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Catherine High
Subject: Caribbean Studies
Date: September
Module: Caribbean Society and Culture
Topic: Characteristics of Society and Culture
Aim: The teacher aims to help the students to understand the society as a construct as well as their own
relationship to Caribbean society.

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Evaluate and correctly use at least three definitions of the concept ‘society and culture’;
2. Demonstrate understanding of the defining characteristics of society (explain and give illustrations);
3. Appreciate how their society helps to define their personalities and identities;
4. Appreciate their potential to influence society in their various statuses within social organizations

Materials: Caribbean Studies for Cape, laptop, markers, activity sheet

Content Summary:
Introductory Activity: Teacher engage students in a discussion on what is a society.
Selected students will be asked to examine the following definitions
 An arrangement of interaction and patterns of behaviour that occurs between members of social
groups whether large or small.
 A set of people occupying a geographical area for a period of time.
 A social class that comprises wealthy prominent or fashionable persons.
 A formal association of people with similar interests.
 A division of human kind with common characteristics such as race and nationality.
 Group of people who form a semi-closed system in which most interactions are with individuals
belonging to that group.
1. The same will be examined to determine how the term society is being used and its consequent
2. The definitions will then be collectively examined for common features in order to determine the
characteristics of culture.
Step 1
Examine the meanings and uses of the term society to determine how the context determines the meaning of
the term.
Assess the appropriateness of each use of the term and derive the key characteristics of society. Such as:
Shared Common Purpose
Continuity over time and space
A defined territorial space

Step 2
Students will be given key terms related to society and culture and will be encouraged to develop a glossary.
A discussion on the meaning of the terms will follow.
Terms include
Cultural diversity, plural society, enculturation, socialisation, beliefs, values, cultural imperialism

Step 4

1. Select students will read one of the definitions each after which the teacher will record it on the
2. The same will be examined to determine how the term culture is being used and its consequent
3. The definitions will then be collectively examined for common features in order to determine
the characteristics of culture.
What is culture?
 The arts, customs and habits that characterize a particular society or nation;
 The attitudes and behaviours that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization;
 Common beliefs or practices of a group of people. The integrated pattern of human knowledge,
belief and behaviour that depends on man’s capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to
succeeding generations.
 Culture is the accumulated store of symbols, ideas and material products associated with a social
system, whether it is an entire society or a smaller social group.
 Quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts,
letters and scholarly pursuits.
 Development and improvement of the mind by training;
 The arts and other instances of human intellectual achievements regarded as a whole.
 Recurrent accepted and expected ways of thinking or acting.
Uses of the term culture
 Product
 Process
 Way of life
 Social class differences (elite/high vs. mass and popular)
Elements of culture
 Beliefs
 Values
 Norms
o Folkways
o Mores
o Laws
o Taboos
o Rituals
 Symbols
o Language
Activity – Use a diagram to illustrate how the elements of culture are related.
Discussion – Why is identity (personal, national and regional) a problematic issue for Caribbean people.

Step 5

Characteristics of culture
 Satisfies basic human needs  Consists of traits and patterns
 Learned  Mutually constructed
 Symbolic  Taken for granted

How are culture and Society Related?

1. Geographical perspective- Society is the pattern that emerges and defines a group as they adapt to a
defined geographical space. Culture in this sense is in principle the same as society/the patterns that
2. Historically - Ways of life are segmented into topics such as politics, religious organization,
economic activities etc. Each set of activity it is assumed is shaped by the social formation or pattern
which dominates each period of society.
3. Anthropologically – A society is essentially a cultural group. The culture embodies the effort of
humans to survive and interact. This includes their material culture and non-material culture.
See page 53 of J Mohammed for portrayals of Caribbean society.
The key area of overlap between society and culture is ‘values’; values underline the intangible social
institutions which form the backbone of society as well as underlie much of our tangible culture as well as
our norms/behaviour (culture).
Show how your understanding and experience of culture and society in the Caribbean have influenced
the choices you have made in any two of the following areas.
a. Education
b. Friends and social activities
c. Religion

Cultural Processes/change
 Erasure – loss of aspects or traits in a
culture; usually replaced by more modern
 Retention – maintenance of a trait
particularly in the face of more dominant
 Renewal – deliberate revival of a cultural
Ways of viewing culture
 Culture shock
 Ethnocentrism
 Cultural relativism

Activity – Role Play (pairs)

Use role play or any other creative means to

demonstrate the meanings of the following terms:

Cultural erasure ethnocentrisms

Cultural diffusion culture shock
Cultural relativism
Culture shock
Cultural lag

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