing at this place possible, the establishment of subdivisions. It consists of line·
grained massive sandstone, elaoorately eross-bedd~1
'n un,,'lPf'l1, C. I " • .cI o(bcn. (lp. ell. p. tao Rnd includes smnll amollnts of limestone and of thln-
.Jl)]U6SIO I'OlUofAT[()S'S 65
bedded shaly 5AndstonQ that are distributed horizon- they extend for tens of feet; som~ are measured in
cellv and vertically with no systematic arrangement. inches and appear a8 delicate engravings of curvilinear
Lo~gwell" deser.lbes t~e ~avajQ at Warm Spri?gs pattern. In general, the laminae are etched in relief
c.Dyon as .. vertical chff of tan sandstone appeanng by the removal of the weakly cemented quartz grains
u a singl" massive bed 600 feet thick; at Twomile that mark division plRnes, Here and thel'e the oU\·face
CaDroo a8 "massive tan sandstone 2[>0 feet thick" i, further roughened hy projecting seSIllS of quartz
capping a rounded bi 11 "; ,at a point below tlte mouth and by tiny faults that break the continuity of the
of Crescent Wash 1\8 "tan and buff sandstone, cross- ribbed surfac'e. Here a.nd there also groups of laminae
bedded all lurger scale, 300 feet." For the Navaj~ ue cl·u.hed Or *Iuo!ezed into close-set loops, and some
along the San J uon Miser" records the following par- appear to have been kneaded, Indistinct bedding
tial thicknesses, measured upward from the b"".: planes lire present, bllt they are very il'regula. and are
200"*" feet of cream-colored mlissive cross-bedded sond- traceable for no great distance. They are obscured by
.ron. at Spencer Camp; 200 + feet of "massive, ex- the dominant cross-bedding to a degl'OO that gins most
...edingly cross-bedded fine-grained buff sandstone exposures of Ihe Navajo the oppeamnce \If a single
with a few bedding planes" at Copper Canyon; 140 massi va layer.
feel of "bull" cr~s-bedded massive sandstone" oyer- J..enses of dolomitic limestone are nearly universnl
lain by , feet of compact gray'limestone at a point 12 constituents of the Navlljo formation but are not
ntil.... bo,.e the mouth of th~ .tream; and 810 feet of .. bundant 01' couspicuous. 'fhei. ou!.cl·ops al'1! rarely
"buff massive cross-bedded sandstone" ClIpped by t%' n,Ol'e than 1 foot thick •.nd a few hundred feet long.
feet of gray thin-bedded limestone at the mouth of the ],fast of them extend for less !lum 100 feet, a.nd some
stream. At none of these places is the full thickneSs """ mere plasters 10 to ilO feet in (liameter_ Some of
pre!ent. Measured sections of the Navaj\l within the I the lenses are nearly pure dolomite, so hard and so
Kaiparowits region show' its typied features; at the resi.t"nt to weathering that they serve as protecting
Bur, trail it consists ot light-yellow to "hite medium- "'Ups of small mounds developed ill Ihe sandstone and
"ained, Tery massive, highly cross-bedded sandstone form shelves on otherwise smooth surfaces. OtIlel'S
1,260 feet thick; at Bitter Creek divide, white to very ...... mixtures of dolomite und quartz sand Ind at their
light cream·colored sandstone, vel~y massive, highly ends merge with the surrounding rock. They lie at
(I'oss-bedded on a large scole, 1,400 feet thick; along no one hOI'izon, but nearly all the dolomitic lenses seen
Eatalante Canyon, 430 to 680 feet of sandstone, every- are within the topmost 100 feet of the N naja, and fol'
"here Cl'OEs-bedded and in most places mllSlSive, but tile formation as a whole they appe"r to increase in
along the Escalante monocline and at a point near the number upward,
BiOlith of Sand Creek the upper 20 feet is somewhat The Navajo is cut by joints displayed in an in-
unevenly bedded; at the mouth of Warm Creek, 800 I teresting manner. The dominant joints nre vertiCllI,
reet of buff sandstone, one massive, highly cross- wide spaced, and al'Fangcd in two systems ~h.. t trend
bedded s!>'atum; at Meskin Bar, 000 feet of nearly north,."est and nor,th. In aome places they are all
white fine-grained sandstone, cross-bedded on a huge , much as liOO feet apart; elsewhere as many os 100
scale, all in one mllEsi ve bed, except for a. lens of roughly pU'allel joints may be crossed in a distance
(ompoct limestone 1 foot thick and about 800 foet of 100 to 800 foet, and zones of joints SO closely packed
loag. that they resemble "sh.tter belts" Qre n~ uncom-
mon, On the surface of the rock joints filled with'
calcite, dololllite, iron, or manganese may appear only
Cross-bedding ill the Navajo is remarkably devel- IS markings on a continuously smooth surface, but
oped. Horizolltal surfaces, slopes, and vertical walls the position of many joints is shown by cnslll'Lels, and
alikt! are crossed and recrossed by singularly atlract.i"e severo I gulches and narrow cha,nnels owe their posi-
designs. Series of pan,lIel curves merge with other tion to joint zones. On unyon walls the joints and
sen.,.; of curves or are truncated by curves with the ioint zones outline blocks and sheetl of rock prepara- or with different radii. The planes of wme ~\'Oss­ tory to their removal by frost and assist the cross-
bedding laminoe appear as groups of straight lines or bedding structure in determining the shape and posi-
tion of recesses, buttresses, and the open cracks ,that
ll'OUPa of curves at high "ngles. The prevailing de-
sign, however, is compoSed of CUf\'e$ tangent to eurv.. ; extend downward from the canyon rim,
starling with al'cs of small radii the laminae gradually The Navajo snndstono is essentially an aggregate of
rieerease in curvature until they mel'ge with adjoining "hite, cl'ystal-eleor quart~ Ip... ins, loosely held to-
curves as nearly horizontai planes. )Olany eur,..s ha ..e gether by lime cement. Some hand specimen.!! reyeol
uninterrupted sweeps that exceed 200 feet; commonly no other minerals to the unaided eye, but most of
them show specks of black ond gray. In all thin
~ Loecwen. C. R.• aDd alb_rl, op. cit.. p. 19. sections that Ivere examined ,gl-.ius of cloudy ortho-
':t We.. p. 17; .. n.nWlcrlpt Dote..


rock has a tendency to split parallel to cross·beddillc

cIase, rarely plagioclase, appear in· amounts ranging
larninae and in less degree parallel to joint surfil<el.
from 1 to 6 per cent, and I. few fr~~nts of­
The usolll erosion fragmel)t is a slab with curved fa~
ite garnet zircon tollrmaline, 11l0t.lte, or muscoVIte
.. r: also p~esent. 'In 0. few petrographic 5li~es III Thin slices whose length Rnd breadth are measured in
t~.n. of feet peel off from the cliffs and canyO'n wau.
these lCce;sory minerals are present, .nd ~ thin sec-
tion of rock from Pari .. O..nyon includeil little bl~ck like bark from a tree. Along the clwyons ore, COOl.
knob of biotite and magnetite. Three sizes of gr ..~ monly formed Illcoves, amphitheaters, and o)'erhallf-
make up each croSl-bedded laminl. surface: Gr ..~ns ing e1iffs. . Gashes with c.rescent or semlclrcul ... out.
scattered about or arranged as sheets contmg loha- line-some of them mere "toe holes," othe.'S lar~
enou~h to .ccommodate the buildings of cliff dwelltiS-
t:on surfaces, averaging .bout 0.70 millimeter in dia.m-
eter', constitute S to 5 per cent of the rock, grams appe~r in most walls, and few surfaces are f"ee from
rilonging from 0.10 to 0.25 millimeter mal<e up .about pits, U "ells:" "water pockets," nnd short-curved :han.o
70 per cent; nnd the remaining 2.5 per cent cons'sts of nels. M.ny bridp:" nrches Ilnd a few complete bfld~
bits of dust. add to the inter.,,;t of No.vnjo topogrllphy, (See p.
In gene,...1 the smlUef>t grains and those of inter- 144..) Mnch of the rock merely disintegrates in pl_
mediute size thoroughly intermingled and form . a 01' is crushed to sand os it drops to the base of a eli!.

bose over which the largest grains arc strewn, but .n Continuously smooth surfaces are common, an~ lahlll
som" plnee~ portions of lhe rock exhibit almost per- ([eposits at the bRse of Na~ajo wolls are conspieuolIsl~
fed sOI'Ling ond pel'mit the recognilio~ of four ~ live small.
short, Ihin Illye ... that aro characterized by SIze of COl.OR
grain. Here nnd there are small pebbles of qUllrt.,
frogment. of .hole, of 81Inds:one, or of limestone, a~d I The pre\'"iling colors of t.he Nnmjo of
nodules and ('Oncret.ions of iron oxides Lhat exceed to Utah are cream, tan, ond buff. In general, the n-
<liometer t.Ile common Ob'.C8, but they conslilute much posures west of Glen Conyon and the WnterporJ..'1!t
Ic~s thnn 1 pel' cent of tho rock. As a whole, the tex- Fold sbow li",hter ton<:>s than those about • t.lle Henry
IIlte of tile Nnvajo is remarkably uniform. Most of Mountains nnd southeast of the Oolorndo R.ver. Some
the gl'l.ins Are impedcctly rounded , but neAl'ly all outerops west of the Parin nro appropriately call~d tb,
thin sections .show round grains, "'Id ill some thin see- White OlifTs, bllt light-red nnd yellow-red tints are
lions sphel'icnl g.'nina predominnte. Etch~d groins .Iso in evidence. No one color can 00 called c.hor~cter­
nl'e not uncommon, und in one specimen from Parin istic. White streab are common, ond two (jr mOn!
ennyou lleOl'ly nil the lorger grains show pit. tlnd colors .ppe.. in every extensive expOsure. Over In
liuy fOeets. nrea of about 3 .quanl miles near Horris "'nsh , in
1'110 cement of t.ho Nnvajo snndstone ('(Insists of lime the Escalante Valley, the color of the sandstone is dis-
lind dolomite wil.h "n.rying umounts of iron oxides. tributed ill fr"yed patches of light red, dRrlc red,
Tho iron is mo,' abundant in the fiuest-gnined lilyerS! yello"", and white, a few hundred feet long and some
from some beds it is nearly nbsent, nnd ill plores even t~n8 of feet wide, At the wuth end of tbe Woter-
Ih. mldte cement has diSllppe.ared, lellving only s pocket Fold the nearly whit~ Navajo is traversed by
pil. of seplll'Qto grains of pure qunrtz. In generlll tho ba.nds and potches of red that are distributed olooe
("mollt is wenk. Even . where iron oxide forms tbo nnd acros~ the lom;nae. (See pI. 4, D.) At tbe Burr
boud it is not eRSY to obtltin • weU-trimmoo hand t"nil the Navajo is· gray-white; on Sand Wash and
spccim~n, IIl1d much of t.he rock exposed at the SUI'- Cottonwood Canyons, tributary to the Parin, 'he rock
{lice is !IO f "inble thnt it cl'ushes under lhe foot, and h1light yellow, with durk. red streake and bl'o tches neAl'
:; single blow of the hnmmer moy reduce 0 block of the top.
"and8toll~ to I moss of dust. DllISting tI.i. rock ",ith
An interesting color chn.nge w.n. observed in Payia
powder pl'l'SCnts special difficult.ies.
Canyon. Near ·t he mou!.h of Sheep Orook the vertical
The vlll')'ing omounts Rnd kinds of cement Ore re- wall. of tbe canyon U. cl'ealll-white ahove nnd dark
flected ill the color. III general, Ihe white parts of red below, Ind the sharply drown division line runs
Ihe Nnvajo ....ndstone have only calcite cement; the horizontslly without regard to t ..'<ture, sU'atificat.ion,
yellow, buff, tan, and red tones indicate the amount or cro..-oodding, as if ~ rrd ba.,l border .bollt 20 feet
lind chemic. 1 state of the irou, It is ftSSlllned that hi!!h had been painted with ~brush on R white ....11.
tlle sandstone "'HI ol'iginRlly white and ...mented with Thi. line marks the top of the allUVium, which at one
white calcite and th.t lime wus progl'essively 'but t.;D1e covered the ranyol' floor. Within the rock that
irregularly replnced hy iron.
was deeply buriM by t.he fill t.he conditions for .ccu-
To Ittugelltiol cross-bedding, joint.. , weak cement, muluting and retaining tile iron pigment were more
"lid uniformity of groin are l".rgely due the erosion ftI~orabre than within the rock th.t was eotpo!ed to
f('alures tll:lt are ~hnr.ctol'ist io of t.he Nofftj.o. The the atmosphere.
A. stud1 of the N n vajo OTer wide area s in Arizona and topographic character to the Wingate, but the
nd Utah shows that its color has no stratigraphic are mOre thinly bedded thAn typiclll Wingate.
~ifielnce. Neither vertic.,lly nor horizont.lly is I.he In_ZIOn .C.anyon the lo"er parl of tho Glen Caoyon
diatribuuo n of color causally relnted to texture, struc- IImt exhibits peeulial'ities of jointing and 9eathering
ture or age. For reconnai"".nce reports such ex- that are characteristic of thll( Wingate but i8 not clearly
~ons as White Cl iffs and Vel'milion Cliffs ore use- sepRrak!d from superjacent sandstone thut very closely
rul but such terms os " Kanab , .ndstone " and '~ Colob resembles Ihe Navajo. This condition has led to the
...dstone," bosed on color and i ndi catin~ time reln- practice of describing the maS$ive Jurassic sandstones
lioos, have liltle in tb r ir fnTOI'." Color is nn enter- west of Ihe Puis as La Plate or 01 undifferentiated
tRinin&r guide in a superficial study of Jurassic strata Xavljo and Wingnte. DryuD" CIAS5<'a " 1,100 to 1,200
b.t unreliable in determining chronology. Its chief feet of manive tao,."tlntially cl'oss-bedded red to buff
uluelies in the e"idence that it affurds uf conditions sand's tone" at Lees Ferry as Navajo· and Wingate.
of depa;ition nnd Inter physiogrnpbic history. Reeo.ide and nassIer" apeal\: of the JUl'lISIIic rock that
In iO for ns colors are significant they call fOI' more constitutes Steamboat Mountain as
precise definition than prrs~nt usage provides. In nl ftESh'e cfOu -bcdded Sflnd»tone tlIDt 19 locnlly aU red but iu
most fiI'Ct.ions of the Nlvajo Ihe col or of the rocl, "s moat plll ~ rod In lower pl\rt und white obove • • •
I ... hole differs from Ihe color of ""me highly tinted (h Rdng) A total tblckness of 2.100 teoct . DlosUl' lu sheer \VOn.
1.' b~l·e nVpetl f8 hfre to be nO break of UJll' kind In the .1l00stor.6
porta, and wenthered Pdl'ts differ from unwenthered
wnll; llot (,,'cn n Bingle sort lnyer i8 obsernlble.
parts. The rock tha t is wet frQlll rains or that is
.ie...ed under overcast ski~s cliffeI'. in tone from dry In the SImla CiaI'll Valley "the cI'oss-bedding of
1'OCk thlt is seen in bright sunlight. Furthermore, the I.he upper white pa.rt is g striking feature and resem-
~r Issigned to the some exposure c1iffers wit.h each bles that of th~ Na.nia &nndstone forther cllst."
.bse.ver. It is interesting 10 ~ roDlpare th4! terms used 'The Wingote and N .."uj.o sandston ... have distinc-
uy different field workel'~ to fXPl'l'SS the color of I.he t.h'e featu .... , but they also have Dlnny features in
Nanjo. In describing 8.ctions nlong the Son JUI1Il common. As compared with the Wingate, ·t he N IIvAjO
j~ more generolly crosS-bedded, its constituent grnins
Rhoer )[ib-er spen.ks of the Nanjo IlS "cream-colored
10 yellow," "grny," and" bul," in place of Gregory's
are less uniform ill size lind somewhat Ie... th'mly
upressions, " light, yellow," and" m,.rly white." For cemented, it is mOl,\) colcareolls, it includes lenses of
limestone, and it is lighter colored. But in on th_
the Henry Mountain region Longwell described the
respects variations within the Wingate and within
Kanja IS" tan" and " I ~ n Rnd buff" in rocks that ere
the Navajo are considerable; ench feature of the Win-
If(orded by Gregory as " light red" And" yellow-red."
gote probably is duplicated 8t some plnce in Ihe
for u... W.t. rpocket Fold oncl the Escalante region
NS".jo; and hand specimens of the two sa.lIdstone.
the lel'Dls U500 by Moore closely pRrallel tllOse used by
Illight be selected in ~ such It manner 'IS to make im-
Gregory, ~xcept Ihat :Moor~ ~ee' different shades of possible the determination of their source. Further
,.n0lt in certain rocks which GI'cgory describes as difliculdes Ire, first, the prcsance at the top of the
lig\t red.
Chinle of bedded sandstones sinoila.r to the W ingate
It nUly be significant Ihat in all the descripuons in lexture lnd composilion-a condition which has
lliser, Longwell, Moor~, Bryan, and Gregory use a I~d to different interpretations regarding the upper
d,trerellt expression for Ihe rolor of the Wingate and and lower limits of the Wingate ; second, the expression
of tho Nanjo where Ih ose formations occUr io the of the Wingate in places ns n ~I'i"s of Rlrat... insteau
ume.oettion, lind that the Todilto (I) is everywhere of one massive bed; third, t.he p'cat v.riotion in
dllCrlbed IS of a color different. from either the Win- Totlillo (1) f!'Om limestone and calcareous shale t<>
plo or the Navajo. shale Rnu thin sandstone, not ullcolllmonly CI'OSS- '
be..lded; fourth, the app0l'ent.Iy uninterrupted deposi-
tioll in places of III strata from the top of the Chi nle
West of Lees Ferry ond the Paria. Valley the Glen 10 the base of tile Carmel· formation .
C.IDYOII group in whole ond in part i, prominently On the buis of present field knowledge the division
?U.played. Along a line 200 miles long the charleter· plane between the Wingate and the Navajo eRn not
ISIie features of the Navajo ano perhaps of the Win- be dra .... n with aSljurance where the Todilto (1), or
. . are "ell represented, but the Todilto (f) has not I an unconformity representing it, is absent.

- . l'e<:ognized and in pla.ces is probobl,. absent. The The difficulty of distinguishing the Wingate fl'om
~-nddisb lIne-gr.ined sand~tones i.n th, '~el'mili~n the Navajo is illustrated by .the srt'angement and
_ 8 appear to correspond in hthologle, stratigraphic, "Bry", K Irk , 18 LonIitW~lI. C. B .. arid otbll'tl, 01). cit,. p. 18.
ft~. J. 8 ., Jr.. uG )1a.IIler, H.r\'er. 8trou"".phle aecflotUI la
"~~1aIIo'" Ellsworth. and Goldthwatt. J . W., TIle BurrlC!aDe r..11 MlUt".,estena Uuh ••d Dor1h~tt"rn Arllon": 0 , 8, Ot()I. BUrTf!1
"L ....,...nnJe dlfltrld, Utab : llar"l'Ird Col1. MUll, Compo ZoeJon' (,,,,f , l'a~r l~. p, N. 19~2.
I .. 12, ~ 203, lOO~ .
composition of tlte IItrata in the Paria Canron, .... here streRm the .walls of Glen Canyon are built ~sentilll,.
sandBtones that occupy the 8tratigraphic p06ition of of tangent'~lIy cross-bedded sn.ndstone, wIthout the
Wingate, 'l'odilto ('), and Navajo form the canyon VlS1ble partmg that on eroded ?hffs usually marks the
waU between the mouths of Deer Creek and Kitchen l'odilto (I). The upper half IS, however, much more
Creek tributaries to tho Paria. Throughout 10· calcareous and includes at intervals many lenses of
mile ~tret~h of canyon tlu-... roughly defined sub· denee gtllY limest?ne, 1 inch to ~ feet thick, each trace_
oJivisionH are present: able along the chI" bees for dist8~~. of ~ few feet
1. Upon typical Ohinle shales lies a series of red to more than GOO feet . . Along Vermlhon Chff between
undstono strata very irregular in thickness and ex- the mouth of the Puna and Jacobs Pools the upper
tent and the thickest and most continuous sandstone IlIIlf of the Glen Canyon group, abo"e scatt.ered lenses
bern: immediately ovnJie the Chinle. In places the of timestone, is distinctly lighter red than the lower
•• ,·il!lJ consist of one massive bed thnt forms '" sheer half.
wall 100 to 200 leet high; more commonly the sand- At Lees Ferry tbe Cbinle is unconformably over·
.tono bed. are 10 to 30 feet thick and are separated lain by aoout 80 feet of orange-red to buff minutely
by discontinuous very dark ted shalelike lenses, th~ cross-bedded sandstone in beds 5 to 30 feet thick; one
surfaces of which are conspicuously marked by 8t1n of these beds, 2G feet thick, which is remarkably per.
crack., WOrm trails, and ripples. The length of the sistent and massive, elltends up the Colorado into tbe
longest lens noted is about 200 feet. Some of them Paria Platenu and .Ioog the Echo Cliffs and retei ...
arc little mOre than short, thick piles of fragments of throughout the texture and structure char8cter~ic
shale; others are mere films of slIn-dried mud. The of the Wingate. Above these heavy-bedded sand·
lelll'eft occupy no detinite hOl·izon; tbeir vel~ical and stones lies a series of sandy shalelike beds 6 inches 10
horizontal distribution appears bapha1.lrd. 6 feet thick. Within the layers of shale are co.ltareolll
2. Above the ,·udely bedded !lIIndstone is a Zone 20 . lenses of flattened clay pellets and limo shale and fine.
to 40 feet thick, witJ,in which the .andstone beds are gnlined cong:lomerute tha.t contains din08aur bones.
lI. nally thin and, AS In No.1, are· separated Or re- The upper two-thirds of the canyon wall is eompoo;ed
placed Iliong tile . trike by lellSCs of V."Y dark red of light-red c,·oss·bedded sandston.e, which begiu,
slindy ~hllle and conglomerntic mlls.-es I inch to 5 feet with bed. 10 to 40 feet thick and conlinues upward as
thh:k al,d 5 to 100 feet loug composed of lumps of "b~d 8(lO feet thick, massive eKcept for the presence
sand~tono Dud shale. The cement is hi.g hly calCllteolls, oC thin leuses of·'.y limestone. When this Re-
and nmny of the shalelike (rllgmentR are essentially tion was measLU·ed in 1916 Gregory hesihted to asign
impure limrstone. This zor.e, with little yu';ation in any part of it to the TodiIto, in view of the facta that
poeition and char.cter, was noted at f·o ur localities within shOlt distances along the strike the alternating
sep.ratcd by several miles. shale and thin sandstone become thick beds, tbe eal-
3. 'I'he top sc,·c''Il1 hundred feet of the canyon wnll cBreous lenses lie ot no partiCUlar hOI·izon. and locol
is C>llIlnti.lly one mnssi"e bed of white or bulT-wnite uoconformitiea are many. This doubt st.ill remailLl,
sandstone intricately cross~bcdded throughout. This for BI·yan Tl has published .. seetion thilt sl~0"8 1,100
is tho" Or ..,. Clilf .andstone" of Dutt.on so promi. to 1,200 feet of !>IIndstone with no visible po.rtinrrs and displayed between the Paria River 'and Knnab with th" comment that" Ihe Todilto( t) formation is
Creek. apparently absent." Furthermore, Dryan includes in
In this series suWi.i.ion No. 1 differs 1(0111 ,mOdi. the upper pRrt of the Chinle nn unrecorded amount of
..i,ioB No. a in that its color i. red, its grains are finer . " heavy-bedded sandstono ond red shole," thua giving
its eroos-bedding i. mnch less developed , ita joint !ys~ the Chinle· a thickness much greatel' than any known
telns IrQ more complex, and ita stratification is entirely eJsewhcI'<l ill this I..,gioll. Recent stud,. of this ooction
ditrel'Cnt. by Moore lends to the conclusion tnilt sandstone beds
In th~ fie~d notebooks No.1 w•• designated Wingate, at Lees Feny and . westward .lon" t.he Vermilion
No.3 NaVAJO, and No.2 the equivalent of the Todilto Clia. have Wingote affinily and havo"'been inappropri-
with l'Ct-ognition of tbe fact thal as a whole it dill'e~ ateIy included in the Chinle hy severol authors. A
little fro~ lellSClt .in No. 1 and that if Todilio is pres- short distance west of Johnson Canyon he noted an
ent.ot all It may !~c1Jlde part. of J:lo, lor p_ibly.1I . uneonfo,·nlit,. at tho ~ of the red sandstone.
of ,t except tI.,e Ihlck cross-bedded strata immediately Brief examinations of many outcrops of lIesotoic
.boyo the Chmle. It wns also recogni<cd that No. 1 formations in no,·thweslerll Arizona, sout.hern Utah,
and No.2 combined lUay be a modified forlU of the nnd Nevada, combined with detoiled study of some of
Wingate.· them, lea,'es no doubt that thc lIlajor put of the
Near the month of tho Paria the threefold division ellOrmOl1~ white and red Jurassic (') cliffs, whid,
of the ~Iell CIIJI!On grollp (Na,·ajo, Todilto (f), Win- ."tend with few interruptions froD! the Paria to SnntA
[.,'Ilte) I. not eVIdent. Here 811d fOJ· n few nules up-
TT Lotl,w~n. c. R.• lIod ,otber.. op. cIt., p. 10.

Clara and rea~pea,' i~ the ~uddy hlollnt.Hins Il~d stand high on the cliffs, U IUDSS of color bands that art!
Spring MountaIns of Nevada, IS composed of broken by scores of canyons .
.andstone. To what extent t.he Todilto (i) and Win- In the E~alallte Valley the San Rafael group forms
Ita are represented remains to be determined. Cer- an uneven 6001' from 'Willow Crcek to Pine Creek,
~inlv these formations, where they are preserved west where erosion of the upper bed. of the group, which
of the Pari .. , lack the clear expression familiar to are involved in the Escalante monocline, has produced
workers in regions farther east, bllt there i. evidence the colored mounds, bench ..., and' ridges that give the
Co ,how that the Wingate in less massive form is trll<'e- village of Escalante its ottract;',. setting. '1'he
Ible from Lees Ferry at least to Kanab, and tlll~t the Straight. Cliffs, the northeast front of the KMparowits
ch.DgG in conditions of sedimentation represented by Plateau, show San Rafael beds at their base. Bellin-
Todilto (I) may be demonstrated at several places. ning at Alvey Wash with a few fcet of the upper
In Johnson Canyon, Utah, heds that al"e tentlllively , strRtn, the thickness gradually increases until at Fifty-
,";"ned to the Wingate include thin bed.. in additiofl mile Point the whole group is exposed in a terrace
to ~ne red, massive, intricately cross-bedded, fine- I that is capped by Mon'ison and Dakota (I) and under-
grained bed more than 200 feet thick, and the Todilto lain by Navajo snndstone. From Escalante the group
(t) may be represented by 120 feet of thin calcareous Call be tr_oed along the base of the Aquarius Plateau
sand6tone, including thin sheets of resistant limestone, but gradually thin$ ulltil north of the Circle Cliff. it i5
for the most part slabby and irregula}'_ Erosion has Cllt out by the Cretaceous-Tertiary erosion iUl·face.
stripped back the Navajo sandstone from the top of (See p. 116.) On tho east side of the Water pocket
these beds and left a terrllal more than a mi Ie wide, Fold the full thiokness of the San Rafael group iii ex-
abo\'. which rise the impressive White Cliffs. In the posed at the Bittel' Creek divide. South of this point,
Kannb Vlllley the Chinle cliffs are capped by regulnrly "'here its upturned strata form the bed of HilI! C,..,.k, .
bedded thin sandstone th8t leads up to heavy beds of the San Rafael is partly concealed, except on the
Illassive .andstone. About 240 feet above the Chinle mesas that stand back 'l'Om tho Wilterpocket Fold.
the sandstone is interrupted by , zone of sandy lime- (See pI. 19, A.)
st01le and chert, which 111i1Y represent the Todilto (t). In all Ihese al'eas the usual topographic expression
It seems not improbable that 'b y taking ca"eflll note consists of brightly colol'ed cliffs that handed on
of the features that distinguish the Wingate and the n huge scale. A sloping base ,t hat. i. formed by the
Na •• jo, Bnd keeping in mind the wide ,'oriotiol) in Carmel, which rests on the N sVllio sandstone, is suc-
aspect of the Todilto (I), the Wingate may be tmced ceeded upward by the ma .. sive, thick cross-bedded
from the Paria to localities beyond the Virgin River Ent.rado undstone and by steep slop"" of co'lor-banded
and ehe Todilto (1) to the Kanab Valley. rocks (Smnmeryille) leading to green-white Morri-
son, which i8 overlain by a resistant Dakota (1) cop.
As Q unit in the succefsion of great terracell that ex-
DLI:)TRTBUTION .... ND TOP'()O'U.PH~C J::XPRESSION I,I..,.S the Mesozoic rocks of the Kaiparowih region,
The Stln Rafael group is well displayed in the Kai- I the San Rafael beds are not an outstanding fea,t u ..e.
parowits region. On the Paria Riv.r A few mile. The great cliffs of which they form a part owe theil'
below old Paria village and north of the White Clift. persistence to the 1),,1<otl\ (!) snnrlstone, which pro-
it is very widely exposed. At Cannonville it fonns tects the friable bods beneath
the beautiftIUy banded walls which give that village The thickness of the San Rafael group dilfers re-
its picturesque setting. The Dry, Round, and Butler gionally nnd locally to a considerable degree. In the
Valleys are rimmed about with San Ro.1ael sandstones, Poria Valley thicknesses of 640, 700, 880, .10, and
and the mounds, mesas, and "chimneys It that rise 6l~ feet were measured i along Glen Canyon, 420,
from their ftOOI'S are remnants of widely spread friable 860, 800, and 12~ feet; in the Escalante Valley, 336,
sandstone, gypsum, and shale. (See pIs. 11, D; 22, D.) '170, 164, 600, and 380 feet; east of the Waterpocket
Along lower Glen Can von the San Rafael is trenched Fold, 910, 1,260, and 1,610 feet. These differences in
by Wahweap, 'Warm,- Kalle Springs, Last Chance, , thickness are explained in part by the . unequal de-
and Rock Creeks, which outline the brilliantly colored : velopment of the fOl'mations of the San Rafael group,
~1rer waU of the Kaiparowits Plateau as u crenulated in part by the d.lferent amounl8 removed by pre-
line of elill. whose carved edges meet abruptly the Morrison eromon, and also in part by the difficulty
wavy red surface at their base. On both sides of the in some loclliues of determining the base of the
Colorado River the /Desas a nd towers of San Rafael Morrison.
beds, capped by MOl'rison and Dakota ('), ri&& high Striking small-scale erosion for/IUI are characteristic
above th. wide platform of wind-swept Navajo sand- of the San Rafael. The g,·eat irregularity of bed-
aWne. (&! pIs. 10, A, 0; 22, A.) .4.t the southeast ding, the different amounts and kinds of cement, and
end of th. Kaiparowits Plateau the San Rafael bed. the rapririons disl ribution of color favor the produc-
tion of moullds, tables, balls, and mushrooms, t.ilted The dominant colo.' of the San Rafael gI'OU,p' and of
• t various angles and dceorated with color stripes of Its parts differs from place to place. In the Glen Cia .
various widths and tones. Especially in the thin- yon district prom ;lIent bands of dark r ed are Inter_
bedded sand~tones erosion has left lpoolo, tpindles, strlltified with white, and in the upper valley of the
and U stone babies" of {antlStic.shapes, some of which Paria the prevailing tone of the sandstones \9 bright
ha"e smooth surfoces and others ribs and bo"like yello,v-red. In a few places t,he group loses its attrac-
.heh-es. With changing light g they assume the ILP- tiYe featUl'es and becomes in general du'll gray. The
pellrance of birds and ILnimals and the legendary be- color of the San Rafael ""ndstones-massive bccla and
ings of Piute mythology. Although these figure. are "huly beds Illike-nl'ies directly with the amount and
commonly but. few in"hes Or at most a f~w feet high, character of the cementing material. Rocks frOOl
the absence of .,,!:rounding debris make.' them con- which cement is prllctically absent are white, as a",
spiellou, .nd givtl6 the effect of g"otesquely cll"ved IIlso the crlUllbling surfaces und the dunes that have
surfaces hundreds of squ feet in .rea. immediately resulted from the "emo"al of uncon..,li_
dllted matel·ial. The groins that compose ti,e white
O&~EBt\L Bl"IIATlGR.-\l' IIlC '\1'D LITHOLOGIC }'EATURES J'ocks, the dunes, Bnd also the hand specimens after
When traced along the strike, the beds thot consti- the cement bas been eliminated are composed of clear
tute the San Rofael group re"•• 1 many changes in quartz, n£sociated with some white ield spol', very small
thick,n""", texture, ano:l aggreglltc composition. Note- dmOtlrit. of biotite, and rare mugnetite. Where pres-
book sketches of th~S<l bed. sho\\' cliffs Ind .Iopes ent, the cement of the white and green-white rocks is
diffe,·.nUy related to each other Md at differeut alti- ~"lcite, or cllcite und ferrolls iroll, or calcite Rnd gyp-
tude. obove the Navajo. In the section at Cannonville SUJll , Qr o&ld te, fel'rous iron, and gypsum; the grains
thick IDllssive clilT-mRking beds occur in the middle of rocks thnt .how dominant yellow tonea ore held to-
and neRl' the bottom. In the corresponding section cn gether by calcite and limonite, and the distinctly red
Cottonwood C''Celc the lil'st clift' maker is nea,. the top. <ock. have for cemellt calcite and fe"rie iron. The
In some plRCes very soft sandstone Rnd sholelike beds deeply colored red rocks .,·e those thut hBVe the fiues!;
wnstitut. o. much ns 75 per cellt of B section, but else- grains. In some of them the iron between and around
whore the hOJ'izon above the Carmel formation i. oc- the quartz graillS equals in amount 'the grllillS them-
c\!pied in a lorge part by thick fairly ha rd massive selves.
bcd.. Singlo beds or ...ndston. split. up along the The patches and streaks and large continuous areas
strike, and their tol' or bottom or middle is replaced of color are distributed without r eference to any
by .hnlc i also tbe continuity of a series of beds of known controlling facioI'. In general, it appea~rs that
.h.le O1"y be inte.Tupted by huge lellses of sandstone. I!niformly yel!O\v 01' light-red tones chamctedze Iftrgll
Withill • distonce of 40 feet /l bed measured ncar rock masses of uniform texture, and that discontinuous
Cannonville breaks "l' into six beds seporated by Itrens of dark red, g"een, und white characterize masses
lumpy shale. III a brood sense the Sun Rafael i. com- of vorying texture. Also in geneI'm, white bands lIS-
1>06e(\ essentially of sandstone in mn~sive beds .nd socillted with yellow and light red are most common It
shaleIike bed. and contains slIbo"diute amounts of 01' near foliation surfaces and ulong cross-beddin,
gypsum and limestone, but in detail two exposures laminae. But there a"e many exceptions. Disk, of
that Ii. less thou 10 mil"" npo.-t m.y be sufficiently white stand out conspicuously on un otherwise red
unlike to justify dilTe.loent .ubdi,·isions and descrip- wall, and frayed ribbons and streamers of whit~ eros
tioll'" Gyp.llIll1 o..'Curs at several horizons. It ranges .nd recross dill fIlces, seemingly regardl.."a of ~trllC­
in amount from di. seminuted grains to beds that ex- ture or texture, .s if ..hit., paint had been capriciously
ceed 50 feet in thickness and are continnous for sev- applied by human h. nds.
eral miles. Limestone i. inconspicuous at the expo- Observntion seem. to wal'l .. nt tIle snggestion that the
Sllre' ~udied in the Kaiparowits region, but calcareous .... hite SInd of the San Rafael sandstones ,..85
lilyers constitute perhaps aile-sixth of the beds. converted into rock by the infilt.ration of calcite and
Cross-bedding is characteristic of all the oaudstones thnt the calcite cemeut was progressively replaced by
of tIle San Rafael gl'0up. III the thicker beds it is irou. On this assumption part of the wldte rock ,..-
display"" 16 a beau~iful tracery af curves, rllised in moins as originally formed lind part doubtless owes it.
reliof by weathering, and dOsely resembles that of the whiteness to the blMl'hing of all or part of the cement·
Navajo sandstone. In the thinner bed~ i~ appears a. ir.g material. That the cement from the interior of the
curves Bnd as truncated series of thOl't parallel lines rock is in proeess of removal to the surface is indicated
ab~pt~y te.rminated by othe,' iinel at different degrees by " casehal·dening." The surfoce of mQny outcropa,
of mdmftt,on . Ccmmonly ~he cross-bedding laminae ~peci.lly of m.s.i~e beds, of a shell of tightly
Moe separated by a film of scattered groins of la"gel' cemented material , bacle of which the rock is merely aD
size thnn those in the body of the ,rock. aggregation of loose SIInd groins. Waters from tile
t." small sprinlP that i.sue frolll the red and yellow on the well-defined lithologic w,its established by
rooks aDd Ihe ro.inwnsb o\'er their surfaces hl\' e very Cross," who chose the term "McElmo formation"
little calcium sulphate but hold greater amounts of for beds that" correspond closely to the Morrison and
... \ciuro earbonate and iror' oxides than the waters Como beds and thQ Flaming Gorge group of Powell "
trom the white rocks or even f,'om th& brown rocks of olld concluded that" it is probable that the marine
toe overlying Cretaceous. The efflorescence about some Juraosic horizon belonga between the La Plota and
suips III,., a reddish tone, the McEhno formations." Lnpton" followed Cross in
An unconformity appears to exist locally at the base trenting th. strata between the IA Plata sandstone
of the SIlD Rafael, and there is 8 widespread erosional and the Dakota aa a single form ..tion, the "McElmo,"
break at its top i in some places nn unconformity mny but outlined" members" that have widely divergent
b<! demonstl'llted in beds thot imlllediately overlie the I f ...tures and history and made the significant remark:
loweB! thick cross-bedded sandstone (Entrada), But "It is possible that th. bad contohung thi. [marine
iu mnny places those relations &1'0 by no meaDS clear, Jurasoie] fauna is oldor thin th. basal beda of the
.Dd conel..tions between meAsured section. al'8 mnde typiCIII McElmo." Doke" subdivided the" McElmo
IIlOre difficult by the presence of mftny local uncon- formation" into" upper McElmo, Snit Wnsh member,
tormities tbat perhaps have regional significance. ond lower McElmo" (fos3iliferoua zone with Sun-
Certainly some IJf them hoyc only loe"l manninA', for dance founa). The terminology of Cross was adopW
it i. unreasonable to Q8SUme thAt sHch unlike beds as by Grogory;n mapping the ~onjo counlFy, but satis-
alike up the San Rafael hlll'e resulted from uriform facto,'Y correlation of the beds that ol'erlie the Navajo
conditions of deposition. with the" MeElmo" at its type locality incrM""d iu
difticulty lIS the series w.... traced northwestward, On
t·he Moenkopi Plateau th. presence of limestone ond
The series of beds tbat overlies the Navajo sand- much CalClU'COUS shale between typical ," McElmo "
stone and is terminll.ted up,,"or.;! by the Ddkota( I) sandstone and Navajo sandstone and the uofanulia<
iIUIdstone presents problems in correlotion and in ' 6xpretioion of the Navojo itself mode it seem desirable
det~"nillation of the conditions of deposition that so ' to describe the beds occupying the general horizon of
fir hQ\'e not been solved, In the plateau country these the marine Jurassic as " undifferentinted Navajo ",nd
bed$ extend from the Zuni Mountains of Nelv Mexico McElmo."
norlhward OCrOSS the Navajo Reservation into western A study of the equivolent strota north of Glen Con-
Colorado and eastel'll Utah and north westwllFd thl'Ougb yon showed that although beds that resemble the
lOuthern Arizona and Utah to points beyong the Vir- " ?fcElmo » sandstone ond shale of McElmo Creek are
gin River. Throughout this ,'ost ",rea the sel'ies has preg()nt, beds quito diffel'ent in composition Ilnd origin
SOllie feutures in common, but these features are not IlJld probably in age occupy the strntigl'opbic position
lontinuously displayed and do not all occupy th. same of the" McElmo" lind led to the belief that a contin-
.. ratigrnphic positions_ The ..ttempts to correlute u.tion of the previous correllLtion is likely to serve 110
tllene diverse beds chiefly on the bltsi. of lithologic uscful purpose, A ne'" claesification was therefore
stuJies "t widely sepal....ted localities, on the border of adopted for tbe $Odes of !Jedg in southern Utah be-
.n u'ea exceeding lOO;()O(} square mil"", has na.turally , t ....een the top of the Navajo land.tone ond the lower-
led 10 unsatisfactory results, In the Henry Moun- most stratum assigned to the Dakota (t) sandstone,
lains Gilbert" assigned to thQ "Flaming Gorge In this tentative classification three fonnntions with
group" 111 bed. between the White Cli. (Navajo) local nlmes went assigned to a lowe,' group, deter-
sandstone and the Cr~taceous, and in the Paria Valley mined as of Upper Jurassic age, and the remaining
Rowen" included equivalent beds in a measured lee- rtrata were recognized as the equivalent of the
lion that is difficult to inte''Pret. Of the beds in the KMcElmo" or Morrison, of Jurassic or Lower Creta-
Escalante Basin Dutton" remarks: ceoUI age, While the present report was being pre-
A1'I>1Iud tbe IK't\\'Ork or ClDyona lIihutal'J to tho JCaoaIlDte. pa,-ed, studies by Gilluly and Ree.ide sbowed that
the Tn •• and lur. "'ere IItterl, IJlIIccet8lble, 'Dd Ibe Joeatl.D JurL""ic formations corrt!llponding in general with
ot'be leForO'iD" borl •••• ,,'nl InCerred rrom 'he color or lbe those In the KaiJlClrowito region are '1!presented in the
bod. aU<! 'b. orronK"",eut oC Ibe r"""" led,.. viewed' !ram. Son Rafael Swell. To ovoid duplication of forma·
cn.tllK'e. tion nameo stratigraphiC term. applicable to bolh re-
Moat geologists working in Colorado, Arizona, and !!ions were selected, Beginning .t tbe top of the
Dllh have found it advantageous to base correlations Kavajo th_ fonndions Ille the Carmer, Entrada, Cur-
• CroiUl, WbILasu, ned bed. of .,ut,b1\'ett.ern Colorado .04 tlMlr
eorreJaUoD: QeoL 8oe. America BUill •• 1'01. lB, p. 408. lOOn:.
• Lapooll. C. T .. GeolofQ' &.nil coal retOUfcn oC c..tle 'faller. Utab:
U. S. Cool. Surn:~7 Boll 628. pp. 23-20. HUa.
• Dob, C. L.. Horlaon ot tbe lIl.rlpe Jurll.. lc oC Uta": JOIl', Oeol-
0D. vol. 21, p. &U. 191..
tis and Summerville fonnalions, whicb constitute the Dutton" speaks of the Juraso;ic as
Sa~ Rafae! group. Abo.. them lies the Morrison • ~des of brtgbt·red: fossiUferou9 shales - • - beds ........
formation, wbich is tentl&ively considered Lower Cre- vary mucb I. quaHty. lOme being calenreouli, BOme gypelfer.
taceous. The Curtis formation i. _ntially restricte" I OU' ••d albers thJnly bedded Mudstone i • - - tbe CI1a.r.-
OU5 Jayers abound 'a typical Jurass,lc fossil •.
to the count"y north of tbe Fremont River. These re-
I.tion. are .hown in Plate 5. In tbe Kanab Valley tbey comprise 500 feet 'of
"calcareous shales, limeston(l$, and gypsiferous shale.."
C AJillEL FOJI ....T10N Walcott" records 960 feet of beds between Whit.
Clift' &andstone and demonstrably Cretaceous beds. In
"cream-colored mBgllesian limestone and snndy mala,"
Powell" noted the presence of -limestone contain- 110 feet above the base, MyaUn<t- ~p. ', (JamptOMcI.,
ing Jurassic foesil." as Q capping of tbe gray clilTs ~61I;"tria/.w, O. emtenualt>Rf, C. stygfu8, Peat,.. n. Ip.,
next Above tho Vermilion Cliffs, and Gilbert" snys: ltIyophqria m..b-i1ineata, A8ta:rtef sp. l, Trig()'ff,ia.l.p.',
Upon both torks o( fbe Virgin River ond upon I[nnob Cref'k
Ostrcca ItrigileCtila, and Solu:J-iulTIl.f sp. were collected.
I found lurUfile forms (lnducllnl C.' kllf,trwt ... N@ar Glendale, Utab, Stanton" found 1 to 8 feet
nnd Peu'ocrffl .. ' .. lui'eM.' In I· cNnm-eolol'e<1 8rt'nneeoWJ of red sbale, 292 feet of fossiliferous limestone and
l~lDellfo"e. Ind tbEl)' nppart'd (0 be rHlrleted to n brk'( "Tt'r. shale, 135 feet of soft red sandy shale~, and 16 to M
tk'!al muse. feet of gypsum in turn above the Navajo.
In sections measured on the Colob Plateau Let"
includes 4() feet of (ed shale and gypSlIlO Dnd 250 foe!
8b.l.. with <...1.
O)1*lferous IiholH:
of brown earthy limestone o\'erlying massh'e Junssie
Roolli.y """1.______________________ ______ 100 13ndstone, and Richardson" records 800 feet of vari-
Mit. _"'l . hAle ... lth bo ..1a of np.um______ roO colored shale, sandstone, gypsum, and marine lime.
100 b10ne bela\\' beds refened by him to the
Crelu.~lnrcd RC«lle ({lNIII!upol. n!enreotnl aD(}
1r('Oaceo•• bc<1$ : group.
Bf"tIde1J llmestoDPI (CQ.,ptoncott,. IRooaa· Foosiliferous and gypsifcrous marine beds on the
....J------------------------------------ 30 east Allnk of the SaR Rafael Swell were noted by 0;1.
CltlenJ'eoDJ ab.. 1e 'ft'Jtb lome lonIl __ . ______ __ GO
bert," who placed tbem .t the base of his "Flamilll
Cnlf'lrem1l1 lf'Ct:le 1III00~totle; lIondstone .ba!y
tUWDl'd too 1.I.~ (PbIJla)__________ _______ 00 Gorge group"; by Lupton," who classed them as baSllI
lW "McElmo "; and by Emery," who considered tbl!m
Solt red "bnle ____ ___ _________ ____ __ ____ ___ ____ ______ 00
equivalent to the Todilto of the Navajo country. Near
MnMlve tro..·hctkled .nDcI~ton~.
Loa, in the Fremont Valley, Dake'" measured 859 fe«.
Howell's "section from Last Bluff [Table Cliff] , of shale, saudstone, limestone, nnd gypsum 8bo\'~
south-southwest 86 mil .... "" lists WO feet of bfds ftS white cross-bedded Navajo sandstone. From equin-
Jura~sic: lent beds a few miles distsnt Pent=rinu81JJhitn Clarl,
Oa:tnptontctt8 plat6Mi!omWl White, and Trigoni.
& -diolt

Pnle·red DlRRVC!'
To" .. Cliff aCH" ' -lJO;I'l-M:f,lwun.. Via"

cru.~h.dtlr.d snud. t<llle_______________

lJuadrtmgulari8 wel'e collected. From limestone 22
feet above lbe Navajo sandston!) in Capitol Reef Wast.
Varlecntl'd cn>JJtermw (tIPI~ wHh rreen IlDd .ta.te fossils collected by Gregory in 1918 were identilled by
roJoh ut Ibp tOI'_________ _____ ____ _________________ liG Stanton o. Ostrea Itrigfl«tJ1a Wbite, Ca:rtUnitJ D. sp.,
I'ulr.·ydluw (~roll~·bcdded rflkllreoo. IGnd.!ltone________ '1G OamptO'llecte8 .tygiul Whit.e, and TrapezWm.1 sp_
Red, rcllow, purple. 8D(1 ,I'll)' 'lItarls 1t..1" DDd foud-
tIotonH ----. ___ - ________ __ _______ ___._ ___ ___ ____ __ __ 12G • DuHo•• C. It , Rc-I'ort OD tbe geolo" of the IIi,b Pl atnUil o.f UUItt
0. Hit , U. S, Ceol. and Get.l. Surv('), Rock)' ~ltn. ne.loo.
H.owen .. recognized equivalent st.rata on Dirty 'l'ht liT' bt.wry of Ibe Grand CalJ:J'o:t dhrtrkt: U. S . Q('OI. Iarft)'
'lI01I . 2. p. :lG, lR82.
DeVil (Fremont) Rh'er, 780 feet thick; "011 the .ollt.h- - W.k'Mt, C. D., 8ec1loD IQC!Qlu"ed In Kon.b VaneT •• U7t, II
weAt aide of EilCAlnnte River," 980 to 11S0 feet thick, CJ'ou. '\\'bUaM.O, .nd. Hllwe, ErD"t, Rf!d bedll of ilOUtb~·f!'ot.rn eo..,"'"
at. Pine ].fountain, 1,200 feet. ' , anll their correlation : Oeo1. Soe. Atnerlco. Bull .•
48.i, 1·90:..
1'0}. lIS. ,p. 484-
~ StJ\'bton·, T. W., unptlblhrhcd Dote •.
EOltwl.r(l it thin. out rftpldb·. until in eAstern ArizoDIl And III'Lee. W. T ., Tbc lroll COUDI)' COI).l field, ut:a.b: U. I, 0801. lurver
!n Now l[nl<o It pr~bl1 dlaapp.. ro o"th..,\f. Bods e.ldonUy lIull. 318, P. 302, 1007.
tlPlonlrlna to thitt Rri<"f. were aetoe Dt>ar the Moenkopi, but DO • Rld... l"tlMo. O. B .. The B nJ'IOODY. Celob and Raa" eoal I ' "
d@ftnlte III... nt eould b. obt~llI.d. ~tl\rr'1l (ltak: O. 8;. OtoL 6.. "el ~!), sf), Po 181. looL
111 Gill·... rt. Q . K., Re(lOrt 00 tbe IP!OIOU .r tbe Heol'J' 3IICM1Dtalal.
~ : . U. a. Geo...... 0<.>01. 9un., Roc:\3' lite. bet:doe. 1880.
".-.w@ll. J, W., ......a.nt. . ., t~ Cel.,... IllfeJ' of tM "'tift
It. trt.lW;hl.rIH, , . 1. ., lii&. . JD
Lupton, C. 7., GeologJ altd <:0,,1 rea.ourc:n 0" C. .Ue
OIrlloa, 5:me".. end Sc"lf'c CQUDtlES, Utah: U. S. Gear. Buy,," . .
"aUt, ,.
"GmwrL, 0. K.. U. 8, Get'll, .~ Geol. SOnr" " . leotll lIer.
Itep .. col. I, p.. 11", 1S'i4.
• •dr., ... liD.
-l:Iow,ll, 10:. R. • .,. 'CIt., ,. HI.
-Ilk-lID, pp. :1:81. 24ii.
I"", .. ~'•• 9.8.
.. E_.", lV, .. , Ttle GrK-A River Destrl aedion: A.m. 1M!'. lei.•
.t~ Tot. 48. pp. 631-G31, 1918.
nake. c. L., The bor.SOII ot tbe marine Suraq le of utall: loar.
000100'. 1'oL 2i. p. 638 . 1919.

r. ::; . (a; O;:'OG I C,'-L SU R" !:: Y

pnOF[S8 10:-: .... L r" N.: n IG-t r LA'n: 8

:1 , VIEW l.oOKING Non"l1 AC HQSo\ COLO RAOO R! \' I·: n "' ..:AU LJ.:I~'S ....:Rlly
T ille.t tw ndl i:s "'{ld.: 10 )' nl lI",iY'1j Shilin rufIlp ("I)nq:loanr, tllo', llzmrlr..1 'I oaolopi ,Lr,II :. UIIOOflrc.malil., \1'11"'11 .. It", ~!\i"'ln"lI ll.
CMo!a rormnl iou iu hu"."n.'<II' I)d. •

H. IIt.:Tn; OJ" (: 111 1'\ 1.1-: 3 1-1.\1.1:-: C:HPl.;o UY JOI NTEIJ \\J NC; ATF. 5,\:'11 0 , s'rON'F'.. I~
. , I',\ltT
OF f: II\C LI': c:1.1t··..~
·. 1 l I .jIUJ Iho fl rll in rQ,..~~rmH.ui by .t"l
j'\'vle ~ rr~: t ..,f joint-. 1)11 \\ 1: ... lI, r. rinj{ IJf l h" :.I, Od"h\'... . Thl; . lotI" Ii Cotttl!lt I L,. (., , lItu·:,. ra fl,
::3hilKlrulllP co~IOfD('flll I U.

A. W"I.I. ew C:OI.OII ... DO nI"F." 0 MIJ.E3 ABOVE MOUTH or TI-It: r.;SC,\LAl'iE

n. 1I0NI:::\'(:0:-'1I} WK\TIIERI NG IN DLOCK OF WING.-\TI~ ::\AN DSTON E, slI..n:n

....-\f'1..S C,-\ NYOi\'
o. s, . GEOLQGlCAL SUR\':~\" PlIon:S ~ IO~ .\L I',\I'I-;U Jfi.4 PL:\TE 10

A . {jl..t:N CANYON Wt:ST OF KANt:: CRF:r~K

GUJl"i;;hl Huu(\, shO'l'o'1l in lim VMtw. ill L.'U III]'IQIiCd 1.,( 11M' Summ'!f,·m6 (~). Mad Enlmda
MOmlil:lfl, ro rrll ,'li"ll~ on n wKjn
b~ nc.h of l.he~Cllrm el farmatlon. which "\(,llIl" to t.hoo rocqrounJ.

n, W..-.U. UOlWE:n1NG I\ANE Cnr::EK

Conl:\ct (It J:: f1 l.r ~ J:\ . odSl(I f)(\ .. flo!! Curmd f onn:l. •.ion.

C C I FN Ca..NY O~ Nt·:AR MOUTH 0'" WAlnl Sf'lUN GS Cfn;EK .

" • ..• ". , ' , 1'/111 Todilt'l (~) fOr{nul.:on j,. O:> 1pu....'J ' W'<r tlu: "n'r ](0 •. 0'1 .
The n.·arly ~'rr l i.~;u dilT ill forrm... 1 of NIlVlljO ",-
."" ,ld!i(lW\' I . " I " Ln Bu.'
l -n QIi)fl"J''' ')..... . "
pnOI'Es...<;Im'AL PAI'en I~ PT• .\'l'r: I I
n. s. (;1::0f, OGICM, s un.' EY

A. !lANDED 111·:n AN I) wllrn: ,"-',,,' ',,,' O".,, 'l '(J'',' r.A I r. ""IU::OUS SfH,LI:: OF r:A IlM E r. F OHMATlON NEAll
'u", ,.....
" , "I)
Tltl;: C I"\C"S~ING OF Till:: l",\TIIl!:ns

s,A"" ' I>~TONI!i OYimUtN flV (lANDED SUM MEIWILI.l-: 81'\\ .\T.\ AND
II. r.I.IFF 0 ).' :\!.\AAI\'.; }O;-:\'TIUO.\
C:\l'rEO U\' tU:M:\A-"HI Of ~lORlllOO:'" S.","OSTO='it-:, I{AU's cnf..p.K ' ·ALI .EY SEAlI n .\KEH ""N CH
I' ROJo'E SjlO~ .\I. 1'.\1'EIt 1(,1 I'LA 'J' t:! ~

A. S( ~\n rHo' HlPl)L E ·~1A1H\lm SIIALY SAi'ODSTOi'OE l i\' C:\IHlt:L

FUH:\(A T lON. ·to io'!':I=;T A1l0 \' E TOI ~ O}o' NA V.\J O 11\ DRY CA!\'·
YO1\'. 8 0Ul'HW~1' Or' C:ANNON " lI~L c.;

c. cnos.s-Jlf.OOEn r::-.lTJtAD,\ S,\NOSTONE NF.AR CANNON\,fI.U~

rHoYY.SSION.-\T, PAl'EH 1(,; Pf .....:n; 13
U. S. GEOLO GI CAl. S["rtn: y

A. . D .\ND~D ~JJ.\I.Y S U ~UH: II\' ILU~ OJ S,\NnSToNE I :'IIIL1=: SClLJ'JI\\' ~'I" OF GAN~'Oj'l/ \'rLLE


The 45 to 450 f eet of beds along upper Glen Canyon Jnraeslc:
SumOltnille: (1) for.nut'ion~
nd the Waterpocket Fold that lie between the Navajo Ft·C't
•",ndstone and a " very mllSSlve . so f
t 'lIght creamy- 21. Sandslone. bnn(jKj .. lternatel" lltle red uhd
",bite, thin 'b edded, weakly consoUdated;
white, tan, cross-bedded sandstone" were
is essentially i ('01«:1,1'1(1". Iud C'l"Pllff>tl.lus
grouped by Longwell a nrl Moore" as "gypsiferous sUL_____ _____ ____ ____ __ __ ____ ___ ___ __ _ 130
sbales and sandstones" and placet! at the" horizon of COI'D'lel tormatlion-
marine Juntssic "-" Todilto (1) formation of Em- 20. Liructltl)ne, gru1, land.)!. o()lLUc in (>art. u 14:"ns
,ry," "included ill McELmo formation by Lupton." 30~ feet IouI': tral'ments' of TriOonla. ond
0811'(."(1.__ __ • ________________ .• ______ __ ___ 1,.J
In the Diamond VlIlley, 15 lIules north of St.
George, Utah, and oVeI-lying undifferentiated Wingnte 19. SlIndstone, houded pole rl!;J ond wblte , Hr.e
grained, tdnble __ .. _____________________ 13
ind Nal"Ujo, Reeside and Bossler" ,found about 460
IS. Gypsum, wbite. lumpy; ubse-nt 120 feet d is-
feet of" grecnish-grny, crcllm-colored, and brown fos- tunt nlollr titdke _____ .. __ ... ______________ 3
siliferous marine limestone, underlain by brick-red 17. Sandstoue, red and gr("eD. wblte bunded;
snndstone, shale, and gypsum." Included fossils" fix in composition l1ke No_ 19______ ________ 12
Ibe age as undoubtedly that of the marine Jurassic of IG. G)'p:rum" wbltl.....gret"8, Imeoded lufo muses
like I:rlsde In bo(.-on... _____________ ..,.. __ _ 16
the region,"
Thc ob"ions utility of fossiliferous beds as a horizon ]G. Shulc. wblte, gJ'pJllferolJtI and arel~"t:eOOp__ ~
H. GypliUID, wblte aad p'eeo, '•.-ltb pink teD~e:J
marker in the midst of thousands of feet of unfossil-
:neat lot): evonl" be(]ded, brea.k., into
iferolls strata led Gregory and Noble' to stndy the sbeet~ obout 1 Inch thick_______________ ·1
'marine Jnrassic" in the Pnrnnuweap and Kanab ]3. uneonrorJuitJ"; pocl(i.-ts [n eroded surtllce
Valleys at loculitics "nere fossiliferous limestones had nre ftJled wIth ~rnt'et thnt ~()n8btl ot peb-
been noted by Powell lind Dutton and to trace these bit'S ond fr:lgmGJl t~ of quortz, treeD lIIud
beds or their equivalentg westward to the Diamond sbnlc, ulld red sho.Ie.
Valley and eastward to Roel, Creek. 12. Sanchitoue ~b, .. In('bu to e, reet tMe).;.;
lo~-er 30 t~t alternate))" bond(.-d wbite
In tbe Long Valley (upper Virgin YaUey), begin- Illld pnkt red, '1'Uh 501I1~ bJ'lgbt"red aDd
ning at the hend of PlI.runuwenp Canyon, fossiliferous gr~n I\treRt..~~ uplJer l)(lrt hns )'ellow C4atj
marine Jurnssic is exposed on the down-thrown side of mnny beds nry unew·'n nud jDtlud.~ thlu,
the fault that murks the wcst base of the Pnllllsaugunt short lC1l1C.'i or contorted 1uIJIPJ calcareous
mud. greeD Ilme !!llltlll, nnd buil pluty
Plat.eau- the Sovier fault of Dutton, Near the village
Ume6l'onc i beds crl~t5cro:s:sC(l with streaks
of UOllDt. Cal'lIIel beds that lie betwe.en the NIL,'ajo of whl~e; In eOBl])otdtion iJke No. 19____ OS
"ndstone nnd struta. assigned to t.he Cretaceous form 11. Lll.Oeston., lI~ht grO)1 'tl,} CfeuJU-colon-d,
low cliffs, mesas, ridges, and rounded knobs that are £lenSl"; brittle, hn ro; lower part in oell:"
distributed as foothills lending upward to the in- 3 to 5 feet thick; upper part split1'l hHQ
h'ie,tely dissected Colob Plateall. lIIeDsul'ed sections slubs 1 to 3 incttf'S tblck; topmo...,t bed
wade porons by remo\'al DC ('IIlY IlQU-
include at. their base n series of limestone, shale, utes; :."ol1nUon Hur(I\Ce'9 PJ'OfUs,l!Iy l'iI>pJ~
gypsum, and friable sandstone, for which the lIame Jllflrke<1; contains 7'rI,()II{a (JluJ4ratl"1I1a~'j8
Carmel formotion hilS beeu proposed. UnU and Wblt.flehl, Do.dnia. 1/lranica.
Whittle-Id, and uD<letcrmloL"d gO,J(r0{lOds :
STRATIGIlAPRIC SECTIONS forms cops or mesns ______ -:- _____________ ~S

A composite section made "l' of fin partiul sec- IV. Sflole, gray 10 bull', In 1>Il11Cr-lbln O\'er-
Io.pping bellB, calcareous; foliation sur-
tions at the type locality of the Carmel formution- .fnces .1Dootb and 'tfstenlng____ ___ _____ 10
all the beds not exposed at anyone place-consists V. Limestone. crellm-cnlored. de~ • • hnrdl, IUi-
of the following beds: Ct...~Oi., wittl thJn leu_'ICa aod sellm.. of
<"Ilel't; bl'eolt... "'~tb NDC!holdul (rli;lllre__ 1%
S{J(1{Q)l. 01 Cal'mel !annatton. between. "'irgin ,R.iur brl4gc §n'
a p(liJlt about P nJ.-ile.s 1Oe..~t of Mount Oarmel -.lllogc. Cltall
8. 5hftlc, Iikel No. 0; forms slope on all DleSllS
In ttLll vlelnU"________ _____________ ____ SU
[~('flIurC'tl by Herbert E. Grf,orrl 7. Lhll~8tone, buff, eerLhy. one JDossllO'e bed;
Cfetllceons: Feet top ('t)Dsllt!f lafi!ely ot broken lihells.____ 2
23-30, SaDdstone. buD'. brown, coarse, aDd _hale, O. Sbille, ealcareou, and lreollcoous, Dod tbin
with oou1-- _______ _______ ___________ ____ 200+
flIrt,by Iimcstont, Ira7 to cream-colorcd,
Cr"uccous (7): lIuky. friable. in dlscontlJmoun beds; fQs-
Morrison (?) !onno.lioD- slls ahundnnt. including OaN-ca IJtrigl-
22. Sandstone, white, with greenlsb .~.le ~ dbl-- leCfi14 Wbite ~nd Lima QCcWen.tall~ Hull
integrates readily i thlcknelS ecUmated__ ® nn4 ~h!tftcld ____________ .______________ 22
-LonJ:'lJell, C, n., and othel"8. op. dt.. p. 4. 5. SsuditODt. erl)" to butf', Terr ('.lcar~u.8;
~Rft:lldc-, J. B .. Jr., Bnd BaslIlcr, HDney, .~. dt .• JIP. ,",', eot. (OP (ewlnches coated wU" beaigtltu11.)' pre-
eratory, B . E .• and NObl~, L. F., ~olel' '" • po...,;tc ..l l.ra\"en:e sen'ed Item Joints o~ Petdcgi,..,. cwterll-
~l'(Idl lriIIobo.\·e. Calif.. 10 the mouth or SaD JUAll' Jlf\'u, Ut..tI: Am. en \feell and. Hlyden,_______ .... _________ 4.
OUt. Set.. 6t1l a('r., \'01. ri. p. 231. 1023.
ii. Shule; mJk e~ a ~lope--Conlinued.
Cannel formllli on-Con rjoued. Clo)' shnle, buf!' tl) s m oke-gray; coutalGf
4. LimeHtone R,od cnlcnrevus ~balc in beds. loco I beds ot platy buif cnlcat'eous shale;
ieslt tblUI 1 ineb thlck... _________ _____ _ 18 n fl'W beds, 1 t o 2 feet tblck, are reddlsb
or ;lurplish _____ ________ __ ___ __________ 23
iJ. Llme8t()ne , c:ream"CoJored, earthy at bot ·
toID, tew teet pink, I1ml ve ry In
c Ut! sect ior.s. npparentl y In beds " :0 8 4. Sbule nnd Ilmc:ttou(!: make 0 \venk cll1l, Ol" :l
fre t lhlck but weathers into t hin steep lC<l;.'Y s lOpe:
____________ _____________ ______ __
~la b ~

20 I.imestoue, burr: iu mnssive bed tb nt cou'

2. SlIa le, hri ck' r(!d, ht'cak.!:l into thin hanl talus many i t":lgment s ot small shells;
cb llr.-', CIl1cl1rl'OllS at the top __________ _ make!:l clHt _______ ___________'__________ l~

1. SalJ(bitolle. ,L;rcen-whlte, In places C'O u' S blJh.~, ~Ql ltJy, hUrr: ruok~s :,IOlle__ ________ _ 10
gl omera te with reu quurtz ora1o:-s, I.lm~st o ne, suudy, bull, f:lv arinclY i0S3Wfer-
:; r(!cn mud pellet:.4 ond shale tral;weu ts : OU8; moke9 SID(l1l cUCf_______________ ___ 3
aloog strlkc I hl s bed thll'keus, tllln~, Sbule, buil, sandy ; mukes slope___________ ;)
or dls.'lppeu rg __ _____ ___ _______ ___ . __ ____6_ 8 an6~to ne . calcareoufi, pluty, cou toi l.l in(;
seYem l io~~1liferous beds, made up
'r u t ~ l CUI'ntetl'Ol'mlltlo u _______ ______ 269+ largely ot' frug,rllcuts ot shells: tile pre-
Uucorl t'ol'iu Ity . vailln;; color of tbe sa nu:;toue Is bull, but
,lul'lu,-sle(?) : some beds arc slightly purplis h ; the t'os-
NflVllju suud~tollc. siHferous beds uv e Ta~e less tbun 4 jnches
The complete list of fossi ls collected from the lowcl'- In lbick ~.l c~s; Ule SJ:11 ~ d i) tolle makes 0
"'cak c;iU' ______ __ ___ ________________ __ .:i
nw,t 150 fed of the Cnrmcl forma tion 0 11 the Virgin 2t1i
RiHr embraces the following for ms : 3, SbJ.Jle, salluy, huff: nt:lke$ !:I1'Jl're : mos t at the
sbut e bl. 1:.1 {Jllile r -thi n laminae ; cOlltu lns locu l
Pcntftcrinu... a.stcriltClHl Mee k Cnmp toncctcs :;l.\'gi ul; White? beus c f huft ptll! y cakllreou:; shale, m o~t of
lIDd Hayden. M odicl u· .sub ilnbricatn l';{cck. ~... hll'h arc h..-'S.'i" than 2 l!lcbc~ thic!t __________ _ ~J
Rhynehoncll" lilli, undct.. Modioln pcrt('lI u i ~ ~J ec k ::md 2 . Llmest; mnl{cs ellils:
1!:u ru.icroUIt (~Ilrtll ( Hull). IJa.yde n. Ltmcstol}(>, s nndy, mude up a lm ost eu tlreJy
OsLren Itrigi1~c"lu Whi t~. Modioltl ~p. undet. lIf sm:!!l irub"llieuts of ~llells; e .... e ry-
C.'1 rt'inia.! J).. "D· Astnrtc rmcknrdi White . where a very CODSplcu,)usly toss!lH'erou s
'frigotti;, qUl).drl\nglllnrit4 Hull D O::'1ni~ j W hiUieid. boo ____________ __ __________ ___ _____ __ ~:~

nrtd Wh itti r,ld. Ammonite frognl(,.l1t?

Limes tone, che l·t.)' ( lIk ~ No, 4). in beds
TrigtllllA amcrlc.all:\ ( i\tl!C~) . that llVCnl ge (; iucllc8 I h lck, alrernating
Cllmpto ncctes plntc:.'siform is w~th beds or buil orenat'(.'ous plat.y June-
Whil<>. s t e ne (like No.3 ) Utat Ilvel":1,g"e 4 t'wt
Scotton, (If Carmol lorI/ta tUm at til e head of Par4nuwcap thick; mokc:t It set ot clitts broken I.>y
ledge!:l_____________ _____ ___ _______ ___ __ 11
aa'l lIm~, Utah.
l.l:ncs tollc, to~s llifm·o u ~. pl a ty. buil'. mottleli
witb mallY l'IllnU m:·' tsses ot. '''' bite cha1-
c(!(lou.y or c he rt; weothered s u r t'l1 ces aTO
li. J.iUl('titouc; mal,(>s t wo cHlt i; with a ICll ~y l'iIOt~ r abbl.\"; tut! bedding js wa \'.1. and t he
bet. w~n them : lou!ill!ll! a,'crago onc-fou rth incb tbiel,;
Llm('slonc, very UltlSRlvl', hlllh'h graf, ~ ry". '()8~ 11..s very floorly 1l1'c:::ervecL_______ ___ 1
lullhm, In bl.>(ls t11Ut rQllge from 2 Incll~ L loles tolle, dl;:Jlsc, hurt, somewhat 31'e lla-
to 3 !et!t 11_ thickness : forms n strou!; (~ e(lCS, crys tfllliuc: ( O I'ruS .'itrong cHITs; the
cli1t: t'OtittlHt'c rou.-;. but the toss Us 0 re rocl~ appears mas,sh 'o In many outcrops.,
poorly Drescrvcd__________________ ___ __ 8 breaks with a concboid al fractur e, and
1.lrnestOl1l\ bUll. cr}' stulline, and ~bu l(!, seemingl y fOr~ ~oli d beUJ:i tllllt Tan~e
lilutr, cn1t..:n r OOUl:i, In olt~rnating beds; (r01u G to 10 feet In tl.>le kness. but
mok~ slope; the limestone bed~ UVerl\~U Wfratllercd e>:tposu res show thnt it i s adu -
,1 1n~be:; In Ul lckllC'£'~, the shul<- boo!!! ' 1 ully tblu beullcd ouu pla ty, beiDg mode
t'oot__ ______ ____ _______ _______ _____ ____ 12 up cl' lamiuae thut runge fl'om oue-tom' WI
Lhllt..'3tOUt', plnty. buil, sOlllewhnt !:'un dy. in to one-bu lf IDe b 10 t ldc k ue5S ; some luml-
bed!l nlllging (rool one- Courth Inch to 4 l1:t e aN as tbin at' cQrdboard; the I; tt ~a l
inches lu thleknl':-;s : (orms n cliIT; COil. G ft'Ct ot' the time~tt)lte i~ pur pl isb alld
taios SNl lUs or Cll lcitc; ::'omb ueu~ nrc Is mndl more M UU$' than overlying POT-
liolll:l ____.______ _______ _ ____ _______ __ ___ 17
crystllutne: tO llIllO!:'t bed , 6 in~hes thick,
1s vcrs fo:-L'dllfe1'OUlL___ __ ___________ __ _ 1;:;
sort. sond)', and
1. 81.>n11..'. reddish or llU111lis ll ,
G. Sllllle; nHlkes n 8101>\.' : tblllly hlmlnaLed; tbe upper }\Uro; Is enlcnre-
out\; t'orms u slope ________ __________ ___ ___ _ J2
S.h:lle, tbill b«:'ddcd, burr, cnlC!lr~OM ; upJl('r
bntt' ultuost u IImeSlOl1l' :j:: '.fotul Ca l'mel t'oroonUoll _______ ______ __ __ _
Sh:1Il", bu£r. sondy; u few h~~-;~.~- ;;d~ ~=~ IJ
LlruestOtJ~1. bnrd . hufl, ptnts, in llnpcr-t h ill. The base of No.1 is a le"el line that t"llneales tit,
wuvy l:l Uli11 ne... ___ ________ • ____ _____ ___ _
.3 indilled wedges of t.he underlying Navajo s:ludst{Jlle.

i.l wbite, fine-gt'ained s l.lndstone thut is ' eroi.'i-beddcd J ui'Pl SSl c-{'omi IIUL'l.
Carll .." fOI'Ulatlon---Continu~d,
oD a. huge scale.
]1). ~J; ul ( •. c.rt"'e ui s h nnd bUll', ~:Uldy , cll kal"l~ '
In sec'tions of the Carmel formation in the Virgin IIII S; mUll)" ued.") 11::; thin 11:'1 cHrdboard,
Valley and nlso in the Kanab Valley the beds that ~wm~ ns mnr h os ::In im'h thick; the
include limestone pass upward into banded sa thicke,' beds ure raIC:lr~lUS, the tU :UllCl'
Oll l'~ ~Illu cly ____ __ _ _ _ ____ _ ____ _ ___ __ _ _ _
without clear evidence of change in conditions of 9. CI:IY .-;llule. l)1'ownisl:, In lami nae ( hot
deposition. The upper limit of the Cnrmd is some· in thicknL' l:I8 1'1'n UI tbH of [mper
what nbitral'iJy d""wn to include only fo~.iliferou s t\J that of card bon I'd : SOme outcrops
~! a! u('ri bluc li: ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ __ __ ·1
liDicstoUe nnd associated arenaceous shale . Within the
S. Cln>' "hule , .~reeni~h, iu 11Ilpcr-thiu Ituu luae_ 1
Kaiparowits I'egion, with the possible exception of I. ('; Iuy ;,;hule. I'(~ I, sondr. not so thinly buni-

heds exposed a.t CannonYille, no such uncertainty ex· Hal ed Il!\ No . HL ______ _______ ________ _
G. 81Illh ~ , .~reeoiJ;b. sltndy _ __ __ _____ ______ __
i,ts; shale >.Ind limestone assigned to the Cunuel >.Ire 1
;:;, Sh ah'. hllll::;h, soft. ci'l l'l're(J u~; exhi1Jlttl
sharply bound.ed by the Navajo ueueatll and the lIlU " lIl:lrkt.:l1 ('ollcrcliUllftry tltl'uclurt.'; 1:.1 rge ly
,il'e c..o>s-bedded Entrada sandstone abo\-e. (Sec !'1. ,"011 ('('0 l('cI ___ __ __ _ __ ___ ___ __ __ _____ _ _

22, A.) -I. Shalf', Illlll ~h-g"l' a y, (' l1 ktl l"eOll~;

In pitH't'.':;
P:l~""'!i hd'o IIm~ :;.rone;
OPIICllr!J; to form a
The arrangement of beds in the Pari" Valley, along ...; ing le tnns~l\'e beel. bllt wenth ered 1:1 111'-
Glen Canyon, in the Esca.lante Valley, ""d in the i a('t.'S ~ho\l"" "cry thin lamination: ill
Hull Valley is shown in the following sections: places th e lnmlu:te nr(l as thin as rOpel';
lHall~' of (h<'m I\l'e sli gh tl;v WU\'y, o\\'ill~

8ccthm ~t~ Dru Cl.myon (Ror:k Spriugll Gf41ch, Cel/.(1I" lVa .~ h), pl'oh:lb l ~' to r !p rl h~ mnrklng; a few o..'tl-;
1100111 ~ mile,. abo ve Iunotio). ·wi.'I&. P'"'!U Rit;cr II.' ]' d{'n~l" "~l'y nn cly try:.;t.ll.ll iJll' UUle,
~ l O H (' uud cO'ltnin HIlY mns.....~ s oi
('I I alt'('dony ____ _ ... ________________ ____ _
IM\.!fumrctl by L. F . ~o"l el

Jurassic: ". S:II:II~tone g"[()(·llis h. SHft; hc:cull1es in-

l:l" c ll s in .~..dr ('(lIl'QI'~'l lI~ lIllWtlt'd nnrJ 111l $SI;'~
Elltrada sULHi'.i tone- Fed
23, Sandstone, yeliow-\Vhitc, m:.l ss iYe, eros:;- nt the top info p:uty CltlCtlrt.'ou.'i 8uud -
:stOllf! _ _ _________ _ _ ________ _ _ _ ,__ _ _ __ _ _
beddctJ _______ ____ ____________ __ ____ __ II!)
:!, Limc,,,,", lu'o wn, fel'ru A"loout>; contnlut'
22. S hale. n.-d, su ndy, "ery ullc"cnly t>cdded__ 2
l :;t.'utterN.l g-ruiD~ o f Q,UJtrtl, most or
wh ich lire less tilall G mllllu)ct('r'l:! In
Carlliel (orwatioo- lIlnlll('tL"' __ ________ ___ _____________ __ _
21. Limestone, g ray, weathcrill;; bua, massi"e, 1. Slllidstu.ll c. J!:r('~nisll ond ,\'",I1owlsll. tine ·
fine grained, cryswlltlle. prouably grllilleti; ill l'e l')' thin WlI'-Y luminal" h u t
s uudy; contains obsc ure (osslls _______ _ 1 wClllberio;;- us n Ulos ~ h'e bcd _________ _
20, Shale. red __________ _____ __ ____ _______ _
n T()tui Cn rmel formntloll____ _________ 89
10. Ltmc:--;tone. like No. 12__ _____ _____ ____ _ _ 1 .J ul'Ilssic ( ?).
18, Slla Ie, red _____ _____________________ ___ _ n NIHOJO :-Illndstone, whltl'; its IncJJned we dgel:i are t r uncated
17. Lbu€'s.tolle, llke No, J2 _________________ _ 3 h y Xo , 1.
16, Shu Ie. bufl' to ,v biti!:lh, cn lcureous; forms Noble dividL~ tltis sediOIl, ol!gillning at it~ top, into
11 "'cak eUIl' _________________________ _ s limestone that forms " c1ilf (beds 21-17); shale thut
Hi, Bed of porous travertinelike calcareous
f0l'l11S a slope (beds 16--12) ; ripple-marked calclll"eous
llJlIt€l'iut; a horizon ot w!.lich l:ipring~
Issue; forms Ull alco\'e _________ ______ _ 1 shale that forms a weuk cliff (bed 11); shnle that
H , Cloy ~ hflle. hull' to hrown; <:tl ntaiD~
8 forms a slope (beds 10-5); sh"le that forms a weak
layer of bloi~h c~Jeart·ou!'J l:'bnle ncar the cliff (bed J) ; ,wd sand stone that fonus a slope (heds
top ______ __ ___ __• ___________________ _ .\ :,-1) .
13, CklY shale-, relit with cref'nl's b t,loJchCii: Ded 11 is a prominent feature of the lowermost 40
includes a few greenl;Jb boo. at Irregu-
llll' intPl" 'ais __ ________ ... _____________ _ leet or the Ca rmel formation in the Poria Valley. At
12. Shal ~, red, sondy _____ _______ __ __ _____ _ _ 10
all the outcrops studied the ripple mn.rks ure pel.,;ist-
(' nt~ and the resistance of the rock to weathering JavoI'S
11. Shoh~. gre-eui::lh, sll udy, c3lcureous. In
wQ.\""y . luin lftD1ir~fie; mn nr lamilla e liS the accumulation o r rippie-nlarl<ed slabs on talus slopes
th!n as purer; [oHatton 5urfnce-s ripple und canyon floors. (See pI. 12, Lt.) Curerul seal'eh
marked; worm troils and [llRL'klugs for fossils in c.!careons beds of the Curmel resu lted in
comnlon; some bcds3e''"eru.l Inches thick finding indeterrnilluble fragments and irnperfeel casts
are prac ticallY Ji.mcstOI:lC' ; they appear-
that. strollgly ~ lIggest identity with the mUl'ine Jurassic
JDos~Jvc in nlan)' expO~llres. hut
weat.he r-cd l.)utcro1l8 sbaw tbln Lahl1na- faunn of t.he Virgin River. \-Vorm trails ~md boring...
tl,)n ___ _______ ___ _____ ________ _-- __ --- 8 al'e common.
S,;clicm fit Ourmd formation about 2 miles u;c~t of JIc/)'kh~ Oar, irregularly bedded calenreous shale is a bed 2 inch
Colorado Blur, Utah tllick made up of paper-thin laminae almost as har:
~Me:l.ur-ed by Jh F. :Soble) and as brittle ~s porcelain.
('flrmel turmotion: Fed
Section 01 Ctlnnc1 !M1IWti<l'tt. <.bout Z milc.'l ea .d of EICal."jt
fl . 811otlstone, :reddlsb, lluE.... gralned; forlO~ ft diU.
Ln.l'cr:,~ mu~slTe hut Irre~lD.rly beddro ; bn:<tll 2
feet h"rd nlld ealr.areolls_____________________ U [:\j('il:-;ur('u by IJ'!rUcl·t F.. Grt',i;"ory]
Eutrada snnastone, yt'J1Qw-red, ma8slv('; in texture re-
.1. Shule, reu: forms a Sif1J)C- ~embles Navajo.
Shale, v~l'y soft, red, snndy; In paper-tbin Carmel formntioll:
In m in Ile_____ ~ ________ • _. __ . ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ 2:{
10. Gy[ISlllll nntl i;~,-psi(eI"OllS sbale, wIth subordlnat<!
Shale, fro, ·floe-g,rnlned, SlIudy; UppCl' 1 fO(Jt
Jrllls,"i\'c'. but frlnble. __ _ .. __ __ ______ ______ 0 ~haly sundstolle: ~l":J.y, red, purple, and nsl.!-
co!on?-dI; forms II pln lD n{~ roos uptu .strllta;
21i lar.gel), concealed j t.l)lckD~ e&.jm.t~d ... _-~ __ _
9, Snnd::!.tone. thi::t·bedded, or snDdy $hale.. ~ras;
bi~hly calcareous, ltnbrlcftted; gHstenJcI 10-
:l. r.:IJh:/JI·l'Oll~ 6HUtlStOtte. tomlln: a dHt-
Iiution surfaccs covel'(>cI with l'ipple marl,s nnd
Sandstolil', nla~in~. pink, mlc81'(,ous; in
pJaces pradieul ly It IIm~fJlonc _________ __ _ I patehes of hardened !$norJ; n:,l'y irret;"ulm" in
Ihickn(;ss, COJnIJosition, and extent of IJeds ___ _
8lloihrtoDe. I.hlt. pl~ty. CA.lenr('ous : In pJllces
S. Shale, C'aicnr(,{)lJs, ftlld t.hin :mndy liDicstOl~ e ___ _
vradlcally a Ih.n~ tQ nc; h llUII1I1(': os thin
ae c.rdbo3rd ________________ __________ ~_

1 "i. Gyps um , white, lUn ss lvc. wiUI fe,,," lel!ses nDd

ft;hn'~, rl'11pl'e' mnrk(:d, llrnt~' ,
stringers or wl'lite sandv shule· forms gulch·
PR itly l:()nCeH ItJrJ _______ ~ ______ ~ ____________ ~
greeDwb wblle, calcll1'eou.s; pr:1 tllcn II)' n
tltln-Iwdue(] lilm~tou(~ : Il1mlllu ~ n~ thin n~ G. Sundstone, rcd-yellow, massive, cl'oss-bedded ___ _ ;
cardl)(lruti; tills bed nwl the two ovc l'lyh, ~ ri. Shale, red, saudy, t:nc\'enly bedc1ed ___________ _
lJcd!l (,1 nnd G) form Ic(h~eg just obo\'e 4. Sandstol1l', buft, [eguIO)'I), bedded; Que betl 4 fe-e.t
top (d the clifT formed by i..lcd 2____ ______ _ thlek: other beds tbifl ___ .. ___ _______________ _
~nndstonl', redtlisb, compact, ('1l1careou~ ill
3. Sh::llc, sandy, or shal,)" standstolle, pink, with iI'-
two runs81ve he.lIs, (oeh 2% fe et tulck, regulal')". plneed patches of red, eftlcareolls;
scparntcd b;r 1 fOfJt of red slll1d~' shnlc: tbln lenoos (rt limestone;' !ollatIon. .Burfnccs sun
mucb cnlclte pl'escnt along crnt:ks ________ _ G driEd, ritJI)le marked, and dotted ~ith mutl
lumps ______________________ :_-- ____________ _
,) Z. Lillll"Stcme, p:nk. brittle, o:Jd paper-thIn ~nnd}'
shale, Iml>ricate<1. r ipp le mllrked ____________ _ 2
~. ~"nrMonQ. rc<ldl,b, soft; form s 1\ sIOf,Q- 1. Sandst one, red, ebnly, calcnreous, witb patcl]es
Snmllitone, red, shall'; II cOl lsolidnt ed
mUll ________________________ ___________ ~
~ lUI1\"
of conrs('> snod O"rnllls ______________________ _ s
Snlldstone, mllssive, coruptlct , red; pJobabl)· '.rotal Cnrwei fOl'II:atlon __________________ _
e~llcllrcnmL____________ ____ _ _ _ __ __ ___ ___ _ 1 Navajo ~8ntlstor::e, ~·c l1ow-white.
Snu(l$tonc, red, shuly; like No. :i__ __________ !!
Sand.!1t(]llC, In mlt~~l\"c
;;narll' bed, brecci~ t~ SC'c.tiG1t 01 CUI1I1C/ formatlo1/., i,1- Balbi Valley ncal" Burr- ,,,!lit
red .______________ __ ____ ________ ________ 2
IMCfll:'urC'd by Hcrb ~ rt E. Gr('gory]
~allds.t"n(>, red, shaly; like Nn, 0___________ :i
Entradn sandstone, ,,,,hile to yello,,"-l'c(l, mnssivc______ G'.)) 3:
Cannel forrnntioll:
1, 8undstollc, pinkish or reddish, Ycrr bnrd. ('OUl-
7. Shale, J;ypsifer o n ~, light red, brown, greenish
1)1Jt't, .fiJle-~'l"nined,
qurH'tzltlc; prrr ctica lly n
while; includes beds of gypsum 3 to 8 feet
qunrt7.lte; torm1l n very rlersltHeut tlr.~- cliff
thick, thin white ~lInd3tones, sandy reel
nt tIll' sUUlmlt 01" the Nnv<l jo saJ\ltston~; the
.s.balCl!!, and pnrtly concca led____________ 230
roek 1s ripple Dlnrkcd In llla~, fllIc\ its 8ur-
G. Limestone. brown, sandy. ond lenses of IU;~;
fncl"S ar~ cgn.t.ed with black desert rnrni~b'
s:hale; very irregularly bedded, mUDy Intern1
tlH~ tblc:,"~3 t uuges fI'l11U 4 inche-s to 2 feel:
unconformiti es ; sOlUe foliation surf:lc(.'>S rIpple
It re~mhlc~ beds III the Cambrlun Tarj(,lll~ lnarke-d _______ ____________________________ Co
~ndslnDe or the Gl"3nd canyon_~~ __ __:_ ~ - -- _ __ 2
G. ShlIle. white, calcareous, Cv<!n beddoo_____ 12
Totu} Carmel (ormnthin 4_ Ltmestone, billY, em·th~· __---- ----------- ---
No\"njo ~"IlIJ~tolle,
white, crOSS-hl.-d~~l-~I~-~-l~~~~-;;~c~- tiJ 3. Shale. briS'ht reO, culcurt."Ou5 :md orenoc;;~;,
\'ery uneve-nly bedded; resembles compacted'
Neal' the Crossing of the Fnthers the sandstone .nn slIt; nnd gray no(]ulnr 1100estOJle, lellticuIQr__ ~O
shille thnt. n~lIkc up the lowel'Jno,t ;]5 fect of the Cnr- 2. Sand.stone. grny, nnd red sbule__ ______________ 5
mel formatIOn nre calcal'''ous and include a bd f 1. Snm1stone, brown, lumpy, imbrlC'Oted, leutlcn-
blll'd pink lime~to~o 3 inches thick "ud seye;. 11:nt~s
lar; lDdudes lenses ::md pockets of ql:lQrtz
pebbles; rests on uneven surface ot under-
of hmestone wlthm ripple-marked shaly sandstone,
(Sec pis. 10, B, 11, A.) At the mouth of Rock Creek
the only~ hmest()ne noted within' 0 30 feet f re d Iumpy,
lying saudstone; al'er:lS'e thlckness ______ .. ___
Totnl Cnrmel fOI·J1lfltioD _____________ _
Navajo sandstone.
- 29S
Near the mouth of Halls Ci'eck the limestone that short, fat It"",;es
. .
of ol'edIlppino- 0
shale and tiny conel'e-
is co~only associated with the Carmel formation is lIons are dtstt'lhuted unevenly over eroded su f
I K ' " races.
inconspicuous, but from the B u .... trail north\vard to In tie alp"rowlts . reO-IOn 0
t.he l>rel'lIilinn'
col ors 0 f'
Ihe east flank of the San Rafael Swell an increa sino- the Enl.rllda al'e tan, I",ht o red , •and l)rO WII . S orne out-
3U1o~t?f siliceous limestone, earthy limeston; c:ops .lU'e gray or. even blllc-gl'ny, and in the Dry
and hlgnly cale'Heous shale appear in sec- "ail e), the tone IS yellow-white t.o lemon-yellow.
tIOn:; find the fo::sil fnuna likewise increa ses in abun- Patches and ribbons of white of irreglllllr thickness
donei! and va I'iety, and lenglh apP,ear on cliff f:.H..'es in n seemin,yly
haphazard fnsI11011. ~ ~
Jlicro$copic study o f selected specimens shows thIlt
the ,andstone COI",sts of clOlu' ~"rains of qual'I',~ (b n au t
The Bntrudlt sandstone is conspicuous alike for
0;, pCI' :Cllt.) un(1 fragm ents of clouded orthoclase
color, ,lIlassivenc£s, und boldness of sculpture. On
(about 0 I'(' r, .""nl.). Some biotit.e is present ill all
[,olh sides of Glen Canyon between 'Vahweap and
SPCCHlICll S. ZjIX per cent of the. O'l'nms nvera«
Rock Cre<)ks the sandstone rises abo I'e an intricately ., " 0
mIlIIlueter I U dlan",ter , 90 per c.cnt wei"'"'' ~ 008 tnt'11i -
~ 0.....
d,,!<)cted badland tloor of Carllld s trata as high, un-
Illeter, :md + per cent mako "l' " powdor-like silt that
sulobk walls of projecting spurs all d <If detached
i~ldll des Oakes of, biotite arl'nngcd ill Inyers. There i.
mef<lS, whic h stund in front of promontori es th.Jt ex-
li.nIe!llce 01 sort-illg. ~lost of the grain8, cspc-
tend outward from the Kaiparowils Plateall. (See
[II. 10, I I, B.) Eas t of Rock Creek thcse walls COll-
I l'l ally tll(; slllllllcr OJh:lS, Ilrc ulIgu)n.l'. The cement con-
si, t.s of "uleite and ferri c iron, The whito blotches llnd
tiuue :u'ollnd the cnd of the I(nipafow ib Plateau and
bonds in the ro"k ure identical with the red in COI11-
thence northwestwnl'd for 30 miles alono- the SLruin-ht
position exc~[lt t.hat' the discontinuous cemcnt is
Cliffs and reappear near the village of Escalilllte. "In
wbolly calcite. A specimen of white rock from equiv-
tho upper Paria Valley they are prol:tinently dis-
,·.Ient beds on the crest <>f the E cho CliU's Ileal' Tuba
l·lnyed and along (ho east side of Hall. Cl'eck COll-
AI'iz.} consists likewi se of qlllll'tz und ort.hoclase, bu;'
nitute an outsl.l1ndillg topographic form. (See pI. 11,
96 pel' cellI. of tl," gruins nrc "bout 0.10 millimeter in
II.) The sandsLone is trnced northward onto the coun-
diameter ulld relllarimbly \I'ell rounded, nnd ubout 2;,
t,y .bouL the San Rafael Swell , from n poillt in which pel' cent of them urc wind etch.,d. All cement hus
indeed, the name is derived.' The tlliclmess nll:ge~ disappearcd. _'\ s compared wit.h the Navajo, the En-
from 20 feet to more thnn 600 feet.
trada. sund~tolle has filler, mOl'e uniIorm, less sor ted
The Ent.rada sandstone is included in sections of gl'a.ills .and mo re silt, uud appea rs to be laclrinO' in
")IeElmo" measured by Lupton and is readily reeo«- •
magnetlte, garllet, Zircon, and toul'maline.
. d 0
r.lze 3S t he lower part of the Jurassic " "arieolored Becnuse of the wctlk cem~nt the ma!!si ve. Elltl'l1du
s:lndslOllcs llnd slmles" of Longwell , :\1i",l', Moore, sandstone is friable and weathers into dome-shaped
BrYln , and Paige. EJncry 3 ltlld Lee i correlated the
m a~ and round-edged cliffs generlllly grooved alon~
Enlrada with the Navajo, t edu tng pia nes.
The Entrada is essentially 11 nile, even -grained sand-
~tone that L'Outains sllboruinatc amounts of shule. SU}DIERYILLE FOR:\lATION
Some exposures consist of a sint:Ilc mfl8'si \"c !:mudstone
ledge thnt has inconspicllol1s il'loeglllal' bedding plnnes; In southeastern Utah many meusured scctions in-
olhm'S show a series of heavy-bedded slIud,tones 01' clude a I'Ul'iable thickness of thin-bedded or rarely
sandstones with interbedded shales. The Entl'ada in- thick-bedded sandstone, interstratified with slIndy
cludes cor.glomel'utic mflsses of shale [l,W] sandstone .Mhu le Hud conta.ining some conglomerate und u small
amount of gypsum nnd limestone- a hig hly vnrinble
?03gmellts and lenses of grecn-gray sandstone, which
1U some pl:lees stan,l out like shell'''s on slopes thaL
:l ssemblage of strata. resting ullconformably on the
uthel'wise weather ns shale. CI'OS3-bcdding is COUl- EnlI'adu a.nel terminated upward by 1L surface of ero-
s,on at the base oi the Morrison. The sediments that
lI1on; in some sect ions cross-bedded and horizontally
Ltdd •.d st1'A.tu alternate, but neadv ulllhe rock of some OCCUpy this interval at the SUlI Rafnel Swell huve been
divided into the Curtis forrnllLion, which consists of
great cliffs is cross-bedded, with tangenti"1 sweeps
Ih.t simulate the NIlvajo, Within the beds nre local gl'cenish-gray conglomcrate, shalc, Llnd gray heavy-
unconformities; broken ftugmen!s lie ii, pockets ; nnd bedded sandstone, 76 to 253 f eet thick , and the S~m­
merville iormation, which consists of thin -bedded
fOllltll!, JtHlI~lI. And Rei·.liidc. J. D., Jr .• ~cd !mli!ll tarr rock~ Q( the chocolate-colored sandstone, earthy red-brown sand-
SolD Rd""l .6~ell and lom e adjoc~llt t1~:\~ In e.1Jjtel'1l Utab : n. S.
btonc, aud shale, with some gypslIm and a little lime-
G.,'Ol S'Jr'Vt'y Prot . Ptlper 100, liP. Til-iS, ioo2S.
~£lD~1. W. D., 01'. cit .. pp. 1I'1'1J....51.2. stone in surne sections, 12:; to 331 feet thic!" From
'~. W. T., Early )feiO;tok pb)'!lIC)gt':lllb,. of the MutlH!I'n Ilo('kr
UO'll'lla1[1!1: SIIIlt1.lsooltlQ IOld . lil lie, ColI.. vol. 6"J, p. ~7, 1')I9.
the Curtis formation, which immediateh' ovedies the
. eel t.hus .ngul~r. The cement bf the r~d shlLles .is ferric_
Entrada f06sils of Sundance age ...ere obi am,
and calcite, ond.that of th.e whIte parts IS calcite OIJl,
moking ;he relation between the Entrada and the Cur- or in a few spccunens calcIte and gypsum.
tis similar 10 that between the and the Carme.1.
, In the Kaiparowits re,;ion beds tbot occupy the post- Ulf RAfABL GllOUP ARD JlOllRISOlf J'o • • arlo.
tion of the Summerville are generally present, but
,.Rry widely in thickness ond lithologic feat~1'C8, ..nd In most of the Kaiparowits region strata of the
flO fO>.1lili ferous beds comparable to t,he CurtIS forma- San Rafnel group and the Morrison formation COli-
tion hove been recorded. Correlation therefore can bine to a topographic and color unit, in 1I'hieD
flot bo made with assurance, especially at ~lacu w~ere brightly J·orieg.ted slopes ~nd ,cliffs rise.abo"e a MIl.
tho IIsLlully thick, mRAAive Entrada los •• It. Id~ntlty, defined floor of lIniionnly colored N 8.l'ajo •• ndstollt
where . he Summerville-Morrison ul\~onfot;lII.ty IS Dnd are protecte,d from el'",,;on on top by 0 1'e5;alllt
poorly marked, or ,.here the }rorri~ It:elf IS meon- platform of dull-colored D,.kota (1) .. ndstone. In
KpiCU01l8 or absent. Gilluly and Reeslde have fou?d measuring sect.ions and studying stl'lltig,rophic IIld
thaI Ihe Curtis formation thins soutbward from II! lithologic features it WaS found cOllv"nient to tmttbt
type loc.litY in ti,e s.on Rofael Swell ond disoppean Snn Rafael and ){orrison together and to d...ribt
before reach in" 1I1uley Twist Creek, on the Woter- t.heir combinoo features as they are represented i.
pock.t F old. "It seems I'ensonabl.c to ~ssign to the four arens-the Halls Creek Va.lley, the EscaIan!6
Sunllnerville formation bed. at thIS bOrlzon on Halls Basin, the PMi" Valley, and the Glen Con~'on 1'''1/;''.
Crook_ in Ihe E.caIon:. and Poria ValleY8, and nlong
(;Iell C.n\,on. A. tbus interpreted, th" Summerville
fOl'lllRtion" averages about 100 ioot thick along HuU Along H.lls Creek (Hoxie Creek) the San Rafael
Crook, 100 fcct in the &""I.nt.. Villey, 250 feet in the ond Mo....,isoR no ,veil displa.yed bel ween tb. Navajo
Pari" Vulley, an,! 150 feet sout.h of the Kaiparowits S&l\dstonc, which forms for long distances the enor-
I'llIt~MU, . mou. roll of the Waterpocket flexure, and the UPP'l'
A. /I topogrlphic feuture t,hl' Summ"'\'iIIe of the Crataeeolls beds. ",hicn are built as a gillnt &l:air"'1
KAiparowits region appears 8S strikin;ly colored rocks thot lends lip t~ the base of the Henry MountaillS.
that slop•. steeply outward from th., bnse of "erticil Halls Creek at its mouth is sunk in the Nanjo _d-
~aud"tonc cliff.. Horizontal color bands of alternat- .(one, and as tbe winding conrse of the stream is fol-
ill~ red nnd white, .0 lIal'l'OW IS 10 appcor like lines, lowed nort,hwestwlrd progressi"ely higber beds ap-
are chnl'Uctel'istie. They mal,e the Summerville one pear. At I,he head of the creek the San Rafael IDd
of the most nttl'Rcthe formations in the plateau :Mol'rison ocenpy the middle portion of a series of
llro"illte. Where not protected by cops of Morrison Dlagnificent cliffs and slopes, including, as meuund
or Dakota (1), Ihe ,trnta crumbl., re.<Ii1y, formillg by "{oore,' .11 fomlstiolls from the base of the Moo·
lniniolure rid~8, me."., buttes, And canyon ",oUs, lin- kopi to Ihe top of the Ma8nk sandstone-7,460 feet
."rnly painted with tonl.,. of whit •. red, bl'own, yellow, of stfsta Rrranged in huge bands of color.
Ulld gl'fty~~I~n,
At, lhe norlh end of the Wate-rpocket Fold, bet"eoa
'I'h",'o are muny lent.icular heds and beds th. t in- Notom alld Bown'8 n.nch, the land surfaa is deW·
tlude I.n""" of h ...dened mud lumps and of shale frag- oped in tile limestone and powdery .hale beds of •
ment.. Unconformities ... ithiu t,h~ format ion are com- formotion tlla t contai ns morinG Jurassic foaill.
mon. Substnntiolly th .. formalion ronsists of poorly Abo\'e it rise cliffs that include 00 feet of maasive aad
<'elJlcnted sllnd4<>ne, arranged in thin beds. Gypsum shaly, earthy gypsnm !Lnd 160 feet of banded Ligbt·reG
form. pnrt of most sections, but bed. of limertone Are and dill'k-brown sbale and gypsiferoUs "marl," ~
rOI·f . The few bcd, of clay 8bale noted ha\'e rippled Assigned 10 the Carmel formation_ The Enh.. da u
foliation surfaces that Irt' coated with groins of sand. bere represented by about 200 feet of fine and eWII
MicrOS<'Opic enminntion of "b.nded .bale" at Can- grained light-roo andstorie, the lower one-third m..
nonvill. revealed the p...,..nce of clear quart., 90 prr sive. The GOO feet of arenaceous shlLle in thin alter-
rent: clouded orthoclase and Ilbite, 10 per cent.
: lIoting beds of light-red and ~een-gray, the 1~ "'etof
About 20 per eent of the ~ins ha\'e average diameters
impure gypsum, and the 36 feet of cre.m~o~
of 0.2 to 0,8; 80 pel' cent range from grains
dark-red, and greenish nodular limestone, intenDJll"
0.2 mil~il1leter in diRmeter to du..<t. About 15 per cent
gled wilh red sandy shllle, which overue the ~trada,
of grams "xreed 0,2 millimeter in diameter ftre
are Probably equivalent to tbe combined Curbl pd
w~11 rounded nnd wind etched; the ,mailer grains are
Summerville formotions .
• OUltlJ.r. J4w.u. .I~d R.~!dde, J, D.. Jr., RedlmfDtarr f'OC-kI ot flHo
Ian Jtatlw.1 ."'t'lt lind soz• •~.t Il'e.". I. talt«n Uta~' 0 I
(:,..1. SIII""f')' rn.1. J"aper Hm. p. 7~. 192!. • • ,
• t.apell. C It .. aud otberA. Rock forINt too. . . tb. c.l-:!
Pl.ttcl. of Hut'b toaltf'll 't,llab ODd oOl,tbel'. ~rlao•• : U. S.
Sune,. Prot, PnJ'l~ U:l, pp, 21-22, U)!?3.
1Ieaz the mouth of HaIls Creek the base of the Sail ston. whirh l"$ts in hollows and on rounded surfaces
Jafad groUp consists of 3 to 12 feet. of hard, gritty of the Navajo, here Inore tlull 1,200 feet. thick. Above
ilDdatone that has clean-w:l, hed, white subangullLr this sandstone lie 75 to 100 fcet of strata which include
,aartl lr""ins nnd of sondstone intermingled with red six beds of limestone, the thickest me:.sllrina 5 feet
lfIIIaceouS, ealCal"eOllS shale, which rest on an uneven· interbedded with thin gray sandstone and bright-red
..rfare of N a vnio sandstone that forms the ,nils of snndy imbricated CIIloareolls shale. Some of the lime-
!he Colorado Canyon. Above this bed lies about 130 stone beds 01''' composed of' white pllper-thin layers
Ifet of lumpy arenaceous and CRlcareoas sho.le that is that bave smooth glistening surfaces; others ore brown,
JQterbedded with red, gray, and white fine-gr"ined sandy, and nodul", pre intel'mingled capriciously with
sandstone in irregular bcds of different thiclmesses. It:mps of shale and accumulntions of clean sand, and
Gypaum is disseminated throughout and forms t.hin, show mnny Intoral unl' and arens of ripple
silod lenses in the uppermost 20 feet- The space be- ma.rks. The uppermost limestone bed is overlain by
'ween tbese gypsiferous beds .nd the thin stratum of about, 100 foot of impure gypsum and gypsiferous
red lrenlCCOUS shale that immediately underlies t·h e shale, abo¥. which comes a massi \'e cross-bedded yel-
IJIkota (t) sandstone is occupied by towering clift's of low-red to white .... ndstolle aUout 500 feet thick, and
red massive cI'oss-bedded Entnd. sandstone, some- thi.;11 turn is followed by about an equal thickness of
..lid like the Navajo in composition, structure, and hedded friabl0 sandstone (Entrada formation). The
color, an~ in having n di\'i, ion plane th.t is mllde tllP of ea ,·h section consists of .bout 300 feet of inter-
hl'thin-bedded "bOllt 22~ feet fl'Om the bose bedded yellow-red alld green-white sandstone and red
of the 1,OOO'- foot wnll. (Sce pIs. 11, B, and 19, .d..) sundy shale. One of these sandstone beds 120 feet
At the naker ranch, 7 miles from the mouth of Halls below the 01]> rock of Dnkot.. (!) s&ndi;tone is very
Creek, the broad subdi";sions of t.he Sun Rafael and coarse gl'~ined and strongly N~s-bedded' and· includes
tlIe Morl'ison, beginning ot the bU5e, are (1) sandstone small pebbles of chert, agate, jasper, and quartzite
arit, red, gl'Oly, and white sandstone, and red ."n .. - from which water emerges as seeps. Two miles south
teOIIS, cnlclreous shale, with gypsum (Carme.l form!l- of the Burr tmil this bed is 25 feet tbick and consists
lion); (2) red massive cross-bedded SIIDdstone that of a scl-jes of lenses of CUICU'OOllS sandstone, calcareous
h~.~hers int.o smooth, rounded knobs, on the sides of shale, lnd limestone conglomerate, 'within which is a
...hi<b nrc mlUlY pits and miniature caverns, and forms s!!'atum thnt contains masses ris Illrge os 2 by III teet
• prominent heavy-bedded, unevenly bedded terrace of IUrlcti¥ely colored red, yellow, "ml pink chert thot
(Entrada sandstone); (3) red thin-bedded slUldstone, resembles jasper.
together with sOllle arenaceoUs shale, sparingly gypsif- In all the sections studied south !lnd east of the
~IOU. (Summer ville format.ion); (4) red and lil:ht linker ranch no continuous bed of gypsum more than
p ..n-gray massi \'e cross-bedded fri"Me sundstone, ill f foot ill thicknef;s was ~een, but the 'prevalence of
plateS ~oal'se gl'Rined and lenticular, which is irregu- slumping suggest.. the pl'esence of sucb a bed. Six
lorly streaked wiLh wbite and includes willte beds miles to the nOl't.h 15 feet of mnssh'e gypsllm lies 60
(Morrison formation); .snd {5) arenaceous shllle, feet .!xlve the Nanjo sandstone, and from Muley
banded lighe red .. nd green-whitA> (Morriwn formll- Twist, Creek to the Bitter C"eek divide gypsum ap-
lion). In places tbe lower roo,si"e sAncIstone (No. 2) )lellrs IS one or mOl'e bed. within the lowermost 100
i. " 'en redder th.n the typic:\l Nal'ajo, but within It. of the San Rafael grollp. Farther north., at Tan-
l.... ·miles· its color becomes light yellow-red, brown, or Iolus Creek and along the flank of the San Rafael
red streaked horizontally nnd di.gonnlly with broad Swell, gypsum is persistent. in the lowermost 200 feet
bt"d. of white. The upper sandstone· (No.4) like- ~nd appears dEo at horizons .00"0 ,t he I;Ilnssive cr068-
..ille uries in color and .. long t.he strike breaks up bedded Entrada sandstone. J~ikewise the limestone
into thin friable beds, which are eroded into badlanll thot i., commonly present at or neilr the base of the
Ilesa. Ind buttes that are c.'()ssed and capped by lenses ' t'armel formation i. inconspicuous along tower Hills
.1 conglonlel'atic In plnces beds 4 and ~ I Creek, and no limestone beds were ~Ioted in " section
lII1ite to form one JDass of banded snnd.tone; elsewhere measured on lower Hanson Creek (Pille Alcove Creek).
bed 5 is absent or becomes massive and the upper J!'rom the BUIT trail northward brittle siliceous lime-
beveled .Ul'f"ce of tllick-bedde<l green-white or' light- slone and highly calcareous male appear in all sec-
...d sandstone ~om.s into contact with the Dakota (1) tions. No determinable fossils wert) found along the
..ndstone. Water pocket 8exure, but from TanbJus Cl'eek north-
InleTeral sections that were measured in the vicinitl ",ard fossiliferous Jurassic limestone th.t contains
of tbe Burr tl' .. il, where a large part of the Mesozoic gypsum and red' .h..le forms the base of tbe San Rafael
is exposed in beds that dip 5°-50P E., tbe base of group. A heavy bed o! re~ sandstone. (~ntrada)
Ille San Rafnel is marked by 4 to 11 feet of brown. above and another one (N ovalo) below thIS
,",y nodul .. r, lenticular, \'ery irregular col\l'5e !SI1nd- give .. series of bed's similar in color and arrangemont
fl' I ':'
and to a less degree in structure and composition to
C. Bef:f.iI;ft til BIU'T frail, 1 "tile, 111)01:6 ,uouth. 01
Cr6'!k, Utal,
Al.,., f'
the Olen Canyon group. This remarkable similarity
appears to have Jed Emery' to correlate the foosilifer. (Y~.9Su l'ed by RIl),mond C. Moore)
ous limestone and gyp,mm beds .... ith the Todilto of the CretaceoUS( 1) :
Yavajo country. Morrlsoll fOl'mntlon-
The variation Dnd arrangement of beds eomprising J. Shal. , soft, sandy, lJght blulsb, .. itb thla r.,.
band. ot red __ • • __.______________________ ZlO
the San Rafael and Morrison in • distance of about 35
4. Sandstone and snndy slltda 1n fh-e
miles along Halls Creek is sho,!n in the following oec·
tions: • Saodstone, yel10wlsh brown, COn-
glomeratic ____ ______________ •• 1>-1
11.. SOC'IOM ./>ou, 8 ..ul<l ~_ .""',. of 11011. c•••le, Ut•• Shale, bluish drub and red, saody _ 20
UI-t:lJJUte1l bt •• )'1MD' C. },fOOte ]
Sandstone, redtliHb brown to light
gl'Ceoisb, coa rse gl-ained lnd
Cre ta"""us' 1) : ID8.3SI\'e______________________ ,
~tomsoa. tornl8.tJOH- Feet Shale, yellowish brown, sa.ndy ____ 11
G. 8allds" reddlaJb broWD and lTeen-
W1 ,ra" mlSJd"o. hard. IrreaularlJ'
bedded : conglomeratic, fonM prominent
Conglomerote acd coarse grit, re(1·
dish and light , r""nlsh gra)',
m8~1f'~ . hnrd, ,.ery lrre,ulArly
etCllrpment; tble-ll nea reduced by era-
81,," ___ __________ __ a __ • ____ _ _ _ a ._______ 76+ bedded; form. promilleot bog"
back__________ ________________ 80 Dl
JU f lhlllc:
Summenille turmaUOD-
Summef\"llI~ formation ond Entrada. snndstODe-
4. Sandoton., thin beddc<l, r.d ••••••••• ____ 123
3. 8;!ndston ... roo , t.hln bedded, 80ft, IUlrtlJ eon•
•~lrad. IIIlndstooe--
3. Sandstone. tan and brown, 1U11l~l1re. :wn. eelled ; aud sond"tone, PlRSfih'e, 10ft, ere.·
croaa-beddcd____ _______________________ sao bedded. l\'l,1te; (lades downward to tin'
Cume) forml tLon- brown: wentbel",J: portl,. eonC!eBttd_ .....
2. Shllle, light red Ru(l G'l'P.ftnttllb, 1000)'; COO- carmel fornlJltlon-
t.1M'... _________________________
bedl of whHo . randlitone lad c)'p- ~. 8hal., light I"ed nnd grcanlsh, llY{>SiferolU:
om ... _______ 80.
('olltalDl some beds of bard wbIte 8.'lncbitone
anti IYP8UO} ___ __ ____ ______ _ ____ __ .______ 111
1. Shale, mlroon ; and hurd dDlf-«t'slne4
qURl'tzltle Nloostone; forlll .. HeQrpmenL 00 1. Shah!. II.l.roon ond ll£"bt g reenish, 1&1141 i
CDI)pcd by hard. dc o8e slUeeou!;: lDlssl\'e to
l,t89+ 1Ia£1Y Ihnestone • ________ • ___ __ • ____ ___ •• •
Jurll :4 tc: ( ~; : XlvaJo lOadstone at base.

B. Sr.atioll 3 ",ik. belou; .1O .. t~ o( Jltllffll ']t1L;,t Creek, Uta" .Juruaic{ 1) : Na9"QJo sOlldlltone at bnsc.

[)(eluured br •• ,-mood C. )(.oI"ot)

D. S.c/"'B .1 lJilt., C.eck divide, /v:all 0' H~II. Cred. V,..
Cretaeeous(1) :
)lorrlf:lon fonnation- [ lCe4ltured b7 naytllood C_ )[GOt'e]
:So Shale, greeotlfb red ond PUl'I.-le, ~aod, __ __ _
Cretaoeous ( 1) :
oJ. Conglomemte, red and , 1"11, mnSlI"ve. lrl'el"~
alarly l.Ie4lded : wearhen bro'C\' n; ;radetl
Morrison lormatlou- ,.
to COIlTs('! gritt.y sandstono _______ ______ _ S. Sh3le, grayi sh blue, mal'oon, nnd purple
Jurnsalc : banded, soft, sandy; weat.bers In ~.Il.ya
and badland. ______ ___ • _________ ._._._.__ ill
Summenlile {ofmatloD-
1. COO~lomer.te Illld .andstone, grayish whIte
, 3. Rc<IIIb.I•••• thln·bedded l aadit ... ___._. 13
to Htrb! blul.h greo.: contains pebbl.s 13
£ntt'ftda BIlndstono Ilwl Corutel t0l'lb8t10D-
II mI.X:h u 2 inches Ln ill.mete,,; cousIJfs
2. Sindstoueo. 1I1••~l\'e, aott, ~f09!l.bedded.,
In palrt ot tblck bed. ond' len ... ot ""....
" 'bit e' : p-ndCli downward to tan·browD'
contllOlllerate a.nd In P.G·rt of CORrie Il'ttty
1\'otbet'1l iu e.. ooth rouoded .Ioptl: dta:
Inte,l'atCli ~r1 readll, oDd: In (lftrt Is eo ...
""Y IlTerulorl, booded ... ndswne_. __ • __ • 110
.,..01 : IIYpsU.ruus lI,ht·rc<l oand, ahole Jurass!c:
at b..... mOlll, <o ..... led __ • __ ••• _._ •• __ 1,:!20 Sum.menUIe formntlou-
1. Shnle, dark·red to mal'OOD, .. nd1; Clpped I\. Shale, roo ond grol banded, anod)": ,udea to
b)' bord qult'tzttlc sand.tone____________ 40 soft tWo·bedded snnd.tone__ • ____ •• _. ___ •• ..
Entrada Nlndstone-
1,1~3 5. Sandstone, t:l:u·brown, m088i-;e, lott, erCII·
bedded i weo.tbers 1.11 smooth rounded sur-
1...._____ • ____ • ______ • ____ • __ •• ___ •• _.. all
1 £_1'1. W. n" 'l"Iw G~e. Rh'tr Diliert aecll .
4t! ~" 1'01. "6. P1). MI~1, 1918. OQ . A • . J.ur. let, f . SnndstOD', reddlsb brown ond bluish grI1.
L.. I ...· ~Il. C. R,. aud oth.,yl, ... dt Of ..- p . ."'." - ._ ~
, RC"OIlI ••..,. 80tt, shaly; w.athen readUy, formlne
." " " OJ ,
.atley: partly oo<e1"oo. __ • ________ _• __ ••• fit
JlfIlIl'lc--OVndnue(l. . dark·red uuevenly bedded sandy .hale,: and 120 feet
Entrada I8Ddstonl'--(;()utlnIINl. }reel
5. SandBtone, tan-brown. mn 58l'le, soft. cross- '? f white ~d gre~n-white sandstone, in' part ma!!8ive,
bedded, Jlne pamed; wentbers. 1n smootb 1ft pa.t thin bedded.
rounded surfnces ----____________________ SolO At the mouth of Collett Canyon the Morrison 15
carmel ( 1) (orma!:ion- compooed of green-white ~oft, intl-;cntely cross-bedded
2. Shale' Ind sandstone, light red and bluI8h
nn~ I'e ntieulsr snndstone that inc.\ud.s " conspicuous
gray; gray to white snndstone In atteruut-
iug beds; contnins seY('rAl b('d~ of blub,:h serIes of lenses in horizontal and dillgond positions
to wbite gypsum ns much 0.8 3 feet thick; of green poorly compocted mud, wbich taper to lringle
tbe g)'1lsom occurs also tn numerous tbln layers of conCl-etionory btllls and angular lumps_ In
~etn8 _________________________ 7---------- 400
fonn and composition this material is identicnl with
1. Shale, dark to Ught rcd, nn<ly; contains two lumps and sheets <>f mud strewn along the bed of a
beds of very bard reddish a1.ld light-green
mottled dense sJliC'£ons lllnssi'-e nnd fI:1GGY
near-b,. wasb by a rec<'nt shower_
Umetitone thnt form e~n rpmenfs_________ 00 As expo..ced at Fiftymile Point., t.he Moi'rison and
t.he uppe'- p"rt of the Sail Rafael group contain more
2,178 .hnlelike beds and fewer massive sondstone beds than
In,w!C(!) : at most other exposures in the Escalante Volley_ They
NanJo sBD(lstone at bose. closely resemble the beds thot o'-e charneteristic of the
"McElmo formntiol> " at its type locality in Colorado_
Near Bouldel-, whel"C the )!orrison is absent nnd
Tho :&calante Valley is essentially a great amphi- mO£t. exposures of the Snn Ullfael are less than 150
I~u!er that has been developed by the remov!!1 of Up- feet thick, It meosured section of the beds that overlie
ptr lura.sic, Cretaceous,. and Tert.inry rocks. Its floor the Nnnjo shows gritt,y buff sandstone Rnd yello,,.
of Navajo €andstonc is continuously exposed for many sondy shale, 10 feet; limestone Rnd roo colcareou.
mil.. back f'-OIn the Colorudo River and along both sh&le, 25 feet; yellow-white cross-bedded mnssive sand-
lide. of the Escalnnte River and is w.rped UpwIN! stone, 1~ feet ired cftlcnrcous and gypsiferous shnle, 8
to fonn the Escalanto monoclino_ Elsewhere th..i. floor feet i gYPSUni, 20 feet_
is wholly Or partly concealed by beds of the ovedying Throughout the BEenlant. Valley gypsum is abun-
Son Rafael group, which are displayed as areas of flat. dnnt !leor the base of the San Rafael gronp. In sev-
lying or tilted rocks 0 nd os me...lS, buttes, and detached eral measured section. it constitutes as much as 20 per
IlOUnds_ The southwest wall of the amphitheater is I cent of t.he lowermost' 100 feet of st}"Qto and is dis-

the steep, straight escarpment of the Kaiparowits played as Q single bed with green-reel shal" pa,-t.ings
Plateau, at the base of which the Sal] Rllf",,1 and Mot- or as two to five beds that· nre separated by shale_
rison strata appear for a. dishnc. of more than 40 Near Egcalante a gypsum bed thut "Ye'-llges 45 feet
mil.., .tanding as a terrace in front of the Upper in thicknces with Ofsociatcd gypo;iferous shale has bee I>
Cretaccous ditrs_ From the flank of the Waterpocket effective in guiding erosion. It hus produced much
Fold, which bounds the Escalante VIJley on the north- of the rough country immediately north of Escnlante
east, tbe Upper Jurassic beds have been stripped, but and on both sides of the E.colonte monocline_ Lower
!.bey reappear along streams that issue from the Pine Creek has estnblished its course in gypsum, nnd
Aquarius Plateau_ At the head of the ampl\itheater at Tenmile Spring the banks of Huris Wash
lround the village of Escalante lie erosion remnants include ne.rly 100 feet of gypsulll nnd gypsiferons
tllat have been CIl.rved from folded beds of green, red, sh,lo intel-bedded with l"ed limCl'tone nnd sandstone_
and I"Y sandstone, shale, and gypo;UJD, which uldude Gypsum and gypsiferous shale are involved in the
III the Itrota assigned to the San Rafael and the intricately dissected surfQce .bout the mout,h of
MOlTi80n_ . Collett Canyon and below Ponthe,r Seeps, and
. A mile west ot Escalante the topmost Morrison bed . for .bout 10 miles west of Willow Creek gypsum
IS 18 feet thick and is oornpored of white and green-
, beds ha,'e been eroded to form, trough in which runs
white fine-grained friable sandstone_ Below this bed I the old trail to the Hole in the Rock crossing of ~hp.
in ~lan lie 28 foot of shaly, lumpy .. ndstone in thin Colorado. Along the northenst fnce of the KnipR-
"nokled and curved bed. lhi't alternate dark red And 11l",its Platesu the gypsiferous .trata of the C8rDl~1
duH white and about 50 feet of white massive sand· formation stand at or below the 6.oor of th~ Esc,,-
slone with cross-bedding displayed in sweeping curves. Illnte Valley from its h~"d to the vicinity of Collelt
At Teomile Point, beneath an extensive flat devel- Canyon, concealing the Nanjo benellth_ Southeast
oped on Dakota (1) sandstone, lie in .tuf)l 80 feet of of Collett Canyon these beds are exposed increosingly
ltd c~mbly, irregularly bedded sandy ~bal(); 60 feet
nenr the plateau front, and at Fiftymile Point and at
of whIte f,.jabre ~lI.ndstone, in port massi,-.; 15 feet of the heads of the short steep conyons that enter the
JUrasslc-CoDUnued. .
Colorado opposite the mouth of ahe. San ~ uan the Carmel (7) formation-Contiuued,
gypsum forma pan of the Kaiparowlta CIt/Fa, from. 4. Sandstone, buff', regularly bedded i Oot Hd
which extends the profoundly lrenched ftoor of 4 feet tbick, other beds thin __________ _
3, Shale, sandy, or shaly sandstone, '1)luk with
Navajo s a n d s t o n e . .
Along the baee of the Aquariua Plateau the gypslf- irregularly placed patches of ~d!, flilta.
reous; tbin lenses 01' lImestone; CoUatloa
.rous lower beds of the SilO Rafael group are cut by surfnces sun dried, ripple mar'ked, aDd
the western branches of Pine Creek and by Deadman, dotted with mud lumps ______________ _
Sand and Mamie· Creeks. On upper Boulder Creek 2. Limestone, pink, brittle, and Pftper.t.h1a
these \ed. ace th~ only p.'r t ef the group present; sandy sbule, -imbricated, ripple mnrQcL
they consist of thin lenticulnr, irregular beds between I, Saudstone, roo, shaly. cnlC"JreouR, with
[)D.tches of coarse sund I;l'aIO'<I _________ _

Tertiary sandy limestone and lavn above and strongly
developed N. sandstone below. (See p. 116.) Total C::t rmel(?) formntioD _________ .... a
Sill' JW,.(ael I/T()UP an' Jlol1'iBt)n. (1) forn&t:ltiotJ .8
Totnl Morrison formation Rnd San
mite' ca.d of E.caku&.tB, Ulfl·h Rafnel gl"OUp_________ _ _ _ __________ _
(lfen.ared by Herbert Il. Gt'Ql;Ory J Jur ...Ic( 1) :
CretLl('CflUS : Navlljo f;oodstollCy yellow·white.
Dnkota (1) .$Ilndstooo at tOll.
Crataceoll~ (?) : Scolio~ of San Rafact uroup a"d Morri.son lormatioa., .......
i\'1orrltWD (1) formntlon - Feet eQ8t bUJC of Ka;pa,yo-toits Platea·u, abaut 16 7t~ile, ao.!l...
H. Snndstonc, gray a nd fE!d. nnd reel areuilceouS of liJ_caJa.ntc, Utah
"hale, il'I'cgll.lori), de[losited ; po r lly oon-
ceuled________________ __ ________ ________ 48 (lfcllSlIr<!d by Hc['b~rl E. Grc;:orl1

Cretaceous :
Dakota (1) ..ndstone-
Eu t ru(Ja 8Jl1,d~tone- Uncontormlty I hown ht eros-tall s urEaee covered
13. Sandstone, ]reJlow, In l,laooil l'Ybi te or green- with ('Or-glomerate composed eblen,. of etay pel-
white and red, fiue grained, w'ltb ' coarse lett, chunkl of shole :lnd white ! llnd:stolMt, and
grams on lamination surtoces: eontslJHI pebblel of red', !:YRY, and black quarts nnd ellert.
SOll1C Iron concretloD8 j triable, crumbling CrelJleeous (7) ;
renlllly to dust: UIJPCl' part Illlulsh;e, in- lforrlson fotmatJ01.1-
tricately Ct085-bedded i lower 40 feet 8. Sandstone. ;yellow-white, witb. lenses ot. )'ft-
evenly bedded i shows smooth foliation : forrus cU!r: thlcknOlUl e8tiruat~_
12, Snollr!tone, red, fioe grained. tbin bedded,
Il)w, ,reeu, ,a nd dr-ob mul.! :ahale __________ _
7. Saud'dtorr.e, tbin-bedded, arenaceous shale,

ond hl,"hl,r en!i.'l1i'eous ami !Sandy eartbJr
nud 8flndy red shnle: crossed by bands and limestone; alternating band'. or dark red
Jllltchea at greeb-white: friable: calcare.- aud eral, ,-orl nne,'enly bedded; lentle.-
lar ________ ________ _
OU8 and gyps\!crous; very irregular In
bedding And structure___________________
II , Sall<1stont~, ,.ellow-red , wllsal"e, cross..lJcdded,
60 T
____________ _ ______ _

6. S,mdstone, yeIlOW·gl·U1, pa rt er~s-bcdded,

part f'cJlutill'I)" lJL'ddetl;. incluoes leD.iQII
Doe trD lncd; resembles NI.I'Vajo sod-
stolle - _________ ________________________ 22 strlnp, and isoln.ted fra~lDell(1 or ,fellow,
grecn·white, aud Ilate-colol'cd~ daJ Ium.p.;
two Jeuse!J of' con~lo.mel.. te wIth pebbles
Toto} Entrada sandstone______________ 212
of sbnle, ~andJ:l:tone. and quurtlillte ; IDa,
Curmel (?) fonnn tiou-
= be sePftl'oteit into four bed, but ex.posure
0llpettI. . . . . Bing-le hed wIth remftrioble
11>, Gypsum One! IYJlsfterous shale. with subordi-
vorlutlon. In texture and. In detailed st.rve-
nnte ~hnly sunds.toue j rray. red, pnrple,
ture j Ifmllar mot"erials in the bank of •
and 19h-colorcd; torlUs a pla.lD aeron up-
wasb i poorl,. consoUdRted, crumbHnl read-
tUI"lIed atrntn: hU'gely cODecaled: thlck- Ily to sand'______ _______________________ _ 111
Ill'8S ei!iUms ted ___ ________________ ______ _
9, Sandstone, thin bedded, or sRndy s.hale, gray. Total Monlsoa tormotlon _____________ _
highly cnlenreoos. Imbrlcnted: glistening Jurassic :
tolhttiOll surfaces covered witb rlipple
Summervllle( 1) tormatlon-
umrks and patcbcs ot hardened sand:
6. Sandstone, rello\Y-Wblle, In re,ulur bed., I
vcry irregular Ju thlck.ness. composition,
ond extent of 1Jed2t_____________________ _
8, Shnlc, caleareous,. Rud thlD SODdy IIroestoo8.
to 10 inchetl thick; ,'er'1 nne c-ralned _____ _
4. ShnlCy dark red, very calcareous ,; 80me tblA

12 liruestofies; thIn imbricated larers, wltb
7. GnlSUUI, ",·hlte. DlMsh·c, with tew ICllses
And stringers ot white MOdy shale' forml !!tubby lenses Q r red anil Kr." cnIco_
sweh: partly concenled.______ • __ ~ ___ ~ __
8RDdaton·e___.________________________ .. _...
3. Sandstone, banded. Y~Llow. gl'een, ond red.

6. Sandstone, red·yellow,
bcddcd _______ wuslve. cross-_
: ________________________
thin bedded; w •• the.. to powder, d"- T
5. Shnte. red, sandy, unevenls bedded._. ____ ... {
Total SumUle .... llle( 7) !ormatloD ______ _ G
,......,....contJllu.d. Morrison (1) torwnUQu aud SAn RIlfQ~1 group-Culi.
IDtrada &Il-UdStoDe- Feet 7. Sandawue, white, !rlable_____________________ _
2. Sandstone, crenm-colored and yeJlow-Sl'een, 6. Sbale. Uk. No. 10____________ ________ : ______ _
in plnces bright gTeen, rna~sive, cross- 15, Sandstone, wbite, calcareous, ripple JDlll'ked ___ _
beaded, uniformly ftne grained except tor 4. Grosum, dark red, white spotted, lumpy, and
slightly coarser grains on lamination sur- ('81coreous sand,. sbale____________________ _ 10
ro~: Wel1.tbel"S In sruooth rounded knobs: 3. Saod:rtone, It'regularly beddccL ___ ____________ _ 8
. cl'umbles under tIle feet; for~ n terrace; !!. SbRh~, red, sand" colcttreous________________ _ 1G
thickness estlmated __ ____________________ 240 1. Llm~tol1e. red Iud groy,
8ond" lumpy,
bedded ______________________ _
Carmel (1) t'onnat!on- une~enly
1. SbnlIJ, red, gypslfcl'ous, thin gTay silleeoa" Navajo iuudstone.
limestone, und thill red amI bl'ay calcnreous 3M
Kandltonc; only top exposed_____ _______ 8 P.-\RIA VAI..:L.&T

Totul Morrison formation find San Ra- The flnt 1,1IIe! thQt immediately sun'ounds Cannoll-
rael group________________ ______ _____ 41~ ville, ~nd extends .down tho Patin for about 6 mile& is
An unusual feature of this section is the amount of del'doped in the lower beds of the San Raful group,
lime in beds 4 Ind 7 ond the mingling of colors and and the sLeep-faced meso. that fOMn a cl'euulated wall
for t.ho irJ'igutcd lands about Henrieville are composed
tertures in bed 6. The olmost abrupt. v.,·intion in
of Summerville .,lId :Uorrison (!> strat.a thl~t aro PI"'-
terture and arrangement of beds characteristic of the
vented hom crumbling by' A resistant cap of DakotA
San Rafael group and Morrison formation is indicoted
(~) sandslone. The Dry ~nd Butler Valleys like-
in. section measured by Moore' at a near-by locality,
wise have been formed by the removBl of friable San
"here calcareous beds firo absent and the bedding is
Hnfael beds. (Sec pl. 22, B.l· The exceptional
mtlCh more regulor. .
roughness of the country .t llat extends fl'om the head
I8CHn'" of Entrada. and CO,'llw! (",.,,,,altoIiS _ea.I' O!vl 00-1)6 of Cottonwood Creek westward Dcross Hackb.rl·Y
on Rarr;" Welsh, about 20 Ct-'lJt of Eswtante Creek to and beyond the Pal'ifi is the expression of
lMcRIiUr(!d by Unymond C. )l'ooNI
the extent to which streams have succeeded in
ping the Navajo sandstooe of the overlying beds,
Iall"8do. sandstone: Foot
which aro highly voriable in composit.ion, texture, and
3. Sandstone, tan·hrowll, massive, weathers
ren dlly to IJUDd that tOl'IDS aunes; thlcknes:s arrangement. The relations of the Upper Jllrassic
..,Imltea ____ ________________________ _______ 300+ 100'mations in this aret!. buye not been satisfactorily
Ctrmel formation: = determined. West and north of Cottonwood CI'eek
2. Shule. plnkisb red ond blull!h croy, sandy; con- no complete section is eXpoSed, ond the incomplete sec-
talus beib ot gypsum -4 teet 01' less in tblcknc;\8 : tions which IiIlparated by several miles, reqnire
outcrops ore 1'erylrregutar O.Q aecouot or Slump-
1n,; )enLicular (;-rur sand8tou~ beds 3 feet or
more study before correlation in detail can be made
Ic:@s In tbickneils ____________________________ 120 with confidence. If the 120 feet of yellow crOss-
L Saudstone and shale. dork moroon, m~diul1l bedded sandstone t.hat forms a ~inglc mal<8ive stl'atum
c:natned; tbe shale yet'S sandy and grading to at Dry Ganyon is nssigned to the Entnda formation,
shol)· s:ondstonc_-;___________________________ 60 the Carmel formation, with i,t. charactel'istic lime-
ToWl Carmel CorllloUoD _____________ ______ 180 stone and ripple-mll'ked shale, is unusually thin at
this locality and contains no gypsum. If tbe yellow-
'r.!ioo< .f 8a" Rafael anll Morriso,. (1) be/!4 at F!ItIl'Ni/e red sandstone cliff. at CannonviUe, which lie between
Po:",d, c4UI. e"d of KaipaJ'ofclt8 Pfa.tetJ.It, UIGII thin, banded .andstone above and gypsum bel(}w, are
[Meollurec1 by Herbert E. GL"CjOrrJ correlated with the Entrada, the Cumel in tho upper
Pari .. Valley Utcludes prominent members that are
Dakota (1. IIndstone.
1l00000on. (7) formAtion and Son Rafael p'oup: Feet not oboerved elsewhere in this formation. The assign-
13. Sandstone, rcd-yellow, massive, cl"Oss-bedded, ment of bed. to different formations is mode more
full o'f Cft\"CS and pits i weathers into rounded difticult by the absence of 1I[0l'l'isoll strato.-at least of
knob. j very .8oft i single ledge i thlckne3s
ntimlted ______________ ______________ ___ ___ to beds thal show the chAracteristic features of the Mor-
rison. (See p. 91.) The present tentative inter·
1.2. Shalt, arenBceOus. or tllio sDndstone, o. sh~
creeD, l'u\'ender, (lod sbades: of red; Irregu-
pretiltion restricts the )forrison (t) to 4~ feet of white
larly bed'l.'L ________ ____________ _____·_____ SO sa.ndstone at the top of the banded Cannon"ille clitIs
11. 8DDdltoo(!. wWtc, 90ft, mottled________________ 8 and treats all beds between U'lat horizon mnd the yellow
10. Shale or thiD I8ndstooe, red. imbricated. Dodular, sandstone on Dry Creek as one fOf'mation about 800
talcareou8, ond gypslferoos_________________ sa feet thick, which occupies the position of the Summer-
8. SlDtlstooe, greeD-white or white mottled, lumpy, ville. (See pt. IS, A.) In fll.vor of this vic" is tile
Irlablc _________ ____ _____________ - --------- ,
8. Ibal. or Mudstoue, like No. 10________________ 2!1 observation th ..t the red strata in t.he banded ,,-bite
.a nd red slopes beneath the 88sumed M01'l'ison gradually
't..", ..u, C. R.• and otber'S. op. eSt.. p. 21.
rHI: Jl:AIl'AaOWm PGIO/<
il1crease in num!ll!r downward alld thicken until the I pearanee of a white cliff unevenly banded with I!d.
nllo,,-red .. andstone constitutes Ihe ~alley walls. In the lOwest 20 feet the banding i9 regular and the
l' massive red !lI!d$ are lithologit1l11y much like the contrast between dark red Bnd white is unusually
" !lI!ds abo"e and are mlrkedly dissimilor to the shale strong. 'rhe middle division, which is correlated with
t.he EntrAda sandstone, is substantially a bed of IIlII-
and gyJl5um undernealb.
.o\s shown in the section !lI!lo'll', these maSl'ive sand.
sive white to blue-gray friable sondstone that is eJab.
orately cross-be,lc\ed ancl has a thickne.«s of about 110
stones include dark-red .h.le IS lenticlllar pal-tin:;s.
In the Dry Valley abo\'6 the 119 foot of shale Rnd feet.. The low~st division, about 250 feet th.ick, cea. thn resu. on sandstone Rssigued to the En- sists of thin, ulleYellly bedded friable sandstone thlt
tradn f()l"llll.tion (S<.'C section, p, 85) lies obout 400 Faries in textu re from fiJli! mud to co"'''e sandstooe
feet of intrictlOOly eroded beds that form the much a.nd includes fl.t lensr. and oblong mosses of 1DJa1l
broken floor of the \"olley. They appear IS rounded angular pebbles. Its geneml color tone is marOOll,
knobs of b"nderl and "sriegated .. marl," flat· topped but bands of w!t:te of different thicknesses, lengths
me~o~, on<l buttes that rise obove a surface deeply "nd positions trn,'erse the surface in a seem.illg!!
blll·ie<1 in Illuvium. (See pI. 22, B.) . The !lI!ds pres- haph.u,rd fashion, and thin beds of light-guy snd.
ont include yellow, red, dark-red, Ind white b.nded &lonc form shehes on slopes that otherwise weather
f.·jable snndstone, c!llcnreous and gypsiferous sh.le, like shale. Beds of gypsum, if present, are concealed
ond at lellst six thin bed. of gypsum, one of them cut by swfnce debris, but gypsum forms port of tI:.
hy bnnd. of pinl< chaleedon)·. ~e.rly all the beds ~hat c~menting material. Towa.rd the base of this IfOU)
are expo.oo on the floor are I1ne.enly bedded Ind hme cement is increasingly eommon, and tbin lime.
chnnge their eharacter within short distances. At one stones inOOrlaycred with deep-red thin sandstolle OR
place R bed of sandstone, lJIllSSi<e ncept pla£OOred O\'er the uneven surfllce of the NOVijo.
fOI' inconspicuous lenses of red shale, nppea .. na I huge Near the abandoned sit~ of Adairville, on the Pan.
moss obout half n mile long and 180 feet thick, shod- RiTer, the beds above t.he Carrnel formation consis
ing in llao midst of thin red .'!8ndstone Ind variegated of two thick massive sandstones sepa.I'ROOd by .boat
shu Ie, (See pI. 12, B, C,) nle north wall of the Dry 70 feet of thin, alterndely bedded red and white
Valley consi..u of about 200 f(let of San Roflel And snndstones thAt weather like shale. The lower, a
Morrison (1) beds thnt underlie Cretaceous sediments, white sudstone bed, is pel'sistent for several miles;
At R distonce these lowel' clilfs resemble one great bed the upper, n yeUow-white bed, changes along the staib
of white sRndstone th.t i. crossed byse\'ernl dark-red to a .eri~8 of thin-bedded, banded sandstone.
bands. On clOS('r view, the lowest 200 feet is seen to
Scoti.on €If Jlorrj.stm, (') f orm(tt ion and upper ".,., of 8n
be composed of a "e";ee of thin, uneven beds of wbiOO Ba.rltcl g"oup at CaN1Itnwil1e, Utah.
consolida.tedsnndy mud wieh two dark-red bnnda near
()I£'olOurro hy f(('rbcrt E. Gregory. See pl. 13, ")
Ihe top like thc border 011 WILli popel'. Above these
Dakota (?) &nnd~tone.
beds comes a heel of white cI'oss-bedded gritty 9.nd-
Unconformity ShOWD by ercsion.
stone, 4 fe"t thick, which is I'esistont enough to form Morrison (1) formntlon and San Rofael group: fHt
" bench, Still higher lies !)() feet of white 42. Sandstone. white, stalued with yellow; fel')"
~>1ndy shnle and sandstone cl"Obsed by severR! red bands une\"enly bedd(>(]; top 1 foot composed ot lD-
~n '.he l?wer holf and succeede.d upward by 60 feet of tel'ln('ed bands ot dnrk-brown DDd Yellow
mconsPlcuously bedded white sand. All the motoriol I!nnd; 1111 crmnNes readily to 1'oriegate4
snnd_ _______ _______ _ ___ ___ __ ___ _ ___ ________ 4.i
in t,he volley woll i. poorly cOllsolidnOOd And crl1mble '
41_ SnlJdstone. red: highest red bed Jo tlle Co.l1~
"'pl'' d l'
Y to ,'cry fmo snnd. Where it is protccted b • "We r~lorL__ _________________ __ _____ I
the Dakota (!) so.ndstone it otnnds along cliff fnco~ 40, SRndstolle lik e No_ 42 ______________ ____ ==:=~ 18
",n~ ont f\"Om Ihe wulls.s needles And to"'er~, of which 30, SDudstone. yellow, concretionAl'Y, ns if 'tfhfte
I.Jhlmnc~. Rock (pI. 28, A) ;. a conspicuous eumple, ~Rnd8t oDe were Impl'egnoled with Iron •
38. SandstoD(" friable. 1 toot white, 1 toot -~~-.
At t.he h?gbnck th.1. i. trenched by the P"'ia River ff{·t white, 3 feet red ______ ___________ .______ ,
brIo,. POI'," seUlement the upturned strata of the , 37. Snndstone. white. gylJslfel·ous ___ ? _ _ _ _ __ _ ~ _____ D
San Rufn:el group olld the Morrison (I') fonnut.ion are 86.. Snlldstone, Orm; th ree honds ot red sepllro.ttd
re" ealed ln the bed and immedi.te banks of Cotton. b~' ""blle i forms Hlep all slopes ond CtllllJ of
w.oo,d Cr~e~ .. They here constitute essentially three Dear-by bl1tte~________ __ ___ __ ______________ JS
3:;. S:JJIt:b:tone. whife, trll1bl ~, lenticular, witb 22
clistmct d.vll;aons. The uppermost division, which lies
tftlcontiDuous bands of l'ed In lower; ,.
nneonfoMllubly below t·he Dakota(t) .. ndstone, in- red JIl8t.f"rlol OCCllr leu~ nnd ECottered Ira,..
c1~ld .. more thall . 600 feet of medium·grained vel'Y lI')eDt.@of greeo-whlte Cllly ___ ___________ ~____ 146
frIable sandstone lD massh'e ,,'hit-' bed• th • t ne aep· Sol. Sandstone. wblte, cross-bedded, very Ana
ar~ted by beds of dnrk-red and green· white 83ndstollc ,rained. le.nti<:ulnr, relt\th~ely . reJ:ltst8Dt; forJBI
1Ien(:b 011 F.lope Dnd cops ot ncat-by towerS
3 lOehes to 1 foct thick, ",hi,'" thus produce tile op- nnd Dlesns ______ ___ _________ ____ ______ , ____ • S
.(1) forDHttioD nod Srtn Rtlfu el , grotlp-C outo.
- : S8odsto n c, light red, in pluL'es du}'¥ H'(t. \'Cry llorrlsu n 0) fOnlltttlo ll and San Rafael group-C oUld, Feet
ir~utorly beddetl, poorly t'ousolld llled 3. Slllldst()u~, ,,·bite: very dna grained : bed ditrers
32. S<lIl< e like No. 3; _______ ___ ___•_____ _____ __ {
much 10 thicknes s from ptnce to place__ _____ 1~
n %
1 like No. 3.'1 ____ __ _________________ _
SaDtI8tOQ~ 2. Sandstone. )'CIlOW·l-ed, streake d o.nd dotted with
;,: SaI)d8tone. buff·yel low: bu~ a (·.)II~idet'llble whlte; nlils.!tlY8 bods, 6 teet thick, flepornt ed
rtlo;;e in Ullckuc ~s _____ __ ____ ______________ _ by very uueven)J' bedded ahate i weath,e n as
:!9. Snndsto ne Uke No. 33. __ ___ ____ ______ _____ __ _ knobs onrJ hoodoos ; at 0. pluce 2 runes di,t:lllt
?JI. Send"too e like No. 34 ____ ___ __________ ______ _ thc~e Ix."tls rOt'ltl a cHit about ";0 feet h lgh__ __
_ 2G
6 1. CytHSUU\ oDd sbRle. white, yellOW. dark red,
2i. Snndstone l~e x,o. ~::L- ___ - - ------- -- - ------- {
~ sundstone like ~o. 34 __ ____ ___ __ _..... _________ _ rarely greenish i Cypsum io ftve or more beds
25. Sandsto ne like No. :t3 ___ ________ ___________ ..,.. 1 t () 5 teet tldek. lnrgely couccolC<l___________ -I;:;
M. Sandstone, white; three ueds rtiylded rcd b, ~H
sandsto ne; nocJulor . cODcrN loUlr,y; !o.)rmg
beDcb ______________ __ _________ _____._______ _ neds totalin g 180 feet ill thickne ss below No. 1
~ San~toD C lIke 33. __ ___ _______ __________ _
1 appeal' on the east bank of the Pal'in_, but the base
22. Saodlltone like No. 3-1 ________________________ _ 8
of the SaIl Rafael group is Dot exposed.
21. Sondsto ne, burtt sbulrt thi ll beth1ed, ,·cry HO-
o,enly be<lded__ ___ ___ _____ _________________ 12 Section. Of par t of nUJ San. Rafael qroN'p ,,, D"1I Va-Hey (Rock
20. Sandsto ne, {lnrk rcd, ~ h :l 'Y , i'Tinblc________ ____ Spring Gulch. Ccdrz.r Walla), Utah, abQI.t 2 ""He3 atuwe
~ ftJl
10, Snodstone, li~ht reel, thin bedtled. cross-bcdde<L IUllction. toW&. Pm'to Creet
18. Sandsto ne, ligbt rell, thin hooded. and dark-ree l pCeBiure d by Horbert It Oregorll
~bnte, remurka bly irregutu r in tt.'xture. struc-
ture t aud eontinu 1ty uud arrange ment ot ·t-!l.ltro.dR SR Ild8tOUC and Suwmcl",·tllo (?) romHl.Uon : l-~t't
bcrls: the sha l e l li S:Uldy lUud lu beds as mnch 9. G~·~t1I n, 1Uossl\·e bed: cops l.Ilgbelit hill In tbis
ylcinifY _~ . _____ _______ _______ __ __ _____ ___ _

08 1 toot thick nnd 10 to 100 teet long :lnd In

oblong mud ch unks cmlJcdded lu -s.lnfJ or 8. Shale. (llnkJs b, stludy, In l'el'Y irregula r bed::c__ ___ ij..'3
weather ed to form" toe hole" cavities ; sund-
7. GYPSUID, mussIve bcd_____________________ _____ 1
atone strata t n nl:;cntll\ l ly crossebeddcd; wbite 6. Shote, pinkish, snndr. with lunny thin titrlnger s
Itrcn.ks nppe:u' at of gypsum ; tollutlou RurfaeclJ ripple Illfu'ked ;
joiut~ , on Coliation llinnes,
and o.ton,; cro~s-bcth1ln:; laminae And olttHne together with No. G CorUlS l ow rounded hills_ __ 32
IOnlO Dlud ell unks; fontlS uneven top of me&a..- 45 5. Shale, al'ecnlsb And red, sAnd),: UlallY tb!.n
11. strlnG'crs of Vpsum_ _ ________________________ 11
Sbol~, dUl';t rei!. hTegula rly .tatued wbtt~ ___
__ 4 4. GypgUDI, whIte, mS:$81\'e bed : summit ot: bed forms
16. 8o.r.-dltone, ligllt red, mnti$, cross-bedded... ___ 13
a tcrrace_ ____________________ __ ____ _________ 13
lG. Sandsto nc Dnd sll1'lle like 1'\0. 18___ ___________ IS
14. Snndsto oe, TI.;!ht red, trregula rly l~edded; ~ome
3.. Old Y l:iilnte, sott, ,·cry thlo1, laminat ed; soute
atreoks of whUe ___ __ __ ______ ___ _________ __ _ gl't"eclsh laminae : nodulnr . concr£> tlonnry:
T (orlUs nn nloo.e_____ ___ __ ___ ____ _____ __ ____ _
18. S.... ndRtoue, Iigl1 t red, wnD)' "hlte rl)unll blotches ;j
2. SDJld,tone, pole yellowl8 h ",'bile to le-mon M
at basc; very il'l'egul ar; Indudcs oue per-
On~,-gralned, 1l10SBl\'c but loft nnd very poorly
.lttent Ulln bed or white SSlfldstooe _________ _ 9 cemente d: got'ains trnuspo l·ent ond uniform ly
12. Shale, 411rk red, a series ot' ofel'la.p plllg sandy
smnll; outcrop s of the rock resembl e tbo.t4e ot
Inod nakes; re sts in nu') st plncc1 on white
Orm Sftndf'to ue shelf ubout 1 tnell thlck _____ _ the Nava jo IRlld:Jtone; most ot It Is cross·
1 bsdlle:d 01' obacul'ely bedded: tOl'ma u cll rr.-._~ __
11. Sandstone, lI~ht red. cro .... bed<led ___ • ________ Ill!
10. Shale, Ilark red _____________________________ __ S 1. Sbule, red. sondy~ __ ____ __ _____________ __ _____
O. Sandstone, Jig-ht rect, uneveo, hlIDVY, cross-
, bedded; eontnln s smnll Qunrtz-H ued geode8_ __ 12
.. Sandsto ne, ~'elto\V- red nnd butY, it) beds 1 to S
'" Curmel fOl'lnntlon,

Sectioll Df J[o,'f";.so,. (f) !ornloHoa a.nd San.


Rafacll1"o~p ncur
teet thiel:, discont lnuoul, cross-bedded: crotnl Ilead of Collort.u:004 Creek. Ka.-n.o COUll/ll, Utalt
ot transluc ent (IUartz toa;-ether wlth .ome red
n(~Ml\"e4 by S erb,,-" E. Grcaory1
Ind hlack ;"l'oins; con tains Quutz-l Ioed geodes
II lel1.lCS and tiS SCltttet ed indivldll Ul .. ; Cftrrles Dakota ('1) aandstollo witb lenael of course collgloUl·
I dlnRonn lly plnccd bed: ot white aandsto ne erate and of coal.
bordere d by dart-re d I!mlc thllt rao:;ea v.ith- Uneonformlty.
In 100 teet {ro... 10 to n feet In It(orriso n (~) tOl'IDlltlo n uud San Rafael group :
thlckneo l _______ _______I""h..
_ __ _____ ___ __ _______ 16 28. Sandsto ne, reUow 8ml burt, Dln:mlfe. fine, ~YCU
grained ; torms cUtt-__ _ ___ _______________ _
7. ShAle, daJit red; snlHIJ" uncvelll y be:!det1; cnr- GO
rlea JengeS ot yeltow-I'ed sandsto ne: wetlthel 's 21. SODd~oue, tn alternot Jol' bed. ot ycllow wblte
as I groove or strina- of rectang ular Ctl. \'I.ties ond dark red, fine, nan ;ralned : thlckllesS
on clltr roce__ ______________________________ 10 ..,tlnale<! _______________________ -- - ------- -
t Sandsto ne, light rellow·'I'ed runBSlve j breakS liP 26. Sandsto ne, light rCd to yellow. l'cry trlot.le,
ltoo" .trlke Into c_foss·bedd in£"; laminae 1l1~r. moasl\-e, strongly cr083-beddoo; tortna verU-
cal ell~___ ________________ ___ _____________ _
notely l-ed and white; thickne ss ranges WIth· 120
In 200 teet from 36 to S fcet___________ _____ 28 25 SaodaLOue, aboJ)" pink and green·w blte i unl-
!I. San<ll!tone. light red. CI" .... l>cddcd: wbite , formly vcry grolned except for pock.ets:
streAks along lllntlnne ______ _ _:-____________ 20 that cauteln (ra,men ts of. relative ly reslqt·
to Shale. dark red; luwpy; forms l:rOOvO ______ unt greell shnle; forint' enp tor No. 24 ______ _ 30
1tlorrllKlD (1) formatioD aDd San Rafael grfJup-Contd.
24. G.TDBum. wbU(!. JtpeCked w1th &TeeD; includel
.. ,

Secl"", 1 mile '01/.th of 1M n.cuth. of OoUon1<OotI
C~1tt.Y, Uta,'"
Crt.1r, ....

some gyp!'{iicroos sbale __ __________________

ll:tell.llured by n(lywond C_ Mao~l
23. S$ndJJtooe, wblte ____________________________ _ s Cretaceous:
" 22, GYllsnm. like No. 24 __________________ ____ _· __ Dakotn ('!) snndstone.
21. Sa.ndstoll@o, white. booded w"lth red i "ery fiDe Jurassic:
v;ralned ____________ _- - --- - - -- - -- - ---------- San Rafnel group-- J'tft
20. Gypsum, Va'h1t~ and plnk __ ___________________ _ 4 Sandstone, Ugbt b l u!~b gray, massive, uDtrorm In
11). SandHtonC', pink, green-wbite, and light red, In color and texture, in part rutber bard. Illd.
discontinuou!J beds: 1 to .. teet tbIck: projecting fl.S a ledge but mostly verr '10ft
us variogated cll1r.______________________ _ &S aDd ea.slly erod~d_ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __________________ 1M
1& Shnl{", drub, hlgllly cnlcnrooufI, 1D beds less than Snndstone. :mll'oon, \'cry sort, bUDded with UIlIl
1 Inch thick; weathers to • rounded knoIL___ 45 beds of ligbt blUish grny _______________.-___ 111
11. Sandstone, white, ftft~y_- ____ - -- - - - - --------- 4 Sandstone, light bluish gray, very soft; cont.ina
]6. Sandstone. red: In nve IrreJUlar b2d!f, folltHlon a few thin bnuds of maroon sundstooo_____ 11)
5urtf1 ~B wavy, f1rm; tortnttl 11l'oJectlnj; Jedgc__ 4 Sandstone, mnroon, '-c ry soft, with some baads
1iJ, Shale. reel. ~ndy. lumpy. tD Irr~ula, bt'ds; In- of ligbt-gTuy hard !!:1ndstonc as much a. 2 feet
clades ICIlS('S m:tde of porou. ftlu:rccatetl or in thiclme:o:s; soft sr.'., s sandstone increase.
chunks or white ood red clay witb MllDe smnll upwn rd____ ___ ____ ____ ____ _________________ 2tO
fX,!uble. and frftgmt"nht ot phmt. ____ __p______ 4G
H, Sandl'lfooe. grny, burrt. made of pehbles of sbale. J ura5Slc ( 1) :
qunrt.. and quurtzlte 8"feragl'n g about one- ~8\'ajO sandston~
r-Ightb Incb lu diometer, set In coarse send___
, 13, S:m<l.stooe, In (bin bed1\. and very thin ahale,
1 Sondstone, IIgb~ gmy to nearly white, massin, c:r_
bedded; forms prominent hogback to west
dftl'k-red, specked with wbLte Ind yellow;
uDe'fen1r bedded, crou-bedded ; Inc1udel IeMCA OLEN CANYON" REGION
composed ot red nD(1 I:'l1l1 ftottened mud
lump.; r~lIt8 ODI winy surtllce of No. 12__ ...... ":'"... 28 The southwest front of the Kaiparowits Plateau
J2. S,,!ul!1tone, yellow-whIle ,; ..cpllratt'd by ooscure

follntlon Into beds tbRt Ave.t'ap about ~ reet

consists essentially of two enormous escllrpment& 'fie
In t.hlcknc89; Dlllltslve, sott, weakl,. cementc..>d lower one, which rises above the Navajo snndstOtle
by lime uno Iron: grains ver)' SIDIlU, mOlit of nnd hus been stripped back from the walls of Glell
tlit"m trnnspnreut quartz; cross-bedded thr<lUl'h- Canyon, is built of San Rllfacl and Morrison stnta;
out; Dellr the top 18 Q hord dnrk·browD caflrRe
cross-betided JUYCI"; forms promlmmt cIID'_ _ 110
the upper one is formed of Cretaccous sh,,:le ILnd sand.
11. Slinle or tllln ~o.ll{btone, red__________________ 4 stone, The Tropic shaLe, which separates the tlro
10, Snndatone, white, flnc-gl1llIlt.'(l, cross-bedded; escarpments, has been rcmo,·ed to such all extent that
('rumbles road1Jy to SROfL __ ... _ ... _____ ...... _______ ]G tbe ~IolTison, capped by the Dal<ota ('), fonDS a
9, Shnle. 8undy, red nnd butr, UJle\"eJlly betlded____ 7 bench many m:!es wide, which is separated into mes85
S, Sondstone, (Chair, green-groy, In bed.. less tban
1 lneb tblck; nil blghly cnfcoreou.!', SODle l>cds.
by the deeply trenched sh' tha t flow south to
siliceous l.hncstone; OD roBnUon surfnces 0: join the Colorado. The traiL from Wllhweap Cree~ to
romarknble dl,ijplny of ripple mot'klJ. and worOI Roel< Creek winds about the ends of these mesa. Iftd
t.rHlIs; reststnnt to wettthetlnc ...... _... ______ ......... 12 into the vulleys between, like the course of a ship
7, Shnle, red, sundy, ('olcUl'('Ous_ ... ___ ... ___________ ... 2
that is making its way along the bays and pronJOl)-
U. Llllleatone, grny, thin bedded, siliceous, smooth,
gll:~tenJDg folliltion sul'facC'S ______ ... __ _... ___ ... __ % torios of an intricately broken coast line. (&8 pl.
:l. Simle, red, allndy; Includes' two tll ~ n bcds of 10, A.)
~TOY limc8tone like N:o. 6___________________ 2% From the Parin River the old Indian trail tbet
4, Shole, red, very unevenly bedded, blghly cnl- lends from the Kanab and Virgin Valleys to the Cr05l-
coreou!:! ____________________________________ 8
3, Sbnh~, drnb or lilulsh; foUation plones iucoDspic-
ing of the FRthers runs almost continuously bet~
\lOllSbut went hera Into tbiD hord chillS; In- walls or around buttresses of Upper .Jurassic sand·
ciud('8 Inycn of: !hi.tIe (!alcareous ~mndstone stone. Little White Rock GuLch, a western tributary
nud of dene:e IImt'frtonc. in whicb nrc em- to Wahweap Creek, is cut in Morrison strata .~
~dlkd fropienlary f08.111._...... ______ ________ 1~
150 feet thick and almost as white as flour. AlooI
2, S:lUdstonc. gfll." i Interbedded Willi rcddltlb and
green-tinted shale In tbl.D W'a\'y and crumpled
Coyote Creek the next Lower beds appear-a banded
lamInae; weaUle'rs at one latd... __ ... ___________ 10 series of cross·bodded white or buff sandstone u4
1. Snnlli>.tonc, grny-greeG, coo.rse, dl.continuoutl; In dark·red or brown shale that is correlated with the
plnet's represt'nted onl}' by scattered lund Summerville formation. Some of thesQ s&ndl!toa'
grainS', In other places by • Inyep of SIlD<I an
beds are marl{ed by parallel sets of straight cross-
Inch or less thIck, or by nec·ulftulftllons of
~[ld In hoUo,,'! or joint <!:nlas In tbt andet·-
beddina laminae; others are evenly bedded and dis-
lying rock - ... ________________ _______________ 1 play f~liation surfaces co with sun cr~ &od
patches of mud. They consist of very fine grains 01
Uucont'ormHy_ white quartz and some blllCk, green, and~d grtIini
Navajo snndstona, yellow-white top, base stnln('o(} dark brown. and contain also flnkes of green-white consolidated
Jllud. The red shale consists of irregular wavy im· foliation surfaces. Toward the top these beds become
bricated beds, 3 to 8 inches thick, the lowest heds illcrensingly irregular in thickness snd extent, and
Jllarked ilt places by patches and nodular lenses of tb~ highest beds are merely short overhlpping lenses
manganese. For 6 miles abQye Lone Rock the im· that -are slightly channeled and together form an
..witte banks of Wahweap Creek are mude up of uneven surfuce on which rests the massive Entrada
..bite and light"'ed sandstolle (Entrada) that forms sandstone. This evidence of unconformaMe eont.ct
cliffs 200 feet a'· more high. Southeastward the Cur· with tile enrmel to,·mation is st.rengthened by the fact
DI61 beds appear, and beyond 'Yarm Creek, on the trail that both the shole and the massh'e Sandstone thicken
through Gunsight Po,s, the entire Mon'ison forma· and ,thin oIong tbe strike to '" eonsidernble. degree.
tioe and San R'lfael group are exposed. (See pI.
4,0.) Sec/iolt o( J/orr-ilOft. (OJ"PCIJHoo. «'M Sa,.. R,o,{ael IIro-IiP near
Although they differ widely in color, style of bed. 1IW,~/Jt, or W • .,.".. Creek. uttrh
ding, Dnd thickness from place to place, the beds above
the ~8vlljO 011 both sides of Glen Canyon eastward
Dakota (:) I8nd!:ltol1(,: cnp,a buttea Ind meAAI.
hl the mouth of the San Juan present !l similar ap· UnconCormlty sOOwa by eroslou cbnnnels.
~elINinoo; a variega ted baslil slope leads to a red wall Morrison and Summ@rTllIc(7) t orWtltlonl: (it. in.
of m...ive cross·bedded sandstone thut is cop.tinued Sbille. .rennceous, or Fbal,. t;I\UdMtone, 'w ll ·b
upwlrd by 8 ser:es of banded red and white so.ndstone Ientleu}u bouds ot gypsum, dark red;
lid green. wh ite sandstone. The lower red sandstone, t.hlns" tblckells, ctlnng€s to red~wb~te mas-
li\"e or bedded 6IlndHtone, 01'. dI8Upve!l1~
the dominating fenlure, forms II wnll of ntt.ractively aloJIA" IItrike___________ _________________ 2S
~olored Rnd IJea,,(ifully decorated rock, in some ways 21, Sandrtone, ",-hlte nud treen-white, very
remarkably like the Nanjo sandstone but marked by frinble, even wltE're uDweot.bel-ed; beds 3
F~rsirtent slllall differences that are easily recognized to 8 teet thick. mork~d by planes roughly
in,h. field. h(JI'(z:(Jutul; JncoDsplcuous tungcuthll croBS-
bcddluIj,j very fine grOins, (.~U\eutl.>d "Witb
Along Glen Canyon the Canuel formation is ex·
rlJ>StllIl.t lime, and CerrO\Lt(1Iron; few abort
posed to \!iew Over lnrge, and innumerable shal- red .h:lly balU:b Ln dilJ'erent posltloDS;
109 canyons make it possible to study its ,·ariable 'C\·ltblu A. tlhdance of 2 milewl Ibis bed Is'
{",[ures in detail. (See pI. 10, B.) In most pluces nbout 130 teet thick aDd t'trongly ~rORH-
the Entrada, Summerville, and Morri"on combine to b</Ided_ ••• _. _•• __•••• _• • _. __ ._ .. _...... 42

moire unseala.!::I. cliffs, but :n canyons tributary to the 2G, sandstone or s.'1ndl' shale, \"~ry fine grained,
In alteruating b~ds 6 illclaes to 2 t~e t tbick,
Colorado the edges of ull beds nre successively ex· dark red nnd turntl)' s-ret!D-whlte; wavy,
posed. Ou a branch of Kane Springs Creek the Mor· cruruph..l(l. SUD-bilked, lenticula.r all a
risoo consists of approximately 100 feet of banded red minufe scale; wcatb~l"9 Into ,sI)Ools, "rock
ODd green.white thin sandstone that overlies 200 feet babies," and hoodoos. rlutllsllc lu color
of gray and brown sanastone whose bas" l-ests 00 the ond sllnpe i within 11 mlle 111'o ng tbe strike
thts bed is represented b)' at/out ]0 feet" of
.....d.d surface of lumpy purple slrlll.. In pl.ces red ond whitc bODd~ nnd "bout 60 fcct: or
.long Last Chance Crcel, the top of the Morrison is massive 6Qlldstoue______________________ 40
·irre::ularly bedded, cross· bedded, and promjnently
&nd closely jointed and includes lellses and stringers Total MorrIson lind Snmmcn'iIle ( 7)
of conglomemte that carries pebbles more than 2 torm:.lt1ous_______________________ 110

in.hes in diamet~r. The horizon between tbese beds Entrnda B3l1dstone:

and the Ent,·ada is represented by only 20 to 50 feet 25, S:md1lt(Jut!t wWte and e'1'een-wbttc. mnssi\'e,
Intrteately cross-bedded witb collsplcuous
"t baoded maroon nnd light·gray sandy shale, which Ion,• .fIl1t CUn'e& and smaUer IO(J(ls of tnu-
grades nlong the strike into soft SAndstone, nnd in lentlal '1nmlnal; vcry fine grained, most of
outIying buttes west of Rock Creek. the EntNlda and it I.n graiIl8 too swull to be seen wlth the
Uorrison make a continuous escarpment, the usual unaided eye; ,ypsum and lime cement i
intervening shale and sandstone thnt represent the contaJns Home unS'ul1u· chuuks nnd fin t
ch1ps or gr~n mud shale; about GO feet
SlUIUnerv:Ue being absent. . from. tbe top Ife Lbree bands, e!leh nbout
Near the mouth of Rock Creek the lower beds of 4: feet wide, composed of deep-r~d sbaly
lb, San Rafael group are well displayed. Immedi· Eandstooe, and n few tbln, Bhort bonds of
ltely above the N<lvujo lies 35 feet of red crumbly the same materlnl 8rG Irregularly placed;
thIckne.. estlmnted ••._._. _..• ____ ._. ____ {OO
fer, unevenly bedded cnlcareous sandy shale lhat
illcludes patches of lumpy sandstone. Thf$ beds are ==
Carmel formation:
lliecteded upward by 94 feet of red sandstone, mottled 24_ Shale, landy. red, lD tbln, vC!ry uneven bed~
1Iilh white, alternating wiih unevenly bedded !landy lrNgularly ImbrlcQted: Imall patches ot
ttd shale that presents mimy smood, and rippled BOnd ,row and' ot mUd-shale lumps____ 80


rL 10. Carmel f0l'oUttion-{:ontluued,
t :urmel tOl"Ul.tioD---CODlhlu~J.
23. Sand,toue. red. Ind 1ense. of red sblile j at 14_ Sandstone, light red, friable, In il'regular
top h' a relatively reallltllDl bed of '.I.-bite beds 1 to 2 fect thick that hav~ lump,..
\V~vy foUntion ~urfuccs Dud nrc separated
, Mndstone 8 tncbes thtck________________ 12
by thin lliscontilluous beds of dork.-red
2"l. Shu I•• like :So. 20________________________ 6
imbricated !Hlndy sbale________________ _
21. S.nd~tQnc. gr0.7. lrreguhlr, lumpl i In place.
mIlJI~i'9'e. c ross-bedded j elsewhere breaks 13. Lhnestor:.e, white, resistant j brcnkl!l with
CODcboldil1 fracture ____________________ _
loto thin
Ularks slubs corcred
____ ______ with tlny ripple_
1 8 12. Sandutoce, like No. 1-L _________________ _
20. Shale. durk ~(1 and bed!J 0' thin elll1 saud- 11, Sbn!e, durk red, imbricated, lumpy; ~n
stone tlIot b~~me white at the contftet9: beds as thin noS cllrdbonrd; culcareous
and _______________________ _
stratlOcotioo ve ty irregulor, lumpy. wovy:
10. LlmestQDe, Ilke No. 1L __________________ _
8Qndstooe 1H eU&;btly croM·bedded aad coo-
9. Sbale. Ilk. NO. 1L _______________________ _ I
lallls frag:ncnt$ ot Hbale; calcareous and
ferruginous g)'pautn a8 cement and dis- 8. SaUdJJtone, light red, massive, cross-bedded;
semlnatcfl grains; lios appearance of caniea scattered groins of chert and
udobe and luU'dcDCd playa rouds________ 16 , quartz the sl7.e of bird shot; n l.xal
13. Sandstone, In eight bedH, lowest six beds ground-water hol'izou __________________ _ 3
7. Sbll!e.. Uk, No, 11 ________________________ _
\vhltc, 6 to 10 Jnches thick. lelUlrated
by paper·tbfo, Imbricated mud shole. 8. LhllestouC. like No. 13 ___________________ _
cl'u~bcd aud folded, suo·bnkc(l; tOP[Host G. Shale. at. No. ll ________________________ _
two bt.'<l8 sondstooe, bonded red aDd block. 4_ Snndstone, dark I'eel , in'egularly bedded:
wltb tWIl, short lenses at dark-red mud conte Ins lenses and strlugcl's at red and at
shale nnd stl'eaks of w!llte; mucb gypsum white fO.bale; ull bighly calcareous;
lind somo Crngment8 ot tibole Irregularly Weo.thel'S In rounded knobs _________ ...... ___ _
dhrtributed: gl'oins are white nnd block 3. Shah!,. red. lumps. Imbrica ted, In paper-thin
(J'UH· tl', nogular Qlld pool'ly ns."Io1'ted; 00' beds'i bl-eoks tuto irregular chips; b1gbly
mont Is cooopOfi(!d ot I1'0n, lime, ond iJYP- cOlenreous _________________________ ___ _ ~
sum; blnck g.·nIlls nre buncbed In sop at 2. Sandstone. 'r ed. llI:tssi vt!, lenticula r, croU-
\\'11\'y ~ddhlll s urfnces __________________ 20 bedded, {rlahle. calco;eou8 __ ~ ____ ... ------ 1
18. dark rcd, SQDdy, Imbl'lca ted, wuvy
Sbo1t~, 1_ Conclomerate or coarse sandstone; white to
loUotlon, [hlu Q:i cnrdboard_____________ 6 reddish i lenticular; cow[losed ot eICQD~
17. Snnd~tolle, light red, lDn ~lve 01' wasbed irre;;ulal'Jy sba[led pebbles of
bedded, .slightly cro6s-b edG L'<I i becomes wb!te quartz, sandstone, nud r81'C IIwe-
whHe r~'\)Dl bhmcWog HeRl' tho top: much
a:ypsum In cl', grolu8, And small
stone "9 lill',e <l!j bucl~bot; along the
strike ronges ill t hickness from layer ot
lenses; some or nodules lime and erystuls 1,'TaU:,. to aceun:ulations 8 inches tblck;
ot snlt_________________________________ 3 coutains a gt'ouud-water !Jol·i7'Oll ________ _
16. Shule or shnly sun<ll'itone nnd soudstoDe Uke
No. 11, In tLltll17lathll: beds thn~ l)rodllt.'e Totnl Cannel t:orInotiou _______________ 128+
11th-activo decornU\"e bllndlng 00 wind- Totel section ____ _____________________ 638+
swept &lopes i the sllale Js lowpy Ilnd 1m· Uneoo!onnlty, Indlcuted by eroded, W8\'y, sUghtly
brlcutcd.1a mottled Wltl1 round, white dOD, (:bnnnelcd surrnce ot underlying su[)dstonc. by dif-
Rnd aVtlMnJ like adobe j $.'\udstoue fits Into ferent thicknesses or Ko_ 1, and by abnllit chonce
IlOCket. blud'e by wuv,. tolllltion ~nntace8 In Utbology.
I)f the shale: both shule aud saudstone Navajo saudstone, 800 feet; forms wall ot Oleo
carry ruuch gypsum und llme j In seven Canyon.
Ft. tu. 8sctw-r. ilt cliff 1I6a·" mo·u th o( La~t Ol!4~6 Greek, Vt ••
Slid Ie ____ ______ ______ ___ ,

'Sllndiltone __________________ .- 2 (MClUl1rCDlo!ots by aUdadc by Raymond C. Moo.-e]
Sh.l. ________________________ 6
S:m,d stone _________ • __________ 2 Dakota (1) saudslGuo. ,id
Shale' ________________________ G Morrison r~)rr.l:'tro;'l (und Summerville? fOI'matloll) :
3, Sll.[!.d~to:le, ·greenis1l. g,rq,.; COUtillnS some p'lJrpHsb
&lluJ:;tonc___ ________ ""_____ ___ 5
S ••I. ________________________ 8 brown Iloyer:s dod :It..aintng; very mssahe,
dL-;t.lnctli but mllss-jve~1 bedded, verticil I Joints
11 1 ratheE: 1)rominent, cr1tty______________________ 381
1,'). Strule, 'f'e(y IIlIht rod, In reglllRr bcds as Entrada sandstone:
thtn· tU Cllf'dbonrd i beds folded a.ud 2., light yeHowisb gra)' or creum-culored
erushed lb plIlC~' j Iypllum, lime, and iron wltll irregular brOwtlish Plltches and layers.
cewent: Ilk\,) hardened brIttle pl:l)~Q mud i very IUllssive, fl prominent cUrt maker; weathers
Ilt th~ bue !itS white sandlshale, mottled III smooth, subl'oudded sDrfaces wJth "ery rQre
dark red, 2 luchcJ thick, which coutains j()lnt.i: rather unIfol'1Il 1..u. textul'e, hIghly crass-
doudl'ltes nud ulnuy seolUs ot 11:lIe and bedded, but stratification 1$ Dot strikingly evl.
K?'D$Um -.----' .. ,--- ...--... --.. --______ _____ S U dent, U~ In the Xl\\':ljO ___ ~ _ ______ ___ _________ I1tJ1
ClnoeI forwa tiOD : ~·I.>ct I,iko }{owa,'d and Gilbert, Dutton expresses unce,··
1. Sabdstoue, mostly in 8bode., of brick-red to tainty regarding the Cretaceous-Jurassic boundary,
Iloroon but b:1s some thin grayish-blue layers i
tbln bo<.Idcd'. In part ~baly; contains min beds For the Henry )follnlnins Gilbert H subdivided the
of G'JJ)8lJm ; Q weak (OrlUutIoll ,thot runke!i !SlopeS Cretaceolls into sevm formations, ,vhich he named, in
.lld a.a t benebes _____________ ... ________ .. ______ 200
descending order, M.suk sandstone, lIfasuk shale, Blue
limo aa.odstoue.
Gate sandstone, Blue Gate shale, Tununk sandstone,
TUDunk shnle, and Henrys Fork group, of which the
Bcd 3 of t.his section is 490 feet thick at a point 5 last consists of yellow fossiliferous sandstone, nn·
l1il.. above the mouth of Last Chllnce Creek and is
lacking on. Wahweflp Creek above Wire Grass Spring. derlain in hll-n by arenaceous shale and coarse sand-
JIed 2 is 611 feet thick at a point l>et.ween W~rm Creele stone and conglomernte with silicified trunks of trees.
and Wahweap Creek, and bed 3 is 166 feet thick at the He remarks:
.Duth 01 Rock Creek. The three upper Sflud.stOllCS. the Mnsuk. the Blu~
Gnte, norl
tbe I].'ullunk, are 80 nenrly 1dentical lu tbeir lithologie
CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS acters that I wns tlnnblo to discriminate them In rfgions
where their sequence wns unknown - - - there Is nImost
l'REVIOUS WORK equal cumculty In dlscl'lnllllnting the lUi\8Uk, Blue Gate, ond
Tnnunk shnle8~
In his " Last Bluff" section Howell'· records 2,560
to 2,650 feet of Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the Cross" met tbis situation by introducing the term
upplr Pari!!. Valley. These strata include 1,000' feet Mancos for the sholes above tho Dakot:. and adopting
of "erM·m sandstones and shale...," 500 feet of "dark Hohnes's term Mesaverde for lhe series of sandstone.
..gillnceous sllal\!" (Tropic shale), n "coal series" Two divisions thus became th& substnntill.l equivalent
lhO feet thick, "light-gray sandstone or fine conglom- of the six divisions described bv Gilbert. Beds as·
erate" 250 feet. thick (Dal<otal), nnd 251 feet of signed to the :Mnncos nnd M~s.o.verde have been
teds believed to be the eqillwalent ·o f the Morrison mapped at many places in New Mexico, Arizonn, and
ond Summerville 100·mations as these terms are used Utah. H(n.ever, 09 the distance from their type 10-
in the present. repQrt. Gilbert 11 briefly Iish Creta· I c"lity increa ..s thei,. dillerences increllse me~wi. se. In
ceous rocks in sections measured 011 the North Fork recognition of this variation it seems desirnblo to estab·
of the Vil·gin Riyer and th" West Fork of the Paria lisl\. for the Kaiparowits region the field ,terms Tropic
RinT. Both these eady observers express doubt reo shale, of lower Colorado, rotlghly tho equivalent
garding the division plane between the Cretaceous of the Mancos, and St.raight Cliffs and W.!l\fCap for-
llId Jurassic-a difficulty experienced n1so by more ruations, which together resemble lithologically the
recent workers. Mesaverde. A SHies of sh.t~ und soft gritty sand·
For arese that lie within or border the High Pla- stones above the sandstone 9f 'the lVahweap formalion
teaus Dutton" recognizes the Cretaceous as a widely is here termed the Kaiparowits formation.
"'rilble series of sandstone and nrgillaceous shale that The age and correlation of the Morrison formation,
cllIItllins coo.l Lnd, has conglomel"ltte of undetermined now tentatively c1a~ified as Cretnceous (1), htls lJeen
o"ae at the base. He eny~ that" tho upper and lowe,' widely discussed by Berry,'" Lee," I.ull," Mook,1O
divisions can be correlated with. high degree of prob. Osborn," Stnnton," Simpson," nnd others.
ability with the Larnm ie and Dakot& groups of Colo- 14 Gilbert, G. K., Report on tllO iOO1oQ or tbe Hl":nry MouuttL1D.1J,
l'Ido, respectively," From distant views he reached PI> 4..-6, U. S. Geog. Dnd Geo1. SUrYrf Rocky Mtn. R.<!lJlon. 1871 .
.. CtOU, Wlillmnn, U. S. OeaL Sorn), Ceol. Atlas. TeIJurlde 10Do
the .onelusion that (No. Ill), 1890; La I'lot. foUo (No. 60), 1890 (1001).
the Kaiparowits Pla teuu Is n. bl'oahI belt of Cretaceou8 strata Wl2err7. E. W.o hlt'obatuble e\'ldcmce of the IIge ot 'tho Morrh(OD
formatloD : ~I. Soc. Amcriea Bull., Y01. 22, IJP. 33~MZ. 1911i.
reccl'lln' cut soutbwardly from the Aquarius Plateau Dnd lTlA>.e, W. T., RCUllrona tor N'i::ardlnlt tbe MorrlMD Oil an Introduc·
r_ 'lnble ella <no outlier ot the Aqunrins). At a dis· tor, Cr<!tncooU8 for ma tion: GooI. SoC. AmerlCIl null., Yol. 28. liP.
tDace ot 60 mlles trorn tbe- hitter the Colorndo River cots 303-314.., 19115.
r1cbt .erl)Q the Knlparowits. tormlng the JrNRt ,"orl:e or the )II Lun, n . S., Sauropoda and ~IO,.ntlrlll or the MortlsoD or Nortb

Gis Canyon. South of the, rive.r tlie rJatform reauwes ttl A..-,crlta comp..'l.rtd ""ltb (hOle ot Europe. ond cftstern A1'rl.c a: <kol.
Soc. A.~rtCl, Boll, vol. 211. pp. 823-33-1, 1913.
et.,mcter. lind the Creta<''eOul Ipreada out tnto :reat mesal • Mool, C. C .• Orlglo aDd distribution ot tbe Morrtso. tormo.f\oD:
deepI, dfs:6ected by t-">flD.10ns tributary to tte S.n Juau. These Geo!. Soc. Amertf:Q Bul~ •• ~ol. 26. (tp. 31il-3Z2. 1010; A .(\Kly o( tbo
CretaeeOo8 Dle$ns COVE'f n Imost tho entire northeastern quarter ~o.rr1iM)n, tormaUOD: ~ew Yor" AOld. Sci. AnuAIIl. voL 21. pp. :JO.-JOI.
(If Arl,ems am) reneh ItldeRnitelY p{lstward." 1918.
.. O"oorn, H. F., CJo!C ot JurassIc .ad ollcolng "t Cr.tnccoull time
IIL1I'1lD. E. E .• U. S. Oeog. aDd Geol. Sune)'1 W. lOOtb ~fe.r. ID Yorth. America: Ocol. Soc. 4,rucrtca Dull., ';'01. 26. PP'. 2~02,
It,t.. fOI. 3, p. 271. , 1 81:!'.
GUIJt.t. G. K.. Id ew , liP. 1~0-1 60.
to ·8unton, T. W., M4M'I*ln rormatlon notl It_ l'elutioDI wtll the
uDattou. C. E .• Re port 00 the ~ tov or tbe BI:::b Plat4!'aWi or COlDa.nehc IIIc rJea Ilnd the D4koto lormlltjoD: Jour. GeoloQ', vol. 13,
trail. 1'1" lu{-138, U. 8. Goo;:;. and Gt!.ol. Sur~ey Rock, z.rtD. Re;;loD, pp. 6G7-C~a, l.U0!> ; ID"'~rt.. brtltc! rlluna or tbe MonitIOn forllHlllon:
ISIlt. Geal. 80c. A.lD~rlC" Dull., ~ol. 20, pp. 343-:MS, 19115.
• n-tton. C. E .• Tertlnry bltlt()J'Y of the Gnu'" Canyon district: ;II Slm"'n. O. 0 •••4.1Je ot tbe MOM'I!'On tOI'watloo: AJu. lou.r. ~I. •

O. S. C)('OI. Surve y Mon. 2. p . 33, 1882. 5tb aer., "oL 12. I)P. 198-216. 1926.



Beea use of it. economic significance the Upper Cre- Cretaceous rocks lie between the "'atel'pocket Fold
taceous of arcas adjacent to Ihe Kaip.rowit~ region and the Henry Mountains and e"tend northward,
has received much study. F 'or the Book Chft's, the considerable distunce toward Castle Valley, forming
r San Rafael region, and lhe eastern Wasll-teh Plateuu a conneclIng link with the CrehLceous of t.he Wasatdi
sc"eral papers have been published." For south- Plutenu and Book Cliffs.
central Utah Richardson's study" includes brief de-
S<'riptions of the coul-bearing Cretaceous of the Kanab
jOcgion. Differences in hurdncss of the Cretaceous I'ocka, ~
A1EAL DIBTRUIUTlOIf those in the ot.her rod, formation s of the pIateu
country, arc strongly expressed in the topography.
Approximately half of tbe Kaiparowits region is Hard ma •• i". sandstone is the dominant l'OCk tn.
, .~,
""cupied by Cretaceous rocks. (Sce pI. 2.) Unlike and accordlngly, throughout most of tho CretaceoQl
the outcrops of lbe older form:>tions, that of UIC orelL, th~re arc broad plateau surfaces ,bounded b.
Cretilceous is fairly compo"t. Except the compara- sleep, high cliffs. Valleys c'''''ed in the s"nostone l;t
tively nnr.row wc.tll'ard extcnsicln around the head of I1urrow, steep-walled canyons. 'Vhere the sandstOilt
the Pnrill V.lley, the Cretaceous are. forms a roughly beds are upturned in the East l~aibab monocline there
equilateral triangle I li!!Ie, over rIJ miles on each side. .Are long, sharp.Cl'csted serrate hogbacks.
'rho bll.-uc, IowaI'd tho Colol·...:Io l.hwl', is very irregu- 'I'he tbick shale in the lower part of the Cretaceous
I~r, for thel'e are' northwftFd-ruching indentations seclion commonly forms more or less intricately d~
along each of the streams and southward extensions sected slopes beneath the overlying sandstone, and ia
olong each of lhe divides. The northea~t bound""y places, RS around the head of the Pal'ia Yolley, it;'
of ,t he triungle is ,'el'y regular, as it is marked by the eroded to form broad "alleys, The R{)und and Horse
appropriately named Straight Cliffs. The west Bide . Valleys ore ra ther striking basins that. have been
of the tdangle is also "emarknbly .knigbt from the
! excavated in tbis shale. To the weakness and rom-
southwest corner to the point where the Cretaceous
p.mti,'o thickness of this shaly pOl·tion of the Cr&.
bods swing westward into the PIIri. V..lley. This
tJlCOOu.s, is, doubtless due mIlch of the recession of the
lin.. is defined by the northward-trending East Kaibab
Cretaceous cliffs.
n1onocline. Except the morginn.l lower benches, tbs
The presence of thin beds 0'1 sandy shllle and sbaly
an'" just descl'ibed is an upland and is commonly
snndstone in the middle portion of the Cretaceol:S
designated the Kaipllrowits Plateau.
, sandstone accounts for the cl ear-cut topographic divi·
Southwest of CtHll)lln Peak Bnd the Table Cliff Pla-
' sion into nn upper and lower plateou bench. The
teau IInd soutow,,",1 on the west .id. of tho Paria
upper sandstone is ovel'lain by poorly consolidated
Ni "er, ulong the enst edge of the P.unsaugunt Platenu,
exten,l. a, somewhat narrow, irregular bond of Cre· grH .nd sandy shale, which in the vicinity of CRIlIlft
t.ceous exposures' from 2 to 10 miles in width. With Pellk have been 10cILlly carvcd iulo badlands.
some changes in character, particularly of the lower ~LASSIFICATIO:l'
members, tbis outcrop continues westward, around the
south end of' 'tlte PannsangulIt and ~r..rkagunt Pla- As treated in this report the Lowe,' Cl'etaceolDi is
,teRIIS, into sallthll'estern Utqh. doubtfully represented in the Kaiparowits region by
ObservIltiolls on the Paunsllugunt Plntenu show that, the Morrison fOl'mation, and the Upper Cretaceou.
contr••·y to previolls mu'pping, tho Tertiary cover is comprises aU strata hetween the Morrison and ihe
not continuous thcre. ]'or severoI miles along the :Eocene (Wasatch formation) .
EAst, Fork of the Sevier :Hi"Cl' neat the pillce where I,ithologically und topographically the Upper Cre-
it erooscs Ih. Kane-Garfield rounty boundary erosioq taceous can be dividcd readily into five main pSl'\E.
hns reQchcd I,he boise of the Tel'ti~ry .nd ~ in SOIlle ,\'t the bnse of ,t he series, resting unconformahly OIl tht
plnC('s hilS expC<'.cd' !I10l'e than 100 feci of the upper sllbjocent rockS, lies a relatively thin formation tItlt
pAri, of the Cretaceoos. This condition prevails also eonsists of I"regular conglomerate, hard and sofllen'
o.loll.Q !'!I"N'",I of the trilm!"ri .. of t,he East Fork. ticulo,' fnndstone, sandy, more 01' less corbonoce<l1lS
, shale, and thin beds of dirty coal. This bedding, com'
• Rh:hnrd:ktn. O. n .• 1t~C<ltl Dn tu.a Il C"l' ot the Dook Cillt/f eOlll flclds'
V. e. Geot SUI'W1 Bull. 371. p. U , 1000, CJllI'k, F. n., The Funbnn: , pOSition, and texture and the prcsence in places of COD-
Rlltldloe, Car-boll Coltoll. Utr:ab : U. S. Gool. SUt Y ('1 Bull. ill, )Jp. ~ 8iderabl~ petrified ,,"ood are features suggesth'e of tilt
1-IS, 19Z0. LUVtOD, C. T ., Geo tOogJ" (!I Dd eoe l l"titoorce. or Cut!t V,,).
I"y In ?rbOo. Eru,,~y, ,,"d Se."!1f'1' C llu n \ ~(! •• n_",h : C. S. Ceol. Surv(>)' , Dn~ot8, sandstone. In the Paria Valley, hOWever, 11.
DulL 0.. 8, UU6: Oil Dod glls ncar G1"I!etl Rlv(!J', Grnot! Count,. Ulll.h ' .bund.n~ marine fossils in sandstone and, thin .bale
u. S, GI!01. SUt\·cy Bull. /lioU, pP. 1l tJ-134, lOB. Spl~ker. Ii:. M.. aDd between or below some of t.\1e conI bods and the appar·
R~'3I.d('!, J. B., Jr. , C~I "crolUI aDd TtrUftry flll'lllnUODI of the Wa-
SAtch rlf:Llt'au, Utnh: G~L Soc:. Arne.rlea BUll, vol 86" . . . . . ent conformi!.,. with t1:e o"C!'lying shale 'su,ggest that
1.921:5, ' • ,t·P: ..~u ... ,
:iRkbnr..'lslln, G. n.. The EIn'rnwn,., Colob. "tid Kllnnb e.,.t fttldv. this bosol grit is intimately related to t.hese sllcceedin,
lIoulbcru Ulull: U. S. Oeol. Sa rY!!)' BlIl!. 3-11. Pl'). Si9-ol00, 1909. deposits. The conI-bearing baml beds ilre hel'Q termed.

))Ikot. (I) snndstone, with recognition of t.he prob- CO ....elation of these beds with Ih01;e describ~.<I !IS
obitity thnt they are m erely homotaxially eqlli""leut to "McElmo" by Cross, no.r ton, Gregory, Lupton, Miser,
~ Dtkota of other areas. Moore, and other students of tho geolo"'y of t.he
Abo~ the Dakot" (1) lies a persistent dark shale platean province is mode with confidellce. "'Yith few
fonnlUOIl that ,·auges in t.hickness from 350 to 1,400 slight breaks they II1'Y be traced fro 111 the type
IeeL ~e lower part of t.his sl,ale cont"ins a· typical locality, lIIcElmo Creek, Colo., northwestWlII·d to SUIl
loci f.,rly abu"dant basal ~Iallcos hUIla.. The snme Rtlfoel, UtaJ" southwestward to Hopi J3uttes, A .. iz.,
,.una .nd lithologic cha....,cter are found in t.he lowest and. westword to the Paria Vnlley. It hns long been
~lIceous shale divi sion of Ihe Helll], l\Iountains recognized thot the" McEhno " includes both mod"e
("Tullunk shale" of Gilbert), and there clIn ue no and terrestrial sediments alld thnt nn important
reason.ble doubt I.hat the lower part of the "hule in (Jurassie-Cretnceous) time b ..euk ma)' lie within its
die K.ip .... owits arel!, corresponds to thllt division. v"ri.ble beds.
'I1Ie upper purt, which conliLills few fossils, probaul)" The dcterlr.inntioll by Grego ..y ""d Noble " that the
corresponds 10 t.he 'l'l.Inunk sandstone of Gilbert "ud fossiliferous Uppe'· JII,·"ssic limestones of the Virgin
1110 Carlile horiwn of the lower port of Ihe Muncos River Valley occupy the position ot the basal port of
slsale. In the light of present know ledge it seems best the" MeElmo" of the lhvajo conllt,·y, und tbe dis-
10 apply n local name to the division j list above the covery by Gilluly lind Reesidc " of a"oLI\.,· .fossilif-
!Jakota (Y), nnd the name Tropic shale has ;,cen erous formotion in the n.iddle sOlliruents he retofor~
erlteted on account of the typical exposures illld greate .. ch,ssed as «l\fcElmo," have led to " ,·eclllssificat.ion
tbiclmesa of the s hale in t.he vicinity of Tropic·, ill the of t.hese bed. as the San Raillel gmllp, comprising th"
northe..n part of the Paria Valley. Carmel, EntradA, Curtis, !lnd Summerville format ions,
The Io\fer of the two main sandstones ,t hat overlie of known J ur.ssic ngo, auti the ./1[0 .... i80n fo,·mation,
lhe Tropic shale is partly marill~ and pa .. tly cont.i- which is tentatively conside ..ed Lower C,-etnceous.
.utal. The collections 01 fossils thnt have been mnde There i. no doubt t.hllt the lJods here ,,"sigl:ed to t.he
indicate thBt it is of uppernlOst Colorado age. FlllInal :Morrison find equivIlI.nt" ill the llPper purt of most
eMtDCe indicutes thnt this sandstone corresponds " McElm(l " &celions Ilnd thllt pn rts of the SIlII Ra facl
.pproximately to the lower pu ..t of the" Bille Gate . group are also represented. Tho J\for,·ison forlDation
shale» of Gilbe .. t in the Henry Mountsins. The nUllIe , of this ru"ea consists or thG saID" kind of sandstoue,
Stl1ligM Cliff. sandstone is he,·e applied toO it becnuse conglomerate. and variegllted shale that ch.moterize
of ita typical de,-clopment in the prominent cliffs south this form.tion in nort.hern and ell~terll Colorado. It
of Esnlllnte. includes undetermined alllounts of the npper port
The upper main sandstone division of the Upper of the" McElmo formlLtion," us that formation hIlS
C:-eiaceoull of the K a iparowit.. Platenu has yielded been defined in papers Ihnt deal with the geology of
:olmost no fossil evidence, but it probn"l,. c<l .......ponds southwesterr, Utah, northeust.ern Arizona, north-
00 the upper put of the" Blne· Gate sh.le" and to western New Mexico, and southwestern Colorado.
the Blue Ga,t e snnds tone of Gilbert in the Henry ARUL E.\:'TElIo''l' aND TfUCILNESS
llountftins. Tl:e name '''ahwe"p sandstone is he,·e
.pplied to Ihis formation on account of typical ex· In the Kaiparowits region the ~lo,·,i son f ormation
POSIfe8 on uppe'· 'Yah weap Creek. is well represented along Glen Can)'ou, the Escalante
Above the '\Yahwe.p sandstone are coarse but weak Valley, and Holls Valley. It Oppel"·. also inpor\.
grits and sandy mnds thnt fresh and br.,ckish of the Poria Valley. 'rhe Little White Rock Valley,
WI/u fossils . These beds, which a,·e very readily u western tributary of the 'Vo.h we.p, derives its name
diotinguishable from the underlying formation, are from the white Morrison ...ndstoneS H,nt fQnn its
~ere D~med the Kaiparowits formation, os they are WAils, .. nd combined ,,-ith the DakotR (I) and the
tXoellently exposed on the highest part of the plateau Summenillo the :Morlison stllnds in cliffs t:hot extend
of this n~.II1e. frolll • point near Wahweap Valley to the south-
eastern extremity of the Kaiparowits Platenu. (See
llOlllUSON FORMATION (CIIETACEOUSI> pI. 10, A.) Along the Strni"ht Cliffs, tho south west-
. '"
~rn ,,' all of the ElICOlnnte VaUey, tho formation is
cont.inuous for nearly .0 miles. (&e pI. 21, A.) On
Unconformably beneath the lowermost sandstone Hall. Creek it formo nearly vertical westward-fudng
~ds assigned to tile Dakota. (Y) are the light-colored cliffs from the Bitter Creek di,-ide Dea rly to the Colo-
tongloJJ1erate, sandstone, and variegated shale which rndo River.
ia Utah, south "esoorn Colorado, and northern Arizona nGre~()rr, B. X., and Noble, L. r-.. Of!. cit ., p. 237.
PAeraUy have been mapped as "McElmo formation." .GIII1I1,. J.~ and Hf'(·l&lde. J, D" Jr.• op. cit ., 1'1), '~10.
In tllickness the Morrison shows .. great fl.nge., Entrada made it difficult to set, the upper limit 01
From a maximum of about 500 feet on Halls Creek the series of "lifiegated hllnded sandstone J1Id alat.
and Rock Creek it decreases generally westward and that OCCUpy the geneml position of the SumllleniD.
seems to disappear in the upper Poria, Valley. It formation in the San Rafael Swell. Some ol the fol.
also thickens and tbins within short dlstances. In lowing descriptions of the Morrison therefore dOOh\.
m08t places inaccessihle cliffs and extreme less inclUde beds tha t further study would pl!1C9 in the
ity of bedding make it ditlicult to trace tbe formatlOn Summerville.
bound.ries, hut the general lithologic character and In mlny places the Morrison appellrs as one DJassi"
topography are so different from those of beds above bed, gray, -wbite, g,reen-white, yellowish brown, or
and below that instrumental me.suremento are prac- reddish brown. In weatbering, the formation elllll.
ticable. Thus a section that was carefully measured , monly pl'esents a single massive unit that forlll8 III
with alidade at the mouth of Last Chance Creek shows , essentially vert!cal cliff. Instead of the smoothly
393 feet of beds above mllS.i ve En trada sandstone I rounded, slightly sloping surfaces that 6nracterize tilt

(see p. 88), which is here 600 feet thick. About 3 Entrada ~andstone, numerous angular projecting joint
miles above the mouth of Last Chance Creek a meas- planes and fra.cLure faces, combined with s:ight oYer-
urement on the cast side of the Co.nyoll abows 830 banging narrow shelves or depressions along bedding
feet of Monison. At a point near the mouth of tho pllnes give the cliff sllrfa.ce a markedly uneven texture.
Croton Bl'lnclt of'Last Chane.., Creelt, where the top 'l'l'acing the beds along t.he stril,. mile by mile, ho".
of the Entradn sandstone is only .. short distance ever, reveals an irl'egularity of stratification not sug.
above the bottom of the canyon, the 1rlorrison beds gested by the general views, In tile Escalante Valley
(with pO&1IiLIG Summerville) are 490 feet thick. Oil the mBssive .andstone that corresponds to the Morri-
Rock Cl'eck, where the general charoeter and thick- son becomes in places It series of shalelike beds of tilt
ness of the Morrison beds 01'11 very similar to those on same composition; at Fiflymile Point only shale repre-
Last Chance Crej)k, a mea.surement gave 450 feet ill sents this bed. Al the Burr trail and at places along
this division. . Olen Canyon thll massi"e thick white bed that is so
Westwud the thickness of the Morrison grwuaUy conspicuous along parts of Halls Creelt and at the Sa.
decrellSl'8, ns is re.wily ascertained by inspection of Rafael Swell is broken up into beds S to 10 feet thick.
the sandstone cliffs between Wllhweap and Warm Elsewhere the bed1! are 80 to 40 feet thick.
Creeks. Ncar the Crossing of the Fathef1l, wltich i. In places shale that is REsigned to the Morrison hOI
8 ntilea east of Warm Creek, tm.. fo,mation is about belo~' mo"sive conglomeratic sandstone; at othel' places
280 feet thick. Nenr Costle Butte, between Warm similol' lies above the sandstone and is terminated
and Wllhwellp Creeks, it is 140 feet thick. On Wllh- upward by the Dakota (I). In different places and at
weLp Creek, just eost of Lone Rock, the Entrwo severa! horizons lie thin beds and lenBeR of red shale
sondstono is co,'ered by a thin conglomerate that ap- 2 to 3 feet ill tl:ickness. 'fhi. shale is commonly
parently belongs to the Dakota (I) rather than tbe suncracked, the crevices being filled with bluish-gray
MOfl'ison, and farther Mrth on Wahweap Cl...ek tbe Mod t.hnt .hows very plainly on the edges of the bed
DRlcot. (') so,ndstone rests directly on an eroded sur. 01' on sandstone surfaoes above the bed!. In t.he portioo
fnce that is carved in the Entrada sandstone. (See of the Warm Creek Canyon that is carved in the Mor-
pI. 13, e.) Likewise at ploces in the upper Paria Val- rison some of these interbedded I'lld mnds show veI'J
ley lind fllrther west the Dakota (') a"pears to rest clearly tbe form of broad sa,ncer pans. The sun-
unconfol'mably on t.he SUDlmel'ViIle. If the MOfl'isOll cracked red -mud is only a, few inches thick and has a
ever existed in Lhis purt of the plote"u pl'O\'ince it 11IIiform thickness for a horizontal distance of 10 til
wes wholly or Ilt least lal'gely removed before the 50 yards; the edges of the mud bed! thin obruptly aDd
D.koto (t) .and.tone wnll deposited. In the Esea- tllrn slightly upward. Cl'oss-bedded sandstones in·
lRnte Vulley thc Morrison formation nn!!:es in tbick- close these mud POIl1l D'bove and below.
ness from less than 20 feet to more than 300 feet. Along the Straight Cliffs, southeast ()f Escalante,
Ll'rHQLOGIC ASD STRo\.TIGlV.PHIC J'E.A'l'UnEI!I the conglomeratic Dakota (f) sandstone is underlaiD
tll1con!ornlably by variegated maroon and gray sondy
In mnpping the 'beds between the Navajo sandstone shale, cross-bedded sendstone, and conglomerate. Mas'
Mnd Dakota ( ') sandstone field oubdivisions were made sive, hard, cliff-forming grits, such as those t.ltat occur
that do not co]'fe!;poud wholly with those adopted nlong the Colorado River, are not prominent in lbe
for the preseut report. Equh'alents of the Carmel vicinity of Escalante but _are present on the northeas!
forml1.f.ion and the Entrada .andstone were every,,-here side of tbo Kaiparowits Plateau, farther sontheast.
recognized, alld also the massive SIl-ndstone phase of Along tbe Watet'pocket Fold the general chlracler
the Morrison where it was present. But the pl'l!Senee of these beds seems closely to ,..,semble the beds aloug
of many unconformities within t.he stuta above the the CoIOl·odo ,",uth of the Kaiparowits Plateau.
In pl~ces the Morrison is p"ominently cross-bedded SeoUolt. of Dakota (') . 'Id ,llom8OM formation, ncAr ,o,d~ liN
IfI!l consists in large pa rt of coarsc grit and conglom- .f __ 4. 7 . ., !!.• /l. , 11., ." __ , .'d<: 0' LUll. 1«-4 Valle/l,
JrQ.1l 6 Cou ..t~, UtaA.
fI1lle that contain pebbles 4 inches or le"s in diameter.
The .:ollglomerate a ppears in verv massive beds thut (Mt4lJUred b1 R"flOOud C. Moore1
&fide into coarse grit 01' cross-bedded sand Rnd in Dakot a ( 1) sandtltooc: Ft. In.
Ienots Ind st reaks. The 10l\'er part of the formati on is
(ClllllllOnly somewhat finer g"uined, though in plnces
Shale, brown. c nl"-b (Jm\ceou~t Btln (}, (at t op),
ConL __ ______ ______________ ___ ________ _
Bone ______ __ __ _______________ ____ _
., .",
theJe .re prominent ueds of conglomerate in lhe upp"r 3
37. COOI __ __ _________ __ ___ __ ____ ___ __ ___ __
1 7
part. 36. Sbale, lIlack, C81'bOlln('COUS nod bouc __ ____ 1 6
In Rock Creek Valley an unweathered surface of 3J. SandBtODf!, cul'bonnceous __ ___________ __ __ __ 1
JlIIS>-i... sandstone f rom which an enormous slab had 34. S'bille, rcd _____ ___ _________ __..___ ______ 2
rtffilUy been broken by fros t action was examined in sa. Conglomerate. CO t'I~.
gray to nendy white,
IIIIllC detail. 'I'he 40 feet of "ock consists of (our lenses
locully brown, ferruginous; upper purt
conto Ion s abundant !ragmen tli of pctrUled
01 conglomerate, one horizontal, the others inclined at wood 8od.loga us mueh as -1 teet lu dlom-
MIles of 6 ° , 13° and 28°, aml th.roo neady t_o rizont~1 eter, more or less cross-bedded wit h wh ite
Ieaoes of san dstone. It is rusty browD throughout and Mod 1l1nkbb s:wdstooc. ___ _______ __ ____ ... 20
contains iron nodules ~nd iron coating on some 32. CO[)G"lomc rate, coa1'SC pebblu a JncilCti or
leiS In diamet er: contains sOlue )aye['1 of
pel>b~. The pebbles in the conglomerate, DInned in
cros&-bedded coarse snndatone _____ ____ __ 00
order of abuDdance, lire yellow-buff shale, red, green-
Var, and white sandstone, chert, quart'l..ite, and quartz. Tutul Ddm tu (1) S'lm dslolle____ _______ S8 6~

All grt:ns and pebbles orc pool'ly rounded, and thin,

lit chips of sh aJe nLlnin lengths of more than 10 Unco nformit7.
me;. With varying degrees of weuthe"ing the chips Morl'hlou formation:
31. Shale, green. 6'0.00)" ______ _ ______ ___ _· 3
IIld irregular pebbles of friable sandsLone nnd clay 80. SondstoDc, recl. shaly ____ ______________ ___ 4
"Ie are 6rm or crumbling masses or entirely absent, 20. Sba~e, red, with green bonds ______ _____ ___ _ a
'llhere the rock has a porous appearance. In talus 28. Sandstone. white, liOft. coo rse-gralued, wa9-
sl "'e __ _______ ____ ___ -_______ _______ ___ <Ii;
blocks some of the spnccs left by the removal of tbese
Iw resistant fragments are liS much 8S 2 feet long ~. Soodjtoue, gray, Bott ; eoo ina bunda ot
croon Hhale-______ - ________ - - - ----- - ___ 3
an4 t inches in diam.,ter. 26. SondldOlle, cootse'Sfalned, whtte _ ____ __ 11
A Ducroscopic analysis of massive wbite Morrison ~. Sandstone, ]Icbt·bt-own. 8 art i coutoms
.adstone 50 f eet below the D.koto(¥) at Little White streaks of ________ __ _________ ____ _ 3

24. Silale, ;Teen, witb red iStreakll ___ .... ________ _ 3

.Rock Canyon revellied cIe"r quartz 97 per cent, decom- ~ Sandstone, brown, bard ________ ___ ___ ____ _ )G
posed feldspar 1 per cent, biotite and tourmaline 1 per 22. Shl\le. gre ~D __ ______________________ ___.__ _ )0
ceol, calcite fragments (from the cement) 1 per cent. 21. Snndstone, It.;ht-co1ored, eoarse-grQlned ____ 11
TIle gr&ins are poorly sorted; ubout 35 per cent range 20- Sbolc, cree.--------------------- -- ------ 10
in diameter from 0.30 to O. ~O millimeter; the remain- 19. Sandstone, sbol,v ___ __ _____ __ ____________ _ _ )0
18. Shale, rro ___ __ ___ __________ ____ ________ 1
iac &lI per cent grade downward to powder. The ~

17. Sandstone and Ihalc __ __ ____ _____ _____ _ _ 47

larger irains are welll'ounded, the smaller ones angu· 16. Shale, rreen ________ ____ _______________ .. __ 10
lar. The cement is ~Icite nnd some ferrous il·on. 15. Sandstone aDd sbale __ ______________ ____ _ 37
Hand specimens show 8 m ,,11 flattened lozenges of deep- 14. Shale. creen __ ____ _____ ___ __________ ____ _ 0
!!d ferrous clayey materia!. The pale-green color of 13. SandstQne und conglomerate, coo.rac _______ _ )0
12. Shate and sandstone, r ed _____ _~ __ ___ __ ___ _ ~
llIDeapecimens comes from ferrous iron, whid l is geIl-
11. Sandstone, brown, cont'ae-grolnoo to con~
nlly .ssoci.ted wit.h the gypsum that forms the ___ ____ _________________ _____ 41)

_ nt.
10. Sandstone nnd "hato,
bonds __________ red._____
_____ ___ witb creenlsh
_____ ____ __
STRATIGRAl"mC SECTIONS 9. rcd ____________ __ ___ __ __ ___________ 6
The following sections show the arl'llngement of S. Sandstone, eotnse to coDgloDlcrotic. m08ll1.,e_ (jij
1. Sa ndstone and greenish 8bole _________ _____ 3
beds in the Morrison and the relations of the forma- 6. Sbtlle and 8ond8tone, red ___ ________ _____ 2
lion to the Dakota (?) sandstone above and the San 5. Sondlrtooe, coorse-gralnP.d., w1tb ca·olul·bcd<.led
coDgloInerate ___ ___ ___ _________ __ _____ _ _ 20
id'e! group below. Other sections are given on
4. S.ndstone, with tbIn beds of red I':Ihale ___ _ 1;;
pages gO-SS.
Cretaceou.-con Un ued.
l1 orl"lttoo (QtRIII !on- ConUJI,ued. n· III.
Tropic sbaJe--Coutlilued. 10'.
a. 8o.uc:J.tooe, c04na-SMltoed raua1,·c. c<:JDJ:lODl- 6. Sandstone. brown, Oa.u;y ____ __________---- 1-2
erotic, thla
_______ band ot CraeD "bale at
_______________________ __ SO 10 G. Sbale, bluiSh d rn b ___.. ____ ____ ___ _______ -_ •
• 2. Shule, red ______ ___ ___ ________________ __ Dakota (?) BOnds ton e-
1. SandJitone, COlrse. with fl •• COlI,..,IDerate; 4. Sandstone, l i@ ht bl ubh g1'& y to yelloWl1b
wcalhers In clur ...... _______________ ______ 2G brO\\'D i tlnel' an d I!'orter in lower port;

Total Morr~""n tormutloo _________ ___

~19 8
coarser, h a rder, and nllgs:y at top j middle
part conglomera tic _______ ___________ ____ •
Duse covered. CretRCeous (7) nnd Jurassic ('r ) :
Morrison aDd Sommerville ( 1') formatlon8-
8evfi{)B 01 tho J/orJ'wcm /Qf'rft.5tUm 03 OrQlO'ft. C,""" Fort af 3. Sbale, nltcrnntine; ba ods or 'l"oodlwh broW'D
L." OIuJ_ (J,·. .k, U~ and groy, s andy, SQCL .. _________ _________ •
2. Snnd.stone, li ght creamy yeUow, sutt; in PIA&-
ho! olve be<l. 2 to 10 feet Wick; upper 22 reet
O. Sa.ntlHtoneo, bard, tJlIn·bc!ddcd, Ilcbl ;,eUowlsb Sra,.-- -.. 70 coarse .c;:rnlned und' CRrriei lenses of tIDe"tone. Ukc bed .bo\·~ but more PI • • ln___ _______ ro co.'lG'lo01Grotc; l oculi.)' I IUUlpa: dOWD to ,oft
It snod ___________ _________________________ &
.... SODwtone. )'oUowi.9h. 80ft. ~ro_bcdded. SORe"A'hat
tthtl ly j tonDS slope or weak cli1f.i_____ _____ _______ 90 L Shale, reddish br own tlnd light gray, Jo alter-
nating bands, SO Ddy, 8ofL_______________ •

SundatDnl!, yuriegated (klrk red era7 j leullcular
mntlSCtl. IrreGula.r!1 a,edded __ _~ _____ ____________ .. IUS
8RndHtone, whIte, maaal\'.L ________ _________________".. 10 Total 1t[orrl,.'1o n !fi nd Summenillo tonaa~
t1oos_____ ____ _______________________
- •
1. Sandstone, white j irrec'.JJart7 bedded: ba.-:3 DOt apused_ 80
Entrada .nnd~ton.e; base not exr1osed_____ ________ !2t 0' Ore/"""",.. bert. '" ,r",,/ ., Kalpororcll. 1'111 ....
'O./~ 0' T.,.",U. SprlRq, .". ., JS ",110. IOlOIh." Of EICOo
XOllllUOIf-DA1I:OTA( 1) EllOIIOIf IJ1'TEllVU' ~. Garfield, Uta", tit ,"jd4!~ ,If" of ,eo. 4,
Throughout the Kaiparowits region the Dakota(l)
T . .!1 8., 11:. ~ li.
sandstone rests with 010)'6 or less mal·ked unconfOl'lDil!
[MewlUre:d bl IIIYIIIOGd. C. lIIoonJ
on the MOl'l'ison or on Upper Jurassic sandstones. II
CretRcpoulf,: i'eel
TI'oIIIc libnl!!: Shale, 1JluWI. and,. Il'DdCl down- some places unconformity is indicated by l1li
WOl'd to 50ft tosfililiteroul 9O.ndalooe________ ____ ~O wedgin: out of beds beneath the Dokota (1), in 111'111
Dakota (1) .a.elston.: Sa.dllton., .."gIomerntlc,
butt to almOit ""bite, the iRlld .to:ae rolrM to me-
places also by marked irregularities in the ,urlt..
dtuw-grQlned,. eontntntoQ' lenaee ot conrlomerate covered hy the Dakota (') sediments, and, in gener.~
,,'Ith (lObbl.. up to 3 1DCf1.. d(.... ~r. Irrqularll .Iso by a marked change in the character of aedillltll-
....aa-bedded; rorma dill oud prominent boIlc~___ 90 tation nt the base of the Dukotll (Y) sandstone,
= At severol places along WAhweap Creek the surflet
Oretaceous (7) aod Ju", ..1c ( I) :
lIorrllOD aod SUlntnervllle (l l fonuaUou- of the line-grained gl'een-wbite or white friable sud-
Shule, n!<l 0,,<1 IIgbt brow .. . 'd7, IDlerl>edclod sOOne is cut by narrow channels and swales 5 to 15 feel
with 8lIn dstoue limHar 111' color, forlD.l Ilope
portly collcea1td___________ __________________ l5G deep; immedia lely above the sandstone and lillinJ the
Sund 8 ton~, ligbt bro"ft·o and 7..1I0w, tiDe Irllned, depressions in ilg surfuce lie massive beds of firm gny,
crosa-bed(led In part, OCCUR In mllsh'''' .17efS brown conglomerate that is composed of pebbles u
and tonus lw-U<.'I1___________________________ iO
Illuch as .. inches in diameter.
Sbnle nod ,...doton., n!d und ,r87, Intcrbedd«l,
mostly eov~d____________ _ __ _ __________ _ __ 12 Most of the initial Dakota (f) deposits consist 01
Sondstone an<l shalt-, nd, CTII1 and dra!). lJl (oarse well-rounded gravel I-hat is now tiplly
thl.o alternatlog beda, cunatde rob1c TDr1atlon cemented and forms a pl'Ominent C()nglomera~ bed.
In color and. texture.._______________________ 00 It ill clenr that tbe deposition of Upper Q'eI;eCIIDis

Total &loc ...o. on4 800uaervUl.l~t1onl . 197 oedimenh in this region was preceded by a fairly tri4e·
Jura@tilc: Eutradu and Cermel lormn tlOll8 _______ ______ 1,210 .pread interval of erosion. $orne of tbe phen()llltlll
Inraft6;lc( 7) : YOl'.,., "Iad. lone. observed require for their explanation no great chi'"
Socllo. Of ",cIU up..OIl I. ,.".,.,. ,......._ ~ ,,"'lie..,
in conditions of deposition, but in general it ~ IW
of Te.""I. Sprln!1 ... H/lJ'I~ Wild, _1li<0ii Of _...,1... ", the materials of the Morrison and the Dalcola (1) haft
Gsrftol4 COllnty, UIII1& been derived from different sourcea and laid don

nnder diffel'ent conditions. The impression

from a stndy of numel'ous exposures in the CoI0n4o
t,;retHceoU8 :
l'roI'I. shALe- r plateau province is thnt along period of erosion which
7. SaDdstone. ltgbt yeUowl8b brown i rather 00' involved the removal of n considerable tblcbea of
80ft hilt torms ledge : eontatnl 01'''- " and IItl'ata, pl'eceded the deposition of the Dakol.• (I) ..1Il-
olber fO ..118__________ _____ _____________ 11).12

LI'IHOLOGIC FEATUTIES In most parts of southem Utnh the Dakota (1)

sandstone and (.he Tropic shal e are reudily 6epuraled,
The stratigraphic d ivi sion (hat is here d";igJlUled 1Il spite of the fuct that they ,,,'e conformable and that
the Dakota ( 'I) sl1ndstolle is marked by rathe,' per- both include sandstone, The C\'en-bedded yellowiRh-
sistent peculiarities l n lithologic charllcter", topographic brown friobl" rock that contains more 01' less abun-
espre$Sior.. a.nd stra.tigl'll phic relations to Ildj oining dant mal1nc fossils, which commonly forms the bn,",
rock divisions. The irregularly bedded sandstone in- of the Tropic, is unlike most of the sumlstone in the
cludes sandy and carbonuceous shalc, poor COlli, and Dukota (1) formation, nut in purts of the upper
!<cally conglome.rnte, The pebbles ill t1:e cOllglomernte Puria Valley alte:j:nuting brown sandstone and sUlIdy
consist mainly of quartz, quartzite, and chert of val'i- shule together with impl1l'e coal heds extend upward
more thall 200 feet froll! the busal zone of coarse sand
011.<; colors i sandstone, hard limestone, vein quartz, and
und conglomerate that corresponds to " purt ot'the
ironttone ore not uncommon; und ill 'Some places there
Dakota (1) salldst'Onc of other localities, A number
are rather numerous picees of compact clay, most of of the beds, some of them ,L1most at the base of the
them well l'Ot:nded, though some Imve only rounded series, con lain abundant murine fos>ils that are typi-
.:ornen and edges_ :Most of these pieces of clay are cnl of the Tropic shllle, The elastic lignitiferolls de-
smaller th ..n a hen's egg, but n. few !lre 4 to 6 inches posits evidently represent merely a busal phase of
in diameter, Colorado deposition in this "rea-nn oscillating
The .andstone is commonly C0.9.·rs6 to medium chauge from neur shore continental depoEition to mu-
groined, brown 01' buff, und more or less cross-bedded, rine sedimentutioll_ In !.Ius urea 0. rather arbitrary
Some beds are thick !lnd massive, but most of the division of Il,e lowermost Upper Cretaceous strutu has
individual layers irregularly lenticular, Some been mnde; the saud stone, conI, und shale below the
lowest marine fossil-bearing beds a,'e classed as Dukotn
beds are soft, shaly, n.nd rather fine grained and
(1), nnd the beds above them, including sandstone
..eather readily, but others are tightly cemented and
a.nd coal, are referred to the T,'opic shulo. (See sec-
form project:ng ledges or rim rocks, The shale is tion, p, 99_)
unifonnJy sandy, and in many places it is dark from In the C,'etaocous beds on "'illis Crcek a few miles
i.duded carbonaceous matter, southwest of Cannonville, where Mancos fossils were
Thin coil! beds, interbedded with streaks and lenses found below tbe lowest eoal, only 6 feet of sandy con-
of bone, are very chamcteristic. lIfost of them range glomerate seems referable to the Dakota (1) formn-
i. thickness from a few inches to "bout 2 feet. In a tion, (See section, p, 99,)
vary few places the coal is of good quality and forms At the hend of Rock Creele the beds nssigned to the
beds IS much as 3 feet thick. Macerated plunt ma- Dakota (1) include 33 feet of cross-bedded co!u'.e
tlrial, poorly preserved leu yes, lignite, and silicified sandstone arranged in lenses, above which lie in suc-
wood are common, North of Lust Chance Creek the <lession 23 feet of light-gmy "renaceous shale that car-
UlOllnt of petrified wood in the conglomern.te at the "ies scattered quartzite pebbles and thin lenses of
sandstone, and at the top 7 feet 8 inches of very im-
btse of the Dakota (1) is very lmusu,,!. In add:tion pure coal and carbonaceous shale. The carbonaceous
to abundant trn.gments, mlmy logs 2 to 4 feet in shule is conformably overlain by 6 feet of yellow-buff
diameter 1'6 ~attered here and ther,,- The exposed couse sandstone tbnt contains plllnt impressions and
portion of one log measured 90 feet. in. length, No ab',md&llt marine fossils like those Ul the basal part
lOOI.s were found in place , and probably the logs that of tbe overlying Tropic shale. This fossiliferous "and-
Ib&ke up this petrified forest drifteif to this place· and stone is accordingly referred to the Tropic,
lI'er. bm;ed in the gravel of an ancient stream, Along Chance Creek excellent exposures of the
The Dakota ( ?) west of Cannonville includes chunks Dakota (t) sandstone show a number of thin beds
If shJl. 4 t() 8 inches in diometer and long thin lenses <if lignjte, The. average' thickness of the formation
If ueeedingly fine gr"ined green-white sandstone is .bout 50 feet, but the lithologic subdivisions are very
lI'ithin which are embedded pieces of ligftt-green mud discontinuous; sections less than a mile apart show
lillie. These materials &ore -identicn.1 in composition larg& differences in detail, The section given on page
lit ,t,'ucture with the marly parts of the ·)fcElmo 96 i$ fairly typical of a dozen or more measured sec-
blllation" along the San Juan Rivet but are unlike tions in this vicinitv.
those of the rocks beneath the Dakot.a ( 1) along the On the northeast -branch of Croton Creek the con-
Pari& River. glomerate at the base of the Dakota (1) sandstone hRS
locally a thickne.s of nearly 100 feet. The pebbles are 8~w.. OK Mrlh .i4e 0' lAut Chance Creel: in Nlf· '" "-
·f, T • .f2 8., R. 5 B. (a-pprozim.!Jtc, un-kurvellcd). KG" COAl)".
unusua lly large, Dnd t~ha lens of conglomerate has Ula4
, e"ery appearance of occupying tbe ellonllel of a large
{Me-o llured b)' R alDlond C. MOOl~l
Dnd vigorol1'i stream.
On the D.kota{!)-capped plateau benches north of CretaC'!Qu. :
'Varm C,·.ek <:o.l-bel-rjn~ sandy shale and aandsto... TrOpic 8hal<>--- PL ...
are underlain by mossi,," conglomerate that appears to 22. Sh ale. blui sh d"fib to nearly black.
re.'It unconformably on thick beds belonging to the clayey. 60lt i weathers 10 slope; Joeo.IJ7
fossiliferous in lower [lIlrL ____ _____ tmO
~Iorrison. However, the up!"'r part of the formation
hos been stripped back a considernble distance, 60 that, Dakota (7) sandatoD<>---
os in the vicinity of Rock and Croton Creek~, the baSllI 21. Shnle, gray fsh b ..OWD_________________ S
conglomerate of tha Dakota( ') undstone is united 20. Cool. faIrly Cood ,,·.d•.
bright luoter-_ 4\1
with the underlying massive Morrison beds to form an 19. SandattlDe. carbonnceoul!________ ______ 1
18. Shale, era)" to dark, earboDoceQus_____ 3
extended bench, from which the O"erlying weaker 17. S:.udstone, yetlowl!Jb brown, sbaly.
upper Dakota (!) rocks have been stripped. rather ,ott but mukes sUght project-
On W.II weap Cr""k good exposures of the Dakota Ing <1m; aile ¥rnlned______________ I I
(') and of adjoining stl'1ltjgraphic divisions oppcar in 16. Shole, browl1 to ,my. cloyey_________ G
the "icinity of Cottonwood Spring. In general char- 15. Coal, 1'cry poor Quality, dull Inster,
octer the formations Ire like thoso on Warm Creek and dlrt7 i cant"jns thin streaks ot HgJlt
IIrnlto _. __ > ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ . _ •

on the Puia, " fe", miles farther ,,·est. ~ The basal con- 14. Coul. fnlrly 600d <I""l1t1. bright lust...
glomerato of (he Dnkota( I) sandstone ii locally as hlocky trnetut"____________________ 4"
n1l1ch as 50 fcet thick and consists of well-rounded 18. Shale, dark 'gra;)', cnrbollaceous, bnrd__ 1
pebbles that have on average diamoter of' 1 to 2 inches. 12. Saodtitooe, bl"OwD, medium gToined.
It. rests on an irregulor surface carved in Morrison cross·bedded, Irregulur; weathers in
borel [llat)' trogmt"nt9 tbat rnak2 8
sandstone, ond the contatL of the dark conglomerate rlm______ __________ ____________ ____ 1-2
with the nearly .."}tite sandstone is ,'ery striking_ 11. Shale, browoi&!l gray, ver, M.od)" i COD·
On the Puda River, about 6 miles below th"mouthof lnlnl thin beds of .nndstone ond
Cottonwood CI'\!ck, t.he Dakota (') sandstone fonns a .I.reaka ot brown iro:Jstone_________ ~ a
10. SnndHtonc, IIlht yellowish brown.
prominent bench that overlooks lowlands carved in
medJum ,ra.ined, maSsive, soft at top;
soft Upper Jura.sic rocks to the sout.h. Some of the makes a ledge; 330 yards w e ~ t tbi,s
tbin sandstone divisions here are hard a.nd platy and landstone 1& 8 to 10 reet thick nnd,
form strong rim rocks. Near the top there is approxi- very mO $sh'e _______________________ 5 •
9. Coa1, fery poor; grades into booe____ S
motely G feet of coal, about h"lf of which i. of fairly
good quoJity_ The basal conglomerote of the Dakota 8. Shale, dark ,ra,
or dull blnck, car·
bonoceous; upper 4 (eet \'ery bo rd 0 ud
(I) here is similnr to that on Wohweap Creek, except de,"", •• ____________________________ •
thnt it is much t,hinner. 7. C-()nl •. POOr qUQUt,v, dull luster i 8 tew
On the northeast face of the Kaiparowits Plateau, in thin strenks- of bright cooL___ __ ____ 7
lhe vicinity of Escalante, the Dakota (I) sandstone con- 6. Coal. good Qunllty. sh.1ny luster. rubeoD-
sists dominantly of hard massi"e sandstone and oon- choldol f rActUl"e, blocky ~ otuts______ 11
ts. Shule, dart drab to nenrly blnck, \·er".
glomerate, which form prominent benches thnt extend
hard; brea.ks wlth fHlbconcholdaJ. frac·
a mile or two outw.l·d from the rntLin line of the ture; 'Very dense Dud flne grn.ined i
Straight Cliff.. (See ••ct,ioll on p. 94.) near top grodes into Yer)' cl!lrbon~
Along the Waterpocket Fold the Dakota(l) sand- acc()U8 bard rock tha t resembles bone;
stone is well developed in most places and exhibits contains fragmenti of pluots at top
nnd thin hTe"nlnr aenms of coaL __ _ f •
characters more or Ie.. similar to those described for .fl. 8hol@, brown, 'tery saud.f ____________ _
other parts of t.he I<ltiparowits region. Coal bed. 2
e. Sandat.D•• bright ,ellowl8b gray to 01-
that are found in parts of the outcrops ncar the Bitter DlOfI;t 1\·htte. Ir~plarly bedded, sort,
Creek divide are Itot preserved el~\Vhere and it (rluble_____ __ ___ __ ____ _____ ________ 1
appears that in some plnces the Dakot. (I) i~ missing 2. ConglollIerflte, ver, conrse and cra~e1l1,
altogether. The section on pnge 98 .lto\\,8 t.h. chur. with sma)!. Ilm ouut ot cementlnc ma·
terlal nnd slllld; pebble!! 3 Incb .. or
Deter of these beds near tile Burr tn ii, 7 mile. north lea In dl•.meter, averftle alze about
of the mouth of Muley Twist Creek. three-Q,ulrtera {ocb; • l'lngle IDIlsslve
The following sections of the Dakota (') snndslone hro«"o hard ledge i weothen lome·
are representat.ive of mnny that wera measured in the
Kaiparowits region:
wbat read!l,. nnd makes 100s8 ""To.yeI- 1-1

Totol Dakota ( 1) .. ndstone_______ --- t6

(1) fOfmntion-
1. Sandstone. ydlowhih gray. medIum to
S~ctjon 01 part fJf Dakot(J (1) santtslone ClH ea.,t .ide of Porta
Ri!ler 6 tnil.e!J belolo mot,UI o( Cotton,1cood Ofeck, SlY_
sec. £1, 7'. ,fl S., R. J W" K m18 Oountu, Vtall.
COO1':i~ grnincc1, il'l'cg-u l:lt'ty bedded,
(ta(ClUiored b1 Raymond, C. Wllore)
ma&.Ci~ \'e; 1n IJurt conglomeratic but
tIoe. not contain large or numcl'Ous Cretaceous:
pebbles i in part irl'egulnl'ly cross' 'l'roplc !:bule-- Ft. tn.
bedded, fairly hard ~ weathers ill 8, Salldstone, yellowi sh brown, medium-
eli.t:rs; top exposed; tbls bed forms bedded, very fossiliferous; CODtllin~
tbe box canyon 01' Lost Cbnncc Cl'eek a",phaCfl. nnd Oalrca.
below this point.

'"'!tI" 01 Dakota. (t) 8a-l!li.'t /.(rtIC a·tlti a"8ociat c([. /'Qck, about Dakota (1) •• ndJ;rooe-
0. Snndstone, brown, grncles downward Into
Smile. a.l.lo-ve »torlth of Warm Creek, Utall
bluish drab; thin bedded, !liJnl)·: eou-
[It'eusurcd by IIel'llcrt E. G.ejlo.yl taiDs n few zones ot clay shale with
CIt~U8: abundllDt fibrous Cypsuru in Irregulnr
TropIc ahal¢- Feet se"Dl8_____________

O. Snnd8tolle. thi1l bedded, grlty, :euticular, 4.. Sandstone, btown. Dodullll", Irregulllrly
,vllh stratum 1 foot thick chiefly of bedded. strongly llYrltlte.rous__________ 6
eoqulIHl., shells of Or1l1lh(J(!a nnd Otltrea.- 3. Conl and bone-
tho" oy:::tet' b~d~ " _______ ... ______________ "
I)akota (?) Sllr~dst()ne- Cool, tolr quality, brlgbt t. dun
8. Coal, nbout baJt 0:' good qua llty____________ 2 luster, but eon t III n II 'n r),
7. Shale, drab, calcareous; plant Impresslons__ " Dumerou!! Ihlt nooulea ot p)'rite
8. Coal; lower 2 fect good qun.lity_____________ oJ. nnd lenses of Buodl lis much tjll
3. SbAle, like No. L _________________________ 2 4 Iocbe. In tblckne.. __________ 18
4. Snndt;tone, brown, eonrBe; D. tew quUrti ,eb· Coal, good quullty. brr,ht 'l ultel',
bl", and mud balls Irregulart)' placed; bard, subcublc CICIlY:lre, middle
cross-bedded: stub-cnded Dnd· web...~nped port (6 inches) 3Qme",hnt hony_ 19
lenl'es; surfnc~ of a few shale lel~eli
llone___________________________ S
ripple marked, sun dried, BDd st~e\'''D with Coni, fair grade but contaluing
root prints; SOme Iron concretionll nt the thin streaki And lensea ot boDe 13
bose 19 a lens S feet tblck Dnd ftbout 80 BOD0.__________________________ 6
teet lOng ot dork-l"f:d ahale witb wa..y G 8
lower surfllcc __ __ ___ .... __ .... ... ______________ 13 2. Sbale, dark, carbonaceous and 80nd w

3. Conglomerate lind sandstone. a:ray-yellow i stone at bose_____________ ____________ 3u

essentially n series of leuses ot coarse 1. Co\·ered________________________ _______ 20
sondstone tbat Is· trft'-ented lr·te&ulorly by
strings o~ subangular 1'ihlte qUDrtz pebbles Total Dakota (1) ... I\dslono________ 81 8
ond sbortlcnscs' al much III " lnebes
thick of quartzite. chert, uooRt,oue, and S~imI. o( 100cermod arclaceOt(4 Htrat-a on wed side Of Paria
Ume.ston.e pebble's ; full ot unconformities, River /" BE. 14 oe.:. 12, T. iJ7 B., R. 3 W., (>bout 11', mil..
porous' ~ Is (l ..vater-bearing bed____________ 1G MI',,,, fJl ClluoHville, Gal'flel4 Coun-l'lI, Uta-II.

[Men8u~11 by Rnrmoud. C. lfoorc)

Tobll Dakota (1) sOlldstODC___________ "0
Cretoceou. (1) : = Cl'etaceous :
!d<>rrl90D (1) tormatloo- Troplc shAle- l"t. ID.
2. Shnle, green-yellow Ilnd red-browD; Brenn· 19: Sbale. bluish drab, sort i thickness :rev-
ceous and C1ltCo.reo~ Irregqla,r l,. bedded, era} hundred feet, Dot ml\fisured.
!ollntloo IUrfOceS SUD dried and uackcd__
1. Conglomerate aDd C'oarse lIandstonc, illl crotl'-
10 18. Sandstone, 1cllowtsh brown, bani, ID1lS-
tdve: tormll capping ledGe ot proml-
neot beocb ________________________ 8-10
bedded, ond some nne. Mlndstone, yellow-
brown ; nrraoG'ed as thlcJ( lense. that ex~ 17. Sandstone, brown to Dearly 'block. cor-
bouaccoUB__________________________ 6
tend tor sevel'ol hundred feel Ind abort
stubby jllD9ge!l: man, unconformHles; In lB. Sbule, carbon.aceoO.iJ. apvcor part eray.
conglomerate teases o«ur pebbles of Quam mldd!e and lower portions neurly
black ______________________________ 8
and quartzite ot 'farlous rot Drs. 'fed chert,
8D.l1ds;tone, limestone" and ~trU!.ed wood. 10. Sbale. sondy, bluish groy. ruther htlrd_ G
os much o.s 3 'Inches 1n otometer, smooth H. Sbale, clayey, extranei)' tosslHtel"QulI;
but not well .r ounded i bed. of .tine ~fUld.· In plkces composed 81m~t wbolly of
atODe. ripple ftl1uked; rock paroull, Vr'ob- the partIr brouD rema1na or cysterll_ 3
Bb17 trom wcatberlna ot clar lumps aod 13. SnDdttt'ODC. bluIsh to brownish 1'1'11,
balls of triable 8aDd~tone; some hnpres- carbon.cecu.11 DlOMln but weathers
shaly _________ ".,__________________ 2
slOllS or pIIlDts__________________________ 120
12. Sbale. brown, cftrbonoce-ou!I, Audy,
Total Mo rrison (?) fOl'mo.tloD__________ 180 rather" bardl _______ ...... --- --------- --- 4
11. Coal, impure, poor crodc ______________ _
u..••f.rmlty. 6
Jorustc: 10. ShAle, "Iock, CArbonaceous; lo''''er part
&'Jldstone, Green·whlte, friable, In beds 6 to Hi feet thIck, In placc•• earOOJl8CCOuH. SOndl<tO'lML_ 'l

Ti"op le !-'hnle-Conllnued. n. In.
9, Shale, bluish tray; In places CDutalo.
!nu;mcllts" or Iibe!l8 _________________ 1 e
The stratigraphic division that is here desig:na1td
8. Sandstone, hlulsh gnlY, bud; erades
lou'! beds above and below ______ ___ _ 1 B the Tropic shale consists predominantly of uniforll
7. Shale, blu!ah gray. bord, BO:Ddy, very dark-drab clayey , hale and fine-t""tured sand)' lillie,
tOfUfIUferous; concnios chiefly oysters
Total TropIc shale ____________ 40+
--- thinly laminated lind soft, which breaks down readily
to form slopes ar,d brond, g ently ,mdulating flat..
Dakotn (' 1) Iillnd8tonc- (Sec pI. 14, B.) The upper thi,·d of the formll.tioo is
6, Coal, horrl, ImllUre, but rother e'en In
texture; breaklJ iu angular !ng-
more or less sandy and in places contains thin bedsof
lDentl:l: bllt highly Iu~trous escept in .anclstone. Gypsum is uncommon, but crystal's of
tew lhln strenks___________________ 1 1)
.e1enire occur in many places on the weathered lower
I). Shale, blulsh gruf. Inndy_____ ________ 8
1. ,iSlndHtone, brown, UJo1!'91ve, ! rreGLllllrly
beddcd _____________________ _____ __ 8-10
Except in steep cliffs the shale is generally covered
3. Cool, J.IOor qutlllty ____ ________________ 6-S by a thin luyer of "ery fine, 100Eo porous debris, whicII
2. 8hole, yellowlsb, sandy, sort____ ____ __ 20 supports a scanty cover of vegetation, Hud in many
1. SIlDdtitone, yelJ.owlsh. Sl·ft, partly cOl"-
cretl; contaluH !!.baly portions an<1
pilices the shale sudllce is quite bure. In t ....Yenine
Irregular dl!JContinuolls tbIr., !Urcnki or the outcrop a horse may sink above the feHooks or .VeG
L"OIII ___ ______ _________ ______ ____ ___ 2J+ to the knees or muy fi~d firm footing.
T otfll Dukotn(1) f(8ndstonc _______ ti8+ Becau&! this weuk formation ranges in th:ckOOll
Covered. from about 600 to J ,400 feet it exerts 11 profound in-
Sr.clio1l- of 1)a1.:ola ('> aa-nlilltonc near Burr trail, on tM fluence OQ t"~ topogruphy in the area where it ill
Waterl)Q('kt t } 'r;ld, (' i CUi mi1e ~ tVJrt1r. of tlw mouth, of Mutey exposed. Everywhe,·e it has been stripped rock 10 U
TtDfse O,'ctlc to form a broad bench, which is underlain by the hard
rocks of the nakot.,( 1), lIforrison , and San Rafael
MUJlcos shllle: Lncludftl '" Ol'l'ter bed' " o:.! feet nhove formations. The sha Ie com poses the moderately steep
the bnsc, Illopes thut lend from the bench to the overlying sand-
Dnl(otu (J) Eundstou~ stone cEffs, nnd in places it form s broad saucerlike
U. Conglomcrntc, brown : conLalns three thlD valleys. The severn I hundred feet of uniformly soft
I~ Dses of 8:.ln,lls:tone; ~ubnogulnr pebbles ,
mnloly chert, qum't~:te, noll quart?.. wblch
durk shale between persistent prom:nent ,alld;rtoneo,
aYeJ'n~e threc -toorlhi Inch In llinmeter____ 10 which are dist.inguished by very uniform nnd rather
4, Shale, nrenQceous, McJ tbln ~'Hld~tone, ycllow- .triking lithologic ehnrncters, by topograp·hic exp...·
browll, cross-bedded. lenUculnr j C'ontnlmt sion, Ilnd by distinctive fossils, muke this stratigraphie
IOlpressl,)nlJ ot, plnnt.!__ __________________ 10
division one I.hat can not be. confused wieh any oth."
3, SundiOtone, Caorlle, In onrlopplng lenses:
quortz ond chert grains well "~orll but not in t.he region.
rot:.ud: contains scnUered pebbles one-bolt The of the Tropic shale is charncteristicoll,
Ineb or les8 In <1Inruetel' ond. 0 lew Iron
con c retion8_~_ __ _________________________ t4
sandy and highly fossiliferous. In most places, ..
/llong the southe,·n !bench of the Cretaceous plateaus
2. Shu Ie, soudy, lind th!n sandst-on ..... rcd-brown i
(oUation surfoces Hun Ct'H.eked and ripple
anll along the Straight Cliffs, this basal sandstone
marked; some Worm tt'llcks; abundant 1:-00 ra-fige. in thickness from 1 to 15 feet. It is yellowis/l
lu gi"alns ond block putcbes____ __________ 15 brown, friable, and mther evenly bedded anti ia ia
1. Conglomel'nte (7~ pet' cent) ' .Dd vel'Y coarse most places readily disti:nguished by ih Ii~hologie
~mndstone (26 per cent), A ~rle-t ot .bort
character and its faunn from the undcl"iying sand·
thick lonses and thin Irregular beds, all
sU'uugly cl"ot)s-bedded: Jlebblcs ODI.clshtb
!!tones of the Dakot4 (1) formntion. Along the WI-
Illeh to 2 inches In dlometer or w-bitl!, red, , terpocket 1Il0nociine also thB basal sand of the corre-
nnd blnck ChCI·t, l!M'Ser Amouot ot qnart.He, sponding shale division is very weI! developed.
Quartz. RJ\d Jasper, some J~"DeoUl! ('0; BODM!
In the upper Parill Valley the lower part of tbe
p'~rlll(.··d ~'o:od; ehunlo,s Hnd' balls Qr eO'\l-
lJ.ft<:t ii'!C'(In-whlre cia)' n.nd or cnlcureo",
TPopic consists of fOEsiliferous shale alld sandstone
SIIDd, Irre:rulAro' dl~trlbllIOO. ',reDtlleriu&, which Ire some,vhat simila,' to the beds seen elsewhere
o! "'bleb glY~ roek Ii porous ftp[)enrftnee; but which conbin alternating beds, of coni that e.,,-wnd
h'ou ooncl'etlons. iu form or piIIUet1kts" llpwu·d as much as 200 feet from the base of III.
Ifl'/.eo,J;eti, nnd bolt hend::)_______ ___________ 38
formation . The following ~ction on lowel' Willis
'rotnl Dakotu (1) smllIstouc ____________---;; Creek, sout.hwest of Cannonville, shows clea'·lv ~.
Unconfurmity. eharucter of the lower part of the Tropic a; here
Shale IUld ShlldRtone, red Ilnd greeu..g1'8Y.
lid"'" 01 lo-wer lJQ,rt, of th.c; CrcluceotU on WiW" Creek neat' In the brood, wid~ valley thnt lies b<>twccn Ihl}

".W ICC. lit 71• 38 S ., R . .} Woo Gar/kid. a'JlWrV, Ufo,"
(1l91Wrtd 1t7 HUlmu",1 C. lIoord I Pauru;aug unt and Tnble Cliff Plateaus ond surrounds
. the village of T~opic, from which t.he formation is
t:amed, exposures of the shole nrc excellent:. The
froplc .bale- F1. in.
14.. SOtldl:!tone, fne to medium grnined, OIRS-
maximuln obs.",ved thickness is about 1,450 feet. How-
sh'e aod tbin bed.o{!(\ i cOllttlll1~ :;e~'- eyer, much of the shnle in this "rel\ is cO\'ered by
en I lenses or ldH),le: !ellowlsh but ngricultural soil, by gl'uYel deposits, aud by scrub
weatbera brilliant red ill plows; n timber. Soul.lnvest of Tropic the outCI'OP af shale
middlo bed about 2* tt>et thkk ('011- is marked by gently sloping bonches that extend
tains a bun dAn t rOSlil rr:1bDl(~ ut S.
chletJ)'< O~tra(l prHlcni'Ja. and n ft,W
toward the Pa"i" from tho bnse of the sand"toncs on
otber pelecypo<:l s____ _________ ______ 75 the CQat /lnnl!: of tho P,ullIsaugllllt Plnt"uu, b;,t the

13. Coal. 3{1[1CIHJ; l o(, :tJ) ~' : poor gnlde and width of I.his belt is dC<'reased by fanlling. South-
conllttns sho1c Bnd sandy IUoterioL__ 2 enst of Tropic Ihe Tropic sllllle is well exposed neSlr
12. Sha.!e, gru)'; weathers soH i mnny fru(;- HenrieyiIIe alld along the Ellst Kuibnb mOllocliJl" in
ruent. or O,'''·"a ____________________ 20
the Horse Ilnd Round VuUeys Ilud along Cottonwood
11. Snnd~lone, yellow-brown, middle part
dark browu, cross-bedded ; contoius Creek. (See pI. 21, H.) The Round Valley is •
Some fulC cl)llglomornte with l}cre UDO bowl-shoped deprt'SSion carved in the Tropic Shale
tl:.{>t C piece'S or charcoa l nnd ooods ot where the dip of the bods is ..uther gentle, bnt farther
cO l'bollo<'eous material otle-sb:teellth south it is 0 longitudinnl vaUey thnt is n",dc narrow
to o:lo-(!Ighth in ch In thl<.' kness__ ____ 20
10. S~Jt.lle, rOl'boDllceous, upper 6 Inches by th" steep dip of the rocks.
1l..s$ile; cnrric~ sowe sulphur______ ___ 2 0 The, thickn_ of !.IJe Tropic shale ot a point severo.!
0, Cool, Impure bu t blnck and g'U stenJng: miles north of the Purill Rive .. mellsured ~oo feet,
contains mncb sulphur______________ 2 but alOllg nlOtit of the ""uth ma ..gin of the Cret"ceou8
8. Shale. groy, weat her!:! sort. many trog-
mellt, of O'tre4__ _____________ _____ 3 area the Dveug. thickness is about 600 feet. Ellstward
7. Cou!. Yery Jmpure and contains mucll from tho Paria R(ver Illong the south face of t,be
8ulvbur; Dlost),. a bard vltry cluh<r Kaiparowits Plateau, the Tropi" sll"le is e:):posed as
Dn~OU8 .bah~_ __ ___ _____ ___________ 4'h n fnirly brood bench at the bus. of high sllndstone
6. Sbale-, like No. 14____________________ 8 bluffs. (See pI. 13, B.) Tnvcl al()Dg it is fairly
15. SandstoDC!, Y(."'tow-gray. bard, a 6iD,le
1 6
JDossl't'e b~~d_ _ _____ _ _________ ___ _ _ __ eogy to Na.v .j,o Point, at the sonth lip, cust of th~
4. Sbale, like No. 1-1____________________ 53 lCnipnrowits Plateau, where the bench is too n",.row
3. eosl- to follo\.. Benenth the Straight Cliffs t,he thickness
Ft, In. of t.he Tropic shale "Ilnges from nbont 550 to 700
Coni, til.l r <)ualit~' - -- -- :. -- 2 "
Bone ___ ___ ______________ .. feet. Though tho ",idt,h of the exposure is not grcllt
Coni , ~ qu.lI~v-------- 1 10 the sandy beds It the base extend outward ~ distnnce
Sond~ton@_. grti1__ ________ % of 1 to 3 miles IL... capping for the mnsoivoDakot& (1)
Ooul, {air quollly, cODtoins and Morrison <') beds. (Sec pI. 21, A.) In the
S()lIle sU!llbur /tod gyp- valley of H.lIs Creek and eastward the Cretaceous
sum ____ _________ _• ___ 1 21,~

Saud.tone, 'rRy__________ 1JJ shale that corresponds to t,he Tropic sh.le is t.hicker
Cow, (a I r quality; con~1l1n:<!l thnn in the Kaip8l'owits Plateau.
sulphur and g)'DSUlD__ _ 10
Siludstoue. hard, clayey. PALlX)NTOLCOY
flue crni:lcd. ,le ntlculnr __ 2
Coal. pOOl' qUllllty________ • Marilla fOtisils arc common in the lower part of
0111)' __ _ ________ ___ _______ C;
the Tropic shale put rare or absent in the middle and
Coal. fl,c$lIe_ _ ____ ______ _ 8
Coal, browD, impure, ):oor
upper part.. Locally the bn .. l >!lnclstone is especially
qunUty __ __ ____________ 1 1 rich in fossils. Oyste,'S and Gryphnens oollstitut.e
Shale., b 1 U 11 b, carbona- nearly alI the organic remaius in the shnly beds, but
~~s ______ ___ _______ __ 2 6
in the sandstone they may be Accompanied by ot.her
2. Silale, ,ro.y; weatbers 10Ct; mQoy 'Mg-
menta ot Ost·rCG____ _______ __ _______ 7G An oyster bed nearly 3 feet thick crops out neltr·
the bose of the TI'opic on the west side of the Paria
Total Tropic sbole __________ 2;;1+ River north of CannonviUe and together with other
wota (1) •• ndstono: iossil-be.ring beds is found beneath coal beds. Parts
1. SODdstooe congloD1erate, yellow nud of the OYstH bed con.i st of shale with abundant fos-
,,~blte.11 8rd.mfll!81v@-____________ ___ __ 8
lJ_Onn) t ,. sila, but commonly thert i. little mud between tbe
lIIrIaoIc: San Rafael group. shells, and the ro(:k Illigh t be cn lied a limestone. Tbe
100 TH& J[AIl'AlIOWlT8 KEOIOlf

IfJ.scellAlle()UI IJ;eCimeu¥ (rorn ftnc -grn1ued' U"M-era1 cal-

species identified are O&t1'tla sp., probably O••o161lia-
careous andstoDei In Troptc I!bale alonc Last Cbance Creek,
CU4 Meek Grgplwea MWlien-yi Stanton, and s.ryula Tbe8e species are (bJeJi, those characterIstIc of the baaal
sp. undct:, probably new. The common fossil. of the' t.lO.rt of the lCanco. shole In New llexJco and Colorado,. lIDIl1
basal sandstone of the Tropic shale are O.trea f11'U" of them ha\'e recently been rouod at the top ot the Grl.DerQl
ae..tia, O. ~oleni6CU8, and GryphaM. -MtDlierryi, and sIlal. 01 the Black Hill. "'l:lou.• auCeelUoD tb.t [be begt•.
numerous specimens of tbese forIllll are found in most Din, ot. marine sedimentation WOI appreciably lnter In Utab
than In lbe Blac~ Bills reJioo.
eXpo!<ures at this horizon. .
Some sandy layers in the upper third of the forma- Serpula .p. C.llI.taT .p.
tioll contain abundllnt plant remaill". InoceramuS! sp., frBlments. Corbuls. neDlAtophora Meek.
Gr1phaea,newberryf, Stanton. Lunati" Ii. Ip. ~fT. L. eondll_
Invertebrate fossils collected from tbe Tropic shale E.ogyro columbeJla Meek. H &11 ..nd Meek.
at several localities have been identified by John B. CaruptODectca plotcosa White. TurrlteU.. whltei Stanton.
Uec..idc, j ..., .ho has submitted tbe following report: Lima ut&henJi5 Stant~D. Anchura n. Ip.
Tropic shale. 3 mUee Dorth of Henrieville, 100 feet above
bA6e.. Lower Ulncoa fauna:
Trootl.ocyo.\hul'l or Pamcya. ~oKyra aft. E. ponderoea
Anomia IlIbquadrafa Stn.nton.
Modlala n. &p. aff. M. mecki
E ••1lI and Shumard.
Baculites gracilis Shumard.
Acanthoceras kanabenlO Stu_
too, n. var.
Veniella ,on1ophor. Meek.
&hllO D. &p. Roemer.
Oryphac. newborryl Stanton. BacuJitoa amcilll Shumard. All tbe!e tossllal nppear to Indicate the early Colorado or
Exosyr" oolumbeU" ~[ ..k. basol i),flnco. dhfsloD at ttc atn.cdard Cretaceous &eetloo.
Ra.,al sund~tone at tho Tropic .hale. from aee. 11. T. t2 S..
InAIGlI'l CLni'1 UlInnOllll
n. 1 K. Appurently a Colorado, tnuna, brackllb-water bobltot:
AnemiA propatoril WhLte. I
Corbloola't &p. undct.
Modlol.. mult.iUnJgcr" Mook. Phy....p. undel.
The Tropic shale is conformably overlain by mas-
J'08¥lIlterou!l sandstone at ~ 01 Tropic .bale Jo tee.
10. T. 42 S., R. 1 E. Lower Kancoa fSIUDO;
.ive sandstones that are very clearly different·lith.o.
logically from tile underlying rocks. In some pllOOJ
o.trea prudOllt.lo. White.
Oryph.... newberr,!. IExolYra all'. E. lae\'fu.cul0
Ka.!lt tace ot Kalparowlll Plateau .outb of TeomUe Sprlnc
the drab·colored shale of the Tropic formation is
overlain with rather abrupt change by massive bro.n-
ish or yellow sandstone of the Straight Cliffs form ••
ODd 14 miles lIOutheft8t of Escalante, Ulab. In
TroAle .ba 1. 30 toct abo.e Dakota (?) .and.toDe. Lownr tion, but in generd tbere 100 to 800 feet of in·
VOftcoe fauna: terstratified .hille and thin sandstone which appeu
OIl_ lolenl.. Meek.
1:108)'" aft. E. pooderoflll
18moll ...tropod ...... uDdet. to represent. transition zone between the Tropic and
Straight Clils formations. (Sec pI. 14, e.) In this
Roemer. zone the sh~le i. very sandy and toward tbe top con-
Same loc:a.lltJ lUI lut above, but In abale loon tbo sand. taiM increasingly numerous thin beds of bard sand·
stolle. Lower .r10C08 fanna: stone. It also resembles the overlying beds in color.
OryphGeA nElwberry' Stonton. ( Tclltna modest. Meek? Because of these features, whicb indicate that tile
chan~ from mud to sand begins at the base of this
""th! Creek. east ot Burr Ot"ft'k, Garfteld CoUDQ', Utah.
SandAtone 1n basol ("Tununk abole") 1)01't at Monco. abale: zone, tbese intermediate beds are classed with tbe
Straight Clift's sandstone rather than with the Tropic
PteriA Rwrodos (Meek). Tellin"r .p.
EXOi..,ra alf.
E. ponderosa shale.
SitiqulL hucrf8lnena. Stanton?
Roomer. Madra. utahcnl!. Meek. The Stl'8ight Clifa sandstone is chorocleristically
Oetroa lUlubria Conrad. Gyrode. dcprMst. Mort.oD. oomposed of very massive beds of ligbt-yellowish or
Oatroa prudeutia. White. Meaolltoma ocddentali. StRD...
C.rdluM trlt.> Wllit.>.
buf·brown fine to medium·grained sandstone. Most
C.lli.ta orhlcullota (HsIl and Baou1i&.cl~.p. of the' hard, musive beds are S to 10 feet thick, but
~[..k). 10m. that exceed 60 feet in thickness were noted.
Durr traIl, WaterpO(!'lIft Fold, Utah, .. ()rltter Ret" nboye "lhere the formation lies essentially 8at (he sandstone
Dotola (') .... ndatoDf. Lower DoIorndo tauna: forms nearly vertical unscillable cliffs that present
Darbati. mlcronema (Meek). I Boculitcl Ip. undet. 110m. what in'egular craggy surfaces. In some places
Pinna .p. undetermined.
Oetrea .alc:nilcua Meek.
OEttroa prudcntia Whit~.
ICardium l.rit.e White.
Cyrena accurie Meek.
Tetlin.? sp.
oItemntioll8 with 90fter strata and birly uniform
m~jor bedding give evidence of general uniformity in
deposition. A view of tbe Strllight Clift's from lbe
8iliqu:I. huertSllenBia Stanton. Spironom ..l Ip.
plain a few miles distant on the northeast shows
DllInJ BfllldstODI! ot Tropic wale Debr the bead. ot Rodr rathel' clearly this broadly even bedding of the sand·
Oreek. A launa known Itt a numlx'r ot loealltlea tn
lower part of the Colorado group In Utnb:
stnn.. (See pI. 14, A.) Other exposures show felf
EXOQ:yra laevlW!C'ula ROPIner.
Pllcatula h,drot.heell Whlte.
ICucUum trite White.
ClllIIsto 81). undet.
persistent, readily traceable divisions and consid·
el.1I~1: irregularity Occurs in both mOlor and min«
dIVISIOns. This high variability in the thicknesa t.IId
_Dluity of indi vidual beds , the size of grains, tbe sition of this .. ndotone in tbis part of the Kaiparowits
aJlDItnt of cross-bedding, the distribution of the fer- Plateau. However, a section measured by Gregory on
""iDollS cement, the degree of porosity, and the re- Collett Crec!K ~hows its cb.racter tbere. (See p. 109.)
:Pt~ to weathering IUBkes detailed measurement At a point on LBot Cbanee Creek where the thi ck-
olsoctiolls ~nd especinlly compllrison of parts of the ness of the Straight Cliff. nndstone is more than 944
lorIIlauon in ditl'erent areas rather difficult. feet the formation consist. almost entirely of sand-
A noteworthy cbaracteristic of the Straight 'Cliffs lltone witb less thall 10 per cent of sandy sbale and
o;andstone is the presence in so,eral parts of tbis ·nren only two or tll1'oo thin ligllit.e beds in the middle part
o! "orkabte beds of coal. In some districts there of the formation. Marine and brackish-water fossils
ue thin .. trenks of carbonaceous shale und poor coni lire found at several horizons in t.his orca.
It horizons that range olmost from the bottom to On the main Lnst Cba uce Creek, where the 10weI"
!be top ~f tha formation, but in others there is no one-third of the t.ransition bed. of the Straight Cliffs
coo! at all. 'Fhe chief cO:1l zone is the middle third sandstone, including the transition beds at the base,
of the fOI'mation, and this zone contains individual is accesRible, the middle part of the formation is dis-
beds 13 to 20 feet til ick. Some of the conI beds ap- tinguished by numel'ous 00ds of lignite,. some of wbich
pear to be persistent over several square miles but ....8 as much as 20 feet thick, bu~ a9 nellrly all of
piocb out in many plnces rather abruptly. this coal above a few feet from the bottom of the
Much of the Cretaceous sandstone al(mg Last Chance canyon is burned, and as the associated sandstone and
cd Warm Cl"Qeks is altered by the natural burning of eondy shale are much altered, neither the quality
the included coni beds. The sandstone is . altered to of the coal nor the composition of tbe sandsLone could
kight red, baked, and hardened, !l.lld tho ,,--<;soeiated be •• tisfactorily detel'mined.
dlale is changed to 11 bricklike dUk hard argillite or 011 the CI-oton Ih-anch of Last Chance CI-eek some
to clinker. Bedding is sO mud, disturbed that in mOlly of the very thin coals QI-e now burning.
pIacea it is impossible to determine, the original atti - On Warm CNek the middle part of the Strllight
IMde and composition of the str.ta. Cliffs "andstone contains thick coals which appenr to
In contrast to the underlying shale, the Straight correspond with those observed on Last Chance Creek.
elitrs sandstone is resistant to erosion, and as the In this 81'ea as well as in the 8 rca to the east and
format.ion is several hundred feet thick it makes a north, all the cool i. burned down to the bed. that lie
broad platenu bench that is bordered by high, almost within a few feet of the bottom of the presll.llt stream
sheer cliffs. The long line of neu.dy I'ectilinear cliffs valleys. The name Warm Creek is evidently due to
frooting ·toward the E scalante Valley is made by this the npors from burning coal at points along the
diviaion and suggests the name Straight Cliffs, which creek.
hal been applied to it. Along the south margin of the Along the upper west branch of W 8.l'm Creek the
)(.uparowits Plateau the escarpment formed by the Straight Cliffs sandstone presents some features not
&rlight Cliffs sa.ndstone is almost as prominent topo- shown elsewbere. In 615 foot of beds the thickest bed
CAphicoUy, but i~ is vel'y irreg1.lla.r in trend. Along ('f ma""ive SOlldstone is 60 foot Lhick; in the upper-
t_ East K.ibab monocline this sandstone forms the most 300 feet only three individual beds exceed 20 feet
lrestern of Ihe two high sharp-crested "comb" ridges in thickness, ll1ld in the 10 ...el·ll)osl 200 feet only one
tht are made by the uptumed Cretaceous slInd8tone. measurcd bed is thicker than 10 fect. Coal hcd. in
The ca.nyons that cut through the sandstone are steep this !ectiol1 begin 182 feet from the top llfld extend
lralled Lnd in places have vertical sides. (See pIs. 19, within 50 feet of the bottom. Witllin the intel'vening
B;20, B.) 378 feet lie 15 beds of coLI of good quality, which have
lD thickneu the Straight Cliffs ~ndstone Lveragea R total thickness of 28 feet 10 inches, Bnd 12 beds of
Ibout 1,000 fcct_ In the StrQigb~ Cliff. eSC1lrpment earthy lignite and coal mingled with shale.
it increases from about 900 feet near Esenlln!e to Along Wahweap Creek excellent exposures of the
lbout 1,200 feet at Fortymile Point. Near Wahweap Straight Cliffs sandstone reveal very few coal beds,
Creek its measured thickness is 950 feet. At the hend .. nd the few that ate prescnt 81"1) thin and of' no value.
of Rock Creek it is 1,250 feet. On the east side of Marine fossils ore found at eevcral horizons, but the
!be raunsaugunt Plateau, wbere its top hIlS been re- distinctive zones that were recogni ~ed on Croton Creek
IIIoved by erosion, the remaining portions range in were not found beI-e. The earne condition. appear to
tbickness from 700 to 1,200 feet .. persist along the East Kaibab fold , where the s/lnd-
stone il very well expoeed in the westernmost of the
STRATIGRAPHY two main Cretaceous hogbacks. .
Bec&Use of the practically continuous unscalable Along Henrieville Creek north~8st of the. vill~ge of
erearpment along the' Straight Cliffs it i. very difficult Henric)Tille the entire Strnight Cliffs formntlO? IS well
'0obtain iletailed information concerning tbe compo-
exposed in a tilted position above the TrOPIC shale.

Strol,ht cwts sandl!!t'ODe--ContilJucd. "L Ia.

Deginning at the base, its large subdivisions and 33. S01lds!ooe, WR.SSln"!, la l'l;e l~' of clean angular
e>timnted thicknesses are (1) buff coor!C sandstone, of quartz gral~__ ___ __ _ _________ _ ___________ 7
which about holf the bed. ore 6 to 10 feet thick and the 32. Shnle, arenDCeOUs. with tbla. lenses ot dark
other haH 1 to 3 feet thick, 160 fwtj (2) argilloceous 8O.0dstoDe and of earthy «:oaL _____ ________ G ..
nnd nren.ceOllS shnle and coal, 60 feet; (3) sand.-tone, 31. Shale, arenaceous aDd orsillaccollS ; coot:lins
lmpreSf!!ons ot pJaot1)___ __ ________________ 2 ..
a series or sholy or thin beds within which are two or
30. Sandstone, coorse ,rained, porous, ill even
mOl'e strat" of maosive sllndston" 10 to 30 feet thick, beds 6 luehet! to 1 foot thick; contains DlUclt
120 feet; (4) sandstone, buff, co,,_,
irregularly iroD In concretious ami nOIJlll es; wenthe r'3
red _________________ __ _____ _______ _______ 27 10
bedded, in port cross-bedded and lenticulnl', in beds 15
to 80 feet in thickness, sepa ....ted by discontinuous beds 20. Sondstone. massive, buff-yellow; co:ll"~~, un-
gular JrI1ltus______ ________________________ 11 2
of shslelike .andftone, 4S0 feet. Except for the coal
2S. Sandstone ,,··ltl1 .hole pllrUugs__ _____________ 1 1
and assOciated shllle of No.2 and some thin coal be<l$ 27. Sandlttoue. bulT-ye'llow, massh·e ___________ __ _ 38 T
in No. 3, the entire ..,ction, approximately 800 feet, 26. Sondstone,. bun:. in resulnr beds 1 to 2 teet
coltsists subtitantiolly of sundstone, highly ... riuble in tblck ~ 10terlJedded with CQICilreOufi sllnle___ 17 IS
thiclme.<;s and conl.inuity of beds, in size of groins, in 25, Sandstone, yellow~I'llY; llve bed!f____________ 27 10
amount of cl'OSS-bcdding, in amount nnd position of 24. Shale, arenaceous', .vriukled with Iron grnhls_ S
23. Snodstone, tlno gl'lIfu!-I, l'c; ullH'ly bcthled_____ 2 1
iron as cement ond t'Ollcretiolls, in degree of porosity, 2'1, Sbnle, like No. 24______________________ _____ G
dnd in resistance to weithcl·;ng. Tlte shale, especially 21. Sandstone, boll, mf1ssl\' ~. co)careoulJ ADtJ irOD
tlta.t in the uppermost 400 fe~t, occurs essentially in ct'-!l1cnt; collrser gl"ftiM OJlguht', sll);bUy
I,mses of thin-lJcdded sandstone, some of them 8S mueh er"'.. bedded ______________________.________ 41 I
as 10 feet thick and persistent for more than a mile; in 20. Shale. yellow, arenaceoas and al'£Ulnceous;
other pl ..ces the shale ocelli'" in mere patches pn t:oeven eontnJns streDk. of c:ulcareoua material nnd
D few trlllgmenta ot eorbonbed wood______ 3 ..
s~I'ftlces of IIlIlS!livo slIlIdstone beus. Argillaceous shale
19. Sondstone, buff. COlD{>06ed ot tiDe eratn. of
where present is inconspicuous. It OC<!urs sporadically qunrla, ~OISt of tbem augular: cnll'oreouB
ill thin sandstone and .s il'l'egular m.8Ses of hardened cement i ma.uh'C!, re,dslont except tor an !r·
cluy ,vithin the thick beds. The weathering of tit .... l"eIlDlor bed or le!Ja ot sbale 8 IDebe. 1I11ef<
De . . . . . .________________________________ 18 I
mn!'8CS has given some beds n cavernous appenl'8nce
18. Sandstooe anll ..bole to olternatlng be<hs 3
aud provided exit for ground water.
fnclie9 to 2 teet thlek; .. Ieb 10 organic· mo.t·
A tI'8V<lr86 along this creek shows, total Wi'; fneludee • tew tllin seilms of conl ____ 28 I
thickn ..s of the Cretuccous SCtndstone abo,'. tlte Tropic 11. CMl; thin lenUrulor bt:.'f.1s InlerstrutUled with
CIlrbQnaceoul uD le ______________________ _
shnle of 1,700 feet, but the Strnight Cliffs sandstone 2 6
\VIIS not dill'erentinted ·from the ovel'lying Wah\\'eop 16. Sn.lldiloDe. tbill, and sho1e liku No, 18 _______ _ 14 8
sundstooc- 15. Sbale and coal:
J' t. )n.
The following selected sect.iODS show tbe composition Shale, Drt'Dnceous: contllJns impres·
Dud arraugement of beds in tho Straight Cliffs forma- slons ot plnnL:l.______ __________ G
tion of the Kaiparowits region: Eartb1 lignlte ond leu"". ot ... nd-
atone Rod Bbale___ _____ __ ______ G 4
Coo~ good quoUty___________ __ ___ 10
Seelio,. of O,-e'tlCBO,,, IIlrottl Cut .oruh ,-.1m Of KalfXI''OlcU.
Plato""" "fUr hctJ.r~ 01 tce,t b"a.llch or
LaM' OfWHCtJ Creek 14. Sl\nd~tone, white, In thln eveQ beds, med~um

graIn. or pure- quart.., poorly ccmented with
n..... or
IlJ.~ntlurN by O~gor1 with Ibe IUIIUII IIIUCO

,sh'l.I.lght CUifli

J, III. Dont':,1111

F't, In,
lime; n few parHnp of Dr~Daceous sl)ale__ 9
13, Sandstont, ..-bite, mass1ve; I'eli litant, -s U,hU)' •
30. SundSltllll'. Illflt-:lIh'l', wltb JUall,)' IrOD (.'(IDcre- .root"bodded, oomJ)O..d ot •• ry On~ wblte
tiona a nd some Iron cement: "'COlliers to Coarse gratn8 i no b'on and no organIc
mntter ______ _________ __________ __________ 29 2
gellernl red tone ot ot if'UlnU knoblJ RDd
rtd~; coutlth.," "))Ark teeth: top ot 12. Sbale, arenaceous. and tbtD-be<'lded f!lndstone_ " I
platcou__________________ __ __________ _____ ~ lL So DdstoDC. bu(t•• lIgbtly .rosa-bedded; mBS- .
38. S:~ndRtone. couriW grained. llldf-rellow, COD- st"t. eX~Dt tor :s Inches ot sbn Je 22 feet
formable beds 0 (nebes to S teet thick: wltb- from the top; angular wblte quarts
out $lillIe! un rtlug!C________________________ 55 10 gralns ar-d SOme larler red 1roD~oGted
3T. ShRill wlt.h Intel'bedcled yodatono______ _____ 16 .. gretna; celllent comPDsed of Iron, Ume, and
30. D\.....,rl8-co"ered slOllC, eOUlJ.WltIed ht rgcl,y or Ir· Cpsum (1); porou8 aDd gives rl~ to seeps
regularly bedded 88Ddstone_______________ 61 a at woter at plncea wbere rocks are conted
with 79
~fp5UIO _ _ __ ______________ ___ _ _ ______

36.. SnuiJlftone, butr-~UoW', U\n6llIv~: floe, anl:u\llr I

.mIDi'd; C!aicurcons cerullot: torm. ant 10.. Sbale, gray, Dod Inndetor.e, unevenly strntilled
bench ,,·ttll Tcrth... l elias tnt by vtrong nr. In be"" nnd lenseo 1 Ineb to 1 toot thIef<: jolnto____________________ _________ __ 83 il sboles rIch 1n cnrbonlzed plaut rerullLns;
34. Sandstone lu thin e\'en beds with of tragments and hnpressions ot plnnts also In
cllk."Ureou8 alt.ale 8 lur.l\e:l tbl('k ut __ ~__ 6 S D SbBDDdstone____________________ .. ___________
, ale, biDe-gray. and eartby UgDIIe_________
2 ,
!IfIICI1t Cllll',88.Dd$ton<." -Cootluued. PI. tn. SectkJ n •.or''\' of acetft b''fJItcA o( Or-utem Creek Fm'k, ot LQ..8'
S. SandStone, b u![·sray. in wo.vellke beds but not CMJ"" Cncl:, trot" tee. 10 10 ftOrtha1f. p~·rl of ,eo. ?:I.
rroSt.beddcd; ~Ug:ll'y texture; gro ins pre- '1'. 408., .2. i E., Kfltle COlmtU. Utfl'"
nllingl.}" n.nguI8t, (:~meuted by lime; few
Jroll nodnlcs __ __ __ ___ ______ ____ ____ _ ----- s 4 (llusured b1 Raymo•• C.

T. 8b81e lod sl>n ly Sl\'U dl;toue, G,'ay. in lJeds less St~-nl,ht C1i1rll snndstone : Pcet
t,h aa 10 thi cl~, ('xceplton nlly l'eeulUl'; 9 . .SandlJtone. llgbt yello""llJb brow~ vcr,. mo.ssivc.
eontnio$ ruUdl iron , also lime und g)'llsum '-ard. somewhat 1,~ularly tM!dded; forms
.. cement 8m) ns dissemlnnted pnrticles: prmnlDcnt clilt nod upholds the, maio Straight
tOfllbl sIope part~.)" co'{"cred by :and::;lides__ _ 23 cl:rra escorillnent; shnl)' sane 2i5 teet (l'om the
t. SandJitone. lmfr, in frlul>lc beds 1 to G inch..::s top rontalus ao IlbundllDt Illorlol! !aunn-
thick: contains mUl'b crystalllne gypsum; oysters, p.tropodt!l, nod other forllls ________ 300
bottom, 3 feet i~ l'ed pOl'OUS crolis·bcdded S, SandstoDe, rellowl.sll brown. lIOn. more Ot- less
Jand.stonc tbnm gll w11kb water seeps____ __ 10 {) Illal,., trresulll11y beaded i rOl'm~ slope bellentll
.. SaDdaitone, gray, ma s sive, hard, l'esistant; clUJ: above ________ ____ __________ __ __ ___ ____ 110
bottom 10 feet s tl'oll gl y cro&;-bedded; grains 7'. Suudstone, browD, uU\sIJlve, bmd; ' torllls proml,
'IOOn. wbite, l'ouuded, and weB 8ol'ted; nent rIUl____________________________________ 2U
COIltntu (Ichbl es as ulu<:h ns 1 lnch in diam- G. Sonl\oto.e, »on, ,hall', yellowish brow"_ ________ 20
eter ol'r.)ugoo. in porous leol;{'s and ns 5. Snndstone, lIght yellow. mediwn to Ulusslve
Ill"l.ttered inlllvil!uahi ______________________ 41 bedded, Dlodero.tely Boft 1 wentbcl's In lnrge
l. Sandstone, Imff-yellow, complld. clll! maker; blocks ond 1n rou!lded IUrf:U~es·_______________ 160
(l'.tns well worn and ~I::t.sor ted i includes O'iC 4. Sond.toae, lIgbt creoDll yellow, Yer)' ma"s\vc.
beda: . bard; tonn box C:II.nj'l.,)lUj; locally contn:ns very
1-'1. 1n. Jlurueroul large lcocerunJi: n It.'(}~c: Uluker ____ lUi
Sand!:o1one. ill vertil'al din', sepu- 3. SlludstoDe, 11,ht 'yellowkfb gray to light brown,
rated into beds uy thin lense~ 10ft. cntcnro'!OUlf. n)("(liunl lwdded.; weathers in
0( 8llody shale nod lenses or Ineular blocks ____ _________________________ 220
ironstone containing \.} I' (l ken 2. Sandstone, brow., soCt, Ihnlr ___________ ________ 30
frngmeuts or ["oce"ramu3 11m!
Prkmoh·opis__ ______ __ ________ ZJ 2 Tilt.1 Su.. l,ht OI1ll's saudstone _____________ USO
Sandstone, t h tn- bcUlled. even
bed~ed_ ___ ___ ___ _ _ __ ________ _ S 10 Tropic .hale:
1. Shale, dart drab to nearly blnck. tlUICOnll
Sandstone or conglomerate, com- tt'xture ___________ ~ __ ____ ___________________ rrl>O+
posed ot illtel'lenvJn" ICIl1'Je6 of
wblte qunl'tz pebbles 1% Inches SecHan mea.a1~' on. north. wan Of n,.ycc Canyoll, nort·n part
or less In dlomelcl'____________ US 4 of .eo. 5, T. 37 S., R. ~ lV., Gu"!ielcl C01mJV, Uwh
SO.n dstone, Hnl;! grained, t h I 0
bedded. even bedded, with scot, [MCf\KUrctl by Rrlymond C. MoOre]
tered lorge pebules____________ u
Tel'titlr1 :
Sondstone. mnsslye, cross-bedded, 'V.sateh !orlDation- Feet
weatbcrs porous, solutioll haa 1.t. BolldstoJle, reddl~h brown to pink, cal-
produced .. toe holes" 8 n d careDUI; weathers In massive eliit's !lnd
minl.utu re l'Q,'crns _______ __ ___ 22
fautru,t-ie erosion forms, very Irregu-
---112 4 lar1)' bedded; rests uucollrormflb~y on
a. IIondstolle, bulf-yellow, cross·bedded; beds 1 to allghtl,. uneven SUl'fflCC of underlying
a reet thlck______ ____ __ _______ __ __________ 20 100+
l sandstone. yellow-grny, irregularly separnted
IIIto 4 bed. __ _______ ____________ __________ _ 16 10 ==
-- CretnceoU8 :
StraIght O1urs sandstone-
Total Stralgbt CUlls 8Illldston"- __________ 11M 2
IS. Sandstone, yellOW, coon;c and gritty, soft;
TofIo ...1.: Interbedded wltb 8:lDd:r shole Ilnd
1 Sbftle, (ray aud slate-colored. QDd flnndstone in grades loto sbal,. san dstone; in places
beds h:.'8H than G incb~ thick; sbnle lucre ... weatbers lD .Iopes; el8ewhcre occurs In
Inrly more ar&llluceons, more abundant, and slopes and 1eclgcs_______________ __ • __ _ 42
In thinner beds to,\\"ill'd the bottom, surfaces 12, SaDdatone. yellow, mar.tlve. medluID tine
Df bed!l decorated wltb minute concretionary grolDed j tonna vertical tedge _________ _ 17
lozenges, plant tJu[lresslon:o::, 8ud fossil sbeUs_ 22 11 Shale" bl".1c, clo1ey to IJ8ndy i rather 80ft
8ba10, slate-colored, abunuunt Mancos !0~1I8, . but In pillces forma vcrUenl cl!tr booeuth
Through on a.ccident to the pack train fOS>oils col- CIlPP~Dg Mnd.stOne; contain. fragments
or pt.nt. poorly presorvcd. ___________ _ 33
lected from t.he beds Il.nnlyzed in this section were lost.
10. Sa.nd!ltone, yellow and Ugbl erenm1, flnc
AIOtable feature of the section is the small amount of grawed, mnss1,'e ; forms' prtllDlnent
..I. At a place less than 2 miles distant the equiva.- ledge-------------------------------- 00
lim of beds Nos, 9 to 20 contains nine beds of coal, the 9. Shale, landy, nnd ,.eIlOWIIdI IQnddtlDtonc;
Ilic:k. mcflSul'ing 23 inches, and more tha.n half of form elope with Irregulnr d IIcon uons
lodges ______________________________ __ 100
~ ooU is of good quality.
cowradoe.n8 StAnton, 0811'ea prudcntia White,
StrulGbt Clilfs I8..Ddstof\ie--Coolinued.
Modiolo. sp. f, Card-itllm cu.·tum Meek and Hayden, and
8. 8QlId~tone. yeUO\y. vcry massb,"e. lOme- Gyrode4 Ikpreuu.o Meek collected, and from
"'bat lI're:ulnly t;trnUfled: weatben In about the middle of the Stralg,ht Cliffs ~u~dstone at
lorl.'e blocu ODd more OJ' Jess IImootbl1 the Coyote Holes trail TwrriteUa W'itt .. Stanton,
rounded Hurr"ce; • I'romlnent clift·
mokln, cU'hdoo______________________ V6 O,trea sp, undetermined, Cordiu.m poupercul;u.m. Meek,
1. Shale, yellowish brown, .. Dd,.; ,I..
des tnto
yc.r1 !--Ott shalr "andsto~; forms I
PlicaJula "ydrotMca Wh.itel, and .MtUJtra arerollli4
Meek. lloth of these tots are rete ned by Reeside to
slope_________________ ___ __________ ___ 28
the uppermost Color1ldo~ , .
6. SOImlsOOne, sellow, ma.B8lve, medium to
nne .. rnlor.t1I. folrly bnrd i fOnDfoJ led:;-t,
On the summit of the Kll,parow,ts Plateau, about 10
Irreaularly bedded____________________ 32 I miles from the south end and within 100 feet of the
ri. Show., hondy. dr... b to yellow i forma slope!_ ~ (op of the Straight Cliffs SRndstone, pelecypod fra~_
4. Sandstone, yellow, hlo41ye; Irre;:olul1 menls and specimens of Corbula per>mdata Meek
bf'ddcd alld with Irregular eontDct wltb
and Hayelen were ga thered. This species occurs in
lIub,o.cent (ltyhllon, into ~hlch It &'rodes_ 16-20
3, Conglomerate, MDd,.. brown., ferruginous j both the Colorado and 1II0ntana gI'oups and is n~
oontllina mlny pwbletills Dluch 81tloch distinctive,
In dIameter i rmrt.. stained vert bright
red __________________________________ 21--30 The distribution of m$rine fossils and coal beds
seems c1enrly to suggest the geneml position, probably
2. 80Ddstont", eream)' yi:lIoW', .,erl 11.)(1 and
poDrly eemcntctl i weo.thcr. rcadll, to • varying one, of sen and land during t.h e time of
1001*) sand, mnwsl\"c_____ _____________ 00 deposition of the sandstone in this Co~monl,
1. Ironltollc conl'Iomerate. browD, yerr bard, where coal i. well developed no martne fOSSlls Ire
• Ilromlucut lodCe____________________ 1-12 found in the sandstone, but elsewhere, especially to-
'toln.! Straight CUllll sondstone_____ 635+ ward the eost and northeast, marine invertebrates
Oorcred to creek botto"" l~ teet more or leas. ClCCur at &everal horizons.
DORe ot HCCUon undetermined but 100 feet wore or len
above Tropic: ..h.t~. W.lHWZ.l. UlIIDSTOIU


Marino and brackish-water fossils ne found in many The term Wahweap sandstone designates a series
port. of the Straight Cliffs sandstone, and according to of sandy shale and massive sandstone that conform-
identifications by J ohl! ll. Reeside, i r., aU belong to ably overlies the Strnight Cliffs sandstone and under-
the fRuna of the upper (Niobur .. ) part of tbe lies the distinctive Kaiparowits formation. As a
Colorado group. strntigraphio div;,;io" the Wahweap is ch ..racterized
/\. very mos.ive fine-grained S4ndstone about 250 by its topographic expression, tho absence, so f ..r u
feet. hove the base of the formatiOIl in the southeastern observed, of coRI beds, and the scarcity of fossils.
port of tile Kniparowits PI.tellu contains large num- The lower and middle ports of the Wahweftp for-
bers of big, thick-shelled 11IOcera11l'1U tIIIwonalu« Meek mation consist of alternating groups of sona.y shal.
and Hayden, which colTesponds to I. inlloluttu and sandstone. Toward the tl>pthe amount of Band-
Sowerby of the Europoan Emscher and Coniaciall stone and the thickness of sa.ndstone beds increase,
nnd in the western interior region is strictly limited the upper third consists almost entirely of sandstone.
to the Niohram hodzon. I In places the topmost bed forl1U! a massive unbrokea
A zone about 170 feet nbove tho Inccermll",-bening ledge 100 to 200 reet thick. This A,,·.ngement of rela-
ledge contains f.i,·ly abUlldunt specimens of Oltrea , tively weak lnd thin beds underlying resistant thick
lolen;.<...., Ba:rbatia.mhT07tClIla (Meek), Modiola mm-
beds has permitted. recession of cliffs on .. large &e&le;
tilinigm-a lI{e~k, .nd O.trea sp. IIndet., which also the huge clifT. developod in the Wahwenp stand sef-
inuicate Colorado age. eral miles back of those in the Straight Cliffs fonna-
About 275 rcet Lelow the top of the formation on lion, Where the beds are steeply inclined, lUi along
Croton Branch ft mnrine fuuna containing Se'7"Ma the East K'ibab monocline, the relatively weak beds
sp. undet., Af.'1l1b"4niporo sp. undet., Or/rea .ole-nit"", in the lower Wohweap mark the position of a longi-
Meek, Modiola 1,,,,dtilildge,YJ )leek, and T...,.."uella or tudinal \"QUey between two hogback ridges. Alo~g
cJhe.".nitzia .p. was found in seVO'r" place.s. This as- the south margin of the Kaiparowits Plntel-U lnd In
semblage is indicated by Rec",ide as belonging to tbe
the CIJIyons that dissect its surface tbe massive upper
sandstenes form almost vertical cliffs; the capping
On tho trAil to the top of the KAIparowits PI.te~u
ledge in particular is an ullEcalable cliff. The lo,"r
at the head of Rock Creek, from .. bed in the .. ndstone
sandstones make weak cliffs and benches separated
180 feet above the tOJl of the Tropic shale, NvcWo
by slopes formed of sandy shale.
u. ~. (JEQLOGIC ..... L SURVEY

..... STRAIGHT CUrt--S SAI"Hl.'nON E ON ESCAL."-NTf: RIVER WEST 01-' I\$CAl .... :'IiTE

B. Tl\OPIC SHALE O\'EnLAI~ BY Sl'lUIGHT CUffS S..... ;·.... OSTUi'iE. WAl-nn:AI' cnF.EK


PROFL~~lOXAL rAPF.n)~ rL,\Tt: l~

Intyt:l ~ C ANYON
Lithologically the and shale of the Wah. 'Vobweap l!:AodstOlle--Coutlnued. "eet
ap forlDotion resemble those of the underlying 2, Snodlitone II k~ No, 14 ________ ___ __________ ___ _ 40
~M Cliffs formation. In .color the sandstone is I . SL.le like No.7 with 5-1 teet at Iblo bord Mnd·
fiIb' creamy yel"ow or brownish buff ; the shale is .taue In middle parI; 10 . Iobby ct"",,·~edded
sandstone nenr bnH' • fish bon~ wal! collet.' tc<L
",JW1 to greerush brown. In general the bedding, Straight CJlm. sllDd!ltone.
~L1ly that of the large units, is raLher even, but 1,245
..., of tbe sandstone bed~ are notably lenticular,
Gcnel'alk"ccl "eollon (JI th-e U'alnceap .sQlld"toPle: OJI. upper
.. the gradation from massive ledges to thin·bedded Oov~'e Creek; 2'. ott S., R. 1 E ., Ka.,c OOUlltV, Uta1&.
.,dIIooe and on to very sandy shale is highly irreg.
alIr. (See pI. 14, 0.) Some of the sandstone is [){~5Ured by nnrwood C. Moore)
~...,..-bedded. In texture most of tho materials are Wahweop sandstone: ....t
..mum to fine grained, but in some places neal' the G. Sand!4toDe brown to yellowh.h. Dum1 thin
bat of the iO"mation lenses of conglomera!ie snnd· nnl l lI.wssh'e beds wUh amull amounts of
shale; 81011('8 are In In rge p.nrt (ormed
.....ere obser\'ed, some of which contain fragments at soft snndstone rllther tllo.n shale ; series
" .ertebratell. Is cupped by a mas!\ive, reslstnnt sandstone
)lelSUrements of the thickness of the W.hweap .bout 60 feet thick, which ",enthers In
"crtlcnl \\'::1118 _______ ___ _____ _____ _ 800--400
..dttooe at more thun n score of places along the
easrpmeot from the East Knibab monocline to Last .. Sbllte, brown In 10\\"e r port, with SOluO a:rny
In mlddlo and uppel' lxu'fli, sDDdy nnd cross·
(ltanee Creek show an a vernge thickness of about bedded; contains many lenses of SQnd·
1,960 feet. In the Pal"ia Valley nnd also north of stone thot occur Terl' Irreclllo.rty ________ SOO-SOO
Henrieville, where the \Vnhweap sandstone is exposed 3. Sand8tone., brown, slmilnr t.o otber berls In
ia a DlODoclinal fold, the thickness seems to be con· tbe HectiOD i occurs In two beds with sbQ,le
bet"'eeu______________________________ ___
liderahly less. 2. Shale. GTn),isb brown.. __ ____ _______ ___ __ ___ 20
STRATIGRAPHY 1. SD.udstone, brown to gl'RY, fine grulned j
exposed ____ ___ __________ ______ _________ _
The following section shows the gene,·nt charneter
.: the Wahweap formation: 7ao±
..,,.. If WaA.-rcca.p .a1ttUlone a.I e,carptM111 loK!luce,I of In sec. 83, T . 89 S., R. S E., a fragment of a croco·

. Cknoe aMI/on, ide. 7, T.
", ,.Q
8., R. 4' E., Kalle Co."tll.

().(ea.ured by Raymond C. Moore]

dile or turtle bone not certoinly determinnble wos
found about 600 feet below the top of the Wohweap
sandstone. No fossil invertebra.tes were collected. In
WIhw'"ll tDudstone: . stratigraphic positio,! the formation probably repre-
11. S;u&tooo, light ycllowl8h brown, very maw l"e, sents uppermost Mancos.
tomllng sheer ella; cap. pllltenu __ ____.:. __
18. Shole. bro\vn, Sllndy ____ • __ .. ______ ______ _____ _
11. SandaleDe, butt, med1um to tn3~rve, ·fAlt°I, enn \U.BDSTONE8
baddinl with thin I!baly 11orUngs; torms
broken clltr, procUeall)' continuous with that In the northern part of the Paria Valley, along the
01 the .OJldstOD~ __________________ _ 00 Enst l{aibab monocl-ine north of the "Gut," on the
It Snnd.tOD~, II/fht bro'i\'n, mediuJQ to mossive bed- cast slope of the Paunsftugunt Plateau, nnd in the val·
dine. with 81lerruttlug thin sboly snndsto.e
130 ley of the ERSt Fork of the Be\'ier River and along
dlmlOQ8; Carma ateep aJope witb weak e,UJfs_
II. SIlQ,dstone, brown. sott, silOty: fOrIDS slope ____ _ GO some of its·tributories 011 the wp of the plateau the
It. SilQ{L'itone, yellowish brown, massive; lorms Cretaceous sandstones include the Straight Cliffs lind
clIU ___ •• __ _• __ ._ •••• _. ______ • ___ •• ___ ••••• _ 20 Wahweap formations. Southcast of Table .Cliff a ve,'y
U. Sandstone, brown, soft, with Irrecu1ar thin complete section of the two sandstones is exposed.
herder lJads; weathers in slope _____________ _ 85
It. Sindstone like No. 14 ______________________ ___ • Z;
They were nof separated in mapping, but plane·table
11. Sandstone and SO Ddy sbaJe; resemble No. 16_ 45 measurements Bnd pro~ctioll of dips and trigonomet-
lQ. San<L"Ctone, light burr, mediuln bedded j torms ric computation indicate a. combined thickness of
weak cUll'_____ • __ •• _.. _ ••• • ___. ___• ___ . _._ 15 1,700 feet. Similarly, .. oomplete but unstudied section
9. Sandstone ODd sbn1e, mostly cO\·ered _____ __ _ 3() of the sandstoJies lies south of Widtsoe, but f.rther
8. Solnd.wae like No. 14-_. ______ • __ •• _· ______ _ 40 west pre-Tertiary erosion has removed the upper part
T, 8hil.te. Kreeni,sU 'li'rown, very sond,.,.. groding to of tho Cretaceous so that the Eocene now rests on
10ft lI1adstone and COlltRfuing th in hnrd
lIl J)ClatoDe IItreakl j COI'ms rslope______ _ ______ 14l different parts of the Wahweap and Straight Cliffs
II. SandltoDe like No. ·14-___ _•••• _" __. __••• _· __ _ so sandstones. In Bryce Canyon only It little over 000
So Shu .. like No. 7 • •• __ _ . __ ._. __ . _• • ·_· · · · · __ 12;; feet of the sandstone remnins bet,,'een the top of the
.. SaDdstone llk.e No. 14 __ ______ ____ ____ __ __ __ __
GO " Tropic shale and the base of the Tertia,·y. Where
I. Sbale like 'No. :1 u1th t1 few more vrom ln ent
anndatone beds ' forming weok clitrs __ __ ___ __
185 erosion has so largely reduced the originnl thickness
durk that they a ppellr in some lights almost black
of these sandy parts of the Cretaceous, the :-emalning
Ilnd except for inlXlnspicuo us shelf-like benches i~
rocks presumably beloog chiefly to the Straight Chffs
forms 0 scries of inclined sudaces that unite on inter_
sandstone, but no attempt .... as made to distinguish Ihe
nlley spaces t o form a ge ner:1l slope fwm tile I<lp
formations, whi t b are so clearly differentiated 00 ,t be
to the bottom of the formation, The rock is 10 fri-
KaiplIrowits PI.teau, Howe"er, most of the study of
.. blo thllt the water from the infrequent storms hIS
the Creta ceous bed. in the northern Puia Valley was
cut a tongle of gullies aud canyons, r emarkable for
ulldertaken before the mapping of the rocks on the
their number and for the sleepuess of their aida,
Kaiparowits Plateau, and it is probable t,h.t mOl'e
dchiled field work would result in a separation of the In dry weather the gentl ..' slopes "lid the interhllgled
ridS"s may be traversed by carefully selected rOt:teo,
tWI) formations in l'egion.
On tho Escalante-Widtsoe road in sandstone that but during showers the whole surface seems to roove
corr... ponds to one of tl:e two formations above the downward, nnd travel with horses is dangerous.
Tropic shale occurs. t.hick bed of well-rounded peb- At. distance the Kaiparowits "ppeurs to cons;"t of
LIes of qunrtzite and chert tbat range in di.meter from shale beds witD here and the re (hin lenses of &and-
half nn inch 10 5 inches aod are of many colors. stone, but on closer examinat.ion the predominllnt rock
As.'iOciated with the conglomerates 8re thin, short proves to be fine-grained drab arkose sandstone, com.
gruvel le.nses, shale bull., .fld sandstones on the sur- posed of quartz, orthoclase, albite, and biotite cemenl-
face of which occur impre••jons of I.wigs and of a ed by lime, ~fany of I.he feld spar grains are kaolin-
log ncady 3 feet in di'llnctcr. The signiJitKnce of ized lind in contra st with the ubundunt biotite give
these ollservatior.s .... ith relation to studies farther the rock tho ap petlrance of a mixture of coaf1le pepper'
south has not been determined, ..nd suIt. Most of the individm,1 beds al'. less than
5 feet thick ~nd die out within n few hundred feel
][All'AROWITS rORMATIOIf The few that were trllC<Jd for a greater distance diller
)Iost published soctions of Cretuceous st ... ta in in thickness and in the .arrangement of the pre"alent
r.orthel'll New Me~co, nOl,thern Ariwnn, and southern cross-bedding, Within and between tho sandstone
Utah include representatives of the Dakota (i), beds lie thin, flat lenses and stub-ended len..-es of
MancOO!, ond Mesaverde formutions of southw..-teI'D slightly more firmly cemented snnd grains, whieh are
Colorodo, Whel'ever present, the lIIesavcl'do or in commonly of lighter color, some of them buft' or
romo plnce~ thick beds of sandstone in the l\fancos yellow,
give risc 10 prominent clilTs ond form the surfaces of In addition (0 the sandstone, the Kaiparowits for,
plale1lul tha't are Hanked by slopes of Mancos shale mation contains lenses, pancllkes, flattened balls, and
und rise high above surrounding pliltfortnll of Jurassic irre~'lIlar beds, some traceable for as much as 100 feet,
sandston., At most places tho latest Montana Creto- of brown, gray-green, aud whit.e sandy limestone.
('llOUS strata hav. beeo swept away by erosion or re- Some thin lenses are composed of nearly pure lime-
main os il1COnspicuous hills .nd ridges. Along the atone-hardened calcareous silt sprinkled with sand
heudwaters of the Pllria Hiver, Wahweap C1'eeli:, and loove and below, The formation includes also len...
the west hranch of Collett Creek beds appear that are , of limestone conglomerate composed of concretionary
younger th311 the Wahwcap s.ndstone, At Koiparo- balls utd irregular chunks of limestone, mingled with
~it. Peak and TobIe CUft' these beds OCtUpy the posi- snnd, From these lenses fossil sbells and fragmenl.i
tlO11 between th~ Wahwen!> snndston. and the massive of' bone were obtained at several horizons. At Tlble
W •• oteh lo,mation, About 2,000 feet of the beds Cliff the topmost .trata of the Kaiparowits formation
lin y~ been presefl'cd where they ore protectod fr OlD are less friable than those benetlth; they ioclude beds
Cr<>""Oll Ileal' the 'fable Cliff Plntean, For these beds of coors. brown sandstone, lenses of sand firmly ce'
which cOllst.itllte lhe topmost Cretac"<>us of southeost~ mented by iron, and lenses of conglomerate composed
ern Ut~h, the ~erm Kaiparowits formotion is proposed. of pellets of hardened limy mud and chips of arena,
. As viewed III the field, the Kaiparowits formation eeous shole.
IS strongly contrasted wit h adjoining formations,
~loDg t~e upper tributaries of Wah\Veap Creek the
Tho,Wahweap sandstone below is buff nnd resistant to Kal~rowlt.s formlltioo is widely expoSed to'view and
eroSion, and ,the outcropping edges of its constituent constitutes rough btldlalld slopes that are intricately
~ds form cl1ft's that are difficult of ascent. The Ter-
cut by gullies aod Bhallow canyons, At the e4St end
t'lnr)" ,(\V~.tch) limesto~.s nbove nre a brilliant pink
o~ the narrow p.,os through the East Kaibab mono-
. nll~ like" ~se form practically unscalable clift's, The
cline, locally known liS the" Gut" the followin" sec-
Kalparowl!i<, which lies between, presents tones 80 t 'Ion 0 I t h., IOTer pnrt of the formation
, ..
was measur.d:
lin of lower lJart of lioipu r owit.'1 /ormatioll in tlpper Cl'etaceous-Continued.
ltd lVaJl.tCclZ.l' Valli 'll
Kaiporowlts tormo.t1\)O-CoutlllIlCd. l,'ect
5. Suutbitoue, like No. S_____________________ 6
ria. of trca, N. 10· E , ; dip. 2' E . l\f(-usutP.ll by R crwrt E.
ISO Gt'l'gory J 4. Snod$t\)ue. Irregulnrly bcdlllxl ; contuins
h~n!jl" of thinly laDliuutcd gl'uy mull witb
KlJparowU~ formntion- Fl!t!t patches or 1mpure lignite, otl1el'\\'h~e like
17. Sandstoue. gellel'lll color drub or dork No. 11______________ ___________________ 3;:;
brown but uuweuthe rcd flU\'!::> .)rc '! rrcgll A
3. SOlldsto••, brown, rewl.lnut to "'''athorlng;
July sl}cck,lcd duri< n llll Ught, r ~c lHbl ! llg: contnina lenses of ('onG"loDlcrIlte c() mlJo~d
D m!:dure of pepPN' and salt; IlUUlt?rous of bardened mud illDl~; forms promiucnt
bcucb _______ ____ ______.______ ___ ________ (j of s und~ton e ot uueven oegree:f ot
fineT\ess, oe burdened mud, und ot sand 2. Sund8tone, like No. lL_______ ______ ______ 4t)
1. Shale, like No. 8__ __ ______________ _______ 16
nnd lim estone lnterrupt the reguJarlty
ot: beddlug'; some beds conloiu cnvitles
trom which gru Y-f,p'celi mud lump...; huyc Sandstone, bUIT, ~rul, DHl~~e. cross-bed<j(..'(). \
been weathered ; ~·tlUll Sfalns are compoSed silIetcLl tOJ) of Wlthweap {orm.UOll.
o( qUUl'lz. Ol'tbocio!!c, c.lblte, IlUd blotHe
ond ure held together weakly by colclte The equivalent of the Kaiparowits formation be-
Gnd g)'psum cemenL___ ________________ SO neath Table Clil! was described by Howell" as 1,200
18. Con,;loDlc fate composecl of clay lump:;, bortl to 1,500 feet of " gray lreullceous (anLi Ill'gillaceous)
calcareous bullets, tn\J~u l nr piece:; ot lime- shales contnitling on dOI1g1\tod form of Physa, Limea,
stone and s mull bU s ot petrified wood In
nnd two species of Yi'oiparus, a single specimen of
n Stlodstt)ne mattls; rontulus impres.sions
of plants nnd broken fo::;sll shcll~___ _ ____ 2 a small, lInd some fl'agnlents of large bones."
10:. Somlstooc, brown, cnlcllrt.'OuS'. massi-re; re~ He assigned th ..e beds to the Tertiary but reco!,rnizcLi
semhl es the limy mud walls ot preseut the dimculty of correlating them with olher Tertiary
vulleys; bed eli:l~lHjs nbout 300 feet_____ I;'; deposits in Utah.
14. &Dd.tone, like No . 17______________ _____ 20 Fossils collected neal' Canaan Peak were studied by
13. Sands tone, like No. 16__ ___________ ___ ___ __ 12
12. Llmestonc, brown, lIm'd, sondy____________ 2
Reesido, who submits the following report:
11. So.ntlstone. br own, drab, und 1.JUIY, -rery UD- Uulo sp., Interuul cast of muclJ eloIlgllte<l sl:ecies like
evenly bedded, beterogeneous composition; U. dUl1uC Meek nod Hnydeu.
two sec Lions l.Ja If a mlle npart s-llow dlt· Uoio ~p., il1tcrl1ul cast ot short trluJlGulur torm like {UTungCttn!llt oC beds: entire e:s:po- U. brilchyol)lljthus WlJ.1tc.
SUl'C aPllears as sllole slopes tbat nre Unlo nl1. U. neolttc-xi<:anus Stnnton.
f..elllll'O ted by ~nn<lstone cutts 6 to 10 feet Phyt:Kl sp., eRst at IUl'ge ~pecleli like P. reesillci Stanton.
hIgh. but the II shnle" thicken. and I.hlM Vh'11Ntrus P(USlUitcbeDJU Wbite.
Rncl in plates oppcnnJ to sweep cllJlloooll1 Vil'ilJllru.s .p., CBst ot iurge rounded torm like Y. leldyI
across horlzoutal t-l:1ndstoDc beds; essen· llHk and l:ltl1den~
tlally the outcrop Is iormcd by a series ot ytvipurul or Cilmpelowa sp., smull Jutcl'Onl costs,
Sft.nll"wne bl'1lS, wh ich couti.Due for a lew Cumpe'l'oUla ~p.
hunlIl'cd fcet to a few wllcs and ittlel'- Goulobaela lubtortuO$l Meek nl1d Hayden.
ruptecl and HlterS})llt.'c d "'ltll leusel or lJutT. Goolob. .lo ap.
SpOtted, QDd brown snodHtooe, ISOme tri- i'bis tauDa teem. to me to be [Jcftrest the tnuno of the
able, IODl6 resi stttllt ; Inclucles leDfes ot fruiUoud fOnouUOD at New Mexico; It Is probalily Dot older
hlr..lOY dny. ot snnlly llmetltone. and ot thna middle •• ontaoa .
. coni:h:nuerutc (.·t:nnpose<.! or Ume 'boll.!!; DO At • borlzou about 100 teet ubove the busc or the Kai-
continuous or.;illot'eol1s bed&- we-re teen; luarow'tI tornJutloo, In ttle northeastern pnrt ot sec. 21, T.
Iroo-cemeoted lDn~fl thAt resemble los- i 3S S., R. 1 E. (unGuneyed):
eni:~. pnocnk('$, ond irre.~lftr lumos occu r
GoulobuL'!7 .lulJtorluoSQ lCet!k aud Huyden.
In D)QlI, positions, olso plant Impl"£NlolDO,
YlviporDI courodl )(eck nDd. Ho.)·dcn'
uusbed al'lells, and IrRa-menta ot boue ___ _ HI
Bullous lobclonglltulJ Meek ':loti IIa.ytlen?
10. Sandf:iton~. buff ond 't'~fJ 'l'ello\", areuaceoml
('<tImpe-lomil Ip.
ood etllcltreous, nod Dlud f'oote, tn ~rregu-
Vh-Ipar .. ! .p.
lor ""~. 1 tu S feet tbiCk. frl/lble and
GO Sur.ests Jud1th Rl-rer taunu or perltups FnllUllnd; tresll -
slia): tty concretiona l'T ________ - ----------
9. Sandstone, brown i OOD8e, cI'OIS-bedded i re- .... ter babltat.
In tb. lower 'p ort of the Kolpnr(lwits formation 111 the
s18tant, with D few lenses ot blotJle IOnd·
atone __ __ ____________ __ _ p __ - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 CODtral part of see. 1T. T . SO 8., R. 2 E. (ulls ur,'cyed):
8. "Sbale." compaett«J mud, and ~ue BODd 10
Unto sp., apparent.., 8 smooth oval species sugges ting
poorly deftned bed. 4 to 8 feet thlek tbot 11. donee Meek ancf Bayden.
alternnte with l>ed's ot triable broWll Mud- Uolo sp.. npparently a ~'mooth trlnngular spccles slIg-
stone 1 to 6 t""t thick; CODtalnS a thin g.. tlng U. brnchYOf'lstJ\u. White.
leD' of •• rthy llllDlte __________________ _ 80
7. Snndstone, Hke No. 9_______________ _____ _ 10 II' Bowell. F.. J; . • U. 8. Oeoc'. Ind Gcol. Sllfvt'fli W. I<JOtb )1'er. Rl.'l't.,
e. .. Shole:' like No. 8 ______________________ _ SO yol. 8, p. 211. 18TlS_

Are uDdeterraltwble. These (o.I!S11~ maJ' be u :.te 1D Ige II! Cret..,..,.. (1) :
the Fruitland ( o rJRAtioD or tbe SliD luan Basin, wbleb 11 upper lIocrtson forDlHtlon-
Montini, nnd arlt probably not older thlD middle Koatana. 12. Sbale, ligbt bl u Ish, witb thin blinds ot red,
sandy, soft ____ ___________ __ _________ _
Fragmentary vertebrate material examined by Prof. 230
11. Sandstone, &'haJe. and congiom-
H. S. Loll include. the following forms: erate-- Feet
Part ot 0 larUe ahell. Bmen. ap. Bunge: lu(lir;.b River Sandstone, yelIo"l~b b l' 0 W U;
conglom eraUc ______________ 5-7
to vlnta.
Vertebra or eerato[J8lQD dlnMllu.r, re. Trloeratops 6p. Shole, blu.lsh drab nnd red,
Larce TrachodoD-like dinosaur. Dlstfll end ot left .andy____ _________ _________ 20
humerua oud .rtJculor end ot !Scapula. Sacdstonc, -reddish browD to
OfiltoJ ena oC ri,ht tibra about two·thlrds the slu ot light greonLsh, coarse "rained,
'IrachodoD ADD«tena. mnssl'-e____ ___ _____________ ts
Ungual, proboblr T.aellOlloll. Sbale. yellowisb brown. aandy_ 15
Two or three uuldeDtUJuble bODe trogments. Conglome-I.. t~ Ind eo;lrse pit,
Lan~e In aGe; turtle Dot debarred.
DloOHftOfS probnbl, reddiJ;h aDd light gr... lob
gray. DlOSIiii!ve, bnr4, very
Irregularl,. bedded i for m I
In addition to the sections describing the character promInent hoglJlck___ _ _____ 80
of different subdivisions of the Cretaceous which have
been presented above, measurements of two or more Jurassfc:
of the Cretaceous di. i..ions ,,'ere mllde Ilt .. number So!]. Rafael group-
of placeR. For convenience, some of these combined SummervU!e ftnd EDt ,~adQ {ormoUona-
10. SruldstoDe, red. ,thin beddoo. OOtt,
sections, whioh afford ~ basis fol' eomp.uison of the portly c()D~nlcd, and wblte sed.
Cretaceous of the Kaiparowits Plateau with forma- stone. .rnding downward to. taD-
tions of that Ilge in surrounding regions, "1'e presented brown, massh'e, ao!t, ctou-bedded.
here. A section measured by Moore at the Bitter weatherlll.l readily. perU, con·
cealed __ . ________________ _______ _
Creek divide, between the Circle Cliffs ~nd the Henry 1,f3I)
Mountains, has boon published.'" Cumel fonna tlOD-
9. Shole, llght red ond greeD Ish, ImIsl!-
Seotlm.. nero" , Wflicrt)O(Jkct Fold at D1trr fraU, 7 mile. nort1l eroU3 i contains SOCle beds ot hard
01 the 1nlltll" o( Mr,lcII 7'to/,1 Creek, M.d Hde of Circle \vhite SDDd:stone and C'YptiUln _____ _ 110
Cllffl, a.rpeid Co.,,/V, U/a~ 8. Sbole, marOOD nod light IreenJsh.
[¥clulurtd by Daymood C. )foore) san<lJ', capped b1 bard, llU-
CrotaceoUR : reaDS IlmestOnC', massl\'e to Duggy_
~rllnccs shale-- Ju ....81.(1) :
Blue Gate Mndstooe membor- Glen CanyoD C.roup-
17. Stmdstoce. rcllo\\'lsb brown. massive i Navajo IIbdstone-
(01'018 prominent escnrpmeut tbat
7. Sandstone., light yello",' to White,
terminates In vertiCfll clur_~ ____ _ 276 medimu grained. very massive,
H Bille Gnte Bhnle" or G Uber t~
bighly cross-bedded; tbe bedding
16. Sbolc, blulsb drub, SQody, very unf.
etched In reUef by weatberlng i
(orm texture nnd color. sott,
wcothc11nl: In badlund~ _________ _ crops out 1::1 higb ridge or ,t reet " i
1,100 nenr top 1s thin cotree-colored SIlnd·
Tl1l1unk IUIn"~tonc m @D.lber- stone ________________ _______ ____ _
15. SnndH10De, wh ite, Cfllcnreous, eros&-
Todllto (?) !ormoUoc-
bedded. .radlo, to 1ellow ftaCIll'
sandstone, &ott aud ruRMh'e below; 6. Sandstone. bl'le.k-red; contalos .. lew
tl:ln IIgnlto b<d 23 Ceet .bove 00"'_ thIn wblte aud Ilgbt-blue 101ero and
f'Tubunk shnle" of Gilhert- lelll!es, tbln bedded, cross-bedded,
H. Sbnle, durk bluish to green.l8b drab. bn:-d a.nd soft i forms valley between
8H.ody: contAins 8C'}enlte crystals i Navajo and Wingate escol'pments
two thin sandstones. 8 inches to 1 by headwuters or Mules
Twist Oreelc _________ __ _____ ____ _ :114
root thick. dnrk brown, bord.,
.Il1t ISY, sepe.rnted by IS feet of shnle, WIngRte sondstone-
occur 300 feet below tOl); near Dltd- IS. SQndstone, red. massive. rother floe
die flOft OCch l'8 thin soft sandstone grained, hard, promlnentl, jointed;
tbat contains hard dark-brown COD- CrOll! out as single massive ledge
cretlons i 0. t bftse lle!t 6 to 8 feoet that forms sbeer eli a i cross-
bed de<l __________________________ _
of sort bro,,-n calcareous 8tl.odstooc
with ______________
abnndaut morine iuV<.'rb_....._ Trlo
bratcs ____________
900 Chinle (ormatioo_
Dotohl (1) .. ndstone-
{. Lln~estone Rnd calcareous sbale, UJ;ht
lS, SOUt]a:tone, U;:bt CretlJll.,J' ye1lo\v, soft,
lnn~l \'(' ---__________ ______________ w __
brue, mottled wltb .ln1"euder, In nIr
12 per port; 8O.ody shale nod SAndstone
• L(ln,weU, C. R., nnd otb~f.9, op. cit .. pp. 21-22. In lower lHl:ft. darker colored,
bro\\.n, purple, nnd blue ____ _____ _
~DtJnued. Oretaceouo-<Jontlnued .
.... rUJDP COIl S lolll ~ rtlte- Feet
StnlS'ht Olim. •• ndstone--Contlnued.
8. Sa Dd~ t o:r;.e.
li gh t bluisb; gra des to
29. Colll and I.bale-Contillued. i't, In. Ft, In,
solJdy bluJsb-~reeu s hale; does not
Sbole, drab, and thl,n sand-
form prominent escarrmenL______ 4.0 stone ____ ________________ 3
" o p l tormntion- <:<>.1_______________________ G
2. Sondstone a nd sondy !:ihll ie, chocolnte-
Sbnle, nrenaceoui, 8nd
brown nnd light yellow, thin bed-
enrthy cool i IUOllY fosslls __ S
ded; thtc kD eli~ in POl't esUmn ted__ 500
,~(1) IilllestoDE>-
Shale. drab. argIUaceous____
Coal, good Q.uDlily ______ ____ 2

Shale, drnb, argiIJleeouiI ____ 5

1. Llmelttone, nrennceous, yell ow\ dolo- Coal, Good qunlity ___ _______ :; 1
mi tic. flne grained, dense: bottom Sha.le, drilb _______... ________ 2 2
ot exposure - - ____________________ 70+
00111, ,ood Q.uaUty __________ 4 2
Shale, drab________ ___ __ ___ 6
_ _ •• CoUeU Cmr!J()Jt, be!Jfnn(1Ig witil. lorc;ellt beds ne!lT Coal, lood qunlitf. with 8
.,." of (dip 4 ° S. ) a.nd €:.Dtcmding 5 -miCe.! aouth lew thin shale portlag6 ___ 7
,., ....'1· S.) 76 5
28, Sno.dstone, hull', mossive, cross-bedded':
(Aleasuted br flerbcrt E. Gregory) nesr top are strinl:'lt disconnected lemrel,
~: and ChUDh ot black "bale ananaed In
Itrallht OUtts sandstone- CDIlrlcioul'l mooner__ ___ _________ ___ ___ 7G
11. SaiJdstone in fiue beds, Dot studied 111 27. Sandstone, buff, In beds 1 to S ree~
detail, thicknesses cstt.wated- thick _____ _____ ___ ___________________ 1G 8
Ft. Jo't. 10,
SAndstone in beds 2 to a feet 26. Sbale, ,ray-block i cODsists of bardened
thick, lenttcular: contains .oody mod, plant tragwento, and eartby
COIlL _________ ,_________ _______ ____ ___ S 0
tron concretions; l\'eo.thera
red ________ ________________ 30
:/!S. SftndBtone, butt, thlu bedded : C'QutainlJ n
Sondstone. bun~. mas
.lIghtly rross-bedded; con-
I' . .
C, leW' t'ery Ir~uhlr lensci of blue--blnek
abole: londstoae t. crou-bedd'ed (lnd
ta ins lenses ot co n~lomerate_ 60 sha ... ripple IIUIrka and tnCD.. _______ 17 7
Sandstone, thin bedded, lrregu- 14_ SalXletooe, bofl', In ceuernl mABIIlve, essen-
haly bedded, Dnd nrenllceous tially one bed, but Include. lenses ot
shole, bntt _____ ____________ 60 thin-bedded .sandstone IDd • few of
Sandstone, butt, m nsslve______ 40 drab sha le, aud IG feet from Ute bottom
Sand~ tone , thin bedded, Dud strings of qUlllt.1te pebblC'S bait aD tnch
arenaceous slla~ __ _________ 40 or less 10 diameter extend tor severnl
220 bundred. teet, also .. few )eDSe8 ot
10. Sandstone, butt, massive ; he quartz eoo.1"8el' grllvell tblclEne. tSUmo.ted____ 80
cra(nl cemen ted by (roo aDd Om. and 23. Sandstone, butr, In bed. 2 to f toet thick,
lOme I'ypsuro; include! a lew lenses ..para ted hI heda a fe ... It",,,,", tblck;
ot thln·bedded /lne Sllndstone, ot con- C(lntaina few )enaes of butt arenAceous
clomerllte '9t'lth pebbles 89 mUCh Is 1 aut! ,001cal"eoUI sbi,le Qod two of blue
Ineh 10 diameter, and or oren8ce<1US arctUaeeoas ahale, mauy Cracrucutary
abale, wi th lllnnt Impressions and plant ond shell t0813118__ ___________ ___ 22
eBBonlzet1 frngments ______ -.-_______ 83 22. Shale, blu.·bloci<, arglll.ceoWl aad I'~pslr­
211. Cool Dnd sbale- n. In. erous: makes a ,lens tho t extends for
Sbole. drab, 9rgllloceou8; about bolt D mile; (orlll&' Impervlou8
Burface strewn with bed above wh1<;b water emerrel__ _____ 13
coar~ sllDd Iru1n.8_ ____ 10 21. Sandstooe, Cl"I.r·butr, IDlaa:ITe, I Ughtl,
Cool. eartby __ __________ 8 crOlla-bedded, line quartl itolb8, cal-
Sbalo________ ___ ___ ____ __ 1 coreoua remcut: Includell a few IcnlCl
Sondstone, bulf, lInbrl- of tl!1.D·bedded: .n(fstone nod atreab
.oted, lentlcnlor___ ___ __ 2 or cl11 shnle ______ _____ ______ ______ G2
Shale, arenaceOu8_________ 4 20. Sandstone, gro,. in IrreplQr bc(18 8
Cool; coDtala. ,bole pOrt- Inebes to 2 teet tb lclL______________ B 6
illg"- _____ __ __ ____ ___ ,, _ 2 1 19. S.1ndstoDe, bu1t-grIlY, nl l8.IVC'___ ____ _'" 10
Shale, dn,b ______________ 4 18. Sh81~ bull', sandy, lenticular j Ineludes
Coni, I;ood qaaJlty____ ____ 2 , nbundftDt lmpresslons and ftbera ot
plants aDd tbree thin lenlell of im-
Shale, drab, contaI1l8 hn· pore COIII__________________________ 9 f
pl'essions of ptnnt9____ __ 2
17. Sandstone, brown, ImbricDted, arm),. ce-
Sandstone, buff; coDtoins
mented bI Iroo and lime, .tronGly
leaves, stems, and sbelLL 1
Sbale, dl'\\b___________ ___ 8
croSl-bedded i at bleb IDgies reets on
locally eroded ot No. 16____ 10 7
<:<>01, Il'ood Quol1ty____ ___ _ 1 1
llO 1'B& Ull'ABOWITIL lIEOI01l

Cre taceou.s--CootJnucd , Cretaceous-Cootiniled,

Stro.lg'ht CliJld i!ftDW,100e----C0otJDueti FL to. Dakota (?) gudstouc---Cuut!uuecl, Ft. I,
16. Sandstone, gray-bua, medluJIl ,reined, 8. eoat, earthy, uppel' 8 incbes ot lCOd
some titreoll:. ot ane ,ra.'t"el. lDo8lli1'e, QunUty --- - ---------- - ------ --- ---_ 2 I
croaa-bcdde4 except to..
nodules ot Iron ood of Ume ________ _
7. Shale oc shalS ~ Iln<.lstone, gray. lecticu-
Inr_________________________________ 8
19 10

'£otal Straight Cliffs und.tone ___ ..

--- 721 8
8, Sandstone nnd cong lomerate, grny-yel-
low, cross-bedd ed, in lenses tbnt llirrer
== widely Ln thIc:knes:3', e xtent, acd tex-
'.fropic shnh.'-- ture ,j pebbles in conglome rate ehiefly
II), Shale (lnd slUld8tooe; at baM .tate-col- quartzltc, chcrt, and h[l!'dl'!ned green
ored !jbule that corrieN Iral sand- ell,..; mOSt. IJet..bles llDSUIIll' and bo\'e
!:Itono lenses; In the mllJdlo l eD&'B ot smoothly worn surfaces ; nverage long
Bnndl!ltonc and ot sbale,about equal dllme ter of pet..blcs about 1 inch;
nmouuhi i at. t he top .sond.f!toDC bC1ls abollt 10 pel' l'ent ~xceed " Inches., nod
2 to 4. t(.'Ct th Ick, I ocludJ D: some 0; Cew G I nc ll ~_______________ _ ___ __ G
chuuh lind .trlngers or buIY argUla-
Crel.oceous( 1) :
ceous .,bole i III beds dlftl'r widely In
lIonison t ormntl o[}-
thlcknC!!lS IDd composItion wltlll n
.hurt d l.oitn ncCH ____ ________________ _ 5, Sbole, purplish, unevenly bcd(! eu; lo-
ciu<ietf th ree lectIc ulur beds , cuell
14, Shale, blue-blnck, blne-It'IIY, or slatc-col-
abDul: 2 reet thiCK, of .. e ry l'eslstn nt
or\!d, except tor two red )ron·atnloed
ITIt'm JilDi1litone; fc l1ution surfaces
beds neRr tlle top Dud two IIght·gray Inmpl, sun drled ______ __ ______ ____ _
thin c8!eorcoUlot beds Dear the bOBe i 18 I
moatly thin beddt'd. unHQrml)' nrbl1- 4. Sondstone, &r.'-J'ello,,·, cross-bedded;
lo(.'Cous, extept tor three thin bede ot contains Q few lcD€c! of conc1omcrnte
IlDC clean-wAsbed Q.uartz: aondstone lind ICflttcred. pebble. ; much Uke
~o . 6 __________ ___________________ _
ODd tbe colcoreooN bea, "'b:eb mn;e 10
trom OlnU)8t pure UmeJltone to eal- 8. SbaJe, gray-£,reen IlI,u t red, Qrgllloceoua:
and ___ ________________ _
Qrenf1CeoU8 '~
careous Clay IbnJo; IJme Itl probobly 5 t
preeeot tJl roughout; e\'en densest 2. Soft(htooc (00 per ccut)r coorsc, len-
blue-b!ock speclmcus cjf~rveRCe witll. t:ieulnr, crOl's-bedded, a nd con glomer-
h)'drocfJlorlc sel(l : ",'paunl abundant, ate (40 J)er cent) composed of oDJ:U·
e-spcclnlly In the Upfter 11.:t. wbere It lor Iud lub"u~lur pcbbl~ S Incbes
UPl)Cllnl 1t8 Cl'Yfltnls ot a.elenite, ILS or IHlm dlimeter ; IlcbbJesa occur also
cootlng on toUation surtaces ond lu .trlnes nDd 89 tudt\"iduoll In tbe
Joint crockv, oml a. d : s~llllnoted 88.Dd8tooc; cooto'ins trOD concretions;
il'l1llnH; many (OliutioD RUl-tnces ore pebbles are of (t8lt, white, yello,.,
IUIll)1Y, Dud Brunll concretlounry brO\l'R, and red Quartll. SOlDe a ttrae-
mo.~ of lim e 81"0 ll're,;:ulo.rly dls- til-ciT trQDsluccnt ; graJ. red, mottled.
trlbutro; wbere Protl'Cted by sand- Dud bonded' Qunrtl.lte ; CTay Itlld black
stone cope forms (Juk cllirlJ, else- cbert; anndstooe; creeD complct ctal
where bndhlnd Si(IPCSI, coated with trap:enlo; granIte ( 1); rhyollte(?);
SpaD!:,. ,ypslferous 01 mnrl" i lUell& lIII bord: torms reslstoot cap for
ured 320 teet, C$timRted On nddi. No, 1, above which it Is unevenly
tiool11 220 feet _______.. ____ ________ _ lA!d _____ ___________________________
18. Sunllslono, butr, thIn-bedded, trlnble; 1. Sandstone, bu1r-crar to creen..grnl, !.ott,
qlU11'l:c b'l'DlnS, mostly angulnr, ce- crumbly, ver, unevenly deP06lted . lit
mented by lInu~. gypsUDl, n.ud Irou ; part e • .,..bedd.d; bed. 0.1 I ueb 10 4
lit tbe tOl) n browu lenUcular cup ot Ceel, DlQUl ftat nnd Itub-ended lenaes
conrse sulldstonc thnt includes chert at COIIrse .a~l(tstollO with pebbles of
pebbl.............................. . 18 10 quarts1to and: cbert; .trlngs ot pebblel
12. Snndstone, buff, ahnl,y, trioble, b14bly nod lsole. ted pebble" In sand.toue :
COh.... reoU5; Illciu(lcs 2 teet o.f coquina 1t'n6e8. .'ngle balls, lI oel aggl'ecotei
eMc-uUnU, composed of fragments of of GreeD rom[)ftct cia,. lumps are
O, trca., EzogVrfl.-, and UrtfPMetr ____ _
6 cobsplcuous j ,r etembles Jteterogeneoul
Total Tropic sIl.I••••••••••••••• G99 10
materlil l depOSited by present st-reams
in nea r-by ",'asb ; coarser materllll at
n. Shftlc. bulf·Croy. or tbln-bedlled .. "d. toP......... ................ ... . ... IS
8t00e8 __________ __________________ _
8 4
Dakota (!) 8ft.d.lou. : Sba letl, red and green; boae not erposed_____ __ 20+
10. Sandstone, butt. ulnu), angulor qUllrb
,",Ina; at the top porUy carboul7.ed I.U1
IJI,oot froglDents form a In1er 1 toot
Fossils from the drab shale that contltins impres·
Ihlck • ••••••••••••• • __• •••••••••••• 8
9, Shole, gruy-blnek, \10C\'/ltl. lenHculnr __ _ sions of plants and the arenaceous shale and COil ill
6 9 the coal·bearing POl'tion of this section (bed '29) were
dIIeJ1Ilined by Reeside as illodiol.a laHcostata White, Dako,," (1) saDdstoDe : Yet·t
AJII/inIJ D. sp" Corbula; 6wtrigonaHs Meek , Mew,nia 3, Bone and Yl~ry black. curoonaceous sllale; con-
. tDlns one or t ..,o Tery thln streaks llt co o1- __
.. ~a )~eek, AmLl'/Nrops;s n. sp., Mytilust sp.-
2, Sand.stone, sray to Dearly white-, with yellowish
'species which occm abundantly in the Mesaverde of to gn.oenl$b cast. mn9Si,e~ lWet: J;mdes dow[I-
Book C1iJTs" (uppel' lIIontana). Fl'om bed 23 /1J,O- ward into sundy shall", bonded Imrple and
~113 6rect1<8 Meek, Os/r'ea sp. undet., Canl;:'"." gray i border sundstooc Iu Ibet.1s 6 lucbl?s to 2
«¢om Meek Qnd Huyden, Calli.ta sp. llnd"t., SiliqVft fed Iblc'k j reddi:'f;b at bUM",
1, Sand.!:ltODC, mlls~lve; [orllls ,rerUcal ell it, red-
sp., CorIJula nematvpllOra. Meek, Gyrode.1 depres6'!JS
di sh brown at out<'TOD (st.alned fl'OIU wasb
y..k, and VObuto(ic>'I'7lla a fl'. V. amoig",a Stanton were :lbo"td, 'l'n) , mur{, ot le'!:~ ('oHg'li1lllel'v.tiC:
!OlIecled-"species whose afllnities a" e with t.bose of tbJekoes. uut n~lll'Oured.
I!IeColorado group and which charncterize u wne noW 1,SH+
betieved 10 be. the uppel' part of t.he Colorado gl'OUP, CQRIlELArIOII'
• • • considerably oldel' Ihan I.he lIfes:IVerde of the
Book Cliffs region Ol' than the typical lIIesavel'de of As indicated by the use of iocn1 names in descl'ib-
Ihe SIIn Juan region." In l'esponse to queries con- ing the divisions of the Creloceous Ul the Kaipnl'owits
corning SO)me of these fossils and theil' stratigraphic region, con-elnlion witb adjucen.t "rells of descl'ibed
lignificlnce, Ur. Recside subsequently reeslltnined tbe Cretaceous rocks CAll not be mode ,viti,
!Olleetions and repol'ts: A comparison with stundurd sections in southwestern
Colorado, ill northwestern New Mexico, lind in the
IIlPd tblt In Some lDlUlnCl' ·somo mixIng of lots nppe:u rs to c«urred, ond one lot 1'l'om Collett CN(.~ bod in it two
Book Cliffs anel the Wasatch PI ..t.~lIn in celltru.l-~'l.$ terJi
W'f d14erent lithologic Cncles-(I) a Ih;ht-G'rtly On e-grained Utah shows thut the Cretaceous beds of southern nnd
_lMh-ioDe contftlnl!lg n Caullu of the ."la rue uGe .~ tbnt ot your SQutJ.westem U,lnh were dep""ited much neare,· the
b llllt Clift's Sft!ldstone but with 1ll01'e mnrine Sp('Clel;; ; (2) oscillating shore line rtf .. btlsin of depositioll than
.dtocolote~l ()red sundy shale or "ery tlne-grolncd s codstone t.hose so bl'oadly dish'ibulcd to t.he eust. and nOl'th.
fir. rOhlll. thet) IdentiOed as Aflltjlt~' ap .. Nodiola ia.ticosla Accordingly diffel'ences Inay be expected be-
We, AMtina n, ~;:> •• Corlmla ~lfIbtrj!Jonali.J M eek and Bay~
In. J/ellJRifJ Cnleulpta I\(ct!k, nnd Amaw'opli,J n, ~", 'l'bls ]Lst tween t.he deposits of this lIeur-shore ZOlle and those
lliupported by a second lot Crom Collett Canyon, wltb Identical farther out in the basin. The 'Cretaceous in the Kai-
~tboIOCI and without any :msplcion of mlxtc.f'C, :xow this Itst, parowits Plalenu consisls dominantly or slmelstone nnd
01 Ole taee of It. is 0 good Book Cl1ffs~MeflQverdc Assemblnge, has apPI'oximately hnlf t.he thickness of the Cretaceous
Tft It 1:1&7 no t meen nil tbat it 8eCll).S to menD, Tbe JlytlJiU,
in tbe Wasatch Plateau, where the rocks ·of this age,
Jllta" IDeI .ima ....l'op.tis may be urOIlPed out of cOllt'lcleration,
n. Carkla. I find b£1S been recol'deu befo n~ (with question) as also in regions farlhe.r nortf, ~nd east, consist domi-
tM:a a ColorndD hOl'i~,()n, The .1fodiola onu M cl(l~lia lI(em to nantly of dark biuish-dl'ab shale, so well exemplified
l:egood IdfDtUkatlons. Ilnd ] hu\'e no previous reeol'd of their by the Mancos shale.
1ftIt&ee lD pre-~ontilno beds. N"evcrtJleless, i( there 18 good Careful study of the Cretneeolls in many widely
rea.- to believe that Ule ~ tl'at1grnphic pDs(t.~on 1\:1 tJ.e some Q.9
tl!at or the lou with Ostl'ca 8OitnMC1UJ, Modiola multUinig~'a
separllted areas has shown that the sandy divisions
ltd A~. fJropa.tod.a, I would Drefel' to soy that the I pecles are by no means restricted to definite zones with equiv-
liited at Collett Creek Ore longer rongir.s tbnn has been al~nt time nlues. Where a sandstone has been
~rtoH1lpposed anu tbat tbe beds belong togcther~ Bracklsh Iraced laterany it not only differs ill thickness from
ar.d f~ ~'8ter species do seem, Cor some l'ealOD, to place to plnce by !!Cores or hundreds. of feet, but
-,a_Ill' long rongcs, or pm'hsJ)S it is better to "1 that parts of it intcrgrocle nnd in·terton.gue with the con-
tuJ: IIl.Uar species seem to occur at qulte dilIereut borizons,
tiguous shale, and in many places. the whole sand,
rfCIil>ll 0( Cretaceotu at rata .u J&.e.a.d. o( /UJck Creek, t«..!tern. body wedges <lut to nothing. It many pinces marine
Karle GC"'~J·tN, uta.1I. fossih U'e nbllndu.nt i elsewhere they are rare or are
(Weasured bJ' RaJ'lDood C. Moore]
not di.gnOl>I.ic. These assembl!lg!l8 of invertebrate
forms indicute the presence of muddy sell· bottoms Rnd
lllaipt ella. "Ddston~: Ft<t
sandy sell. bottoms and show repenled changes later-
T. Sandstone, yellow. tUIe to medium graJ,n ed, T~ry
miSSive, In Irreluln[' thick Iedges _________ __ 1,000 ally and vertically from marine· to brackish Rnd fresh-
t ilandsto." yellowIsh dr. b, .halY In opper part. water sediments. Because of these conditions the
.4.881\'9 i:1 middle port nnd near .bnse______ 200 correiation of tbe sand bodies in tbe Cretaceous pre-
Ittplt *"'Ie : senls many difficulties.
S. Shale, bluish drab, cluyeJ" f!;ott i weathers in Plate 5 presents typical sections of the Crelaceous in
slope, {osaJls In low-er pa.rL________________ 6]0
aiijacent ...-eos for comparison with the Cretaceous
t 8ancIstone. ycUQYf·ish brown, mBssive, forms sections 01 the l\:aiparowits [·eginn. This comparison
rim, ,~ry toss UlCerous; contains Gry[,hneos,
oysters, and otber {orm..'t,.. __________ ---------- 5-6 shows thnt even the Cretaceous rocks of the exposures
nearest to the Kaiparowits region are in many respects apparent general correspondence of the Henry MOIII\_
strikingly different, Thus in the Straight Clitfs there tail)8 section with that of' tIle Wasatch Plateau led
is lea tban 1 000 teet of shale, and &pproximately Spieker and Reeside 11 tentatively to correlate the Bille
, . f Gate 8&Ildstone witb the mnssive Emery snndatoUe,
• thre<:-fourths of the Cretaceous section COnsIst. 0
sandstone. But in the Henry Mountains, only a little which occurs SOO\l! 1,100 feet above the top of tilt
over 2~ miles distant, there is nearly 3,000 feet of sbale, Ferl'on sandstone and, lik~ the Blue Onte sandston.. ;.
and tho interbedded sandstones constitute only B minor sepJrated by • shale interval from the Upper Cft.
pRrt of the C~etaceou& tacoous Mesnerde formation, which in the Wasatcb
As shown ,by RiclllU'dson •• equally great difTerences Plateau is extensively coal bearing. The Emery sand-
mnrk the Cretaceous 01 the Virgin River region. stone contains Montana fossil s."
The fossils obtained from tbe Tropic and Straight Although definite evidence is not nvnilable, it is VO?
Cliff. formations show that these divisions are of Colo- probable that the Mllsuk sandstone belongs to the
rado age lind represent a large part of MancOl! time. lofesaverde formation, nnd it is so classified in reporlil
The oyerlying Wahweap sandstone has yielded no on areas to the etut and north. The shale beneat.h the
satisfactorily determinable fossil evidence, but on slIJldstone is \'ery sandy in the Henry Mountaillll, and
account of its position beneath the Kaiparowits forma- there i. an almost imperceptible gradation hom the
tion, of ve,.y lute Montano age, it probably eorresponds ~ shale into the sandstone. In general lithologic cbar-
to the lower pllrt of the Montana group of other loeali- acter and thickness the Wahweap sandstone suggests
ties, It is also possible thllt the Wohlfeap rept'Cllenta a equivalence to the shpJe and sandstone abo,'e tho Blue
continuntioo of sandy deposition in Colorado time. Gate sandstone of the Henry Mountains. The .hlle
The Kaiparowits formation obviously belongs to a vel'y in the Wahweap is more sRndy than the "lfasuc
late part of the Upper Cretaceous, and as indict.tcd by shalo "of tbe Henry Mountains and contains nUJ/lerous
iti vel·teL,'ote and invertebrate faosil remains it appears sandstone beds. Definitive fOllBil. have not been found
to "orre_pond to tbo Fruitland formation ot the San in the Wahweap, and its correlation is thus, somewhlt
Juan tegion. IIO uncertain. Because the formation immediately fol-
As there are two main scarp-makin,g sandstones in lowl the ,u pper Colorado Straight Clift's sandstone it
tho Hem'y lI[ountains area, the Masuk sandstone above probably belongs in the lower part of the Montanl
and the Dloo Gate Rand.tone below, it is natural to Ilroup and accordingly should be approximately cor-
regal'd them as equivalent to the two main scarp- relative with the upper part of the" DIlle Gate shale·
Dlaking sandstones o'f the Kaiparowits Plateau, tbo and probably the Blue Ga~ sandstone. On this
Wahweap nbove and the Straight Clift's below. (See I interpretation no strata that correspond to till
pI. 18.) The Tununk sandstone of the Henry Moun- "Masuk shale" and lIIasuk sandstone appear to be
tnins section i. relatively less noteworthy, but with present in the Kaiparowits Plateau. Evidence of un·
modet'Bte certainty it represents the aUenuated part conformities at the base, and top of the Wahweap
of the Fenon sandstone of areas farthor north, even make this.correlation, which is shown in Figure 6, 1..-
though the Fort'on attain~ II thickness of BOO feet, certain than for other parts of tho section,
The Tununk sandstone is underlnin by 1,000 feet of According to fossil evidence the Kaipa~owits forml-
shale, which col'responds to !l pllrt of tho Tropic shale. tion appoars to correspond to the Fruitland formatioll
The upper purt of tbe Tropic shale i9 represented in of the San Juan Basin and evidently belongs very lala
the Henry Monntains by fhe Tununk sandstone ond in the Montana.
Possibly U small pRrt of the" Blue Gnte shale." The In two recent papers Spieker Ilnd Ree£ide II hln
uppor (O() feet of the" Blue Gille shale" yields a fauna recorded existing knowledge of the age and correla- '
of Telegraph Creek (early )[ontana) age and ill thel'e- lion of the Cretaceoul formntion. of Utah. With
fore distinctly younger than the Strlight Cliffs und- particular reference to the Kaiparowits regioo }fr.
stone, from lI'hich Niobl·.ra fossils are obtaiued. It
Reeside has kindly written the following notes:
folio,,'. that the Straight Cliffs sandstone in the Kai-
parowits PlatC1lu lII.tches no "lIl1ds(.one in the Henry AD examination ot !(Ime coUeetions mode by Spieker o. thI
westem aIde o! tbe WUQtcb Plnteeu, near .raDt~ Ibo,", tllat
Mount.ins but corresponds to the lower port of the tl\e3 aupplMDeDt tlte eolleetioDit that be ADd I made lut Jear
"Bluo Gate shoJe." The Blue Gate standstone is of in Salina Canyon In such fnshlou os to ,l",e UB aD interest'"
lower Montun" age. The stratigrAphic position and
• Spieker, &. :W,o and Rt'e!.ltle, 1. B., JI'" Creinceoul aDd ~.rllar1
• RtebndIMm, O. n., The UPIM"r CrC!taeeeu I('(tloo In the Ce1ondo tonueliorlti ot Ult Wasatch Pllllc.o.u, Utah: O~1. Soc. Ameri<.. JIIIL
Platella, .uutb~t~t'u Utab: Wublnl\on ACU4l. I!k!l. JOII... "'01' IT P' \'oJ, 30" . ' -4;38, 19~~.
44H-n5, lD2T. • . • . • Idem, P. -tat.
• Rct'llld\', ~. 8.. tJliPlJr Crehu.'eouw and Tert1ar, tor-•• tlotdl .t M Spieker, .. :Y ' I lind Re"Ide, 3. 8., Jr., Cr('t'('tOUI ood Ttrtl."
tbe Wedt'tD I,ut of SIIn JUII" Balli, C\lJo. aad N 11,., U 8. r.t1IaUoD. tI. Ute Waaat('b Plateau, Utah: Geot. Soe. A.etta 8d.
Oc-ol. Burn1 Prot. Papc'r 13 •• p. 2{' 1924. . ~. . . 1"01. $8. pp. U:J-...4a4, 192i1: Upper Crebl.e&oua .bote Uno lJI Utalll
Idom. 1'01. 81, pp. 429--1:38, 1028.
CllET.<CEOUS i'O.;UnloN~. 113
~ kJD ot Ihe relations betwecD the section in that region, DlClUbcrt) of the (:l81('[n Wa~tcb Plateau tbe unit ot 8Dnd~
tbe CoaI,"me section to the nOl'tll, oDd the Kllirurowlts aDd Atoue
". And II1&l It • OTeb the mD.rlne '
sbale ot the weaLern
cea"b _doDS to the south. l!lut b res:lou hns a bns..'1l unIt of aMtcb Plateaa aDd Coolt"iUe, the slmURr Qult nbol'e the
Jlt fI.-. nDd t'Ooglome rnte thnt <:ontains the same vre-Car-
lat ludinl' r:ool Dear ConIl"iUe, in the Golob , pud In
c,e,·.l ta. Abore tbta b.'1S41 unH lil each regton lin •
Dlarhae ~hale In C.Jlob region. and the Straight Clitr.
und.stl,ne III the Kaiparowits Plateau contnll} a late Colorado
(Nfohra l'a) fnuns. We hD.~e not round th19 fnuno III t.he
_ t1Dt .... Ie Wltll 11 tuuno or Carlile age. aod next In eacb I He or)' MOQuto.h.. arell, but it mu~t certaInly (.'orne In the
.aa of .odltoll.e nnd shale wah n (auna of hne Colorado It>wer l)O~t of the W Blue 00.10 shllle." 'I'he l.Icds immedtatel,.
cno:x ara ) a.~. p*rtlJ" martne DlId portly brackish water. In above thlS zoue of Klobroro yielded fc'O\T or DO
\tie Cek>b tbe DU:t blgllcr unit bJ ttle fresh-waler nnll with paleontologic d a ta lu tbe western Wasntch Plat eau (wbere
ttl rrulti~.d-llke bunn . It begin!lli. with a cOllglomernte. In ~ey form u. SCl"iC8 of l.'onglomerate. snndatope, etc,) and In
1tt Qtber fe,loDS the WIlQ with this ),,·ruiUand-Uke fauna II t Ie Kaiparowits oren, Rnd their equlYnlent Is appareutly mise.

Faunal Ccalville.
~p'" ..y '~ " ", Utah

W.:u.a.t.c.h W.ualch WaAatch Wuatch

. A~ent Ab"~t I Abs.,.,t

IKirtland \
1- .? Covered f---- -

Conti;u;ty ~.~~~~il':.t~~
• Wasatch Absent

I- 5... ,.
faara I • """"''''''

FLot;RJl 6,-Co("relatlon ot Cretaceoue (orll1atJona aDd dJstrlbuUOA or l3.unlll In Utab aDd adjaccDt rcjJlOll.

log In the Colob region. In the eastern 'Ya_tch Plnteau the

-PIrated trom the zone with the Nlobrara fauna by ather
Emery Madstone cootaLns a basal Montanl (a.una, I. dOl'l
MdI, "hleb Ire prooobl1 ot Monto"", age. I would .ot IDsl,t
.boo tbe uPIJCl' Pll't ot the U Blue Gille 8h81~." I would !X,p ect
riIhD,. 00 the:e correlations or elaitn o.b80lute equl'nlence ot t.o Aad it also lu the Blue Gate SZlndstone and believe tbot
the IIIl.ftI cited, but. the 8lmllnrltip.s In the sectiODS are much
thla IBDdstooe and the Emery are more or leaa equi.,aleol
. . . IIrtkl .. thnn the dJ.fferences. It seem, likely also that some part of lb. Wahwcap sand..
'l'ht lower &11\11<"01 (pre-.Ferron) or the eastern WnMtch
:Su. .he bus) port ( .. ndstone IDd C;ooglomerate) 9t th_e
:-1" ItrOUD ot the ,,·etltern Wasatch PlateAU: a04 CoAlvlUe,
.tODe woold belong bere. The \Vttbweap would alto """CD
to loC!lude an equ~.,nlent of the .. ala5uk HhQlo" a.nd the
)faluk I I1DdHtOlHl of tbe Henry Mountains lind 801M part
.......1 [l&rt of' the C<Jlob seetloD, ·t he "Tununll .hole" of ot the late Mancos ond e:trly Mesliverde at the eastern Wa·
... Bar, Mountains, nnd the lowel' part. of the T'rop\c ,bale .. tela Plateau. The Kolparowjt. formaUon aeeml to dDd
~~ Kaiparowits regiou contain the i=ame t.una-a p~ its equlnleDt til the highest bCt18 under the 'YnSDtcb forma·
r. Ile 111emblnge--ocd ore nearly at the tnme8le . The Uon ot the Colob I"eKloo,. tIle hl~e6t ;beda of tbe we~tern
: : : : III.ndstoDC ot the enstern Wasatch Plateau, the marine lVasatr.:h Plateau nod Coalville, region. and the higher Mesa·
Lht ott ot the we~tern Wusatch Plntenu ••d Coolville. .. erda at the eastern Wasatch PI3tcnu (Price RiveI;' forma·
of ..rlne shale of tbe Colob region, tbe Tunonk gDdl:ttODe
Ibt1lIe aen,'Y ~louDt"ln •• nnd tile ~pper pnrt or'.t/le TropiC fte ETalllton ",100 Sn southwe1Jtern Wyoming may alao
1\ 1. 01 the Katpo.l'owits region contain 0 Carlile faunA. be .c ompared with tbe areas cited above. AS shown In J'lpre 6.
• tllddle l[o.ncos (betweC'n Ferron and Emery iandatoa9

correlated }Vith the" nit.ter Cree.k group " .of Po,.el~"
but that these sout.hern plateaus included only part of
WASATCH J!'O.XATION (EOCENE) the series exposed in (he Uinta ;\{ountains. The com.
DIS'ffiIBUTION A.NO TOPOGRA'pf.l.W EXPRESSION position IlIld thicknc$s of the component members of
t,he "so\lthern Bitter Creek" were recognized by
Beds of early Tertial'Y (F..oeene) age anl continu- Dutton AS shown below:
ously displayed in the magnificent escarpments that
border the Paunsaugunt, Table CliO', and Aquanus UrJper ...·blte llmestouc and Cah!lll'C-OU .s marl (summit of
PI.teaus. They appear aL'lO in the broken sl?pes of ""rl .. ) --------------------------------------------
Pfnk cnJcnrcQus ~mn d stone __________ ___ __________ ~ ___
Canaan Mountain an outlier of the Table ClilY Pla-
teau. For many 1~i1e. around the heads of the Pllri.-
Pink conglomerate (base of the .series) --- -------- - ____ 500

"nd Escalante Valleys they stand as an upper tier of a 1,600

great •.mphit!\eater- -a bi-oken wall composed of .qua]~ 'llbe Pi nk Cllfi's • are expos ures of the nne-c:rntned
'II •

fluted columna of high proportions. From below the' culcul'eo'US .l!nn dstone forming the middle meulber of the
Table Cliff Platea.u ,they are seen to consist of a mas.. Blttor Creek.
of limestone 1,000 fcet thick with lIat top and v?rticRI The following generalized section he considered
sides resting on • sloping clull-color04 base. It IS sUr' representati ve of .the Tertil1 ry sediments in the clifi
pI'ising to find so enormous R block SO symmetrically of "the eastern and southem margins" of the Paun.
carved and so delicately colored, hut similar large. , EaUgllllt Plateau :
scale erosion fentu.ell OC.cuv wherever Ihese limestones
nre e:.:poscd-&ll n!\out the Pnonsaugunt PIIlIeau, in Gray CIl)Ni.reoua, i8.ntlstone____ ________________ ________
I.hc wall. of the Aqll11riU8 Pint e.", and at Conaon White limestolle______________________________________ UIO
PCllk. Detailcd erosion features aN likewite striking Rad marl)T l1meatoo8 and caJcltl'L'Ous ' !thale____________ 3GO
Red plnldsh Umeslollc _______ _______ _____ ___________ ,GO
."d ulIusulll. The mo."" of columns, pilUluclcs, and c
tables splashed with color thot mok"" Bryce Cnnyon .CoaglOOlertlte. with amall pebbles ot gravelly &O.ndstooe_ 190
atlmetive' i. repeR-ted mnny times in the eroded wall. . 1,281
of the southern High Plateaus, (See 1'1. 1i1.) All During his nlconnaissance of 1872 Howell" exnm·
the 'Ii'ertinry beds Ihat oro rec<lgni'zed in this region ined thc Tertiary at Lnst Bluff (Table Cliff Plateau).
ore now assigned to the Wllsatch formatioll. His published section, "measured in part and in
PREVIOUS STtJDIl:S part estimated," is quoled below:
Dutton" describes tho Paunsougunt as a "tahular 4. White to·cra, fresh·water limestone, contaiu-
block of lower Eocene beds, "".eeedingly simple in ing Hdi~ an<l Phl/Ia lIri-d.g"-renJti.s___ ______ _
its st.1-ucture," which aside from its " m;l.l:Vclou. color 8. Pink t~b,w8ter Umestone with bonds or blue
and sculptural forms prcsents liWe mlltter for special to,,-ar<1 the bllOO , containing PhllSU _________ _
remark." He mapped the top of the Pnun."Ugllllt 2. Purple and IJ&:ht-COloFed marls witll conslomer-
nte toward bMe. .. ______ _______________ _

and also j.hat of tho Aquarius and T.ble Cliff Plateaus 1. Gray arenaceous and ftl'g1l1ac e ou~ shuh~s, con-
And of Cannan Peok (Kaiparowits Peak) Il~ lime. t.'IhUnc aD ~loDgo.ted fOl'm of Phyaa. rln tlle
stono of 1'ertiory age, hel.. llnd tllel'e overlain by lower part) Utttea nnd two species of
I'LVa, In Dutton'. view" the l'ertiory system of the V·I17iP*"'&e.1, a single specimen of a sman
pllltuu country is Inellstr!'ne throughout, with thn e". OYltcr. were leen, lind some fnlgmeuts ot
larce bon.. __________ ____ __________________ 1, 2OI)-1,!IOO
ception of n f~w Inyers near the bose of the ~ystem
which hllve yielded estnal'ine fossils." From 11 nlll:<i- Total thickness ot Ttrthny beds ______ 2. s;,o....s.400
lUUIll thickness of more than 8,000 feet in the vicinity
of the Wasdcb .nd Uinta Mount... ins " Ule deposits As treated in ,t he present tepol't subdivisions Nos,
I'a id down in all enormous Eocene lake , 2, 3, BlId 4 of Howell'. section are T ertiary; subdivi·
sion No.1 is Creta~ous,
WlllCb must 1I.I\'·e had un .rea more than twice that of
Lake Superior nnd moy even have e~ceeded that of Howell remarks n 'tha~ the Terlia ..y beds "to the
the Jive great Conacunn lakes combined ," decreased in north 0 0 0 are mostly soft calcareous shale and
thickness souj,heastwRI'd and southwestward to shore marls" and th.t "southward there is an increase in
lines in New Mexico n.nd Nevndo, the limestone, and at the most southeastern exposure,
IDuttou noted tllllt the Eocene beds of the southel'll the I.ost Bluff, there "1'& over 1,200 feet of more or
pla.tenus, Markagunt and Paunsnugunj" were to be less compact limestone."

... Dutton. C. Po .. R('putt on tbe KeoloK1 at It\e H!ab Plal@au. of • POll"OlI, J. W .• &!putt on Ih., If~O~"" or tb~ ~Q,aterD portion. oilY
trtnh, pp. 12, 2:il- ::!GO. 2D~ 291-~9S. 1l5S--U9, U. 8. Geor. and G~. Uinta )(ountolol, p. 162, U. I . Geol. !Iud Ceog. Survey Iferr., lS10.
Sunc,. RockJ' MI., n~laD. 1880. • RO';\o'cll, E. E., op. cit_. PI'I. 270-2TJi.
ff Idt' fl), p. 26f"
on the irregularly eroded friable drab sandstone of the
Sections of Tel,tiary beds, here classed as Wasatch Kaiparowits f ormation, Doubtless because of its weak
fonDAtion were measu red at a number of places, In <
:ement Ihis conglolllel'Ute is not a cliff mal,er, Its
btoad se~se the lhree subdivisions outlined by Dutton characteristic boulders and pebbles covel' the slopes lit
loci Howell IlIBy be recogni1,ed, but the features of the the base of limestone dilfs, To judge fro m (his debris,
I bers are not persistent, and the .thickness or t.he the thickness and coorseness of the conglon<crnt.e differ
con.idol'Rbly ill different plaC<!s,
:vidunl beds und of t,he entire series eli/fers widely
b'OIII place to place, At the sout.h point of the P"un- The SOUl'C. of the igneous and metamorphic pebbles
ugunt PJatenu tho Wasatch measures 735 fcet, at th.t make uI'> this conglomerllte is unknown, Theil'
~ Canyon about 1,300 f~ct, and at Tuble Cliff ubout distl'ibution in the Kaipal'owits region suggests the
1~ feet. At Callann Pcuk only about 300 feet
jlresenCl) of a land rnns.i in centrul Utah that WIlS ex-
nmaialL Where it is not protected by h,,,U the upper posed and eroded during vel'y lote Cretaceous time
beds are much r educed by e1'0510n, No two exposures and then buried during Wasatch time, At pluces the
pebbles are few or are represented by lille gravel; else-
III alike in orl'llngement of beds Hnu resistance to
where the slopes al'll so coated with loose uoulders as
!fIIIion. Vadation in color, composition, texture, and
to mAke travel difficult, and the banks of the Little
1i!1le£UN is chul'IIctel'istic, Common relltures include
Hiver, nenr its head in Callalln Peak, nre composed of
prominent, narrowly spaced vertical joints; irrel,,'lliarly
boulders that are Ililed to heights or 20 to 4.0 feet,
pllced leme9 of reloti\'e ly resistant muteri"ls that give lIon, miles farther south along the PRrill River lind
1M appearance of cross-bedding; brecciated masses; \Vnhv.'eap Creek pebbles from tbis bed nre seen, and
.... misses of limestone embedded in calclneous they are readily recognized in the gravel beds of the
,bIt; lnd strings of conglomerate, (See pI. 15,) At Escalante Valley,
ill plaeM the ~olor of the unweathered rock is white 01'
At the divide between tbo Escalnnte and Seviet,
pd. pink, but on wellthering a strong pink tone is pro- Rivers the lowermost Wasutch beds consist of Q bllsal
in, giving at a distance the l'emarkable appeanncc conglomerate thot is composed chieOy ot pebbles of
'MI has mode these exposures fanlous, To the olJserv- quartzit~. 2 to 6 Inches in diameter, embedded in II
iIc Piute, they are Unt-saw-nl' Mu-kwun-kuut-K the matrix of sundy lime; pink limestone interbedded with
~ standing rocks thut shine," In general each
whit., calcareous sandstone; and IL massive bcd of
Ilriesof beds in the southern Utah Wasatch has, a top white limestone exceeding 100 feet in thlckness, Fos-
If "hite limestone, lumpy, slightly breceiated, and sils in th. dull-colol'ed £I'iable sandstono beds, below th e
ktee! "ith ca\'ities tined with calcite crystals, At conglOlnemto arc tbose tbat nre chaructoristic of the
Cullin Peak this cnp bed includes smooth egg-sbaped Kaiparowits fonlla~ion, The Wasatch beds lit " the
pebbles of limestone and scattered grains of basdtic dump" near ,the head ,of ,the Poria are eroded into
ash. At eoch exposure, but in di fferent stratigraphic tapering pillars and irregular columns thnt nrc crossed
positions, stRnd bcds 10 to 30 feet thick of dense faintly by broad bftnds of pink and cream-yellow, The
piak limestone that, makes a solid wall 100 to 300 feet material Is ehlelly limestone but includes a lens of
.i,h in wbich OCCur lens;'" of firm, dense grny limo- conglQnleroto Rnd thin hcels of calcareous sandstone
!loot 2 to 6 feet thick and 10 to 100 teet long, Also whose surfnces al'e covered with plant impressions,
.e each expoSure a series of shalelike limestones that Fossils lFe distributed spora.dically throughout the
have a total thickness of as much lIS 150 ieet appear dense and the brecciated limestone, but none were
"lVenly bedded silts mottled with dark-red, pink, "nd. found in the shalelike beels, They occur chiefly in
white b1ot.:hes. lenses Ind irregular maEses of crushed or \\'Ol'n bits
At Ute base {If the Wasatch section lies a conglom- of shells or as shell fOl'llls filled in witb calcite, All
....... quite unlike Rny otber stratum in southelUitern e"te~ded _reh resulted in finding only impedect
\jIg, It consists of unusually well'rounded and specimens, among whicb Dall" recognized" P1<ysa
-.tbed pebbles of pink, gray, white, ond ted quartz- pleuromati.Y probably PAy,a briaqel'c-Mi8, anel a small
ite, lOme minutely banded and cro.s-bedded, black discoid sheil which rony be a Yalvata or possibly a
~, rhyolite, porphyry, and many kinds of dense PlaMr!>u,'" He states: "There is little doubt of the
Ipeous roclu. About 50 pel' cent of the pebblei exceed F..ocene character of the deposit."
• illehes in diallleter', a few exceed 10 inches.
- . At few places ,on the Pauns3ugunt Platenu ILnd
of eoneealin,g talus tbis conglomerate b<)d waS seen III Table Clilf doeli 'he thickness of the limestono exeeed
PGlition only on tile west slope of the PaunSllug~t 500 feet, Ind at Cannan Peak it is about 200 feet.
Plateau, where it consists of 6 feet of quartz"quartzlle, So far as known the beds t.h"t cap the south.elLstern
Ild rhyolite pebbles arranged in overlllppl~g lenses e:stensions of the High Platp-ftus are of upprol<)mately
t.d held together with caleureous cement, LIme sb ..le
co.,," its uneven' surface and its bose is plastered
tbe eame age as th""" farther north and northeast, D.k<>t.(I) and San Rllinel beds that are lIp turne4
and they are thorefore III referred to the Wasatch. in the Pine Creek fold . Between Sand Creek and
The difference in thickne..& is possibly the result of Boulder Creek only the lOwest beds of the San Rafao!
surface erosion and of the relief of the underlying group relDain, Ind on ·the west flank of the Water_
CretaceoUl! beds, but the lowest bed> are not lithologic pocket Fold the Eocene rests on the NAVajo &.ndstor.e.
equivalents, and the great differe"""s in sequence, in , During tbe time intel'val thus indicated more than
composition, ond in tbe proportionate amounts of lime- i ~ ,000 feet of sediments were locally removed.
stone, shale, sandstone, and lignite make it p<l6si bl. QUATERNARY DEPOSITS
that the Te,'tiary strata of Utah were deposited in
several basi"" with bere Dod tbere o"erlnppiJlg rims. The sediments in the Kaiparowits region that dale
It seems UDnecel!Sary to follow Dutton in assuming from Quaternary time ore chiefly alluvial <leposits i.
that sucb widely separated and unlike sediments as valleys, on slopes, and on top of the bigher plateau
the elrbonaceolls sh.le and sandstor.e of the Price The accumulations of eolian sand are small and 10.
Ri"er, the purl> limebtone of Table Cliff, and cnlized (p. 145), Rnd incipient glaciation on the Paun_
the qullrlZ sandstone and cloy shale of Chuska Moun- S!lUgunt ond Aqunrills Plateaus has left only scattel'l!d
tain in the Navajo country were laid down contem- boulders and inconspicuous remains. Swamp deposita
porlUloously in a single Inrge depression. appear along the nart.hern headwaters of the Escalaott
Ril'er and about th~ glacial lakes on the Aquarius
UNCON}'ORlIl1' Y AT BASE OF J:OC:E1iiE Plateau. During the last half .century the alluvial
fill of mn.ny volleys has been scoured out by the
The well-known unconformity at the blse of tht streams.
Eocene beds in northern and central Utah hilS been
troced to the Knipu.rowits region along the face of
tho Paull.nngunt, Table Cliff, und Aquarius :Platealls. Unlike other luge parts of the plateau province, the
In places the bed. above and below are parallel, and Klliparowits region is remarkably free from igneolll
tbeit· separation is mlu·ked only by accumulations of rocks. lIo deep-selted mQl;~es, nOo dikes, and no vol-
g"a"el and by abrupt chonge from dull-colored ma- canic CODes have been found. The only products of
rine shnle .lId to pink or white fresh-water ignoous activity are lavn flows on the Table Clill' and
limeBtone. Elsewhere the unconformity is R mature , Paunsaugunt Plateaus-remnant outliers of mucb
slIrfneo of erosion that is de"eloped bdiscriminately greater 1Iows on t.he l-Iarkagunt n~d Aquarius PI..
on flnt-Iying, tilted, and folded strata of differerit age .A,., described by Dutton •• these Inas are basalt
Rnd different composition. At Cnnaan Peak the Eo- and "ere erupted from widely distributed vents at dif-
cene beds horizontally ovel'l ie tbe upturned strata fel'tnt periods during Tertiary and more recent tim...
of the East Knibab fold, in "'hicb the youngClSt Cre- A How in Johnson Cn.nyon overlies alluvial deposita
taceous sedimcnts nre involl'ed. Northward along tbe ond has interfered with the course of tho stream.
AqUArius PIlltcau the, Eocene rests on progressively
lower subdivisions of the Cretaceous and truncates the • D1ltt~, c. a . OtolClp of (be Hlgb Plntean of Utah, pp. 197-toI.
295, O. 8, Geo,. aDd Grol. Sar .." nodi)' "In. ~,IOIlI. 11'0. .
HISTORICAL SKETCH out rapidly aJ!::aiu to the 80utbwnrd nDd lOoon atterward 1I0t.
tena out und dhmppeors.
On his memorable voyage down the Colorado
Powell' Doted the broad fo:d croEsed by the river From a point on the south end of the Aquarius Pla-
.bo..e lIle mouth of Trachyte Creek. He describes a teau a third anticlinal fold about g miles west of fold
_ocIinal fold in Gl en Canyon a few miles below the B was r.oted. Between the mouth of Birch Creek
IIOOth 01 the San Juan , s follows: and Last Bluff (Table Cliff Plateau) Howell records
lwo other folds, as follows:
.... Lew .ilea below the ::J]outh ot the 8 •.-" Juan River ,,'e COOle
IUD lDtertstl n: DlODoclinHl fold, where Ute dip ot the rocks la Tbe Orst ot thesc, D, is a monocllnul. wllb n throw ot' a
III dlreet:.OD fl IJttlc norte of E'as t-tlJat is, the bed. are tew bundrel! feet only to the west. FroiD this rold the beds
Qql~ down on tte eo.~tern sJde ot the Iioo_ . ,...b1cb (rend. rise )It In lagte ot trom 2'" to 4" to the west-Sr.UU1West, until
LfI2r17 DOrtb. and Bouth, not broken oft and dropPed. down but too point 11 Is renched, when t hey dip Ziud.dcnly to the west
Aued, ~ bcot. so that the beds on rae ",'eltern aide ot the lice .galn. at an ftu,"re 8!1 hleb tn some IJlaccs as 800 • After droP'"
Mf'tound ot an nltltnde mauy hundteds ot feet above those pJOZ about 1,000 (eet the,. assume" nearly hol'lY.ontul posltl\)D
~II tIM! ellt, nDd tarther down t t)(! rtn'l the rocks eXpOsed at IDd apparentl1 continue to the Last Blntt with 110 tarther
•••ter edGe ot i'reQte~ a;e tban thOse above. df.IJturbunce. Tbese tolds are botb DloDocUnn la • • • nnd
were traced t'or 20 01' ao mlies.
The Echo monocl ine was also observed:
Fold D, or perhnp8 folds· D Rnd E combined, is
M tbe toot ot this [Gleu] CIUllon another ll.lODOcllnlll told is the Escalunte .monocline, but the locations and dimen-
ten. witb Ole tla'ow, or dr~PI also 00 the ellst side, or tbe up·
R(t, I( ODe is 80 pleused to term It, on the west sh!e; nDd this
sions given are (00 generalized to lollow with assllr-
bthg's up .pln CDl"oonlferOI,lIl ,sudstones Dud I1mestones. ance in tbe field. Howell mentions a.lso the "Poria"
A.. R Thompson' described the Waterpocket mono- (Echo monocline) and "Eastern Kaihab" folds,
dine IS. «cliff forming the rint of Escalante B •• in " which were measured "just n little south of their
ad said of the Esclllante monocline: • At the end of point of inter.ection, where the combined throw of
I!) miles this canyon valIey was abruptly ended by a
the two folds is about 4,000 feet." But his section,
IiDa of cliff. that stood directly across its course." which extends from the Kaibab Plateau eastward,
across the Echo Cliffs and Kaiparowits Plateau bears
An!CCn.,aissftnce by Howell' along the east base of the
little relation to lhe actual structure.
Tible eli' and Aquarius Plateaus included a brief
From ohserl'ation points oil the slopes . of the Henry
Ihldyof the major structurd featurcs. 'rhe East Kaj.
Mountain! Gilbe,·t· traced the course ()f the Wntcr-
llab fold wa. traced northward from Kaibnb Plateau.
pocket Fold and d&cribed and illustrated the inajor
It WCI last seeD a few ml1el to the eAst or Lost Blua .tructur.l features of the portion north of the Musuk
(TIbIo CUIf Platoou) and e'lde~tI1 do.. not .",Iend much Plateau as folIows:
fart_ In thnt dtrecUou. lts drop at Pario II not t'or trom
I.Q !ett. • • • Between the Lost Blurt oDd the Henry It 1s far tl'om tollowing Q. strnlght line but, lIko most
1Ioot.IDII the rocks nre folded llDd thrown Into WO?CS OD Il lines ot orograpblc dlsh:rhnnce., swcrV9 to the right nnd
lfelter ICnIe than elsewhere seen. left, whlle maintaining 1 geDeral trend. The amouDt ot Its
"tbrow," Or tlIe dllrerence In level beh\'een Eldjaceot parts ot'
'l\e uplift thllt underlies the 'Henry Mountains and tbe two blocks whlc:b. it divides, Is inconlltoot, ita maximum
ita 'Ontinuation northward into the San Rafael Swell be.lng 1,000 feet. At some poJnts tbe tlexed 8trata. are Inellne<l
is shown in section, and the Waterpocket flexure is . at OD angle ot 50 0 , while at others their greatest dip J8 but
16-, Towanl the north the lIexure twice divides. One ot
tleauibed as two folds. He says: Its branches, the Blue Gate fie-xure, bna a throw to tb\! !mUle
fte tutern told, A., trends south·southeast, t:eeplnc ao lpo. direction Bod by its separation Jncreascs the throw ot the
JIIOJtaateb .tl'8.Jght course tor 100 roUe. to the Colorildo main llexure,
~""1IJd N••ojo Mountain. • • • The fold B (about 12 Gilbert' also briefly described the PAri .. fold (Ecbo
.... "0It of told A) approaches Ibe told .... In oce pia.,.
• elese17 that the two form a perfect 8nUclinol. It »pl-eodl
monocline) and directed attention to its stratigraphic
.: r..n. I. w., Explor'atlon ot the Colorado Rhu ot tb, lV'lit PD."
• Gllhr:rt. G. K., Report on the s:eot~)' of Ibe BCD..,. MouutIlID.1.
'"' ........ pp. 17T. ITS. I8T5.
"Gna. "" 1S1, 140. pp. 12-1-1. 18$0.
'Bnrll, IE, )~ .• U, S . Oeoi;'. IIn~1 Gf1ol. SUr\"f1' W, 100tb 1I'e:r. Rept., • GlIllert, O. K, U. S. Ocol, Sunt,.. W. lOOlb Mer. RUflt.. vol. 8,
fOL ~ lIP. 201_20ii. 187Ci. pp. Gl-ll2. 1873.
"'" I
Dutton' has much to say ~f the structure of the el.:rend :uore than a hundred mill'S south of the Colorac!o -lid
c(>.rtainly reaches no miles ItOrUI of the rln-I" .. • " 'l'IIt
Escalante Bosin and the Kaiparowits Plateau IS seen lIJt!l1 dowDcbrow ot the Dlonocline varlC:5 greatly rrolD plaet

from distant viewpoints on the Aquarius Plateau. to place, but al oD; those porUnDs 1Ii'herc It has beeQ wei
The Waterpocket Fold a.nd the Escalante monocline (observed, the- toWl di~plnccmcllt J.'8nIC~ from 3,;j()O t o 4.tXlO feet.
are vividly described. He says: I ts age Is Terti ary And probably very ne:ull' l"(lIeY31 wit. l_
East K!llbab monocline-I n olller worus, rather Tertlar,.
The b'tl'ucturc or tbe plateau 18 best atudled UPOD the south- 'rhe proof at. Tertiary uge Is conc lu sive, since UUt flexure bead.
ern slopc!t (ot the Aquori Wl Plateau}. Here the most sulk· the Cretnceou8 betls WIH~ re\'cr it apJlI"o:lchcs U1em, and ttl
IIlI: i'eat uru I~ JQrge mODoc1 wO I, already RlIulied to as a.
nortllwnrd continuation jovol\"eli lJle Eocr" ll ~
companion to th e Waterpot'ket Fo)(], It comes up from the
6(lutbcnstl crotllllng lhn lower end of Pot oto Valley. and t rend. The Echo monocline has been described by Davis,'
nlollp t he KlopCR northwestwArdly. dl!Jal~pearlng beneutb the I<ho considered it older tholl Lhe Pliocene; ,by Robin_
111va cu p. '!'he throw ot tbe monocline Is to the wcsl\' son,'· who thought it origillntcd during the Eocene-
Upon Ill' JIll.1Jk~ Ihe Cl'otuecoulS 8l' ~ te.m I.s turned up and dips
wC14tward benea th tbe 8outhwC'Btwtlro e%t~nsloD or tile gl!D-
Miocene interval; and by Gl'egOl'y,lt who presented
erul pJlltf!nu mO il!. Tbe ~ ges ot Its str{&tll arc tru[)(!llted by- evidence for believing it pl'obably pl'e-Tel·tiary.
cl'oSlo n, nIH! o\"cr lltt:nll li es uDcouformably the Tertiary. Tb" PI·ior to the wOl'k on which the present report is
lIpthrow or tho Dlnnocllnc bea.ves Ill) tbe lUI'oliBlc whIte suod· based no structural feature of the Knipnrowits region
st ODC. wblcb 1..8 ~'CD roiling up In a huge wave 1,200 to 1,800
had been described on the basis or detailed field 00-
teet hlgb uc ross the lower end of Putolo Valley. 'I'he position
or thiN flu' ure relntlvoly to the plntenu mo" l!i vecul1::lr and servations. Severol of the fea tures have not been
\'~ ry ~trlk l ng; Indeed, at flr.!4t bight It a ppeQ.l'8 ftltogether previously recorded.
nnoD'lulou8, We nre nCf!Ul,-tolned 10 the welltern reg100s to
t1CO the all'uta rolk'tl up On Lhe flanks of D. mouDtAl n lIDi;e REGIONAL RELATIONS
l ike n grent Wtlt'C urged ollward toword D COllst And brenkint;'
nKftlD:ll Ibt rocky bnt t len.:. But the Escalnnte ficxnrc 1:5 like As suggested by the wide, sensibly flat plateaua Ind
a wove IIWN!I)lug alnDG' partdlel to the .;:oatit, the creflt Hue of long, even-crest<!d esc~rpDlents the rock beds through.
Ibe wu\'c lIeluG' [ICIT1endlculur to tbc trend ot the tlllore. HII
out most of the Kniparowits region are gently inclined
line or strike ru,ns up Lhe .slope and disnIIDCOrs beneath tbe
Tortlnry neor the summit or the platenu. A' tine Atream ot or nenrly horizontal. This simple general attitude
wllter [Pi ne C'rec.k) runs upon this monocline pnfnHel to Its l~ intelTupted in places by sharp monoclinnl tle%-
strike, precisely os Wnterpocket Or~k. ruDS u.POIl nDd parol- ures, which trend in a general nOl'lhcrly direction. and
I~ I to th C!. CUUniC ot thot flpXU1"e.
subdivide the regiolk into large gently tilted blocks.
'l'he oge ot the Escnlnute monoclIne hi evidently pre-Tertiary.
It 11ft I betm e xhumed hy the geD41ral erosi on dt-e.r bavlng
In places minor undulations interrupt the othc .....i~
ooQU burlcc1 benC!o(h JoJoc ue Rtrat.ll, lind pCLer tb4..'SC atr lllt\ had regulal'ly inclined beds between the monoclines. W<'II.
lK:e n oWl'flowed, In gl"Ca t part nl by m01l1 hundreds nnd northwest of the Kaiparowits regioIl north",ar~­
ot reet ot 10 \'R8. lI'ending fa.ults divide t.he plateaus into blocks not un-
~'rom Dutton's viewpoint only the northeast face of like those produced by the monoclines. In each or the
the Kaiparowits Platellu WIU! visible. Accordingly three monoclinal folds th.t traverse centl'.l iout.hem
tho plateau appeared to bo compo9<.-d of strata" quite Utah the dip of the beds is eastward, and the rocks on
horizontol." Tho structural feutures within the rna.;. the west are elevated and thoge on the east depressed ..
were not obsel·ved. Along each of the iaults the movement is in the op·
Of the "Enstern Knibnb fault" nnd the "Po.lln- posite direction, the rock.9 on the east being ele\1lted .
snuglmt inu1t," Dutton 1 SllYS: nnd tbose on the west dropped. 'T he 1Di'>n oc iina! folds
'i'be Enliteru Knlbab fmllt [told] • • • continues Dorth- affect all the rocks from the uppel'most eretaCe<lllf.
word pnst PurlR tr~ndlng Orlit north·northoo6t but wraduo.lly downward but cl:o not involve the Tertia.ry, 'II'heren.
swing-tug In a (~Ul'l'O arountl to the northwest, al WRl's pre- .~e iuultg displac. the Tertiary beds os well. The
servin, its true lnollocHnlll rorm. As tt approaches Table CUt!
dIsplacements of two 'YllCS are thUJ> of .liferent
It dwllldl~ os it about to die out; but op{)09lta tllE.' 80Utll\Vetl
Anglo ot Iho Aql1ndu!I Plot(!-Rn It is joined by on Important geologie 31l'1. Only one of th~ fnults affects the Kai·
tnuJt coming from the S()Uth ·~u rb W' es t. This Is tbe Paun. parowits region. This, too East iPounsnugunt fault, .
MUJ.:llllt fault. Which ilcs ucnr the en~e rn hnse of that plnte~ll1. trends northeasllvord 0 long the east border of the
Dutton' thus describes the «Echo Cliff monocline": Paunsa.u gunt Plateau.
It gc.eJ'os proper olso to deK't'ibe brleOy the ~cho Clllt mono- Aside from the deRe~.tiolls tllnt are due to the moDO-
clint', since It Is one or the mrn:;..t IDlportant In tha t gren t Merles clinal folds, tbe general inclination of the beds in tbe ·
ot t11splnrenlcot$ which t-rnve rS('1i the dlltrlct trom south to southern port of the Kniparowits re<>-ion is northward,
north. ~~ver)'wller'e It ill a truo oHlnOcHn(', It Is known to for' the rocks constitute the n"orth flank of the
• Outron, C. 1I:l., BcJ}Ql't on tbo ~l o;y or tb., Blsoh Pbttl.'lUIt or
lltt\b. J\p. :'!8~DtS, n. 8. Gool. and GcoJ:. Surn',. RO(ks Min Re"'lon
1s...~. ' .. ,
t Idptu, pp, 8:!-33 •
• Outlon, C. E .• Tt'rtlftry Itt.tor)' of tbe Grand Clln101l (ItRtrlct:
fl. S. ClOO). SlIr"",. Mort. :. p. !O:i, ISS:!.
jI1lI<I Grand Cttnyon up""rp in Arizona. Northeast The rocks in tbe monocline OI'e steeply inclined to

~ Tlhle Cliff and Last Ghance Creek-aloll" I.he ihe east, and dips range from 1.)0 at tne south end of
suai..ob~ ~Iifl's and in t.he Escalante Vnlley~he ihe fold 011 the Colorado RiYer to 7';° at some points
~ dip of the roel" is gently sout.hwestward fro\l1 east of the Circle Cliffs. (See pI. 19, A.) In severn I
:JIcrts& of the prominent 'Vaterpocket Fold . . Thesc , places a horizontal traverse of a little over 2 miles
ilGId structural features nrc represented in the struc- inY~lves ~'OSSil\g all beds from the top of Lhe Permian
{;I!IlDIpoHh.e region (pI. 16) and are also indicated i Ka.lbab I.mestone to the Mosuk SIIIHlstone, ncnr the top
iI the strue!ural sections shown on Plute 17, of the Cretaceous, a 'stratigraphic sectiou of approxi-
mutely 9,000 fect. (See pI. 18,) Neal' the head of
Hulls Creck the structurol displncerr.ent is nbout 9,000
During the COlll'Se of planc-blble surveys of most of feet, but, t.o the sonth the eastward inclination of UIC
_}'ariA Valley, the Kaiparowits Plateau, the Circle .'oeks becomes grudnully I~ss, the 1I1l10uut of the dis-
Glifs, and Halls VaEey altit.udes of nUnlC\'oas beds plllcement diminishes, and 11 short distance soutb of
we derennined nt hnndreds of di/rel'ent points. By the Colorndo Rive,' the fold disappears. Where tho
~"'UI'I'ments of the thid",e" of formations ill the Colorudo Ri vel' cro,,",'<eS the Water pocket Hexure the
puu of the urea. tIm. tmvcrse", :t is possible to oon- uppermost part of the Moenkopi iormnt,ion is exposed
~ a fairly nccurate genera! .tmctlll'lll map on a for a short distance, und the overlying weRk Chinle
IIIecIOO datum plane. shale widens the canyon 10cuUy, (See pI. 26, C.)
Agrurlure map of the Circle Clifl's (fig. 8) "as pre- Along the enstern ftnnk of the " ' lIterpocket lIIono-
lJ'R'l wit.h t.he top of the Knibao limestone ns a datulU cli"e " longitudiual miley is carved in soft Upper
p/II..,bnt in mukiug tbe map of the Inr!!er area shown Jurassic and Cretllceous rocks, ond the moro resistn.l1t
:J Plate 16 it was found that the representation of stmtll stand on the floor of the valle), liS low hogbncllS .
.:ractu .... based on 11 stl'utigraphic horizon that in some Southward from the "icinity of "ruley Twist the
;:Iaoo; Wftl niO:'e than 9,000 feeL below the surillce was steep west wall of the longitudillal valley consists of
.wj,d to considerabie errol', chidly becuuse of un- Namj o sandstone, which extends to the cr<l.<;t of the
ruWD nrilttions in thickness of the formations. monocline and continues down its SOllthwestel'll slope
lien"" the top of the Dakota (1) sundstone, or r.ltber into the Kaiparowits downwarp. Korth of :Mlllcy
:!IeblSeofthe persistent und highly fossiliferous basal Twist the Kllvnjo fOl'ms a high hogback ridge sep-
SIIIdstone of the Tropic Shlllc, which is .. very widely arated by B narrow longitudinal valley front the shnrp-
diltribuled, well exposed, und readily identifiable angled sandstone ridge formed by the Todillo (1)
mooD, was selected as a more suit:tble datum. It Bnd 'Vingate formations. In the middle eastc\'ll
is approximately in t.he middle of the strllt.igrnph:c part of the Circle Cliffs the Wingate tends to forlll
ietlion. a scl'ies oi t.riangular pyramids separated by ellst-
In computing tbe altitude of the Dakota ( 1) sand- ,vo.rd-flowing tributaries of Muley Twi<t Creek, which
tone ill where olde!' and younger rocks are flows southward along the contnct of the K a vajo Bnd
uposed at the surface convergence maps were COil ' Todilto( 1) formations. The weak Trillssic Chinle
a'.IIIttd for each of the main stratigraphic divisions. and Moenkopi rocks fOI'm It lowlltnd on the west sid e
r... uample, an increase in thickness of mom thaD of the s.lndstoue ridges, but the underlying hurd Kai-
IlOO feet in the Triassic rocks between the Circle bab limestone forms a dip slope thut I'ises to the snm-
aifalnd the San Juan River was taken into account. mit of the anticline, where an ultitude approximately
x-.rements of strike and dip were made in many ,;qu!1 10, thAt of the crests of the so.ndstone I'idges of
JlII1.I of the region. This information, supplemented the plateaus farther east is reached.
I>rlbserv&tiollB of the areal distribution of formations 'Ehe'poe\,et monoclinc im'olves all the stmti-
IIIIIlltitudes obln inca from topograph ic maps, ,vas fled rocks below the Masuk sandstone, nnd the date
lliliad in dl'&fti ng the structural map. of the deformation is therefore at least as hlt. as
the I&tcr part of the Cretaceous.
1Q Waterpocket monocl ine is one of t.he domina.nt
.lIIetaral clements in southern Utah, The ridg... The Circle Cliffs upwarp is nn elongated, very asym-
IrIIed by the shllrply npturned maEsive sandstone metric anticEne, sOlllewhat more than 50 miles in
liioi tbe long, Dorrow soft-rock .alley that marks its length, bordered on the east by the Waterpocket
~ may be tr'lCed for a. distance of neo.rly 80 miles monocline. The highest part of the upwarp IU1$ a
.... \he Colorado River northward to Thousand dom &! form compreHed from east to west and elon-
r..u Mountain. From Kotom southeastward the gated para1)el to the trend of the monodine. Here
the top of the Kaibab limestone rises to ahout 6,.';00
~ 8lDks of the Waterpocket monocline are par-
lieularl}: conspicuous, f~t"e sea level, at " point neur The Peaks. If

Dire<:tly aCI'OES the waU the E~cal~nle River has cut.

the Dakota (') ""ndstone were &till p...... nt o,'er thc
summit of the upwarp it "'ould have an altitude of deep, nanow tl'eneh, the begmllln~ of a continuous
about 11,300 feet. ~orthwlI.rd along the .... is of the canyon thllt leads to the Colorado R,ver. The changt
upworp a relati vely shono.. sug lies bet ...een the high in topography from a broad, open .aIley 10 a precipi.
point in the Circle Cliffs ond a second high point tous-sided trench is abrupt. South of Escalante the
in the Miners Mountain ~w~11. South .... rd the crest monocline plunges southward And seems to disappear
of the up warp plunges graduoUy ·to about 6,500 feet within a few miles. Northwnrd, however, it» western
I short distance aouth of the Colorld., River. South· flank for a (Ustance of nbout 8 miles is ·exposed in the
westward the dip slopes on the hard Juras.ic sand· banI, of Pine Creek. Farther north, on Sand Creek
atone form a gcntle descent., interrupted by low anti- the fold has been beveled by pre-Tertiary erosion, IDd
clines and "ynclines, that leads toward the Kaiparowits n. a series of truncuted beds it disappear. beneath the
downwarp, whose lowes~ part iQ 30 to 40 miles dis- limestone Rnd Jn~a of the Aqua.riu. Plaleau. Unlike
hnt. After crossing the belt of weak Upper Jurassic the beds involved in the Waterpocket flexure the Jur...
rocks in the VaHey this clip slope oontinlJ(!S sic beds exposed in the east.ern limb of the Escalante
to the hud sandstone of the K.iparowits Plateau, monocline have gentle clips. that e."tend for but a few
Erosion has breaclled the high plrt of the Circle miles before becoming merged witb the gelltnl
Cliffs uJlwarp and produced a brond elliptic..1 VAlleT 1'~giOl1al ~tructure. But the strnta that form tile
in the 80ft Tri_ic shale. (See pis. 8, B; 22, B.) westward flank dip sharply downward-80° to se"
Thi. dcpre8sioD, which is surrounded on all sides along Pine Creek, Hio on Deadman Creek-and brine
by inw.rel-facing cliffs of msssi"e Jurassic .. ndstono, the Nn>ujo somlstone (Jurassic Y) and the Straight
is not hollowed .mootllly ·into a basin but contains in Cliffs sandstone (Uppel' Cretaceolls) into the sam,
its ccnt.ral pal·t a broad, dome-shaped elevlltiOl) that , horizOntal pI nne. The displacement amounts to more
i. upheld by the hnl'" Permian limestone and sur· thlUl 2,000 feet within a horizonW distance of about
mounted ill two <Jr three ploces by outliers of hard . 2 miles. In its regional r.lutions the Escalante moIl().
Triassic conglomerate (hilt reach an altitude u great cline is an interruption of the gener.! dip of the beds
lIB that of the top of th. surrounding sandstone rim. I bet\Veen the crest of the Watel'pocket llexure and the

base of tho Aquarius and Table Cliff Plilteaus-a h"ll'l
wrinkle in an otherwise continuous westward-dipping
In the ccntral pHrt of T . 36 S., R. (; E., & southwlrd- sa.ndsLone.
trending shallow .-yncline crosses Harris CrtU, a
tributary of the Esenlnnte River. The structure is I KAIPAROWITS DOWNWARP
clearly shown in the basal sandy, gypsiferous upper The great southward projection of the Crete_
Jumssio beds that overlie the Navajo sandstone. On rocks tbat compose the Kaipa.rowits Plateau is el-
the east side of the syncline the dip is 3° to 10·, bul plained by the structural depression of the plateau
on the west it is us much us 20°. The southward area.. Northeastward from the base of tbe platelu
plunge of the syncline is 11\01'" than 150 feet to the mile. there is an essentially uniform rise of tbe rocks to the
COLLETT ANTICLINE summit of tho Circle Clift's upwarp, and there is 00II'
oequently no real line of division between the treal
The ColleU anticline is a minor elevation of the designated downwarp and upw.rp. A convenient and
beds on the west .ide of' tho. Han'is syncline. It is natural clivision, however, may be mode along the line
locully l'Elther prominent. on nccouut of the control of. the Cretaceous outcrops marked Ly the Strai«ht
it e:scrts in the distribution of the roellS al th" surface Chff.. On the 80utb Ilnd southeust tbe rock beds rise
havieg pl'oduced a nearly continuous extension of gently toward tbe Colorado Rh:.r, Ind the" al"e no
the NaVAjo sunclstone from tho broad area of its out- . clearly defined atrllctul'Ol limits of the downwarp ill
orop north of lInni. Wash to Collett Creek on the this ~irection. This part of the downwarp is char-
sout.h. As mensur. d ill the st.rnt.ilied rocks that over. acterIzed by gentle undulatioDs, whose axes convergo
lie tbe NAvajo the inclination of the beds in the ,u:t.i- to\•• rd the center of the depressed Along Wah·
cline is 6° to 20° on the enst flonk aud 4° to 5° on the weep Creek t.he nOlth end of the Echo monocline is.
west flail k.
more prominent rock fold th.t ma.rks out ti,e Paria
ESCAI••UiTE MONOCLINE platfo)'m on ~he west from tbe structurally slightly
IO",el' area to the east. On the west the Kaipllrowir.
The Escalante monocline is locally IL very prominent
.. ~rp is sharply bounded by the Eost Kaibab
st·ructural fent,III'O. As viewed from Escalante it down
mouochne, ... hose ·main axis, marked by the course of
stands os IL 11'011 of steeply upturned sandstone "bor.
derod by lower-lying surfaces of gypsum sh.I •. and the House Rock Valley and Cottonwood Creek, trends
of the "Gnt" tills trend
alluvium, in tlte midst of which the villa~e is pioced not·tlt-northeast. North
gradunlly changes to the northwest, and tbe dip af
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l'A NO IIA ~1I C VIEW ( ..1 ) "' IW:'1 f: IIE.c:.T OF WATF.npOC KET foLD .\~O SIoi.I:.TC II ( Ij ) SII OW IXG SUHF.\ CE DlSTflIBCTI ON 0 1" t 'OIi,I\IATJO:\' S
U. 8. O,.;OI.l)OIC,\L 8UR"~Y

Il. VIEW LOOhli"U; ~OI,'rll ,\I,HN G HALI.S. VA.U.F.Y fllO:'It .\ POINT JUST ALlOYE ::'IIOUTII OF ;'\IULl~\' 'i'WIST
'"", IlIt~ httUf)1I ia (Of,~~'mlf'ld IU"ofI al the
_hI' ,iI".. i3I Nltvl.,jn; dnrk ,.",., "u~ lll of !.hI:! CMIIt,,1 (Ufl1)lIliCJII tlilld "!nIt. Ioar.d,.t;.:,f'.
II p."'ar.,t Illin k-(t, 11"" cliff" In the ,,,ct ,lio.11I1'IOI) arc oonll ~ of Sunuoen'illll, ~lorrjy') lJ , And n~ "O'1II <:") fO(lRllt km".


N'lIn,jo lMl~"lonu III hlfl, IXt~OIJJ (~) s.:tnd1lllloe., TroPro llilwt." ulld St,.lIighl ClitrlC ""ndtiIOM, ill order
nnllla.), ::Iol nih.!.

~ rocb iSnotuoly less steep thun further south . The entirely sun'ounded by younger formations. So far
northern pll"t of thc c10wnwurpcd urca. has a definitelY a~ known, the axis of the anticline is only 8 or 10 miles
.,-.dinaIE.tructlll·e, with an axis that tl'ends northwest. long.
AI the &XIS of the syncline trends almost exactly be-
CROTON SYNCLINE Table Cliff, it is culled the Table Clil syncline,
althougb tho Tertiary rocks of the plateau are not at .The Croton syncline borders the Rock Creel, anti-
all inl'ol ve <! in the structure. cline On the west nnd trends almost due uorth "Ion~ the
In most places the surface of t!:Je Cretllceous sand- ~roton Branch of Lnst Chance Crl'('k. On the"'east
s'.I)D8 platfOrms IIccul'>ltely reflects the rock slructul'e. Side of the syncline the heds dip 8° or 9°, but on the
From t~e crest of thc Stl'llight Cliffs .. dip slope is they havo ol1ly a slight inclination toward the
,ntly ulc!lned to the southwest. (See pI. 21, .!t.) .'n8 of the syncline,and within & short distunce t.hey
TllLS dip 1$ locally much steepened On approaching reassume the regional slope toward the soutitwest
the Table Cliff syncline, as illdicnted topograpbically LAST CHANCE SYNCLINE
.1 the development of hogbacl< ridges on the Wah-
..elp undstone eust of Table Cliff and Canaan Peak_ Throughout Ilmost its entire course Lnst Chance
A view from any prominent point, such as the C~eek follows Ihe IXis of. gentle but well-defined syn-
a..t of the Cretaceous hO<Ybncks on tho Enst Kaibab chne, the eHst limb of which is formed by tho geneI'll I
lIIoaoeline, shows clearly ~,e gently "'.sin-like struc- l'egional dip ot the rocks, and tha west lill1b by a. gentle
lU~ olthe oontl'al PUTt of the K"i pa.owits downwarp. Flse towal:d the crC01t 01 the Smoky Mouutain anti-
The lowest purts o,f the basin iu the vicinity of Canaan (Iille. Locally dips ot as much as 5° Ul'O observed , ~d along the hel'S of Wallweap Creek are bllt jn general I,hey do not exceed 2° 01' 3°, The axis
OC<:UPJed by soft. rock. of the Klliparowits fOl'm ..tion, of the syndine plunges nOI·thwe'Stw,lrd at an ILv.rage
•aC lhe D1nximum thickness of this formation lies rate of about 65 reet to the mile, the dit'ection of slope .
"hre the underlying sandstone is mOBt depressed. l>eing opposite to thot of the stream's /low.
'file dip slope on the top of the Wllhweap SIlndstone SllOKY ~IOUll'TA.IN ANTiCLiNE
rises I:"ntly but ' in a c1enrly defined manner on the
nonheasl, east, southeast, lind !IOuth. On tho west Tbe geotly rounded divide on the surface of the
lies the steeply upturned sandstone of the East Kai- StraigM C1itrs SIIndstone plateau and th" Grand
bob rnonodine. Bench defines an anticlinal axis tha.t l'Qsses thl'ough
The top of the Straight Cliff. sandstone forms & Smoky lfountain. The anticline IDay be desi:;llI.ted
brood platfonn that extend. outwa.rd from Ihe IAlst conveniently the Smoky Mountain o,nl.icline. Between
OiaDce Cliffs. Except in part of the a·rea along Last the headwaters of Warm and Last Chance Creeks this
Cbaoce Creek, where the rocks of this division have axis is very sharply marked, Ilnd the dip ~Iope i!'Om
been extens;"ely ' a.ltered by the burning of the in- the top of the sandstone is very readily observable
<Iuded coals and ha,ve been much dissected, the with the eye. F'arther south the axis of the anticline
laritiEs of the platform define the gentle anticlinlll is less clearly defined. Its trend is parallel to that of
and synclinal wal'pings that ani superimposed on the the synclines on each side, and like them it plunges
legional structure in this part of the downwarp. gently north west ward_
South of the Straight Clift's escarpment the platform WAJI~1 CREEK SYNCLINE
bown 8S the Grand Bench, formed mainly by mas.
Warm Creek follows the central axis of a gentle
live Morrison conglomerate, shows a continuation of
synclinal depression somewhat similar to that of List
IIrudural features observed in the rocks farther
Chance Creek but 'broader and, especially to the south,
less clearly defined. It is of int.erest chiefly on ac-
count of its relition to the position of tho stream.
A. prominent southeastward-trending anticline is
obsened on the headwatel'll of Rock Creek, about 6 WABWEAP SYNCLINE
Illites north of the Colorado. River, and intersects the The structurally depressed area on the ea&t side of
Little R«i Valley, a tributary of Iha Croton' Branch of the Echo monocline may be desigllllled Ule Wlhweap
~st Cbance Creek. Unlike mo.ny of the structural syncline. The tl'end of this syncline Is more northerly
features of the plateau country, tbe Rock Creek anti- titan the structural fe,.tures that hav~ been noted
(lillt showS no steep dips, the marimum inclination farther east, and tbere is here little structural dif-
being about 8° or 10°. The Ultieline has an elliptical ferentiation from the WllrID Creek syncline, which
dome Shape that is striking beca.use of its clear expres_ adjoins it on the cost. For the most part Wah weap
sion in the dip slopes of the Grind Bench and because Creek does not follow the uis of the Wahweap syn-
of exposures of N avaje) sandstone on Rock Creek and cline but /lows in a course parallel t<> it, a short dis-
"'.hIYelep sandstone in Little Red Valley tbat are t ance to the west.

TABLE CLIFF SYNCLINE scuthern Utah is obout 18 miles, but 20 miles north
As defined by steep northeasterly dips at the hew of of tbe State bound ary, where it passes into the un-
the Paria Valley and by similarly steep southwestedy differentiated purt s of the Kaipa rowits downwarp,
dips that are marked by the northwestward-trending it is barely 8 miles wide.
hogback ridg.. along the h8l1dwaters of the Esealont~, 'rho genMe northe rly dip slope is "e~ well defined
the Tllble Cliff syncline mark. the bottom of the ]Cal' on the top 0.£ the Navajo sandst one m the Pit.
parow ita downwarp. Its aIis t.rend~ north:",estward, Plateuu. East of the Paria Ri ver it. form. the hrou
and 18 indicated by a study of the Kaiparowits forma- Clark bench, south of the Straig ht Cliffs escarpmenL
tion and the altitude of the top of the Wahweap sand- {;pper Jurass ic and Cretaceous rocks overlie and <:un-
stone, there is apparently a gentle plunge to a low ceal the Navajo in most of the portio ll of the Paria
point in the vicinity of Canaan Peak. Th.• cent~.1 platform thnt is included in the .ares here described.
part of the syncline is occupied by the KaiparoWIts EAST KAIDAB MONO CLINE
form.t ion; The rocks are beveled oj!' rather smoothly
l1y erosion, 80 that abo,'s the axis of the Iy~cline t?e The East Kaiba b monocline justly ranks as .. major
Tertiar y bed. rest on beds high in the KaIparoWits structu ral feature of the platea u countr y. It extew!i
formation but a short distance to the ea!i; and west withou t interru ption from the Colora do River north.
they teat ~n SDIldatone of the Wah-weap formll.tion, and ward to Table Cliff, a distance of about 120 miles,and
farther awny on lower beds down to the Nl.vajo sand- defines the eastern' border of the Kaiba b Plateau. It
atoM. raise. the rocks- on the west several thousand feet
above those on the east, and throug h its influence in
guiding erosion the presen t stratig rapbic formation.
The sharp monocliMI flexure that is called by are so distributed that beds on the east
side of the fold
Gregol'y the Echo monocline is breached by the Colo· reach on the average nbont 40 miles farthel
' south than
rado River at Lees Ferry. South of the river it is corresponding beds on the west.
Unlike the Water-
readily traceable for lOnny miles in Arizona. North- pocket and Ecbo monoclines, the East
Kltibth mollC-
ward in Utah, where the flexure is much less promi- cline trends east of north, but like
theirs its steep dips
nent, it extends to· the eastern put of R. 2 E ., about areens tward. (See pis. 19, B ;
21, A, B.)
midway between the points where the Paria River and The structu ral displacement along tbe East Kaibs!>
Wohwenp C,-eek cross the boundary. Near the State monocline in southe rn
Utah amoun ts to a maximum
line the monoclin~ i. cleorly defined by an eastward of about 5,000 feet. Along
Kaiba b Gulch it is possible
dip slope on the top of the Navaj(l sondstone, where to pus from the top
of the Permi an Hermi t shalt
dips of as much as 30· were o~ryed. The displace- tc. the top of
the Jurass ic ( ') Navaj o sandstone in •
ment of a.ny particular bed on ti,e two sides of the ho,,;zolltal distanc
e of about 8 miles at right aneles
monodioe amount. to only about 1,600 feet, which is to the trend of the
fold. The rocks on each side of
much less than at Lees Ferry and points farther50uth. the monocline
slope gently north, so that successively
Where Wahw.. p C,-eek intersects the monocline, 7 younger rock
divisions appea r at the surface in pIS!!.
miles nOl·th of the StAte boundary, the dips average mg from south
to north. Along Cotton1food Creek
12·-15' and the amount of displacement i~ somewhat and farthe
r south the average dip of the rocks is about
less than it i. to the south. Distinct easterly dips may . 40' E., but in
places dipa as steep as 6!i' have been
bo observed in the Cretaceous beds along Wah"e ap measured.
(800 pI. 19, B.) In most plaees there is
Creek as far north as Ty Hntch Creel" a tributa ry of DO observed eviden
ce of' faultin g along the monocline,
Wahweap Creek in the southern part of R. 41 S. In Lut south.
of the point where the Paria. River cr~
this vicinity the fold plunges northward. The elect lbe fold
there are indications ·of considerable fractur -
of the monocline on the distribution of rock forma- ing of the
massive Navajo sandst one acoompanied by
tioM is clearly exhibited on the geologic map of the slippin
g and sheari ng. The extrem e narrowness of
area, for the border of the Cretaceous is about 6 miles the
House Rock Valley near the point wbere Sand
farther south on tlle east side of the monoc:line than Wash
on the west side. crosses the sandstone escarp ment indicates thit
a strike fault with downt hrow on the east cut- out
PARIA PLATFORM part of th~ 80ft Triass ic beds that norma lly shonld II.
exposed &t this horizon. .
. 1'!'e Parill platform is an nrea of gently northward-
All the stratified rocks of the region up to the very
Il\clmed beds between the Enst Kaibab And Echo mono-
top of the Upper Cretaceous Kaipa rowits formation
clines.. It is narrow: at the north and widens gradu-
are involved in the folding , and the time of tbe de-
nUy southward. It l.S structurally continnollS with the
formation must therefo re ·be at least very lale in the
great marble plotfo: ", in which the Marble Gorge of
the Grund Callyon IS carved. Its maximum width in Upper Cretaceous. It seems probnble that the defor-
m&tion took place &t the end of Upper CretaceoUll
Ri vcr crosses tbe f",ult Tertiary beds on the \\',,-<t ore of the underlying Mesowic and older beds is not defi.
nitely known, Cret,oceous san J s t~n e is expcJ.!ed
in contact with the Upper Cretaceous sandstones on
on the East Fork of the SevIer R,vel' lies pnctieaUy
the east, ILnd the amount of the throw is apparently
flnt, and it is probaule that the olde, beds in this lrea
" only 4.00 or GOO feet, As the foult affects the Wasatch
ha,'e 11 genUe nOl'lhwRrd incliuation simil"r to that
Tertiary beds its age is post· W osatch, In geologIC of th~ Klllb.b upwurp f:~I't.h e r east. 'rOpographiuny
timo and in direction of dislocation of tho rocks this this platform has an altItude of somel.hal more than
structural feature is there forB entirely unl'elated to the 2,000 feet above the country to the enst, which is a
monoclines thlll have been noted in other parts of the very interesbng and physiographically significant fet,
orCIL, The space between the PauDsaugunt fuuIt on (ure, os the ol'iginal effect of the Paunssugunt dia.
the cost ond the Sevier fault on the west, which is plncement must have heon to elevate tbe country on
mainly occupied by tho Paunso.ugunt Plateou, may be the eust considel'llbly abo,'o that on the "'est, This
designoted the Paunsangunt plQtfol"ll\, As most of topogrnphic inequalit.y has since been reversed. (See
this aroa is covered by Tertiary l'OCks elle structUl" 6g,1,)

• I 1

t I


common than the irregulal'ities due to igneous activity,
The Colorado Plateau provin ce, of whi ch the K.i- ,Ire tbe 100,? monoclinul ridges, monyof them s harply
pIN"it! ,regio!"! is 11 SOlidI but typ:cal purt, has long
serrate, whICh divide one sect.ion of the plateau coun-
lIeId special attraction for the student of land forms. try from. onotller. Some of these walls extend olmost
For tbe prolince as n whole the topon-raphic fea.ture.~ ,vithout break and witb little change in direction
1ft disti.nctive. In strongest cOIlt.rast" to tbe gmcoCulfor more t.han 100 miles. Though these ridges nre
QOItlmes of humid cIimo t~s, the plnt.eau .landscape is 10 general not loity, they rise in places hundreds of
boIdl, rugge(}. The angled out.lines of the land stand feet above the adjacent pllltellus.
Iorts witbout prot"cling cover, but the naked land- . As comp'n;d with other palts of the plntenu prov-
Ie'p. is decked in [1 maze of brilliant, fantastic colors.
mce, the strat'graphic se,·ie. of the Kaiparowits region
The plateau provi"ce is eosentially ~ country of are similar and the dinstrophic movements nre not un-
brOid ehfl'-edged me.~"s, more or lesll intricQ.telv like in kind IUld probably in time. The peI"iods of
h...ched by na .... ow steep-wa.l..led canyons. In mnn)'igneous activity throughout the plateull country are
ploees s!ngl.e platforms extend uni nterruptedly for probably ruore or less closely related. The est~bli sh­
_ •• of Ollles. Commonly one wide plateau bench ment of the Colorado River drainnge system and the
i .... • bo,'e anoth.,·, and this in turn :s surmounted development of the physiographic feat.III·" that now
by stili athe,'s so ns to £ol'm a series of broad, in-egu-
distinguish its basin a,'e chapters in the gl!Ologic
larly outlined steps, ench hundreds or even thousnnds histOl·,. of Arizona, Nevada, and Colornd9, as well
of feel in he ight. However, an outlook :from almost as of $()utheastern Utnh. The evidence from aU these
aft1 "ontage point shows 11 sky line that is essentially regions should 00 eumulat.ive nnd accordant. Although
"riaontalj the brenl{s at th e edges of suooessivc the Kaipurowits region furnishes typi<!lll examples of
plole.~ appeu quit" insignificant, and ths clefts nearly all I.he land forms of the plateuu country nnd
tined by deeply intrenched dr..inage disappear ,,1- .fords mnny interesting facts of physiographic his-
IlClEt completely. So well does tile plateau surface on lofY, the lICOpe of this study is insufficient to make de-
..e lid. of a river appear to merge with that on the 'I sirlhle the discu.sion of other t.han salient features.
IIMr that even the p'·ofound gorge of the Colorado Interpl-etation of evidence concerning the physio-
beoome. conspicuous only when its ~im i. closely .p_ graphic history of the region is tentative and when
prolched. At a few points in northern A~izona ODd conclated with future obse"vations in this and in (tab the general smoothness of the horizon adjucent areas will doubtless 00 modified. Because of
is interrupted by laccolith. or volconic pile&-<lone- these considerations, the material presented in this
oIIaped elevations like sb",,, stacks in a brood fie.ld. ('hapter is largely descript.ive.
When viewed close Ilt hand, each of the typical ele- FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE EROSION
llenls of the, plateau landscape is bold and impres-
si... The surface of 11 pluteau thllt at " distance seems
I brold, smooth platform mo.y prove to 00 intricately Southeastern Ut.h as a whole is arid. The a vel'oge
tnnched by canyons hundreds of feet in deplh, which Rnnua! rainfall at .is stations belo,. Ille rim of the
Il8ke Invel OerO"9 it exceedingly difficult and in places High Plateaus is 9.56 inches, and at few pl.,.... on the
Ie but impossibfe. The edge of eleh plateau is com- High Plateau. d~ it e:tceed 12 inch... In ports of
1l0000y muked by In imposing tlilf, which surmounts the Kaiparowits region it is probably less than 5
• slope I.hll.t leo.ds down to tile sudaee of the next inches. Tho precipitation is subject to wide variation
Iow.r plattorm. Many of these cliffs ~ise more than a in time, in amount, ond in place. The rain commonly
IllollSand feet above the COWl try belm'\"; from the Boor ralla In Io<;al torrentiKl showers, and only at infre-
of tlIe Paria Valley to the top of the Table Cliff quent intervals Ire general st<>rms accompanied
Plateau tller.. is an almost unbroken ascent of more by widespread precipitation. (See p. 20.)
thin .,000 feet. Unnoticed details of the distant The sudden violence of the showers in II. country
landscape on nearer approach stand forth as great . almost burren of soil Ilnd vegetation results in a
-ties and towers. maximum amount of run-off, for littl. of the water
Very noteworthy deviations from the normal sub-- soaks deeply into the ground. The falling rain gathers
lIori20ntal elements of the landscape, and much more .Imost immediately into rivulets and gulleys, which
<:8rry it swiftly intQ the larger draina!:e channels. Frost is an active agent_ The mesas and butteatbat
During heny storms sheets of water cover much of stand above the. genel'~l surface level of tbe Pallll_
the surface and roll along to ..,me depre&llion or plunge SBl.lgunt and KalplUowlt~ Plateaus are heav,j)y coated
• over the cliff. u a nearly continuous waterfall. In with talus, and blocks pried from sandstone loogea IN
the anyons a turbulent, swollen lload of dirty, d~bria­ piled at the base of the higher cliffs and here IIId
laden water quickly appears, where before there may" therll along the ca-nyon walls. Even on tho g.lnt!er
have been not even a trickle, and the waters may rise slopes f.rost supplies each spl'ing a thin coat of materia)
several feet in almost II few minutes. In narrow ready for removal by the torrential rills of summer.
sectiom of the canyons the water rna,. reach .. height VEGETATION
of 15 or even 20 feet ahove the canyon floor, Ind in
many pllces it is dangerous to be ~aught during a l'he collection of the rainfall in the stream COu~
heavy storm. To one not acquainted with the plateau of the Kaiparowits region is greatly accelerated by the
country it is surprising to see the tumbling, noisy genera.lly scanty' vegetation. The upper slopes IIld
., wall of water" advance swiftly down a dry w&ter- summits of the High Plateaus, above an altitude of
course at a time when the immediately surrounding about 8,500 feet, are fairly well forested_ In p1aees
country is bone-dry. between th. tr_ lie meadow-like glades carpeted with
During the passage of these floods the col'1r of the grass and dotled with thickets of shrubs. Hera th.
wate~ chang1!' 85 one tributary after another con- run-off is retarded, and much of the precipitation sinks
tributes ita load of waste. With the eeology of the into the soil and underlying ro~ks. The lower slopes
region in mind it is possible to determine the iource and the broad plateau surfaces at intermediate alti-
of the moteriuls, and thll5 the location of the sturm, tudes, tt,.
snch as Kaiparowits Plateau, have a .parser
though many miles distant. . cove<'ing of rather stunted trees, and the effect of vege-
The run-off from a local -shower mny be insufficient tation in retaiDing moisture is considerably dimin.
in amount to rench one of the larger perennial streams, ished. The lowest plateaus and valleys, at an altitude
so tbat the water may deposit its load along the can- of around 6,000 feet and less, possess only a very &eat.-
yon ... it sinks into the porous debris of the canyon . tcred covering of small twisted cedars and SCi'8ggl.r
floor. After the IO':g1!r storms Ind during the rainy ~iiions, with Ii&gebl'ush, gl'easelVood, I~nd other planta
season, many ·o f the tributary streams become through- IU ~Iaces between them. Ench unit of the scanty • •
flowing and contribute their mud and coarser land tatIOn tends to stand by itself, surrounded by bare soil,
w...te to the master stream. loose stony ,vaste, or bnre rocks. Over wide sp..-
If the rainfall in southern Utah wel'e evenly dis- not even a has estqblished a foothold in these
tributed through the yelll' the avel'age flow of streams inhospitable surroundings. Under such conditions 1M
would be relatively small. It is even Possible that retllrding effect of vegetaijon on active erosiOn is re-
evaporation and seepage into the materials of the du~ed t~ • minimum. For the region as a whol. vega-
valley bottom would more than counterbalance the tatlOn IS a very subordinate factor in the control of
small averawo 601-face flow; thel'e would be little run-off. .
erosion. But the distribution of rainfall in sudden -- STU4J( Gl\ADIEJi'T8
hard showers, with consequent very rapid run-off'
~ing to the comparatively short distance from the
greatly facilitntes ~ro~ion .n~ the remov~l of larg~
HIgh Plateaus, where altitudes are 8,000 to n08rl7
,":,ounts crt I'?"k d"bflS. A lIngle flood. may accom-
11,000 feet, to Glen Canyon, whel" the a.!fitude illess
phsh ma-ny times the amount of erosion that would
thM3,500 feet, most streams of the Kaiparowits regioo
result normally from months or even years of work
by a small stream. have steep gl'uilients. The Paria River descenda 1 fOO
feet in 115 mil~ and even exclusive of its steep ~d­
Evaporation tends to diminish the length and vol-
ume of streams, with ~onsequent efeets Oil ltans _ water tributaries, the lower ·60 rnile9 of the stream bN
btiOll. nlid dpposition of dtlbris. Gregory I has CQft~ an average fall of 43 feet to the mile. Similarly the
:Escalante River descends a little over 7000 feet ia
a~tentlon ,to .tlle !!IlllSOnal and dlily fluctuations of flow In response to evaporation, and )liser' Ilbollt 80 miles, ond the Il'erage deseen~ bel~w tht
ascflbeS some of the cha.llgoS in volume of the S steep headwaters is about 41 feet to the mile. Wah·
Juan to I.he periodic PIlSSBg1! of hot dry winds. _ an weap Creek, whose headwaters are in soft roclm thai.
are underlain by a resistant sandstone platform, has
IOrelrOl'7. R. E .• The Navajo ceaDIrr--., ~l'II bk! an average gradient of 100 feet to the mile a.nd Last
,rapbLc rt~OI)II..ta.ubCf: or I)Qrh or Arlao.a Nr M P teo IDd h1dro.
U,. 8, ~I. ~Ul'\~'" ""at'·r·Sup~1J' Paper ISO: p. ~. ·1:~8. • and Utah: Chanee Crt'Ok, in essentially similar surro~dings, an
MllOr, H. D., The 81\D 11111.11 CflD,OD, to"theaatern Uta average gradient of 10 feet ,to the mile. The shorUr
."pble lind Il1dl'OlJ'llphlc: reeGnnnltallIlDC'(! ' U a. Geol
Supply Papu 1)38, p. 17. IOU, '.
h. • gto-
, Sunul Wl!ter· Warm Creek and Rock Cl'e~k hove respectively a_·
age falls of 90 and 285 feet to the mile. In contrast
5ith these sh..llms the Colorado River in Glen Canyon Plateaus a zone 0<' 1 ,IJ''OI (nato,I" ot continuous
bas the exceptionally low gradient of about 2 feet to Ilnd many patch es 'vI lJ\. ~. ~J 0 ",,_1 ... V1WU
l . are '
.JDi1e. ~rated.. The efficiency of gt'Ound water 8S a factor
There is an evident relation between the gradient ID erOSIon is further shown by landslides. (See p.145.)
01 the aUeoms and the character of the rock fonnations
ill which the valleys are cllrved. In portions of the RELATIONS OF TOPOGRAPHY TO GEOLOGY
,aDe1" where soft roeltS are exposed ,the stream GENERAL RELATIONS
,radient is relatively low, but wbere hard tocks are An outsta.ndi~g feat~Il'e in .t.he topographic develop-
_unwed the rate of fall is markedly higber. ment of the KaIparowIts regIOn is the control .xerted
1bus, along most streams there is a succession of rela- by the composition, structure ~nd attitude of the
Ii.ely gentle and relatively steep gradients. The rocks. It is readily observed that tbe Burface of each
iJterrupted profiles nnd steep gradients of tbe,streams b~d bench or .mesa is upheld by a I'ock mass that is
an indications of the rapid downward uosion tbat is relnstant to erOSlOO. From most benches tbe overlying
ukiDg place along their courses. Rapid erosion is lIel.k rocks ~en stripped away 10 that the plU-
iadictted also by the characteristically 111'1:0" load ellt surface comcldes closely with the top of the hard
carried by the streams. The flood waters sweep away beds. The ch1fed bordea-a of plateaus and of canyons
.«mons quantities of the finel' sediments and push
forward along the stream channels coarse rock waste,
"'e likewise determined by hInd rocks. In fact the
dominance of clift's in tbe landscllpe is a reflectio'n of
iJduding large boulders. Much of the energy of some the topographic influence of rock composition. HII'd
IlreIDlS is utilized in transportation, with the result " beds detel'mine tbe I1I'Oadly level plateau ~urfaces;
that vertieal cutting is impeded, and there is a tend- ~\·he..e they ort gently inclined, the surface is similarly
IDt"f to cut laternlly and to develop meanders. The ~~ed i and where they dip steeply th~ ,t opography
Colorado River in Glen Canyon is barely able to carry 19 mamly controlled by the sloping surface of the beds.
the lead of wuste snpplied by its tributaries, Monoc.lines are represented in the topOltI'aphy by hog-
back ridges 01' by prominene lines of clift's that are de-
veloped on the harder rocks. The surface exposures
The predominance of high-lying plateaus and of weak beds are in general characterized by slopes or
....... bordered by lofty dills fuors the emergence ~y gently undulating topography. Where tbe weak
at "'Gund water. Innumerable canyon walls provide formations are disintegrated by weathering and by the
lIIuit for water in bIldding planes and zonet of joint- corrasion of streams they strongly affect t~ configura-
iIc, and much watu seeps through the massive sarid- tion of valleys and ~he position of drainage lines.
iteMS. Many rock .surfaces are damp at night and Tbe relative thickness and position of the hard and
lID cloudy days, but in response to stronger evapora- soft beds involved in the Paunsaugunt fault bas con-
Ii<lI during: clear days only sul'faces t.h at are, co~ted trolled the d~velopment of erosion forms in the upper
Itlth elIIorescence are moist. The loCal conC4lntration Pari a VaJley.
of I"ound wa.1er along laminne (If cross-bedding and The induence of geology on topography, including
• top of impervious bed. has resulted in the produc- . sueh st.ructural features as jointing, stratific.ation, and
lion of rock-roofe<} recesses and alcoves. (See p. 144!.) ' cross-bedding, is shown by the manner of the weather-
~m walls of N nVlljo sandstone many seeps and ing of dillerent stl'atigl'lphic units. The following
'PnDgs emerge. Although continuous "spring \\;11 ae..e IS examples:
lllnes" are not conspicuous features, most of the I 'I'he Dakota ( I) sandstone, though of no great thick-
aroud water in the Kaiparowits region reaches the , ness, i& exceptionalll resistant to erosion, and where
IIIrface at the contact of impervious' and pervious I it is combined with the underlying Morrison it makes·
~ta. A few springs emerge at ~he top of the mnny prominent plt.tforms that are bordered by high,
I?'inle fonnation, from beds within tbat forma- olmost. verticsl walls and crossed by sbarp-cut narrow
lim, ~d at the top of the Todilto (') formation. The canyons Along much of the southwest /lank of the
1br1J01I-DIIkota (') unconfonnity and ~he base of K&iparowit~ Plateau a Dakota ( f) .capped bench is
... Morrison is the site of sevilral springs, and the alm06t cont.inuou.s. In p~~e:' it is but a few hundred
sandstone overlying tbe Tropic sbale is in many plaoes feet broad, but In the vlclOlly of .Last Chance and.
at.rated. The most numerous springs and seeps , Rock Creeks t~e rocks th.t overlie ~he Dakota( I)
tIIIerJe at the base of the Tertiary, partly because. the I, have beell stl'lpped bnck •• ve ... 1 mIles and haye,
IlIrfaee water supplied to th~ high-lying formatlona formed GrAnd Bench-:-& ~reut broad platform that
" relatil'ely large and plll't11 bec:a_ the Iooeely cOm- t~rminates southw&l'd 10 chft's nearly a th?usand feet
PIcted conglomerate that marks tbe Cretaceous-Terti- i blgh. The Dakota (I) wrms a hogback 10 the East
ary COnted is a capable ..ater carrier. Along the ! Kaibab mon~cli~e (pI. 19, B) nnd caps low b~ncbes
~ of the Paunsaugunt, Table Cliff, Ind Aquarius I around Hennevllle. On the east faee of the Kalparo-
to!!cl.ber with relatively weak cement, control the
wits Plateau the Dakot.(.) with the underlying Mor· to~og .... phy at ito outcrop. (See pis, 4, D,. 27, C,)
rison forms a persistent bench that rises 200 to 600 Tho dilferences In these three sandstones are \"fry char.
fect above the adjncent lowland and extends 1 to 4 acted.tic and are persistently observable in the
Illites outward from the bGse of the higber cliffs. topography.
Like tho Dakota('), the Shinn~ump conglomerate
i!; rep"esented in tho topogl'aphy by DC es ,
reveR led by the strippi"g away of tbo I.ess reslstllJlt The "eologists of the Powell Survey repeatedly
overlying beds. In the J,eos Fel'l'y reg~on the con· callcd aUention to the inJluence of rock h ..rdneas On
glomerate serves as the cap for tbe perslsteDt ~foe~. the gradient and fOI'm of ,'nl;e),s in the plnteall provo
kopi Cliff.. (See pI. 8, A.) In the Oircl~ Chffs It ince. This causal relation is indeed so remarklbly
fOI'ms an inward.being escarpment that I~c.learly close that with a geneml knowledge of the stratig.
differentiated f"om the higher cliffs and to It IS due raphy it is p()ilSible to predicL the type of cllnyonin
the preservation of the high mesos that overlook much the area. In crossing one of the great rock platforms
of the surrounding country. (See pI. '1, D.). . the explorer soon learns to select his route with m'-
The Todilto( Y) combined with the un~etIY.lOg Win· erence to the extent, and locntiol! of t hin·bedded and
'!Ute sandstone forms prominent bencnes IU places thick.bedded fOl'mlltions. Even though no .onYOl18
~'here the overlying Navajo s.ndstone has ~n are visible in e. general vicw, experience teaches him
stripped away. In Ihe Cirele Cliffs these formations that areas of Chinle, Carmel, Tropic, ""d !Caipnro"'t.
con.titute a bench that defines the character of the beds offer no serions obstacles to trllvel, that expanses
topogl'llphy on the border of the central depression. of Moenkopi can be traversed without extensive dB'
On the south and north, where the beds are nearly toUI'S, but that few rOlltes ncross th~, D..kot,
horizontal the summit of this bench is nearly level. I (I).capped Morrison, Stmight Cliffs, Wahweap, and
On the wC:St and southwest, where there is Q <listiliCt Wasatch formations are practicuble. To reach the
inclinRtion towllrd the Esc.Jante Rife,', strongly opposite side of • narrow canyon UI the ~av8jo sa.nd.
m&l'kod dip slopes ocenr at the top of the Todilto(l) " stone may require, day of I'oundnbout travel . Acces.I
fOl·mat,ion. (See pI. 22, 0.) Owing to radial dl'lin· to its floor m..y be impossible e:\:cept by the use of
age, consequent on the structure, spun of' this rock ropes. Where hard rocks fI.!'e exposed the gl'ldient is
bench project along inte!'strenm divides townrd t be steep and the valley is narrowly inclosed by preeij>i-
inner depression and in 1\ number of places where tous wnlls' where soft rocks crop out, the gradient
these SPUrl 11'0 p.,.t1y brol<en down there are isolated is gentle a~d tbe valley is open and bas flari~g sides.
buttes and towers. The Kaiparowits region furnishes' many IlIustra-
The hard massive Wingllte sandstone is affected by lione of the m&l'ked contnst in tho readinesa with
vertie&l jointing, which so controls Lhe weathering of which hard rocks and soft rocks yield to the attack
this formation thnt i~ forms uneven but practica.lly of erosion.
continuous pnli •• cliff.. (Sec pI. 8, n.) In VALLEYS IN $OF!' ROCKS
places slender projecting spires or needles of this
l'OCk have been defined by joint plone.. The formation The relo.tive hardntss of rocks not only controls the
il crO!;S·bedded, but because of the dense texture of de"elopment of the main topographic features but
the rock ond its strong cementation tho croes·bedding nlso very IIlrgely .ffects the mllnner of erosion by
has practically 1)0 effoct on tbe weathering of the streams and nccounts for the wide·stripped platfo\"Tlll
sandstone or on the l",sulting form3. The overlying tbnt bol'der Glen c"nyoD, the ESC4lante iRiver, and
'rodiltQ( ') formation is nn irreguhnly lenticular, other streams.. Like th" Tonto platform, wllich is
rather thin·bedded '.nd'{Qne, which weathers ehOor- developed on resistant Cambrian ,b eds, and the • Es-
o.cteristieally in wide 81nbby benches. Individual pl.nade," which is developed on the Sup ..i fOrlna-
layol:S 01 this fOrlO:Lt,ioli are not notably softer than ' tion of the Grand C ..n.yon and Kanab Oreek, ~he Glell
the Wingate, but the thinner lIneven bedding associ· Canyon. plntform, which hns ~n made by strippinl
II.ted with a few thin shale zones hos a most strilring from the Navajo mndstone the 'Reak overlying shale,
effect on topographic expression a,t the outcrop of this is but the expression of the relative strength of the
unit. The succeeding Navnjo sandstone is very mas- rocks; no earlier cycle of erosion is involyed. (See pL
sive Ind is traversed by few joint planes but is ,'ery 21,0.) 'The weaker rocks tend to form slopes and to
prominently cr_·bedded. The formnt.ion ",.athe,.. hnsten the disintegration of the associated h&rd rOeD;
characteristically in grellt clift's, rounded sur- they also uniformly invite the main attack of stream
faces, domes, wigwams, and similar features, in which erosion in the 'development of lowlands and Vl.lleys.
the wide·spaced jointing, ext",mely massive bedding, Practically all exposures of soft rocks are therefore
and irl'egulal'ities of texture incident to crosa·bedding, mal'ked by more or less broo.d lowlands an<i Vl.lleys.

fairly strligbt long valleys Ilrc carved in the up- dering COUr.;e seems 10 b~ abnormal under tbese
fUJIIed weak formations of t.he rock series that is in- conditions.
nrlved in monoclinal fOlding. Tbus Halls Creek is VALLETS IN' HARD ROCKS
..teloped ill the wea.k Gpper Jurassic and Creta-
__ shales of the Waterpocket monocline; Pine In the Kaiparowits region areas of hard rocks are
C~, in the Upper Jurassic of the Escalante mono- aEsociated with narrow, ,'ery ste<lp-sided canyon •.
cIiA. and Cottonwood Creek, in beds of equivalent age Tbe width o~ the stream charmel is markedly reduted
~ ara involved i" the East Kaibab monocline north I lIS compared with that inn<ljoining stretches of soft
./the ptria River. The House Rock Valley owes its, roc.k. The dominance ofvaUey deepening. owr the
poiitioll to the erosion of soft Moenkopi and Chirile, gradual wearing down of the canyon sides hn. led ·t o
formations, Where these a.\'e brought to the surface by the cutting of' the e,,-tremel,. deep, slitlike chasms that
!lie Eos& Kaibllb fold. characterize the landscape of many parts of the pla-
De form as well as the location of these monoclinlll teal! province. Some vaUeys tributary to the U>lo-
nl1eys ill obviously controlled by the structure and rado, t() the Pariu, nnd to the Esc!llante are several
urdness of the rocks. ""l,ere the dip of the rocks hundreds of foot deep but no~ more than a dozen feet
is steepest, and the width of the soft-rock belt cor- wide ut the bottom.
req:GBdingly narrowest, the valley is likewise narrOw-
e&I, Ind where the dip is gentle the width of t.he
nll., or lowland is correspondingly increased. A Wbere the side waU. of a vaUey consist of alter-
aviation in the strike of the rocks is accompanied by nating hard Rnd soft stutn there i~ a cor.r esponding
• deftection in the position of the valley. &lternation of strong wit.h weak cliff. and of steep and
Where II stream traverses the outcrop of 11 zone of Mrrow with wide lind genUe slopes. The sha pe of the
mtly inclined or essentially flat wenk strata, tbe va)ley in cross, section i. determined by the relstive
l'idtll of thi vlllley nnd the slope or its walls are de- thickness and position of the hard and soft .trala that
pendent mainly on the size of the s!.ream. Along are exp06ed, .nd
changes appear systematically iD dif-
Iii"" dn.inage lines the already wide valley is com- ferent parts of a stream COUl"SO, dependent on the
intllly mnde still more open by the entranc" into the di«eren~ in tbe roeks above the stream channel.
lOll-rock belt or severul tributary valley.. The Esca- This distinctive physiographic chill'acter in the form
Int. River above Escalante, the Paria River below of vaneys of the platean country was very well
Can.10nville and neal' old Ada.irville, and several othE\r described by Powell' and Dutton • and mOl'e recently
mtin streams are examples. The sa,,-ccr-like Butler by Davis.'
VoU.y, m.soft. shaly Sun Rufael beds; the Round and Where local relief is grMt, welk rock•. with inter-
Bone Valleys, in the Tropic shale southeast of Can- bedded hard layers may he carved into nn amozingly
lOIl.ille; a!)d Sheep Flat, southwest ,of Cannonville, intricate labyrinth of deep, narrow conyoll8, separated
Ire broad, flat. bottomed, round vnlley~ carved in soft by irregular, in mlUlY pla.ces grotesquely sculptured
rocb by a fan-shaped drainage system, the component knifelike divides. Where they are tinted vividly by
pArla of which are separated by divides too low to be varied colors, these valleys' present very striking
loticetble. The brond, flat-floored bowl carved in the scenic .attraction.. Bryce Canyon sbows these foo-
CI!taCOOUli slia.le at the head of the Paria near Tropic tnres in marvelous fashion.
is an ••ceptionally large "round valley."
In pt.rt. of southern Utah 81'009 of soft roek are
<I"ed bv streams into intriede badlands. Essentially simil.r topographic features character-
In th; Kaiparowits region most of the channels of ize .11 the monoclinal folds of th.e Kaiparowits region.
tie rtIeams i1l s",ft rocks BFe brQnd, 8ho.1low, fiat-sided (See p. U8.) ElongatHidges a~formed by the hard
IIId modeF&tE)~y straight. During tbe times of ordi- r ocl,,;· long narrow valleys are excnvllted in the soft
Ill, 80w the streains in them · an insignificant heds' "and each of the ridge- f "
ormmg umts presen ts
tcl~., and they commonly wind from side to £ide in an i~dividnal set ttf minor topographic choracters.
tbannels that are too brOlld fol' thei r needs. Duri.Dg Tbe Cretaceous sandstones commonly make very sharp-
loads the ,.hole cbannel is o<:cupied by debris-laden &ngled, seITllte hogbacks not c~'ested
. \'Iter, and the stream i. then much gnater in width with a projecting narrow comb that 18 lDchned an the
htt shallo",er in depth than in adjoining hard-rock
• Powell. I. w., Bxploratlen or tIM Colorado Rbe.r ot tbe '.Vest 104
lecCions. }3eclltlse of the wide cross section, erosion is . Itt trlbllt4rt8. Pf. 202-211'. Wd"lUrton, 1915.
I Vutlo_, C. B., TtrtlllI')' kJltorr 0( tile Grand Canyog district: U. B.
' - eft'ecti "e on the bottom of the channel, but there
Qeol. Son'e, M••. 2. pp. 2GG-2aQ. laat.
is • tendeDoy .t o straighten Ihe channel by wearing .... ~ A_ excanilml rto the Grnod CJIID10n or the Colorado:
• Ilo ...t, n . .... I oS "0 1001
projeeting points. An irregular, highly mean- Hanu& CoiL ')ii., Com)). Z001051 Bpll .• va. - , p. .. • •

wit.h t.he dip !>f fhe rocks, but. some follow the outcropa
direct.ion of rock dip. (See pI. 19, B.) The Dlassive
of one of the weak forma't.ions parallel to tbe strilll..
Navajo sandstone forms a lofty ridge with rounded
The head portion~ of the strums al'e open, and tile
outlines Dnd irregular t.umid swellings; its bare slop-
diy,idea between them are not prominent, but the 10_
ing back is deeply grooved by lateral canyons; ~nd
portions u-e MrrO,," , deep canyons .. (See ,pI. 23, .t_)
'its upturned edge forms nearly sheer, unbroken ~1~ls
,or weathers with gigantic bouldery in-egularlti<!S. So clearly is the topography aud dramago of this area
controlled by geologic SbuctUN and r(lck hardness thal
Tbe Wingate and its Todilto(') cap.. forms .. com-
there is no tr~ of a possible formel' drainage Ih.&
PIlCt sharp-angled rocky ridge, and the dip slope .of
Wai unrelated to the It.ti t.ude and character of the
its upper surface is broadly smooth. The thin Shm·
al'ump conglomerste forms a narrow hogbllCk ridge. Mesozoic rocks. If Tert.iary beds once eovered thi.
The Waterpocket monocline is marked on its east area 118 can not be doubted, all vest.ige of streams tlutt
side by prominent hogbacks that are developed on the fiow~ on the Tel1iary surface has disappeared.
hard formations and by longitudinal intervening The bench tbot. overlooks the Colorado River at the
ValleY". (See VI. 19, 11.) Hall. Creek occupies a south end of the Water pocket Fold is developed 011
monoclinai' valley that ha. been earved i.J) the weak the Todillo( I) ond Wingate saud stone, at. a pla..
rocks of tbe Watcrpocket ftexure and follows Its trend. where the Navajo sandstone hus been sl..-ipped tor a
Nortb of the low Bitter Creek divide the same struc· space of several miles. The surface of this bencb dI-
t.ural valley i. used by a 'north'' ''ard.f!owing tributary scend. to the level of the river in harmony with the
of the Fremont.. The width of the valley depends on eastward-dipping beds of the monocline!!.
the thickness and angle of inclination of the weak The electe of the ;Echo monocline are shown in the
Upper Jura.~Bic beds, and as the dip decreases near 'the surfAce slopes of the Puria Platenu. In line wilb
Colol·ado River, the valley becomei wider there than this fold the summit of (he plateau descends sharply
it is ' farther north. In two or three places, most I(:veral hundred feet eastword. Sout.h of Cottonwood
notobly at a point below the mouth of Muley Twist Springs, on Wahweap Creek, this broadly roullded
Creek, Halls Creek turns aside from its camparatioely i slope is clearly seen descending along the top of the
wide, open valley in soft rocks and plunges into • Navajo sandstone to a longitudinal vaUey that has
narro'll', deep canyon in the hard NlLvlLjo sandstone. been cut in the softer overlying beds. Northward
These ,departures from tho caay pathway clearly muk along Wahweap Creek (he flexure is marked by bog-
10\:a1 failures of the creek to adjust its COUr1>(! by shift. back ridge.. in the Cretaceous sanditone. The IIIr·
ing laterally in the zone of inclined soft rocla. (See (ace of t.he platea.u, inclines generally nOI·thward, and
pI. 24.) South of t.he Bitter Creek divide the WAter' the bench that, forms tbe top of the White Cli. ia
pocket Fold i. proctically unbreached below the top , but. • continuation of the bench. that has been formed
of tho Navajo sandlltone t.he locally di86ect.ed area , by the 8uli.u:e of the Pari .. Plaleau, from whieh it
along the Colorado Ri vel' is reached, and throughout i~ &oparated by the East Kaibob monocline. Both
thia length of nearly 40 miles the upturned sandstones these gigsntic platforRll! owe their form and positiOll
form II: fopogrnphic barrier that. can be crossed in only to the relative hardness of the Na.vajo sandstone eel
a very few , places. The shoor wall. of the Wingate to the regional slopes that have been produced b,
6lIudstone clifT. are quite unse.lable, and then. lire few monoclinal fiexlU'el!.
openinga through the Navajo. Th. only practicable The East Kaibab monocline is represented in die
pllllSllgeway through the fold is afforded by the deep, topography by very conspicnous hogbacks formed by
narrow canyon of Muley Twist. Creek, ..hicb cuts at tho sharply upturned Mesozoic sllndstones a.long Ibe
right Ingles acroSll the upturned Navajo in Ii. tortuou. Paria River and Cottonwood Creek (pI. 19, B), by
defile in plnces not much wider than • wagon. (See the House Rock Valley, which is carved in weaker
pI. 23, D_) ' About 6 and 12 miles, respectively, north rocks, and by the arche<); crest. of the north end of
of the Muley Twist Gap it is possible with &orne care to tho Kaib ..b Plateau. The resistant Koibo'b limestane
get a horse down· the st.eep slope on the top of the rises steeply from tbe House Rock Valley as. brood,
Todilto(i) rocks and through narrow, skeam-<!&rved smoothly curved surface and continues westward ...
gaps 'in I,he Nanjo sondstone, but these plssage,,·aYll the enormous Bat arcb of the Kaibab Plateau-6truc-
are bazardous. N eu the Colorado River many short \.t~ral\y 'the Kaibob upwarp. The surface has the form
valleys risa on t,he steep Hank of the fold &lid , given to it by ,tectonic movements. .
extend toHalls Creek. St.reams 011 the gently inclined Like tbe other tolds of the Kaipnrowits, region, t~.
west. Bank flow in deep, nat·row gorges to the Escalante
Eas~ Ka!bab monocline ' is a prominent 10pogrAP~C
bamer, Recond only to the deep ca'nyons. Travel-
The Circlo Clitl. owe t.heir interesting topograpbic
easy along the subSequent vaileys thnt have been de-
felltur~iI to weak Triassic rocks and structural dips.
v~loped in the soft rocks but is almost lmpcssible at
Most of 'the streams flow ill • direction that coincides
rIght. angles to the trend of the monocline. The oDly
~ through the hogbllcks that, presents no special
diticultiel is nenr the abandoned village of Paria,
,,/Jere the Plria River has cut nn oblique channel
dlrough the upturned hard roel,s, (See pI. 26, B.)
\\1th sorue difficult climbing at one point, it was pos-
sible to crOlls the fold by ascending the canyon of
Sond Wash, Abod 20 miles north of PIlI·ia a cir-
euil~, COOslricted passageway, known as "the Gut,"
lillY b,o fOllowed by a saddle borse or pack animal
JDd it used at times by stoclcllcn in t,raveling from and Cannonville to the Wahweap country.
Year Canlan Penk, whel'. the eroded surface of the
&st Kaibab monodine is ur.conforma,bly overlnin by
the Eocene sediments, the country is particularly
)/OIY SlIldl streams and some IIlrge streams of the
Kaiparowits l'egion are obviously .adjusted to the
stru<ture. Ha Ils, Pine, and Cot.tvnwood Creeks oc-
eupy meys, hl1 ve been developed in weak strata.
01 aonoclinnl folds, In the Circle Cliffs dome the
simi.. lIow radially outward dowll dip slopes, and
CrOlll the crest of the Wllterpocket }'old streams follow
rilttd IIrota to Halls Creek and to the Escalante River.
TIle Eut Fork of the Sevier River flows northwl.rd
i:l accord with the inclination of the beds that toro-
F- the Paunsl\ugllnt Platoou, \Vahweap, Warm, and
Lilt Chlnce Creeks, although they flow in a direction
opposite to the dip of the beds, occupy shallow sYIl·
erllOi. Some streams follow the slope of hard-rock
platforms, and Ola.ny of them have established short
I!lbsequent courses along ,t he strike of easily eroded
la-lying or tilted beds or even on the cr~t8 of mo~o­
diDo! folds.
But ll~hough much of tho minor drainage is locally
..0 adjusted to st.ructure tne larger streams are re-
IllIrhhly independent of st.ructural control. They
Boor in and out of Cliffs, cut through mesas, tl-ansect
lDOr,odines crOSs fuults from the down thrown to the
qplhrown ~ides, and their way through tilted
_rata .ithou~ regard to the direction of dip.
The Colorado River crosses the Water pocket flex-

~ williout evident deviation lnd crosses the promi-
cone Echo monocline almost at, right angles and
..inat the dip of the rocks. Th~ Escalante River
directly through the prominen~ Escalante
-oeline lnd flu-thel' QOWll its courso has intrenched
itself midwll.Y lip t.he structural slope thAt extends
Inn the Waterpocket monocline to the cliff, of the
'D t C & " ~ port un tbe P'f:OJot::1 of tbo Rljtb Plat,eauJI ot
Kaiparowits Plnteau. Th~ Paria .River flows south- Ctllb 1.11 °:S1. 'u. 8. Geog. _.0.4 (kool. Bur\'e, Roclq )(to, nl!'(l.oD~ 1880.
Wlrd almost opposite to the regional dip of the rocks , p' ... II. 1 W E .......lot" ..loD of the Color.(!G River
owe. ,,-r ' 0( the West.
lad then turns slightly eastward and Cl·OSSes at an P. 102, 1875-
• DuttOD, C. E .. Report 0Jl the ceoI0i.Y or tbe HJc h Plareau. of Vtab.
""-lqlle angle the sharply upt,urned beds of the East p. 17 U. 8. Oeo«. IWd Gce!. Sun'toy Roc,k y Alt.n. R~ r1on , 1880.
kaibeb monocline nnd nearer t.he Colorado RIver I.dr.m. p. 288:
10 GII~rt, O. E .• U. S. Qeo!;. aDd O<!OI.
W 100," to.

I«ain fto...s practically' ag.inst the inclination of the vol, 3, p. 16. IS75.
132 THE KAIl'ABOWrrs I!EOI01l'

opinion that the courSes of Kanab and Poria Creeks reason to doubt that T ertiury beds once Cove~ IU
were in port determined by antecedent folds." In a of the Kaiparowits region and extended far beyond
note written still Is tel' 10 he said: its borde~s and also thut t.IlC g reut upwarps nnd man.,..
elinal folds are not only pre-T ertinry but were eroded
The ob~nntJolla thut forUJ t..h~ lllu,!a of tlJese repOrb wer!?
hQrt'tet.1 1n tlh..1 c.:d n'mc. The writer, t or Ib e mOilt purt, ac - to a surface of low relief before the deposition of tbe
(!oUlpanlcd n"Jd llUl'ties which wcr c KJ)t.octaUy equipped tOI' Tertiary beds_ The known disturbsnces of the Ter_
rOIJluity of mo\'clI:ent nnd \\"ert~ crowded to tbe utmost. bIore- ti ..'Y beds consist of faull s whi eh postdnte Eocene II<ldi-
o,'(,'r, In n countr), IJmoiJt unmnpJ:~ the tlemlDd tor ,eo- mentation and which probably dc'·eloped after Tel'.
rroJlblcnl lntorruotlon WUI4 nlOr~ urg\~ut thliD for gt·ologlcI11.
(lnu 011 IllnDtc und route:'f \\'cr~ nccordingJy. ODd ""Ub Ilro[lrlcty ~
tiary nnd perl,"ps Illso C,·etaccous and hI!.
shaped to give tllO topogrlpb er tho belJt ol>llortunlties eon- had been remond from some "'·ens north, south. and
al81cut with rophllt:r ot movemeDt, ",bite the geologhtt gles1Jetl east of the Colorado River. The untecedent Ol·igin of
,",,'hut be eoulil by the WB)". To study the 8tructur~ of D reglou the Colorado drainage syst•.m ns d,:"cribed b.o; the geol.
und~r ioIueh clreurufftHD<."i'i1 wns to rent! n book while Its po;cs
ogists of the Powell Sun·.), is therefore highly
'WUfC quickly 1m'ned by onother. and the result W!lII: n larger
-collection ot I.UJVretlS:ODti tbnn of fact.te, Tbol Dlllny of lhp.~ improbable. It seems more p,·ol>nble t.hat the Colonna
bnprl!fls lona should be errOnl'tl\l.1 WfU. Jo e\"URblc, ond no Ork! and ils main tributnries were establi shed on a former,
clln be IIUtI'! l'onscl olls t hon J o r t he fallibility of whut I yery widespread surf"C,. of Tertiary rock.. If th"
llQ\'C wri llen, SOil J lim tar (rom eountloc Diy )OOOr lQ:if: drainage w"" established as a consequent. system on
.tor the beat pr~'ntA tl o o8 (hnt bo\'c ~en gh' (m ot weate rll
.a:eololQ' ore Dot tree froUi Cl'ror, nnd I certainly h."e mOfH
this old Tertiary surface the Colorado nnd its tribu •
hononb le COrul~HIY In my imperfectlou. taries, on cutting int.o t he older rocks, would
~(Drc Ihun n r enr bas t.'lotmctl s1 uce t he monu~rlpt l~tl my ·ob"iously find themselves sUlierposed indifferently on
band", ond In Ihot time J h.,'e oguIn visit ed Utoh, fortly whatever tOl"n1ations ond structural fentures chanced
88 the reBu)t ot W)' 1lC~ W wurk, and p;, rtly by t netM which bovc
tt' underlie the Tertiary.
00c11 tl c\'Clopcd by othrr8, I han bl'!!n Ill ttuced to chaugr~
some ot my ld~o~ nnd J ll\'ull D1rsclt or thiN occasion to l.I1nke Even though the I:u·gcr streams in the Kaiparmdt.
It fcw retl'UctlOllM, region mllY· in Plut owe their position to superposi.
On Iluge 132, bllslllt Is un'olleou~I)' r~PQr(cd to occ ur IleUI' tion of nn origionl consequent system that was de·
tbe town of SnUu8, Utnll,
,·eloped Oil Tert.iary beds, t.heir present trtnds .nd
Ou p,1Igi! 44, It J8 stilted thnt an Orui;rD. plll C t1lstul'ulluce oc-
curred In the nOl't"we~t Ilnrt oJ: tllu Ililltcuu province " be-ton'
hubits lire adjustment. to one ·or 1lI0re surfacts of
. the dtliloliition of r)H) Cl'etnccou:\." 'rho Ullcvu tOrmity which oro$ion of much laler date. R Cllll1"nt. peneplains .~d
J ol>8crvcd J now know to ha\'c al'l!olca "f rer lho clCl)()slt lon abandoned meanders indicate an erosion surface of
ot the Orelnceout4, ,'cry low relief tbat bordered the main drainllge Chlll-
On Illl{tU 110, the ollll1JUI.1 ls exvressed tba t urtcslflll wntc)'
nel. nnd extended to some clistanc~ ooyond. (See pp.
might bo ( .1Ullll Alollj;c thp e:I ~ CI' 1i hn J'c ot the Pllh,·c r HlIllge,
)[r, l'uwell JID~ ~11It...'e dlsco\'CI't!d n tnult In the titrnln of Ih'? 18:3-135.) On this erosion surfaee the Colorado River
locaUty whIch Grclll1y IHwlnhihrs the probltbl1i ry, and its main tri butaries Could hu\"e been retained or
It I~ a.saertcd on pugeg 120, 130, und Ci2li IlUlt (htl. Sail Frlln- established in ..scntially t.he position tbn t they no"
clb(:O II,,'" fil'ld Is eonr.l lluou~ wlLh rhe greAt 1:1\'11 Ilcld ot N'C\\" occupy. If irregula.rities due to dilrerences in rorlt
Mexico. Tho uotel:« ot Dr, Loew f!how that tbls Is not 80.
hard.ness had been oblit.eroted, the drainage lines ....
'l'berc 18 JIll good J..,'1'otmrJ (UI' nle oJdnluu& nd" (tt)C@ll (~U llll~es
76 (Iud 81 (hat the tU\lr~c!oi III Knllub and Pllrhl Creeks w~re tablished would be unadjusted to the underlying rock
In purt duterUltlled by antt..:o.ccdeot iolds and tbu t tho Aubrey .tmctu!"c. When subsequent,))' the l·egion lTAS up·
OUrt 8~ a wllOg'ra llhlenl tentur~ nutedotcs tbe Gnlnd Clln)·o11" lifted and the s!l"eams begnn netively to deepen th6ir
'l'bo unhuPJ,lly lurge 1t\Wlbel' ot Iypogrltphh!nl errol'8 In Purt .. alleys, the small, wenk strroms ~'·ould be guided by
J QI"e due In pllrt to the filet 11ltU 1 wo~ nbsunt In UUlb dul'lng
thl! prootrl'fldtllg IIlId did I.ot S~ the flGgCfC nl1l1l tber hUd
struct ure, but the lorge, s trong strenms might retain
bc('u llt('rt...'Ollp~d, In thet'.Q (t!w enpl~8 that I dh.trlbute D\)'~lr their positions across obstacles thflt chanced to lie
J IlIll'(' ool"rt't:lctl 11Inl1,'" ot tho Cl'l'(Irs In th~ mSl'glu, J hlw\" ill t.b~ir paths. Such superposition would presumably
al~o restored In j>tH't S01ll0 wurtllf und )Je:ttenCC!4 thot were aecount fOl· the existin,!! discordance of streAm.- And
8ullpr(,!iI~ In the DlOnu.!rerlllt nrt('r I t posscd my bonds,
structure and fa,· the ,·esulLin" p'hysion-ra.phic featdres.
f't'rln i n ot til l! I'Ct'tnrc.1 Jln~~ ••;:~ nrc lI~ r~' to tile ullder. 'I'o use O·tluel't's
~tn.ldltlfl or thc context, nnd otbef8 are u(!(.'(lc(l to ))renDt the term, (he st.r.,eUIllS
are" "SUpel'iOl~

fmpl'cl1$l(lU thnt 1 dlsrcgardt.... 1 thrQURh 19norttnce or dl:-teourtesy by pIn nation."

tbe ,,"ol"k or other gt"Ologhtbt"
I.t is difficult indeed to ~magine the conditions under
"Iuch the observed relatIons of deformed Cretaceous . The exh·eme mggedness of t1~ Kaiparowits reg:0II
beds that tlllconformBbly underlie horizontJlI 'fert.inry ,s due primarily to sculpture by streams. Tbe loft,
be~h. cl\n be accommodated to the supposed antecedent mesas and buttes have l>een carved out of extensift
o"'glll of the Colorado drainage system. There is no high·le,·el plnteaus, not lifted by 10caUy active forces.
'fhe relief is a record of downward departures rather
u lch~ru. pr .... tutorF Ilot. In e~pld ot vol,
Mr, GIlbert,
a Ptt~I.It)' d)lilrlbuc 'tl b
I 1 . t han upward departures from a former general Sdr·
f.ce. fhe amount of mater'.1 rcmo,·ed by streIIn,
~rriDl, however, is enormous; thousands of feet of At the epoch ,,·heD,. the cui tiD;; or tbe present Grand CanYOQ
rock Uf'e been stripped from region tens of thou-
11 begun, DO doubt the d!lItrict ot lor;e presented. n. vel'Y dHrerent
aspect. rrom the modern one. The (act rbJlt the older bAsRlts.
S$llds of square miles in area. nut the purts remai n- wberc\-er rouDd, r€1:ft upou the sllme ~ologlCBI horizon, Tis, the
ing Ire I\'en grea te< thun t.he parts removed; the s l1mmlt of tbe PermloD, sUSGe8ts to us the further In(erence
1II0UDI of denudation yet to be accomplished in the that the relton near the ri~er WtlS then Oat and destltutG ot
present cycle far exceedo that already completed. deep efi nyom und ,·al1l'~·s. sudl os uow el: L~t th~rc. and thel'efore
dest:Jtut~ ot great hillIS, buttes, ot' UleSOs. 1.'be mettnlng of IblB
The present local baEe-level of erosion for stl'eams Is n l)O.$~leve l ot erosion. 'l'be rl\'ers could not corrade.
iu the Kaipotrowit.s region lies "t the head of Marble becouse they bad reached, tor Ihe time bolog, tbe!J.' Itmlting
Gorge, where hard lunestorie greatly retards the down- dE'pth lu the stmtn. Tbe W01'k: of erms,ton would then be con.
cutcilll of the Colorado River, necuuse of this bur- flned to le\Telin& tbe sculptnrAl IOf'qunlltics without the power
rier the river in Glen Canyon is no longer act.i"ely to produce new ones or to 8Ugl,l\eot the rellet of old oocs.
deepening its bed and seems unable to remo"e the rock In addition to the peneplain remnnnls in the pla-
nste thot it has accumulated along its margins. The teau province described by Dutton, other. h.v~ been
profile of the Colorado Ri"cr through Glen Canyon mApped by Huntington Rnd Ooldlhwait,lI Robinson,"
aM Marble Gorge is but a large-scalc illustration of o.nd Gregory" and incidentally mentioned by othel'S.
t~, adjust,ment to rock hardness that is shown by Some of. these erosion surfaces have been developed in
IIlCstllreall18 of the Kaiparowits region, • Permian beds, others in 'fria!'>ie beds, nnd the H opi
As In aid in producing lnnd w."te, the Colorndo nuttes penepluin btlvcls sucressivcly Cretaceous, Juras:
Riltr in its course between Hite nnd Lees Ferry exerts sic, and Tl'iassic beds. Although they stand at differ-
small influence, and until its load of waste is signifi- ent altitudes between i,OOO and 7,000 feet, some of
!'lotiy I~ened or ;\-iarble Gorge is deepened, it is these frogmentary sudoces are probably comparahle
lleIy to remain in that position. nut the tributaries in age Ind history, In the Kniparowit.. region old-age
01 Glen Canyon are not thus handicapped_ Their Hosion surface. app<>.ur lit severn I places-oonspicuous
arldients aro steep, many of them precipitous; tlle fentures in an are.. of vigorous youthful el'osion.
eccda tbot OCCur many times each year give them C.lIIXOIrVILLE EROSION SlIR:B .lOll
JPtcialotrength, At present they nre not only can,),-
"" tbe enormolls amount of wo.ste bl'ought to them In the upper Pario. Valley the little MOl'mon town of
"r smaller stream", but in many places they are dcep- Cannonville is sbrroundcd by extensive remnants of
lIir., their channels and rcmo,-ing materials that nn old erosion surface tbot planes smoothly "cross
litre deposited during n formru- period of aggrarla- hard and soft UPP"" JUl""",ic ond Cretaceous beds. In
rioa. Denudation in lhe Kaiparowits region is prob- moSt places this erosion sul'f1lCO has a rathe~ pro-
ably proceeding as rapidly as in ony other part of the nounced angle to the bedding of the IU'1ltified rocks.
plateau province and more rapidly than in most East of Henrieville and northeast of Tropic there 8re
hWlid regions. If the present favorable climatic brond, little-disselted remna.nts developed on the soft
IIlDditions continue these relative rates seem likely to Tropic shale, (See pI. 25, D.) A mantle of roarse,
p~il throughout the present cycle of erosion, well-rounded water-borne materials protects the under-
lyir.g weak rock. and has aided materially in preserv-
EROSION SURFACES ing portions of the graded plain. Nul' Cannonville
the eNsion su.da.ce intersect.. the bUll pat~ of Ihe
soh shale and ~h6 hard Ilndstllne at the bottom ef
Oa the Uinkaret, Shivwits, Kaibab, and Coconino the Cretaceous, To the west, Qverwoked by the high
Plateaus Dutton discovel'ed .emnanll! Ilf ·old aently cliff. of the Paun6&ugunt, the divides between the
I!'Ided erosion surfllCes which bevel across Permian stfeuns that are· cutting actively hendwr.rd into the
Rdo-bard rocks and soft rocks alike-and which High Plateaus are even-topped and very gently in-
"ve been prescl'Ved by a protecting cap of basalt. clined Loward the Paria_
tli. evidence of ancient cycles led to the significant i In many plac.,. " lower surface is marked by a
cenera\ization that before the beginning of the cut- prominent bench tha.t is subparallel to the upper ero-
tiag of the present Grund Canyon and tha other deep : sion surface and about 200 feet lower. It is well
CIlljOIlS of the region the plateau district was reduced developed in the Cretaceous shrue area. east of Tropic_
IIseotiaUy to a base-level of erosioQ and that tho pres-
»l{Qntla,IOIii, Ellnrorth, aDd Goldtbwntt, J . W •• Tbe SUtrlc.DO
"t cycle of a.ctive canyon sculpture 1\'8S initiated by (mult I. 1M T04IlWrTlUo d1f.:(rict, Utah: aanlrd con. Mu .. Comp,
• pronounced uplift that strongly rejuvenated the 1.001011:7 11111 .. ' -0:1'. 42. pp. 2~23T. 1004,
It Robhuoft. \i. i1 .. 'rite Tt'rtiar1 !lr UplllD ot rbe Plaf~o.u dtltrlct
ilrealDs. Dutton 10 says: And '4J.~t C'ellotrl I.. &rl&•• ' lad New Wr:llco: Am. Jour. Sel., 4th
...... ".1,. 2.. pp, U~l1S. lto1.
·bIlU .... X, Tutl a r), bill'or,. of tbe Orand C4D~'on dtillnct: 1. Gr.COf1. U. B., Oeeklll:1 of tile NII\'lIlo (!Odolr),: U. 8. Oeot Sur-
a l <'*II. Sdf¥O ' )fOil. 2, pr. 223_22"', 1&82. "'1 Pr.r, Popel' ... pp. 1»-112. 1811.
u-e and tII.tthe erosion repl'eSented by the pre·
W..tch UlIconformity may be ,efen-ed to early
Eocene time, J"epresent~d by the Animas (Eo-
_'), Torrejon, nnd Puerco formations in the
San J~.n area, to th~ southenst. Evidenoe pointe
Itlher strongly to a. common age for the disturb·
pCIIfI that llroduced the monoclinnl folds of the
,..ten country. In several places rocks as
,..0, II th~ I'desa verde Cretaceous, which are
ildaded in the folding, nre preserved from sub·
sequent erosion, but in most places the pre·Wa-·
SlId! or SUbsequent denudation has planed the
.race down to rocks thnt are older than the
Kaiparowits beds. Gregory 12 notes that very late
(lttaeeous tocks (the so-called Laramie beds of
!hat Irea) are Included in the deformation ,of the
De4ance monocline in eastern Arizona, whereas
iD southern Utah the beveled Mesozoic beds are
_formably covered by Eocene beds. This in·
dicates, then, that the general period of disturb·
UCI in the plateau country that produeed the
_eline is post-Fruitland in age and sufficiently
elder than the Wasatch to have permitted wide·
JPl6d Ind deep erosion of the underlying rocks.

The Kaibab upwarp includes tbe elevated strata.

oa the west side of the East Kllcibab monocline.
Yo, ~rt of the upwarp I.hat is included in soutb.·
m Utab represents the northward·sloping border
of Ihe nplift, which reaches its greatest altitude
far to the south, in the Grand Canyon district.
The Kaibab .limestone is exposed at the 5Urfa.ce
for about 10 miles north of tho Utah·Arizona
IIInmdary, and beyond it successive outcrops of the
]QGDger beds appear in order. The Jurassic sand·
IIoJIe lorlllll the eastward·trending escarpments
knowD IL9 the Vermilion and WhilA! Cliffs. The
Cmaeeous beds occupy the surface at the head·
waters of the Paria. Valley.
On the east side of the Pannsaugunt Pla.teau,
• " a dista.nce of 1 to 3 miles from the Pink
Ili!&, wbich border the plateau, lies a prominent
IOrthward.trending fault with uplift on the east,
knowD aa the East Paunsaugunt fa ult. On ,the
•• side of the fault are Upper Cretaceous sand·
__ that belong to the Wahweap and Straight
Clifs formations, and on the east are Cretaceous
btda that belong to the Tropic sbale and the Da· FIooH 1.-OeDerlllfMd block dl.~m.a reprelleaUag .ta p 10 tlle ph}'ttlo-
irota(1) sandstone, whereas farther south beds of gtaphlc blator, .,t the opper Parlo Valley. ., A abort t Jme .rter dlapJaee-
~ Upper Jurassic CanneJ forma.tion are found b1.~t ot bed. 0100. PaUMIIU;UD t rault'j ' COn.cq~Dt DOI·tb ....a.rd drain ...
Db the wKt (downtbrowD. Iidfl. ond p""elbl, Q~O OD coat ,Ide. &~ Beee.
II toDtect with the Uppep Cretaceous slLIldstone. -Lot.. or Tcrllary rUII. oa tlpthrowa sJd. tbf1lugb headwucl e'Uttill.l 01 till
fl. plaCeS were observed wbere the total tbrow Pufl .Ift' dn.luaf,." f.voro!(J b1 It«p .. radlent ,t 9 nu ColoNdo Blur aQd
11'",.. Cn!.Acro\tf ~b Mknv TIn'U.r,. .~ A. lat<.r 1IIta;~, abo.ln, tl'Ollloa
of Lbe fault could be determined readily, but 0( the .. ~, .. est ot ttlt f~uJlt I' "eO 3.,hlrtber rreeh!OQ or cwr. OQ the
Ol Willis Creek the displacement apparently IlpthtOWD btedi . 4. prete.t .taa~ Not mucll lIealhr._rd ~utUDI .. aeetled
101; tH Parla to capture the "lien: o( ttl. u,fK'r Ea.t :Fart. 01 tlle 8e'ller

IlIIounta to at least 1,500 feeL Where tbe Paria aber. 1'., W•• tell (orm.Un ; Kk, Kafparowttll t.naAtI .. : Kw.. Wah·
....p ao4 'tNI~ht <:~ .1Id~lo~~_ It:_.:n_,!~. _~.~e: ... n.kota(f)

Ne ..r Cannonville the erosion surface has IlII altitude formable with the attitude of its component rocka,l..,t
of about 6,000 to 7,500 feet. In it tbe Paria River in plate'! it is out of accord w,th the structUl'e, Netr
and its tributaries have ,arved valleys 300 to 1,000 Peak, at an altitude of about 6,500 feeL, lie
" feet in depth and are npidly cutting deeper, North- renulllnts of • smoothly g .....ded erosion surface de••I,
ward and westward along divides that· have not yet oped 011 the inclined beds of the weak ""ndEtono and
~n shlll'penca by recellt erosion, the erosion iur- sandy shale of tha Kaiparowits formation and cllttiag
fo.~o continues 1\8 a foirly genUe slope that leads up across harder and soft~,· b()d... like, From thi, sur-
I face gentle slopes lend e~cnly upwllrd lo the Tertiary
to th~ summit of Ihe higher plateaus. The borders ot
the 're"tiary plateaus were doubtl..... lowly ''ec.ding limestone of Canaon PeAle ancl thus dllplicate the
us t.he erosion suriace wal developing, but the slopes relations nenr Cannonvillc (p. M3). To the ""11th lnd
thot surround the broad \'alley plains ~ppear to have southeast tbe graded erosion ~urf.ce me ..ges with tbe
been n.ther well though steeply groded, Tbe more 'broad, smooth slope of the WaI,weap sandstone, ..Moo
IICtivo cutting, which was due to uplift of the regio:> here bas little relief. :Migmting divides appelLJ' Ii
and rejuvellation of the streams, has merely served to several plnces where the b."dwate"s of Last Chanco
bharpen the c:!iff profiles ~ml to .ccelerate tbe retrellt and Wahweap Creeks, favored by steep gradicnta,
of tbe clift's. . are .ating l\uy the older topography,
South\yord tb. remno.nt. of the Cannonville erosion The slIrhce of the southeastern port of the Kaiparo_
surface merl,"e .. ith the gentle slope of the mns- wits Plnteau is distinguished topogl'llphically by open
sive •• ndotone ,t bat forms tbe White Clift's. At the valleya Dnd gentle slopes, together with some sensibly
time when tbis surIace formed the floor of tbe upper lid areas, Thougb some of the brond stream chlouels
Pltria Volley the White Clift'. Meo"pment rose hnn- a,'e deep, none of them reach the bottom of the cappia:
,In·d.. of feet above the plain, nnd the P.ria River sandstone, The topography os a whole seems dis.
cl'O!<oet! tho sandstone in n moderately narrow valley, tinctIy more mature in this part than in other parts of
probably 1I0t unlike t,he present mnyon escept in the plateau surface, The up.tream parts of many of
depth, The outline of the White· Clift's hus doubtless the older valleys ba ve been beheaded and their lower
beon soml\whllt modifi~, bnt there docs not appear parts greatly steepened Or cut off by erosion on lit.
to have been mnch reccE3ion of the cliffs during the Bauk. of the plateau, indicating a conl'ider.ble shrink,
,'ecallt stage of nctive erosion that i. now continuing, age in the size of tbe fO"mer grnded upland. Ob-
Neul'N' the Colorado River, where traces of an olde,' viously these features afford evidence of nn old erosion
topogmphy have been largely obliterated, it is not surface,
possible to recognize with REsuranc. u former eiten- The gently graded surfnce near Canaan PeAk ....
sioll of the CannollYiIle ourfnce. The gradient of tbe cords in general altit'ude ' and topography with tbe
prcSI'nt Pnl'ia River i. much steeper than that of the ~rosion remnants along the Paria. The somewh.t
C.,nnollville stoge, .. nd accordillgly, on apprOllching rugged but maturely diSsected topography of tho
tho, I'emnont. of tbis older ero.ion surfuce, sOQth •• stern part of the Kuiparowits Plateau is prob-
if p"escnt, woulrl .be fit propol'tionntely greater beights : ably a part of tbe some old topography,' and the mora
abovo present \'ulley floor, Some of the hard- strongly developed relief is due to proximity to tho
rock sudaces of the pillten~. northeast of the Puriu Colorado, which is the master strcam for both areas,
Rive,' and of the Juru.s.ic Eondstone ridge along tbe
EllSt ·Koibnb fold cxhibiL suggestive trices of an older 511l11.&Olt or P.lllii'SA'o'G1INT PLATIlAlI
topogl'aphy nbove 5,500 feet. Oll th. Imrd-rock sur- Th. !urface of the Pa~nii~~~t Plateau is gently
£ of tbe Kaibab Plateuu the topog,'apby is not.bly concave. The bordering ~im is"u~if.ormly higher \ball
1ll0re maturo thllll tbllt on the lower slopes along tha the central part, and tho 'drainage is radially in....rd
HOllse Rock Vlllley, and remnants of erosion surface, h, the perennial East· Fork of the Sevier Rivel', which
bevel the soft& ,'ooko on the Banks of the East Kllibab ' occupies the aximl position, In direction of lIow the
uplift nnd ext.elld in some ploces far out to\vol'd tho OIain stream and its' tributaries conform with th. eea-
M.rble Gorge. eral inclination of the rocks, .
, SUIlP.lClt OP KAIPAIIOWITS PtATUV In contrast to tbe deeply carved canyons of streams
beneath the Pink Clift's, tbe sutru:nit t<?pography of the
In a regional sense U,e Kniparowits PlAtellu is • Pauosaugllllt consists of mnture slopes ' and gently
thick mass of Jurllssic and Cretnceous i!edimentorv irode~ flnts, Land scuLpture, so far 8: it can be ~c­
rocks-the remnllnt of a mass tha.t once extended oo,mph8~ed by the geutly sloping East Fork and ,tl
throughout sOuUlcastern Ut.ah nnd into neigbboring h'lbutufles, bos advanced fur, "
Stnte~, 11.£ pl'eservation is due to its position in a
.Between Red Canyon oind Costro Canyon tertaln of
shallow syncline and to the "".i.tanee of ita cappin ...
Cretaceous snndstone. III general its surface is con: I th,. divi,des that !'epa rate the southeastward-flowing
I trlbut8r1eA of tbe Seviel' have a !!entIe southward slope
thaL appears to murk a former graded erosion surface, A sout. h~stw.rd continuat.ion of the profile from
.ad in places weU-defined remnants of u graded slope the A:quarlUs Plateau iudicates that probahly the ex-
lie between this upper one and the bottoms of t.he pres-
Covlltl.on of the great howl that is no\'( hounded by
tnt SLrePID nlleys. Erosion by Castro Canyon has
beheaded iDa very interesting manner several of these the Circle ChITs had ~n begun aL this time, but ero-
southward-sloping tributaries and has cut off also the sJOn eould hardl, have ad\'unced much farther than
JDlouth interstream slopes from their continuation on to establish the courses of the consequent streams tbat
ti:e north. The southem part of the platea.u, which now cany part, of the wat.ers of ihis telTitory to the
rise;! to an altitude of mOre than 9,000 feet, is some-
Escalante and Halls C,,,ek.
wltat more rugged thun the northern part, where wide EP.OSIOlr 811IlPACES AT OTHER LOCALITIES
allutial flats cover the t1anks of projecting hills. This
COBtrast seems to be g,·eater than the normol difference Along parts of the Waterpocket Fold and on some
between the headwaters Ilnd the lower part of a. stream of the ~Iopes that border t.he Henry Mountains clearly
course, and it is lJOt unlikely thnt II. geologienlly '·ecent, determmable remnants of old erosion · surfaces now
sflghtly uneven northward tilting of this &rea has stand at altitudes between 5,000 and S,OOO feet. Some
served to accelerate sculpture in the southern part and of the intcrstrelllD erosion ,,,muan!s bevel smoothly
to bury 'the northern part of the river valley under Dcross a number of hard and soft C,,,tuCeous and Up-
extensive deposits of alluvium. per Jurassic rock formations, As in the northern
That the maturely eroded surface of the Paunsau- l;art of tbe Kaibab Plateau, SOme of the valleys of
~.nt Plateau was once more extensive is shown by the the Waterpocket Fold have a notahly more open and
form of tbe upper tribut.ary valleys. Along the rim mOl·e mature topograpby near their h"nds than farther
of the plateau that overlooks the Paria. Valley the downstream, where the valleys, though carved in the
tributaries of the Sevier, which flow in valleys of very SRme formation, are extremely nnrrow and deep.
gtutle gradient, come into competition with those of Remnants of old erosion surfaces appear in the Paria
the Colorado, which flow in st.eeply inclined va.lJeys. Valley (pI. 27, OJ, in the E8C.illlllte Valley, and along
lfany v~leys on the ph,t;eau maintain their broad V Glen Canyon.
fornl to tile very edge of the Pink Cliffs, where they INCLOSED MEANDERS
a.. cut off by the more favorahly situated south ward-
Jlowi;ng streams. Some streams from the lower lands Prominent too.tures of many valleys in tile Klliparo-
lllve even renched the top of the platoou and have wit.s region are their tortuo'lsly winding courses.
.cVCl·te<l drainnge from the Sevier. Only & small I They appear in 8 few "alleys carved in soft rock and
lJIIOunt of digging was reIJuired in the construction of 8l'e charactC\ristic of valleys in hArd rock. The high
the irrigation ditch that now leads watel' from the rock wolls of big valleys and of IiUle vaneys follow
EIst Fork of the Sevier over the plateau rim to the each bend and turn in tlie stream course. (See pI.
Selds at Tropic. · 21, D.} Through Glen Canyon the Colorado winds
southwe..otward in and out around buttresses like a
SLOPES OF A!lUARI11S PLATEAU gigantic snuke. Its tributll.l)' stre.~s are eVen more
A .iew toward the Aquarius Plateau from the high sinuous. In the lower reaches of the Puill. and Ellca-
sondstone cliffs along the Waterrocket Fold shows Iante Rivers and W·ahw,"p, Warm, JASt. Chllnce, and
' er1 clearly a. gently graded erosion surface that cuts Rock Creeks and in tbe canyons that enter the Colo-
aOIiquely and smoothly across the bedding planes of rado f,"Om the north and from the south closely
the hard Navajo sandstone. This slope extends from · pressed curves !lnd almost right-angled turns mark
th. Upper plateau almost without break to the border the course of parallel canyon walls; straight sections
0/ t~ Circle Cliffs. Along Pine Creek and Sand are ,·ore, and -io fcw places i" it possible to see both
~k the beds involved in the Esca.lant8 monocline walls for half a mile ahead. Along the Virgin River,
have been truncated, ·and three remnant peneplains Kanab Creek, the San Juan River, and elsewhere in
have been mapped. Tributaries of the Escalante are the plateau province the same phenomenA occur.
now cutting VigOl·QusIy into the edges of the. Aquarius Of the canyons in the Novajo country, Gregory 11
P\~teau and are gradually" obliterating this slope, · says:
~illch rem ....ins only on the divides. Probably the All the conyons Dre alnuoua to a degree. VHf much greater
1Ill.erstreftm .topography corresponds to similal· fea- thin 1ndicated on topographic maps. Close-set meanders wltb
tuns along the Paunsaugunt and Table Cliff Plateaus bol'Setihoe cutV-e3 and goosen'e cu Dre common, an(] the troyerse
lJld represent the subdued outline ·01 the Tertiary pla- or maDY, a canyon Involves Pll88lng tu right Ind lett about
· tow~ring buttresses ",·ltb turus appro8cblng ISO".
t.. a during the stage· of erosion thaL preceded the
~nt cycle of (;Inyon cuttinit: ' . ":. -Grtgor1. H. E.• op. ell. ' p. 124.

The pI'evalence of these meanders along canyon An esamination of the cunyon walls thnt incIoe..
courses is directly related to the kind of rock that the meander loops shows t.hat some ha ve Ilndergon,
form s the canyon wall. In the /:eavy beds, porticu. considerllble cltanges and that others arc in process
I~rly massive sandstone, they are preserved j in shale of change but that man.", especially those along Gler.
lind, ~oft sandstone they nre absent or at least ellnYOll, probably bnve maintained both position Rnd
poorly represented. form dUl'ing the whole period o.f ~anyon t.renching.
The Escalante River presents lIO unusual features ill In other ",oros, some of the CXlstlfl,g meanders are
its upper CaUl's" through Cretaceous strata, but from the result of normal stre.1m development within tile
E scalante to its mouth the river follows a very sinuous prescnt cycle, but others have in!:tel'itcd their pottenl
COllrsa that is e/lrved in sandstone of the Glen Cllnyon from a previous cycle of cl'Osioll. The chief chllrncter.
IP·ouP. W ahweup Cr~k, Warm Creek, and other istics of the inclosed mcanders thot developed or
streams thut drain the south side of the Kaiparowits [·he strenm nre the gradual slope-the ";'
• Pbtca u Irow inclosed meanders in Cretkeeolls sand· slope-which appears toword the cnd and along th"
sl'one lICn l' their hcods, but downstrellm they enter downstre.'n margin of the Spill'S ~hat project ia' J
opcn valleys, and still farther downstrellm they again the lUelLnder bendS, nnd the well·defined stcepening of
flow between high, closely spaced, intricately meander. the vdley sides along the outer and downstream parts
ing wilils. Where Pine Cre.ek and Halls Creek flow of the meunde>' ·bends. Downward corm.ion, conl-
through the Navajo sandstone they run in tortuous bined with laternl corrasion, may so enbrge tho minor
grooves a ra difficult to follow j in the beds of the irregularil.ies in tho direction of Ule st ream's courso
Son RlLlnel group these valleys provide wide, open eventu"Uy the pattern is 'rathel' strongly meander.
road ways. ing. (See pIs. 2:2, (J j 25, A.) Such ioclosed meander-
The size and form of the inclosed mea.nders ore I'e· ing volleys, which are not inappropriately termed
Io.ted tu the width of the canyon nnd tho strength of "ingrown ': meanders by Ricb,1f UI'O vcry common in
the streo.m tlint occupies it. The mennders of Glen t.he hard-rock formations. of the K a.ipIII·owit. I·egion.
ClLnyoll oro broodly open curves with small arc and Their development in the normal eourse o·{ downward
lurge radius. 1\o[0st of t.he grout swings ore se\'el'al corrllsion appears to be tho rule ,other than the
mil"" in length, and tbeir limbs Ilre widely separated, e:5:eeption.
but ot Meskin Bur the river, after £lowing 5 miles, A traverse of the ilool's of the P8I'io' and
returns to 0. point less I.hon three-fourths of a mile Rivers and 'Wnhweap, Warm, Last Chance, Collot!,
from its former position, and at I.ees Fel'fY a tunnel WiIlow, nnd Halls CrC<'ks shows that mnny meanders
4,000 feet long across a meander neck would eliminllte are normal features of lund degradation under ,~
6 miles of eha.nnel. The smaller streams show many conditions of load, rock hardness, and sudden changes
campI'essed loops thllt are made np of arcs of different of I'olume thot prevail in the Kaiparowits region.
degrees of curvature. Some .t urns aro short, fin' curves Along these streams the intrenchment ·of me:tnders ill
bel.Woo11 nearly .tmight stretchesa.nd give the op- n hurd-rock formation is accompanied by a gradual
pea.ronco of streams flowing al'Ound square corners. obliteratioll of the meanders in portions of' tbe vaUey
Some moonder loopo nre eo closely pressed that theil' whel'e downwa.rd erosion proceeds in weak strata. On
boses are separoted by less tbnn 100 feet of rock, and entering the hard rocks. the width of the streAm cha.n-
the limbs of others hnve become united by tbe de- Ilel is constricted. buring each freshet-and mo. of
struct.ion of tbe intervening wall, which leaves an Oll- the run-off in the plateau country consists of floods
bow vaIley stlLnding to one side. Meandering adds I that ore oocasioned by loco.l torrential downpoul.......
much to the length of tbe streams and thus decrotlSes I the sediment-laden watert, which roll cobbles IDd
their average gradient and their power to erode. The , omill bouldelil along t.he stream floor, deflected
longth of Glen Cnnyon fronl Hite to Lees Fer.y is 162 alternately against the right and left waIls of th.
miles, MId the wllter that passes throngh it falls 2 feet narrow section of the canyon. The hea,y load of lOR-
to the mile. If its meanders were eliminated the terial transpolted by the stream plrtly protecta &he
length would be 100 miles and the fall 3.2 feet to the bottom of tho canvon while tbe rush of the water
mil~. The lower Escnlonte maintlLins a n unusually Ilgainst the sid. w~lla and around the bends accom·
straIght generol course, y~t beclluse of its Oleanders ~lishes wh~t amounts proportionally to ,, "very con-
within a bolt only about tltree-fourths of a mile wide SIderable SIdeward cutting. The concllYe portion of
it tlows 28 miles to oover I distance of 14 miles. Wah. I~e meander curve is enlarged and moves progreso
wcap Creek lIow8 3.6 miles in a tortuous ·course to stvely downstream, and slip-olt slopes develop on the
cover 2 milos, and Warm Creek Oows 6.2 miles from canvell portions. The Pn!sooce of a component in the
Wornl Creek Cobill to Glen ClIJlyon, a distance over-
land of 2.8 miles. "aI4, 1. L.. Certain t'1N!8 ot dream Tan~1. aDd tbelr IDea .... :
J'oor. Geoo1oc1. TOt. 22, p. no, lOB. .
1·" O Ft: Kti IO~ .\I. I· .\'·J'; U I'~ I 1·t. ....·I· ..~ ~

Iluth.... Vn.lw.y. lit Itwo WI. i" 1'..1If""..d in W"'Jllt ~:III IlIlJud bC.'YIJ; i~ i. "",nIL" by M""'i..... n (n lind Dakola (iI') !i.;md.ston\". Th\" v"II,.,. in It,,, Co' nlml pUN or tiM' vifr_ u.: cllr..-I!'d ill T,....,..i.... Iullll!'.
"\'of\(: lind W"hweap ~'IthLOne fIl n..ktl th~ J'!Mmino....,1. riche_ BI the ri"I,I. Uc"ond thew: rid,,1!!0 In",.
booI_n ~ r": plj,iTL,,.'d K.iPllfO....ill'O lied>. pnrUy dl~lo::d .


'fI.e C.IIIYUfI uf W,," ... ,..... Cr,.'.'k ill """II"t ' I~ It:fllmd),ht· uphrrnrd Crct.;:IOf'IOlI~ ,.IUld_l.oQllol III the: r~ll. TI,is porl'iurJ. ttl Ow t\lIlivaro-il~ PlutO::IIU, u"l.ekt hl' tru, Wnh .... p iII4'I"dlll~" 1Ilope.I ~nll)' norlh ...·urd.
n"ll~inl! t .... di,l 01 L~ 1'CId. .. : I~ 1I1.r~m, 110 _ jIOULhw .. rd ill C\'et·<h.- .;'pt·ciu; cnn)"lKt-.. ,
VIEWS FIIO!oI .\ I' o ' ... ·r :\'E.\H Tin: "GI; ""
v. s. Gl:OJ:.DCICAL 8l~ R\,F.\·

..t . VIEW AI,ONt; FA( ~fo: Ot' ~' IH,l<af'l~ Cll. lt' ....~
\i. ...- ':1(" /1 f,,,,,, ;. J."in\. "h.... L I 11Ilil,'" ,-n" t hl'U"," o r E!ot~ J:") I~', "1'1,,,, ~n""i l<,"\0!1 ri.. Ina ""I!I I!O'J .... .--1 0111,.. ..li1r" is I.h.. e~6'C"II(J" l'\1",... ijlhl ( :IIK" r.,,",'llIri.H1 Tn.."" , ~.i.k rtl"n~.'1 4oti"", '1'111' 1l " ~ ,, lj
JUlOo"'r he n.lh .
II . ,\ IO NClCI.INh1. \":\I.I.EY Ii\ THtll'lC sa.r"U .\
"11 .. , 1,' I;:),m,J,. riol .... ·~ AI ri.I ,L m ,' ( • .,.nll', I I ry n~"' r I YII
. .... ~I UHb<',UW" li ll" III.)' I.h" I-:n .. t K.-.I, r,"'1

C. (.'{)U)HADO lU VEfi 1-'1"\0.\ 1 A l'I """ U GI.i:: AIlO\' l-: L~ES . 'EIHH'
(I , oore NI1YlljG :<Illld>1tcUI'I; N"lI n tjo _\lOUO'~Jl in di"LlUl<!~. ni,,-nl ~n""'r. 1'11(111O<:1in,,1 rold ( l.;.:bo Cmf!.). ",.. ,mire Chink. lIi . . .hl. i":n'II,j ... SI,;TI",mup. [lad K '-I; b"h hUnll..... ·"'; b.·"d uf :\1llrh~c.lI.:
I'HOl't;~"'lOXAJ. P .\I'Elt l ti l PI •. \·n: :.H

.";Y IN ' J'JHH'IC :mr\u: AI ,:):"\I' t:AS,T 1,.\11-1.\11 :"oWNtlCUNE K'l.ST OF Hurl.lm \.\1.1.1':"
l~, 6, G~OLOGIC,\" SlIR\'EY


~10nU! :II:n l .• Itml hullra of ~nrd "'tll(}:..l oll<! (I;:'III~ r "la. NlnUUe-:vit ....., ,.1111 Mor rillOfl rorulll' KW.~) Il ll 11 brc.;tll 111':11:. .)1
rorrucd hy cr01;l()1) or w",,.l l'tr.;l., (Cul1od rUI"IDnrlon) IlrYcrlyius: boro IQudswU0 (N(i"l'IUO).

fl , DRY \,;\LI.EY." nOWL-UI\E DEPRESSION CUT IN TIII~ ~OFT STI\AT.\ of '!'fIr-: 8.\N IU " AEI.
(;n OU I' !!ND TtlE Monnl SOill' m FOI\:'or"TIOS
'1'),(1 " l.rllUfled r oclo.s lUI: Sur! thfill'! J;r(lUp n od :\i [~1.1 (?) (li~ht~:ul",,-d), o"" hy 0,,_10.01 •• (~) (jl;uk,r !M-,I··I·
. Hie I1 lJ(tr ~ co..-eo:d L)' ,[llu\'jlll b ~L.
• c

u. ~. G£OLOGIC}'L 8'C n'o't:Y

~I. C.~~YON (It-" DEATII 1I0U..QW Cnr-:EK

1',~ ' "JllliUII i~ t:lIl ill Wl!l{;.tt~ Il')ruislooo .

. 9. £:,\:\YO:',' 'rnlHUTAIt\' TO .\ll'Ll~Y TWIST CIH':E K.

inclill",1 Wi II:"
\, Ie "'!lll( I"\(lU(' U\"crlalll
· b~ Todi!to ( ~) hmuoll(lIl.


ti l "


. ' /

Km '
..'l - J
r------ .


Contour intery .l 1~
Da.filll_ ,. _ _ _ r.

Kbt!st, Blue Gate laodatone j Kbl"sh . •• Blue Gate eh.aIe I'; Kill, Tnnunk 88ndetone; KI'Sh . . ' Tununk I.~
Entrada eandstone; .)c, Carmel formation ; In, Nav ajo aandttont ; J1. Todilto
"', Shinarump conglomerate; 'Jim, Moenk opi (ormation ; C
PROfE81 10NAL PAI"r.. 1.. PLAn: z.
- -,


interva l 100 t eet
, ...,
i. ....... _ a
n ; Jt", Summe rville formation and
u nuhk .baJe·· ; Kd . Dakota (1) sandeto ne: Km. Morn.on formatio
; J t, Todilto (1) format ion; Jw, Wingat e aand,to ne: lie.
Chinle formati on ~
orma tion; Ck. K.ibab limesto ne and Coconin o laod.toD e
11 , r.O LOFUl)O tU VF.rl AT HALLS c n o&';I'~(;

S ho wi'O u.Klcrcul clifT. on outer ~ntI J o .... u"lr ...liIu ~id l'" of rn(':lnJ .... r t"'lIlh. all J ..Iip-olr .,.lof'O'" ...11 ""IIhj. Ilt'tV."-: l i~ illio the ~ ... h . '~'he OOIIlIvr roo:k izj NlVlljo .... nd ~\OrW. C$\... ~ lu"all )' i» "
Cal'md ",tr.,h' .

Jj . C.\ ;\ii'\ON \·II.I.I-: l::n05l0:\ SU Rr.\ CE FRO:'.I P01 >,,[ ::'Ii":.\R HE,\ O Of LI 'rrL"; C A~ 'HJ I"
lrjtllJlllr~ .)r Ilu' 1"11-;" 11 ;\"'f, ho· ... ·I ... lJ' .. :0<1".1" ;11 1<1 III !:twr Cn~ ll~ 1I!..r,iIls.
Th.· C.ull ,,,.,,,·iI!'J p"lM!pl:aill. pmtl,. u.iJ>M!ol,;\cd I,y


erosion that tends to ~ut laterally is evidently t.he ! Most of the $mallet· streams are vigo~ously removing
.. use of the de"elopment of the meandering course. meundel' spurl!. In many places in soft rock the
'1his later oj component appears to be due to propor- has been completed, ftnd even in hard rock it is well
Ilooally large side cutting, where, during the acti," advonced. In the lowest H mile-.; of EscaInnte Canyon
erosion of Hoods, the canyon Hoor is mOl'c or less pro- six meander necks ore each los>; than roo teet ac.'Oss
t..ted by a ,...rpet of cobbles and boulders th.~ wear and hoye been reduced in height to Ie" than 100 feet.
eoe anolhor but retard er,)sion of the hlU'd-rock Hoor. ()ne meander neck n.. r the mouth of Willow Creek
There is considel'nble sideward wear, especially along i5 200 feet across and less than 20 feet high. TI'ench-
thl outer and dOwflstI'ealll ma.rgins of the strelllll ing of this low burrie.r would eliminate a CUl:ve, 1%
tIIl'Ves, whet·. rock ?lIlterillls in the rapidly m~.\'iIlg I mile. long.' ~Villow Creek has stl'aigh~ened, its COIl.rse
" •.ter lI'e flung agaInst the walls of the constBctl:'d , by lmdel'cllttmg ~ meander ~pur, leovmg It stondtng
ilream. (See pI. 23, A.) This lateral carr.sioo, AS an arch. (Sec p. 145.) In tm>,ersill£, smaller
combined with the vertical downward cutting, aPFeol'S stream. the route c.on be conveniently shortened by
to be 8uJlicient to modify tbe form of the valley and to crossing low di"ide_, where concave port.ions of
.bift the position of the ,s tream in such 1\ way as (0 meander bends come close togetber. In the process of'
{ann thc meanders. A very influential factor aE'pea~ down cufting in the hud rocks most meanders that
t. be tho ooD.sidenilile load o:f coarse material that IS hllve been developed ~t higher levels are destroyed,
carried by thc£e st.rcoms ,i n flood stage. , and in places remnants of them nre perched high on
Where the etren I!1S have encouotered soft rocks be- cnnyoll. walls like the two-storied meandcrs of the Son
Death _ hard formation in whicb inclosed meanders i JII.n desc1~bed by GI'egory." It mlly be that the
bave been formed, the slig,h t resistance t.o sideward I F~rI'Y SwuJe, an oval trench thnt. has been cut into tbe
eutting peFnllts rapid erosion of .purs, Navajo sandstone on the Lees Ferry-Wuhweop trail,
"!lich tends to widen and to clear out the valley. For dnd]o;t Rincou, opposite t.he mouth of the Escnlante
• time the inclosing sundstone cliffs mays hold the Rivor, are obandone.d high-level meanders of the
slream essentially in its meandering course, but even- Colol·ado.
tually they waste back and the .vlllley becomes gr~d- Although many, perhaps most inclosed meanders. in
ual\y more open. The cros.; sectIon of the channel .m- ~h~ KaipArowits region require for their explanat.ton
cro ..... in width, and the sw~e!> against projed~ng ollty the normal vertical nnd I.teral rorra.sion incident
remnlUlts of spurs tends ,to g,nnd them away, glnng • to the life history of stre11Ill., the mennders of Glen
rise dQwnst.ream t<> a gently sinuous or even a faIrly · Can vall and of some of its Ingel' tri/)utaries caU for
straight course. So consistent are these processes th"t a diferent explanation. (See p. 139.)
the explorer soon learns to anti~ipate the position of For Glen Ca.nyon as I. whole, horizontal shifting
deeply undercut banks and ot slip-oft slopes' that may appears to have changed only sligMly the outline of
servo a. guides for feasible routes icom the floor of the the nielndel' bends and to have moved. them only short
canyon to it,s rim_ As the ca.nYOll is deepened, the distan~ downstream but not to have developed a new
meander bends increase in width, and the stream pat- ~e}'ies of meanders from original small irregnlarities
tern tends ,t o become 1'1 pidly more comple~.. in the river's course. Fielcl evidence leads to the belief
If the thickneS$ of the hard-rock formatIons IS suf- that the Colorado was a. meandering streom before the
6cientIy great, the height of the Fock. walls and the intrenchment that formed Glen Canyon, tnd that the
consequent large volnme of ~ock. materIal to be m~ved essential fcatures of the present meander patt<lrD we~e
fur ench unit of lateral cuttmg lffi~ a natural limIt developed as th .. Honnal expresoion of .' graded '."'nd~­
on the development of these lOgrown meanders. tion on a former flood pla.in_ If thIS conclUSIOn IS
Where a considerable thickness of hard sandstone has I'd I-t "ppears th"t practically aU the downward
been peoetrated by the ,treamo, defin:i te. «101'IP-O if" corFasion
va 1 a
incident to recent uplift has been accom-
aIopea appea, near the top of ~e canyon walls, plished through hard rocks th.~ were competent. .to
"hereas tho lower walt:' on boto SIdes of the canyon preserve essentially the geographIC plan ot the eacher
It, steep or even vertIcal ~or tens 0:
hundreds of Colorado. .
feeL (See p~. 2.5, A.} 'rhlS change. 111 stream pat- I The position of the Burface of er.osion on whIch
tern frorn iiwmgmg curves accompanIed. by und~rc~t tho Colorado developed ib! meandermg pllttern ~an
banks and slip-oil slopes to. curves held tIghtly wI~hin b -'. . ed with If tbo. nplift that
. 11 h b th " I d a no' e "eterrom
hard-rQc]<: walls IS we sown y e mc ose ' me n- be an the p~nt cycle was uniform tI~e relatIOn. IS
oF ' .,

ders on lower Wa.rm Creek and lower Last Chan~ . g t b t if unenll warping: accompanIed the uphft
Creek. for similar features on Kanab Creek GII- slm! e,. u factorS are introduced into the problem.
ilen"use' the expression "ennyon within a canyon." The mInnnum o~~ . upl'lft 1'0~ (h& present hei"ht
of the Glen
-.GlIllert G. K., U. s. Gcog. and GeQl. "urn,.! W. lOOth w.~. Kept,
• G~ger1. H. E., 0'. elt., P. 121.
'<II. 10 p1. .ad: p. 11. 18"~.

Canyon waUs at Lees Ferry, about 1,soo feet. Unless walled canyons of the present cycle, They appear to
the broad esplanade that extends backward from the represent an advanced state in Ii cycle of erosion, the
ca nyOIl rim approximately mlldes ita position, no evi- beginning of which long antedates that of the present
dence of the former !>Urfaee of erosion existS! in the cycle.
vicinity of Glen Canyon, The esplanade is a stru~- The d?tTerences in aJ ti t~de of the remnants ,of ~
,tuI'll1 platform that is upheld III resistant NavajO old erosIon surfaces nnd III the extent t~ wh,wh ID-
sundstone, The weak overlying Cormel strata permit ,' equalities of hard and soft ro,cks were ill dd!erent
considerable recession of clifT. and the destruction pl ..ces obliterated lDa.lie unce rtam the correlation and
0' erosion surfaces, Furthermore, if th(l ancient me· .ven the number of erosion cycles, In the light of
andel'ing habit had been established in resistant rocks present knowledge it ,seems probable that the (;olorado
above the Cormel the time I'equ.ired for cut ting and itll mnin trIbutarIes were estnblished ItS con""'luent
through this thin weak fornmtioJ) probably would streams on the surface of widespread early Tertiary
be insufficient to straighten the curves of the stream, deposits, scattered remnants of which now remain in
With its paUern little modified the stream would be sputherll Utuh, northeastern Arizona, north westen
lowered to the top of the Navajo sandstone in a posi- New Mexico, and southwestern Colorado, As the
tion to begin intrenchment. within the present Glen gradient.3 of the ancient Colomdo and its tributariea
Canyon w"lls, Obviously the depth of the canyon Ifere reduced to a gentle slope, meanders developed
does 'not necessarily rnea3m'. the difference in nltitude and topographic inequalities were subdued, Whether
betwl'en " fOl'mGr erosion surface and the pl....ent one. the erosion "'Ycle in which these chnracte.ristics of ad-
Although the evielence on which n deBnite me"sure- YRnced denudation wcre de\'eloped was the fi,..t since
OIent may be bosed i3 ullsatisfactory and in ,some re· the establishment of the Colorado system eR n not be
speets conflicling, " regional study of gradients, reln- uffirmed, but it is the oldest for which the,,, i. cleo I'
lions of me.nders to rock: type, and' distribution of evidence, At least one period of fRuIting in which
memool's of the strlltigraphic series lead. to the belief , the Tertinry beds werc displaced, some of them mlny
thllt tlte amount of uplift thot beg•.n the present hund,oeds of feet, pl'CCeded t.he end of this cycle, for l
cyde of erosion wns more than 1,800 feet and less lorge differential recession of the southwlII'd-facing
than 2,000 fect. With this conclusion the evidence c1itTs hdd been effected in southern Utah, and in plaoes
from I'emnant peneplnins present here and there in the original topoh'1'sphic expression of tbe faulting
the plnteau province is not out of accord. (See p, 133,) hod been oLliterated and even rever.'ed by erosion,
In developing meanders the streams have been os- The Colorado River seems to nntedate the faulting,
oisled by the p<*ition and spacing of joint planes. fo,' the displacements h.\'e had little influence on tlte
SollIe bend. in Porin Canyon correspond with the inter, position of thB streum,
Sf'Ction of zones of jointing in the Navajo SIlndstone, The intrenchcd meanders o.lollg Glen Canyon and
IIlld alt-<!\;Ches of stream follow closely the bllse of .yulls its muin tributuries afford evidence of an old graded
that trend N, 50· W" puraUel with zones of fracture. surface on which the meanders were developed, (See
The influence of joiuts is evident in other crooked p, 139,) Conclusions derived from the study of many
canyons; in parts of some narrow canyons it hns sub- remnant erosion .u~fnces indicate thnt in the later
stontially determined the position and sIze of melln- part of the early erosion cycle the level ot ,t ha Colorado
deI'S. Fo~ the reg~on as ~ whole, joints have facili - River was about 1,800 feet higber than tile, present
tl.lted erOSIon, but m making meanders they appear stream at the mouth of the S~ Juan RiTer and nearly
us conditioning, not as controlling foctol's, 1,900 feet highel' at Lees Ferry. But it is obvious thot
CYCLES OF EROSION if these inferences ara even a,pproximateIy COITed,
the surface of the plateau couotry at this time was
Tbe remnants of old el'osion sUI'faces in the Kni-
l,y no menns a peneplain, The cliff. tbat border the
pUl'owits I'egioll alld IIdjoilling territory nnd 'the
High Plateaus, though doubt!.... subdued in outline,
supe,'posed relat.ions of parts of the ,drainage bear
stood approximately 5,000 feet above the adj~ent part
eVIdence of one 0,' more cycles of erosIOn older than
of the Colorado "alley, and the, river in Grand Can-
the present, Inclosed meanders of the Colorado, thc
, yon \Vos pI'obably deeply intaoenched.
Sall J UUIl, IIlId pD>slbly those of some of the smaller
streams Ilulrk courses inherited from a fonner well- Since the .uplift of tho ploteau region, which re-
advanced cycle, The maturely dissected , gentle slopes newed acti v.• strenm eroSion lnd commenced the pres-
ent cycle of canyon cutting, corrosion has been domi-
of the PaunsRugunt, Table Cliff, Aqua"ius, nnd Kai-
parowits P.Iat.eous, like those of the Coconino and Kai. nant, To this cycle belol\g~ '.11 of t.he erosion that hll
bnb Platellus. '"'P. out of hurUlony wiUI the steep- !.ormed Glen Canyon, Local peneplain . remnants at
,oe~ati:ely. I~~ altitude. in the Little Colorado Valley,

01 the ~n. Juan RiYer, Q'nd elsewhere south of the FEATURES OF VALLEYS
('ol~do River, us described by Gregory," and of
tfOSIOD Sl1rf~ces in purts of southern Utah north of
the riYer, pTOballly indicate minor movements of local The eh ...actel'istie fe.tures of Glen Ca.nyon are the
blle-levell!. Aggradation Ilnd subsequent excavation smooth high wall. of sandstone'; a series of meanders
.f matetinls deposited in stream courses is recorded I'emarkllble .like for lIumber and fot'm; and the ~entle
b! ,ravel and alluvi"l ten'aces and in places by a gradient Ind absence of steep rapids, Except at t,he
rtcenl Chunge fioom depositing to vigorous cutting by \Vatel'pocket Fold, where Chinle beds IIl'e exposed.
tilt strealllS. • Glen Canyon between tbe mouth of Halls Creek and
No detlni te evidence of the !!Colo"ic ane of the stuges Lees Ferry is carved in massive sandstone of the Glen
in tile physiogrn phic history <>of the pl~teau region is C~nyon gronp, From canyon floor to canyon run the
II band. DaHon assigned the grent erosion of this inclosing wnlls are the cut edges of these horizontal
region to the Miocene and PliocenD, He believed thnt beds, which rise steeply, even vertically, from the ri\'~r
the outer gorge of the G,'and Canyon was carved in nnd reach in places heights of more thun a thousand
Pliocen6 time Bnd the inner gorge in QUlI.terna.ry time, feet , Nearly everywhere the top of the Namjo sand·
'l\ese conclusions, based on assumed climatic condi- stone DllI.rlis the C!lnyon rim, and in Hlany places the
tions during the Tel'liury period, h!lve not been sub- entire wall is composed of thnt formation, Where
"In~iated, Robinson" places the peneplain cycle ill the lmderlying Todi Ito ( ') a.nd Wingate 8n ndstone
the Pliocene Ilnd the erosion of the Grand ClLnyon in appear they commonly form a contin,!ous did with
!lie QUAtel'I!UY, basi nil' these assignmcnts on correl,,· the Navajo, At the Waterpocket Fold, where the
tiro with little-known st.ratll olnd topogmphic forms Nuyujo sandstone hns been sh'ipped back, the slabby
in the country west of the Grand Cllnyon, Todilto( I) beds r!'sting on the Wing.te form the
.An outline of the pt'oboble main stllges in the physi- cBnyon rim .
ographic evolution of the soutbern Utnh pla.teau ~Te"rRock and Lnst Chance Creeks the Navnjo snb'"
~on is as follows: to Iilow position, the top of the forma.tion rising
1. A period ot wldespl'ead toIdlng nssoclnted with l'eclol,wi
hardly 200 feet from the river level. In the upstream
uplltt (If the Cretaceous dates Crom. t he Oretllceous--Tectlol'Y port of the sag thc ,'e}atively weale beds ILbo"e the
laten"al. Tbe maIn structural features (ormed at this tim!:! NlI.vnjo have been stripped liway many miles from the
Ire tbe Waterpocket monocl1ne, tbe Circle Cliffs upwarp, the river, but nt the downstroom part, where these sand-
BIcalante mOBocJlne, the Ktl.lllarowlt8 downwRl'p, tbe Echo stones !ll'e unusually massive Rnd hllrd and ftrll capped
bDOeJlDe. the K:tibllb monocline, and the KaJbub upwarp.
by I'esistant grit that belong>! to the Morrison forma-
2. A period ot t:xtenshe crosion In earliest Tertiary t1Ine,
4urtnC whle!) tbe domes Rnd ridges 01 CretaceoulJ rocks were
t,ion, t hey form buttes that ri.e neady sheer. thousand
rtdDced to a geDtJe surtnee. feet. Althongh separated from the inner Navajo ·
S. A period ot. <uaerentlnl warplng, whicb WRS probably sandstone cliffs by 0. no.rrow bench thnt is fonned on
_octated with regional depression. On the lOQg slopes ~nu wealter roclis, these upper slUldstoneo closely hem the
110m ot the b._1m; thus to.'med Eocene beds (Wosatch tor- river, Below ,the Crossing of the Fathers these upper
aUoD) of eontfz:.entat origin were laid dOWD. Vo1t:anlSlJ\ was sandstone cliffs gradually recede and Glen Canyon
regaiDll its typical topographic fedures. Throughout
... Post-Eocene uplift, accompanied or tollowed by exteosit'e
Ia.ltb" , its COUnIe in th& Navajo sandstone G)en Canyon is
I. A. period ot extensive Qnd lODI"'COnUnued el'oslon, during nllrrow and stnight-sided; in the weak Chinle beds
.ltIela lUuch ot tbe Tertiary beds were removed. the present its bottom is broadly fluing and its width consider-
Jiateau blocks were ouU'lned, and erosion fmrt.aces at low Itbly increased, (800 pI. 26, a,) The Colorado River
1'tI&ef .... re developed alonG the Colorado, the Parla, nod in Glen Canyon swings to tbe right and left in large
~ atreftm'J,
symmetrically rounded curvts !hilt define a meander
l A rectooaJ uplift thnt revived tbo strenms at· tbe rei:ton
lad ])r'Ovlded favorable conditloDs COl' cuttlnc tbe cnnyons of belt several miles wide, (See pI. 21, e,) The origin
:he ~totlldo River nod the many smaller streams. and phy!riogrnphic significance of this remarkable as-
The recent geologic history of the Kaiparowits re- semblage of erosion features have boon discussed by
gion includes a period of aggradation, during which Moore," who develops tho evidence that they offer of
It former erosion sudace, (See also p, 188,)
the bottoms of the rock canyons were filled with allu-
lium, and a period of degradation t,h at was marked In the sections of Glen Conyoll between the Water-
by tehe trenching of gr""'el floors of canyons and of pocket Fold 8nd tile San Juan River and between
allnvial slopes on platealls, • MoM'(>. R. e .• OrlKln 01 tbC~ ml:!lIInden OIl .11'tollUJ of the Colo-
meto Plateau: J'our, Gcolo!Y. vol. 84. pp. 29-aT, 1926; 81,nUleaace
• Gre;otl. a. F... op, cif .• pp. 120-127. or IJIdOlled OX'&Dder, I.n. tho phTflolT"phte blatorr of lbe Colotado
• •obI..,on. B. a,. op. cit" f1P. 123-124. Plll.te.ou eounl17: J d~.. pp,_1)I-JS.O. _.:.



\Varm Creek and Lees Ferry most of the meanders of Though the Colorado Hi vel' ill Glen Conyon it
lbe Colol'lLdo River show no evidence of extensive npproximately graded with ,." spect to rock hardness.
lnteral conasion or sweep during downward intrench- it does not follow that deposition of flood-pl~in scfoll.
ment. Intervening sections show IIlore 01' less definite was lacking at stages before the canyon WIIS sunk to iLs
evidences of horizontal shifting in the position of tbe present leyel or that because of t.he b"rrier at Lees
ri I'er's courSe. In places slip-olf slopes c9vered by ~'erry the formation of flood plains will gradually m-
patches of river gravel and undercut clilh of the outer crea:;e. A. regn.rds l'ock hardness the relation of Glen
ond downstream sides of the meander bends show Canyon to the Morble Gorge hns doubtles3 remained
cleurly the operation of et!ective laternl cutting, but essentiallv the' same since downward cuUinn beaon'
~ ~ ~~.

this work appears only to hove slightly modified the the moin result or deep eorvillg is the gradual up:
Illeltnders and lIot to bave produced them. stream migl'lltion of the hard-rock barrie,' at the head
The sudden termination of the intrenched meanders ot t·he Morble Gorge. Under present climatic ~ondi­
at Le..s Ferry (pI. 21, (f), where the ril'el' passes froIn tions continued denudation of adjoining land. would
lhe saudstone of Glen Cflnyon to the tilted limestone reduce tho load to be cOl'ried by the "iver in Glen
and older rocks of the Muble Gorge, does not indi- - Canyon, The resulting increase in capacity would
cate that the meanden; were developed in Olen Canyon permit excLTation and the formation of a more genU,
beclLlL,e of the ob.uclo afforded by the resistant rocl<ll graded profile. However, it is probable thnt the slol1
At the head of the "I"rble Gorge, for at the time the deepening of the Morble Gorge just about balances the
mew.llde,·s ,,'ere developed the Colorado River flowed t.ndency to deposit materials ill Glen Canyol\.
in .. COUI'l!e high above its p,'escni lev.1 at Lees Ferry
lind prob8bly continued os • meandering stream across WA1lWEAP, WARX, LAST CHANCE, AND ROCK VALLEYs
tho weak beds which at that tillle covered the Knibab Fl'Om its source on the south flank of Cannon P ... k
Ii n,~tt)lIe lor n d istllllce of 3.'i 01' 4() mi les south west to tI,. Colorado River Wahweop Creek Bows through
oi the Echo Cliffs. On thi. assumption the wonk rocks rocks that orO!- gently inclined in all upst,'eam di,..•.
we,'a ,'enjoyed during Retive downward corrasioll in Han, It passes i,'om weak Upper Cretnceous sandy
Ute early part of tho present canyon cycle, and the shale "cross a sandstone platform, where for a fell
meanden! of the River below Lees Ferry dis- miles its banks a,'e very low, and continues southward
llppeared before the river's course began to be in- in an ever-deepening canyon until the high southward-
trenched in the resistant Kaibtlb. It appesl'll signifi- facing escarpment is ,'eached. Like the main stream.
cant that two or th...,.. meunder beuds are preserved most of the tributaries of Wahweap Creek disregard
in Marble Oorgo at about the point where lccordinn rock structure-none of them Ilow fiOrthwesl\l"ard in
to hypothe.Ls the old stream proSle intersected th~ accordance with tho dip of the rocks, The middle part
. sudace of tho Kaibtl,b limestone. of Wahweap Creek appelrs to be controlled by the
The grodient of the stleam in Glon Canyon is about local roc;k hardness and structure. From the mouth of
2 fc~t t~ the ,mile and is little interrupted by rapids j Ty Hatch Creek, where the soft Tropic shole is first
boatmg IS faIrly easy lnd slfe. On thiB low gradient co countered, to Cottonwood Spring the stream follow!
the "iver is well adju>!ted to hard rock and 110ft rock
the line of Echo monocline, Southeast of thl
aliko j it is neitber deepening ils bed no,' niaing it
-s pring the creek swings 8'I';I1Y from the monocline
significantly by building 6ood. plain., The marginnl
and earvl'S .. path", ..)· through northward-dipping
accumuilltions of alluvium thllt appear at low-water
Jurassic slUld.tono. The dellection from the mono-
singes consist mainly of lIlud and MO rock d~bris
wit.h here and the,'e a few cobbles, .' cline is readily undel'!ltandable il this port of the CQum
was established when tbe weak Tropic shale occupied
So flU' a8 determined, the quickening of stream
tbis general positioo, as it must have at ooe st",," dur-
erosion thllt marked the begiruaing of the present ero-
ing . the erosion of t.ho region. During a p;evioua
sion cycle otrected dl parts of the Colorado drainage
system, As noted by Oregory," the cutting of Olen eros,on cycle the podion of Wahwe.ap Creek below
Con):on lind til at of "'latbl. Gorge represent an ap Cottouwood Spring probably flowed on Straight Clif.
pro:tlmAlely equal Amount of work, one! accordingly undst,one, for Tropic shale is found onlv near the Col-
the cunyons Are of app1V:tirnAtely t·he ~ame age, orado River. Some adjustment to .tr~cture, such as
The gentle p:rndient of the Glen Conyon section the southeastward swing that now .. rries the creek
appears ren80uably IlllSign..Me lo t.he lesser strength of into massive sandstones, seems to have been aecom-
the sondstone os compared with tbe I'ery resistant Kai plished during the present cycle.
bab iimestone and lower hA I'd rocks encountered in the The headwaters of Warm Creek "each back only to
MArble Oorge and t.he rest of the Orand C~nyon, the margin of t,be higher Cretaceous sandstonlJl!,
Structurally it. course roughly Coincides with the asia
n OrCJ;ory, H. R. OIl, cit., p. 121),
of a shallow syncline that plunges upstream. The
.----. . . .
r-~h . sandstone escarpments and intervenin'" b lAItIA VALLEY
Ilene es .n th is '''·ca al·e crossed by the creek nearly
II right angles. .In t~e 'icinity of Tropic the valley of the Poria
Last Chance Creek extends to the eastern summit. of Rn'er IS flat-floored and brondly bowl-shaped. Wide
lilt bigher CrelnceOlls upland. Its vnlley follows n c~p~ures of soft Cretaceous shale have permitted
nll-defined t.hough shaliow syncline that is separated rapId excavation by the stream Rond its tributnries
/rGm ili,t of 'Varm Creek by an nnticline tbllt coin- w~ich has cansed considerable recession of 1I'Je over:
ca. witb the iutersl reum divide. Croton Creek, Iymg Bllndstone clift's_ Portions of the broad int.!r.
.. largest tributnry of Lust Chance Creek b8s also stream areas that ha\"e smoothly eroded tops of ac-
lIyJ1clinal posilion. Rees Canyon, which e~t~rs Last cordant altitud& and .s tand 300 to 500 fcct above aJ-
('hance Creek furthel· upst.ream, hns n course oblique joining lower land. constitute the Cannonville erosion
10 !he dip of the rocks, as does Dry Cunyon, anothe,· surfoce (p. 133). The total erosion at the head of the
tributary. The position of these streams seems to P.~in Valley i. enormous. The streams b,lve not only
hue been determined by their relations to the Wah- obhterated the topographic eft'eds produced by the
Teap sandstone cl.i trs, which doubtless iormerly bar Paunsangunt fault but have cut down the uplifted
dIr9d Rees Cnnyon on the west, as they do now the block, so that tbe present Burface of the downthrown
upper part of Dry Cunyon . These brancbes have block stand. more than 2.000 feet .bove that of the
\bill • presumnbly subsequent Q1·igin iu the zone of upthrown block. (See fig. 1.) Most of the present
weat rock. nt the base of the Wahweap formation. tributary stream. are actively deepening their valle,s
There Ore numerous consequent minor tributllries of and cutting illto the graded bottom IIlDds. Along
the..", cunyons on the Dortheust but nhnost uone on the Sheep Creek dissection by deep, narrow rnvines hns
yest. ad\'anced so far thllt trnvel nel'OSS tbe nllllvinl plain is
Warm and Last Chunce Creeks are not ancient almost impoesible.
streams consequent on a Tertia,·y sudace or an old The l-egional dip of the roclo; in the northern part
peaeplain and superposed nt random on the beds which I of the Pari" Valley is Dorthward, nnd the )'IlriB Itiver
'hey now cross; they nre dminuge lines that ore dis· atcordingly passes from the soft Cretaceous shole
posed with clear relation to rock stmcture. There is through & southward-facing escarpm(lJl~ made by the
ample evidence, however, that they antedate the pres- bnsal Cretaceous sandstone and undedying Upper
.. t erosion cycle. As obscquent tributUl"ies to tl!e J ul·assic rocks into nn open valley carved in wenk
CoIol.. do, length()ning headword by erosion, tbeir ob- rocks of the San Rafoel gI'OUP, which forms the flllt
!iN.ed relation$ to structure caD be explnined. The lunds al·ouDd Cannonville.
plaa!ment of Last Chance and Wann Creeks and some A few miles south of Cnnnonville the Pari .. reaches
<If the other tributaries of the Colorado River was the top of the Navajo sandstone and makes its way
p4lssibly fixed by conditions in the very early history t hrough massivo rock wa.1ls, which opposite White
4f the drainage system, by adjnstment to the CUffs have .. height of more thnn a thousand feet.
inclined surfa.ce of t.h~. hnrd Wahweap sandstone that South of White Cliffs the canyon continues with lower
formerly covered nll the .·egion. An interesting char- walls nnd a more mrondel'ing COUIU. At one place-
aeteri.stjc of these streams is the strong, even, intd- • cut-o/f meander bend_ 'all rock island, which for-
ata meandering that occurs in each of the hnrd- merly was part of a projecting spur, is Blll'rOllndod by
~k stretches_ (See p. 136.) The intervening open, stream cha.nnels, of which the Olle on the (luter side
relatively straight portions of the valleys, which Bre is unused except in floods.
(lrved in soft rocks, are in std Idng conkast. A short distance north of Pnrill soft rocks appear
The lower part of Rock C.·('(lk Canyon is narrow, ill the bottom of the valley, which consequently in-
and the sandstone walls Bre high. About 6 miles creases appreciably in width. (800 pl. 26, A.) At the
from its mouth, where it crosses the Rock Creek anti- site of this old settlement the nUey i~ bordered by &
dine, the canyon i. considerably wider. The central broad .Iope of Chinle .hale beneath the Wingate .ond-
part of the valley is floored by N. vajo sandst(lne, and Btone cliffs, and the stream flows in a brOad, flat grovel-
h"?el is feasible only along the bench above. The floored wash that is sunk into an alluvial bench, now
bead of the canyon rises ivhere extreme steepness, and eroded to remnants. (See p. 143.) Opposite old
• precipitous trail leads to the rim of the Koipurowits P.ria the Eandstone swings westward in a high south-
Plateau (see pI. 2), where tdbnta.·y ,·alleys with , ward-facin ... escarpment, a.nd a broad opening in the
.Ioping sides virtually hang above the lower canyon weaker rocks affords access over a low divide to the
'I1!e rapid canyon cutting of the present cycle has pro- head of the House Rock Valley and at another place
4ueed an encroachment on the upland that makes the to the road along the Vermilion Clift's to Kannb. But
tiDe between the topography of the plateau and th~ instead of following the belt of weak rocks thot leods
lower t1luntry 0 very striking boundary. ' illto the House Rock Valley, the river swingsooDth- ,

e~stw ..rd from Paria 9.Ild 110,",5 in a short, narrow, ver- The drainage pattern of the Paria Valley seems im-
tical-sided canyon tbl'ough tbe upturned Jurossicsand- p06Sible of uplanution on the assumption that the
stone in tbe East Kaibab monocline, which at this paria is an obsequent stream, the bead ward elongation
point trends north. (See pI. 26, D.) Below this can- of a one-time lmimportant tributary of the Colorado.
yon the rive.r maintaiJls its course obliquely across a , Tbjs interpretation becomes reasonable, however
belt of weak rocks and passe. into .. nlley th.t is when the Paria drainage is assumed to have origi:
inclosed ill places by lIat-lying Crctaceou. sandstone naled Ol' some bigher surface from which monoclinal
and open whe,.., Cretaceous shale and 80ft Upper tlexul'es were absent. Thjs surface pI'obably wu not
JUfQssic strata Cl'Op out. (Sec pI. 27, Lt.) Here the that represented by the fragmentary Onnnouviile cro-
river is joined by Cottonwood Creek, whicb heads in sian, surface, for at that stage considerable topo_
the broad-flool'ed Butler VaUey but in the lower 15 graphic inequalities were present along the Pario, and
miles of its course tlows as a subsequent stream along the course or the stre.lm with respect to major struc-
the East Koibab monocline. Ii short tributary that (ural features had ah'eady been established. The
i~ de\'sloped in this 6ame weak joins the Paria cvidence suggests that the Pari .. and its main tribu-
f!'Olll tbe south. tnries were established 8S consequeut streams Oil Ter-
A short distance below the abandoned settlement of tiary deposits tha.t wcre formerly more extensive and
Adairville the river again enters the Kant]u mudstullc that as erosion of the Tertiary .evealed the st"ucture
and in a narrow, winding, gradultUy deepenillg can- in .thB Cretaceous beds, the strenms became super_
yon cuts through tbe Pari a Plateau. The lost few imposed on it.
miles of its valley in Arizona are CM'ved in the under- ESCALANTE VALLEY
lying weak Chinle and A-loenkopi beds.
The topographic features of the Paria VaUey indi- In the upper part of its course the Escalante River
cate thut its course W.18 estll.blished originally on a transects minor structural features, including a west-
w.~d-dipping monocline in tbe Cretaceous sandstone
land ~urfacc unlike that of to-day. The region .now
OCCUPIIW by the headwaters of the Pa"ia wo. ollce port
just east of the Table Cliff Platea.u. Eashrard the
of the High Plateaus and WIl8 drained by northwr.rd- stream flows for a few miles in a narrow canyon
flowing streams that w~re unrelated to the Colorado cuved in horizontal Cretaceous sondst.o/Hl and tbea
system. The wolls of tho PaullSaugunt and Table emerges into .. broad, open valley carved in tho Cre-
Cliff Pl~teaU9 mark tbe present lill'it of a northward- taceous shill. and weak Upper Jurs.;.ic rocks that ex-
sloping highland that once extended far~hel' south. tend continuously a.long the front of the Kaiparowits
If any part of the surface now represented by the ma- Plftteau. Near the town of Escalante the ri ...r
turely developed tClp of the Pauns~ugunt Plateau crosses this depression, which seems to offer an elS1
formerly sloped southward, the consequent drajnage passago to the southeast, and farther eastw.. rd it
could h&ve been related to the Paria. ·Likewise if the plunges into the ~teep-sided Escalante monocline.
sudace of t.he upmised block east of the Pnu~u"unt Beyond the monocline a narrow windin" canyon cut
·>.T· '<"
fllult lIad ~riginnlly Il southward incLiJlation the ~n­ mastl y to ., avaJo eandstone', leads to the Colorado.
ditions would f.LYOI' lJOuthward-/lowing consequent As in the POl'ia V.lley, the upper ,t ributaries of the
stl'eams in. the geneI'd poeition of the Parin. But. Esc~lante h..v~ established their position by headword
both reg~on~l st~uctUl'(l and drainage pattel'lls suggest erOSIOD, reduemg tbe area of the Table Cliff Paunsau-
that the InclmatlOn of the platel\u blocks hRS remained gunt, and AquarlU. . Plateaus and divert,in"' the west-
essentially the same duriJlg the life of tbe present ward-flowing tributaries of the Sevier Riv~r. In the
drainage. "Upper Valley" and at E6calante the stream is ob-
In their courses through the East Kaib~b monocline vi?usly superposed on monocli1les. The lower tl&
tbe Paria and its moin tributa.ries-Hackbel'l'Y Sand mdes of the river has II. relation to regional ~tructurlt
Wash, aud Knibnb Gulch Creeks-are 8uperpo~d on thllt SUgg06ts .. subsequent origin, but its course is not
t~e struct·ure. Sand Wash and Kaibab Gulch ill par- that ?f a ."u.bsequent stream of the present cycle. At
tIcular seem stt'nngely out of accord with the attitude ?ne time m Its history tno Escalante mU6t bave 1I0wed
m tbe belt of ",eak Upper JurllSsic r,ocks between tbe
and hardness of the rocks. The topography suggests
thot the woters of tI' ....e stre4nl:l, as they come down Wllter~~t Fold and the KAiparowits Plateau. In
~,he slopes of the Kaib.b Platea u, should be gnthered
deepenmg Its bed it cut through these shaly gypsif-
III the House Rock Valley and conducted along this
~rousT roc~s, lransferl'ilIg its pattern to t.he underly-
mg N..vaJo sa.ndstone.
Almost.. continuous depression to the Colorado River.
InsteRd theso streams r·rDSs tho longitudin,.l valley Though the sfeps in the pbysiographic bistory of
QJId head stmight for masshe sondstone walls wbich the Escalante Valley are not clearly defincd it_ms
they penetrate in narrow, deep CaJlY01ls. '
. . thlLt th e consequent d"unaae
. system' esta b-
lisbed On the SUr f ace 0 f T ' ..
erllary, rocks became subl!e-


queot as erosion revealed wellk beds in suitllble rela- The present conditions in atl'ong contrast to
lions to I'l!sistant beds and that continued erosion those pictured by Dutton. The meadow! dong
remled structure to which adjustment was .made by streRms have I.>een destroyed,. valley flats are deeply
lllperimpoait:on. The Escalunte might thus be trenched, and the sod-bound iOil, which once extended
\erDled I sUperposed subsequent stream. widely, even over such regions as the Waterpocket
The lower part of the &cnlante Conyon has a re- Fold, parts of th~ Escalante Basin, and valleys trib-
_ably intricate meandering Course. From its utary to the Paria, is now represented by inconspicu-
DlCJIIth a traverse of 35 miles along tbe river bed meas- ous pateh... On the streams in the Kaiparowits
ural 14 miles in Il strAight line. The inclosing sand- region .,:rce.sive degrftd.tion began during the decade
slone walls exhibit ,t ypical features of "ingrown" lSSQ-1S90. (See p. 30.)
mfoo ders , with p\'Oll\jnent slip-off slopes on the spurs As elsewhere suggested" the great change in the
.ud steeply undercut cliffs On the outer Bnd down- \'Olley topography of the plateau province mRy ren-
slrelm sides of the meander bends_ Part of the me- sonably be ascribed to climate Rssisted by human
andering may have been j"herited from an earlier agencies. Unfortunately the rainfall, snowfall, and
.yd. of erosion, but most of it has been developed temperatUl'e of soutbeastern UlI,h were not measured
curing the present cycle. prior to 1890, but. the meager rainfall I'eCOro. from
outlying stations show that ths yean 1884-1880 were
III1NOR PHYSIOGRAPHIC FEATURES l'elati¥ely wet. During this period the precipitation
at Los Angeles and San &lrn&1-dino, Calif., and Fort
Mojave, Ariz., wa., respectively, .9, 42, e,nd 100 per
With unimportant exceptions all stl-eams in the cent above normal. For these stations th., huviest
K.iporowits Tegion are vigorously er<XJing their bod •. rainfall ever recorded fell in 1884. Fort Wingote,
T'nose flowing on l'OCk Ire scouring their floors, ond N. Mex., received anI, n little more than its tvera.,rre
fhose flowing on sand Dud grovel ore rapidly cutting rain during the period 1884-1889, but during the
down1fl.rd and sideward. Not only hu aggl'&dation seven years 1867-1873 thie stillion recorded 40 per
ceuod, but enormous quantities of valley fill 8re torn ' cent Inore than the usual rain-~ fact t,h at may be
Ip and ca.rried each 5OO1l011 to the Colorado. In some causally related to the earlier beginning of terracing
..tlo,.. no alluvium i. left; a rock-lulled, rock-bot. in the P\lereo and Chaco Valleys." The evidence
Iomod canyon has replaced a canyon that was deepl, from rainfall measurements is suggestive rather than
Ieored with alluvia.! sand and clay. The typical conclusive, Some dry years are includod in the
Itre&m i. one thl\t flows between alluvial terraees in- records for 1884-1889, bul the years preceding aud
cluded in a canyon whose walls are of rock. That this following that period are neither consistently dry nor
lieep trenchin~ of vaUeyfill i8 charocteristic of consistently wet. In the plateau province, however,
drams throughout Arizona, New Mex;co, southern Yariations in mean annual rainfall hD\'e relati"ely
Utah, and soutbeI'D Colorado is shown by the recoras little significance. As bearing on erosion, the sea-
eompiled by Brya.n." Tbe streams of southern Ne- sond 'and daily distribution of rainfAll, the nature of
vada and southern California likewise are de"eloping the showers and the they cover, and the relation
I1'rOl09. Field evidence supplemented by detailed of ,""infall to snowfall and to ,temperature are features
hiItorieal accounts provu that the present habit of of much more importance.
streams in southern Utah has been established within Erosion resulta froOl sudden violent showers, Il.Ild if
tha last 150 The conditions Ithat e:xisted in suitably distributed ill time an iUllUa! rainf~1I of holf
1878-1880 described by Dutton" as follows: the normal amoullt may be more effective in denuda-
Ilo.t ot tbole lateral CaDYous • • • are 110',.1.7 IIllIDI'
tion than twice the normal. The spectacular erosion
IP With .IlUylUfD at tbe present time, but .try plalul, tbe,. wh.ich in 1884-85 Bunk the alluvial floor of Kunab
seN mucb: deeper 11 t no remote ClJoch lu the POlt. The lower Creek 60 feet and widened it 70 feet for n distance of
&aha lD ",mo or tbelD Is complete!)"" burled. and the aUuvium 15 rni lea began ill r ..ponse to the melting of e3cep-
IlOaubi uP on tbe bl"eMta oC perpend icular acafPS· In tionally deep .ceulDulations of snow. . .
_ . . aseS a smooth floor of alluvium exteads from ,s ide to
On the platean tops and steep slopes a~d on canyon
"de of wbat was ortglnnlly D ~.D7C,D volley. n.e recurrence
It I dl~.c.e .utftcle::ltly wolst to WUJltaiD • yiCOrool perelln,'a l /lOON alike the balance between Dggradlltloll and deg-
It_. . .ould probebl,J' 8weep out aU thi. uncoDIOIldated radation is in remarkably close adjustalent. Only
IIhmum oDd return tbe valley to it. forme:- condition of In slight changes in amount and kin~ of rain, in ~tream
erdinar,. canyon. gradient, and in CO\'er of vegetatIOn are suffiCIent to
-. ern.. KIrk De.te ot ebpoDel YeDeb.ia, (urofo cuttiD,) 1.D the
.. O~OI'Y. H. E •• GeolOb"1 01 t.he Navajo eountr1: U. S. Orol. Sat'"
Id4 .1Ith_eat : •Sdcoee. new He.!'., vol. 62, pp. 838-3·H. U2C5.
V~r Pror. PnpJr 03, pp. Ull-132., 1911,
• DQtt••• C. E., 'Il!rli41"1 bhltor), or the Grand Clnyon tllwtrlct
11 Bryan. Kirk, op. eft .• pp. a~ .. o.
U. •. Geel. Sane1 MOD. 2, pp. 228-221». 1882.


change stream habit. The construction of Il dam or
un irrigation ditch, the killing 011' of hea,'er3, the Under the attack of stream erosion, aided by
building of roads, and the plowing of fields may be- weathering and guided by planes of st.ructural weak_
gin far-reaching changes. The ell'ect of grazing, Il!j- ness, t.he great platenus .re cut into mesa., and POl'.
pcci.lly Ol·ergrt.zing, on run·off and stroom trenching tions of the mesa walls become detached. Further
i. obvious. The net result of tbe interference by man weathering and d.isintegmtion I'educes the size and
with th~ delicately adjusted streams 'is an increase in modifies the form of theEe remnants, producing monu.
amount of surface water and the number of intermit· ments, towers, chimneys, and spires that add much to
tent springs IIccompan.ied by a destruction of forage scen.ic interest. ume Rock, in Wahwe",p Valley
And of oroble land. (See p. 31.) " The Chimney.," in Dry Vulley, and the squal·e.f1uted
The smllller canyons of the Kaiparowits region were columns cut from Snn ." Rllf"el Ilnd M~rrison beds
sunk deep into their rock '/lOOI'S ond then filled with ..long the foco of tile Straight Cliffs nre picturesque
~edjlnent 40 to 150 feet deep. Rlocently removal of the erosion features, but most of th e tallest monuments
sediments began. The canyon cutting probably dates in tbe Kaiparowits region slnod close to lofty cliJfs
Irom tho uplift thllt placed the Colorado in position and are therefore much less conspicuous than similar
to excavote Glen Canyon. 'l'he aggradation may bave erosion features in the Navajo country. Tall l"Ough-
been contempol'lllleous with the' formation of local sided earth columns cut from matel'ials of landslides
peneplains in the Li~le Colorado Valley and else· al'o oommon. (See pI. 28, A- D.)
where whose position nnd altitude are difficult to ex-
plain. Conyoll cutting, canyon filling, and removal ARCHES AND BRIDGES
of fill constitute a seriee of stages that may have been
duplicated sevel'"l times; Lhe bases of some canyon On the walls of many canyons cross-bedding out-
,voU•• how the elfeclB of cNsion at diJferent rate., II.lId lines ..rches. &me of these arches appear as if draw.
within the alluvial deposits Ilre many erosional uncon- with crayon on the .mootll rock fllce; othera un.ite tbe
formities .. Tba ·eviden~ sh<)w8 several changes in the oops of pilasters and form the borders of blind win·
conditions of el'06ion and sooimentation, but neither . dows j .tiIl others fotm the roofs of niches and rock
the number Ilor the duro.tion of the epicycles involved sllelteril. In fact, curved surfaces, in both borizontal
has been determined. and vertical positions, .re ch.racteristi. of detailed
scul'pture on walls of Navajo and Entrada sandstones.
CAl'IYOIl WALL8 As alcoves nre reccesoo deeper and deeper int" canyon
walls there is a tendency for surface water to make its
In tbe Ko.iparowits region, as elsewhere in the
way through the arched roof along! joint
pl"teau province, canyons cut in musive thick so.nd·
plnnes, t. process which if cont.inuoo underfllvorablt
stone Ill'1l box hQlldoo. In most such canyons the walls
rond.itions result.s in Il cl'ock "pen to the sky. En·
are o.i steep ond as high nt their head. as ..long their
largement of this 101).g, narrow skylight. pel'mits the
sides j some of them overll1Lng. The canyon walls ore
fluted by rincons ond by less symmetlicol recesses ollter part. of the alcove 1"00f to stanQ alone as an
Dlony of which extend from tbe floor of the canyon t~ arch separated from the canyon Wo.ll by the width of
its rim. Perchoo bigh on the wo.lls a..e CIlves and rock the opening. Further erosion gives the arch tbe fonn
shelters. Some of them are mere toe holds j othel"ll of n hoop rising above the general rock surface or cleo
are flat·lloored caverns that extend tens. of feet into it completely from tbe wall, making a bridge
the vertical sondst~ne w.lls and are protected by whIch spans the origin",l n.lcove. Arches having thi.
nrched roofs-sites ch06en by the eliff dweller. (See history were noted DCQr the head of Cottonwo<ld CreeIr,
pI. 27, 0.) As interprete<3 by Gregory," stream ero- ot the "narrows" 01). Halla Creek, and on tributariel
5ion has plll;yed little pIIrt in the production of these to the Pari... The largest one observed is in Escalante
feature" j they are the result of disintegration that was Canyon above the mouth of Sand Creek. This EsCl-
aided by ground water and guided . by texture and Iftnte arch, which .hnds about SO feet out from the
structure of roeks. In some places two niehes that ,ull of Navajo sandstone; has a . span of Ilbout 130
were developed oppc6ite each otbel' in narrow rock feet, a heil:ht of 70 reet above the Boor of an ancient
walls have become unitoo, producing a "hole in the alcove, and a t.hickness of 13 feet. Tbe roadway on
l'OCk" thllt resembles the windows made in the for. top is 12 feet wide. (See pI. 27, D.)
mation of natural bridg.... Niches and wall poclretil 011 Fortymile Creek a beautiful natural bridge has
of different .i..,. are cb.rllcteristic of the Navajo and resulted from the undercutting of 'Il meander spur and
Entrada sandstones lind appear also in walls of hIlS reproduced the history of .t he well.known Rain·
MOl'l'iS(>n and Upper Cretaceous sandstones. ~w Bridge in the Nnvlljo country. As estimated by
W. R. Chenoweth, of the Un.ited States Geological
·Ort'gI)J'1. n. K., ~. cit., pp. 132-13.. .
Survey, the Fortymile Bridge hn. a span of 200 feet
.ud" height from streo m bed to roadway of 75 feet. shallow by the grinding down of thei r rims. Durin"
,l.l!ol" the mouth of ,~r illow ("1'eck on t.he Escalante lun« eo llcL'lod :s
- bet :w~el1 '
nuns mnny shnllow pockets Ul'C .,
Ri«r .Iloth ~r brIdge IS m process of format.ioll. A fillcd or par~ly filled by wind-blown d nst, which forms
]l.1Tro W wall that .eparotes the eompr"-,,,ed limits o f mud In basUls cont.aining water and 11 «\Iffy cOlltill(P
• stream eun'e 2 miles long is already perforated by Oil th e Hour of dry busins. Que windstorm wn:-;; ob~
• windotl·. . ,el'l'cd to fill """<,overnl b'Lcl'
~ ~ ns ( 0 tl, tell' . t 1 snnd
" rims Wit
WATER POCKETS ~HI to deposit sOlUe "md in other". Donbtle", in
ftlvol':lblc I~Ja(:es wir.d "l'elll0Ves dry materials hOUl
Many bnl'e rock surfaces in the Kniparowits l'{'O'ion
It. dotted with pits nnd sa [;ceriilie depres>iolls ~h'lt shallow basms and ""Ollrs their f10ilL'S with sllnd, Ullt
It seems Hot to u(' a vcry eti'ccli\'c cxcllvnl.inlY unellt
fill with woter a fter ruins. These features arc eom- Il ' -' , ~ ,.., .
'" IS slgBlficnnt t.hat. lCll\'cS and twigs rt.l. nlaiI~ il\~ dl'\'
olDII on the broad sandstone platforms that border
Wl.ltel' pockets during heuvy Willd:4ol'llls and t.h.;t
Glen Canyon und on the 11001' of the Escalante Uasir..
Ill ony depl'css..iolls exposed t.o the wind but beyolld the
Theil' .bunclftnCe on the crests nnd flanks of the Wat er-
l'C'llch, of, funnillg water contain shrubs :l;ld p-r:.ISS
pocket monocline account for t.he name of this flexure.
gl'OWIIl:,!." 111 pah.'hes of soil.
They nppe.llr here and there on rocl;s of nil kinds but.
.re char.cooristic of the NIlVIIJ'O sa ndstone , which 00<- WORK OF THE WIND
~ to an unusual degree t.he texture and 5tl'lI ct.lIl'e
fIlvorable fa I' their development. In ground plan III (.he Kaiparowits region t.he winds are ILeither
they range from irregular rings or curved-sided de- ST rong 1I0l' persistent; the topogrnphy if; un fn\'orllble

pressions 11 few inches ilCl'OfOS to in-egularlv bordered for lal'g~-sc;llc wind el'osion or d~po8ition. (Sec
Ilk, bAsins mOl'C than 100 feet across; in ;lepLh thev p. 12.) Low dune ridges appenr here and tlICr" nnel
",uge frolll a fr:lCtion of an inch to as much as G froL. Oil the Glen Cnllyon platform, aud in the Esculunte
n.. commonest ones are 1 to 3 inches deep and 2 t" V.,l1ey arc dune nreus of n few acres, but most of the
l I('eL in long.,,;t diaruete r. Some of theIll hold mere dust curried b~' the wind is piled lit lhe COl'lleL', of
61ms of wuter, 100 thin to penn it. " hoI''*'. to drink and 'l'ock buttresses , dumped OVl1r canyon walls, 01' IIW\'l~tl
disappearing within a few hOllrs after u rain; olhel's back and fort.h along dry wa shc~ :lwaiting its time of
"" deep, permanent wells that hold several balTt';'; of
trnILspurt to the ('oloruclo River.
~.Ier anu constitut.e the chief supply for puck trnins
AllholLl!h bare flat rock fnrm s much of the slIrfll"e,
when the nem'-by g rnvel-floored washes are dry.
und innume.ruul" uultes and Ille," Willis lie aero.. t.he
The.., water pockets seem lit. first s;ght to be distrib- .
pnth of pl'cvniling: winds~ no abl'lllird s llrfn,('c~ 01' Willil
.ted in a hup hazarrl fasilion ",:thout referen: e to
elehed rocks we re oUscl'l'ed. The shullow w'lter
,lopes or joints Or differences in ro ck texture, bnt ex-
I,oekets d""cL'ibed by Bryan ,. as features of wind ero-
tmination of the mek sUlfaee shows them to be located
, ion Ilrc beliel'ed in the main to be the wOrii of weat.her
on icelined ""rfaces lit. places where joints or eros;-
nnd running water.
beddUig I.minae intersect, where the rock cement is
weak, 01' wh el'~ lellses of cO:ll'se-fYl'uined rock loin finer- LANDSLIDES
grained rock. The position of some l'ock -basi liS on
lhe cre,t of the Wate rpock"t Fold is deterlllined by The efficiency of ground wnWl' os a factor in erosion
I~nd dikes-the hardened filling of (Tncks. is shown by the landslides in the TL'Opic shille "nd to
The deepest pockets form rows at the bottoUl of a less extent in the Chinle, When the Chinle" mllrl."
poorly defined valleys . Many pockets hllve lips ol'er anrl sha les on steep slopes are s:L(.nrnteel they seem to
"h,eh water escnp's, Dnring light ra.ins the pookets move by t.heir own we,ight, con'ying their broken
or". fined or partly filled by l'un-off in their immedi.te strllta and talus blocks to lower lel·els. At t.he south
1·'Clmty. D '
urlng henl'Y thundershowers the water bns~ o f the Paria Plateau slides in th e. Chinle. have
Irolll ,-Ul')' OWl d'lng S Iopes passes t.hl'Ongh these pockets spille,l aVe.!' t.he Shinurump eon~lomerute and .-\own
IS a stream or as a sheet flood that coyers the ()ntire
the Moenkopi cliffs to the Kaibub below, and at IL
place nbout 14 miles south of the Hurl' trnil t·he
~!rface. The l'Ulllling W:lter merely makes little
Chinle beds have lost their hold ,urd hn\,{) slid, uc-
npples when crossing t he sha llowest pockets but it
companied by huge fragments, over the uptumed beds
It ' i n and
8l1'n'ls out o' f the deep ones. When exammed, .
of Nnvajo s.~ ndstone, down the west side of thc Hillis
• er the willer hilS ceased to run the pockets are
Creek VaHey in " jumbled moss that is roughly three-
'- to IlOVe lost the sand hardened
''''n ' silt and Ye"e-
t,hl. d'b fourth, of a tui Ie wide, ill" miles long, lIud 80 feet
· e rl S that. prel' iously had coated.
. ' "
their bot-
u eep. The slopes of Tropi" slulle along the southwest
I~ms; their flo()I's are bare rock 01' clean sand. The
h IlaYe been sconred out and doubtless some- t ' DryaD, Kirk. Wind l'fI'Mlon nen r }o'cr", ,\rll , : Am, .J our, liel"
1\' at enlnrged, although some haye been mad e more v t h tiC"I'" \'01. G, JlJl. :l98-:t03, 1923,

flank of the Kaiparowits plateau are in many places coJllltitute a field about 2 miLes wide and 10 miLes long
streaked with landslides; in plooel they art com- e"errwhere strewn witb boulders, the largest of .. hi<~
pletely maoked. The high-lying Tropic on the north- are square blocks of sandstone 4.0 feet thick. Sue.
east face of the Kaiparowits Plateau between Coyote cessive slides have banked the materia.Ls in buge ridg..
Hole and WiUow Tanks;" the seat of landslides which like a series of terminaL and lateral moraines.
one after another have flowed down the shale slopes Except in areas of Chinle and Tropic .hales land.
and out over the Dakota ( f)-capped benches, carrying slides not observed. The steep slopes of other
with them great talus blocks and slabs of Stnight formations are bare or coated with only ribbons and
Cliffs swdstone. scattered patches of debris. Surfa.ce water, ground
As viewed from the rim of the Kaiparowits Pla- water, and rock structure do not occur in combinatiOlll
teau at ~'iftymile Point the landslides are impressive. fayorable for the productioo of talus; disiotegrated
The slopes below the capping CretaceoUll sandstone rock is removed about as fllSt as it is formed.

The rocks of the Kaiparowits region are m.ineral- able. By using the Dandy crossing as a base the bars
iIed only to a slight extent. There are no mehmor- and alluvial Kr&vel along the Colorado River between
pHe rocks, no pegmatites, a~d no igneous intrusions. the mouth of the Fremont and Lees Ferry have been
10 fad, ~J:cept for the Tertiary basalts ,t hat cap the intermittently worked since 1888.
Table Cliff and Aquarius Plateaus, igneous rocks ..r. 'The following notes reg&rding placer mining in
I.Wng. Some of the sandstones and shales contain Glen Canyou were compiled from conversation and
billl of gold, small amounts of low-gndo copper ore personal letters of Mr. Bert Loper, whose lmowledge
.ppear in a few places, and carnotite has been of the Colorado River between Hite and Lees Ferry is
nported. based on many years of uperience.
Sandstone for building is abundant, and at a few Gold was discovered nur the mouth of Tuchyte
places adobe and cllly ure availn.ble for brickmnking. Canyon by Cass Hite in 1888. Most of the mining in
Gypsum is widely distributed, but limestone suitable G1eu Canyon was done during the years 1886-1889.
fur CI!IIleDt is rare. Some of the Triassic strata are oil A few men were .t '!!'ork during the following decade,
belring, Ilnd oil seeps from sandstone at the southeast and at least one man continued to pan gold until 1908.
ead of the Watel'poclret Fold, but a w~U sunk at the Doubtless in later Y08I'S prospectol'S hlL va worked hOI'e
Circle Cliffs gave unsatisfactory results. and there for short periods.
In addition to water tbe one deposit of economic Beginning at, the mouth of Crescent Wash, the
niH ill coal, which occurs at several hori7Alns on the larger bll.. explored for gold are North W&sh, Hite,
dnks of the Kaiparowits Plateau. Grub Stake, Cnpe Horn, Monte Cristo, Red Callyon,
Tickaboo, Good Hope, Sevenmile, Olympia, Califor-
GOLD n.\a, MaIn , New Year, Burro, Boston, Anderson,
Within the Kaiparowits region, &9 elsewher,e in the Shock, Butler, Klondyke, Meskin, nnd Wright, the
plateau province, the Triassic and Jurassic rocks in· last of which is near the mouth of Navajo Cr.eek.
cIude widely distributed minute flake. of gold, IUld From aU these b8.l'll enough gold to meet day wnlles w8ll
accumulations in gl'llvel bars along the principal obtained. A good amount of gold was recovered at
Jtreams are sufficient to· attract attention, Boston, Red Canyon, Klondyke, )loki, Olympia, and
There are reports of prospectors along the Water- . Good Hope bu's, and the California bar yielded more
pooket Fold, in the Henry Mountai,ns, and east of the than $10,000. All tho bari were located as, prospect!,
Colorado River about Elk Ridge and the Abajo except Good Hope, which is the only patented land
lloantains lIS early as 1870, and the finding of gold .... ithin Olen Canyon. .
illllandstone and gr.."'e1 of the Son Juan Riv~r in the Nearly all pay dirt is "wash gravel" that was de-
faU 011892 led to the" Bluff excitement" of 1892-93,' posited at high-water stages of the Fiver, but tests
Liitle prospecting seems to have been done along the showed gold in the Chinle shales and even in dune
Colorado River until the practicability of its traverse sands blown into the canyon from ourfaces above the
had been demon&trate~ by Powell. The wide desert walls. The richest materid mined is composed of
lIntche. along the river, the difficulty of linding or streaks of adobe within the gravel-" powdery, stjcky,
1DaIrin, • feasible trail the conyon rim to the mud, which quickly dissolves in water."
_m helow, and the ignorance of probable <;nt&racts All the metal recovered was lIour gold; there were
lIId whirlpools stood a. discoural:"menta. But the no flak ... or nuggets. Most of the gold came from t·he
diteoyery in 1880 of the Dandy crossing (Hite) and Il\ye1'8 oear the BUrface of the bars, " at grass roots"
of feasible routes leading to it resulted in the loca. within the gravel, and at the contact ~f the graY~1 a~d
tion of a working camp, to which supplies could be bedrock. From bedrock itself the Yields were lJISIg·
Roucht fr<>Dl settlements in both Utah and Colorado. ni6cant. Assays for A. P. Adams of "red
'Ibe establishment of a miners' trading station at nlarl," "blue marl," II blow sand," and river silt
lIanksvill8 in 1884 made conditions still more favor. showed from 20 cents to $1.20 • ton.
Frank Bennett, who has long been familia.r with the
recor1, p. E., Oeol(l~1 or the Navajo CQlIutrr: U. S. Geol. Sur4
' Cli
placer deposits of Glen Canyon, says that selected
her. PaFu e3~ pp. I3O-HO, 1011.

hydraulic mining. The m,' OCCUl'S: howe~e r, as es-

g'""v"1 from the Gold Coin claim yielded about 72
celll s a cubic yanl and that a bar neal' the moulh of cessi vely fille flak es and dust "nd requires mueh skill
TIed Creek yielded from 70 cenls La more than $1 a ror its recovery, B eca use of this difficulty nnd the
,vnnl.'l isolation of the mining field: with the consequent
Nt~u l' ly all the mining wns done wit.h rockers, but enormous cost of opemtion, work at Lees Feny was
where conuitions were favorable home·made sluice discontinued in 1913. A few years later an unslIce.,._
boxt's llnd qui cks ilver rimes werc installed. Some ful attempt was made to re"ive gold mining at PHI·in.
.shafts We.rc slink, and the tunnels in gravel bunks a ,'illllge in connection with nn ill-stal'l'ed irrigation
hunul'eu feet or mOl'e above high-wate r lo\'el on t.llC project. (See p. 31.)
Loper cl'lirn nflar Tickahoo reprcsent much hord work The gold of Glen Cauyon is uccompanied by black
with pi"', and shovel. Lack of water from sources sllnds, consist-ing ot magnetite, hematite, ilmenite
uuovc the goltl . benrillg' gravel and thc c~pcn sc of garnet, and small amounts of chromite, zircon, and
pUlIlping hom the rivcr below h:1VC prorented large rutile, One analys is showed 0.1:3 ounce of platinum
hydralllic "pc:l'1llions. A watel' wheel \Vus !.I·ied at Lo t.he ton.' Obviously these minemls huve originally
Goo,1 Hope Bar, alHl in l!)(~J a power dredge wa s in- come from mineralized rocks that were different froUi
stalluu and OIX!l'utcd for a few weeks neal' tile mouth tho;e now exposed in the Kaipurowits region. Some
of Bullfl'og (Hanson; Pine Alcove ) C"eek, but the of the placer gold prflbably has been c'''Tied to Glen
flour gold rcc'ovPl'ed was insufficient to pay the /·ost. of Cllllyon by st.reams from the Henry, La Sal. and
insta llution. (See pI. 2n, A.) Ahuja ~UoulitainS, where gold-bcfn-illg '{'cin~ are
Dudug I.ho yenl's 1.010--101:\ all IlmLitious "f·heme known, but it. seems r easonable to asslime that most.
WIIS dc\'olopctl for l'cf:o"f}I'ing gold from S:1f1dSt.OllC, of it has come from t.he c1isinte~rt~t.i on of near-by
shule, i.mel ~iH. on t.he Plll'in R iver ut L et'S FClT" ancI Trias~ie sedimen(.s.
PUl'ill. Aftcl' prcliminul',Y st.tld~' : induding mil~Y as·
snys, s(' vC'l'ul hlllHh'cd c1ai1lls were located, assessmcmt
WUl'k was L~~gllll, lWeI ~t{'am drcdgc ~ and power f;ho,cl s Pl'OSpectillg for copper in the Moenkopi, Chinle,
t.hnt wel'o fl'{"I, igh(-C'd fl'OI11 ~'[al'Y!:i \'alo WCl'e instnll('d nl t1l1d Na \'ajo formations Iws been cnr:-rie.d on at (l muu·
th e IliCllIlh of tile Purin, To obl'Jlin fuel for operaling bel' of places in the PIlI'ia VnUey, ,md some low'grade-
tll(~ dl'cdg-l'" II coni milw wus op(~llcd in \Vorln Crc(>k
copper Ol-e is said to ha,'e been shipped from the·
about 10 miln~ frol1l il s mouth , aud a wllgon road was
Huttie Gl'cen mine: 2 miles west of Adairville. Small
comil.rllcted, Fl'Om t.lie end of the rOlld II pn C'k- hOl~
tJ'ail WIIS built. tlirollg'h th('< narrow cll nyoll portion of lenses of implll'e green and blue mineralized mut.erial,
the ,\Vnl'1l'l Cl'eck Yalley to Ihe Colorado 1lil'el', and including azurile and mulachile, have been noted at
11 UILl'gu \\'I\~ CUIl~t.l'uctcd fot' e:'!'t'ying the ('anI to it.s so,"cral pla ces in red bcds assigned to the Glen Cunyon
d~st;i ll,,(ion . (Se" pI. 2!J, n.) The plUll was to n '- anu Snn Rn fuel groups. Copper appears also at pros-
('OVOl' the g old known to cxist in neal'ly all the bed, pect hnl~s in the Terliary beds of the Aqa"rius Pla-
of Ule Chillic fOl'lIlution , which is well ~xp()S('d at the t~!lU. Xo deposits of commel'cinl ,""Ine have beer_
mout.h of Glen Canyon lind IllIdtn'Iies thousands of founrl.
SqUU1'C miles in Ari:l.OIHl nnd Utah with II thi ckness COAL
~,cce.dillg GOO fect..
AS':iIl,Ys of 14 snmples from Lees Ferry, r eceived DISTRIBUTION
throllgh t.he eOllrtcsy of ~il'. C. H. Spenc;r, show un A "tudy of the Cretnceolls rocks in the Kaiparowits
lI\"cl'ngc of IIbollt 2,> cents :\ tOll fol' the a silts " de- Plat.cnu nnd the upper Puri" Valley indicates that
rived from Ihe Chinle beds. Annlyses of three 8erres beds of conI Bre restricted to the Dnkota ( 1) sund-
o f sumple~ tnl\C1l by Lnwson :; from cqlli\'nlent beds stone, Tropic shale, and St.raight Cliffs snndstone.
Ill. Pariu showed nil nvcrngc of 14.!ss thnn :} ~nts of (rold
Most of I.he coal deposits in tho Dukotn (~) find Tropic
ill 11. t.OIl of .sha.l~ nHd sandstone. The. Inl'gC'~t. nmo~nt. formatIOns are so thin and so poor ill qnnlity that
10 lX'llts u tall, cU llle frolll u he.d of ~nndstoJle. Simill11: Il,ey have little commercial value bnt some of the
ti.~lIl'es WCl'e obtained for t.he gnld content of the
conI beds in the Straigl,t Cliffs ":ndstone are thick
Moenk')pi forlllation illlmedintely below t.he Shin-
nnd of good grade. (See pI. 30.) In the Dakota ( /)
1ll'lHI1P c,ongl~mcrntc: Gold uppeul'~ to bc fairly
mndst~ne c?n.1 appenl's ill almost all pltlces where tbis
Hellly dlsscmwntcd '" the Chinle ,hales, anu their
format.1011 lS expMed. In t.he Tropic shfile coal is
composit.ion Ilncl t('xtllre lIlilkC" th~l n ft\.\'ornbl~ for
genel'lllI)' absent, but i n the "PP" 1' Puria Vnlle)' the
~ Dul lt-r, U. S., allo ,~!1l('r~, 'l'he \.'Or,' ll{~llo"jhl of Uta h: U. ~ lowe" 100 to 200 feet of this formation contains thin
SlIn'!'r l'rM, l.':l[1cr Ill, [1. GaS, l~l:!O. . co. beds of coal.
• r.llW~(lll. 1\ , C.• Th~ ,1::\1111 In th(> ~hln'lrUlUl' lit l':).rln · t::con. Geol.
o,:.\', "ol :;, PI', ·t ·IU--i .... S. Hl13. .
~ BUl!\'r, 8. S .• m:d olht!'r., op, cit., [I , GaO,

COAL 149
In the Straight Cliffs sandstone the mllin expo,;ures The coal is fair in quality, bu.t it pinches out in a few
of coal are in two dist.ricts--{)He on Warlll Ilnd Last hundred feet.
()banCf Creeks in east centml Kane County aHd the Southeast of Henrieville the coni zone swin gs
ather iJl Canyons southwe,t of Escalante ill Garfield .. round the. north side of Butler Valley to the &lSt
County, nil nel' and less e"tensi va coal beds in the Ktlibnb monocline, where the sandstone .forms 8 low
upper Paria VaUey fUI'p-ish coal fOl' local use at but porsiste nt hogback for many miles southward in
Trapic, CanHofll'ill e, and Hem'ieville, In some places !'h ~ Cottonwood Valley. Cool is well exposed on ihe
theStra 1gqt Cliffs appears to lack coal beds. PIll'ia River southeast of the point where it crOSSes
Indeed, the known co.1 deposits of commercial value Iho monocline, nnd locally it is of workllble thickness.
are distributed over an area of only foul' "I' Jive town-
ships ill the $ontl1-cent.ral and northeru parts of the
.'\. section mMslu'ed in sec. 20, T. 42 S" It 1 'V" shows
36 inches of good coal and 8 inches of .ery impm'e,
Kaiparowits Plateau, It is probable, however, that pyl'itiferotls coal at t-he top, A short distnnce away
the e.. l-bearing beds of '''lIml Creel, and Lllst tbis cool is t,hinoer and much poorer; in lee. 21 of this
Chanee Creek are connected under a COVel' oC youngel' township there is 5 fe'lt of bone and cootl , but no good
beds witb. those at Escalante, ;;0 liS to form u coal· be,d more than It foot in t.llickn~.
bell'ing area 10 to Ii; miles in width nnd :lJ to 40 miles 111 the Dakotn(l) outcrop, which lIlay be followed
in length, Evidently caul was formerly milch more from the Paria River eastward in an irrcgular line 10
abundant, for in most of the south·centra l pal't of the the extremity of the Kniparowits Plateau opposite
Kaiparowits Plateau, particularly between 'Worm ancl X aVlljo ~rotlntain, most. mensul'ed section:"; show SCV~
Last Chance Creeks, the coal-bcaring beds in the el'lll coni beds. l'ew of (bem nre mor0 H'Rn 1 foot
Sllllight ClifFs sandstone have been much offeded by (.hick, but one bed in sec. 4, T. 41 S" R. 6 E., is 2 feet
burning; the shalc which commonly underli es and ,~ inches thick. At the heRd of Rock Creck a vel'y
o<erlies tbe coal is baked hard, altered in eolor, ane! prominem dark bo nd DIore than 6 feet thick 01. the
lIuch of it burned to clinker. . Dokot. (?) hOl'izOll cOllsists entirdy of bono and vcry
blnde carbonllceolls sbole. The Dakotu.( 1) is I(':;S
COAl IN THE DAXOTA(I) SANDSTONE AND TROPIC SHALE persistently coal bearing on the northeast side of the
Eastward from the point southwest of Cannonville Kaiparowits Plateau t.han in the tel'ritOl'Y f,trther
in T. 38 S., R. 4 W., where the Dakota{ 1) is Cllt off south and west, Several sections measured southeast
by the Pauns3ugunt fnult, beds of coal Illld carbona- of Escalante show no Dakota (1) coal.
COOUi shole "ppe:ll' the sandstone and sandy sbale According to analyses of a sample at typical Dako·
thai eap the esca.l·pme.nts overlooking exposures of ta (1) coal of nppaNntly good grade collected in tiec.
variflgated Jnrassic rocks to the south. As shown by 4, T. 41 S., R 6 E" tho ash is 19,6 per cent and sulphur
marine fossils, most of these cool beds belong in the 2.1 per cent, which is relatively high, and the find
hasal portion of the Tropk shale, and the Dakotn( n cBI'bon is 31 pel' cent, whJch is low. The henting nlue'
of coal ill only 7,28(} British thel'mal units, which
is Yery thin and consists in places entirely of con-
glomeratic sondstone. A measured soction of the is very mUl'h less than thnt of b>'OOd-grnde coals from
lower part of tr.e Tropic shale in sec. 12, T. :38 S" R. the Straight Cliffs sandstone.
4 W., includes tluee beds of coal-a tbed 7 feet thick, . COAL IN THE STIIAIOHT CLIFFS S.llfDSTONE
including several thin partings of bone ~ alld sand, an·
other 1 foot 4 inches thick :j incheS below this thick Altllough the cod beds of the Straight Oliffs sand-
bed, and a thied 2 feet thick about SS feet above it. stone are much greater in prospective commercinl
Oo 'Sheep Creek in sec. 35, T. 37 S., It 4 W., corre- ,-alue, they ..ra in general much less prominent than
sponding beds consist m01jtly of bone and very thin those of the Dakota. ( I), because of the small a..... of
CIlal beds but include one bed of coal 2 feet thick. the thick cool deposits and partly because of extensive
Tltis coal zone is C<Jntinuously and rather promi- burning and poor exposures. Detel'minntion of the
IIfntly exposed in nn extremely irregular line that fol- l1umher and extent of the different beds is s~riously
10"i the indentations of canyon V!l.lleys a.nd the pl'O- hampered by the impossibility in most places of trac-
jecUons of intervening divides. In the vicinity of i ng the coals along the outcrop. Becauso tbe cod has
Cannonville and Henrieville the Dakota( 1) and coa.l- been d.. troyed by burning to within a few feet of tbe
boaring Tropic c"p the bluffs that nearly surround ooLtoms 01 the Ca'IYOIlS, it is impossible to tn.ce t.he
each ~i118ge. There is considerllble v8l"iation in the coal beds found Of! the North Branch of WU.J·m Ol'.ek
coal bed!, but, sections show several beds 2 feet or less to the Middle Branch, even where these streams are
i. thickJ1ess. On the south side of Little Creek in le5<I tllln a mile .part. The same is true of other
Ite. 25, T. 37 S., R. 2; W., coal has been mined fl'om a parts. of the Warm . Creek drain"!,'" basin and the
bod 2 fetjt 10 inches thick in the Dokoh\ (Y) sandstone. country along Last <{bllllee Creek and its tributaries.
'd till d aDd its lithologic character cha.nges rapidly
A s the bottom.. of the cllnyons in the Straight Cliffs I en e, dd' , h b '
in n horizontal plane. In n ItlOlI, t e ?rmng has
formllti on Ill'. in most places covered by stl'eam de·
posit.. and !tlius, tho unburned portion of Il coal bed mad e un recog nizable beds or zones that. nllght'other-
, be traceable and hus caused slumpmg.. which dl>.
IIllly be buried under rock wosle. In severa l places them, In
the ollly obseryed exposure of coal was in t~e yery bed t.ur bs tl. 1e beds and more 01' less conceals
order to determine as precisely as possible the strati·
of a creek, The fact that somewhat fortUitous slllft· graphic position of the coa l beds geologIC sections
ing of stream cutting and deposition IIlUY revelll or
~.3E .

• D,UHA1 :0 N

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a I .... .. ~

Fl\:ULII: S. - M!l[l of n pftrt of Kauo County. UtJll h, .ho",'lnac d llltribution or ecal l!J:pollure9 In lile Straight CIld'14 6[Uldstone llions:
lilt' trlblllnriu of WArm null Lft.!l Chli nCl! CNekif. DIl::S:': llud ljC! oto~y by a..,ymond C. ~.Iooro

complet" ly conceal" cOllI bed, in conjunct.ion witu tue WCl'e prepared nlong each of the ca nyons where cool
difficulty of procuring detniled stratigl'llphic informa- was found. >lnd the ve rtica l and horizontal positions
tion, makes it probuble that tho obseryed coni deposits of the co~l exposures were plotted 011 the sections.
in the Stmight Cliffs formation nrc less th." t.he In this wily the stratigraphic position of each bed waS
uctunl coal resources pre.cnt, (Seo fig , S.) determined wi t b an approximate minimum of error,
In c01'l' the coni beds in the Knipnrowits It wus found that the thicker workable coal beds occupy
reg ion it. ha s seemed necl?SSury to rely mlltnly on the a position t,uu t ranges from obout 300 to 600 feet ahove
st.rntigrnphie position in t.he formation nnd the reln- the bose of t,he Struight Cliffs formation und, tuat
!.ion of the COllI to udjlleent beds. In most places t,he several of the geogrnphicolly more or less Widely
Straight Cliffs sll ndstone lacks key beds thut. can be separated exposures fall at closely corresponding
;t ... tigraphic
. positions. The letters A., B., C , and D Bed C is best exposed and is thickest on Last
...,eaSSlgned to the Illain coals thus correlated. (See Chance Creek in sees. 27 and 28 )T. 40 S "R 4 E 't
,L 30.) . ,.
where the thickness ranges from 9 feet 7 inches to 15
In the SOllth-central part of the Kaiparowits Phteau feet 3 inches and the top is about 495 to 500 feet ahove
~o \forkaule coal beds were found below the horizon the base. of the Straight Clifl's snndstone. Near the
"Oed A, a 'ittle more thun 300 feet above the base of mouth of Dry Cauyon by digging in the stream bed
tilt Strnight ClilIs formation. On La,t Chance and 10 .feet 6 inches of coal of fille quality was measured
\flrnl Creeks lind locally at other pl:lces n. number of witl]out reuching the b:lse of the bed. On the ~1iddle
,""I beds that average 6 to 8 inches in·thickness were Branch of Wa.rm Creek in sec. 26, T. 41 S., R. 3 No,
itJllnd in this lower di\' ision of the formation. 12 feet of coal of good quality, sepamted into two
Bed A is a workable bed of good coal. On the beds nCtlr the top by a layer of bone 1 foot t.hick, is
~orth nrllUch of Warm Creek in sec. 20, T. 41 S., R. e"poced lit the strntigraphic position of bed C. Ex-
3 K, it. has a maximum thickncss of 3 fe"t 3 inches posures upstream from this locality indicnte a thicken.
qJ1d stands 310 feet above the base of the Stra:ght ing of the upper bed , though accompanied by intel'-
Cliffs. The coni is overlain by carbollaceous shale calations of bone und carbonneeoll. shule. On the
,11<1 yellow sandstonc and by dark carbo- South Brunch of Warm Creek in sec. 10, T. 42 S.,
n,""Oll' shale. On the South of Warm Creek R. 3 E., a 3-foot coal of good qUlllity occurs at tho
iI, the northem part of T. 42 S., R. 3 E., this bed is upproximate position of bed C and is tcntatively cor·
,,'lUingly represented by two coals 3 and G .inches relILted with it.
thick, separated by II fcw inches of carbonaceons ,:,.10. Bed D lies about liOO feet above the base or the
On L,st Chance Creek in sec. 35, T. 40 S., R. 4 No, Straight Clil,'s sundstone. Where first exumined on
I:!d beds exposed at the hori,ol1 of bed A show 5 feet Lust Chonce Creek, in sec. 20, T. ·to S., R. 4 E., :t
6 intlles of coal and bone in which the thickest bed hus IL thickness of a fect 9 iHches un" is oveduin by
of good coal is 1 foot 11 inches thick; in sec. :Y! of the severul feet of C"rbOllaCeous shnlo thut contains
,.m. towllsh:p bed A is probably represented by four coni beds 15 bches or less in thickness. On Dry
co.'ll b,ds of which the thickest is 17 inchcs thick. In Canyon the highest coni discovered is abont GOr,
Uees Canyon, farther north, bed A hns a thiclmess of feet above the base of the formation; it is tl hurd,
25 inches, but the nppel' 7% inches is of poor quality. I lustrous hituminous coal of oxcdlent grade mOI'e thUD
Ued B is about 460 to 480 feet above the base of the I 11 feet thick without a pUlting. Aftor digging seve"al
Straight Clills sandstone. On the Middle Bmncb of fect in the bottom of the creek the base of the bed wns
Warm Creek :n sec. 35, T. 41 S ., R. 3 E. , it consists of not reached. As this conI is bUl"lIed almost down to
5 feet 11 inches of COlli nnd 1 foot 6 inches of bo!!e. the cHJ:yon bottom no other mensurement was made.
A bed of good coal 2 feet 6 inches thick on the North On Warm Creok sevcral coal beds 3 to 13 inches in
Bmoch of 'Warm CI'eek ll"d nbout 20 feet lower struti- thiclnwss, sep"rllted by black carbonaceous shale, lie
gmphieaUy seems to correspond to tbis bed. On the "bout 000 feet .bove the bnse 01' the Straight Cliffs
11icldle Branch of Wllrrn Creek in sec. 26, T. 4l S., R. sandstone, but no workable bed was found at t.his
3 E., 6 feet G indIes of coal in two be,ls is sep.rated horizon.
by 5'12 inches of c''''bonaceolls shale, and the top of In Dry Canyon good coul beds were found at hori-
,I" coal is 458 feet ubove the base of the forlllution. zons intermediate butween beds C lind D. In sec. 16,
On the South Brunch of Warm C~eek in sec. 10, T. 42 T. 4() S., R. ,1 E., about. 560 reet above t.he base of the
S., R. 3 E., bed B consists of 3 feet of conI 480 fret Straight Cliffs, occurs a co"l of very good quality,
from the bottom of the Straight Cliffs sandstone. 3 feet 5 inches thiel" which is ovcrit,in and underlain
The coal is or good quality and hns been mined on by brown carbonaceous sh"le. TillS coal was not
• ' moll scale at the only coal mine in the southern identified .t other localities. In the same section nnd
part of the Kaiparowits Platean. On Last Chance approximateiy 20 feet higher occllrs a betl of good
Cr"Ck bed B is represented by 7 feet of very good arade coal 3 feet 4 inches thick at one exposure and
",II thnt is exposed in the bottom of the canyon in 4" feet G inches thick at another a few hundred feet
I.e sOlltow'e stern part of sec. 27, T. 40 S., R. 4 E. distant. .\. third coal bed 2 feet thick lies higher
This coal bed and others have been destroyed by burn- stratigl'" phico.lly.
ll g to within 1il or 20 feet from the bottom of the Two coal beds 16 and 19 inches thick were found
alll"On. ft. coal bed that is expqsed on lower Dry Can. on Lust Chunce Creek u short distnnce downstream
'on' a little less than a mile north of this 7-foot out· fro01 the place where bed D is exposed. The strllti-
'op has a thiclmess of 3 feet By:! inche$. Its cor- gl"Uphic horizons of the beds are, respecti~:ly, n~ut
e'pondence to bed B is indicated by its stl'atigraphic utO .nd 525 feet nbove the base of the Stmlght Chffs
POSition. 51,ndstone.
that were examined show several coal bed., one of
In the upper Escalante Valley and the upper Par!a
which at each locality exceeds 6 feet in thickness.
Valley the strat.ig''aphic relation. of the coal beds In
In a sect.ion measured on Cherry Creek about III
the Straight Cliff••andstone are less w~ll kno~n than
miles ....est-southwest of Escalante the coni beds are
those along the south /lank of the Ka'parowlts Pla-
teau, but in general the beds are better e"posed for distributed I ' follows:
study. . Secf.1oJI on Ohe,'ty CrecF¥ twar E.colQ.1It. ~, Uta"
Within II milcs ot Escnlanto there are about eight
coul mines and prospect oxcavntions. ~'roOl four of [~easl.lred by Hel'oort E. Ortiltol'Yl

these mines the I"Uage is adequately supplied. Ko ~1S­ Fl. I",

SaDdstooe, ml5sJve, Cl'O:'1_s-beddcd ___ _---- -- ---~ -- ___ • IH
lcmatic dev"'opment hn~ been undertaken. The sItes
Shale, aret:fleeons - -- -- - -------------- - -------- -- ~ 10
lto I'e been selected with reference to the thickness of
beds stability of roof, nnd access to feasible wagon
eo,l, upper port or &ood quality ____________________ _ 1
Shale ______ __ _______ ________ __ - ---- -- ----- ------ 2 •
rout~. Pick; shovel, and hand drill are the tools lJoal. of good IlonUtr; brenk! iuto squal"e blocks;
contains re8iD ______ _____________ ___ ______ _______ _
u"cd by the mincrs, who work when coal is nood~d.
Qwered, probably 15111\ lc __ ______ ____ ____ -- - ---- -~ _ IU
D a
The Chril;tenscll mine, in Coal Canyon, Willow 0...'.
or good quality _____ __ __ _________ ____________ _
Springs Wnsh, has beeu operated each year sinee about
Skale and IbiD ~nndstoue ___ ~ ----- ---- -------- ------ 21
1898. During 11i11-1B 350 tons of COllI ...... taken to Coal, with shale p6.rlings _______ ___________________ _
Esc.ltlntc, the price being $1.50 at the mine or $3.75 Shote-, drab, with plant remai lls-______ ____ _____ _ ~
CoD 1, enrtby. flbrous _______ ____ ___________ ____ ___ _
delivered in thc village. At this mine the otratn arc 5
S.IIalt, ar:Jl1llCf'oua • _______________________________ _
ul'l'anged n& follows: 8
Cool, or gOO<) quality. wltb one thin sbole bed________ i
Shnle______________ ___________________ _________ 1 J
Coal. earthy ________ __________ __________ ______ 2
(JQ"ered; probalJlJ' sb ahl oml thin sallds toD~ __ _______ 1-4
n. bo. Cual, ,..·ith much ., bone " ___________________________ 2
Sandstono. m flB8lve; cl'('Is8·bcdd~ L'lt rhe top_________ e Sllnlc __________________ _________ _______ _____ _
1 G
Shale, drub, cnroouoccous__________________________ 14 Coal, of ,ood quaUty ___________ ____ _______________ _
Cord, JrUoll qnnl1ty __ ~ __ __ __ _ _________ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ____ 1 I 3
Partl¥ covered shale ao:l tbin aandHtone ___________ _ SO
Shale, drob: resembl<!B ike do)'_____________________ 8 or (ood qUAlity ______ ________________________ _ 2
COllI, with rwme to bone " _________ ______________ ~ ____ 3

Shale_______________________ ______________________ _ I
Sbole, drab, IlY},)81fct'ouI: man)' hnpt'e9tilolll or pl.r.u_ 8
Cool, ."Ith rnauy sbale partlngs __ __________________ _
Shale___________________________________ __________ _
a II
Coal, flood
...,pl quaUty; the Jlff:lIOnt roJlle (Nee nnlllyae. of
.. )_________________________________________
Slin ll', 8Il cd)'____ ____ __ _____________________________
T 10
Ooal, earthy _______ ____ ____ _____________________ _
• •
Shale, areDaCCOtl8. nnd IbiD s"'lodstones, rit>plo marked... 30
eoal. rovenled by drlll______________________________ 12 eoal. of ,aod quBUty ______ _______________________ _ 1
Shnto and H6DdtftOlle. SlIale, arenaceous __ ______________ _ 3)
~_ _ _ ___________ _ _

'fh" Richard. mine, also in Co..1 Cnnyon, has pro- Coal, "PlIer lwo-,hlrdti or goo<l quoUty ___ ____________ U
ShaJe and thin sandfttone_______ _______________ ____ 160

duced about 100 tons each yelLr since it 1\'ns opened in

1918. The COllI is obtnined from a bed 11 feet 7 e'onl or ,00<1 ~.all~.----------- -- ------------------- 8 I
inches 'hick that lies between bed'. of drab shale. The a beds of coal shown in this section aggrecata
Tho bottom 4, feet is discll.rded because of " bolle" and 58 feet 10 ;nches, more than half of which is prollabl,
pyrite "niggc,' !tcads." The remainder i. of good suitable for commercial use.
quality. Henrieville and some families in Can.nonville .nd
The Schow mine, in Coal Canyoll, at a higher alti- surrounding ranches receive cool chiefly from the Pol-
tude thUl the Christensen Rnd Richards mines, i. de- lock mine, on a b''8nch of Henrieville Creek .boul 5
veloped in A coal bed 18 feet thick, the top 7 fe~ of mile. north pf Henrieville, in the enst face of a mesa
which i. discarded ix>cllllse it is "too bony for u:oe." composed of Cretaceous sandstone. The beds at tbe
Ml\S8i \Ie sandstolle beds lie above and below the coal mine are arranged · as follows:
with no intervenilJg .h.le.
The Winkler mine, in Alvey W IIlIh, contains .. bed
of good cool & feet thick and a second bed 2 teet thick
below 8 feet of intervening shale.
A prospect hole iu Willow SpriJ1i'l Wash reveals 3 Ft. to.
Coal. of ,004 quart)·; Ih. lo"",rmoat toot I. used
fcet \I inches of good cool underlain in turn by II locallJ' by bltteksmlth!l; QUa:ywel Ihow little reslD
inch~ of ahale that contains abundant fragmenta of and no lulphut ___________________ ___ ___________ _
plnnts and 7 feet 2 illclll'41 of coal of good quality. Sbale. eo.rbonacrou ______ ____________-____________ _ 8
Another undeveloped, mine shaWl four coal beds- re-
.pectivdy 1 foot 3 inches, 8 inches, 6 feet, and 4
inches Ihick. All the cliff. iOutheftSt of Escalante
("001. of ll00f.t qunlity: has tht o, Irrf'gulur !lhille Vart..
Sbole. p_rple and gray; CObtlllu8 tmpressions or pltU1ta
and Olrbonlzed wood ________ ____________________ _

, .



H.:u: nnllt of loo.:' ul.,ro~jun SU t(i1Cl~ I mir,~ lM-I.l .... llIo:.1I1 of CoU o flw"",1 Gr ...: !..

n. PAIUA Rlv,t:n R1::J.OW PAllI .\

Narrow eon"oll j~lIlLQ ... e
mou1h or Collom'fDOd Cr."C:k. ~ lric K<d POTliu!1 nC lOO v n' ~,. Ottur .. ...-h.·r.:: 111 ~ ';n.'r enn...·•
ohliquely Iho IJPturnoo elM. c..uyon ~mJ, loClC'O iu tlu:' ":;1>01 RlIibnb 1li001OCr illl' .


Til" Jola.Lb)' -.uodst.uuu lit ri!>bl d TodiJlo P) Curmutlon. Tho. WiO;fnt.o ont..! Chiulu ma), Jill !IoCt!1I uuwllJIlrc.:J.m. Phow.rlJpb hy
E. C. 1.0 Rue,

111~1;llIerl in 1';:]0 hy R. L. S~\lnlofl. Pho'.o,!;mpll by E. C. [,.(1 H~i', AUSUSI, 19~;j.

fl. STEA\lHOAT "CIIAIlU;;S 1I SPENCER "C')~· ,., '> • '"

, "., . :s I hlC I hD ••10 Tll.\NSrORT COAL FHO-'l WARM CHEEK TO LEES FERI\\'
1'1~\O(;mph by E G. L:l Ru.', ,'u""u~l_, 191.'j,
F. 5. G};OLOCIC.\L S UH" ):;\' l'nOF E 8~1O:-;.\ J~ PAI'ER 1(, 1 PL.\TE '!7

...t . 1'."'II A \' ,"~ I~F.Y I\".EAH "OllTH Of,' COTt oNWOOD CRt.: t,K R, p" nr" VA !.I.,V.)' 1 MILE Dt::LOW ~IOUTH m' COYfO:SWOOD C REEK
Vir .... luolo..ill6: nurtb 11100. till! l~ of tht, y.;':"'l K aih:l b montie',"" TIl'" h Ol:'oo d. i~ Yic. ' u~'lI r II ...: rum ...r .... 'ItI~'lIMnt 0( '"rin. The . Irlltitini tock ... II"' Chill'o "1o,,le ,
form.:o:I iJ,. It... D.u ko l.q (jJ) ~ nc, [110 vullC) 10 th., m .- nt hy ~I,,' 'frnpir. ""', ..]0: ,
PL .... I,Ot.: , .. pl, hy C C . f'rn~,
A .,II,t IJ ,"",tM ("f~1 II/Ai eo..
u c~itic.o,. .. II... ctUlr\~ of th~ Puia R i¥er. TIM) n¥cr bu au'v«l ll ... ;d., ~' (lll.·)' .I ...-rt! ti ll' rock... 011"0} ..dnlh·d,. _e:a.k. .lood t'Tos.i"n hui!o lI'tril'ped IIWIIY m('lOll ~,r tI,,, roru~r "r" ...."·
~cl'l"d 'lilL.bk Itlh.... u....... 1.OnI land , I,~ln· i""; ....'ide ... od .tld j..Ta~·f'1 CO"l'rOO cl'h l.l Ild. \\hich ;0 UII'U )' pllICCli ill dry. t'"«.o:Jt\ during nood ....

c. C":; .... " ...; IN ~ """"""'U . ~N I'n4TONt';. l ..... Htlll!- W .-.t\11 ~U'nI I! A :'lo'l' 0"- f!t4C"'1..A N '· I~ 1.1, A HGII t'on:\I F.:O IIY I-:no.o;roN 0"" NAVA J O I'ANJ.)~TON"; " N WAI.f~ UI-' Y.St':,".AN " "~ CAN .
T IJ , 0.' IJAND W""R"
YuN ""HUYI!i. N W _
.'\' Cm"tNEY nOCK A:'\D ODEUSK c .... nvl·:n IN SANDSTONE OF SAN R.\FAEL (:. D.\LAj\'CED nOCK. J::~TIL\Il.\
PhOIO~r.JIl" L)' G. C. rra"'!r. SOUT HEA ST 0 '" t:..;c.,\ J. ..... i\ TE

n. HOCK \10NU'IENTS WEA'rIll-;nEn Fno\l F.!\TR .\D .\ S.\NDSTO:'\E, D. DE\tOISF..I.Lf':';; (f~ C1UNL~ SLOPE, "OATH FORK 0.' 'sn.v.m 'fALUio
COLLE'n ' 'r. . . I..\:'\1'£
c nt-:EK. SOL'rIlEA.ST uF 1·:.. C.\:'il'OS. CIF\CL·E CLlf'f'S
En~JOs R E..\I:s ....."'Th

Bed B
13 ( lS I
NW.~ So.l7 IIl'lXS.o3 l S'rSooJO ~'5o<2Il 5

T.<S05.,R.4E. 1
f t. ill

''''4';12 . 2 13'1
I~ ==- 8 ...
26 "l

II v 8
'I 3

Bed D
(21 22
N'N.!r.5ecZ7 SE4Sec.a )



J 34 35 36 37

";: ":'.:':'1
Sec.20 W!!ISK l l SE.~5oc:.lO 5[~S.d2 ,
T42S.,RIW. T:4Z5.,R1W HZ~.R.4[' :37S,iI3W ,l:31$,Rl ;"


3 2


,j -J v.--:l
Sandy 5l1ndstcne C:~~
Bony 5~alc ~
pnorE661ONAL PArER 1Crt. PLATE 3tJ

Bed B Bed c
, 10 " 12, 13 14 18 19
s.,~ SE.~50c26 N E ~Sa;O NW ~SocZ7 ""1$50031 S~·Sec.lO NE.< 5.ciO S(;'5002S 5W.s.ezz
",\ ,:"'''[,:'''''4; ,_ .., '~j~' :'~"i' .. H l 5,03(' T.«l ~,J>.4(' H()S./l.4!E.
H . i".

6...; 7
5 2. I 2.
I ~ ......- ::.. 8 J.;z
3 I.\:: 6 13
3 5 6 ~


- I 4Ji
J (480~


3 I

I 2

!9 30'
So<.2S SE)' SOC2 s~ "._~
i,R4£ t4 15.,R.4 E 3

7 r:>

I ..
47 48 49 so
Sec.4 5e: 3 Head of L lJ: St:c.25
14 'I 1.4ZS..R,5t. T.4t2S.,P5E. RoOle,... 1315-,R2W.
:i.,R6£. . Ft.~n in

<,~ - - I ...

1 5
7 e



bor.6Ceow5 Sh31c
s..ndy Sendstone
Sh.'Ile shale 1lf'it.




It. llEl'HOLIFB[\OUS M OENKOPI STIUT.\ IN i::,\ STEItN I'ART Oli' cmcu; CI.lfF$


...... of ..,.,., qua 11 ty, uniform bed; breaks with IU"
rt. IIIL,
i? different part. of the rtgioo. In general it is dis
IeDIDe surfaces ------- ______ __ 1 6 tmctly bedded and has • fairly bright luster. Some
n-e clay sha le, "ftre clay ,, __ __~==~~~= ~=====~===-~ so~e
I; of it ia Yery hard and has a iuheonchoidal fracture
l 'N.l. of 8'cod Quality . with !Jhrlle pnl'Un gs And II
nnd a brillia nt luster. Some beds show a fine banding
boa~." Ie eJ:eelioot tor stoves: In fo rge borD8 to of altel'nate bright and dull Iayera, but other beds an
willie osb but make. clinker " 9 8
PArt m0 811lve; n-r~-~!~ ;.-~;~d- ,~-atl; mnuiv e and eitber bright or dull. The jointin g and
Dare. den Ie. drab,
to mel::. brick ~or e to\,e IinJnl;S_____ ____ __________ 20
cleavage are commonly more or less unevenly colum
na.r, but in plllces there is & prominent blocky, sub
Below the is 130 feet <Jf bedded sAndstone that
00111 cl1bical jointing. That the ..,.1 is in general resistant
overlies the Tropi c shale, Ilnd nbove the conI lies 160 to ",enthering and has excellent .tockin g qualities i.
feetot gray-b uft' sandst one with subord inate shale and shown by the condition of t.he coal where it is ellPosed
iDcIude~ thin lenses of coni 24 feet above the top of in nRtural outcro ps and by the comparatively fre5h,
Iha sectIo n, and a. bed of coal 2 feet thick 140 feet unslacked condition of coal ahout the workings and
higher , on the face of the mesa dumps. Some of these exposed piles of c:cal bUe been
In a mine on the north bl'Qn~h of Hend~rson Cnn- subject to weathering for QS much as I dozen yeara.
yon !n 1ieC_ ~, T . 36 S. , R. 2 W ., the lower part of the A numher of samples of the Straig ht Cliffs coal
StraIg ht Cliffs sandst one incluel es 1:3 fcet 4 inches of were collected for annly. il. A psrtial at&t.ment of
fairly good cool in four beds. the anal,. .. i. given in t.he following table. The coal
ca:n."on.. samples were carefully dried slightly ahove room
Becllrm . or coo·l at miM In. Hen4er1fOn. UtaA
temperllture until the weight became constant,
(Measur ed b, RIl),mCfbd C. Moore)

Bbale, t:'arbon aceous, sandy: [orml:! r oot or ml oe. 1
CaIIL ot talr quality _____ ___ ___________ _______ ____ __ ~

bale, carbonaceous..: _______________________________ 7

Coal, of lood quoUt]' ______ ___ _____ ___ ___ __________ 1 2
SoDdatooe. light yellowl . h b',owo _____ ____ ______ ____ S 9
Coal, of &00<1 quallt] ' _______ ____ ______ ______________
&bale, earbonaceous __ ______ _______ ____ ____________ _ 7
MlDC GO Warm Crtlift. btd B
Ir' ..
..__s••• .... ... .., ......
... ,
'J ... .....
,0, .•••
NR.,/l,:0'CouDt)' u
1 f:..
Bone and thin I!trenks ot coal ______________________ _
Coal, of goOd q"oUt, ,___ __________ ____ __________ ____ t
8 Ou..
rf .. ,..,.C..... c-t,
, ••. 17. T."
.• _.a. R. __
______ .... ..... •• ...""
&. u
••• .... ...
B.o lC.u COuuU
In the liOuth wester n and south" ".tern parts .of the ''' 1

Kaipa rowits Plutu ll, where no workable coni be<)s

DellI Ibur~
.. --.._., ,u.
.... DNr . . .
••• 11.:\ ..... ••... , 1I,a

,o..-C....... ..... ,.,. .... i ........

10.... 0 ........ c~r
were ohs(w ved, there DN! indiea tions that, the condi · I
Straig ht Clill".
our::: : Cbr.r, 17. "
41 ••
to aew
11. 11
00 __ .. . _. _... __ .. _. . .. ·_ .. _
Do_ .• ---. -.- -- -__ ___ __ _____ 1
~ ...
'. '" ... .. ""'
tiona at the time of depos ition of the
forma tion were unfav orable for the makin g of coal
On the upper part of Croton Brnnc h of Last Chance Th~ coal from the Straig ht Cliff4 tOl'mation is ma-
Creek and fa"the r eA st, ,,'here the Straig ht Cliffs terially better in average value and has a
than the coal from
Bands tone is excell ently expose d, mal'ine fossils were lower content of 8sh ondau lphur
that t.hi. region the Dnltot a(!). · Compa rison of the anAlyses given
found at seve",,1 hol'izo ns, indicat Colorado,
was more or less consta ntly under w:>.ter. Along 'Vah. above with analyse s ot typical coals from
entire Wyonling, and elsewh ere in Utal! ~how. ~hat .o~e ~f
weap Cl'eek ond the P"rilL River, where the owtt. regIOn IS
d the Straig ht Cliffs co.1 of the Kalpa.r
thickneSOl of the Straig ht Cliffs sandst oM i. cxpose in neighb oring regions .
good as most of that
in bare rock cl i Irs and where coal is Illmo&t .b...""tl quite 8S
Kaiparowits coals the moistu
and no fossils were seen, the snn<t.tone possibly repre- In the best of the
sulphu r, and ash are relatively low, and the fixed car-
sents a f,·ash- wate,· landw ard fAcies that is separa ted
is high. The heating nlue of the coal from the
from the madn e .deposi ts tarthe r enst by the coal- bon on W.r~ Creek, 12!190
collected in the mine
hearin g intermediate belt. In n simila r relatio n to the .ample indicat es a 8IItlStactory bltu·
therma l unita,
coal area of the upper Paria Valley northe ast of British
Tropi c and ellst of the T. hie Cliff Platea u is the non minous coal.
coal-b earing Straig ht Cliffs sandst one west and ""uth- The distance from markets and the e:dremcly
of most of the country ... ill certainly
west of Tropi c: 'Veil-exposed sections of the sand- rugged charac ter
a in Kane and
stolle on the Paria River in T . 86 S., R, 3 W., in Bryce retard development of the conI deposit
in the 1'&-
Canyo n, and in other valley s farthe r south show no Garfield Coun ties. The small settlements
coal beds, but severn l beels contai n fresh-w ater mol- gion can be supplied readily, but there are neither
Juab 8ucb as unios. road. nor habita tion. in the vicini!., of the best coal
In phyaic n.1 f eature s the coal of th~ Straig ht Clilfs
fonna .tion differs more or less in different beds and
UI04() ..-81-- 11

that high.grade oil is oblained in " number of well s.

In "ast· c(·ntrn l Utuh t.he P cn",y h' oni,m rocks are
more sa.nely tha." thnse in S an · .Juan Canyon "nel
'.['he or;C lIl'l'em.:e of oil .seeps and oi l-impregnaterl include hu'gc" of salt. and gypsu~, which
!-"a..nci::-; ( rHlC in P;l l't.:.; of t.he Ku.iparo \\,its region, t.he point to conditions of scdi mcnlntion unlike those in
prescne" ill the Sail Juan field, not. far oiStull~, o f pro· any other p",·t. of the plateau country. In a.soci"tion
<1u c ill~ we lls tha L alll.a in oil from rocks t.hut probnbly with t.he .alt deposits ". l it.tle oil hn. been discovered.
IIl1d""1 i c 1Il 0~t ,,( st)uthel'll (J tuh, or. ,\ t·h e existence of III th e Granel Canyon region the Pennsylvanian is
11I1'~(~ nnl.idinal )r,lds have ~llggcst(" 'r the pos~iuilit,y represente" by thin -bedded limestone, pari. of t.he
of obtuinillg oil alld ~HS in tOlnm(wcinl i('~ ill Supni formation , 'ami perhaps b.y some highc!' beds,
Karw ar](l Cial"tidtl Counties. Tllt>~(: appal"~lJtly in \'(11"- "II ""Iil<~ those on the San .Juan Riv er or in Catara ct
ab le i lldi('tlt!l)rlS 1I1!l,\' be c;ol:s:dcl'ed bricft_y and t.he CnllY0It. f:l ~evfld ll tIJiL'lc mnl'igc deposib. chit'fly
1'('~ lIlts or ex:, lorll tio ll lip to ti ll"' prCs(·.nt. t. im~. I'econ le( l. lim.:stone, sLflw the presence o f the sc"' in Pennsyl-
Cumbrilill I'od{~ pl'nhably ulldr.rli ~ lIl ost of ~outhcrn ,-unian time. In the. Uueldy M ountai ns Longwell"
lit:!I:, bllt t.h""g:1i tli,,,y cOllsist ill pa rt of ;:hallow - measu red rnorc Ih"" 1,100 f eet of massi ve Pennsyl.
"'!' 111111';11 0 dtpo:-;its with somewhat abun(i>:nt f!v i- vanian lilllc~ toneg: and at Eurelm Hag ue tI reported
:lC: 'l<'t'\~ of lifo Iwd hllve I!. li thol ogit: dllll'Hctel' suitnbl(' 3,800 f ,·"t of heds, chiefly limestone.
(or the fHT.lIH1l1latillll of vii, lIf', uil scep$ 01' othl~ 1' There j~ :l si nglJlur of rodrs t.hat were ori gi-
d{lfillil" c indi r.ntinll'-; of oi l h:IVf! I.H'eo fou:ld in t.hcse ltalI" muds in t.he know!: PellJlsylvH nin n seetions at
,·oel.;s :J1I,Ywlll!l'C.·. ill w(>~tel'n .\;nC'rieu. Col(;rado. U tn h, northern Ari~ona, and Nov,,,ln.
The Ca ll ,b ri:lll hcds are deeply bmied. In most. Either conditions W(ll'e 'Josuituhlo fol' making the
pn rts of t.he l(uipnl't)wit~ region t.hey lie ~e \'ero..l t:'Oll- usna l proport.ion of f1n~ clastic deposits, which I1l'e
so n<l ieet. helow t,he . uriaee, IIllel th~." neeLl not be (!ommonI.v accompanied by abundant organic remain:;
cOIll"iidc l't'c l as pro:-;prctive oil producers. and U,e ecncl it.ions favorabl e for t.h e accumulat.ion o f
The thin d ~rt)s it.::; of Devolliall Il,!!e Ilnd the dense., oil, or these cbstic mllteri"ls nre lUl'gely localized in
massin""1 limestone of ~IiESissippian age, ranging i.!l parts of the I'egion where th e Pennsylvanian is con-
t.hiclwe" (!'Om 100 to at least 700 feet , pl"obnbly unuel'- cealed. At all eYcllie, tLe p hysica l chamcter of the
lie ull of &o ut.hel'l1 Utol1. IInwovel', on accoullt. o f t·Le P en as)' I" .. niall deposits, as ind ica ted by widely scat·
"('1'), dl~w,;c. IlIa~~ive eiln raclm' (l·r th('~e fOl'lllations, torcd outC!'CPS and borings: is nIt.her discouraging to
whidl illdiclItcs "" nbscoce IJoth (If s uitahle mother explorat ion fo r .oil nnd ,!!us. J-Ioweycl', some oil hU3
ruc ks :1 l1d of ('c>:Cl"voir beel., it, is not. lilwly t.ha t. rom· b"en found i" thesc 1'0<:I<s, a ud cond itions suited to
Jl)l'rcilli quulltitic3 or oi l or gU!"J will be found in them, cllll1!uf'rcial proil'.ict.ion may pO!5sibly exist. at. places not
The PC!IIIl-.,vl"tlllian l'oc.k:; yield heavy 0; 1 ill the Sail yet ~xplored .
•JIIJ,n oil 111'lel , and t.hey urc disti!,ctl.\' bituminous at
Tile P(l-l'miall rocks in southern U t,ah COll~ i 5t mainly
muny pl:tl~(,S ill ~o llt, hwestcrn Colorado. A s d~posits
"f t.biel. sa ndsl.oll e without IIssocinted beds th at could
(of t.his ago c(,op Ollt 011 lIearly all sides of th e Kai·
SGrVC <l~ Jnot,heJ' l'och:s for oiL Ko !-ill l' face indicat.ions
pnrowi h" l'l·.!.don~ tlll'y dOllbtless continlle bcmeuth it.
{If oil ha ~e bee n ohscrved in them, tl nd they Ul'e not
flnt. th eir suit ability tiS oil cnrriel" ('an be only sur·
('onsid(' red prom:sing.
l1lis(ld: for CX.p O~U1·l'S of Pennsylvullia :1 roci<s in differ-
The Triassic rec,," of t.he Kaiparowi ts region inrluelo.
ed paris of the p lateau pro"inco tJ10W wiC!O\y d iffer·
Ihe ;\f",'nkopi forlllat ion, one. of th e mos t pcrsist~ntly
(l ilt ph."~ i( 'I LI (llatlH'('s'_ Tn sOllthw(':.-:t('rn Colorado t.IJe
oil~contl1ining series il: th e pluteilll province. (See
P U lln ~.v haliiall ('ompriscs about. 2,000 fcet of nItcrnat -
pI. 31, 11.) In places oil occurs ill t.he Shinul'lImp con·
ill~ beds of ('n:Jl"l:;(~ llrkosic ~nn(b(ollr., ct">lIg lolncl'ote.
(ltltlSl~ lillll~~tllr.c, and n little sll:llf'.-d cp\)s it~ that. W e I'{)
g!olllcnH.l!, al ~o of Trin!5sic age. l'hc sn ndstoIl(,S of
thl"se fornwtiolls a re s uitable resel'voir rocks, ano
fnl'llt~'d ill ruth~r shallow waleI' nil t he w ~ t. :-o idc of II
crystnlli nH land lI,; n &'-'~ where llIl'ehani ca l wcathlwing was \\,I:; cre oi l-contlliniJlg bed~ are euvel'ed h.\' younge:-- b~.ds
ill fa"ombl c attitudo, i~ wonld seem possible 1.0 find
t'mnplll'tlfin\ly Hcti n .... The collrl it:on~ al" ! Hot " el''y
fa\'(wnbh~ for aC('UlIllIl:ltiollS o f oi l 01' ga~ in commcr-
oil in ('omm~rcill l The '\1oonkopi is a ,h".l·
low· wut m· deposit. t.hat. conlains mud ne fossil s, but it,
,·i ul'III:lIII'.il.i,'s. In sOIlt.heastern rt:l" :lbolll 1,:J50 icet o f
P0nns,Yh'allian rock!"' :.lee ex:posed in Snn Juan Clln,von. h: !llostIv n "red beds" format-ion. which is commolllv
They un.' domillllllt.iy finc-grn illeci limestones bnt ill- I 'gardod as an unfavonlhle SOIJl·c~ rock fOl" oi:. Th·e
t:lud~ ~O Ill P ti 1I{1-g"l'ai ned , ess~lltiall r IH.,mfelcispnt!) ic. J
oil in t·h. Shinarump is I'rol,ably ele,·i v. d from t he.
s"nost.ones nnd thill lavel's nf bituminous shal e. Th~ !
MOt'n kopi.
Rt rnt.i~rl.lph ic r~ lu. tions, .espeClflll Y :\s rCg'~u'rls Ute l'ela" j ~------------------------
.'1 LOG!!:"' "II. C. R.. l"be ),( ucld,. l'oon~fl1n on'1'1:hruIOt Inso.t1.... ftllh.rD
tivL\ s('ul'city o f the shale, do not fur or product.ion of I :S'~'ad,,: Jnll·r. ~ol~7 . rol. 30. ,. ed, 19!.~
• R:'IImt, Ar. ~ld. Oe'tllo~, ot t tl(, E\\f'('1I;l' .... ,-th·lct. Nev.: u . Ii. C t,!)"
oil. in >pile of th" fil et t.hut oil seeps lire found and SW'\~J' Moe . 2(1, PD. &1-86. 1892.
The thick .Ju rassic oandstones altoI'd little encour· ub?ut 100 to 250 feeL to the mile, ..nd there is n possible
age.ment t o the oi l prospector , for the"s under codeN.lllg nrea of !;eYel',,1 hundred sqnure miles, A
wl1lch most of these ,'oek8 W~,'e deposited weI'", ex· d: ta~lerl reCOOI)"ifSance of the npper part of the Circle
tremely unfavorable for the p rrs~rvati o ll and bur:.1 oi' ~1't1 s upwarp !::how~ lhe pre.ienl"C of minor undula-
any oi l -yi.elding organ ic materials. tIOn s of the beds with axes subparallel to the direction
,The Cretaceons formation s of Ka iparowits I'll , 01 dij) but no subordinate fold. that might sene t.;,
glOn conlprise alternating porous S311dstone anrl C'.tlr- trap Oil o r gas on the flanks of tl~c mnjor llnticline.
bonaceous shal e that contain
in part ab~.ll1clu.nt n ..·Jll:1im~ of
orguniSnls.. 'Vit.h fuvorabl(!
geologic .str'ucl"lIl'C the com·
ill e I' C ill I production of oi l ~
M..,..AIIOfl (ormllt/on
fl'OID thefe roc"s s ho" ld be Md Son RatIM!I i;f'OUP (Ju ..... ic)
pOfs ible, and the results of
drilling ill adjacent ureas of Ck~
CRnTon Ilrou;) (J utAnidl
Cret" ceous beds show t.hnt b"IlS [KJ
may be e xpected:r No surface Trla»lc: Md Perm:.,., W'Mhtronmllllh.,j - of oil 01' g:lS ill it\t\udc. Clrtink-, Sblnarump. Votl\k ~pi.
K lib \b, Md C«o"ino tOfm.tiol\ ~
the CI'e!accolls rocks of the
Knip~ll'owits region have bC(,l1 I2J
observed, rOJCk format ion
The Tertiary beds, because ~
of unfavorable litliolo"ic
o char- Slrul;.turu C(lot..lCln on tCD of
Kilibab lin:oItoM. In~rvJlI
Relet.', topogra.phic posit,ioll, c.~ .t~epar part of t:f.llt IIidO!
of .ntkliM 600 ' ..oct: \11.. 1"·
and the absence of suitable wb.,.. !SO ,~. ~: d,lu ... ,
structure, need not, be consid- i. mu. ...... ","vel

ered as 3. possible source of oil, [X)

notwithstanding the fllct that AlIl,ot
oi l might <.:onceivablv be de-
rived from on" of -the up· IT]
'rl!.t w,1I
turned older beds which th •. 3baflJonN

T erti"ry unconformllbly over·

li Qs .


St.ructnrnl conditions ap- •

purently favorable Jor nccu-
Lnulatioll of oil and gas tl,re
!<Tlo\vn 111 the ]{aip~ll'owits
In the Circle Cliffs upwarp
(see p, 119) the Kaibab lime·
stone, of Permian age, is ex-
po,;eJ Ilea I' the "pcx of " v""y . 'JamUl ll--0uUIIHI: IIlrntle:ruI1bk: ll.ud tltrtlctural runp (I f tho:- t.:1 1'c it.: L'n lTs :,I't!t1, Glt rlh·h\ f:'\J ulll y. U la ll.
lal'ge tlsynunet.ric dome, a,nd &lW!d 00 ltl=!I.M'-lahl1· sur\'('YljI b)' Rn)'OIolld <:. :\1''''11 '
the uncle,rlyi ng P a.1 e 0 Z 0 i c The E~'ctll:' LI\Le IlloJlOl'liuc j~ t·!--'!-icnt.iully a st.I'Hdul'u.l
L'oc ks~ including pl'obable e.quiv41hmts of the oil-beKrin:,:{
i!:rc,! !;lIlarit.y on the southwest :;lopo of t.ltt~ (ji ITI!.! Clill's
Good!'idge fOl'Dlation, u·re under cover at nlOd nl'atl~ly up,,-.rp, (See p, 120,) Its majlll' ax;' is parallel tu
shallow drilling depth, (See fig, 9,) There is approxi·
that of the f:l.aill UpW:ll'P, ullt the s k c p rlip is on tlw
matPly 1 ,000 feet of closure , a.lthough on the ellst, sonth, west side. The alllidinc plunges shlll'ply :::out.!twul'd;
and south west the beds descend uninterrupted ly thou· wh et.her 01' Hot it. is dosed on the nortil is 1Indeter-
slllids of f eet below the lowest closed contour, The mined. The Nuvajo sandstone forms t.h e crest of the
~nle rage clips on the gentler sidc90f the fold l' from fold; the Shin,u'Ulu p is prol",['lv nbout 2,300 feet Ge ·
'r Lupton, C. '1'., all und .c::tls near Grcen RIver, G:rand County, Ult\b: low the sll rfac:e, alld the pctroliferou:i bt"lb ill tile
U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. GU. pp. 116-134. 1014..

Moellkopi about 2,1)00 feet. The Goodridg" fotllmtion otne!' indiclltions ha "0 been ob,pn'od UIOllg lho lin" of
or its eqnivuienl, 1s ulmost (:crLainiy not leEs timE 1,000 the I'aur. .<;;a,ugllnt fault
feeL dBep"r,
The Collett antidine is a s()u;,hwardpitmging fold
or rather a •• noso}: superposed on HH' southWt-:-h(. flank The ollly oil well ;n the K"ipnr()wit~ region is IhM
tho Circle CHfls upwarp. Although ill sOUle pl;H:es drilled hr till' Ohio Oil Co, !l(Iil," the topmost part of
1-1 G"oH(:cnLr:ltion of fluid h:rtirccudmns nlight bn ef- th', Circle Cliffs upwarp, just w~st. of Wagor:bolC Mesa,
j(;e1A:;.d by sm:h stnfeture" this fold jg regarded as
III set:, T. :31 S.! R. '7 I!~, (unsurveyed). DriUing
I mjJl'omisi n~.
WU:-3 h.'glH: Ja n ui!l')' 2'~~ m~11 \\'ith tt stundaru
The Reek (;",,,k antidine is u well-defined, rather
SYHJ!f1ctr1Cat eion:.salcil dome~ vcry low on the Circle \\101';{ W;)S .
n~t::udeJ bv dif:JieuHies of various sort)),
' , and

Cli1r~ lfIH' Hl'P <intI prudirnHy aL it;-; ~~(Hl.chwe'St luarghl. l111allYt after penetrating 122 f(;{!.t of \\'atel'-lK';u'in~
(';eo p, l~L) The .Hfl'>tUlt of dOSUi'('. was Bot d('tl'r~ ,~nlldi'>tO!wJ the weB '''as abandoned Novt:mlJcl' 9, 19:21~
mined d(dlnito:)ly {JIlt llPPPIIl'."i to tA: fit iea~t 400 feet, at it depth of a.212 feel.,
On ilt:,:()UHt. or LIte very lIT'" position of this .:lntieljne This wen is believed to have reached the top or the
\",'iLit t'C'"i{;I'('nee to t1p' 1'!'gJonHI stl'Hi'Lnre a:-; n who\c)" it GUDdridg-c ionnatitlll (I->erm:nn ft-J:d ,P<:UrtsytviluillO)
might, be H;.;~umeJ. thut tllt: po~:.ible coHccting ar(,a. of at'" depth of 1,(\;)0 feet. (See p, 157.) As n:e!'e i, :m
til" fold would 1)(' ,mail, but II", p!'"bubi!i!.), Hmt the ::.atisfactol',Y basis for corn;luth!~ the bottom rocks in
l'od<s of t.his region nrc only purtly water fiIled may t;,H ''lell it is n't'y l.HlC('!'tlllll whether nil the
t!.!' modi the distribution of oll, U::i muy also-lhe feet of beds lIwl an, tentative.!y "s<ip:nted to the Good-
nl.O'femeot or grOlmd water. The Navajo sawJiilone I'idgc rt!ally bdong to that formation. It is rCflBonably
i:3 c;.,;po.-·;t:.d along the l'!'(;!lt (fJ: t.he untielillu HCal' the ~ur(: thut bt!«(s cOI'l'espon\ in position to thost?, fl'om
'lend of lweI;;: Crct'!;:. The Shinanunp (;onglonwl'atc, whirh the oil is obtained in the .Juan field were
which vic!ds oil 011 the ColH.I.'udo RiveI' about 25 miles p,melmt,·d in tlJG Cirele Cliffs lesL
to t.Jw "lJl}l'thCtt.J1i; pl'olHLbly f~ot iCBn t1nlfl :2,000 feet At the point where the \V ~t{lrpocket Fold ill Cl'o,scd
below t!a·, surfa.ce in plut:cs when: ero::ion hlls l'Clnu\'cd by the Colorado River and where lIll oil seep is found
{Host of the overlying 1"()ei05! nfHl the possi::)iy petl'o- in t.he ShiImrump sundstone, a number of oil claims
JHl-W0t18 l\{oe,llli:opi s.umlstone is <1 few hm:drcd teet have been lile,j and SOIlle preliminul-Y development
dt>(;pel". HCK'l1iJse of the gt'eat tllidrness of the Triassic I wO!'I, !lolle. (See pI. B.) In the summer of 1~21,
alld p,,,'Jmps ,,/"0 ui the PermiaIl rocks in this 1'IlIt of wh"", this pla"e, locally known 'IS "JlcllllCWS oil
tJlt-: I(niptH'o\rit.s region, lhe top of the Pennsylyonia.n Jh:ld,l' was visited, the rig was on the ground, but only
is proLtlbly nuout 3,5(){) to 4,000 feeL uclow the StH,raC", " few feeL of hole hatl been drilled, The position of
l'!xtrcmc tUPQgl'Hphic difficult.i{!s and HiQ isolated lccl1- the site u little "b~ve the pctrolifcrolls beds 1n tl:c
tioH }11mobl. preclude (lrilling. Moenkopi on t.he axis of the \Vaterpodrct monocline,
'the Smoky l\{uunt.ain llutldiHI1, on the southeast far below the erest of the dome in the Circle Cliffs,
flank or tbe J("ip'lroIYitt< dow!lwarp, is II cl,,"rly de- nlUkes u t(lst w(·Il especially interesting, Ii the oil·
filled fold thnt tl'euds nlmost 111 right to the beal'ing zOlle is on:y partly filled by oil and W"lel'
l'PgJollul :-;trike. There iR HO ohset'vc(l closurc~ !111d no commel'ei"l preduction might 00 obtained from 11 well
uil 'set~p;:. or indlcntl(lH:: of gn~ huviJ beon obscrved in dl'ilIGd u considerable distance below the crest nn
the Cn-;t~H'l'-OHS l'{}('ks time Itl'e involved in the rtnticJin€. untidillul 1'old, or (mOll in 'In uiljaeent syncline, us hns
III the Paria platiorm and the K,tlu>lb "pwllrp there been dOlle ill the San Juan Eeld. The position of the
i:it'onts to t)(~, ~nJall renWll to expect uccumulaHous o,r ZOlle oi s1lch an accumulation of oil would depend on
nil Crl' gus. tho ""tent to which the pomus reservoir W!lS filled
Tho rHun~Hugtmt {,HIlt involves the sundy bctl~ and with liquid, Possihly, thet'Blore, oil may be found
t'l('hlv of;,1:unic 131mli} at 1he bottom of the Cl'etaceolls here, "vell though the well ill the Cirde Cliffs did not
H'C'Li;.;n. The ",nudy Leds arc well fit.t.(ld to serve !lS produce oiL
l·('~()rvnit's unu the shull~ to ~(lr"c us n .so'J!'t'e rock of: oil About:3 miles wcst of Cain""iIle, in Wayne County,
fli ga!'j, :lad on tb(\ wcst. side of the fault tlh~re would btl: 11m Ohio Oil Co, drilled a!lotller test well to it depth
a po~"ihiHl.y of tilidin~ eon1!1l{1l'{~Lll qHa.ut.ities of oil or of a,650 feet, on the tnp of a "null dome. In this 10-
ga:-; 1( tilt), ~t.t'ala W'-'1'0 adequntely scaled. As thrsE'- culity 1.7ppe1' Jurassic sHudstones occur at th~ S"'WI,ce,
Ct'(,b1Cl~Oll~ bud;.;. lifC ~It'oppcd to fl position opposite ::.i 0 oil or gus was reported, As this weI! was started
P(lfOtl$ niHl \'ery thick ,.Jut'H:)sir sandstone nnd ;is, so m,nriy 3,003 feet strutigr~phicully nuov" the top of
far a' lmown, tho boris W""t of the fault dip H'lllewimt the eirc'le cursit did not rG"ch the PelJll3yl_
"",ronn!)' northward so that the beLls orc open to the ""llilln, but it did reach the Shhlllrllmp und ;l,Io~!lkop,
:$()uth, un uC('lunnb.1tioll ,... hie)} nnder other cm~ditions formations, As oil-impregnated salld js known (It
\\ ol!lt.l be HI{(:Jy is made Vf'ry tmlilmly. No seeps Ot' se\'cmI plaeRS where thCllo formations crop Ollt, th~
failure of the Caineville well is possibly due to incom- impossiLle to t.est the 1I11nks and the adjacent synclines
plete filling of th e rock with oil and wuter_ to the stratigraph ic depths rcached by the Cil'de Cliffs
An unsuccessful well was drilled in 1921 and 1922 well. Similar str llctural situations may l"o!udil,Y be
by the Carter Oil Co. on the San Rafael Swell in selected on the Kaib,lb Upw:ll"p-for c~ample, in T . 41
Emery County, where the genera.l geologic conditions S., R. 2W.
ire similar to those in the Circle Cliffs. The well was
abandoned Ilt a de.pth of 3,035 feet, wa.ler hu\';ng been Rel '(l rd of tlw Ohio on Co. ,I:('ll NO.1, Ci rdc CUrr$, Oonf.("d
Countv. Ut.aA
encountered Ilt 2,900 feet.
(O~logle cOf'rtlatton by B. C. ).Ioore]
---------- ----~---

Thlcknta Dep:h
(~I) (fft-t)
The KaipUl-owits region contains oil-bearing forma.-
tions as well 0.5 anticlinal structure, and in ;;pit.e of ]<nibno limestol:e, Co(:oniuo(,?) salldstQnc,
and SlI?!d('l) (ormnti(lu:
adverse fIndings in t.r_e wells in the C:rele. Clilfs awl Yell~w soil ~nd ~:lJloy ~lnY ___ ____ __ __1 36 :m
uear Caineville 0:1 may poss ibly l>c found ill COllllllor· Dro-..:n aandy 'OIL __ ___ __ . _____ ___ _ . ~
15 51
Hard white sno(L ___ __... __ ___ _____ _ ~
99 15a
cial quantit.ies. However, t.ho difticulties and the e~­ Yellow f!:!>nd __ _~ _ - - __~ - .. __- - - --. _- -- I to 160
pense of csplora. t :on are relativcly great.. Hnrd white snnd ___ __ ~a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t
5 165
Stltldy wh.ilcsheI L __ ______ _____ _____ 10 175
A factot· that lShoulc1 not I;e overlooked ill forming Hard wh ile 'nnd _____ _____ ______ ____ 13S 310
Loose ul''Own snnd __ _ ____________ ____ GO 370
conclus ions concc l'lling the possibilities of obtaining Hard white 8l\od ___ ___ ____ ____ __ _ -- - 5 375
oi l in this re.gion <l::1d th e .significance of the tC'st. wells F ine \'I::lIow stlnd ____ __ ____ __ ___ __ - - - 135 610
Gray·slieU ____ ____ - ___ __ __ __ ____ ___ 25 0535
is the possib:e 01' evoll probable abscllce IIf abundant Hurd n.'d HaDd _ ____ _ ________ _ __ ____ _ 65 "CO
wate.t' in the oil-contnininrr hell.s. I I! llarr ly watel'- 20 620
filled rock the oil will not be lifted I;y dill"erellcc III
~~~ ~~~~~::=~:: :::: : = : ~:~ : :: :: = ::::
Lim o sheU ____ ____ __ __ ___ __ ________ _
specific gra.vity to the uppCI"most. patt of the anticlines 65 7-15
l,~t may be ronnd on t.h~ A:lllks or eVell in the eyn-
~rht~cS~i~~d:::: : :::: :: ::: :=:::: =:::: 885 1,630
Gco<iririge (7) COr.J]ntion:
cline" as in the San Juan field . It is perhaps ,ignifi- Luneslullo ____ _____ .. - - .. .. - - - .. - -- - - -- - 70 1,700
He.rd whito &lind ___ __- _- - - - .. - - - - - --- 550 .-, ')50
cant lhnt the marked surface indications of oil in beds Grt'_y sand ______ _- - _- - . -- - -- - -- - -- -- '10 2:290
White lime __ 35 " 3"5
that al'e exposed occllr on the eas t side of the Circle a _ _ _ ___ _ - _ ___ _ _ - - .. - - - - -

15 i:340
Gr,J.v S9nd __ ____ _ -- - - -- -- .- - --- - -- - -
Clil:!"s dome, where the dip is steep, and at the aXIs Red-rlillh 8ft.nd ___ - - -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- 20 2, 360
of the anticline in the Colorado RiVe!" Canyon, where Hl\id white 1JlJ.lld _ ___ - - _ __ ____ _ ---- - - 35 2, :mS
Cr:\y stllld ___ ____ - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -- -- 55 2. 450
it. is rar below the summit of i he dome in the Cirde White lim e __ _ ~ _____ _ -- --- -- --- - -- - - 85 2; 5:]6
While tmod ___ - - - - -- - - - --- - - - . - -- --- 25 2, 560
CIj/fs_ If oil ;s present in. tlle Pennsylvanian or other Wh ite )j Ole __ _____ ---- - - - - - - - ---- - -- 200 2820
beds beneuth tho snrface at Circle ClilIs, and if it only Red sll nd and ehnle __ ___ ___ ____ ___ __ _ 2(1 2:840
Rt~d roek nod sh1)le _____ ___ ____ ____ __ 20 2,Hr.u
partly fills the res en-oir space nnd is gathered on thl' Reu saod Dnd !thnlc __ ___ ____ ________ _ 20 2,1380
roek ____ ____ __ _____ ______ _____ _ 30 2,010
flunk s rat hel" than ot the apex of t he do",e, tho test

Red )1,,'lnd ____ ___ - -- - - -- -. - - - - - - - - - - - 10 2,1)20

of the Ohio Oil Co. would be inconcil:sive. Escept at Red ~nd I\nd {Ih llle ___ _____ ___ ___ ___ ~ 20 2, 940
&o.bnJe ___ ____ _____ ______ __ _· ____ 25 2,96~
such a point a s " Bennett's oil field," on the CoIOl:"do 20 2,085
SllUU ________ - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- .- ---
River, where the potentially oi l-bearing .iOl'mtltlOn~ White li m e __ _______ - - - - ----- - -- - - - - 105 :~,OW
White wllfA::rtJ.Ilod ______ ____ __· _____ _ 122 3, 212
lie within. pra.ctieable drilling depth and In u. f"vor·
able position on the anticline, it would be dlffie.ult or

Conon\\.COlI v~_
a.,k, !«tloll'" of Morrison (!) lorm.ttoo aDd 8!\D R"(liI(\l !tro!)(l
r •••
OU 'Dd ........... . __ ....................... ... _... ..... . _.. ~)
Coyote CrOOk. aooeruJlted *,!OD of Wnhwt'lip 5.lOtI:.toM 00 UDf'o('r... .•. . •. Io.~
CNl'.. eoous (orwat:iom • • L"MI d~'lbuUon o! __ ._ ._• ••.• •. _.• •••. '_' _"""" " {IIrJ

g§~21f;~=:,~.~:::::. .: . :~ : .:: : :.: : : :·: :: : . ::;~"2£

Cra:...,! ~ of ll10 Putt.-s, .,.lew a!0II1 Ott tr..Il adlD.( m.. __.•.•. _... . ........ Pl.-"
Croton CI~t Fork 0' lAWt CbDnOil Croek, action of :-'1(1"ISI1G fD:-m:1.t ion DI1 . A"
secUoo o~ Stmlilbt ClItfJ saslll~loDl!l DeIlI'. _ .. . . .. .. _ ......... ______ ••• ___ • \C<3
CrOI'lCll<)'nc\iol!. fMturos 01.... •• _..... . . .. _. " ___ _" .. . . ' ._. . . . .. . ... 121
D(I.... otv. (!) ..ndILooD. 00»110, OQ'!I'lrreocool __ .. ___ . . __ . .. . . .. . ... ...... _.. _ ~ U:l
UlboJOIfc leI~uro:s or•. • _....... . _.. .• __ ....... .. . .... ... . . _... .... ... . .•• ~
HCtIGCLI 0(__ • • _.... ..... _ • • " " _"""'" _.. ... _. . . . . ... It. De. ~. '- 00. 108, ! IO
a'flIIU,taPby oL. __ . ...... . . . _•....... " ...... . •.. _.. .• ' . ,_ •..• ... .. _.... ~
o.atb B ollow C. . .. Clf..DYOD 01 ••• ' " ..... " " . _.'" ... .. _..... . ......... . .. p1.lD
I>oUeGbaneh. F. 9., qUII U!d~ _ __ •••. __ ._ .. ... . . ___ .... ...... ... . _...... .. .... ')
Doo 8butt& %nloe, analJ$tf 01 llanlpJe. 01 coal rram .. •• ~ ••. _••.••. __ ••• ___ •••. _ 163
Drr OaoJoo.. .llCt.w:) or CarlDCl! {D:'maUOD u, ... _.. __ •.....••. __ ._ .. . . .. ~ .. . _ 7-'
Dry VIllJeT, _ !JOD 01 PII" of & 0 RI.l&o& a: rOlltt In . . ...... ... ... . ......... __ • li.5
c vIew Of...... ______ • • ..... __ ..... __ •• • _. __ ~ . . ... __ ••• _. __ .. __ ... . _____ __ • pI. 23
CaUraOHa Bor, fl;oJd U'~l cln~: at ____ • • • ________ • ____________________ • • _____ ___ . H7
DutloD, C. E ., quoto)j . __ • __ .... _.. . _...... __ •.. 'U-2I1, 4', 69, 72, S~, 11'.118.131, 143
Can.oon "Ule. proc\uitut!oo at ___ __ __•• _ __._." ______ ___.• __ _." • . ___ . ••• ____ ._ 16
!IOOtlon of Morrison (tl tOrIOOUOD fWd uppor pnrt of 5fl.D. RalMljp'ouP .t__ 8f-34 B

~1~Jt~-' ~ii~)ij
E~t KaltlA'b lQODocliile, foatul'U!l o:.~._ ........ __ .. _•• __ ...... ___ .. .. ... __ • l2:2-lZI
"'lIlIo}' Ie Ttoplc shlle IlIoOX . • . __ •• __ ... . _.• _.. __ .. ~ .. ......... _.... ... . _ pl. :1
v!&~. Cr •• ___ • __ • _______ • •• •• ~ • •• "" _........... .... _. ... ....... ... . .. _' . ttl. I~

Echo monodic.. btui03 of .•. _.. ... ... . _... . . . ... .. .... . ..... ..... ...... . ... JZ.!
Economio ~1017. __ .. . ___ .. ..... _.. .... .. ........ . _. .. __ .... ......... __ .. H1- 1~1
ED~rad3 S/lDJskloo. cliIT of. 10 Jlitlts Crack' V~lIoy _. ..•. • _... . . ' . ___ • . •.'•.. _. ttl. 11
lonorallt)O~ of .• •.. • _........ __ _.•. _. . .. . ....... . _..... ... .. .. . ___ .. _ n
lle3I' CIDeonffllt, vlc .... s or .••• ••..• • _..•.•. _.. .. .... . __ . ..... _•. __ .... __ Ill. 1.2
!l«lJons 01• • ___ ..... ... .. .... .... __ ..... .... .. ..... 111. SO-8I.&2,83,~S1.88, ICS
Alcd.'I tor.. Rood shale oC._. ___________ • _______ •. • _.• _..•. ____ _______ ______ pl. 11 t;ro:.ioo, cJ'ck" of ___ ... . ...... _. ... ....... . _•• .•••. __ ._ .. . _• •. . '''' '' ' '' ' '' 15.""' 139
a;.ectloO!J oL __________ _._. ______ _ • _____ • ______ . _• • __ • __ '73-77, SO. 83,. 1i7-bItll9, I~ eltcnt ood Jllto of .. __ .•. . •. • __ . __ . ____ . ..... _.. . __ .. . ..... . ______ ..... . 112~ISJ
amb of r i ppi&-mo.rked SllDd~~na io ___ ___ __ • __• ______ . __ ________ . _. ____ __ _ pI. 12 rac-tclra:h:lt hdlu,nt'f! . ... __ .. .... . _.• __ ....... __ •. •. _"" . _... . . ... .. . _ 12...'--117
Car~l (?) formut"loD, 5OOIJ.OD ~ of _______ . • __• ___ .__ ______ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ 51.8:2, b3 P'~1o(l TeltJ\ nnDts, ......IOf. ... ... .... ........ .. ..... . . . _.. . .. ... .... __ ... _.. pl. ZS
Cbe.r ry Crook, IIDI1IY~lf or coal korn out.c:rop 00. ___ • _____________ • ______ ._ .. _ 1.s.:J Ermtoil lorilict-i. ~Ii(l(l (l.l distribution 01 .... . .... . . .. .. _..... __ •...• ••. _._. . 133
seCtiOD ~howlDK <X:lIi t:ods OD _____ ___ ____ • __ • __ __ • _____ ____ ._. __ • ___ .~ . . . I~Z J:($CllJant." SU"et.l't Vt!M dE'. t~pJornIiOClI b r ... . __ .... · __ .... ·· .... · ... .. --. ~
Chiulc forulOl!tm. "PI aed correlation at. "" ...••.• ~ ... _.. ... . _.......... . _. M: £1o. \\ ul•• Ijlal}'3lof. or -ISIIlPIot of 00:.1 from p~ Di!'tr.... .. ... ' 1M
butto of, coppod by jointed WIDJ;'a.tOJ~a.od.~I..oOo _ •.. • _. • _ . •... ••. • . .••..•. pI. S pn'dpita l!on nt.•. .•. • • _.. " . __ . .... ... , . .. . ...... . ... " "' __ '" .' __ _. If'1-11
deflnltlou. af'Ctt-l cl:t-0nt, Dod thloko~ or. .. . ~ ••.• •.• ...• . ..•... •. ... . ...• ~-.u soc:don 01 C'(ln~1 foriulldoll fiI".1r . __ .. ••. .• , _...... . __ . .. .. . ..... . . . 7(1
IODdrtll felltUI"C N of s trflt"",aplly and IItbolo;ry of .•• ~ .• .. •.. _ ••••...• . ' •. • Mi--.58 MC Uou 01 Sao Jlu'II(·J~OUDMd ~ror~ (!) fO:Jnlltlou oeur.·.· ._.. . .. It!
socUOQ3 01. __ ~_~ • . • • • ___ ~ . • __• ~~ . ~~ _ .! •• ~ • • • _ ~. ~ •• _ • •• __ .~. __ •• _. ' _ 63, M-50. lOS :reu Sameot at .... . . ... .... ...... .. . ... .. ..... ..... . " .... .... _... --- --. 31-..12

ChIDle~\Vi.uBate CODt.s • g:eoeml uhoract.or of.•• _• . ~_ . • _. __ .~~ ••..• •• • __ •• _.. ~ It!rlloenf.ul'\) al ..... . .. - ...... - .. ... " . •. - . . ........... . ....... . . . . ... . ..
Ctlrl.LenMo coal mlpa. ~U(lP to ._. ~_ . __. ..• ~ __ ._ .. _•. ~ ••. _ .~ __ ._ .. . .. _. _.. . l~Z R«:6;aow lDonocllne, (.nlUft'S of . . .•. __ _. __ .-- -.-- ...... -. • , . -- - ........ , .---
Cirole CU lT•• , PnrmlaOi rocb In. ph)' !iI~1 tlloturM of •• __ _.~ • • _. ___ •. _ ._~. _._.. 40 e.csJlWle Va lSey, Itslllf(l5 ttL .. __ .... __ .... .... .... . .. , ....... .. . -... ..... . U%- Ul
sections at Chinle formatloQ la __ . _.• .• • ~ •• • __ . . _____ .. __ ' __ ' '_" ' ~ ______ M-!AI u.ndl(JnNlt",IOO Sill'! Rl1.(ool «roup lIud Mon-twu fonr.:.tloo ill ..• _. • . . . . - . 81 ~ l<o3
~ tion:s of KfLlbftb IIm_toa. aod Coconino Modsw=:e Ill •. _...•• __ ._ .•• _. "1.12 F.wlarstiot'lS. hlstot 'c6lakdch of. . . . . ... . ... .. . . ....... . . . .... ':'-.2
l6Cll oolJ of IV()()oil:m)1 r(lrwa!loo aDd SblnfU'ump C)Clg\oUlera!O 10 •••... . . ",,!".(I r
sectioQS or Shfor-t'wlIp eooslomor.JL!lln . _. ___ •• _••. __ ... .. . _____ • • __ • • ~,,!l>. M1• .5J
Circa. C\ltrs UP~'llt'Jl. "atu:'e.'t of.. . ______ .. ___ .•• ••• ~. ____ • ___ .. __ .. _• . . ~ ._ 119-120
011 ff50 OCCUrt'QnOi& or .. ___ . _. _. ___ . _. . __ . ~ .• _~ .. _.,. __ ... ~ __ . __ . _..... __ .... ..
ClimilWi. IIGnoral OOodftlOOlct. __ • . .• • _.. _.. ~~ .. __ ...... ... __ • ___ ...... ___ . • 1... 15

IGDu~~ 01. on "~oa~ __ ~ . ____ ~ .. _.• _• • _. ___ .• ~.' .~ __ .. ~_ . ........... 12.5--12':1

l. lItonlYlies o( 5aJDplell!l._ •• _ ~ __ • __ .. _.... . ____ ... ~ __ _~ .. ___ ... .. __ •• _ . .. _ JhJ

~§~5:~~:fi;I~~~:~~·.~· ~ ~~ . :~:.~.:.:.:. ~:::: :.:.:.
: : : : : =]
dlstrlbutj<'D of _~.' ____ •• ________ •• ~ __ ~ __ • •• __.. ____ • __., _'" _•• _., __ ... H8-UQ
~ctlons of. meo.;.ure'd 10 Ko.::o end Ollrftc.>ld Connl1t!-~. UIaIl ..... _ .. __ • •.• rl. 30
OI\l'n.,"1 COllt1t.y. Utah.rcYll tcc l ton1< m'......... ull'd ill •. _.. ... . _ ....... . ... . ____ til ~O
C~Dlpo ~ondstClD •• correlatloo o!. ___ ••••. _____ • . _._ .. _~_._. · .~ . __ . .. .. .. 38,-f,J....., Gna. Su 011 tlrullC.\f·

historieol sJ;:tltelll ., . • __ . " _•. • __.. ____ ... __ . __ .... ____ _• __ • __ . __ ... _. •• ___ 1.....31J
seeLio.,. oL. ____ . ____ .~. _ ~ .. . .• __ . __ . ~ ~. __ • __ -__ ~. ___ __ •. _~. _.•. - '~_" '_' "I."
Collett Qnticlino, tec~Urt'5 of ___ . •• ____ . ... ____ ... _. __ __ .. . . . ... .. __ •• • __ _.. _. 1:'0
Girt)', O. n .• r('IJJilJ IdtuUlli!tI by .. ....... _...... . ... . .. - .. . . .. ...... . --. 4;3~;:

",;,JI or. a bovc-OJoul.h o't~m E:.CllJBnt6_•• __ . ____ ~ .. _.... . · · • • ___ ... __ · · •• Ill. 0
5J)tl t!r:;:1 fo\LURIf 01, Itt r--.riI V :d k)' [IIQd
Ok:~~~~~~~~~,~.~:~::::::::::.::::::.:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::;'~:l:~~
0 1110 CDn"~ JrrOUP C1 tll'Mfk '!). «cn.·"ru fto:lW"" 01 .. ...... __ ... _.......... . -
...utw:IftL .... .. •• .. •· ... .......
Ol&o Can ),f)."l rewltln. undJ(kr(lnliatr.d SIn RalMI (rOUP WId Ml)lTiJoD f«m"a'
Cop~r. o(~~ .. " _.. __ .. .... --~ ... --.--~.--.-- .......... -- - -- - •. -- ,. tlotIln..... . __ .. __ ........ __ •• • __ .. _.• •. •• __ • '_" __ •• ~ ...... - .... .....a1J
Coronado, Francisco V(..squer; de,. orplorat!ons b'_. ____ •. ~ __ ... _.. ·.··_ .. _·· •

p op _\f PtlR@
00111. ()(:CUr flllJeoI &ti ft 01. •••• •• • __ . __ __. _••••• _• • _____ ___ __••••• _. _.
ttJlo~ U7-HS .I!o r~ . halo, II!cUOIJ oL .. ... .. ..... ...... .. .. _. ..... ____ .. ... ... .... _.. ... 1(·S
Oood Hope Bnr, lold ro1c tli l: a\ . • •••• ___ • _____ .••.• ___ . _. ___ •. . • . . . . ..• __ •
O radlenta, 5 1.r(la;a1, [n OtJC£loo rA. 0 0 UIlII[OO . ___ ••••• _ • • _____ ••• . •• • • • _______
141, H,
1:00-1: 7
i\llIP, d6!jCrjPtJOU of.. _... . . .... .... ___ ................. _.... . . _. ........ __ ••
it!ologic. of l{a.I()Iu"D W113 rC'Qt /)I) . . . . . . . . __ . . . . . . . __ . . . . . . . . ____ pl . 2 (10 Jl::lcket)

(J rtlfccy, .0 . F." quot.o1 ••.•• . • _•• ________ __._. _. __ . _ . ___ __ ••• 0 __ • _. _ • • • • _ _ r;t... !3!i ! t nIClUftl. ot K2UPilIo".j ~ TC!iklD . .. .. .. .. .. ........ .. . . __ .......... .... .. pI. I"
OrOO ll d ";' -.let, InOue.DCt!! of, on er~lon ._ •. _. • _. ' . _. _•• _. ___ •• •• . __• IZi top(I(n!I llO:r:. cl KaJparoW1.t I fu tOIJ .. ........ ...... ........... pI. 1 (Ill p ~bt)
Grub St.1Ilro Bur, coki m.hljnl; saL ______ ._._ ••• _.. _____ __._ ••• ___ _ 1011 M..-ble 0 01"10, !«lIon of 'o\'!1l1 of.. .. .. __ .. _,, __ . __ ......... _........ .. . __ .. ' -U-'H
"Guf., II ,~~, (rom n polut nr.-:lr 1.11a. __ . •• ••• ___ ._. ___ . •• ___ ._ . • __ . . _. ______ pI. 20) v1owot ...... . . ......... _.. ..... .... ........ . ... .. __ ........ __ . ... ...... PI~
j.\f &;Jlldoq, lnel<xed. O(oCU IT0000 and cilB.mctcr of ............ __ . __ .. ........ In-I
El ~·I Ma!i . oo!t.lrI'"t.QO) of. a . ..... ... . .. . ... ___ ___ ... . ............ . . __ .... _' __ .... 13
HallsCrQC.t, JC'ClMJn£ ~S lla RllItJlel group D.c Ll l\rorr ~HI f(ll"1'l%lUQn on .. • . • ____ _ aH!1 M U-k lll :8ar.XoJd mlnlIli'lIot ... .... ... __ ... .. .... .. .... _....... .. __ .......... 147
finU.II Cluk VJt.llur. und j tr e.' lU1tt l\f~J SAn R;I(ilel RTOO ~I and MDrTi$r,o fO rlfUl- t«~IO Il or Qu:'IJ")4);llotlM.t1on ~~t of. ............ _........ . __ __ ...... .... 76
Uon In • • __ __ __ • ••. • • • • • ________ .• •• • • • . . ______ . __ •••. • • ••• •. .... is, Sl MBIOIolUlId Pnj~ took;s of KIII[Y-Iroi\'il.Sr'(!~oD, ,~h arlsllo wilJE: rnl.'ttion.1 0f. )ll . 5
'I"lf! .... \1:1 •• . • .•• . ~~ .. •. .•. • •.•.•• ......... ••• .• •• • .... ... _.• ••• • ••• .. . . ... . );1. IQ 1I1 IlrUtlH •••• ____ •. __ ... ... ... .. __ . • __ •••• , •. . __ _. .. .. . .... .. ........... JJ. 1·17-1 .. g
Unrohlln. J ~Qh. quo!-cd .. . .. _• ....... . . __ ••• ••••. ..... ••••. .•. • " ""'" . " TO, 28 M oonllHl/ IorlJll tl o.'1, Ili\l Q,nd OtlW.,IR UOD ot. ... __ ..... . . ... . _._. _........... s.1--~2
n lArr l$ ~)· nl"lIne . IootLl1'l:!.1- 0$ • •• • •• •• __ ••. .. .. ... . . .. .. . .. . ............... .... . l.:!O tm:rnl ~ tslrlbull oa Met L9 1 1l,"r;:~ of•. • • ___ .................... _.. ......... i7
Ur.rriJI Wash . It.-et!(,1n of Rnl~J) Dud C llrme( h:W-In.o\£oM; on .... . ... _.••. . . _.. &J t'Outn.i!I 01, "ll'IUt K ll.lbab ll.nraton,e , at mool1J or K:'Ii!Jnb Gulcll . •• __ __ .... pl. 4
n~,III r~rtc)n C :I1I)'OO . lII!c\.IM ,.of ~ORI !Il m l c.~ 11.1 .. .. .. _ ••• ••.•. ____ ._ ... . . __ ... 1M (rmll:l ot. .. . ~ ....... _____ ...... __ ........... ..... ..... _. _.. .. ........... .52
n.mrltw ll/l), J;(:tlle.rnent 1lL. .. . . __ __ .. . ... __ .. ___ .... __ .... . ___ __ __ __ • • __ .... . 31 IIt:hol lotlC r. turuJ or. .... .... .... ....... . .. ... .... __ _.. __ ................ .(7-:3
I hmr, M all1ll~, IIJ.!II. erl1!'10I1 SOrfl}cM 0/1 &lopc:s bOllk-rl n" __ ........ _... .. . __ • .. 1~i-'.i SoI::CllvQS ot. . " .. . . . . .. . .. ........... __ • . • .• •.... . __ ____ ...... . ...... _ tS-50, 109
JJ~r :u 1t sh!l k , ~I'I \jl ct or, wllb KD lha l} IIlllCtllOOt ln 'Kalb'lb Onlt'.h . . •.••... .... pl. " M oon.kopl·Shlllrmunp *rOllOlllnlor'l"lll .... .... .. ... __ .. . ......... _.... ... . .. ,t!
n 1Ir.. Prrol l,U [ltlnn [II •• __ . _... .... __ . __ .. __ .. .. . ... _________ .. . . ... .. ........ 11 M oenko pi rt(At..-J., .e,'P05l1fe ot, 10 tlorUloun J»\rt of Clrc.!u cJltrs____ . .. .... .... pI. 7
~rnJ!~llIr;l Bt. ... ........ ... __ •• __ ....... ..... . ______ . __ • . . __ __ .... ___ . 21 IIt.(rolrrorou.s, In Circle Clirfli, v-iow oL ...... _.... ....... ......... . .. ... . pl. 31
[1110 Ihlr, r.ohllllln l ug II I _____ ____ . . . ... __ ... __ . . . . . . . __ • Hi r.{okl nllt', Vt1fd IllJnIDl al. .............................. __ ........ . ... . ... .. 1-17
I-!Qwull. K 1~ . ,f)U o1etl. .. ... __ .. ... .. ... ... .......... . ____ nIH.ll' Moau C t~l o Da.r , Rold (fIlu\.ng :l. . . .... ............ ....... ...... .. ... .. . __ . li7
M,Ofln on Pk!IlUfI, wr:rrk of...... ....................... __ .. _... __ .. .. _....... 27~0
M c.rf OOtl. (Of lrul tiO Q ((:u biooou:i1). orO.l1 ('.1l-oa1 6::1 d thlc:k U[$S 0(. .... . . .... __ Ol-s2
IgntOO~ rode, occu rroflcn 01 .. __ __ ... . .... ____ .. .. .... ... __ .. . _. _......... __ 115 OtIn-claUo lI. 01. . .. ... __ .. .. ... ... _ .... _.. ................... .. ... ... _._ . .. tI:
fflcJ (JIirIId m O/Llld,·". GI:Qllrr orll:!ll lll,d ~h'lnl c~ r 01. __ •• •••.... ... _.. .• •. •••• . . 1 ll-- 13~ liI OO]o-odc: .oel ,:ttu.U;PllpbIC fca.~urC3 of...... __ ........... .... .. .... _.. . . . tn.Q3
rmllJLrI lrn~ of t I\IIl K:.l'l lpl'lr[) .... 1t.s t11Il oll . ____ __ .. •.• __ .. .. • _•. . •..•••• __ •• _... '17 ~1I011' 01. ... . .... __ ............... ..... __ .. _...... 8'), b2. S7, bS, \(J---'lt, I~ IIO
In Y I~d \;IoII IIOl1~, h illtory I\lld tcope of•. __ . • ____ .•• • . • . .. ____ . .. .. .... _. __ . . ... I· : Monisoa,Ookol-n m OrOlJICD Itl1.4fTal, general kilI.~ures oL ......... _. ___ . .... fH.
IvOll-. J. (", (1IIOlo~1 .•. __ ___ __ .. ... . .... ...... . ____ . __ .. .. __ ... . ___ .. . __ . __ • M onbotl ('r) form ntlOD. HCtloru ol........... __ .... ... .. . .. .. .. _... TJ, S2,81.,8T-8G
M llonl$Clll f1') Ill.i:ilbt uU8 on I~wer W"h",,"p Crwir. ........ ... _____ .. ........ pI. 13
J M ooo.!; CUIU\lI, secti oo or Cl'lfDlcl format.loll uew'_ ._ . •. _.... _.... _ . •••. _.... TJ-H
Ju~'e 00da, m !1jo{ nh'l!I' Oons of. .. .... . . .. . .. .. _____ •• • .. .... .. ... .. .... .. . GI MuI,w T ..... lst Creek, CMlyo.n trlbullU'Y to .... . .. . . ... ... ..... , . .. . ... .... .... pI. 23
J nl"V'"..a~ toc t'tlallr)l,', a::all u illllLhollllf{t! frslllYci of .... .... .. . __ __ .. __ . ... .. . __ • Co] , tro llgly UQi'lt-rellt meAoder on .... ....... .......... _... _....... __ ... ___ ._ ~l. 22
h l!UI,dl!1l l d: ~'I(lh of..... .. __ . . __ . . .. __ . . __ .. .... .... ___ ~
1)rl";'lOO l ~ l lII\\' /it!dp;col . ... . ... .. . ,'" __ . . ____ ....... ro- fil
NO'7n,lo s:lnJSIO~, orch formed b),oro..doa 0'--................... _...... ... . 1'1. '::.7
It ("..t\'lIln Ht\rrls V.'/I,."h In •.• ~ __ ______ ......... ____ .. _ ....... __ . __.. __ ...... pI. V
",t1blLb Oll'r h, MtlLlun 01 h:.aJb<lh UIl Iet!>Iuue In . . ... ___ . ..•••.•... •. 39 ooklr of •. . • _.. , .. __ __ .. __ ....... __ . .. .. ... . ______ . .. . . . .. __ . __ ....... .. .. 65--li7
5OI:;1 j Qn Q(}.l o('nkupl ro rmnUDlIlI l. .. • ______ .. .... .. __ .... __ . ~g dl$lrlhut!oll and PDllu,l fl.P pdl"OE.('O oL _ __ " ..... . . .. __ .• _..... . . _. .... . __ ~
K", Jb"b lJlllt",*OI}o, l.'ollli\.C\ of. wICh Ri!l"Iu h ,!lil lIE! 111 R"l'In ...."'\ b Ouk h.. _... _•••• p1. ~ acUoc of. __ __ • __ .. __ ..... . ..... .. __ ____ _. .. ....... ________ ...... . __ . . JOO
WU Wc ~ "f. WIUl M OlLl1~uJ>1 (or nlJJ l l'llI at. lII(";uth of K I!IIL OOIl QuJeb... ..... Ill... .s1fil.lIgtopbICl foo \ uf('5 of.. __ ....... ~ . __ . __ __ •. • . ____ ________ ____ . .. ______ . G4 -M
l:orNl<'lt!,rm of ................ .. . " .. ... .......... ....... . _••... •. •.• • 3~ • .(J..-i~ SIJ"\ll!lture, ltxtllr~; lind COJDf:O$I ~OD or. . • __ .. . . .... __ .. ____ .. ... .. ___ . __ . ~
fUllo nl Chf\H\ l'Il'r ut .•. . .... ..... .... .. __ __ .. .. ____ .... _••• __ ...__ ....... . . oIH3 N fl" Yeonr n ar, lIold n lllJln\: at .... .. __ . __ • ____ .. .. __ .. ____ .. _.......... __ __ . 14'1
h b;lDfI ~ 1 ~ I!k' h 01 •• ... ~ .... ' ''''' ....... .. .. ....... ... ... . ....... . . __ .. 38...;)9 Nlza. Ml\roo& de-, . %plorn.Uull!l b)' __ .... .. __ .. ........ ... ...... . .. ~ .......... .
IJ~'I" 1m)!:tk)!) of S II\'~r Foll!l ~lId "tu:ey T\\' I~ t rt1ll:d!J •••. . '_"" . • •... .... I,ll. 6 N \K1rJ W l\Sh.r.olrl m lolngon .. ____ ____ .. . .. .... __ . . , __ __ . .... ___ .. H7
I!ofoOt kMUI of.. __ • •• _... .....••••.• ___ .... ... ........ ___ .....• . •• • -U--C2,. 43.....1·'. I()D M rlojn ko!}1 cl(Gloo lul<H'" n1. ___ __ .... _.. . .. ..... .. .. ..... ... .. . ___ .. . of 6-4/! o
r.::3Ih;l ~ I'IMe'IlU. nOfll K!Tn, Pt rm"' Jo J)(Id;!I III . . . ..................... .... ... .. 39-W Oh \oOn Co. well ~o . I. re.e.ord of_. __ __ ... __ .... . . . __ . __________ .. ____ lSi'
K:rlbllhul lW lI1 r". b l!IlTMoI .... ....... . ...... __ ............... . ... . . ..... .... 113 00 tUld 1&.1, WDdusfon.~ rQl llTdlna: t)CIMI hlllllos 0( obl.4lulo.l: ___ . _. ___ . .. .... _. I ~7
K:ll!lR1'Owll t downwllfll , frlJd \lIn'. 01. . ... __ . ' •. ' _.. _... ... . .... . ........ .. . . 120--121 CX(lI(;lj'(!o t km I\Ir. ...................... __ _. __ ........ __ ..... __ . .. __ ... __ . 166·157
Knll':lro'll' II ~ fomJ\1tlulI , rC(l;Su;.o. 1)1'.. ...... . .. __ . __ .. __ . ....... ___ ... ... .... . 107-108 !olrl:/,UiffiPhiO eoDS ld tm tfOD~ Nirl"Qr rtlllC • .• __ .. ... .. . __ .• _. __ .••••• . ... __ tM--tM
j: l.:lr l~rrll rC:1)lurt"l ..,f __ __ . .... ...... __ .. ..... .. ..... . .. ____ ... __ .. " ... .. __ . Hli cI!'Uellll1ll condlUons Ir....or!lbllt for :1t)Cu mula!JoQ 01. _........... . __ ... lSl· \$
aect.loll of. _.. . . . . .. _... .... . . . . ...... .. . ... .... . ..... .. . . ...... . . ..... . . Hli 0 1[ ~ fI on ba(1k or C 4)lc\'Ud., R,h·t1r . view of ..... _.. ___ _____ .. . .. __ __ ...... .. pl. 3 i
K:.I(JlU'owlt8 P '.n ll '\1..1 , c-r~lt)tl 01".. ... __ ... __ __ __ .. .. ..... __ .. _....... ..... __ __ 1~ D1~m p~" DAr.,::old nllnllll lll. __ __ . ______ .. . ... ... ______ . .. ... . . ____ ........ 147
~tJon 0( ~\11 n J\ rl ~ul Jrt,I\IP am] MI,)I"7 I~l rorulI\t.llln al nortbtfJ;t hAJ(, 01_. &:.~
Krrlj1Urtm·jq. n",.Ie,", ~(I,llf' 'Nl Ih' l'1 l \'L"w of. . .• ••• ~. . . .. _.. _..•• __ •••. ••. PI. ~
l@!o Llon :111(' o~li"lIt of .. .. __ ... .... _ _.. . .. . ... ____ .•. __ __ .... .. _.. 01:-6 Pale0z4le ILtId M~oIe r ue;", 01 Kl\lplf,ro\\' i t.~ NRi"ou. cbnrt showIng Tl,lla ~
t OL'C1il..nI~hl..l 1,)1111 i.Jli) or . . .... ... .. __ .•.• __ . , __ .... .. _ . . ... .. ~ . _. ___ 12-14 0( • ••• •• • •• -- --•• - -- ...... . .. .. -- -- •• -- .. . ... -- ... ___ ••• __ . ... _.. pI. ~
K at'I. h, 1~n),-il' l tllHIJ Il II I ... . __ .... __ ..... .. .. ..... ... .. .. ______ .. . __ • li#-lG PM'IIl , ~oonallud section Or ChJnl') lon:".l.'ltloQ nC:lT . _ .. _____ .... .. ... . .. . ____ oH-lO
lr.!ruf"' l'lltnf"l' nl .. . . . . . __ . . . ..... . . ..... ... ... .. ... . . . _•. •• . _. .... ....... ::n f,JOO »iL8 tioo .J .... __ --. -- -- •• . __ ---- .. -............. ______ .... ____ __ ... _ 16
K rwn ('OI.I(II~·. Ullh. (' 001 ~..:tI~r.:IlIl"-!WlTl'.d hl. .. . . .. ...... ... . . . __ .. .... __ . pI. 30 fIIOJI.Uorneot At.. . __ __ -- --- . ... . . . .... -. -- .............. ~. ______ . ..... __ .. __ 3(1-31
KILnu C, . .... ull hot11orl u.., .. .... ........ __ .. .. . . __ ... __ . _. __ . __ ... __ . .. .. . ~. 10 y lo!tI'" of bll'~ soulhW'C$t of..... .... ___ . . ..... __ •.. __ . ____ . . ... _____ .... .. pl. 7
Kloncly ll:\' HM, l!oklmln ll1p: " I .... . .. .- __ ....... __ ...... .. .... .. . __ ' .. 1-47 Part. O any on , lSubdh:!$IM1 0' Ohm Cr.n),on k:roup la __ ... ~ • ••. __ ...... __ •• •• M
L Pt.tI" p!aUarm, fdOll.Ut'N: of................... ________ .... . ... ____ ...... __ •• • • 122
Pus l .. RI"u. ~ld mlul t1i!: on. __ . ____ __ ............. __ .. ....... ____ ......... __ us
L rmd.. UI1,l', O«:'rIITCtu'u or. •. __ ...... __ . " " ' .. _" ... __ __ . __ . .. . I~ H(i __Uoo o( IOwormost C slmt!'\ on we..~t :-..Id~ oL ........ __ __ . ..... 1)7-1)8
[.:):.;, (' l!lI l1ro CJII IYOtl, ~p.I'llon or W1I11\1·..:-:\1) ~ru'I(bl n u e "" H(fl rpllll!.ll~ [01.111,· f'l:(' HOb of piI" of Dn':<ot:t (1) s:lOd"tono on .... __ ... .. _..... _.. _. ... .. _... W"
",,' Clt Ill . " " ' __ '" . ~ ........ ....... ... _.. . .. . .. __ __ . .... .. ... "' . 100 " k!.", .[Ill, bclov.' PArlll .... ..... . . .... ..... __ .......... _._ ....... . . ........ PI , 2!j
lAs t C\m u~ CI'I'e"k. "ll1I.nJ~· 9{' ~S!lomplo \11 (:,:01 !hlm OHl eNI1 011 . .• . .• " ' " _. . J5.:l P!l!"ill Vnnl! ~·. CosIJnru ol____ .. .. . . . . __ .......... . . __ .................... ___ H :-U2
~' ILIlH of ('n' l lll,'eOn ~ ~lJ, 1I 1!., r befall or w~ bfflnr;:o h or .. ..... "" " .. . 100000 IUJ und l (JI!f\'Jltl~t.L!<I Sr.D RM-.el trOUP and M...:rr!:>Otl (orm.8t!otl, fo ....... _.••• &3-&I
60cllCJtl o( C T\'(nl'o."II'1S 1:M>ds on II t:01"I tr sitko ClI, .. . __ . ... __ ____ ... __ _, .. ..... . ';lft..."7 " i. ",..,s I.D. . .. · · --· .- ..... . ... ... -- ... : .............. -.. .. ...... ....... pi:;. 2t. ~
"-,,,,1,.1(JI1 ul M (t!'rOOn fOm1 ·u tO., !Ind B41l Hn(ilICl !l NIIJI fa'lll r ...... .. __ . .... ~~ ~:trUllu ..... p·Cltnyon. SCZUOb 0( Carmol,fornlation In._ .. ~ __ .. .... ________ ... '1 'I-71.i
LII:\( C'h n.n('\. ~rtr ('U J\ e. r~I'I {1'~ 0( .. ... . . __ ....... ____ .. .... .... .. ____ __ .. __ • 1:!1 PnUII!aulU nt'ftllll•.'rt'nturos or... ...... .... .. .. . __ ...... . . . ....... __ . __ .... 123-12~
I Cb'llll'\' \ · '1I1.-' r. r.""I1tu l'C'-'ol ... __ ._ ••• __ ......... .. _..... .. ... __ •• __ .____ \41 PnUllUoOln mt'YlatLlu. IIr~ ()1l r>f ......... . . ______ .... .. . . . ................. 1:t"'_I35
L..,wSI:ln ••\ . f'. IIIJIlol.I.'d . .... .. ____ ...... . . __ __ ... __ . .• __ ... .. .. .. __ ... .. . .... ~1
P l!Abl, ' ·hl!l. , s(lCf.f<.lDS of Kalh.b llme5tOtlt r"lnd."Coeonloo ! ftllds!.ono ot'nr •• . '" -II
t «.$ P"u"~" !k'coulli or. ....... __ •. ~._ ........ .... ... __ .. .. .... .. ...... __ __ :;0 l'trm b n fCll"m iILI WS, clusHIQ.Ucu and. tOr rclllo lloD ot. .•.. .} . ....... ........... 4J.--4!!i
$0('1.1011 01 lall·!.'r I'!irl 0( Ch ln"iG rl1f'1TmHOO ·\1_ .. ... ..... .. __ .... __ .... .... ~...t !~t!on llDd ~"'I(lnl Of..... __ ..... . ... ...... . ... . _....... _... .. ... ____ .... J8
""'Il!)!) 01 ~i('l'lI k(l I~[ tormntlun 9t .... __ .. .. .. ..... .. .. __ ... .... ....... .. -IS PWIDaWII. :xt 0 11 ",ti d I;I\S.
\'iMI' IiJM;JIl g: (tot1h IlCoTMf Cl)lcwdD R!\' ~r 11e.t' •• •• •..• . .....••• •..•. • _. . p l. 8 P r.~IOJtllrll 1r Jc 6\,,0Iulloo.
outTlno 01 prob"bJe roam I t.fljNS In: ...... . ___ .___ I:M
Lllt!1! Ued. \'ull~'Y. lK'C l kln of D:.k04A ("I') e nd ~[ orrl!tOQ (o.-ltlo.Uor.s in . .•. "' . . IJ:I--fH rb rsiOlmpbS-. n:.d oOl.l «,latlou! or.. -- .. . ~ .. . ",,, . _____ ,, ,, ,, ,.,, ,,_, __ _, . IZ~
Lull, R. S .• (o9.U$ dek'rml.nt'(} by •.. . __ ...•• •• •••• • .. . . _. .. .. . .. .. . .... . ...• lOS Po~ t'OII l ro.!,Pl'. !lkt MlD at ........... _........................ ___ • __ . .... 1 ~_ 153
POpuhtion nr C:.e rOKlou •• • .• . ••• .• .• •• •..... .. " .• • •. • • • ... • ... ..... .. ••. • _. ~31
Powell fUld '\'\'twlcr SUJ'geY5, aoco:.IOt oL . • • ••• _. ... . .. . . .. .... . . ... ~_ ••••• . 7- 10 T iMe ClUJ, IOet jOfl hCllh, IIOUt h -IQuth1'lNf,'3f"d i"!
POW'ell,l. "'., Q.uote:J •.. __ • . •... .•••.• •••. _. • . • _ ' . . . " ' . •. • , .. _ t , 24, ~ 33, J.t. 117 T a b. Cllthynd lne, "'U1M of. _. .. .. ... . .. .. . ..... ..... 1:12
P'nIclpHatiou, 18Ofl;rapblc dlslribu~Joo or.. . .. _. . .• . "" . . •. .. .. .... ... . . •• . . 17 ·r.cnl*nu.U &, ~Mb Of........... ~: : : ~ :~:~: ::: :. : :: ::: : .::: ~ ~:: •• :~.. . 21-23
records of. _• • _•• •.•• • _.. .... . . . • •• • • _.. . •.. ... . .. .... ..... .. . .. 16-17 ' ('eomllr,S poPc, l(ctI0Q!$ 0ICro!8c)1ti)a1 1Uld .Tu m$Slobedl 0Mr ••. .• : : •• • : : ~ :: . : H
50.'\5001\1 dJ,lrlbuU o n of..... .. . ....... . .. . . . .... . . . . . . . .. ... . _.. . ..... 1&-20 T fillIta!li , l1I u vial, ~1I {'C.1LDd eb.,n~ l tr of. 1+.1. 144
v.uiut[on a~. frOlD )'C9t 10 year . . .. .... . ..... .. . .. . _... . • ' " 17- 18 Te.rfl M")· r ook •• .rlnHrrapb)· 01... .. . ... ... ..... . .. ...... .... III-Ilr.
PTfl\'1ous 'Q,>':u'k ill It.", trIPon... .. . .. . .. ....... . _ ,-..1 T hom psoo. A. U., qll()I~ .... . . .. . .. . . . .... .. ... ... ... .. .. .. ....... 7-8, U7
T lchboo ollr, ,old mj;am, al .. . ... .. ...... .. • . ........ .. . .. .. .. . ...... . 147,148
Q Todtl~ (1) formalioo, ~D(!tRl lr.llf ar. oL ..... ~ ............ ... ..... . ...... ~
Quaterc86Y de&:: o..'I.Ih , occurrellOe of . _ aeeUoacr. .... . . .... .......... .. . .. ........ ..... .... : ........ ... . ... ..... J05
TopDpltpb" r1llaUooi of. to atolory._ . . . .. .... .. .... _.... .. .. .. .. .... .... t:!7-JII
R TrolCbyltll Canyon, rold d ~w. r«1 In ... .. . • . .. .. . ...... ...... .... . . . 1t7
Ro.lnM-orm!>, cllaraO!-er ot. ••. "" " ... .. . ...... . . .. . . .... . .. '" ...... . . .... . 20-21 Tti!r.t>Pft'S, eXlllonu.kroa bs- .. . ...... .. .. . . ,. . ....... . . . ...... .... .. .. .. .. .. . ..-:
Roo CanJ/oD, l old mining at .. . .. . . ..... .. . .. ".. . •. •. •.. • . . . •. . __ " " " ' " It? 'l'rla#tc 'ormu£on" bJ.s!orie.ll d:&I c.h ot. . .. ............ ..... . ....... . ...... . ,...,.
Reoslcle, J. B .. ;r. , res-sils determlc.od by . . . .. . . .... . . .. .. . .. ... ... . 100, lOt. l07-IOS TrtIplo.M ~ t.lem4ll t1l: t.. . ....... : . .... . ..... .. . . ... ..... .......... ... . ... .... . 31
quoted. __ - ••• • _• ••. _ . . •••. __.. .. . .. . . . . _•• . .. . _.. .. _•• •. •. , . . •.... III 112-113 ~.b • . DlIoIm , oo:urrl!lCKlOcl.. ...... . .. .... .. .. ...... ... .. ... .. _ . .. .. 149
fUld Bassler, Bf'lrv-oy, Quoted .... ....... . _.. ... . __ .... . .. . _. .... .. ...... . ffl ~ oL . . ..... . .... .. ... ....... __ ... ... . . .. .. _....... . .... ... .. . . .. .. pt...lOQ
RidROS, monocUnal, pllY II IOKJ'"apblcel!ec~ of ..... .. .. __ ... . . .. .... . . .... .. .. 1:"'9- 131 O'I"Ullllo b y SU'l.tPI ClldHaod:ttOQ$, WAhtrtlt p GJ.... k .. . _ .. ... . ........ pl. 14
Ra.ds. cb81'8etor 01.. ___ • •• • ___ .•• . . · • • · w·· __ ... ___ .... . ... .... . . ... _.• _. ___ • .,b)"JIcaJ!rm phle 't',Jtnrel (II. . .. ... .. ....... .... ......... .... ...
."foCI lollS of. .. . .. ....... ... .. .. __ . ... .... 9>4, M. 07-"'. !I!\ 103, 110, 111
Rook Creek, soctlon of Creta06Ou', rtrota at head oL .• '_ """ " """"" " 111
Rook Creele snt!cJlne, fGHluT"eSof . . .. .... .... . .. __ .. _.. . .... ..... . .. _.. _.... _ Ul \'
Rock Crook OIlO)' On, ~eatur6ll oL ................... _. ... . ..... .... . . . ....... Itt
Rock formotlons, ~f):lOm.lh:8d sactlou of ...... . . __ .. • .. . . • • •. •••• • .. __ ... . .... 36-37 Vallt"o)·lorrn . rtlnL10n 0(, to rxk OOrdfltM . ........ .. .. . ...... .. ... ... .... 1'3li- \!(I
Rock hfU"ducss, rrla.1Iou ofvalloy form to .. ............... ............. ... 128-I~g Valkol's, i'cstures 01 . . • .. .. .. ...... . .. ..... . . ............. .. _. .... ........ .. 13,....1.3
Rockvlllo, sectlo~ lleAr. _ . .. .. .... ............ . .... . ... . . ... . ....... .. ... .. . 72 " aUt )'1I 10 hard iUld solt roeQ, dl!Y'IIlop::»nt of . . .... ... . ... . . .... " . . . . ... IJ1!.-I:lII
" eret. t~, cl1Arl1ctI!J' of. ... ........... .... ........ . .. .. ... ........ . ... .. .... 2.-%i
s VeCiIUltlon, InfluettCll 01, 00 Ilf1llloo . . . ... . ... . . . .. . .. , ... . . . ....... .. I:.'".
SIIIl fiwllt'l p;-roup (JunlS!lc) , '>KO (Iud cornlnt,JQu Qf. . ... ........... _.. .. .. .. __ 71-n
distributloo IUId t..op~ lraph!ee1preq,lou oL ............ . ........ ........ ll.l-ilJ I
Iol:t.-Iocr!tl itmtliTupnle .!loud Ulhnlol(le h tUllllS oL .. . . . ... .. ... . .. . . ... . . ... i ()-';l W!~,;ltIOOX M~, ;;c,;llo)u 01 K"l b.t.llllltIlItClI\tll COt1 ~tlt~l uf... . .. . . . . . . ... .. . .1
i\torriaao _Ol&t"- (CnL1UlC.::US?) !Wi! uodlal!n!DtktLed, IUDOrtJ k.!I.lUrt3 MlCt!on of ShlQarump t'OClaloc:!tntl! lIort h!.o.ut of..... .. ... . ....... .. . .... ~
or_..... ..................................... _................... 78--i19 ~ 1l0f)a: of C hln l& fotmALbn &c!BT. . .. . . .... .. ..... .. .. .. ........ __ . .. .. 65--30
IM!etiom ot......... __ . __ . ............. .... . . ..... . 5O-8 1. 6~.&&~.87-89
I'l0l<1'' &OI"O$IIllJ~ rCKiOD . • _ . .. .. __ ••• . , _. . ...... . ..... pI. 17 (iu pookIK)
Om, KtJld mlniQ.ft nL __... ...... . ....... _. .. .... .. .. ..... . . ....... 147
Wuh WfAp saodlwno, phY-"Cl.i1 f('lI.ltuft ol . . .. .. .. . .... .... . ......... . .... . t&4- tG)
IliGCC I0otot.. . .. .. ..... .. ... .... .. ... ... .. ................ ... .. ... .. .... ..
St.I'n l«hl CUlTs S3,nd;s(ooe .1141, uud i:futiu tbltod. gtlllll rnlioo tures 01• • . • lIN- W'

SbillLrUmp cODl:lomernto, g(locr&1 f";ltulU (If._ .•• ... " '" . .. . . .... . . . . . ..... M - .:o;a .-aU of, OD Wnbwu PCruk .. _ ......... .. ............... ...... .. ... ... 111. H
Mo.'llkop( ~trl:ll!) Iiod, b DOrthero pn rt of Clrclo Clills .... ... ...... ...... pI. 7 l\'uhw~p s~ncllnl), rcalurfd of ..... .. . .... . ... . .... . . . .. . .. ... .. _. ........ ••. 121
~cll)n3 ot . ... " ' ' ' ' .... __ .• . • __ . .. . .. ... . ..... . ...... ... .. .. . . _. 49,r.o, .j3, 100J \\·!U1Woo. p Villi",., fr::Il.u ~ o{ ... ......... ... . .. .. . ... ... .. ...... .. __ • • •• • •••• 140
S hutlbkulb SbaJ8111oDloor of ;\X()@nlc:opJ Ccrmo.~lon . v iow or . .. ... ... . ... . .. ... pl .7 aee! !ou of Iov.·er pArt of K.'pe.r'Q'A·I!.5 fOtlllnl!oD In uppe.r. _. ... . .. . .. .. .. . 107
Shock Bor, Hold IlllnloltSL .. .. . _. ........... . .. ... __ ... __ .. .. ........ _..... 147 Wunl Crtclt, IiInlllytll or ooaI 110m mloe Db....... ..... ........... .. ..... .... 1.'.03
Sml l:::', fURS. OIpl')tllUob.'\ b)· . . . .. . . . ..... . .. _...• . . _.. . .... . ..... .. . ... _.. .. 11-12 RellOD ot Da~o to (!) tindsCIt[W ."tt
~Itd rodil OQ . • ...•.• .... . •• • • {l7
8 ",0\:y Mountalo 1Ul ~l cliofl, (eat..un90t .. __ .. . . _. .. ... .. ..... . .. ...... ....... 12t IIN:UOO of Y.OrTJ.toQ lon1a$lloo .od 810 R.aIa.e.! !Croup ITt'tr !nolll :' 01.• • . •• 81-88
E'C1U, chMtIoctnr oC __ .. ... .. . .... __. • __ . . •• ... •. • .. .. ....... .. •• ••• .. . ... . . •... 24 Wtrn.t C rook s1uclJIII', ~'u~ 01. .. . .. ... __ . ............ .... .... _.... ..... .. 121, RC(;Qnnl of._ .. _. .. .. ... .. . ... ... ~, ... .. ... . .... .... .... . .. 6-11 \\'1Inn Valle y. feIll llTKoI. . . . . ... ..... . .. ...... .. . . . ..... .. .. .. ... ..... .... H'l-l."
Steft.1llboat coMt.rUeled to trtlllSport oosll'tom Warm CrCl61t to Le-N Fe rr,. . ... pl. 29 WIS810h Ioll11at !OD ( £ 00&00), cllsrrlbus ftin arid lopo,;;rapblol.'".lprt-.*l.lou d.. .. . 11-&
St(.lo1.: roi:'ling . ... . . . . . ..... . __ .............. ..... .................... ....... lW-a.5 'Irat~Ill PbJc und IItb04oc£c J6i tu rtIJ 01.. . . •. . •.. ..... . __ ... .. .... .. .. .. lj~J:a
StT8h~ht CIith. new alone (sce oL ... . ....... __ . . ...... ... .. .. . .. .. .. ...... pl . 'II uooonlormf~y ft.t but.r ZoloID& .... .. . .. _. . ... . . . ..... .. . .. .. ......... WI
fif"'fI(bl. C IIft'e.s.lJdsto~e, oo Pai htd& la, oa::w~Dce and cbancter of •• • ••. 101. H9-.1M Wl\lorpoclun ?o1/d. IHQllClO .orisoe au pal'U of... . .. .... . .. ..... ... . .. . .. .. . 13\
f(t...~ils 01 . . .. .. ... ... ... ...... . ___ , ..... .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. .................... )01 pa OOf"IUlda ritIIw frow cn:at. 'JI, IUld Retch shollrlbl':tUffftoe, 4b;trtbultou c:I
on Esea.ta.n\8 RJ"PI' __ . .... . .. . . ~ ...... . . .. .... . . .. . ..... . . .. ....... . .. . . pI. 14 fornlati()QlIi..... .. .. .. . .......... . . .. . ........ ... . . ... . .... .. Ill. U
ph)' slcnl featur(',S 01. ... . _ .... .. . . ... . .. ....... ... ... .... .. . .. ... .... . . . 100--101 litCllO'..J M'rtWS. at Borr mU ..... . ....... ................. .. . _. . ....... 106-1O'J
~ctlons af ....... ..... .. ___ ... ... . .. .... .. . . _.. .... . . .. .. .. .. .. tOl-tti4,lQ9-1l0 ~ralloYCt~ Na 'f'!JJaalDd'ulOeoo .. .. . . . .. ... . .. . . ...... .. .. .. ...... .. .. . pl .•
t'Lrotiltrnpb, of . . ....... . .... . .. ... . . . ... . ... .... . .... . .. . ... . . __ . . .• .. IOl-IOt'r pockd JOOII(ldJ Il I, fMl um; of........ .. .. .. .. . ... : .. .... .... .. .. .. . ... . Iia
\Ye.hwSft"p slIIodst(l t.e IIJld, undl R"ertotlo.led, It~aend "lurfS of .. .... . ... 105-1011 t opDi:rapb(,= and aeoIocIc D!fij) 01 '*'
01 . . . .. .. .. . .... .. ............ .. ... pl . 24
f:tr&tlg:rapbiG ....11001_ ,euera.l . . . . ..... .. .... ..... . ........... .. . ..... ... .. . ~7 Wr.h)1' pockel', llClCom ~ and ehlU'llCtat 0'- ..... . . _ . ...... .. __ ..... ... . .... \4.~
Siturn grad..loOIIl, JoftueoOl of, 00 r.osioo .... . ... .. . __ ... . ... ... . . _... . .... 12G-1.27 \'lfd taQlt, precipitation .t. . . . .......... . . . ... _ .. .. ...... .. .......... ........ Iii
8 lr061u" Jocr'" 01 JIow Df. "'It'r founding of setlIMl(lu" .... .. .. . . _... __ ..... 33-34 temponltu ... ltt ...... ... ...... .. . .... .. .. .. ... ... ... . . __ .. . .. .. ...... .... 2Z
raJ.HoG of.tostruClU:te • •• . __ ............. .......... . .. .. ........... ... 1l1- 132 Will ... OtteAl:. ~iou oC lower PIIr! 01 C~~08OOI: ou ••. •••.... . __ ....... ••.• • 'J9
SI.ructure, features ot. ..... . ....... .... ... .. .......... ... ...... ..... ... .... 119-124 Wind , IlCt h 1t,. of. ...... . ..... .. . . ..... .. _.. ........ .. ... ....... . . . .. . .. ..... '&:I
bls tone:o.},ke-:.oh 01• . . ... . .. ... . . . .. .. . . .. _.. •• •....• ••.•••. . __ •• • •. . . • 11.- 1'8 work nr..... ..... ...... .. ... . . .. . ... . ...... .. . . ........ . . ..... ....... . . .. IU
method 01 dewmlnation 01... .. ... ..... .......... ... ... . . . . ...... .. . .. .. lUI WJu p la JaiKklCD&, ~ll"ml CuturP.'S of.... .. .... .. ... .. .. .... . . ... .. .... ..... 172
rClgl ocoll't!l&t!oos or. ....... .... ............................ ...... _.... 118-110 boooycoru b """lIntb(>f1n£ io b lock 01.. ... _ . .......... . . . .... . .. ...... ..... \)1. ~
roI(1( IClQ 0( 8treotnS t.o •••• • _ ••. __ • __ .. . . . " __ . • .. _. . . .......... ... . .... . 131-132 !ooc:Joa 01 . .... .. . __ .. . .. ... . . ... . .. ....... ....... .. . .... .... ... . _. ....... IGII
SomUlorvUlo (ormt)tlou , lOoe:t".1 Cc:a.turos 01 • ... ........ .. . ....... ... . _. _.. . .7·.8 \\' rJxhl DlU',l:old m lnlDIt at . . .. ... ... . .. .... ...... . .... . ... . . . . .. ... ... ... . 147
:sections Qf.. ..... .... ........ " .. .. .. __ .. ......... ........ .... ... _. 80,82,87. 108
Summorville ( !) !orml\Uou, soctlt)us 01........... __ .. . ....... ... . .... _... . ... 73,&5
SUlllmervUle (1) lands'.o!:e, 1l0Qr CannonvUlol, view of....................... pI , 13 YClIIOI. Dr1i!:!SLD, qa:otocl ................... _............ ............... . .... 21



~ .
0 ...
AUonum and "'rnee
sand aDd gravel }I

...z >-
...U ;:
0 Waaatch fonnation
('ie,st •• ....,. .....,... ...t

. . . . 0 ....;..,.

Kaiparowitl formation
( AriDoric W_· f'NW ....,..... _-..d
. . . . . MaU )

Wahweap _,ilarone
{ ltIfuriH ~ _~G"'"
- . d.. Mal.1
Straigbt Clift...ndstone
(Y.uowiM to ~ ................
""' to ....... _Ad:totM : COR-
..... .-1)
l~r::~~~~~~~~C~lift' I

Tropic shale
(Bl................ to.rtd• . w .)

( YeUowiM to ,...,.,.. w.we. .Rd:-

--..~ • • tNt: _ ....
MaZ. : .....i .. til." coal WI)

:Morrieon formation
(J(........ ~ . . . . .totu

lg Navajo 8andstone

d Glen Canyon group

( UN _ _
j Todilto (1) formation under· ~

~ lain by Wingate sandstone

... ,
(1Wtuo 1')•. . . - - . t.\i~d
.........,..~ • . . , ..•Jld

rM tIlil-Nrwti ..
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:a Kaibab limestone and '"wu..
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Coconino aandstone
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Extrulive volcanic rocks

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GeoIOD" by H.rbort E. Groe-ory
T ~r.phy based on surveys by
R. C. Moore and compilation, GEOLOGIC MAP OF KAIPAROWITS REGION, UTAH-ARIZONA and Raymond C. t.toore
Su.-..yad In 1918-1924
from maps of the Powell Survey.
U. S. GeolO£"ical Survey, and U. S.
forest Sel"¥ice "..~==~..~~...I'================~! ..................,~==============~¥.u.
Contour Interval 250 feet
~M it 7UO. NB lnel



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T_,aphy buod on "'MIY' by

ft C. Moore and compilation,
from map' of the Powell Survey.
U. S. GeolociCal Su....". and U. S.
Forest Service
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CoDtour intenaJ 2IiO feet
Datt&M u . ._ ... J.Hl

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