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Digital Connections are Tools

While It may feel bad not having a face to face interaction constantly in the classroom
many parents and students found personal growth with some online and digital experiences in
the classroom. Throughout the day parents can have a more in depth understanding of what
students are doing in the classroom through apps like Seesaw (Minero). Having access to your
child’s education can be helpful for parents who can’t always be involved as other parents due to
their work schedule. While the parents of students can’t be in the classroom they can know what
is happening in the classroom. The article goes on to explain the different apps that can be used
in the classroom: ClassDojo, Spotlight, Remind, and Seesaw (Minero). While the four have their
own unique differences, like ClassDojo being able to update on students behavior and Remind
being able to be a daily update through text; they are all there for parents to know what is
happening in the classroom.

I was able to ask my mom about Seesaw as it is something she uses daily in her
classroom. She uses Seesaw and “enjoys it because you don’t have to make copies, it's really
user friendly, they have resources on there that teachers can share with each other, and it's an
easier way to communicate with parents”. I don’t think technology has to replace face to face
interactions in the classroom. I fully believe that this is a really great way to communicate, it
gives parents, teachers, and students a full range of options that weren’t there before. The
article talks about parents who are working two jobs and it gives them advantages they wouldn’t
have had before. Use tools that are available to you because they are there and available for a
reason; I am pro digital connections.

Minero, Emelina. “Parent Engagement in the Digital Age.” Edutopia, George Lucas Educational
Foundation, 22 Nov. 2017,

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