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Assignment 2


DECEMBER 5, 2022
According to the Maslow’s Hierarchy, of needs once a need is fulfil the same
doesn’t cause motivation anymore thus developing the motivation to achieve
bigger things than what a person currently has the most essential needs mention
in the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are: Phycological needs , safety needs, social

I. If the association provides various types of opportunities to the

delegates, as well as opportunities for their improvement, which
benefits them, agents will be more interested in their work and will
work harder to achieve the company's current goals.
II. The company provided them with the calling teaching and planning
portions to their laborer’s and rewarded them for achieving their
goals, which will increase the association's capability. It will be
beneficial for both the association and their agent to improve their
work execution as well as their demonstration of keeping everything
in order on a regular basis.
III. Company should constantly have to make plans to achieving their
goals. Expecting association makes plans from the startup and take
the little steps in any case, after that go to the tremendous advances
will simplifies agents to manage everyday bases, then it will
straightforward for push ahead. By making game plans and starts
from the little advances and subsequently immense advances, it will
lead association to advance in present flashing goals and furthermore
in future as long stretch targets.
IV. Managers of organization that goes with choices for the organization
ought to constantly keep objectives clear and centered that should
be possible by a singular representative. On the off chance that
organization objectives ought to be practical, objectives are
accomplished in any case not. Troughs of organization ought to make
this stride for their ongoing objectives and they will be accomplished.
V. Managers of association should talk with their agents actually a
pleasant so they inspected about the objectives of association. In
case they wait there patiently, standing by listening to their
delegates, laborers can see their perspective about association which
may be ideal over chief's route. Subsequently, chiefs direct with their
delegates ought to be agreeable and fragile which will give benefits
to their association in the present and moreover in future.
VI. There is something else that for the most part association follows is
to give performs different assignments to their laborers so they can
rapidly moves and achieves their huge principles. Regardless, in
actuality, inconvenience on the agents can't give benefits to them in
light of the fact that most delegates can't play out their work suitably
and get tumbled because of performing different errands, so they
leave. By giving performing different assignments to delegates drives
association to dissatisfaction and company level goes to cut down
level and their targets will not be achieved. Heads of the association
should have to stop to give perform different undertakings to
individual agent, as opposed to this, they should make practices to
the laborer execution for their goals achieving. Making best
demonstrations of achieving objective to laborers makes brilliant
delegate and will get benefits from their laborers.
VII. There is something else which is fundamental for the delegate's new
development and their working and that is motivation. Directors
should constantly move their working delegates and besides give
them some respect. If heads convince their agents, the specialists
working execution would be preferable over anybody could have
expected and they will end up being more mindful. In case they
don't, then, at that point, their working execution stays same and
can't foster interest in them of their working. Thusly, motivation is
basic in working execution. Give a regard and opportunity to the
workers, with the goal that they feel unwind and simple. In the event
that representative's development interest in them of their working,
they will make their objectives simple to accomplish and in the event
that chiefs don't extend a regard and not gives an opportunity to
them, their functioning presentation won't be great which will give
dis-benefits to the organization. Regard and Opportunity ought to be
given to the functioning representative; it will give benefits to
VIII. For a company , the employees health will also be important to
providing them good and healthy foods and also gives their basic
needs such as clothes , shelters for living their life better.

So, these are some important points, If a manager will be honest with his
employees in a critical situations the employees will also be helpful to the
company and also companies and their managers follow these points, employees
will be unable to leave their jobs, and the company's current goals will be easily

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