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My Philosophical Orientation to Teaching

By: Harpreet Kaur

Due Date: November 20, 11:59 p.m.

Artifact #3
EDU 201

Philosophy of Education

Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence,

especially when considered as an academic discipline. Depending on an individual there are five

philosophical orientations to teaching. They are Perennialists, more concept based; Essentialism,

mastering knowledge through repetition and knowledge; Progressivism, natural learning from

students’ own interest and concerns; Existentialism, understanding of their experiences and

meaning of life; Social reconstructionism, students getting involved in social change and


As a teacher there are several aspects that I would consider while following a

philosophy in any setting of classroom. The basic philosophy in my classroom would be based

on Humanistic approach (psychological orientation). I would demonstrate a sincere effort in

educating my students not only book knowledge but life skills as well. I would follow the

combination of the above-mentioned philosophies that is an eclectic philosophy, which is a

blend of two or more philosophies. This would help me with my beliefs and values about the

educational goals, curriculum, and teachers and student’s role in learning. I would also like to

create a climate of trust and respect in the classroom so the students can openly express

themselves with confidence.

Teaching is a very noble profession. A highly qualified teacher is one who understands

her subject area inside and out and who has book and real-world learning, the teacher should be

able to apply concepts in their certification area, offer students real-life examples and show how
students can apply what they learn to the everyday world. Professionally speaking all the

teachers may it be elementary teacher, middle school teacher, high school teacher, or a special

education teacher have many things in common. No matter what level a teacher is teaching

building relationship with student is very important. But given a choice I would like to teach

elementary students specially the third, fourth, and fifth graders. Reason being this age group

students are very social and feel a strong need to belong to a peer group. They are eager to please

and cooperate with a teacher but can also work independently. I also expect something from my

students. This is for them to actively participate in my class and accomplish requirements. Most

importantly, I anticipate their honest feedback in our discussions so I can easily assess whether

there’s a need to elaborate the concept more or not without any formal assessments. For me, their

honesty and participation in the classroom are enough efforts in the teaching process.

I was inspired by my own school teachers. Though, at my times the school teachers were

strict as compared to the teachers of today, that did helped me to be more organized and an

honest teacher. Time management is my greatest strength. I came in this professional

accidentally. August 2021, I attended open house at my kid’s school wherein the teachers

mentioned that their staff were down to 40% staff due to COVID. I had a substitute license and

that’s how I entered this profession. So, I guess sometimes accidents are opportunities. I started

as a substitute teacher but was eventually upgraded to a 5th grade class. I taught Math, Science,

and social studies. My experience with the fifth graders was amazing. Everyday it gave a good

feeling of satisfaction to teach them. My classroom always followed positive affirmations and

teaching gave me my motive of life. I saw the difference I could make in the society through

kids. Thought it is true that I had to spend extra hour but more important is to teach and that does

take extra efforts. I am very focused, hardworking, and honest and my students and the parents
could see the sincere efforts I inculcate in my students. To further advance my knowledge and to

serve better I started my college and switched to shot term subbing. Currently, I am a substitute

teacher with CCSD and a chattered school. While subbing, I checked my options along with the

educational qualifications required to grow economically in the field of teaching. I am taking this

course for my intrinsic reasons. The passion for teaching has always inspired me to become a

teacher. Passion for the field of interest is extremely important for being successful. I believe that

follow the passion and money will follow you. Passion for work holds a broader spectrum in the

teaching field. Passion for working with all age group students, and sharing their experiences,

helps both the teacher and student to be successful.

One of the requirements of the B. Ed was the field observation. What I noticed during the

field observations was that when you have a different perspective it enables to understand the

subject better. They can provide additional information, instant feedback, create a culture of

improvement. provide a teacher with a different set of experiences and provide greater insight

into students. During the observations and my subbing, I did come across with student diversity

and variability. Yes, it does sometimes get challenging because they are from a totally different

ethnicity and transformation is difficult. I would take my time and break the work in smaller

instructions if required. Building a sense of trust with these students is even more important.

Giving them a safe school environment, listening to them and acting accordingly is very

important with these students.

In Conclusion, teachers work to cultivate a rigorous and nurturing climate for learning;

and foster the academic, social, and emotional growth of their students. Teachers hold high

standards and respect in society. Teaching covers various spectrums of lives.  As an instructor,
teaching helps gain and share unlimited knowledge. It helps create a responsible society.

Teaching indeed makes a difference in a child’s life every single day!

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