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Things from my Town

1. Choose four or more places or people from the slides below.

2. Find the slides with the picture of your choosing.
3. Write who or what it is at the top of each slide.
4. Write two to three sentences with one to two of the weekly
vocabulary words for each picture. (Remember you know what it
is, but does someone else know?)
Quizlet Week 12 Words
Remember you need one to two words in EACH of your picture sentences.
Not one to two per sentence but one to two per picture!

A person in my town:

The topic: Two to three specific sentences about me.

*A person in my town:

The topic: Two to three specific sentences about me.

A place in my town:

The topic: Two to three specific sentences about me.

A place in my town:

The topic: Two to three specific sentences about me.

A place in my town:

The topic: Two to three specific sentences about me.

*A place in my town:

The topic: Two to three specific sentences about me.

*A place in my town:

The topic: Two to three specific sentences about me.

Picture Citation
The Center Square. “Wyoming Small Businesses Struggle with Inflation.” County 17, 30 Mar. 2022,

“Campbell County Rockpile Museum.” Campbell County Rockpile Museum | Volunteer Wyoming, https://Gillette Theatres - 650 n
US Highway 14-16, Gillette, WY - Yelp.

“Contentious Special Election Yields New Wyoming College District.” Contentious Special Election Yields New Wyoming College

Gillette Theatres - 650 n US Highway 14-16, Gillette, WY - Yelp.

“Gillette, WY.” Mayor Eric Hanson,

“Gillette, WY.” Dalbey Memorial Park,

Ryan Lewallen | County 17 News -. “Lundvall, McLeland Claim Top Spots for Gillette Mayor, 8 City Council Candidates Advance
in Primary Election.” County 17, 23 Aug. 2022,
My Notes
❏ “*” are harder ones for students who excel.
❏ Standard: W.4.2D Use precise language and domain-specific
vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
❏ Pull up map of the town for easy visualization.
❏ Students must treat it like they are explaining it to a person who
doesn’t know what it is.
❏ Citations are for me, not for the kids to view. (Remove last two
slides from their viewing)
❏ Look for one to two of the words used for each example

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