Michael Mcgrath 5 Min Sm3 Metadata Manager Final Update 4220

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in Search, Mul:media, and Defence applica:ons

Experienced in Enterprise, Government and Telco Mul:media Strategy and Systems Delivery Recognised a gap in commercial DAMS/VMS systemsBroadcast metadata focusednot UGC friendlyinexible

The missing link Semantrix SM3 : Social & Mul:media Metadata Management

Semantrix SM3: Challenges for Telco s and

Cable Companies
Users demand regular new product & feature introduc:on. However, a tradi:onal Broadcast metadata focused DAMS/VMS is Typically new metadata is inexible, and unlikely to support this required Users want enhanced search, Personaliza:on, EPGs and Recommenda:ons
Unfortunately, DAMS/VMS metadata is oUen inadequate to provide a dieren:a:ng experience

Companies need to con:nually Unfortunately, changing a DAMS/ enhance their content value, VMS or adding metadata can be a using addi:onal metadata to slow and expensive task improve user experience and RoI
2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com

Semantrix SM3: Improving User Experience

and Revenue Opportunities

Improved User Experience

2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com

Increased Revenue Opportuni:es

Semantrix SM3:

UGC The Way of the Future

Social Networks and User Generated Content (UGC) are relentlessly transforming the Internet and the way users interact UGC can include user created media les like videos, blogs, ra:ngs and comments on sites, Facebook pages etc.

UGC will be accessed by 63% of the online popula:on (or 150 million US Online users/month)

Unfortunately UGC access across mul2ple media types is not supported by tradi2onal DAMS/VMS systems!

So what to do?
2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com

Semantrix SM3 is the Missing Link

Semantrix SM3 is the missing link between tradi8onal VMS or DAMS systems and exible Metadata Management, and modern UGC needs

SM3 provides a unique compe88ve advantage

2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com

Semantrix SM3 Provides

An adaptable text and mul:media metadata management system designed to front and enhance commercial VMS & DAMS systems SM3 is the missing link to solve exis:ng Telco / Cable / Media company metadata problems while enabling UGC system integra:on

Content & metadata value enhancement via automated tagging , annota:on, and cross- referencing using Seman:c Web & Domain Ontology models, NLP/Text Analy:cs, and En:ty & Concept iden:ca:on An Enabler for the Next Genera:on of Social Network Aware Intelligent Media Recommenda:on, Personalisa:on, Conceptual Search, Seman:c Adver:sing and UGC System Integra:on Seman:c Web technologies and DSL approaches to model, represent and relate concepts in ways not available to tradi:onal VMS/DAMS systems and emerging UGC systems
2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com

Semantrix SM3: Core Platform Architecture

The core platform elements include Semantic Web Components Text Analytics Media Metadata Annotation Search and Recommendation Workflow

Semantrix SM3 delivers services including: Enhanced Multimedia Search UGC Integration with VMS/DAMS VMS/DAMS Metadata Enhancement EPG & Recommendations Semantic Advertising
2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com

Semantrix SM3:
Platform Variant Use-Cases
Commercial Video Management and Publishing Systems Search and Cross-referencing
Providing the missing linkage between video-specic metadata, 3rd-party content sources and the consumer

Cross-referencing of UGC (Social Network content, Blogs, etc) and DAMS/VMS System content (Video, Photos, Music, etc) Supports Seman:cally Analysed & Tagged Media content (Online Web Page, Video, etc). Brand & Campaign managed Adver:sing is Linked via User Personalisa:on, Content & Tags Linking corporate informa:on to related news, blogs and corporate videos for publicity, internal sta awareness, and training purposes Search, indexing, & cross-referencing of en::es, sensors, imagery, ELINT and email trac analysis, etc

Seman:c Adver:sing

Enterprise Content Management and search Defence: Situa:onal Awareness & Homeland Security

2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com

Semantrix SM3:
Why a Semantic Metadata Core?
Seman:c technologies easily integrate, transform & query content Faster to design, build and extend than rela:onal DB models Easily extend and create new complex queries without other query impacts Faceted/aoribute search Pluggable rules & search engines Cross-reference concepts via domain ontology's to link related content elements MPEG7/21 standard used to tag metadata at video, scene, frame levels

2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com

Semantrix SM3: Strategic Feature & User

Experience Enhancement Enabler
SM3 enhanced metadata facilitates new product opportuni:es not possible with a DAMS / VMS Supports custom R/T EPG & mul:-screen channel delivery Increases user search sa:sfac:on and access to long-tail content SM3 can ingest & emulate exis:ng DAMS indexes Simplies DAMS / VMS upgrade dependencies EPG can integrate User and Social network preferences across devices
Provides a core enabler to provide next-genera8on EPG and content enhancement services maximising access to long-tail content and improving user experience

2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com

SM3 is agile, isolates change, & lowers cost!


Semantrix SM3: Benefits of using a

Metadata Manager with a DAMS/VMS
DAMS / VMS systems store Broadcast metadata (Name, format, codec, etc) not value-add metadata Enhance content using linked-data & user metadata sources SM3 can emulate exis:ng DAMS/VMS indexes Facilitates replacing DAMS / VMS systems User and Social network preference integra:on Supports custom R/T EPG, VOD catalogues & mul:- screen channel delivery
2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com


Semantrix SM3:
UGC Tag, Cross-Reference and Search
Dynamic UGC Text & Mul:media tag analysis and cross-referencing Domain DSL Mapping between UGC styles (Twioer vs. SMS) Relevance decay models combat Six degrees of Separa:on Integrate with UGC Components such as RSS Newsfeeds, Blogs, Ra:ngs & Preferences Auto-link and No:fy on content updates
Example: Travel posts are cross-referenced to other posts, articles & pictures about matching locations & attractions etc.

2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com


Semantrix SM3 supports a range of Video

Recommendation Approaches
Extensible Movies metadata core represen:ng relevant aoributes can be extended with addi:onal informa:on to enhance the User Experience User and Social network preference integra:on Pluggable Search op:ons Personalised R/T EPG and VOD catalogues Integrates with IPTV , STB, Widgets & Appliances Supports Seman:c Adver:sing Developing ThemeGene Recommenda:ons

SM3: Every Telcos Best Friend!

2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com


Semantrix SM3: Semantic Media

Recommendation and Advertising
Media Scene Tags Recommend things relevant to a tagged item of interest an element on a web- The Aston Mar:n page, scene in a video etc. Car Recommend other related items The Tom Ford Suit Recommend adver:sing inserts for a web- The loca:on page, scene in a video etc.- based on item metadata, user prole informa:on, rules The Actor Daniel etc. Craig Text Analy:cs allows us to iden:fy en::es, Related James concepts and sen:ment. For example Bond Movies theme, genre, plot summary Applied to media descrip:ons at object, Examples: scene, and even frame level we can accurately iden:fy poten:al advert targets While watching the video the Media relevant to demographic or individual scene tags in the movie above, can all be preferences. :ed dynamically to associated SM3 can lever its seman:cally tagged adver:sements (text, pictures, video), media content to deliver highly targeted and the viewer prole - Rich single, low adverts to users increasing ad revenue income father etc.
2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com


Semantrix SM3: Enterprise Content and VMS/

DAMS Search Applica7ons
Provides enhanced faceted & conceptual search across corporate content sources Provides improved result relevance, beyond tradi:onal keyword matching based Enterprise search systems Supports Enterprise Vocabulary Management Analyses, cross-references & links structured & unstructured text and mul:media content Sources can include corporate text and media content, such as news, blogs and corporate videos for publicity, internal sta awareness, and training purposes Automa:c linkage of related materials, portals/blogs with product documenta:on, etc. Facilitates contents discovery of related materials for research, Sarbanes Oxley, Project con:nua:on etc.
2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com


Semantrix SM3: Defence, Situational

Awareness and Homeland Security
Annotate and Cross-Reference security/ UAV video, images, documents, reports etc. Extract and tag text with names, organiza:ons, places etc. Resolve tags to standardised names for consistent tagging and retrieval Links media assets such as video to other relevant media or text assets Cross-Reference and Search assets by place, :me, person, organiza:on etc. Provides concept search & cross-reference services to processing agents in the Seman:cFusion data fusion & Situa:onal Awareness system
SM3 is integral to the Seman:cFusion Situa:onal- Awareness plasorm. This delivers automated monitoring and response capabili:es to defence, security , emergency services. Call to discuss
Example: Email and UAV Video extracted by Seman:cFusion from SM3 as map overlay 16

2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com

Semantrix SM3: In Conclusion SM3

Is designed to front and enhance commercial VMS & DAMS systems, SM3 provides the missing link solves exis:ng Telco problems, and enables integrated UGC systems Provides Content value enhancement using cross-referencing, adding metadata, using Seman:c Web & Domain Ontology models, NLP, Text Analy:cs & concept extrac:on approaches Enables the next genera:on of Social Network aware Intelligent Media Recommenda:on, Conceptual Search, Seman:c Adver:sing, and UGC system integra:on capabili:es
2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com


Semantrix SM3: Moving Forwards Semantrix is

Interested in discussions on venture equity, royalty, IP sharing, or other models to facilitate early core plasorm comple:on and delivery of ini:al dieren:ated market versions Interested in poten:al integra:on into larger Telco/Enterprise VMS/DAMS products, or Enterprise systems . Also interested in discussions on other joint development and integra:on opportuni:es Willing to engage in development of POC/Demonstrators in your environments Please visit our website www.Semantrix.com.au or call us on +61425739536 to nd out more about our SM3: Social & Mul:media Metadata Manager or the Seman:cFusion: Situa:onal Awareness & Homeland Security programs
2011 Seman:c Technology Conference, June 2011, www.semtech2011.com


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