The Hound of The Baskervilles

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The hound of the Baskervilles

“The hound of the Baskervilles” is the third novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
with Sherlock Holmes as protagonist and it was published in 1902.
The novel is set in the Devonshire, a swampy area lived the most by farmers, where
in the heath there is the house/castle of the Baskerville family. Around this castle
there’s a legend, which says that in the castle lives an enormous hound that wants to
kill the owner of the castle. This legend scares the population, because happen many
strange and mysterious facts and because in the castle’s dead Sir Charles, one of the
last Member of the Baskerville family. The population thinks that the hound is the
guilty of his death. After the death, Sir Henry becomes the heir. In the meanwhile, Dt.
Mortimer, a friend of Sir Charles, goes to London to ask Holmes and Watson to
investigate. The detectives decide to go to Devonshire and investigate. During the
investigation they discover that someone is plotting the murder of Sir Henry in order
to get the legacy of Sir Charles. Holmes identified the suspect from a picture in the
Baskerville castle. It looked like Mr. Stapleton. In facts, the real surname of Stapleton
was Baskerville and he wanted to get the legacy. But Holmes hasn’t enough evidence
to capture Mr. Stapleton. A night Sir Henry is invited by Mr. Stapleton to have a
dinner, but on the way back he’s attacked by the hound of Mr. Stapleton, that was
camouflaged as a demon. Fortunately, Holmes, Watson and another detective kill the
dog and, thanks to Mr. Stapleton’s wife, they discover the position of his hiding, but
they don’t find him, just his hat floating in the swamp.


 THE BUTLER: At the beginning the suspect was the butler of the
Baskerville family because of his beard, because in the novel a person with a
long black beard tailed the detectives. But he can’t be the guilty because he’s
always at the castle.
 THE HOUND: The hound of Mr. Stapleton was camouflaged with rags to
make him seeming as a demon.
 MR. STAPLETON: His the guilty because he wants to get the legacy of Sir
Charles and he’s found dead in the swamp.
 THE HEATH: I consider the heath a baddy because it blocked the
investigation and because Mr. Stapleton is disappeared in the swamp, so it
looks like the heat has killed him.

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