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CHOICE “ GOLLECTIONS OF sPIANO- FORTE MUSIC PUBLISHED BY je OLIVER DITSON & CO., 277 W. ASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. DITSON & COS EDITION OF STANDARD OPERAS. "The following volumes, eomprsing this elogant series, ere now ready. ‘Those with Vocal Score contain Taian snd English words Martha" having in| lion to thos, « text in German. They reall printed from new, clear nd| ‘isinc tsp, bound in uniform stple with laminated covers Dra Furtecnere, tse Piano Solo, $9.00 Dison, ‘Vocat Seore, $4.005 Dox Giovssst, kD; Plano Bolo, 8.00 hoax, a0; 00 Favst, ‘Luets Dr Lisoeenwoor, + Piano Solo, 2.00 Lvenrata Doncis, DO 0 dem, ce) Nona, “ cr) Panoox om Peomast, 1 Soxmanntiy “ + Piano Solo, 3.00 Traviata, " ‘Taovarons, “ Piano Sole, 8.00 ‘Te lowing ar in quarto form, pine from engrave plates ‘Dooren oF Atcaxrana, ly I. Elehberg. English Text.) « 4.00 Smypascne, By Belin, (Piano $ol0,) 5.00 LIBRETTOS OF NEARLY FIFTY OF THE BEST OPERAS. 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[NORTHERN HARP-SOUTHERN HARP—WESTERN HARP, Three volumes, containing a Collection of Original Sacred fand Moral Song adapted to the most Popular Melodies of the Diy By Mary §. 2. Shindler, Bach, plain, 1.605 cloth, [FAMILY CIRCLE GLEE BOOK. Contsining nearly 600 Songs, Gleos, Choruses, he. including many of the most Popular Poot of the Day. Arranged and Harmonized for Four Voices, Full Accompaniments for the Piano-Forte, Sraphine, Malodeot, and the use of Gio Cat, Singing Case andthe By Elias Howe, 2 voles each PARIOR GEER BOOK. A Colton of Ondwey’s Pop Songs. With Piano-Forte Accompaniments, « HOWE'S DRAWING-ROOM DANCES. specs designed for Sorisl Evening’ Parties. Containing all the Popular and Fashion- able Quadsilles, Cotilons, Fancy Dance, fc with every variety of the latest and most approved Figures and Calla for tho dlifrent hinges the whole arranged forthe Plano-Forte, ceed UNION COLLECTION OF POPULAR DUETS FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO, Arranged by 8. Winner, FLUTE AND PIANO DUETS. A Colleonof Opie Air Dance Music, &c. Arranged by 8. Winner, = : 150 ome Citele. JULLIEN’S MUSIC FOR THE MILLION. Ante for the Piano-Fore, s+ 1.90 JULLIEN'S FAREWELL ALBUM, A Collection of Waltzos : 60 srraiged for the Plano-For Fer Tex Beer Boon or Iweraeerion ron sme Prano-Fonte is sHEGHARDSON'S NEW oetHOD! Mes ely derstood erent ts vtractive exercises, and ite general plan of leading the pupil gradually from a Enowicdg of the tle fatinens oan abi te pero efit mus Ihave made it's univereal faorite widh teachers and scholars in every place where it has been introduced,” Tweo editions ere published, one adopting the American; the other the Forcige mode of Fingering: when no preference i esignated, the American wil be sent. Price 8.50, ‘Catalogues of Publications in every other brunch of Musical Science’ will be furnished on application. STUDIES AND EXERCISES FOR THE PIANO-FORT, PUBLISHED BY OLIVER DITSON & CO, 277 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. BASY AND MELODIOUS STUDIES, By FranzPatcriles, $1.00 BACH'S PRELUDES AND FUGUES. (Dic Welltenpeted 87.50) "A most excellent acres of stulis, imparting habits of stvet time, regular Cinvichoni.) By J. Sebastian Hach. 2 volsy each $4.00; complet BACH’S FIFTEEN INVENTIONS. . 17°75] accentuation, and Fhythm BERTINI'S SCALES AND EXERCISES. . | =| u8 ELEMENTS OF VELOCITY. My J. 11, idler. 4 Non, BERTINTS RUDIMENTS. Op. 84. A Collection of ind ‘ich 0. Complete,» fe Tena Heer frihe Aciuirahnt of = Porter Mecano, | |EELEIRRS 24 PRELUDES, o> 1, Ts sttickeys Tn Tan Brook I 8.00; Book Mt, 2.003 complet, 4.00 | "Books aoe BERTINT'S 25 STUDIES. Op.2. Intwoducoryto tecds: | HENSELT'S 12 STUDIES. Charactrnigus deConie, for Trated Studies of 33, Caner eee 140| the ano. 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(io Ete ‘Stem rns anh na aa of te agi ads or corey Eng) yd None ee inicsted than informer elton 7 Xe taf the wong of (MOCKER'S 80 DRAMATIC STUDIES, dius Drax CFs Ne-& fm eros 0 ots No; om eywoigat | mies wour Pano) Op Two Bas Pech 1.90 Behoten ith So, 10 MOSCHELUES’ STUDIES FOR THE PIANO-FORTE, tollection of the most sittd passages and scntenos fom the wosks of| For the further Perfecting of, advanced. Past, Consstng of Grpat epee i fromthe works of Crarctrinie Dios in tho forint Major and Ainor Keys with CZERNY'S 50, GRAND FINISHING STUDIES. Op. | Einagring, and wih Explanatory Remarks upon the, Object end 409, In Six Books, + cach °1.25/ oh imp Ge neces re ane nea ee ee oe eae en erste by Ge aioe ek Ceo a GERNY'S GRAND EXERCISES OF Bo Scam," MOSCHELLES’ DAILY STUDIES. I all Ue Mjor wd PGhor Sele iodine Riytine,eompeng 6 Chaaterbe Pieces harmonied for hands Intended for he Uwe and Aue au oe ‘of Velocity. ee ae 1.00) ont of Teachers and Pupils. By Ign, Moschelles. Op. 107. + 260 pimaoebrte playtog, and intended for advanced performers. 2 “NEW, MUSICAL AEERADBT. Conuing 00 Taare CRERNY'S 100 FIVE-FINGER EXERCISES: Deigmed | fyecade any bookof wnrucon. Dy Carer Chicas eJoung. Ope IniTiaceParty "Gch 1.00 /PIANIST'S BEST COMPANION, | (Schmid’s Five-tnger Amore valle asst tenner of piano mus dove not exist. Evers *Exctcier) A Collection of 219 Hivesingir Exerc fr the Piano- pil and thove oven sho sre tomerrhat evened, wil fad fst tae excente | Forte, Tntended co Gnpart an Independent gad equal action of the BED Miers sere ete tease at vtumens Hy Aloe Sct, “ith a due CZERNY’S 101 PREPARATORY LESSONS, of moilerato a bee ee ‘ - Ghat; wana sit Toned Peccel ind oer [PLAIDY'S TECHNICAL STUDIRS, (Teaischo Stic) fies forthe Ye Hand alow In Thre Fariyench Lav; complete, 2.50|" Por PianosPare Papiag. iy Laue Patty, Wechee the Cone These exerces combine all tht thin wecon of composition, the mot] EEstory of Mone a Loi, Transat from the Geran by J-Cx correct judgment and the anost cssieal and pure taste cam produce. ‘The | D- Parker. : : ae {cent addions mate bythe muhor to thvetion lone, fave fated eos the | In the work many useful Mints re sien, which ae undoubtedly wellknown, eslaed copm vit having beon entely tori and enlarge with sect |to al good teaches; but which hove fh fy boc oted slechoeie Silas 0osmete i porn TERCISH. Ty which are prof Pree | CAERNY’S 100 PROGRESSIVE LESSONS, Fastyerrongt | |Pyamnoy Barco te See or ery Sta ey nd mot acces pages the Tele Major Bey 8a Prepre and carcllyfngsredst Nove ht emi 2.00) CZERNY’S 6 NEW STUDIES FORTHE LEPT HAND. .00/RQSELLEN’S 12 BRILLIANT STUDIES. on a3 ae | CERN Gughidtdedantmoieiciogecinlt jews | SCHMED@'S FIVE-FINGER EXERCISES. (Se "Plate the itmost brilliamey and rapidity of aceution, Preceded by Nise est Companion.") 0 ewe I Betis’ aad oneal By See Sti ot |THALBERGARTAN EXERCISES; or, PIANISTS’ Gctaves (compared express for Wie edition) ‘or the Pigno-Forts, DESIDERATA. A Complete Mastery of Chromatic Seales, with Notes by J. As Tiauilfon. Stereotype tditon. $ Party cack 60] together with all the Shakes, accomplished in a comparatively shork Gorplete, + 180} ting, in a Series of One AKundred. Progressive Exereise, arranged Engraved ition, ¢ Paris Nos. 1, 8 ahd 3, cath 755'No Wi ‘uniformly for both hands, on @ novel plan with » Plate showing the CZERNY'S 20 NOUVELLES ETUDES,’ Op. 810. ¢ exact postion ia which the hands should be held. By Taward Prost, 75 co 5 cach 00] tas work iy calculated grt ofits he pol progres and lc CZERNY'S 25 VERY Easy PRELUDES. CBiwia pour" ving af mu in and ihr th mater ad cer Cigcy proving Te Jeunes.) For the Pano. 60 | valuable auxiliary to all other slementary works extant, To those wha may DOHLER'S ETUDES. Op. 20. [fag [tave contacted bad ees, adhd epla pansges diet co exent hep DUVERNOY'S Boots Du iniomaisxt a, aw'seadicc 7 |e tons recommended a unfuling comcetves Ind Nos, each 60} complete,» 2S" 190|TWHLVE PROGRESSIVE STUDIES, Preparatory to DUVERNOY’S ECOLE DU STYLE, (Nom i wach go] Retling and Playing Clasieal Musics Ny ©. F- bers. 0 DREYSCHOCK'S EXERCISES AND SCALES... 125|VIGUERIE'S PRELUDES. (Dou Trlule dans tv tony DUVERNOV’S FIRST LESSONS. Airs fom the works of Hes pins ten) « a ose Auber, rol, Le ste end eli “Ea Nong" Gach .25| WOLFERI'S PREPARATORY srupmas. Por ver Completes VE SS) _ 351 Foung Bepinne "30 ‘Shoot Music & Mutio Bool went by Mull, Post-paid, on receipt of price. Complete Catalogues furnished on applioation. FAUST: LYRIC DRAMA IN FIVE ACTS. THE MUSIC COMPOSED BY CHARLES GOUNOD. ADAPTED TO ENGLISH AND ITALIAN WORDS, AND REVISED FROM THE FULL SCORE, WITH INDICATIONS OF ‘THE INSTRUMENTATION. BOSTON: oe BY OLIVER DITSON & COMPANY, 277 WASHINGTON STREET. ated, according to ct of Congress, inthe year 1864, OLIVER DITSON & CO, nthe Clerk's Offs of the Distret Cont of the Distt of Masachne PREFACE. ‘Tue composer of the charming Opera of Faust was born at Paris, in 1818, or, according to the less reliable account, in 1815, He first studied harmony under Reicha. At the age of eighteen he entered the counterpoint class of 'y, in the Conservatoire, and subsequently went through a course of lyric composition under Lesueur. At the age of twenty-one he gained the prize of the Institute, and made a very successful entry upon public notice with a Mass of his composition, which was performed at the church of St, Eustache. He went to Rome, to complete his studies, where he produced, in 1841, a second Mass. ‘This was given at the chuteh of 8. Luigi dei Francesi ; and, in testimony of its merits, he received the rare distinction of being named honorary maestro di capella for life. Gounod proceeded thence to Vienna, where, in 1842, he produced a Requiem, and, in the year following, another sacred work for performance in Lent. He returned to Paris, and ‘was appointed maitre de chapelle to the church of the Missions Etrangeres, and for some years devoted himself to compositions for the concert-room, among which may he noticed a cantata called Pierre L’ Hermite, two choral pieces, numed La danse de Cepee, and Le vin des Gaulois, and several orchestral symphonies. He became ambitious to wiite for the stage; and, being introdueod to Mad, Viardot, she encouraged him in the idea by promising that if he would compose an opera, in which she might sustain the principal character, she would interest herself to obtain the production of the work. Thus stimulated, he wrote the opera of Sapho, which was performed, through the influence of the prima donna, at the Academie Imperiale, in April, 1851, and was given also at her recommendation at the Royal Italian Opera, in the summer of the sime year. Tt met with no success in London ; and, even in Paris, though it raised the composer's reputation, it had’ but a short-lived career. In 1852, Gounod wrote choruses for Ponsard’s tragedy of Ulysse, which was performed at the Théatre Francaise; and, im 1856, he brought out his second opera La Nonne Sanglante, at the Academie. He was appointed director of the Orphéonists in Paris, in 1852, and exerted his talent for some years in the promotion of the objects of that very important musical organization. Te came again before the world as a dramatic composer, in 1859, when his opera of Faust was given at the 'Théatre Lyrique, with Mad. Miolan Carvalho as the heroine, and achieved a success that bears no comparison with that of any of his other works—placing him very high in the ranks of living composers. Faust was represented at La Scala, Milan, in the Lent of 1868, and in the ensuing season at the two Italian Opers-houses in London. Each performance added to the reputation of the composer. ‘The Italian version presented at the two London houses differed in one essential point, viz., the situation of the death of Valentine. At Her Majesty’s Theatre, this incident was placed after the scene in the church; at the Royal Italian Opera it oceurred before that scene. The latter arrangement is more consistent with the dramatic flow of the story, and is, moreover, the form in which it was originally presented to the public. Siebel’s romance, * When all was young,” in the fourth act, was composed expressly for Madame Didiée, and first intro- Guced in the Royal Italian Opera version. The charming “ Spinning-wheel Song,” belonging to the character of Margaret, in the same act, was omitted in both Italian versions. It is included in the following pages. The duct, in the fifth act, “My heart is torn with grief and repentance,” was much elaborated by the composer for the Italian Theatre. So, also, was the concludirg trio, Indications of the instrumentation have been copiously rked throughout the piano-forte part; also the metronome marks and signs of expression which appear in the original score. No pains have been spared to render the precent edition of Gounod’s great dramatic work as intoresting and useful as possible, EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. NOTE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. ‘Tun words of the present edition are the samo that were translated by Mr. Chorley for the Boglish wor, with tho exception of those fited to the principal sings, whic were translated from the original Freuch text of M. M. Barbigr and Carr, by Mr. J. ©. Johnson The seene on Walpurgis night, whichis decribed in th flowing maraion, is usslly omitted in giving the opera; probably brenas it Jeogthens,uoresonsb, the poormanco FAU NARRATED IN PROSE, BY DRAMATIS FAUST, (Texor.) VALENTINE, (Banton) MEPHISTOPHELES, (Buss.) ‘MARGARITA, ST, CHARLES LAMB KENNY. PERSON 2. WAGNER, (Bass.) SIRBEL, (Mez20Sormaxo.) MARTHA, (Cormsnao.) , Sornaxo.) Chores of Students, Soldiers, Prople, Demons, 6 ACT I. aver je iscovved alone the doep silence of is study. ‘The tmp, by switche line hoe plazovee thevolume spread tore ki, t about texte, ind thew a Welland eitating glimmer apon the pen ase, andthe beep ‘ime panel tat Cia he tai, ae nin He ak Iie apnt in aoquing the sie at fruie eotangof sau, as brow bo aleum of tue knowl, and the unaseerel questionings ot his restless imataro mateons., The stadents are singing one of thle drinking songs nities are aunting their prowess a love and wary te hurseneerare tana Ronin sheen the alone ae waiching tie sade snd see i {able remeks onthe vounr asters ee ‘Wagar, pupil of De: Faust and who aceme equal disgusted with learalng, and detente 10" see fhe wo has ive ae toler a, In company folhSibel,asultor to Matsure, i wafting, eap in umd a cmfade who i to ampany Dive to the wars and'who i other hum Valentine, the beother Eric treare bi with the gone o€ unlerett emptlekm. He fmpaionay | ef Manyart. "While Wasnct is tannring. Sebel with his Tovesiek' melancholy {lous the volume, a arbi ayes urn toe stat hovaae. where leuny | Valentine ine them and, he, too, stalled for bis sad ok, spied ako Nf fie dawning oY another day added to hls weary existence, be tavokes ie only | the gentle Alaris, for whore wellare he expresses a eep,broferly solicrudoy {feator Me perplexed and aneutatod soul can tope Tor Death? Thue too | be wien he le ove, thlrmotice hen dead che wil ie [A sritont a protector hat cet cimtcce true hein die ere dao opps t me ne meaty he a EEN RU ace UAS Pua, ptaralichndtt de a ieee ete ae pt ieaeiihe idiots nai again ea Rips dvedia tint py sentary te ae g Pe SS SEM Aor Ir. ne has changed to the exteror of a tavern, atthe slew of the rituated now ave of te aics of the Towne, Aono crowd it ‘semble, consisting of students, bulges, sli, omg male, sd more | Mebe vomits ew wach oar Moras wrticrs ta the pay grow es caste ile Wax ha suck, up a popu, yen he ie coaly | fterpse hy steppes honing mcr aed eompary wah ase incined to ripe ie amnsment ot he cxptae a neat ofthe “God Bieehus!"onicaly apnoea hs nsw ‘Sine words of led gral for Wayncrs uttang Westophels echelenged {olsiog hime Ile complies with se request abd siniy atong scrsing Te sah Sogo, et pee the fai chad they tne Moen Metter afiec” aepidopbeter ater an whe te igor cing, feces a sit pane eve of te mma open as lof tei nanan” Was al that be wt Oe ite inches {ment; Slee! ie intrmed shat uo tower wil ever ean approsel his hod Hille withering and Menhicopteks conceding _ peuten nh ison lara tata eau nda hort taney arangerwet epsophe es ware Ha that hry tne {Eet hi la by some une who fs mot fa oy a, pouring out a last ok wi, ‘Etnus tothe company "No weoneromcver fuse tat the win, pronounces xetabl and oe foarte purty eith medaka gost Rom hn awn‘pricae slur "Be eytne before on irnch thd ie fag yout within ec ofthe tavern Get ihre comeing of abated ‘sullen ty tho lly gd, whom he spotter tse ine pte Ii pst the ip, fom’ wiih Wen fe wt wie He the bropoaes to drat bumper tthe beast Matra; but Valentin ap ‘tragel atthe profncn af hg saters aise, tate the Foc toate en's bandy andthe it falng upon the owe berate iene ra By ashing pin wtiaze tre Upon thie wi true enews Wage, Waning, Sel andthe stale da ier sora wh advance SPU ‘Mephistopeles, who, however, safviy enerencies himself behin « taeleal a dua barley which he acs ouhd” Hin wi bs tword. "ta vale Gd fends ant endear cp irate bounary? hey feared fs by a all of topes and Vatenge’s word sel to Sus Bs tere Siveraa bs eivre abl hand "With ts ol ofthe domoniact earacter atime singer they ere os Fendy ose of orang he ead ty pan ing wards nate Weer Cher ow wes opening or Siem of tas reps Meplcbaphels unas tec, be a Competed recat, whe Wen fess lend a te seo ee ‘lepuntopdes now joel "Fest, habe nok hs boll guid and canto nw thera commence creo thy Hee See che hehe ils om ba el el-hyHlpitonkete, ve Held tepce tat er pony faces saltguued ofthe Celestial Power, against. whick he cumot ‘Sen atid tae sgh sh fe i ot nimi imoments jens, the mail, whom be Isso eagct to beboil, Wil present Heneion lary shore hear hen san "Ac the sae monet sounds of fo and erent ae Nerd without ab a ant of students and Young maidens, among wiiom is Siebel, appear, walking, {n'oupley arm nar preaded by ir fon the Yarsowas wh iad previosy appenrclfon the tenes “Te dda ake pcr psa on 2 Hine and tng walsng comment accompanied bya ovate eborar "Rey sr caper argu bonito base that way, eae 10 Jin the dancer Sid stale spare Suag fy cretion when Ea egrosoy ojos of ag ‘Mouths apa vat teed Tor hy Sich sa by Faust {oelngs of fa didorcnreharacter Marznret at enzth pyesents herself on het tray Honewani-modet ant tuple n gurb=modeet and cape tar exe Bread demeanor. Mephitopnes urge Yast tse hee oe Bs icy Shae ntenig?to do the Ma hy slay scene ead Fisisosaclog ill eter the lve ate je of he pene Set melee Eat aeete Meera nes ema Ne eee saad er earn bu rar fh tear ors fas wot tare, rele bk Mc oompinest ae ora pte, al pares 8 md sce" rep, but recover hope mien Meptopbels to th fetire im the dlceetion taker hy Mfangaret, astares him tet he sail have *88 | Deus his asanos inthe prosecuan of i sal Aor rrr. ‘Weare in the gardon atsched to Margara's dwelling, nd Sicbo is scan to quer ia tale door nthe wall whlch separates the garden from the stot, lestestes in the raptare of «fond lover fn lowers which he ses Before him, fbi te plead Tor to hn estes ‘Stnoping to eather ove, he ads {ether in is rasp, and te rended of the prediton of Meptisiopteles at thetarea le store, adi with Ee ame rently ae ‘Slvotons, he perceves a Siallholy-watorfonteat a entrance indo Which he Bias Se aes" he hope hats ape the den wal again sttemping to gather bomwet of overs he fa elighied to Bod What Uae ef of halve lone wea ; ‘a his tramp over the witchcraft of Mephisto ecient another part OF ‘he arden, "Sleanwhiey Fane nn ble ficial acrondunt ea wordy to te {evden and overten She's expressed determination, ax he places the flowers Fe‘uay ‘gathered wire Margaret wil discover them, dceage his fve at thet Dest interview.” Mephistopheles, Wilo knows that Sibal is overestinadog hit our, wes scan exceinatio, an Siebel wena away Eh Bend ‘houli'presnt Margaret witha eskee oF tinkety but Buta, who ts plunged i severe under ho ndenre of the pasion which be fels i taking deeper find 'deeper hold on him disdain to Rnewer, sod. Mephintoples retire, ent On {theartiog some buried’ teasure, in order to procure the jeans of making al ipresing o arzare ind vrei galel deste st eft alone approaches the pavilion; and profoundly impressed with the airor petce and jinotence Wiel Booms fo perv tue chamber Inhabited Dy Sharaf, spouopinses the dweling wih bas witnessed the gradual anfolding {t's pate und tovely'a bein Bephintophsles soon reappears, however, te Sauls wnolesome tran of Thome Iie hus brought wit hmm suet ad Jnioeous Funct that Alargeet fe approaching. Faost eviares tae he wal ot ‘sear he eam happinese of which e hat just feen contemplating the delicate fd indetinate tracts; hur Blepbitopheler overcomes his vintwous resolution bn referring to the probuble succes hs gia, Stebel, and threatening to uae, is towehs any anh Digby tating ovee the emket of fewels to hid ‘Acts moment, Marsaras hi footstep heart; Mephistopheles hastily pss etc at way fie aubconcys let Of at ad rie Faust away to aot par of the garden wep Mace Sen ppt, Sed in thouzht, slowly advances towards un arbor where Ber spinner eis ‘td Siagdona ttc te owing te rel Toled Re ope Remi dang ons ai mos ili an be hs ‘otny fhe netted Page hansvcy awaken here ‘Son ath vane popniar baled che welt isane wiih crate te enue? Uncen Kine of leh, ene cee a kine rm igen fin cena Seas ier Wik Wl cant ‘he ta wt ong ape dea seca be bee asta no Re cainntfaryratla ant tk et oar gp esp At Mech ag Margret ato ene petdion we be ertes {US ors fuy Wine Sed tomes es abe vB ana he aeat Misten Res she Tehran theese ek le Mepis fein Theor ig enue oat te ‘yee Suet tenpicd ty testa oe or wo ota tring ouamente ‘loket, he force of the atilly Contrived ait to the innocege g's womanly Sine io ponret for reuse" Brat ae deca Res oa te ps iri, tl ec etn tee setae now ng hee ss wae arias Ite gts he wonder Sit iar hres srry he sure het Seg orl ries epi Aah an oe agar ere ot In con Sey roe Here eheaes Hevtctme.” areato, aahuied and clafuned tp bs Saughe wearing ney winch, ‘Neots te Sgn tac bc deste rerio Scat hr Sense ar ian young mengar i he ate “Sat jtape a he, oe tne Ss nai tt Nu ae at, to ake tc mae et erelt ofthe Jeti white Maria pertain her to kaxp tem ad ety apg ngs io meen aes Sepsis Ft Hatake toeed tow apoosins fr is Mesias lune fs here) “mo with wen'se hd 'adorued ete thelr easkot Martha aaoubees herself he eat pceneiaguvd net" laptop haar piping oa ‘uk Wana posen as bee gractday needa a ao tess teat ue Foe ho ale doe Ca she Bi not aaa v= pce rm Sra at hase gu Itaving Faust snd Msrgaret together.’ The story, wtlea. Méphistophck hs Ein Sp' tim aetoront be tet ane tratan ser wh SADE 8 tit ta RSCTA where den at he ded SESH aul tat Wepbnopnls hud ooashr Be et wen. These tt Sorcha ay MegulaevECs tetris ent is hte wep ante {Srmstiry hr herons the same 9 hak no more of hin she ling th mea Semaned hy ommon fein) Wake Bi at wen at to en on wl. Seaton Ua da orca be peal pas she Sei etog mee hr bur Witeetpicies ian ead tame teh aan yes nt Improve oncom anata nercpnne se fev Meer: hi breing ender pata advan Lat be fp mconseon, whe Horo satustayat bette ehh Sehr at ae Sockery the eo aming ‘ssa te iy ase fp ay gale Wile ane Reina Sau rata eat mete imme Pe, he oe rt, Se a Act Iv. Some time as elapsed sce Margarets ft interview with Faust. Sho snow sii ecu the sd of Hee spuninew bee aang, wha oa Fen feoatae oan alana eeath erin are te oles. "They ave shoe of her former empantons, eer. nt Bnnenret ih he istortanes andthe sting ot toi aunts Fa te tre ep {se poor vetin of an lfernal machinasion rememivrs with what severity thy tho, hl ished one of her own sex, Ho ha falen into shame. ‘Ove frien ‘lo, remain wo oer sympathy tothe desolate gini—Slebe the teste lover = Iho fers to hunt oat the seducey and svenge ter wrongs but Margarets ence iP eng with fond afocon to Favs and wil aot harlot one suspicion sues is ruth and constaey» tn het loncltbes and deection the consclneeatiken Bl tern te pl rae our of cnaaaion, Every ence fey oe I How closed upon ber; bue shore i one door hich she may yetenter ad whit [eaivaye open to sreow and repentance: Manyarer's dmeling faces the cl nds hasons to lay down the burthen of her heart at oot of the ‘Aleeay atthe threshold of the tenctuary oppresel witha sense of gull fallvon ber Kroes, beseeting the divine mérey” The Bent howevee f watchs Is icin, and avare how near sbe now isto perfect eedan fom the thraon Gf the power he serves." Mephistopils yhispers fe her ear athe Yous of het Sn conseenee such hoary sel aceasaton, ati petares the contract tween [ervormer happy innocence and proven abject ald despise condo, that for ‘ime her faim the poser of repentaes is overnatedy année sol is fostesel oly wih ae eeor of eteral punishment ‘These earal knpestons fre reneved nore trtaring ati by the Chane which Seow beard fof whe ite chur rai he sen anh tear of thea iv. araet ‘Nrugaleyagainet the damonine infuence to preserve aay of hope; but the Noles ef ti evil pint, commanded Ly igpitetopheles so rash her eit with iba of dite Wengen, tt a lv abe was concious ia att {ecror upon the purtient” Tbe goem®. pene of the organ continue ter te ‘eve hats bs Sess aid ay lowly cana Margaret revised es aga moment, om her deonlactrmentre fares inte the chart ‘Margaret has ud of the spiral serene which ae i imploring to Deas ap gues fal tows th ar Yak her taba at aoe, the en's prediction hat perished in_hittatseion- The soles welcomed by his tiea! Sibel, Whose confusion at the amtkipueddiselorare of Margaret {eultarouses Valentine’ seapleonand he hastily fngatres for his sate. Siee implores her Dror to ba mereifl to her; and Valestine-thockelm so ominone aisfeoch, ut refine 10 nlieve hs sister gay rasbes Vato thelr howe, whl Sibel tirge cowards the chure, ty prevent le ineetog of Slurgurt wk hee Inorber. "At ths eiteal moment, Past and Stephstopels appar, the latter ‘aren tae beneath "hie mantle» After « thor pariy with Faust Wh, ftir tbe ftlueace ‘of gloomy preentiment, hesitates 49 cur Alarcaret™ ‘Tveling Test he uw lo age ealaiity upon her Mephistoptles Propost’ that he shall annonce Fass return bya dren o the accompa Einiat of his ata. The song be foam tole for from ena fo daa gros ad unting inate to Manga Im ber wretched phe Fast ‘winlyEreaors to ciel him, when Valeatine fuss trom the Wosse, fais, 1d, rang. hs sword, strikca at Mephistopteles gular, and thivers Pieces. "A combat enuts between Fause and Valentine, wh, previous to the Eicoutcer, as dadaafalt mown awa'a medaion whic bi ter had given Lloyd to whieh be had "attrbated hls safety amst the peels of war Hephistopheles sees the action, ant, reoteing at the rejection ot a alsman ‘ale would Tave bated my prpares to standby Fanse during” he duel “eling Bm to trnk only of lunglaszas he would othe pursing” Waletine’s ‘hii al determined courage are uncillns aginst Sache eotniation, and in ‘few passes e fais woutled to death. Mephistopheles hnris Faust awa fd te lgubors, roused atthe brawl ash ito fad Valentine alt his HIS fs: ebbing Alargavet males er way through the crawl, and hows herslt| ‘ou her hats by these of her broahe, wo. withthe lst femant of stem ‘eps er; and they wile he ie sopporied bythe Dystanders, pours forth wit Rte athe reno prions o the head of Sarat, pret Saeterf same nnd misery for her nd upbriing her for wil preserving Ue {hain oF gold abwat ber neck, (witch Stargnet ieee ears OM and trues ‘Ena, plonoanees er aca hae elo, and din wm the hero ha tsvay rom the drew scene. . 7 acrv. “The Walpursis nuht, or witebes” Sabbath, to which Mephistopheles condacts Faust, wits view to Sia iim more deen nthe sensuous telighte of emEze Yoteylaury, and 0 drown the hat rsurmons of eonscloee witha evil of ts nga wich marked ve most dissolute pero of anigulty, falls of the deaf ieee "Inthe midst of the rotley to wu he has yielded’ Mine a bie fcolet ja bund, Faue is tlazins an anueconee fasion, volo reaches bee ic well uw aeeente of which, thous encblod by diatancey eanen thet to pervae hr whole fame; thé goblet is wrested ona way to his lips, ad ‘eluate of Blargarer escape his emblig lpn At the same moment pale Phantom nose Livia features be resognies hone of the wreeval Martey Efncrs tv a Chen suldony vanes. Fata prey tothe wilde earoe shlfremore, sits on teing conducted to: Marzarée by Mephstonheles, whom Tie voreliy drags along wh thrown te host of demons ad frastate his perp, ‘With this prelude we are troduced to the ast seme ofthe trazie ony ‘Magara, vento easy by the excess of her suferngs Pith mundr of er brothertby the tan to wom she had sacrifice all aad BY ‘whom shea been to all appearance baslydasetted, has destroyed horolfpeing, ‘while he picress Ri way, sword i Wands imal monsters that bese 5 0d awaits f a dungeon the doom of feman justice, Mephistopheles has con- Ere ie piagn Kors om he ayn ara Tat etre al ‘tim fs soepag, durin & belt respite fom the et Ierdistracted and phantom-daunted brain Fant ay on eran eam peat fo recive is Yee and fo ball bs ae her deere whom rhe uf gua onee motor dom wth al tetra eve of omar day lat as Bas gros her" 8p with hi at ony ak the ime pressing Wo jerecves that fis words are unheeded, and that hé Speaking to one whose | iat ad eee abel i te pha hat oan vat | and eet'oanbe 08 lt fcc te crepe ‘ner. Sagar t Exeuerent inwases atthe aspect of to hate sen te whom abe hee vot | uae aerated cn ina esaty of Pa andor folie hotrd ss of tome one approaching Faust agin proses he to ea Bra gleam st memory dasbes gpon her she kes mht lace and recog the mdiderer of her broersShrining wi fou hin bool tae touchy {be sinks upon the grounded yes et spet-not to she interna powers ephistoplcies impos by hs exclamation = Accrsedt™ but to the heat Protection whieh, even her mains, son had jmpored, a anounced Ay te clea voids whe procat her Svea ing INDEX. INTRODUCTION. 6 ACT I. THE compact. Solo, (Faust) Vain; (Mos) ccssceteessseeeseeee 8 1 {ee of Peasants. Careless idle maiden. (Za vaga pupitia.). 12) Oho. of Peasants, Come forth ye reapers. Luror a campi 15 Scena, (Favst.) TET pray. (Ma idee Sc sl Due, CF 8 Meph) The pases ‘ogi il placer.) .17 2{ ACT II. KERMESSE. THE PAIR. {Red or whito liquor. (Su da bere.) 2. -+ 00 VOld mex’s song, Each new feastday. (Nei di dé Tiposa.) sv eesees ceseee 85 8, Grand Cho. Test, (Martha.) Saints shove! (Gtuslo ciel’). 10 art Marg, More, Rast and Meg) Le 8 yar j10. (Pappogiat) Racit. (Sioa) Cl dae i Dos. (Marg. and Faust.) The bou slate, Tard oi fa) 128 11 Rast tpl Wye you dreamer (Oke be Sat) 602 138 ACT Iv- ‘THE DESERTION. SOLDIER'S CHORUS. DEATH OF VALENTINE, AND CHURCH SCENE. Revit. (Merg.) At last they hace gone by. (Zee nom son). M4 12. | Spioning-rheel song. (.arg.) He will not retara Bele Site Maronite! (Margherita) “at Romance. (Sie) When all was younges. <0. 02000154 ( Soldiers chorus. Fold the flag. (Deponiam il brando,). ..158 13, { Roce (Vat) Ab! by Mara: (Eh? te?) oe ever 101 Chores, “Glory and love. (OR? Gloria.) 164 t 4, {Selo (Val) Dear gift of my sister. ( santa medaglia)... 45} Revit, ( Val.) ‘Come on, my boy! ( Stebel.) . lit + { Sing. eph) Gal of Gold (Dio tl or) = 80/14. Serenade. (Aeph.) Thou who bere art. (Ti che fat addom jg { Cooras. An old song! Estrana availa tut.) 54 Imenlat)evesesevsveenaeeeneesedTT {oto “Gti he fer of en (3 hat tu pto’) 20°7. HB45, Mo, The Dua. (Vat, Foul Mh) What is yous will? 46, {Waltz and Chorus. Light as air. (Come allor ele.) .« «++ 65 (Clie fata qui.)-+« “181 . { etna. Four and Afar) Highsbom and oely mad 16, Death of Valentine. Cho. This, this way. (Per di guad.),...189 smettereste @ me.) secseseeseree t+ T3117, Church seone, (arg, Mepi and Chorus.) O thoa who on thy throne, (Signor, concesso,). «+. +.200 ACT IIt. THE GARDEN SCENES. foe 1, $ Bong: (Siebel) Tn tho language of love. Ze palate @amor) 85 copier teat + | Recit. (Faust.) Tt is here ? (Givnti sian!) ++ 89/18 Revit, (Faust.) Begone! (Ya via eee BID g, {Cavatine, (Faust,) All bal! ive innocent. (Salea! dimora.) $2|19, Duet. (Faust and Marg.) My heart is tora. (Penetrao 2 id Rect, (Meph.) Attention ! (AUP erta ce ceeee 96 mio COr)eesvrseevenes v 2818 9, { Air. Marg’) "Tho King of Thole. (C'era wn re). 98) (Recit. (Meph.) Then leave her ! (AIP erta !) « 20 » { Bijou song (Marg) What brillant gems! (O ei? 120.4 Trio. Cifarg, Faust and Meph.) Holy anges. ( 3228 oD - 102] (Angelic chorus. Saved! All who have sinned. salva). .235 FAUST. INTRODUCTION. Faust. 7 pelts daa 35353553 )ebe0- Eee Sonne f Soro & Cnoxos. Faust. AcT I. Ag — Me F—F SSS =Gr= a 3 Nowy: cull Throughout my vi-gil wea = ry, On Cre - a= ~ tow and its Lord! Ne-ver_re- rat Never re = vo vie oor, : = ply willdreak the silence dreary,” No Years, how — ma-ny! are now be amen 10 Faust. i ra un di wtleer day? aneora ua di spun - Andyet a-noth-er day? 1 — al-fin i+ and bid the strife be sea fg = ge da Hf dus Death elt 2 Faust. eres so » Varbitro V forswhich Pm long = = = holding, Of my des -ti-ny I To som, i> son eon questo i= quo-re, Liar = ‘bitro sol del miodes -t sam, Tam white this enp — hold-ing, — Lam lord of my des-ti - ny. Faust. cmt, La le ta eam ~ sing = ing, And hear what they do — ON Through the meadous pee fea oe a> ba il har west is do~aaall a = mor! Wio has time for sad ~ ness? A - wake... lo dovetev nai _ : - . O cla- mor del - Ia gioin Who has A- wal - 2 Foolish ech» oes of hw = = 5 GUORUS. (tint te Sense) on Come forth ye via Ia ron- di-nel- ~ Che pit tardiamo aleampo an = di Tut ti corriamo ala vo = the ear = ly Went up wherecye can never fol ~ low, Yonderin the blue fe + Ta torra & swith harvest 16 Faust. No. 2. Scena & Dore Allegro agitat.( a = Ja gioventd its be liewsing And its 1 aie, read wane Che i fan pri= gl = one qu Male-di - cola apeme ane cacupleo/ Bort peanre? — AndsPrpypatronure Which yey xd me 2 Aecurat yo toys which did al - he wen vapid breve dell Bo tne, Yet then por ~ seat ‘no rapture could st - cure mat Fonddveansof Hope? vi Faust. 8 eS nor Male dico ifpla-cor, Malodi-co, Ia scien fa pre ghie hight And their happiness s re! Descursl my vaunted learn - ing, ‘give = ness and pray’ Ame, Satan! In- for ~ nal ing, So-no quit Perch tal sor - Here am I! You stare as you ——¥- = = pre-aal) Ta vooo tua da me fu inte greet me! Does it fright you to meet me? — With sword at my = cia a pi uma al eap- pol, L Ja pio na, ¢ unio-eo man--tel~Io sul dosso ; ist daaateoy shee ses dade gees ke ta a And a gay vet- vet cloak om my shoul ye-r, un bel ca-va- travel, as noble men tra = = ben! doctor, dl Dyeeeee Stat Kh Gi ~ mort oul rise man! What ts 2 : mel Are you @ - fraid ‘Tu won eredi al mio po - te - wt Do you doubt my might to aid you? the way to che con Sa = with all your Behe poo Can'st thou do Faust. "ta augit for Pri- ma mi dir che bra - mi first let me hear What T must —S——— == a ‘Cho potei fr dol ril-eza ? o 2 What te gold to meseho hath learning? Good! Methi ‘Abt den in bra-mo un te - sor che ay-sai pitt val! Trould have tee ve - store, What out-buys them all ! lio il pia = cor sures of youll. us for =e == 2, Cho tor = ieee er, And go + drt know. la bor, One aa, Mi il toa - pric wt” your wld cr ra dante ——— Tel mao or qui sm i> = wate om yor ples . ep Faust. é tal. Laggidt ahi Bobo! che, ia man, now? What ap + yFavsr. M1 (aoct signs the parchment.) ‘m0 mio tin who wait up 7 ve fanaa ea Moreton pd, ican of the sim, ——-Nomore of Death— oo cece Sacre vee eee Los iat No Paha? a? PP ah aw? ata Pahl Pat Paha? lk wo Be = glo il pin- “= glo > beaming Tito ae Ne brani Hor eye beaming brigty dio arer pun Sev gomim'in br - =e 9 Se a, Chie tr ~~ pleas» wre, To time... giveth niago- 0 ight! Ne vo - delight, 0 youth without meas a+ di thine the de-light, O T on > di eh-brez = =~ youh! wieout meas = = = 4 sma | 4 e- Hien ee FESR =n SE oe Bae 2 Faust. eee ee No, 8. Gnaxo Cuonoe,—Tux Farm, (Kunwar) tage Great be or seek ee Makes “of fo glam pu - gi And a ransom p gene ed ar = Dan- ger gone by, 2 eas: How ‘ween: Faus tranquillo amo ve = Te the trees with my daugh Men vo! a seder Let me but sit, ‘Men vo" a'edar al ponti- eet Let me but sit, 0 = sy anddry, a E Hsedutoamo vo - de > ro, Ve-nito@ —anda-re burehi e battl, Votan = do yo tan doil be - ind while raft and boat travel Drink to" the folk on the Under thetrees wilh my daugh -t ‘Nan yecdoio [bol gee - Oniy eo how th Viels, Stevan ai us, Yonder fellows gay! How-so~ ever they de 3 qua, Re~ sway, ne to quelle tel Hors those merry girls do eye. Cho cor - ca=noa- mor! Van-noseaeeia Je don = zl = = - We know what it means; To de-spise us_to_de ~ eoyeves fl pia : Si vol pia One wuld ' One woulda ts. Tex, (Oia Nem.) 20, Tes, ‘¥eung ‘statents) tbaety (2 ee 4 Tang lve he ines me Tang lise te nd, Base (ott) e Chinon > Chi non. fo Wh woth ae Wa wet are [SS ‘mano al tro rand drink a von d drs, para volra. par «ve ny, cop ie Bre de ~ pon van bela para al solo ap ~ ir! ‘Dumgue che tar-dia- mo dunque cho tar ~ Beth at fat oer prey, ot lb ‘mraes year armors, If te l= Ny Unei-tele . . ‘Wa givin nfar-ext Toa gue boo re Teo gente bw ‘mo - gle wee bie oy donne. cas- tel Who'te tame bat Bey? ea eal "Blade Ss Yet jr ‘Sta = dint wer > to Fiapel noo = Bae far om sors, Ty Se” a = ing i8eold Cante = rem vit- to Por the anion 6i Canto - rom visto = And the maiden prt be or Mano al Come here, goat Vie - chie - re, UY they met die-ce = ters, reihayen ter mar tors, Whe'stoblametat they, Wha'etablame ‘cin, Un biechie = “eu, arin asp, Poil biehie= re vi Drink aaony,, dines saprom lor piace - re alsalog} Pp ‘tinea - ieee ell = Tunis ‘aniiann Come tere, on parson pur fie ~ reehealte ~ re bel Ider So-ly ros tern here fear WF the wily chorm Ea 2 che deine s - Giie- re joer vo- Io - te, Voi piaoer vo Boldlerwihowt mex ne, Bolder ethont Sonparson pur fe re, Son porson por Ree oe eter jody cei Ticcio = resin pion! et ee se = real primo ap-pa rir Sapremlorpa -ce = See = 76, Saprem lor pa ome “Ta rads charmer, Witprotes Wre'stoame dad Comradate jour a Si ognun los, Fo ead to day, Bal jam an - co - radol ariat "a dp byte Cheal = torre bel-ti, at = te> re Bret > ty one, Tpray, Takeme fry vin, I! biechiere LI bee + noo biera, "way Stadt oes nergy sts, = prom lor pia -ce-Fe, imo ap-pa-rir, Saprem for, Saprem pe mal pra, APSE cata Gee i nels a, feet a nia = to si fo Wat give you pier 2 T+ m- You” may TT biochie-re, I bie-cl Save the one of 0 ter whi S saprem lor prey st Bath 46 Faust. No. 4. Scess, Ractarivn & Sova * a round ick) ‘VALENTINE. Moderato. (4 ‘Trombont, &e. To ehi fo doggie find me, T loase'e _ ‘Andiam, param, ban - dir dobbia- moi pian-to, Giri - vow Havedone,my hearts! enough, enough of mel = an= cho-ly, Come what, come MGR. 4.3 Bio pol = Un A rat, — who was 0b. & Kees a: , f Z . i Po che pon son. U-na dd testo - ‘And I will sing when you have ended a beter one! Let us have itat eel MEMPH. 50 : Faust. Sova pp aoe Go Cute ite fo. ft tes em) FEE ee fete. 2 eae 7S Y ‘ = —— Sas “Bei pos son = to In cense at your fe = = i cee Fi Aig ths - si, sull the skies, fa-ror. souls de = ‘conduets the ale conducts the bail 54 WAGNER. drink a glass? With all my What a strange mocking, la AbL questo seg-no po-na mi fal Vedoto questa lin ee SLI ABILENE eect Hontbalne fa Tt Reyer dy Bg es SS la 1 ——— SS SSS = Pp * = {1 FEE Faust. 55, 1 stEREr. [MEPI. (Taking Sia’ hand.) a_#_e. 7. p in? wali! You pretend to tell fortunes?— —— fe = ‘S- truth, Bop fees Wy" you” doe of Shall Yat ad shell SIEBEL. MEPH. val MEPL (to Val) *. por Margho ~ iia sor-ella "dil! Badatoa Ah) Lot igh neha for Mega © Ht. te “ter! Hove dare you speakher name? Take you OF tacer, sul momenta ch'iomo = = Brough! Bothehy tongues orthew diet by ny and! *. Who $0 tae ly 58 Cuonate Faust. ‘Allg moderato « mationo, (= 64) , tw + sail ing, *Gainst the pow'rs oF ‘di dom-on ve ~~ da-mo, Stn tm vil our arms as + sail iy inst the pow're of sil our arms as = dia - mo, Del-le te- ne- br... or lo gpi- Del - Ye c te-ne- bre or + sail ~ ing, Strongest carth-ly might. must be ing Sg et ig ee *- pee =. a — ot Tell sme ty or poe ge Strongest carth-ly might must be ae ne + mo, Del-le te ne = br 7 wien Del- le te-ne+ bre or pre~ 2 sail = - Strongest earth-ly Sas a polls tng, Bronget cordh-iy might sma be foe Euan ty = e- 59 Te Bao spol But Tnow thow art eS nee fan = go = Fosse pow'ress to charms, iT tho Ma guar - Look hith = iL se re 62 Faust. Ad-di- Wemay met again ay fue friends, But now, good bye. rio dot - tor! w yo = leto da dat your thought, What is your will with = ~~ Te shalt con- tro te ls vir ti p slo stesso pora Ja you may find i Not ea - Task frre pee Ina de - dar + vi Weel 3 = He $s a. ere ee va DeP area = -n0 po ‘pleasure! Ere long this. dainty Faust. 65 No. 6, Waurz & Cuones, Faust. so- ra spi-rar, 0 - ver the ground, so- ra spierar, 0 = ver the ground, Faust. 67 o] p— a ae A ih beens ; SS na Be day in cheer = ful + cheerful trial, To make — the dance go el =a oi oni : : + nie-ohog- ge = day in cheer = ful tri ~ al, : cheer-ful trial, To make the dance go 0 For the flute and oe, gay er Fy cheerful or teit cheer-ful 7. = ran, Di can = wiv al, To tri- al, To Go near ond choose, 10 Faust. Cuoncs. Sormaxr. to Sichol. Voi dun-quo do. rh euppli - love 0 ain ~~ Wiy will you be sigh Must we coe we + car per dan «ma - ost you pla , danza, ‘some more handsome one try... lieve la broz-2a, Si sen-te Ia se = ta spi= rar, at Enr=ly morni Ouy feet they fly 0 ver the ground, + _ —— Faust. WL DD. arses Che Is rid - da, For the flute and Di can-20 ~ nie - cheg-go-ran,Di ean - Are today in cheerful trial, To pee + nie -choggox in cheerful ‘The erotcet Is the time of the foresoing bar of sks foregone ston me mia bel High born and levely maid, For - give 1 gl - bh my husnble du = ty, ¥ ofa Let. ‘me your willing in fer We srwa in- sim? slave, "dt ~ lend you hometo io non sa da Mo my Lord, not a Lady am —_—_——— 74 Faust. FAUST, (Gating afer ber.) = Ma See Gare eet Toes: ells. Dani - = Taw po “ay : beau ty, not a ‘amol ‘mol fo Wd! I lovethce! I lovethee! I lov nes = — so-no re = pin = > She would not hear 76 : Faust. Faust. 7 Si sente la eo -ra.pi figliail Our feet they fly over the gram Fa lapel -ve To the music's Si Our feet they fy over the ground Fa lapel -ve ‘To’ the mus sic’s 78 Faust. in cheer ~ fal tri Faust. 19 + to, a Dio Titra - soi - = chanting? "Till breath be gone, All glow-ing and pant - us dance on! O pleasure en = fia- to, Si- mam - ri, Us Dio + scm, EB vo-ht ~~ = chanting! Till breath be gone, ll glowing and panting, Let us dance Dio i ta - lowing and lowing ond pa #te—2 80 Faust. ete = eure Eat ee pos fie ais “gma Sgoar-di d'or! Long tive the dance? Old Faust. 81 (ee ee eae ese gE di ee dor Qual Long, Long —tive the dance ! What we par Earth is did’a- mor! per > ae Weeile dence; old Earth Mt ie veel >. ing are we feel -ing Faust. Faust. 83 84 Faust. No.7. Yeromerson aso Bove, A OT TTT- isnt. (268) i= te Say to her T is cand treas ~ 86 Faust. Re-ea-teimi-ci sos Dite-le 0 ca = ri for... Fell my hopes and fears, Bach bright hour forme, ssen=za che mo- ma, ‘Toc-ea> re un for. @ Booming flower,” But it shall wither. Vieni... quando il di ma - or See nowy. will they wither, — Here, =o on 1) oe pd: Siam presto! p wi vin - to enture, ey faded? Yor s aly spell hath lor sol- tan parlin per mao a tor te soe s+ Thus eo’ - ry feaud... inl speak-then for Zell ter, sweet flowers, L love z eer wee oe oe TL misao to..- mio sta = ty 1a po- nar wl Brightare the hoccens above her, — Brights he earth for forma, Ym ques-ti fori . fo non ardis-00 a = mo Whenher loved form I see, + lin per me, r, Whatyet I nev er have told her, then forme, s dor, tut = = toes Par don, peak seeet” "ftir, for me = dor, mt = : plead, siccet flowers, for Scexa axp Recrrartve, Giun-ti sia! Te it here? Zito, Hush’? Non son genti = questi fi Now my nose ~ gay ts per = foct in- deed. “for dew Men wo? Zo temptthe pra-ty maid-en, My gift’ Twill ven = Se pena Bate’ Pon nb What is it that chars _me? ante + moe ar dere i al tuo pid vo" mo > 1 Thy unworthy slaceam I? ive in ~no-cent and pure - ly! ——>_ iol Soto, eal geardo Perfrom temp = Bis Faust. 93 fee o ies, from alle vil free! pvinia in ques Jiethis reereat of cat Faust. saol!. gie'al ° i = 1a; Hil’pereor - ro Gin “to Wider eat lage maid ens Fromec a al were jy o> m= mame -less gree vol -gor sal fe fuse suo Wi = vi ~ wand fra ~ grant ros =e Wooming! Ah! gen dle summ — tbo. a cate pe mo-ry of his loved one, Che siuo amor te co = Who was wn tl death abony ae comptes acer ava voll_g a : Side Bae we di Matta “Tealahne Equant gi fu ca tan - ty 1, Nought else would = ureprized fe so dears er treas san ben gli fa er treas = ureprized Son «ti bagnae gli chi di His eyes withtoars would bea'er Si ceaaia Taw ie aoe eee ee drank from” Al nap po As he tay pres-s0 Ta vel, Quan -do seati si Wien he knew that death was ia so di ei Once more he raised, with great = ext To non su-poa cho dir, Bil ar-1o-sii_al-lor! ZT knew not what to say— My face with blushes red? da = mm Pos = cia fn on-or della sua da - ma, Mi - ma vol - ta boro i a Jon + or; And when, he to hon sor his la = dy, Drankfeomthe eup the last, last time, a Tr nappoallor al poy Soon We fil foam tremb-ling Sra, T gran signo - vi sok han quell al *Tis but alord who has so brave a mien, = ‘Ma son qua co - la Tam lefthere 0 tone = Siebel al eero! Com ould, by Sibel, Paar faithful boy ! cs ms ‘he egg? Onde al ron rig fu ven Bucwhatrhs? Andy om canthe ose hasbeen eft? tft) = Nin I80" tor car. To degsion ~ JL dare not touch it? ” is i What is with - . 1 man We-mal Per-chi? Appron-do-lo ton fo LEP we Hep cen? Why nat? Ly ops, a oat, icsto tok wil hao ho one? juantigioel! énnsogno ineantator © montitor, oppur son dest Vutec oma, Wi dase mayo glare deceit yee Cn they real? Onecerinmy ep ‘troppo. G Dewy? an eo poso al = men at-toe questi begli 0 ree - chi - Gf Ldard fora mo ~ ment Fut to try! thas ear = rings 40 aplen = dur ed site pono ineiol cget-t-ne en ai-aul! Perpte iam ext Yancey moe ARI ndlerety a chone atthe lotion ofthe casket is a gles! Who tould esa it longer? —_‘WWioeantd co et ine, che ognun dae sa - Ja - ie, daughter, whom each one xa fos = 50, Per eosi vo = inthe way, Could ho but see me, ‘Mi troverebbe Now truly am I ae ate gels tro - orate Leieudlewnidseya fai 1a, mi troverebbe bel - Ia! ‘Syand he would think me fair? tan lo sma brace - let, the «ti goed imo » nil eck “ace! hy how fair? oe @ come u-na man, Cho sul_—_rac- cio mi pos, methoughtacold hand rest - ed on my shoulder, xf join po-ter me stes ~ sa qui ve in the erys-tal clear — my face I im-mi sa, is it thou? 108 Faust. Nom wei pid : re, che ognun de sa is hot aauglter, whom ach om Por cosi ve = dar - mi, Mi two-vo-reb-te hut. "eth, When in the wayihey meet, Could he But see-me now! — Now truly demois~ Now truly am I an" Come ana domi = gel ~verebbe ber= +E am a domoiselle,andhe would say @ fair... 110 Faust. No. 10, Scesa axo Quanrer. Allegro vivo. (= 8.) ‘MARTHA. o=) sem-bra-te bella, che avvene! Chi vi dia. ques. - Abi mi per or tn gle! Hove charmtagy you lok, my nn darn? Where dd you gor Joel jm? “A - as! they are not WW 1 1 — = ore rocati Ti box qua. No, no, no, «quel giviel son per Wo, mia bel - la damigel Ia, nine, Zjaatfoundithem by chance, They are yours, yonder jewels are yours, Nor meant for any other, wv [do - = noquest’é dun a-man-to Si ‘Avea lo sposo mio men ‘enor, e-10 > dif v.. from some no-Blo, who humbly a - dores you, My dear of man would —t ite greta Si Schweriein? 7 Ohi mi T speak to Madam lin, H balieee* Tou mat Per-do-n0 do, Sir, The faait is yours if 7 don.) Sie-te Mar-ta Schwerle che i por = ton day.) T have news for your ear, 2 3 thus (0 griece “you! Tis tal vi yin - oer, ‘Lyostroga 10 news that comes ail spo Bm woo le waystoo soon, ‘Know that your tender husband is dead, antlseads youkis, MEPR. on = E = | Gius-to ciel! Che mai “Bab! Ait great Heao'n! Whats this? Nougit! ‘lie a at - te me ow it trem > Des With delight past to mest her eyes, H. spare a Tei vi half afraid, half ca = ress = rt Know to apo-s0 that your ten =der husband | Bon vi die mul-lo per me? My husband has sent nothing more? Tn ques ~ And lest you die of your grief, on sono por 2 far too grand for = nel dell! ZT true ‘he wilt [dare avai Ta - nel, | Stow Joe grur” te: Son qui, Honor me! 0: 7 pray you, Ipray you forgive me. Faust. SOON a ! oI o la fi- gt-r, Chobela f - go- il Pray you do not leaveme, Pray you do not leave me! AUST. caer eee Al=madolee ¢ pu= ta, ms Prag you to for - give me, Pray youto for ~ ina é un po matu-ra, La vi-cina un po ma > tural Hl-Inegii ma -tu-ra, Bilaé giama - a0 - neighbour hopes to steal me,this good neighhour hopes to steal me! Yes, she hpesto steal me, Yes,ehe hopes to steal me, lar & Foe e. Che bella fa - ra! Prayyon da not leave me! ee Sat Du - = 1a neces-si = Hard onamaniike stasigno ~~ mal Du ~~ ranecocsi - th! mesostea- ~ dy! Hard on amanike me, Questo eon -“vien ingiovent’, That, in youth, perhaps may be best, Questo ‘eon That, in youth, perhaps may be bes, eo - saben t more doleful inna inveoshi = than isan 4 Come un ¢ = + tat Co + me un fae | tun-mar-ried crea = ture! Anolésse um -tertaderas = * tare! ~ mai wol pon-san-do = : =a = Mapar,ma- pur cho deg-gio Buok"Sereher fd nd alt , , T confess, has 3$' = tn made ne tie ae ears cope the chance for’ eo ser, Andshowd, be “Sore you carat convien po youmay es i Moy "Pee = cape? poke Behe? sempre so - la? Butwhy —areyou lme = ly? My mi fra - tel, seis gone, ri dud But the dar =ting, too, is na ella mo- dead! the an = gel? + RE 7 ei iia dol -eo pon = sor care ahine! to pe = el Quan dion her ightand day, How I work'dforter, “0,” 40 dear» ly! “But [=a di-tor 7 those to whom we cling most near = ly — jorte Te to = = glioal-lor, Quando i - lor io = me, La. mw , Arethe firstto be calld "a way, But those whom ————— Tal - mo son, two cling mast ot pie = nc, Ueiortoa oof fo topio al = tor Non appona gi near” ly,” dre the” firsttobecalld a - way, Save aro = er morning Lo favell-or ay Come her call, dove a con leit B- m Va mor i Mar ghe - ! and I must be there, Since shecould speak she eall'd: me * moth » er !” » Saprel quag- gus. t sof frit, ei = ean an sn sor s oth =er, Half 30 eru-ly my heartwill care, second an gel made by 5c fata egusle 8 te, | ‘Heawn, Colts pure, couidee perfect ber You laush at — me! Che state's pon-ar, Chestte” sponser Sir gow do othr, ‘Sir you do hot hear, ai mi vi bur {8 pul onto in wags Ht Donotdescore, The tine ie ncar chen Tm doh! res-ta con where - fore do you = ché sos pet not bese Teoh ‘A Dur-lar vi + sta = te, EE put on to grieve me, in-eon-trar qui mi 18 un + strike me down if T. at vines - a lamio volon and tender child 7 1_Be pas = sion eer so = gam! Che bel mat-to!” Ci ascota-vi ta? ‘Come no? a7] Why, you dreamer! Thowhast o-ver-heard? — Well Thave, Bete. Sera Faust. 139 i FAUST. MEPH. Z fis agli astrd del eth to Charles his Faust. = a9 —— a fejtwind that Et the light aa of em ing — ar fats eset ot — eS % Wes “te ve - neste es = aa dae ry breath of Tato How Wa mo = re de boughs Faust. 143 No, 12. Ivmmonveriox asp Recrrarrve. =I Sarit gowe Fore forepoe gore At last they have gone by! I, ikethem, have been merry, long a ~ a IF pitt Jind, Ha! ha! ah! ah! abl ah? ht oh Faust. ‘Tue Senso Wurst, Sox MARGARITA. ya = nir I? errorde dem, “ct the fe Abi! mapa Yet in ~ deed, + lo per a+ mo > = ed byno passion shame ~ Faust. U7 S—— SS ae 3 oe litte goes ers Pate Saad eee Bea jose is he roam - = it Cee PO ares aed eee ==, ; ene ee Faust. eS f =e === s ah “ si] | ans i he roam - 150 Faust. MARG. SIEBEL. Serr MARG. eperd ano ho il en-re, Tm a ma in my spiral —. sche = mop tito il And wil surely a'~ verge all the wrong he has done, Ohi Whaimeanyou? What Red lone, oF last ? And boast he was true, coward mig rate nel nos «tro cor. copy their virtues bold; ee sie = ge i heart and a sword in hand, condi nei cor, no-vel = k ‘Readyto fgitfor Fa - = ther - land... ‘Ac-cendi nei cor, no o rel ‘Ready to fight for Fa fi 7 or oi afftettiam ci aspettan Ia fat ta & In swe come, the long and fie-ry strife of bat-tle 0 = vers Jae Ewe oe] SS cor ci affrettiam ci aspettan Ia fat ta @ la we come, the long and fie - ry strife of bat Ue + dar Ver la mag-ion on ei af - fret hard as ours be-neath a stran - ger

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