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Course: Public Economics (Econ 305)

in Fall 2022

Short Term Paper

Read the instructions carefully:
Select any particular topic of your choice. For instance, topics can include the following:
1. Agriculture and food security (Public Distribution System, PDS)
2. Industry and Manufacturing (Economic reforms and growth of manufacturing industries)
3. Natural Disasters and agriculture (Crop damage and how that affects the wellbeing of agricultural
households; connect it with the availability of institutional credit and loan waiver schemes; instances
of farmer suicides in disaster-prone regions)
4. Rural Employment and Poverty (MNREGA employment scheme that provided guaranteed
employment to at least one individual of the family; critically analyze this policy and highlight the
5. Skill Development and Employment (International Labor Organisation, ILO sources)
6. The Informal sector and Micro, Small, Medium, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
7. Decentralisation and Local Governance (a participatory form of governance)
8. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability (global externality problem and how that affects
the economic development of a nation)
9. Creating policies for a low carbon economy
10. Gender and Development (economic, social, political empowerment of women; how gender
inequality affects economic development)
11. Gender-Responsive Budgeting addresses the gaps in education, employment, entrepreneurship,
and public life opportunities and outcomes to promote equality.
12. Political Economy of Development (social and political dynamics that shape the nation's
13. Healthcare sector in India (this topic can include Rural Health Care systems with a focus on the
National Health Mission)
14. COVID-19 and the economic impacts (how covid has affected any particular sector of the economy,
say, tourism sector, automobile sector)
Students can write both quantitative and qualitative research papers. A literature review that
integrates findings from many relevant studies is also welcome. However, your short paper should
synthesize the literature in an organized manner and also highlight any substantial contribution to
public policy.
You are free to choose a research public policy topic outside this list. If the topic falls outside the given
list, please make sure to discuss that with me. Everyone should work individually on a chosen topic.
Due date of submission on Moodle: TBA
Course: Public Economics (Econ 305) Fall 2022

Maximum words: 1500

Minimum words: 1000
Write a brief introduction and discuss the primary objectives of the particular public policy adopted in
the economy. Then, highlight to what extent this policy has successfully met its desired goals. Discuss
institutional successes and failures in addressing the nation's social and economic problems. You can
bring in the discussion of efficiency versus equity in the context of the particular policy.
You can use secondary sources of information with appropriate referencing of those sources. Data
and statistics are also available in reports titled "Economic Surveys of India." These are reports
published by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, and have been available online for years.
See the link below:

Later, you will present your topic using PowerPoint slides (the date will be announced on
Moodle). This will help you to develop your presentation skills and also effectively participate in group
discussions. Your presentation and participation will be graded.

Note the following:

1. Write the first draft of your research topic. Every student should submit their first draft on
Moodle on or before the due date of submission.
2. The presentation of your research topic will start soon after the first draft submission.
3. Submit your final paper before the final week (the final exam week).

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