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Score 84 / 100 Points (84%)

Correct 16 Questions

Incorrect 3 Questions

Top Scores

Rank Name Score

1 Azomim 100 ( 1m 21s )

2 Besiona Hilaj 100 ( 2m 7s )

3 Rukije Morina 100 ( 2m 16s )

4 Malisa Miftari 100 ( 2m 22s )

5 Edita 100 ( 2m 24s )

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Answers & Explanations _

All Incorrect Correct

Difficulty: Easy
Incorrect 68% got this correct

1)Ku shendrrohet ne qeliz Glukoza ne ATP

A. Berthamë
B. Lizozome
C. Kloroplaste
D. Mitokondri

Difficulty: Easy
Incorrect 76% got this correct

2)Ku kryhet translatimi i ARN

A. Plastide
B. Ribozome
C. Aparati i Golgjit
D. Vakuole

Difficulty: Easy
Incorrect 51% got this correct

3)Antitrupat u takojne tipit te

A. Albuminave
B. Globulinave
C. Lipideve
D. Glucideve

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