Siop Lesson Plan

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SIOP Lesson Plan (30 minutes)

THEME: Asylum


Language: Students will be able to verbally describe the four treatments that happened in

Content: Students will be able to identify 4 treatments that used to be used in asylums and
compare and contrast them to modern treatments

Explain why they are effective
 Vocabulary strategies: Concept Definition Map with each treatment
 Classroom strategies: Reciprocal teaching with the case study
 KWL chart
o Misconceptions

1. Asylum: an institution offering shelter and support to people who are mentally ill.
2. Hysteria: exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement, especially among a
group of people.
3. Lobotomy: a surgical operation involving an incision into the prefrontal lobe of the
brain, formerly used to treat mental illness.
4. Electroconvulsive (Shock) Therapy is a procedure, done under general anesthesia, in
which small electric currents are passed through the brain.
5. Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy is any method that uses water to treat a variety of
symptoms throughout your body.
6. Rotation Therapy has a proven type of kinetic therapy that focuses on strategically and
continuously repositioning critically ill patients and individuals living with immobility

MATERIALS: PowerPoint, case study

 Each group can describe what they know or think about upon hearing the word asylum 
o Movie or tv shows
 Relate treatments today to more recent treatments that are close – mental health
awareness (sports, school)



1. Teaching: The teacher will teach about the history and treatments
2. Case Study: The teacher will hand out the case study to each student. They will
read it alone and then discuss it with previous parents and finally discuss it as a
group. There will be questions on the PowerPoint for the students to answer.
3. Concepts Map: 4 pairs of 2 will each be given a treatment to make a concept map
of with the information given in the class. The pairs will present their concept


Review: Discuss the activities together
 Purpose is to discuss why we don’t do these treatments anymore
Assessment: KWL chart
 Teacher will ask the students to discuss their chart with the class.

EXTENSION: Activity the students is given a “patient” and how to figure out what treatment
they would prescribe if they were in an asylum

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