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AMPLE TRIAL WEIGHT ADDI When a good balance level s reaches, cetermine the fal wright instalation point. By using the weight moment graph, (blow fd ‘he momento the exsing tal weght by plating 3 te intersection ot How t0 perform ‘weight and radius. Follow the curved moment ine to he he that 3 dynamic intersects the permanent radus. Read othe le to determin Ine propeller balance ‘weight requrement athe permanent location. eae by James E. Fackler 4621 AROEN DAE NORTE, CALFORNA 791 (ave «a yas» 88 se ‘his dca tin Aarti gered he rae } CHADWICK re fe ion nnn oy HELMUTH . sanasie 1 INSERT LATEST CHANGED PAGES. DESTROY SUPERSEDED PAGES. NOTE: Te porto of tert atectes by the changes is ndcated by 2 eral ne nthe outer margins of he page. Changes to usrations ‘a indicated by miniature pointing hands Dates tissue for criginal anc changed pages are Original--O--12 June 80 FAA LTR Dated 12 June 90 New Enlans Region ‘TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES IN THIS PUBLICATION IS 20 CONSISTING (OF THE FOLLOWING: Page Change Ne. No. 120 0 “Zero inthis column indicates an cig! page TABLE OF CONTENTS me PG Inroduton 29 Pre alae Inspections 4 Equipment Calbraton 4 Instation ot equipment as Balance Vraton check 7 “Tal Weight Action 78 Poting balance pons 9 \erieaon run 3 General precautionary notes 0 Weight istalatons ion ‘Documentation Paras 1 vations i Proper Tracking 1645 ‘Woublesoting guide 7 ‘ble Hardware requirements 7 ‘ble 2 Weight Moment eacuations 8 “ble 3 ial weight calculation 8 ‘Example Tal weight sadn 18.20 ‘Example Balance chart pot 9 Example Phase catecton of wight 3 ‘Example Weight correction 18 Polar Chart #3659 20 INTRODUCTION Propeers, spinners. crankshaft and ther dynamic components are manufactured to stt tleranes.Howeve, eto centfugal force, {etodyramc lading and Indiviual component fleances some resival“ou-o-balnes” canbe preset. thas been determines that ‘namic ti Balance can caret such “oul--balance" and resuts in Stoica fer vidation lees ‘Because the vation cause by an out of balance propel is ow to ‘medium tequeney, typically inthe 1545 Hz range, is often fet throughout the ara, usualy a lower ampltuc than exis ane engin. Al propeters can benefit rom dynamic balance, When property ‘exeeuted the baiance has bath short and long term benef. nthe ‘hort frm, thee i usualy an immediate reoucton i the noise and 2 EXAMPLE TRIAL WEIGHT ADDITION AND CORRECTION ‘uppese an intial reading ot 1100 o'clock and 0.5 IPS. Tis points Dioted onthe polar graph athe intersection of the IPS ana angle anc Febeleo point #1. From the tat weight graph (teow) it can be determined the required weight wil be approxmately 25 grams. The vibration transtucer is pointing up so the target is postones vere was seen andthe weight added opposite the sensor at 600 ck TRIAL WEIGHT GRAPH POLAR GRAPH ‘he second cun yee a reading of 8.00 o'ook and 21 IFS. This ‘ois plted onthe por graph and a ne drawn fom the fst to ‘Second points, and from te st point tha center ofthe chart. Poston the propeller target where ft was seen on te second un. Move te weight TOWARDS th rial 6:000 clock positon the same rumoer ot degrees iss the center ofthe chart. More weight il se be requred since the length ofthe line between the fist and Second pons 1s shorter than the ine between te fst pint and the center: TABLE WEIGHT/ MOMENT CALCULATION the weights moved inboarsor out bard rots allocation, tal be necasary to recompue the required weight based onthe formula WA MLW eguale ne weight A equal the arm usual expressed 4382 station fromthe centro tation. Moquas the moat. othe Caleulate fore tne weight produces, an is expressed 25 bath & weigh uit ang oistane measure (Example: 47 ich gra). The folowing chart wil ai in computing wight changes eto arm xargs. TABLE 3 INITIAL WEIGHT CALCULATION ‘The inal weight caeuation is dependent onthe iota wight ofthe propel and ihe rads at which the weights placed Ihe weight ot the propels is known a ral weight roughly equivalent 00.1% ofthe ‘ropeler weight apptied tothe spiner periphery woud be adequate 0 Brosoeencugh change on which to ase frie caleuations nay ‘as he recor of th Balance change as plots on the poar coord rate chart the best guide a othe elect of any weight. Numerous othe factors can ater the pure ratharatic determination ofthe requed weight suchas mount sins, teeoor of movement, transdscer locaton, RPM, and sympathetic resonance to name ony & few Tis is why sential instalation can rest in cere weight ‘quirements or given imbalance baton “et” inthe cabin. Long erm benefits are a resuction nthe Cyl fatoue of arboxes, exaust sacks, rad equipment. shes ‘etal and cowing racing an reducbon n wear f cata tnkng fied portions of te ara tothe engine (e. prop conto. ca ureter and mature hnkages), The dynamic balancing process consists of mounting a vibration transducer (elocmetr fo he engine ana connecting the wanscucer byacable toa VibratonAralyer yam Balance and tobex (se photos below} Te vibrate ransduoer converse maton preded by an out of balance conditon toa weight and axmuth soluon, Trl weights ae then aoded to the propels assembly as an expenmertal nation. These weights are fe tuned Ul te Balance eels 2 acceptable, hen a permanent instalation fs made This talanceis general good unt the combination of components i ‘upset va vera, o other maj TRC (Power Train Rotating Com parent) change Dynami tim balanoe relies on proper working condtan of the PTAC If efiiences exist nthe PTRG isnot posse afet a dynamic balan, Such tems as bon or broken crankshals, bet ages oF mechanical aly propels assemblies are not Dalnoeable by vt ‘ofthe physical dynamic properties of components with ay eedam ot mmigiaton. in short namvcbalance uncovers fut, it doesnot mask hide felts Othe vibration sources may sil be preset ater dynamic balance of ‘he PTAG. Dynamic balanoo ote PTAC doesnot rask othr wbration Sources. These vibrations aren most cases praguca by the engin 2 a esul of combustion or engine accessoves. Dynamic balance athe ‘ropes RPM isnot afectes by tase waton sources sree tey ‘occur at requecisoter than the PTAC. Itshould be understood hat ‘he vbraton complexion ofthe aera wl be mpraved fer balance of me PTAC but in no way isthe Balance & panacea forte entre baton character ofthe area In summary talane ofthe PTRC wil aot acversey attec ny opera- ‘io of the engine or related components. Impenng fares de to ‘other sources of vibration such a5 fing orde, detuned counter ‘weights, ad out of balance or misaligned components wl cantina to {ake their tl. Since falar de to vibration adv, any redaction wil eiev stesso alte tected parts. Parts wl cote obreak But at redved intervals. auce cating beng taken with 2 Vian Anayer Dynamic Balancer sn Sober Til wbraten tae Yona isan on erg PRE BALANCE INSPECTIONS Ensue that all Arwothiness Directives are complid with forthe Dareular propeller in gurstion Inspect the blages for nicks, sratches and gouges. Oress out as ‘pected per ine appropriate propeller marulactret. Painting, boot replacement, and dressing should be done prior to ‘mame tan Performa sual nspecton of the propel and hub assembly check ing for security, and proper instalation. Inspect the sinner and sponar bulkhead for cracks, stops, and ements, Dynami balance weghts may not be agbed to spines ‘wit any ofthese conctons preset. Remove any existing dyamic balance weights. Record the number and positon of tae weight if 0 equippee EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION Ensure thatthe balance equipment has been function checked with ‘equipment traceable to National Bureau of Standards within the ‘breeding 6 months ‘The Chagwick Helmuth Calibrator Model 11, 11A, or 11/11PS is ‘atoapabe for ths function est. See manufacturers instructions for ‘libration procedures. INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT Viton transducer attachment _Atach vibration transducer (Velocimeter win hehe ofthe poner ‘tpt end ofthe engine crankcase sos long axis is verte an ts ‘connectors up. Alternately the connector may pint down, the tial ‘weight insialaion wil change per instructions found in TRIAL ‘WEIGHT ADDITION secon. On most engine he forward most case hall Bot is an excellent locaton. ‘The flowing chart may be uses to isolate problems in tlance | EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION 1) Transduoers/Cables 1) Vibration ransdcer (Vetocimeter) 2 Cable open ar shart 8) Balancer 1) Power supply 2) Fite (a0 1S) 43} Mechanical camage (switches, knob, et.) ©) Strobex 1) Power suey 2) Fash tube or fash tube focus 5) Wil not tigger aut to ack of tigger pulse 1 OPERATOR ERROR A) Balancer Strobex conto inatecty set 8} Not tuning prope or tuned to wrong RPM {Ero in reading PS or lock angle 1 RICRAFT/INSTALLATION PROBLEM 2) Poor vation transducer location 8) Faulty PTRG components (©) Loose cable or wvaton transducer mounts TABLE 1 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS 1, Allblarc hardware is tobe acta grade cr equivalent 2. All hazaware tobe corrosion compatible per AC 42.18. Staines hardvare is peleres. cacmium plating acceptable asa coro- ‘Son inhibitor on ferrous meals 5. Any lad weights used must be support between ste washers having at east 60% surface contact with te ea. 4, Alls used to secare balance weights mus eof the slacking ‘ype 5. Minimum acceptable blt ameter is 3/16 inch, Maximum bat ameter oto exceed 1/4 ich 6, A hoes inthe bukead are tobe ile undersize and reamed to final cimensins. iraseinse} 29 ata a PRop RACK On rata engines, te preter instalation shoaontal sight ato the outt shat Usual when a propellers out af balance, causes te entire engine ‘oot abouts C6. (Cente ot rau As he neavy pot oe Bropele is going up, the ear ofthe engine i going down During 3 routine balance, te ampltae (amount) of vibration prodiced bythe ropeler ris about the same ate ant andra ofthe engine nd 4s the balance is improved bah the rant andrea of the engine ‘ecrease in ampltute AND THE ENGINE FELS NOTICERBLY BETTER. tere isa problem elsewhere inthe engine theresa problem in te propel assembly. wil be evident a he rer vibration tans cer reading wil remain he same or erase nines, TSS the case, the propel track should be checked a outined under opel track. The nature ofthe problem shoud be deterined before attempting to balance NONSTANOARO RESPONSE TARGET ATTACHMENT AND CABLE ROUTING 1. Outside viewing ‘tach a retectve target P/N $200 tothe rot of a single lade. The target wi be observed rm the tot ofthe aera Poston the cals clear of moving parts 1 a convenient viewing poston ahead ané sigh of center ine, 201030 eet away fom te ‘arent. ‘tach the cables to the Balarcer/Analyewr and Stobex as stated alow. |e eszal 2. Inside vewing ‘tach reece target P/N 3800to the face oa blade where wile "berm msde the arr, tach two ages on anaher ble it Is. two blades prop. a tree targets onthe hic blade of the iaded rope. Because the vibe ate of the propel mited when viewed rom Inside tis necessary to mark al teacessoangleof the raster bade (Gt) can alvays be determined, Each blades marked nical 50 there gna confusion nen PROPELLER TRACKING Insalatin of a ibrton ransduce is ot ques for blade tracking, Attach elective tape overapping he leading edge of bade approx. imately tine rom the Up, Atach another reficive tape to Me next laden roan averaping heading edge approximately 2 aches ‘tom te tip. Contrue application to addtional blades moving the target poston a ile farther in on each subsequent blade, (See iustraons, below) (Operate acrat at ile. Using the Strobe, ads the oscar re alte teat whieh Bade pass. (Example: 3 lade at 1000 RPM. 00 bade pass ate ‘serve the targets on he blade tps edge on tothe propel dsc. Fine tne the oseator unl the tages come ito view:The fee an al elatonsip ofthe targets wil be equa wth 2 pert track. 2 targets ahead or behind te othe tpt) the prop is cut of track in ‘the obvious sense. (See mustrations, 8.18). (Operate thearcraft at amedium power setting. Ads the oslo to ‘te new blade ps ae Fine ure to slop the target imape. Observe a record the tack elatonship. Repeat readings ata higher power setng. Ditlerences of 3/16 ich or more ae likely to create problems when attempting to Balance. he fare and aft rations "oats of ‘anges during ana the stings there is heya wear problem the fropler hud or blade retention mechanism. W the track picture anges detween power seins I may indicate a “st” blade or 2 bade whose lit eharaceristis change due fo profi, incidence, ot tending, in any a the above eases tis ecommended that the iad Itncness, coed with and dlameter be checked against propel ‘manufactrers ins and corected required. Dilerenoes that are Constant over all RPMs ae usualy causes by Blade ange, miroad- Justin ring, or hub shiming Bterences ‘Some losenes inthe hub is noticeable inte state conto. This is ‘anormal condone mest propels andi acentable. See propel Imanulctrrs his or excessive aroun _— wore) (noes | “| o44 I] | . a AR ( } SI ‘ounnde most oe aLADE 18 DOCUMENTATION PLACARDS The propels hub must beara placard notyng future maintenance persone! he propelierhas been dynamialy balanced anc the assem- Diy ofthe PTAC isan indexed assem ‘Te maintenance entry shold be made in the appropiate propeller andor engine logbook anc shoul relererce the amount of weight instaled and ts anmuth, Azimuth ference canbe made to ater top eas center or 2 early vsible indelible ark on the PTR. Ths inde mark must be made on all acessibe PTRC components, Enter the engine time and date andthe inal IPS and azimuth eacngs ‘The entry must be signed andthe ceriicate ember of he mainte ranen peso entered. te balance wis done using 2 hard copy vibration recorder nude & py ofthe before and afer vibration rere In normal service the balance wil lst approximately 400 houts of ‘verge se, on conventional geared aplnes (al daggers) approx imately 700 hours. Normal preventative maintenance of the lading ‘ges on metal propels wl not normaly ater he blane enough Tequila rebalance. Nicks ned tobe removed in accordance with the manuacrers guidelines. Advisory cular 20-370 outings the care ‘of metal propellers incusing dressing of nicks, scratches, and ‘oes. Ar dressing othe bites thetancemustbe rechecked to ‘confi the balanced cordon has not been disturbed LimiTaTionS No proper may be tlances whose nt reading exceeds 1.2inches er second (IFS) velocity, [NOTE: 1 the unbalanced reading exceds 1.215 tis recommended the propeller te removed and resist anced "No weights may be atached to spinners or spinner bulkheads which tue cracked, stopdrild or welded. Balance washers maybe applied to the outsie ofthe spinner or tst uroses ony. Washers the cusie ote spnne are not permitted as 2 permanent instalation, Sel adhesive woights are not permite except where outined by the ropler manufacture, ‘Acceptable balance lve is. inches per sacond (PS) velocy at the RPM ofthe propel. Clearance of attachment hauare and weight must be & minimum of 25 ich from ted portion ofthe cowing and engine, except the engine whete cuties tor starter ng gear attachments “ BALANCE/VIBRATION CHECK caution Cnserve engine operating limits. Arlow to the engine fs generally limited ding ground operation and may result in reaching ter paratre its aid. ‘The balance eating may te taken at any APM. Low cruise RPM on most opposed engines uo to 300 HP is 3 good bala gue. Observe propel n arc circumscribed by eterive targets) using ‘Stobex.Dbservethe ange ofthe target andthe amount of bration ‘shown on the banca analjzer and ecard. WARNING ~ i! IPS (Inches per Second Velcty) exceeds 1.2 at ‘ropler RPM donot atempttalance. Remove propel ad r-saic lance assembly rre-phasepropeleron cranks permite by manuiactwer For complete instructions on equipment used consul te parteular operating manual fr that equipment In the ilustraton below the tid of thre biades appears at 1-00, cock. Normal te fist target sean I used asa elerene or mast blade whe poston i lated onthe polar coordinate chart. THe PS levels splay on te balancer anlyn. TRIAL WEIGHT ADDITION 1. Wit the engine shut down, rotate th propel tothe angular poston at wich it was observed while runing. 2, Plaoe @ tial weight onthe propel OPPOSITE THE DIRECTION ‘THE VIBRATION TRANSDUCER POINTS onthe engine. Se examples on page 8 WARNING WARNING WARNING “al weignts may be aed tthe spine retention screws using large _ae washers (wth longer screws i necessary) for purposes of tet. ‘These are TRIAL weighs eny and ate panied ae 2 petmanent instalation. Do nt exceed stack of si washers on any screw (CAUTION: CAUTION CAUTION ‘Traalance weights ray rote ade othe spines retention screws i they ae smal han #10 (10-32) se 3. How much wight to use depends onthe propel, but asa rue the fotowing shold provide aéequateguiance fra st run. Fate takeot orsepower Grams per.1 IPS at sinner raius 100-3005 0.6.0 300-800/10.0-12.0 800+ Consult Chaawick Helmuth Co. oo _ eta nanevsnneonoresmsninenusnuinesnasnnere TRIAL WEIGHT ADDITION EXAMPLES 1, When engine shut down, ott propeller target ble to angle at hich it was cbsaved whl running. 2, Place weight on propeller OPPOSITE DIRECTION VIBRATION TRANSDUCER POINTS on he engine *L) h ration rascier pnt awn ‘ata 120 ode peso rr ration rnscoe oii towrd Vibrate ranauer canting down 10:90 nod weg af £20, ‘sta 1200 0 each pasion PLOTTING BALANCE POINTS 1. Run the engine again at the same power seting and repeat ‘he reacigs. ‘Second reasing below 2 PS: 2. Hon the second run the reading was below .2 IPS proced to permanent instalation instructions ‘Second reading above 2 PS: Using balance chart worksheet #3658 on p. 20 plot the fst ani Second points a thi respecve intersections of angle and IS, Label ‘hem point #1 and point #2. (On the tergt cock (page 9} connect the wo pins wit n arrow so the arrow pots athe second point, Draw ane between he fist point andthe centr of he chat it te arrow is longer than the Hine, proparionay less weight ‘equiee I ne arrow is shortar tan the tne, proportionally more weight is ‘equies ‘Measure the ange between te lne and the arrow, tthe target as vewedinaclackwise recon rom thefist point he weight must be moves the angular amount counterclockwise onthe propel STARTER RING GEAR WARNING WARNING WARNING 0 NOT install washer under head of bolt. Head of bolt must face ‘engine side a ng gee, Mardware used: “AN."X"A bt ANGTO-4 washer N385-428 nut on some ring gers the weight attach hols ar countersunk on the ‘engine side ofthe ring gear. These tng geas nessa re Use ot ‘ounfersunk machine ts on the engine side of the ring ea in iu ot the AN tt ‘maximum of two holes may be used. Bot head must have positive ‘earanca through sat bend wih crankshat seats tll af. Tis med sto Be used only on ring gears without spinner Bulheads aches Note. Attachment hardware and weight must lear stationary portions (fe cowting by at least 25 ich => |e / STATIC BALANCE WEIGHT LOCATIONS Use ofthe static weights inte by some propel manulaces. Consut propeller overhaul instructions for appicble part aumbers ane umber of weights that canbe instal. tthe static weights ar used or dynamic balance the P/N (or equve alent gram weight) and locaton of hese weights must be ecoced in the logbook so the propeller cane restored to ts orginal static Talance condion if laces on anane aiean tw be necessary orecompute the balance weight from the outside ofthe spinner tothe sai weight ocations. This is essentially weight {nd balance recommputation based on the formula W x A= moment, vere W = weght, A = arm (agus trom center of retaton 8 ES Lo . eae eionnnnseaoeNRi INSIDE PERIPHERY OF SPINNER BULKHEAD Noe: It raqured weight exceeds 200 inch grams ina single location ive weight equally etwaen two holes, A maximum of two oes may be used. Hardware equrement: MS 24694-S°X" countersunk machine screw aN 870-3 washers MS 2104213. lack nt '9N 365-1032A lock nut aerate) Instalation note: Fist washer against bulkhead may requ trimming to accommodate» radius of bukheas range. First washer agsinst bulkhead may reqite light counersinking to Provide proper foraue values. No mare than two hols allowed 1 ft Dalancewelgts, . Type 3 Countersunk machine scren, weights inside buneas SPINNER BACKING PLATE “Type 4 Axil bot, doubler washar Minium tikness: 040 inch 40 inc ‘Maximum rads: 3 ines 5 inches ‘Maximum rotational velocty 2650 RPM 2850 APM Maximum moment 180 inch grams. 180 inch grams Note: it weight required exceeds 90 inch grams in a single acaton, ‘divide equally Between wo oles. Armxumum oftwoholes may be sed. Note: Atachmentharcwareand weight mst lear satioary portions (the cowing and engine by at east 25 ch Hardware requirement: ANS-K"R bat AN S703 washer AN 960-316 washer AN 365-10828 nt Note: Preferred locaton near reinforcing we. Alteae to be used to ee caving cece guremes, Wastes mustbepckd ‘on ath sides ofthe bulead —— 1 a ‘Type 4 Axial bolt, ~ wate sue ® PLOTTING BALANCE PoiNTs ‘tthe target was viewed na counterclockwise ection fom the fst ‘eating the wight mst be moved the angular dstance clockwise ot the propel VERIFICATION RUK un the aircraft again al the BPM of tha isto readings, Contmue to Aust he balance weights un the PS lee is fess than 0.20. ‘The weight should nob spread over mare tan retention screws, oF farther ran 40 degrees of anmuth unless iis necessary Que to he anguar spacing ofthe spiner screws. CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION “Tal weights mist not be a6oed to sinner serews sale than #10 (10-82 sie ‘Oe the balance i reduced to aeceptbl eves, record nal IPS and ‘locking information for nlsion in rainienance records, ‘the balance cannot be reduced to acceptable evel within 45 uns And/or the readings ate not repeatable or predictable Is evidence thar fs a problem wih the PTAC that is making balance unikay Loose o worn components, ot of ack, et. a often tho cause Balance weights may not be apple to the PTRC that exits these readings. Proceed to section on propel acing p15 and seston on Troubleshooting p. 17. i soeeensnniesenenesetens GENERAL PRECAUTIONARY NOTES Be absolutely certain the Dalane weights do not interfere with the ‘operation of the propel, Propel cuts, cuntrtlances. dice assembles, etc. must all operate n 3 normal manner wih balance weights instal Rotate the propel through by hand ater weight addtian, Look as ‘well as listen for Clearance contlets. Bean mind as te propcter Produces thrust it wil force the propel and spiner foward. Ao femember te transient bration on startup and shu down wl require ‘more han ust postive clearance. DO NOT USE STICK ON SELF ADHESIVE WEIGHTS. Tis is promhtes unless specie bythe propel manvtactrer Donat file oc pint the blades to ater blaee Fling of he biges nas an aerodynamic a5 well a5 mass tlance eect WARNING, WARNING WARNING Before uring any propel, ensure the magneto switches are af and in proper working condition (.. grounded mags) WEIGHT INSTALLATIONS ‘There are four base acceptable methods of weight attachment othe TRC. Variations of each adibon method are ised as subtypes Note: Refeence to axial and rail are ‘rom the crankshat ton itil xs. als paral to the crankshaft long ai, radial 90 Sagres tote cranksatt centerine. 1. Inside periphery of spinner bulktead ‘A Type Radial bt, doubles washer 8) Type 2 Countersunk machine sro aft facing tange ©) Type 3 Countersunk machine screw, forward facing ange 2. Spinner backing plate A) Type 4 Axia bot, doubler washer 5. Starter ring gear 4, Static balance weight locations INSIDE PERIPHERY OF SPINNER BULKHEAD ‘Type | Radial bot, doubler washer Minimum bukbead thickress: 090 inc Maximum rads: 6.75 inch ‘Maximum rotational elociy: 2850 RPM Maxon moment 360 inch grams Hardware requirement: AN 9703 washer AN 960-316 washer 9 365-1082 nut 2N 525-109°X" Screw Note: A maximum oftwo les may be used for atchment of balance weg "Note: Weight and attachment hardware must clear stationary portions ‘of he cowing and engine by at east.25 nc INSIDE PERIPHERY OF SPINNER BULKHEAD ‘ype 1 Radial bot oubler washer "ype 2 Countersunk machine sere, aft acing ange Minimum bulked thickness: 040 inch Maximum ras: 5.75 inch Maximum rotational velocity: 2880 RPM Maximom moment: 400 inch grams. Note: Divide wright equally between two hols it moment exceeds 200 inch gFams ina Single location. A maximum of wo les ray be use, Hardware requirement MS 24694-S°X° countersunk machine screw AN 70-3 washers MS 2104243 lack mt ‘AN 365-10224 lack rut (aerate) Note: Weigand attachment ardware must lear stationary portons tof cowing and engine by a eas inch, Instat note: Fiat washer against bulkhead may require trimming to accommodate ‘agus of bukhea Tange Fist washer against bulkhead may require light courteriokng 10 brovie rape toque valves, Noor than wo oles allowed to cary balance wets Type 2 countersunk machine screw aft Tecing Tange ‘ype 8 Countersunk machine scr, weights inside bulbead Minimum bulked thickrass: 040 inch Maximom ras 575 inch Masimom rotational velocity: 2650 RPM ‘Maximum moment 400 inch grams "

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