Task15 Juan Romero Collazos Daniel Ramos Marrufo

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(AC-S15) Week 15 - Task: Assignment - My Favorite



Daniel David Ramos Marrufo Juan Bladimir Romero Collazos

D: Hi Juan, how are you?

J: Hi Daniel, everything is fine and how are you?

D: I was able to go to several restaurants this week, thank God.

J: Oh! that's great, I'm happy for you and what was your favorite
restaurant ?

D: In my opinion the best restaurant of all is "Chumay".

J: What´s it like? I don't know it.

D: It's a very elegant and big restaurant, it has two floors.

J: Really? and what is your favorite food there?

D: My favorite food is the "Chumay a lo pobre".

J: And what do you think of the restaurant's service, how about the price?

D: The restaurant's service is a 10/10 and the price may seem a little high,
but it's worth it. Do you have a favorite restaurant?

J: Yes I do, my favorite restaurant is "Brasa Roja Chiken".

D: Oh, I've been there a couple of times.

J: Really? how amazing, and how did you like it?

D: The restaurant is nice and spacious, but I think the prices are too high.

J: Well, in my opinion the quality of customer service is very good and the
food preparation is fabulous.

D: I think the customer service is not so good and the food may be good, but
the prices don't justify it.

J: Really, well that's everyone's opinion, but I won't deny that they serve
delicious food. What drink do you prefer to accompany your grilled chicken

D: Well, I love to drink a nice cold Inka Cola soda to cool down and enjoy
my grilled chicken. And you Juan, what drink do you prefer?

J: Well, I like to enjoy my grilled chicken with a Pepsi soda.

D: I understand Juan, it was nice talking to you about our favorite places to

J: Yes, what do you think if to celebrate the end of the cycle we go out with
people to eat at any of our favorite restaurants.

D: Great, what a great idea, perfect, we will be in touch so we can agree on a

good date, see you Juan.

J: See you later Daniel.

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