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Novas tabelas de itens mágicos:

Consumíveis muito raros:

1-dispelling stone EGtW
2-potion of possibility EGtW
3-reincarnation dust EGtW
4-potion of mind control (very rare) TftYP
5-oil of sharpness DMG
6-potion of giant strength (very rare) DMG
7-potion of flying DMG
8-Potion of invisibility DMG
9-potion of longevity DMG
10-potion of speed DMG
11-potion of vitality DMG
12-arrows of slaying DMG
13-Nolzur's marvelous pigments DMG
14-spell scroll (6) DMG
15-spell scroll (7) DMG
16-spell scroll (8) DMG
17-ammunitions +3 DMG
18-sling bullets of Althemone MOT
19-efreeti bottle DMG
20-potion of supreme healing DMG

Permanentes muito raros 1:

1-bloodaxe EGtW
2-staff of space EGtW
3-orb of the veil EGtW
4-last stand armor EGtW
5-hunter's coat EGtW
6-duskcrusher EGtW
7-arcane cannon EGtW
8-amulet of the planes DMG
9-animated shield DMG
10-belt of giant strength (very rare) DMG
11-candle of invocation DMG
12-carpet of flying DMG
13-cloak of arachnida DMG
14-crystal ball (very rare) DMG
15-dancing sword DMG
16-sword of the paruns GGtR
17-voyager staff GGtR
18-peregrine mask GGtR
19-illusionist's bracers GGtR
20-keyrune (very rare) GGtR
21-spell gem (very rare) OTA
22-blade of the medusa LLoK
23-Heward's hireling armor LLoK
24-Ioun's stone (very rare) DMG/LLoK
25-polymorph blade LLoK
26-conch of teleportation SKT
27-ingot of the skold rune SKT
28-navigation orb SKT
29-pennant of the vind rune SKT
30-shard of the ise rune SKT
31-arcane propulsion arm ERftLW
32-Dyrrn's tentacle whip ERftLW
33-Kyrzin's ooze ERftLW
34-living armor ERftLW
35-speaking stone ERftLW
36-devastation orb (with container) PotA
37-battle standard of infernal power BGDiA
38-helm of devil command BGDiA
39-amulet of the black skull ToA
40-bracelet of rock magic TftYP
41-spear of backbiting TftYP
42-demon armor DMG
43-dragon scale mail DMG
44-dwarven plate DMG
45-dwarven thrower DMG
46-Steel WBtW
47-figurine of wondrous power (very rare) DMG
48-frost brand DMG
49-eldritch staff WBtW
50-amethyst lodestone FToD
51-dragon-touched focus (very rare) FToD
52-scaled ornament (very rare) FToD
53-dragonhide belt +3 FToD
54-ruidium armor CotN
55-ruidium weapon CotN
56 to 67-weapon +3 DMG
68 to 79-armor +2 DMG
80 to 100-reroll

Permanentes 2:
1-instrument of the bards (very rare) DMG
2-manual of the body DMG
3-manual of the golem DMG
4-mirror of life trapping DMG
5-nine lives stealer DMG
6-oathbow DMG
7-ring of regeneration DMG
8-ring of shooting stars DMG
9-ring of telekinesis DMG
10-robe of scintillating colors DMG
11-robe of stars DMG
12-rod of absorption DMG
13-rod of alertness DMG
14-rod of security DMG
15-rod of the pact keeper +3 DMG
16-scimitar of speed DMG
17-shield +3 DMG
18-spellguard shield DMG
19-staff of fire DMG
20-staff of frost DMG
21-staff of power DMG
22-staff of striking DMG
23-staff of thunder and lightning DMG
24-sword of sharpness DMG
25-tome of the mind DMG
26-wand of polymorph DMG
27-wand of the war mage +3 DMG
28-horseshoes of a zephyr DMG
29-bag of devouring DMG
30-abracadabrus IDRotF
31-all purpose tool +3 TCoE
32-amulet of the devout +3 TCoE
33-arcane grimoire +3 TCoE
34-barrier tattoo (very rare) TCoE
35-bloodwell vial +3 TCoE
36-moon sickle +3 TCoE
37-rhythm-maker's drum +3 TCoE
38-absorbing tattoo TCoE
39-cauldron of rebirth TCoE
40-crystalline chronicle TCoE
41-ghost step tattoo TCoE
42-lifewell tattoo TCoE
43-staff of fate CKM
44-watchful helm CKM
45-greater blood spear (H) CoS/Mod
46-bobbing lily pad WBtW
47-horn of Valhalla (very rare) DMG
48-helm of brilliance DMG
49-ornithopter of flying WBtW
50-sapphire buckler FToD
51-dragon's wrath weapon (very rare) FToD
52-dragon vessel (very rare) FToD
53-ring of red fury CotN
54-ruidium shield CotN
55-fish suit SJ
56 to 67-weapon +3 DMG
68 to 79-armor +2 DMG
80 to 100-reroll

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