Zeitgest Zlateh The Goat

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Polish born Jewish American novelist and short story writer

Born in Warsaw
Won Nobel prize for literature in 1978
His works often portray traditional Jewish life in Poland and the US
Bashevis was his pen name
“zlateh the Goat” is the titular work of singer’s 1966 publication
It is a poignant story about the bond between human beings and animal.
It shows the unconditional trust of an animal in human beings
At Hannukkah time the road from village to town is usually covered with
But the winter had been a mild one that year. Sun shone most of the time
For Reuven the furrier it was a bad year
He decided to sell his goat zlateh to feyvel, the town butcher for eight gulden
So he could by Hannukkah candles, potatoes, and oil for pancakes; gift for
children and other holiday necessaries for the house
Oldest boy Aron was asked to take the goat to Feyvel
Younger sisters Anna and Miriam cried
When Aron placed a rope around Zlateh’s neck, she licked Reuven’s hand
She trusted human beings
They always fed her and never did any harm
On their way to town Aron noticed a change in weather
It began to hail as in summer and turned to snow
Their path was completely covered
They somehow found a shelter, a large haystack
He hollowed out a nest for himself and the goat
The haystack was also food zlateh
Zlateh gave Aron milk as he started starving
Aron felt that she is like a sister
aron began to talk to the goat. Zlateh replied “maaa”
snow fell for three days
on the morning of fourth day they could come out from the haystack
a peasant showed them way to home
they returned to home
Aron didn’t want to sell zlateh
Aron’s sisters kissed zlateh
Nobody ever again thought of selling zlateh

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