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ZXDU68 B201 (V6.

0R03M01) DC Power System Quick Insta llati on G uide

Structure and Components

ZXDU68 B201 (V6.0R03M01)
DC Power System
Quick Installation Guide

Tel: 0755-26770800, 800-830-1118
Email: Document No.: SJ-201 90518 145208-001
Website: Release Version: 2019-05-15 (R1.0)

About This Manual

This guide describes how to install the ZXDU68 B201 (V6.0R03M01) DC Power System.

Installation Instructions 2 1
To ensure personnel and equipment safety, read carefully and abide by the following
rules before installation.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Installation Environment
 It is prohibited to install the equipment in acidic and corrosive environments, or in an
environment with a large amount of conductive dust.
 Water, metal, and other debris are prohibited to fall into the equipment. Otherwise the
equipment may be damaged due to a short circuit.
Personnel Requirements
 All personnel must be well trained, follow correct operating procedures, and observe safety
precautions during equipment installation.
Electrical Connections
 Never connect or disconnect cables when the device is still powered on. 2. Connect the grounding cable between the power subrack and the cabinet.
 Ensure that the live wire and neutral wire are correctly connected. Ensure that the neutral
wire is properly connected, without any circuit break.
 Ensure that the positive and negative poles of batteries are correctly connected.
 Wear anti-static gloves and use insulated tools for electrical connection.
 Ensure that screw terminals and other unnecessary bare parts are properly insulated.
 Ensure that cables are reliably connected to avoid a short circuit or open circuit.
Cable Safety Requirements
 The insulation layer of cables must not be damaged. 11 10
 Ensure that the cross-sectional area of power cables meets the maximum load
requirements of the device.
 If cables with non-standard colors are used, choose black cables and use heat shrink 1. PE blots 7. DC output circuit breaker(LLVD1)
tubes or insulation tapes in the corresponding color for easy identification. If the local 2. UIB 8. DC output circuit breaker(BLVD)
regulations on cable colors are different from the regulations in this manual, you must 3. AC input circuit breaker 9. Battery circuit breaker
observe the local regulations. 4. AC SPD 10. CSU602A
 If a cable is bent during the routing process, you must ensure that the bending radius is
5. AC output circuit breaker(optional) 11. ZXD3000(V6.0) Rectifiers
equal to or greater than 10 times of the cable diameter.
6. Working ground GND
Document Acquisition
 You can query and download related documents from
 If your username cannot be registered for document downloading, you can send an 1. Installing the Power Subrack
email to
 You can add ztedoc in WeChat to obtain document information and propose  The ca binet wher e the power subrack is installe d must be gro unded pr operly.
suggestions.  If th ere is a ve ntil atio n h ole near th e r ear door of the cabinet, reserve a ven tilation space
of a t least 50 mm wide beh ind the power subrack.
 If th ere is no ventilation hole near the rear door of the cabine t, reserve a ven tilation space
Contentions of a t least 80 mm wide beh ind the power subrack.

Danger: indicates an imminently hazardous situation. Failure to comply will result in Steps
death or serious personal injury. 1. Fix the power subrack to the 19-inch rack on the cabinet.
Warning: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in It is recommended that you install the power subrack near the PE grounding bar of the cabinet,
death or serious personal injury. and reserve 1U cabling space above the power subrack.
Caution: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in
moderate or minor personal injury.
Notice: indicates equipment or environment safety information. Failure to comply can
result in equipment damage, data loss, equipment performance degradation,
environmental contamination, or other unpredictable results.

Note: provides additional information about a topic.

1 2
ZXDU68 B201 (V6.0R03M01) DC Power System Quick Insta llati on G uide

2. Opening the Panel

3.1 Connecting Communication Cables 3.4 (Optional) Connecting Alarm Output Relay Cables
Loosen the screws on the panel and pull the panel out. Steps There are eight output dry contacts on the UIB board. The components in the cabinets are
Refer to the following table and connect communication cables to communication ports according connected with the output dry contact cables before delivery. Other output dry contact cables
to the monitoring networking requirements. can be connected on site as required.
1. Connect cables to the corresponding output relays according to the requirements of
alarms and the interface descriptions in the following table.

3.2 Connecting Sensor Cables

 The magne tic d oor switch alar m sensor, environ me nta l hu mid ity detectio n sensor, smo ke ala rm sensor,
and environ me nta l temperature sensor are all optional co mp onents. They a re in stalled on the system
before del iver y witho ut the need of field installation.
 The batter y te mp erature se nso r is a standar d compon ent. It need s to be installed on site. For the de taile d
installation procedur e, refer to sectio n 5.

2. (Optional) To change the relationship between output relays and alarms, set the attributes of
the relays during system commissioning by referring to the ZXDT CSU602A (SV3.00.00.00)
Centralized System Management Unit Operation Guide.

4 Installing Battery Packs

Each battery pack consists of two 12 V batteries connected in series. You can install battery
packs based on the number of the battery packs that can be actually connected to the product.
This procedure describes how to install two battery packs.

BATT 1 Batter p ack 1

3 Connecting Signal Cables L+

BATT 2 Batter p ack 2

Signal interfaces provided for users are distributed on the CSU and signal interface unit. Signal L+
cables must be connected to the corresponding interfaces based on the on-site requirements for
alarms or monitoring.  The positive terminal and nega tive te rmin al mu st n ot be incorre ctly connected.
3.3 (Optional) Connecting Alarm Input Relay Cables  When connecting the cable s to the screw te rmi nals, route th e cabl es backwa rds.
There are eight input dry contacts on the UIB board. The input dry contact cables between the  There are battery de tection ca bles (with a red lab el) in th e b attery circuit b reakers.If a
FE interface components in the cabinets are already connected before equipment delivery. Input dry contacts detectio n cab le is discon necte d, rein stall it in th e b attery circuit b reakers to a void ab normal
battery manag ement.
can be connected on site as required.
Steps Route cables Place the Do not route
USB interface backwards. Detection cable must not
1. Connect cables to the input relays by referring to the following table. cover. cables forwards. be disconnected.

The signal interfaces of the UIB board are shown in the following figure. Preparations
You have opened the front panel of the power subrack. For the detailed procedure, refer to
Section 2 "Opening the Front Panel".

X4 X5 X6 1. Place the batteries in the provided battery cabinet or battery box, and install the battery
X1 X2 connection plates.

Reserve a conne ction plate for ea ch battery pa ck. Afte r S tep 2 is completed, install the reserved
connection plates.

Reserve this con nection pla te her e

- +- +- +- +
2. Set attributes of the input relays during the system commissioning by referring to the ZXDT
CSU602A (SV3.00.00.00) Centralized System Management Unit Operation Guide.
- +- +- +- +

X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X14

D≥10 mm

3 4 5
ZXDU68 B201 (V6.0R03M01) DC Power System Quick Insta llati on G uide

3. Install the reserved connection plates to complete the cascading of battery packs. 7 Connecting DC Output Cables Example
This example uses a circuit breaker of single-phase AC input to show how to detect a short
 The ca pacity of each load must not e xceed the cap acity l imit of the Load circuit between AC input terminal L and N.
DC output circuit breaker. Certain fre e capa city must be retaine d.
 The load circu it brea ker has th e d etection ca ble (with a red lab el). (marked with
- + - + - + - + When connecting a DC output cable, you need to re install the ca ble the DC output
back to the corre spo nding load circuit bre aker. Failure to comply ca n circuit
affe ct the load mana gement.
Battery pack
 The detection cable of the load circuit br eaker i s marked with the DC
output circuit number.

Switch the mu ltimeter

Black p robe
- + - + - + - + GND
to the buzzer mo de
Battery pack
Red probe
DC load (+)

OFF ... 8.2 Detecting a Short Circuit in the DC Output Circuit

5 Installing the Battery Temperature Sensor

To a vo id d amage to the mu ltimeter, do not perform an y live sho rt circu it check.

DC Output
Follow the following steps to install an NTC battery temperature sensor for a battery pack. (LLVD1/BLVD) Steps
Conne ct the two-core plug to Secure the batter y 1. Set the DC load circuit breaker in the equipment to the ON position and set the load switch to
Clean the center of the wide side
1 the X4 or X5 interface o n the 2 temperature sensor cab le 3 the OFF position.
instead of the narro w side of the
UIB bo ard. to the cabinet above the 2. Switch the multimeter to the buzzer mode. At the grounding end of the load equipment, verify
battery pa ck. Tear the protective
battery an d pu t th e sensor
layer off the adhe sive tap e to that there is no short circuit in the DC output.
in th e g ap betwee n the two
paste the battery temperature 3. Set the DC load circuit breaker in the equipment to the OFF position.
Battery temperature middle batteries.
sensor on to this position.
Two-core plug sensor For the detection contacts and detection criteria, refer to the following table:

Steps • If the buzzer does not sound, it means that there is no short
circuit fault. The electrical connection is qualified.
1. Set the circuit breaker of the load to the OFF position. • If the buzzer sounds, there is a short circuit fault. The excess
Tear th e p rote ctive la ye r Battery cables that cause the short circuit should be removed.
off the adhesive tape. temperature 2. Select load circuit breakers in accordance with load importance and capacity requirements.
Battery pa ck
sensor 3. Connect the - 48 V cables for electrical load to circuit breakers for electrical load (to the Example
DC Ou tput
ends with detection cables). (LLV D1/BLV D)
4. Connect the RTN cables for the electrical load to the GND grounding bar.
6 Connecting AC Input Cables ...

8 Checking Electrical Connections
Do not conne ct o r di sconne ct cab les when the device is still powered on. Black
 The live an d n eutral wire s must not b e re ver sed. prob e (-)
 The ca pacity of exte rnal AC po we r circuit br eakers must be large r than that of the AC input Red probe Switch the mu ltimeter
circuit brea ke rs of the ZXDU68 B201 to a void A C power interruption due to circuit brea ke r (+) to the buzzer mo de
Electrical connection must be checked after the cables are connected, to avoid 8.3 Detecting the AC Input Voltage
Steps equipment damage caused by cable connection errors.
1. Set the power switch on the equipment (in the AC power distribution unit) to the OFF position.
1. Set the AC input circuit breaker in the equipment to the OFF position.
2. Set the AC input circuit breaker in the equipment to the OFF position. 8.1 Detecting Short Circuits at the AC Input Circuit
2. Set the power switch on the equipment (in the AC power distribution unit) to the ON position.
3. Connect the AC input Protective Earth (PE), live wires (L), and neutral wires (N) in order.
3. Switch the multimeter to the AC voltage mode.
To avoid damage the multimeter, you should not perform a live short circuit check.
AC input 4. Measure the AC input voltage at the AC input circuit breaker of the equipment.
5. After detection, set the power switch on the equipment to the OFF position.
For the detection contacts and detection criteria, refer to the following table:
1. Set the power switch on the equipment (in the AC power distribution unit) to the OFF
2. Set the AC input circuit breaker in the equipment to the ON position.  The neutral-to-grou nd vo ltag e must be lower than 5 V.If th e criterion
3. Switch the multimeter to the buzzer mode. is n ot satisfied, you need to u pgrade the electrica l gr id to reduce th e
neu tral-to-grou nd vo ltag e d ifference.
4. Detect the short circuit at the AC input circuit breaker of the equipment.
OFF  The phase-to-neu tral voltage is in the range of 70 V to 300 V. If th e
5. After detection, set the AC input circuit breaker in the equipment to the OFF position. crite rion is no t sa tisfi ed, it is recommen ded to sta rt the oil e ngine.

For the detection contacts and detection criteria, refer to the following table:
This example uses a terminal of single-three AC input to show how to detect the voltage between
 If the buzzer does not sound, there is no short circuit AC input L and N.
fault.The electrical connection is qualified.
 If the buzzer sounds, there is a short circuit fault.Find
out the fault and re-connect cables.

Black p robe
(-) Switch the mu ltimeter to
the AC voltage mode.
Red probe
6 7 8
ZXDU68 B201 (V6.0R03M01) DC Power System Quick Insta llati on G uide

8.4 Detecting the Terminal Voltage of the Battery Pack Rectifier Installation Requirements
Steps Rectifiers must be installed in the corresponding slots in a sequence from small to large. 2 3
1. Switch the multimeter to the DC voltage mode.
2. Use the multimeter to detect the terminal voltage for each battery pack in 1 2
the power fuse base, and record the detected values in the table.
Detection Contacts and Detection Criteria

Lock the ejector lever

Release the ejector lever Insert the rectifier
Insert the CSU
A polar ity con nection fault may ca use da ma ge to th e d evice. If th ere is a polar ity conn ection
fault, unin stall a con nectio n p late in the battery pack, and install battery cables correctly. 3

This example detects the terminal voltage of battery pack 1.


Switch the
multime ter to the DC
prob e (-) BATT1 BATT2
voltage mo de. Lock the ejector lever
Red probe (+)

C Removing the CSU

A Removing a Rectifier
 If th e CSU is faulty, it must be rep lace d immediately.
If th e CSU is ope rati ng p roperl y, you need to p erfo rm de vice statistics in th e CSU602A. For  In h ot plug of the CSU, slow action is req uired to avoid sparking.
the detailed procedu re, refer to Se ction 7.1 "Recounting CAN Device s" in th e ZXDT CSU602A
(V3.00.00.00) Centralized System Man agement Un it Oper atio n Gui de.

1 2 1 2

Release the ejector lever Pull outwards Release the ejector lever Pull outwards

B Installing a Rectifier D Installing the CSU

 Remove the films at the ven tila tion ho les or other obje cts that pr eve nt the rectifier
from coolin g to avoid damagin g the rectifier due to poor heat dissipa tio n.
 In h ot plug of the rectifie r, slow action is req uired to avoid sparking.  In h ot plug of the CSU, slow action is req uired to avoid sparking.
 Poo r contact of the recti fier can result in equ ipment da ma ge and even fire due to  When you push the CSU in to a slo t, you mu st n ot pre ss the LCD screen, buttons, or
serious heat g eneration after the rectifier is powered on. Thus, the rectifier must be indi cators to avoid any d amage to the device.
installed prop erly.
 When pushing a rectifie r into a slo t, to a void da ma ge to the equipmen t, never press 1
the disp lay screen, keys, or indicators.

Lon g-distance transpor t may make the interna l compone nts of the equipmen t loose. If
there is an y unusual sound in the rectifier durin g the insta llation, contact the suppl ier to
repa ir the rectifie r or chang e for another one.

Release the ejector lever

9 10 11

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