Understanding The Self Reviewer

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1.Which of the following exemplifies performance goals?

C. Maria’s goal is losing weight by eating 1200 calories a day or less, riding her bike for
30mins per week, and drinking 3 liters of water at per day for a period of one month.

2. As a filipino citizen, we are accorded with civil rights which is embodied in our constitution.
Which among the following is an example of civil right that a filipino can exercise?
D. The right to choose religion.

3. What thoughts come to one’s mind when he/she is under negative stress? He/she thinks that
D. Cannot cope with the situation

4. What filipino traits refers to enthusiasm about an activity or project only at the beginning and
then the enthusiasm slowly dies down.
B. Ningas cogon

5. Banjo, is usually silent and shy, mostly preferring to be left alone. However, in the computer
shop. he curses a lot and is very aggressive. How can we explain Banjo's shift of character?
B.The internet gives a superficial sense of power

6. The human brain continues to change over lifetime which is a result of learning, experience,
memory formation or a result of damage. This characteristic of the brain is commonly referred

7. A theory based on the premise that much human action is purposeful, and it is directed by
conscious goals.

A. Goal Setting Theory

8. Employing denial or distancing oneself from the problem is an example of?

A. Appraisal-focused coping strategies.

9. What Filipino animal is likened to corrupt politicians in the Philippines which signifies greed
for power and money?

B. Buwaya
10. According to Victor Frankl, the meaning of life is realized through?

A. Finding a purpose and taking responsibility for ourselves and others

11. After an exhausting whole-day synchronous engagement in MS Teams, you failed to turn in
your learning activity on time as much as you intend to because of your intermittent internet
connection. Not able to criticize yourself of that incident proves what element of self

A. Self-kindriess

12. Lissa is aware that she is good at memorization and considers Math as her waterloo. Thus,
during exam, she would allot more time reviewing for her Math subjects to ensure that she gets
a good understanding of the lesson and earn a better grade. The knowledge of one's own
thinking abilities is known as

A. Metacognitive skills

13. Jessica loves learning through social interaction through group work, and has a high
emotional intelligence. What learning style does she display?

B. Interpersonal

14. The following are characteristics of distress except one. Which is it?

C. feels exciting

15. This metacognitive strategy aims to focus one's attention and eliminate streams of thought
that may crowd the mind and cause stress. By attaining calmness and relaxation, the mind is
primed for learning.

C. Meditation

16. Which of the following would be classed as a cognitive action strategy for dealing with

D.all of the above

17. Austin, a 3rd year college student joined Zion Ministries. It was here that he found his
"higher purpose. Austin's experience may be inferred to which social effect of Religion and
Spiritual practices?

D. All of the above

18: This is a learning strategy that you use to understand and control your own performance:
purposefully thinking about one's own thinking strategies, when people are able to "learn to
think and think to learn.

A. Metacognition

19. Linda's learning style includes organizing her thoughts, creating connections between things
she knows, thinking more deeply about something, and visualizing processes and procedures.
What metacognitive strategy does she use?

D. graphic organizers

20. Due to the upcoming final examination, Roberta is experiencing signs and symptoms of
stress overload such as memory problems, inability to concentrate and constant worrying. These
are regarded as ......... signs and symptoms of stress.

D. cognitive

21. Which among the following does not display good digital citizenship?

D. Conceal identity by creating several dummy accounts:

22. When is it best for you to apply analysis, goal-setting, planning strategies, and setting

A Before the task on hand

23. To the Ilocanos, this soul is liberated from the body during death and can visit the world of
the living to seek for prayer or perform unfinished tasks.

B. Arana
24. Mario sets his goal for the next 10 years. He always bears in mind the following questions:
"how much," "how many," "how will I know when it is accomplished? Which among the
meaning of the acronym SMART does Mario apply?

B. measurable

25. Angela never found acceptance from her classmates at school, so she created a false
account on Facebook and a lot of people followed her profile. What aspect of the digital self can
best explain Angela's behavior?

C.Feeling a sense of belongingness

26. Miss Dela Cruz tells her students. You can do it. I have confidence in you? Her positive light
generally leads students to put forth more effort, therefore having a greater chance of success.
Students source of efficacy beliefs come from.

C. Social persuasion

27. This refers to your belief in your capacity to perform necessary actions to produce specific
performance goals,

E. Self-efficacy

28. As part of the digital generation, why do you need to think before you click?

B. Responsible citizenship must be applied online

29. Which among the given statements about learning is INCORRECT?

D. All information stored in our brain are permanent

30. The following are examples of environmental stressors except one. Which is it?

C. Financial problems

31. Daniel is aware of the upcoming deadlines in three of his subjects. He plans to start working
on it over the weekend but as Saturday came, he opted to play basketball with his friends
rationalizing that he still has enough time to finish his tasks.

D. Practice of Manana hapit

32. It is a term used to refer to the fact that stress can sometimes be beneficial

B. Uestress

33. When Mang Tomas says that he will employ 'appraisal-focused coping strategy, he means

C. altering the way he thinks about a problem by altering his goals and values

34. It is the optimistic self-belief in our competence or chances of successfully accomplishing a

task and producing a favorable outcome.
A. Self-efficacy

35. In the olden times, animals such as lambs and goats are killed and sacrificed in order to
appease a god or gain favor from the deities. What type of ritual is this?

A. Sacrificial Ritual

36. He/She coined the terms fixed and growth mindset to describe the underlying beliefs people
have about learning and intelligence.

A. Carol Deck

37. The internet is not at all bad it is a platform for re-establishing relationships that were
previously impossible because of distance. Which situation best describes this advantage of the


38. The Kankanaey, an Igorot tribe believe that the soul/ ab-abiik may be summoned by spirits
causing sickness to the person. A ritual (Kanyaw) may be performed to allow the ab-abiik to
return to the person's body to recover from illness. This practice of Ethnolingiuistic groups in the
Philippines may infer:

C. Both A & B
39. Which of the following refers to the effective-goal setting principles by Edwin Locke and
Gary Latham?

B. Clarity challenge, commitment, feedback task complexity

40. Which of the following is an example of positive personal stressor?

A. Holiday seasons

41. Selecting pictures to upload, screening the information we reveal about ourselves, choosing
the content we share in our social media accounts are some examples of ways we employ to
control the perception of others. These strategies are often regarded as?

A. Impression Management

42. in his regional broadcasting contest Pedro suddenly felt racing heart, sweaty palm and
flushed cheeks which are under what anxiety symptoms?

D. Physical

43. Filipinos are known as resilient people. This positive trait of Filipinos is manifested by
bouncing back from our adversities. In which scenario is resilience best depicted?

D. All of the above

44. Which of the following statements is true?

C. A&B

45. A cybercrime done by posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing
sensitive data such as identifiable information, banking and credit card details, passwords etc.
which often leads to identity theft or financial loss.


46. In response to stress levels of adrenaline ......and levels of cortisol

B. rise,rise
47. To become a better learner, one must employ active listening strategies which ensure
attentive listening. Which among the following activities foster active listening while in a class?
C.Arlynn-repeats in her mind what has been said by the teacher.

48. Alyana prefers to read her lessons aloud when reviewing. She thinks that her memory works
best as she hears them. She would also prefer to listen to audio books rather than having to
read them silently. What learning style does she possess?


49. John spent days preparing for the final exam in his major subject. He made sure that he has
reviewed all topics cored by the exam to get a high score. When the test result was given, he
found out that he missed some points because he failed to follow the given instruction. In which
phase of the cycle of self-regulated learning will John apply to ensure that similar incident will
not happen again?

50. The Kankanaey, an Igorot tribe believe that the soul/ ab-abiik may be summoned by spirits
causing sickness to the person. A ritual (Kanyaw) may be performed to allow the ab-abiik to
return to the person's body to recover from illness. This practice of Ethnolingiuistic groups in the
Philippines may infer:
C. Both A & B

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