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You need to know !. The industrial revolution has had a very

good impact on current economic conditions, pay attention to
the article below guys !!!

In the current era of globalization, the business world competes

with each other in all fields. For developing countries like
Indonesia, they are required to be able to carry out the development
of existing science and technology and be able to run the economy
so that Indonesia can compete and not be left behind from other

Technological developments that continue to advance in this

current era, companies are required to make the most of it in a
tight economic competition. Examples of large companies whose
daily activities have used computers, medium-sized companies
that have used systems on computers to buy and sell their
products (Indomaret, Alfamaret, and so on), and even small
companies such as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSMEs) or cooperatives as well. must use today's sophisticated
technology in carrying out their daily activities in order to be able
to run the current economy.

Indonesia now has around 59.69 million units of Micro, Small

and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and cooperatives as many as
153,171 units according to the ministry of cooperatives and Small
and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in 2018, which has contributed
to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of around 62.57% for (
SMEs), while cooperatives in Indonesia have increased annually
in 2017 by around 4.5% and for 2018 it is predicted that their
contribution can reach 5% according to the Ministry of
Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in 2018
(Diskumkm.jabarprov.go. en). Meanwhile, according to the
Financial Services Authority (OJK), as of 2018, the number of
Community Financial Institutions (LKM) actors reached 186
entities, including 132 cooperative business entities.

Cooperatives are associations founded by people who

have limited economic capacity (Friesca Fresilla, 2013), the
purpose of cooperatives is to advance the welfare of its
members, to advance the welfare of the community, and to
participate in building the national economic order (Rudianto,
2010), with data that As explained above, cooperatives are
economic institutions that support the Indonesian people, so
that their business processes require professional management
(Rizka Ermina, Rochmawati, Anak Agung Gde Agung, 2018).
The demands of cooperatives to manage their business
professionally by utilizing today's sophisticated technology
such as computers will certainly greatly help the current
economy which can play an important role as a supporting
tool in its daily activities or transactions, so that the
management of the cooperative will be faster and more
accurate if using accounting information system (Aris
Nurhanafi 2014).
Most of the cooperatives in Indonesia have used their
accounting information systems with computers in full and
some of them have used their accounting information systems
with computers still not fully. small and medium-scale trading
businesses, among others, in the transaction system that is still
carried out manually by relying on paper for filing and
financial reports, so we need an application system that can
help process transaction data and reports that can provide
useful information for interested parties to overcome the

Laudon (2010) says, an accounting information system is a

component that works with each other in collecting,
managing, storing, and disseminating some information to
support activities in an organization, such as in decision
making, in coordinating, controlling, and analyzing problems.
In the organization, besides being useful in analyzing
problems, the accounting information system also produces
documents, reports, and outputs, mostly in financial units,
such as providing scorekeeping information, for example,
how much profit is generated, how much debt is owed to third
parties. third according to Joseph W. Wilkinso (1993). The
role of accounting information systems is very important in
business continuity, accounting information systems can be a
reliable basis for making economic decisions in managing
small businesses, including market development decisions,
pricing and others.
Rudianto (2010) said, in his book entitled cooperative
accounting, cooperatives are divided into 4 types, namely the
first is savings and loan cooperatives, the second is marketing
cooperatives, the third is producer cooperatives, and the last is
consumer cooperatives. Consumer cooperatives are
cooperatives whose members are final consumers or users of
goods, such as cooperatives that manage convenience stores
or mini markets.

Coment bellow about this article if very things then i’m continue to object of research guy !!

Thank you for your attention

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