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Essay about Brexit

In my opinion the UK has more advantages remaining in the European Union,

therefore I do agree with those who support the remaining in the EU, like David

On argument in favour of the remainers such as Beckham is that our world is based
on a globalized society, where the problems are faced together and the nations
collaborate in order to keep peace and prosperity for the population. Therefore,
leaving the EU would mean facing the problems alone without help, which we do
need in our times.
However, the leavers side argues that remaining in the EU means to lose the control
of the number of people coming in the country, and the problems are set to get even
I think that if we left the EU the number of people coming wouldn’t decrease. We
regulate it thanks to the collaboration with the other EU-member countries, therefore
we need to remain. About the problems, as I said before, we’ll be able to face them
together, because being together means being strong.

To sum up, I believe that leaving the EU would damage even more the economy and
society of the UK, therefore the best solution is to remain.

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