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(AC-S11) Week 11 - Task: Assignment - Working at a shop


Daniel David Ramos Marrufo Juan Bladimir Romero Collazos

D: Hi, my name is Daniel Ramos and I am the recruiting manager. What is your name?

J: My name is Juan Romero Collazos, thank you for the opportunity.

D: Nice to meet you Juan, tell me, how old are you?

J: I am 20 years old

D: Are you studying? What do you study?

J: Yes, I am studying Systems Engineering at UTP

D: Do you study in the morning or in the afternoon?

J: I study only in the morning

D: What do you like to do in your free time?

J: I like a programming and spend time on PC.

D: What qualities do you think stand out in you?

J: I consider myself a kind, responsible and patient person.

D:  That is very interesting, the position for this job, is sales clerk

J: Wonderful! and what are the responsibilities for the position?

D: You have to cordially serve every client who comes to consult, recommend products
according to their needs and manage to close the sales.

J: I see, and what is the schedule?

D: The schedule is from 2:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., with 1 day off per week, which would
be Sunday.

J: Oh! It coincides with my free time.

D: That's right, so I think you'd be perfect for the position.

J: Excellent, thank you very much for the opportunity. Now, I would like to talk about

D: Yes of course, your salary would be S/520.00

J: Excellent! I accept the position of sales clerk.

D: Ok, Juan from tomorrow you will be working with us.

J: Ok, thank you very much for the opportunity see you tomorrow.

D: See you later Juan, have a good day.

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