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Palace Tho Seund of SouthAiesn Soccer Senin =e Une Animals ana Thelr Heats estan “Th Heit Fonnee Franc sy Good Pontre Makes» Soccer Stern " Work of Love: Animal Keepers sodat 1 studies Lets Tak 4. Look tthe lotr, Who the woman? 2. What do you think animal keaners do? Lot cheek cs orcs come to your rr! what ys hh nm ow = Wid animal | axial show [toca dangers con hurt animal keepers Other animal keepers Work of Love: omens Se em sie Animal Koopers att for baby animals, All anira keepers love and cae for Who They Are and What They Do 7 ” 1a, Wd animals can Animal keepers work in 200s, They have be hapey, belly, ard sf very important jobs! They keep wild animals seth animal keepers, sale, healthy and happy, They give animals food and watar, Thay 2r@ for sick anal, Thay clean the anna! homes, How to Become an Animal Keoper 2 Get expcence with rary aia is of Aiea Ke 5 carofor pts secant aman ey, Different Kinds of Animel Keepers ae ‘eee tena ee There are many kinds of animal Work with diferent wild enimols cadet beepers. Some animal keepers 1 Study eimal eae cave for dangerous animals lke (i Geta job ot 200 ies tigers or allgetrs. These animals a z Y | What do animal keapars NOT do? {They fed eimai leaning Choote the conse newer. 0: Thay career ba nina oi ‘¢. They hurt the wid animals. 1 The worse mean kp a ina aye ee wot wth stu 4: Who does NOT ble inthe sane grow of ema oper? |. Soan lp ac alps. 2 Te word mea “ot he some” Dery ght onde tr faba fel dorgeou8 ta dteret cinporant € Dank Gearsaiperscaye 15, Usage Choote the cone words 5 How do you become an anal koper? « excel 1 Tiger are dangorous They a “wid animate) pote rsa shes oy stj srimalenre 2 Chiefs me hoepel. Ho by ening forbabis 2 ert want ia ne, - dangorous | soto 6 tress Wha ean bo fered om ha tory? |. Atari keopars ear fo same arm w& 8. Anil Kesprs he men ks of ariel ‘A Fnging the Facts Ohack Tee or Fab, 1 Anima! keepers tak cara cf sick animals, ae 2 Thoro is orty ono hind of animal keeper. De 5: Koala an pts Put anal Keepers ow cytes Nae SS oes ry 7 ae re nee ooeeed a tn B "4 Get wiparienoe wh sinks. Then you cn become an ‘anal keeper, 00 bs Arial heepers workin 008, They ow for wk ria Arima hooper cao for many knds of enmals. Thess ‘male canbe eal, heat, and apy. ra Le ae “Today, ay helps 2¢ an aia sola, How, sho i an anal keaper, Amy takes cro ofthe dogs, Fist, she feeds the dogs, She opens the kennels. She puts fod in each dogs bow, The dogs un othe bows deat, She gives thom sh water, not She forges to lock one kann deo, The dog runs out Amy uns ater him! The dog is scared! Finally he goes into his kennel ‘ny locks the kan doo, Pheud : Next, she plays with the puppies, she looks atthe puppies i the box, She seas black-and-white one, She takes the puppy ‘ut of the box. They play onthe floor. She ticles the puppy. The puppy pees on he ‘Too funny! Lat, Ary put the puppy back, ‘She deans the mes, What 9 day Animal Keepers wk hard to take cave of animals! Butts a funjob, too! aaa wnt! i Sterbsera dos es Sheet Ta aeeoneg - Tres jolabomnate, cme, were & J Mating Ofcom come wen, {Ths rare "oreo ign xieg? ‘tod baile fle 2 The words mean “to keep someone or something sae arunater to cat of opin 1. Usage Chocse th cocrect wos 1 Aik ew or Bw or “rm | colt 2 Please keep ne dor oper, Dot. tmeacer, open | eo 23 She dpe cup of nik The Norv = moa hae ‘A. Fring to Facts Chock Tm) or Fae 1 Ary tas cao of acts aw 2 Any fogote fe giv tho animale water ae 3 Asia’ koaping is hard but also fun, ae LUndorstancing the Passage Choate th comectanewars 1 Whats estoy many about? ‘Dogtannae © voge ana puppes 6 Mexen a an enepar 2 Whore fs Ay working today? ‘ata animal sheet tan sil Pospal ca an erin shop 3 What does Amy do fst? ‘plays wth ne pups Suna ae 0 dep feeds the dogs ‘ware dos Ay pay nt he puppy ato tho bax Benme ar inno een 5 The puppy pees on Amy. looks . aaity scary funny 6 tntarance What con be interac om th str? Any buy wth na doe But ae ens er wor. Amy as fn wih te doge Sut ho oa net ka Por Work, wert —k——— b rgtesrettocsnimatesinnenr nano wionns Sweet meena Golden-Brown Breakfast! Social A sstdies | ‘Any wort a an arial shel, ors Tak 1 Ary pay wi the puppes and ans the moss. Soa he Waa 73 She goes he dog Hanna She feds We dogs : Nea en ~‘ aga arin canbe ar bao 2. What ean you cook? Let's Check. \Which words come te vour mind when you think of cooking? | |ehet frying pen | food Bae oo. ! iii 4 i IB vein ory ingrectens in a trge oud, BB cance ogg into aotner bon Mx the 499 yaks ana whe, Ads th bor ard milk, faa wi grin a a fork, LBB ring the bow with the dry ingredients, Mica dy and wet ingredients together (Bata tra ya ca, Next. eat the pan Tm Chel Onuck, Today, we wil make # pancakes, ogee ee Core atc BP Pour 1/4 cup of water into the hot pan & = pewees foreach pancake Can you see bubbles? Super! * ‘Now: flip each pancake. Are they golden Dry Ingredients brown? Yes? Your pancakes ae finshed -Respe tert tow a +2 blespoons 0 il sagt aay ABB serve your pancakes with syrup, fresh +2 easpons bang poncer ‘rit or anything ele you het = 2erpeon 5 nh sk yet ngresents wade, ‘hi Chet Cree es asst Nee eae el TERE, tap insennaner Flour —— | ee» a Branston te « Noe ye wort & ‘A. Monning Goose the comect answers 1 Trower moana Yo make warm or hot” get ‘hoat on 2 Thoword means “to break open.” aoa ‘tip ese 15. Usage Choose th correct werd 1 Thre we mangas on eto Lets __ rent gtr el) 2 Lavkeleyelow cic scoborisiea «vo 3 Aly tienda eo Peseta w 1 Finding the Face Chuck Tian or Fa, 1 You read 1 teaspeon ost erFaneaas ae airy pee nese Te 2 arate ogen ho ry gett bot as 'B. Understancing the Passege Choose the comectanewers, 1 wnat isis passage maily about? 1 Cre Cnack andi gisen syn Div ngredions and wat rods © Hom tomate pancales 2 Whats NOT 8 wet ingrecient? buter tour cose 3 How many bowls do you need te make pancakes? ‘one bo tour 4 How much batter do you pour foreach pancake? 2eupe ven ettep 5 You can nix a wetingreionts ‘ wth sup puma‘ (ch rer ft 6 tntrence What canbe inter fom the story? ‘on pica are dom, to sel anges. ‘when pancakes ae dono, hr clo charges. Choe ne eco ‘thonaneates. wren Yet ac oe sain oh punonchubaterarowsn Good Food Fixes Everything 2-28. serve te pancakes wit ote fods. ‘Miche dy and we! greens afer! bowls N tx yon npc 2 niente tetera us ich teibe tapas eae ya cae intone eden rosea ~ ‘Lets eke eparaten Lets Check ‘ich wor come to your mina when you tk geod food? [tts | pancates candies | vegetables [7 sous od Food Fixes Everything September, &2h I put the pancake on a plate. I ute golden sarap ‘9 write, "Tm vor!” The pancate loks very speci Eversthing is veody! Iason comes into the Wachen! E seve hite the Gant pancaeo. He emis, eats, and says, "T Forgive you.” T bee good food fete evergtina. ore a & A. Meaning Crease he corect answers 1 Theword__meane the tweet par.” ‘tote tack top 2 Tho word, means “Yeoing very unhappy mac” special anon 900d 5. Usage Choose the correct wards 1 She ay th piano very wal shes tbe te bat 2 You sail, Sony" So ye “forge | sor 21 My mom cooked a ig oh ate, ees & ‘Finding the Facts Check fm) a Fae. 1 vente ong wt me, se oes nat wath TV. 2 econ makos to pancake with me. 2 fueoa lage yg pan. 2. Understanding the Passage Choose the comect nsnors 1 What thi story mainly about? Eat «cetoeusparcato [ping a paneas a rg pan eating a 2ecake fora end 2 Wy do make the pancake? because want Jocen te fe! betor ‘been ton var oe paneaeae ‘because pancaos are e857 coe | What mates the pancake ook very spect? 4h pals older enor the pancala big aze ne" sorry messago onthe pancake 4 What does the goiden-brown color ofthe pancake mean? |The pancat ie racy cook. tho pancee is eazy oat The patcate roy 899. 5 ite my message on the pancake wit a. goldon bbubbis 6 Inference What ean be intr tem the stony? ‘aun lol ba becouse of my pancake. ‘dns eos beer because of my pancake. eapiite wrote mo ite the correct torte sentence fr each paragraph using the sentences Inthe box — 2 Lets Tate e 4. Look atthe ature. |i the logredends togatner emake a pancake, nati the boy aing? ‘Thon | coo ho pares, 2. What isthe woman on TV doing? Jason natohes TV bocaiae be snot happy wth. ’ ¢. Javon eats he peneake He fives me, Lets check % vtsTm sort onthe pancake The pancake is ead Ties Seles yan oan ee os meL ooreone [| soune on fanquage hearing posiem [ gootures 900 bap as ed —— by Fllen Brown E Need Creates Change | \ Cartons te fn for many cin. Dat se hdres conké weno” ‘haractrn, Bul now hey can woleh and understand many ertoon In | © Rasa, pk eat cartons dea tien, oy dd they do i Fis, hey Wok fas cates aed asd hes “Thaypa sal at he Boom fhe eas. he Bo tay caged the electors? words Tole sl latte. 1m sign angye, people communica by ‘oving hfr as, hieds arms, nd fe est people le mis ay The spn Ingmnge A the box helps doa ci leren understand coast yn xy he atoms Then the eatove nukes had ache ea, ‘he ea nas help all dca people They emt ea pape to ay mary mee. Sa they kept working har Now, they are patting popular movi oo Sith ae 5 sae » ra an ‘ies (etteseco prepa wars w ‘A. Meaning Chooea tho rest anewor. 1 Tro word ‘means thou feotngs an wor.” nom boy ‘ccommarieate 2 The word means "boing unable to hear” cuit dat ‘sbeustl 2. Useioe Choose te correct wor. 1 Yeumagosrew eudypan.t'sa peed | ar! 2 This book ia very feat. | canet . 5 Evenene brews esse. She emesis 1. Finding the Facls Gack Tt or Fira) 1 Dea! children mace popular raves fer Semechos ne 2 Dest poop commirieate ni sgn angunge. oe 2 Inte US, poope mado now cntoene fr doatehtérn, ne ©. Undorstanding the Passage Greets to coneet ansver. 1 Whats thi arto mahi about? «Popul evs for peopo ‘Now eater eral eon Fun aroon characte 2 Wy could deat cilten NOT anoy cartoons boro? ‘a They ood ot ead thom, [They could ot mako thom, They auld 6! unos ham. | Why i poopie make cartoons for deat chien? ‘tomato manay b tohelp cea ctor vy cartoons ‘to toas dat eben ag language 4 How can dea etiinen enjoy cartoons? ‘by ooing ata tal box wim kn rg.90 by ooing at he words on ep othe eacans ‘by ooking atthe apocia ck in careers 5 ta tho cartoons, tho san language tox sa the ap bbotorn ‘mide 6 trees Wt eu be feed om he story? 8 Daa! propa ean arty many pop nova, to. Oni deat even con onoy many rakes, 1 um amat box in the cartoon. 1 Show wnat sign fnguage is 6 Toach chldron homo Hear he chats words 44 Change th characte’ wer mo gn angie, ws 2. Da eilon od not roy cetoon el. Bi no, ‘haya Tis cartoon rar are now ptng sn language ts inary roves «People nPuzaa soda ail boxe chang te ‘arazors words nthe careons i st angsage e 2 i t 1 i | : N om & ‘Aes Choose he concet answers. 1 The word rmoane “omething for holding many books.” atbay bs bookshtt dee 2 The word rmeane to communicate ving sgn language" sign eho como B. Usage Chonse the conect words, 1 k= mow very ch. THe wesmieresg eae ip 2 Tom cose noi talkie now pont. Ho vary ty ape 3 John aways mo funy stores. Ho makos mo ey gh & |. Fining ho Facts Ghck TI) or Fata. 1 hed ot tk he ian. os 2 Suporeeyin te animaton ean ty 28 2 The eugene Cian 201 wacom th new tnt. a8 1. Undorstansng tho Passage Choose tho comoct answers 1 What this tory mainly about? 4A boy ting awn ho clas tin ‘Te missing ton Case 200 An annatin sor for anew stidertin ass 2 What IsNOT conect about Mike? ae anew studor. ‘ee wa deal oy, 2 Why a everyone laugh ator watehing the animation? ‘.bocauso Miko fund ho ut, jut ko Superboy ‘ebootuse Mike fe sound We clasroom becuse Miko ft The Superboy 4 What did the slants NOT do forthe animation? 2. They wit ple and ro sere. ‘a They changed the sary ro wan language They hid the ass ture, 5 Neko tka to tho etudons autor ‘lg arguage ewieo 6 tnferenes What enn be inferred fram the ety? ‘0. and be eedons bear fend boca of fo aman, ‘taka became quel and chy because ce anmaton The taper tarts Supe, The tencher say, "Te ass ‘ute meung” «Spry hm a 4-1he boys rams © Supetoy wore 3 t Brel sn ssn pri iy nn cs & te wie Mite sgred, ie he aninon" Ande ate he 4. Look athe pict || ve ec nie a le ‘nat am 99 ose etn? 2. nat oyeur vot ee eroam favor? ¢ We chnond tw anaton san ge ~ 4. We snowed he animation ota pate ch wor ce te wurma van youth ct ran? [eat Teor: so | ee Your ten Seoop @ esi apna ye cm Hest ty Th & ‘A Meaning Chee tho cence! orsvers SEIT 1 The word ‘moan “no et” acon ‘aos ‘ama 2 The word __means “a parte ot” unde bawins ‘tenn Chocta the corect words, a gttor my parents. eal) buys “favor snp Finding the Facts Crack TH) or asa 1 Baekn nn Robins opens hn Fat sk Rating sho 1953 ne 2 The Bet Been Robbing ehop wa inthe Untod Kingdom, Ue 2 Bei Rckbinn sl aes ew ew cna lr oe 2, Understanding the Passage Choose he carol arawers, 1 What et tary mally about? ‘Mary favors! co oom but Baskin andi Rabbi «The het of Bishi Rebns tle Cram 2 What doo Gasén-Aaebine wantto el with tai cream? a.checiate bin pink spcone 2 Which favor cath st ehop NOT eo” 4. Met Cravens Crip 2. vey Bary Suamberry «Coon Candy oom ie th corel ole sentence for prgrash ua eens estes — & “4 Wat does he “21” of askin. Rbins NOT moan? ‘alert yor or every doy ofan moth 81 original io roam Bavors 15 There are mare than 8,000 hope anno Uoa Sates ‘around he wos ino Area ara 6 tnfrnce What amb in tom heer? = {Poop can taste many ea crear Fava Wi he pk spoons 3 0. Poo hve pm for aso tis room S seeesseeee s © sgSuBulle of Thee ar et 5200 Basin eitins shop wound he 3 ven CAM / natisne const riormalon bout the hiner of Bar ' Badin Rottire ha oor 1000 favors: Moons fo rralo mor. Backin Roser isan ice crm shop Burton Beskn and vine Rotts opened theft Beski-Robbins ste Gam shop, 6 Tre"31" ha inersing meanings. And peoee use the pik spouts W choase Ina lee cea EY) Rots Compete th char wath he arsuces neo, uma ts shop epaneain nore han 2. taba of room Pes 2,ttnberof chops inthe U.S. mer than hope 2.2800 8.1055 © 1000 sath What’s Your Holiday Ice Cream? Today wha special contest, Stents made ice ceam for wold noiays, Some students made unique ce «ream for thal wn counties! ayn ig from canada and sho picked Halloween, This > holiday ison October 31, She mixed chocolate places, pumpkin, and vanilla ice cream, She puta candy . ‘bone on top Tooke scary and tasted tribe! edi i rom lapan and hecho The Emperor's Bithday, cis on December 23, He used vanilla ce ‘eam and gut astrouberry on tp, looked like the Japanese flag, was ely delicious! @ is Ben is rom Israel and he picked Hora, Kit | eight-day bliday, Hn id sone ce evar e ‘nd putrine candles ontop, ne canis are vory Important in Hanukkah, He lit the candles, We Just look a his ie cream because it vas too beautiful Kevin wan the contest, His ice ceeom shown the meaning of his country’s hlltay, also tasted the best! We celebrated and te everyone's ie ca, Some were good, and some were bad, It wae a vor dy! ae = Le i q . Te ‘hy stern wr eect? fingren ana onion & ‘A Meaning Choose the corect anenere. Vocabulary 1 The word ‘means “a gxmo botweon poop a.pouien ea cortost 2 The word ‘moans "boing flo tat nancy tert fave |. Us96 Chooee the eoriect words 1 Korean ment haa @ ‘eet, “nique important 2 Ndacidad 0 ‘anatomy grandnoter. umes 4 Wewan the contest istine to veoh) ty & ‘Finding te Faste Chock TW) or Fa, kom 1 The students ada loa cram fore sara hay ae 2 The Hanuea rly Inger han ono ay ae 3 Dawn wae the winnar ef conto oi ', Understanding the Passage Chooae th correct answers 1 what sti story main about? An ie craam about Hen a aa Eating ica esa at elas party 2 What did stented forthe contont? They at oe cram ona nen, They made le cream tr hols. They ealbraed wari hola, 2 What ld Kev lo wa lok ik? Ema candon ha pune th dpa tg ‘ino th corset ope anton fo each paragraph ue te eentaneoe inthavoe. a | Wy ca students jst look at Ben's ie ream? | tecause Roe scary because Rooked boowt beeauee owos nan bad 45 InManulia, the important thing is ‘thn cand ‘ctanoony a io cram {6 tnfrnce What ean ba intres Hom the story? {,A¥ to fo eroam nth conoid ood, 6 twas a asiou ty. ' Some ke ceamin ne cares tata bad, DUN Nas a Bakes ey. Bula of, Ut il Dan ae Kon nt cena? i ne ‘Sm ting n bem do fore hings on So ns. ® "Orient rede specie cma Halonen bb Suerts mace unigus lee crear cones. ( ‘(Dawels) ‘kin boy fom al mad beat io crea fr Heth 1 Ant sts rade dle en or Te [Erporere Bday. aoa, ~‘ 6. The second sn! won The eer at ovaronde ‘panpkin b choca ice cea ecsameory «santa co cream 6 Science Let’ Talk 4. Look the pictur, ‘rat ae the chien watching? 2. How do youtnink clouds for inne ky? Lats Chock ‘ich words eame to yeur ming when you thnk of louse? Le ain sky [wns | popeer ») What Are Those Things in the Sky? What are clouds? Clouds ae droplets of water or ee estas, How clouds Form lous for fom wate vas, When warm aif goat up akee water vapor up. too. Then water vapor cools and grows bigger Droplets of water or ie crystals foim, wren many come together, 8 oud forms, Colors of Clouse Same clouds ook white Because they rac he sunight, Some oude are dare becouse they ate thick or hea. The sun's Eght ‘anmotrefloc through thick or hea clouds othe look dak, th at Kinds of Clouds ‘rus douds are high im the sky. They are sua thin and whit, They most for by E lee ental, ‘Alt couss are not high oF Lwin the sy. They are middle clouds. They sometimes look gray, Thy are usally made of water Aroplets. When ts cold, they can form frome eystas, + Cumulus clouds are low andl closer ta the Earth, They are usually white and look like popcom, They mostly form by water tropes, & [A Meaning Choose the comet anemert 1 me wore mean avery sma ple oa” sate cess ater vapor ‘eceaenetl 2 The wore rome togne Backlight” 1B. Usaye choose me cowect wots, au cot trek ot om seaky | use 2 Idertworttestaisen___—iee Re dangerous. tin haa | 3 Ths scup is very ht Eatit when amas 308 & [A Finding the Facts Cheek Tne or FF 1 mon many esos of wate come tpemer. 0095 em 2 Ther ate ely wo kinds of ows 3 Maude ao igh nto eae oan '. Understanding the Passage Choose the conect answer. 1 whatie Wie tery mastyanout? 2. Water voc andica css Dork and nome louse © norman apt cinoss 2 What do lads frm fr? ann water ver sunt 2 Wich clouds i lode? J summary Wake Up Bement etatninnn: Tey inthe bo. 4 How do dope of water orl xytas fox? ‘a.when wale var ote ans grou ager ‘when warm ae goes ‘e-hon mary of tham come epotar ' Guana clud ook tke aie cys popcorn er ccpiese 6 tntornce What eam be infor rm he story? 8. The sung osc trout some cus: Th make ho cl ok wht. 1a The sunt etcs trough some ccs THs makes the cous ok cathe Buia Henin aeoustorm? Chocea ma carat oes in mo ox )/ardyrto temin each Bank ® ‘8 Wat vapeschargos io chops f war and co \ cats k oud ms. » Cloud ae opie of waar ad ie yea, {new ih ian dy cose ~X 4 oss hae owen Ce Uaioe ws WAKA, {waa aegooe op + 2.waervoporcocts ans gums Bogor =p Mr dopa of water come tagelner op {Drops a yaoi eye orm B.A doud re, lakes water vac up. oe : 3 5g 2 il pi sie 39 a:2 G2 = sgh di BEGE2 beste Hl gle gai') & ‘AL Meaning Chooee the sone arewers. 1 Tmewors moans “someting tot in ebud ‘proto 2 Trewors means “som ans ign riht ty ‘eheay 2. Usage Choose the corct words 1 Hossa because my arene wit nt 2 Amado remy math 2 Tam mas aoe th eet 0 | 96, °C0me er" w 1. Ping the Facts Cnaee Teh o aa. 1 Tra tec nad proere avry y 2 The medio dl not wok fr he oh Te ar was ld and nd wt a, £2. Understaning the Passage Choose the caret answers 1 What thi tary maint about? 1.Fking bad ings BA sovwth provers Wy thar become whit ond gray cows 2 What di the fatber always do forte sont Ho alvays ga is son madre. ‘Ho avays ed is sons mites, «He arava Meped he eon lop aig 2 Wha! did ne kon arin ana NOT do bao seeping? a They sanga song baste. They ato dor {Tey ak ong a, 4 Wat asthe father become ater ho dea? brat yw eum 1.3 ft grey moon a fuy wate cous 5 The son could whys is tate by eating deer beryg toon atmo shy 6 tnfrnce What an be infame om the stony? a. Fator help us by bacaring cuss ater hay a bs Fatars alps by snag els a hay wit cea ta sonend his eer ‘long ago Aer fahar so, thy bosme claude and ls haere. os ito the conect tpt sontnce foreach paragrach using tho sentsncas Inthe box % iad er wat ck He dan wat op ‘oan hc prolems ovry day Ho fate tater de they become clout. Thay come down ey ber don Your Turn Sedat 1 states Lets Tak 4. Look tthe picture What holiday isi? 2. what do you 40.09 Naw Your's Day? Lore cheok ‘leh worde come to your mind when you thin of New Yoare Dey? exe food game rerey ‘grandparents “New Year’s _ a Sai Theywop ti abraraleatforhn antes htinomns around the Ie to poy gsmes. sng, ar alter, Anchor Thks ate. Mike you're ourtat apne Cy ‘epost Karat Reporter 3: The Kazan Now Yor stats ‘rane ‘ah How do other countries nara New an arch 2 and lass for 4 dys They alla Yeas Dy? Lets sk our eprte,Lis, where ‘teurye People eat a meat dish 1 has MOA err you nowt hovcereat tnd noodle, hey aso waten yw Reporter 1m in Koro, Koreans cla th arenes hese seve opus Lunar New Year. Thy cal it Seollat adit isin Sometimes they play fun games rd tak nk Feb. aries vt ho maou se 3 toga, FES are tlga. Renae cake sou, Families oy Anchor Arating vr county caebrles att fu gens and tater thee enim diferent way. New Years fettran car hating An Kate, youn Oy pal ery Reporter 2: Yes, The Vietnamese cll the Lunar Now Yaa Te, Children bow o hee ars, They Also eat borh chung, ia see, sticky rie cake, ‘arose aur. u% ‘Meaning Choote the cone enone. 1 The wor, moans te place youve aa crit ‘4 sct001 bos! © hometown 2 The word moans ‘more kypotan than etor things pope spc amazing 1. Usage @neoee the coset words 1 We _snas doy gator cette vit 2 Noayagtiorny:nom end ___twthesot paper. Bom wap 2 Bryon has wate Po show. ed popula & ‘A. oding to Facts Cheek To Foe 1 rerens wth ne reo on Hew Yor Day a 2 etna ei bow th gdp on Hew Yow’ Day Th 2 The Kazan Newer 2 a6 (Understanding the Passage Choose th cect anwar, 1 What sth om ny bout? |. Now er Daye 1o0 oan counes tne Koroan Lunar ow an" Aspecul bodin Karate 2 What ban hung? moat deh nee, aely ree cake een eako soup 3 What do poopta in Kazakstan NOT don How Your's Day? thoy a un pars. 2 They bot 0 Me eds ang They eat hosssmeat ard noo, | Thove tree counties do ono sama hina on New Yor Day. What sit Poop play games ane toga, People wat rs races © Fares vk tho hometown 5 What de th Vetamose eal he Lunar Now Year? ature ‘Soot ome 6 tnfrones What ean bo infos from te ston’? ‘ate Years Days cna snra day een oe curtis, 8. New Years Oa sn flr’ das tesa te conten. pts th oe ane mh ‘ota th Lina Now Yo oo ‘roth correct topic centres for cach paragraph using tho centencee Int Doe ————1h 6 Tha Karsten Now Yat ts Nau. Fas tke ‘aon hows race tage ‘Invi, eosin fe. Chiran wt ae ae The news cbout Naw Years Day in cferet counts. 14S he Linar Now Yarn Kore Failos it {hat nometonns. ~ New Year's Oy speci a around ne weve Your Tarn ” Sd “Subject: Hapoy ew ear Hallo Tame, How are you? 1am doing gest 1 don't have schoeltemerrow. De you know why? tis Lunar New Year's in Kore, el so hop! ‘Yu know my mom is Karsan and my dad i Vietnamese, So, my ‘grandma wil come fom Vietnam She vil bring some yureny nt, [Rie cal fr. We eat it on New Yeas, My Korean grandma Wl maka tatu. Like this Sebeous rice cake soup In Vietnan, children get new clothes on Lunar New Year's, But I ented & ‘ole Korean nonbok, so my dae bought 2 new one for me, My hhanbok is pnk and wie, I must bv tomy Korean grandme are my Vietnomese grandma ‘They wl ve me pocket monayéIwant to buy new toys, In the evening we wil play yutner a Korean game, My mom bikes yutnard She Beats ry dad every time! Lunar New Yea?'s is org 0 be awecoma: Your fend, Suntee a £8. Understanding the Passage Choose he comect answers 1 Wnt itis tory mainly about? ‘aA vary in Changsooinng ‘nung tap ang. tamu coparor A carport woes aeeut bul a pleco 2 What wi be the nate of tho Hany? aChanpdokging Bs kYeonneon 6. Kyung 2 Wane Kyung gat haa for ha haga hak? |. when hada mottng win King Taso wen ne saw is we preparing fo a arty when he wabed in Ns bedicom «How wan Kyung feling at the ard f the story? A von bess bone '5 What eNO comet tout the now pales? 4. xyngrin name & Cnangreniguny. The hing ashes Kyengnin io ad tw have a cozy boiaem. 6 tnerace What an be infoed tom the story? ‘Te naw palace wl hae ony one room fre kin, The now pas wil have rary roma rhe king iden or ha row verted _ I | Wits te caraet topie sntanco foreach paragraph using he eantance intro box es e Kyungnin ought th palaco would ne0d «ga, @ alt ‘tbedoor, anda tn ‘be Kyungmin tought the palace nou be great en ete aan ered ~X Tht ated argh apc 2 Your Tarn 5 Sports ‘ton extan ‘Sot eomaan Let's Tak 41, Look athe picture What ae the pope dobro? 2. Now do socom ans cher in your county? Lets check Wich words come to your ming wher you think of cheering? goat sports games, |e wos Cup ‘singing anes dancing payors The Sound of ne ai a} } : i : 4? i Hs e i 7 ar ‘A Mooning Choose th conect answers 1 Tho word means “Bed by mary poop. aloud berting cowed 2 Tha wont ‘means an event ter popla come together to ta meeting biter hem 8, Usage Choote te caret waa 1 lama bo ‘AW Soi eve hint fan vlgoe 2 Wo for our sacar amity rams fel choor 2 Tins because hiss bake his MPS, gngyy@etng J Comprehension checip MOA A Finding ‘hack Tue or ale 1 Vuruzaas ony have on colo 2 Bloning many vevzeas toga: sounds io a clephat. 2 Samm pope nt a tn ud sound a mura eae eam Understanding the Passage Choose the conectanawers, 1 What story many about? ulema abou te wuvuzea EA South Alcan soccer fn aad ct trumpet cho tat vzla 2 Whats ones abot ho use? J Summary aks Up ‘Puc ata ah on tis te etre come 6s mews tens. aes continent me eanomesinginsaim Ff 4 Long ag, poop used vuvuzels diferent They used thom for a.meoirgs ‘croorrg e-oanelg 5 Wy id many sscer fae use the raza to chow? They though i ade seer oe ext. aya he ony ay to ehao for coca ore cc was ea 10 meko id sounds on it 6 tnternce What canbe infeed irom he stony? 1. Popa dl ot use the vowel or cheating othe 2010 Worl Cup People ued he urea for een athe 2010 Word Cup Build of e a. Sore poorte thought ho waza was oud Bu ary People vee chee! a seca Games. b. The vuvuzelais he a tumoel.t makes aloud sound Ihe wala angry bees. Tho hu orn was he fst vnurelo Vilagor used to caltmeeings 4, Soceor fare toto cer erent ways. In SoU ‘ic, poopl ve ha raza to choot. ote aor vel opt chon Fp vt aon boon Ore veut unde a Sound | hay svi vrs Let's Tae 4. Leck ete pet. What the man doing? 2. vat do you tine ha git wl do? Lats Check ‘hich words come te your mind when you think mony & ‘A. Meaning Choose the comect aneners. POT 1 The word __maane *mappining at onc a ewatery tte nerd 2 The word ‘mane *a man a woman; nota child” s noigber ‘vtiger facut 1 Usage Choose th coect word Ww the violls every day for twa hours. “Practice | maka Beviscn ore concnnts a a: Se CI & a td ew 9G eee “a ice ay prasad obra oe '. Undorstarding the Passage Ghooen th eooctaraworn 1 What io thi story maint about? «2 Piying th waz In choot Saige age min me vive «.Prateng the wast 2 Who gave the wade to Lerato? shor nsightor beh aor tho tse 3 Whats NOT nthe story about the euwuzola? 4 wat wast tll man dong the lage? 4. Ho was toting for ra wuw7el, 1 Ho wos blowing he wz, ‘He nas loalag money, 5 The peop came back to the village because they heard the sound the vorela 3 Lora velco ‘ome mere voce 6 twornco Whst ean 6 infeed om the sary? 4. The lager wore hippy Beene Lora saved ha vilage 1 The lagers were angry Because Lea cag he et sone hy wns tht seared? And wh cpaned neat? Chicky) ho core! wnson widconcision "eth wee seared necauRe Sonat nappenea? ‘Laie How no wanelahard|-| | 0. Tho agers caught no fet. [| torte sound tat? || BP nthe tranny uo eThevilages sett [| caleratoran fr thetiel [| u a wer 10 ————— cme &% c aie 2 Lert her gave her a vnuonla, She cows rake @ ound on ‘The wget hankad Lert. Shi aad the tga wth hor wel, Steet eare ave gem ee ~X ltecae oe ie esa tve elector = 1m . Animals and Their Habitats So alent eras sonar rele tate Vrain wn eS eee ee | | |_| punt | 00 u A Meaning Choose te come! answers, 1 The wors moans,“ arg, grascy re ko afi” se rartoret ‘pein esa 2 The words ‘moans “being unsafe” a.dterom ‘naangerous cater B. nage Cheona th corect nerds, 1 Te 8 ce eee 80 tosey! —bagre | esorut 2 ‘hs erako has piso, Looker Mateh out 3 Ammo good dont noes gstos. yeep | haan A Finding tho Facts @heck TT or fle) 1 The gala uses sayeth 2 Patton dart toge te nthe Act 3 The cnony ou can go near anna because wee inn eee ome Understanding the Paseage Choose the coneetarsners, 1 watts ms arte mainly spout? Aro mia and har are oahors 2 he ‘ot pon dat roge tel othe animals sounds ever cans v0 polon! 1 What is NOT in he stry aut the gales long neck? ‘help the sate ook for tons ®.itnepe mo grat get food hale th ae hur ania om Bee eee “4 What helps the enouy ow hide inthe snow? atsnedk ibe feehors eta foet 5 What does tho mony ow ut to hit? ont ts eyesight rd nearing boc calor a oye hash, ana ear 6 totrones What can bo nterted tom the story? oe |. Somalis an ani ear F Ded shape help ha anna agp sa. ‘b.Av ania cole er body shape doesnot hep Fe ania cep sae tl. abut of x (Which parts of the body do the three animals us= to fve well, Nie tee eae arpoueee nc mare ‘The sno on in the Acts hs ta ear ha ory ood joes ana nosing fer Pung. ‘bs Changon of ena bates Hep aa ve wel in ete RRelek Dees: «© Gite neon te lane o Alien, They haw ong —— ‘eck to hy an sea fa. ss i Rance <4. Poisen¢ari frogs ate bight and eloru. They have Wich pars of Dejwsgne paar eae ta body eye fala aid T hearing 1. Soy Ont wer 1 The Helpful Fennec Friends Lets Tak 4. Look atthe pietures. Were do the two foxes vo? 2, How do the two fox ook itera? Lets check \Which words come fo yourmind when you think of ‘anna ox ane an Aten? ‘sort ww nt pace ‘olor oor é : & a z i i 2 i + & ‘A.Maning Cheese the cones onswer 1 The word ‘means “a box wth ore to Koop am animal in" cage ‘pone gone 2 The word means “nt god.” s.r poor en B. Usage Choose te coneet words. 1 Tels 90% 6a to fret water in the book | dosent ow a 13 I idnt water my tomar, Rw 1 gto) NO w ‘dn te Fcts Che er ah, 11 Onky Philip wants to hetp the Arctic fox at Fst. aa 2 Atl es cannot Ive In old places. ne 1 inet rtanbgeem ne ©. Understansing the Passage Choose tw comet arses. 1 Wate this story maint about? ‘a. Hebing an Acorn re coset timing Ariane Hoping a Fannse nthe Arie 2 What doos the hater ave? a.anommyeage b.aFenectxinacage c.anAclotxi acage 3 Why lth Acti fox co tho doco? ta at ave we The coset too hat Tho hunt lit 4 How doos th Acti fox kon ts body heat? a wth is bg ass ‘thi ara et chi ama eos '5 What Ib NOT inthe sory abou the Ati fox? ats nate bute hear cotsewrara 6 inference What ean be info tom the stony? Fy a at row abt A oes Pip and Fy bn nw att abou Arete. summary Wake Up rte the correct torte sentence fer each paracraph using the santences ae w Good Posture for Everyone Fink ase ase irate eere meee Tema bes oo a irda tess as non abet ene? 7 Berra eealueree er ae r ~ Fyenep. Ge oman eee oe A ‘wl good ohare stating posture is back nea ookng swag e Your Turn B CTT cteia nao nl oo gon Washing & Fate cae bocaet moves 1 Tre word eane ‘ta band drcton* boxe eta ol Ie 2 Tre word meane vein noma not ehongee” singe erent comorale 1, Usage choose the coneet words 1 Lom peng eA. want ny Engh. support nora) 2 Nog you nav bos ‘Sand up eis. fet pore 2 Look ornare and or tumrigntoric _stalght backward ‘A Finding the Facts Check Tv or Fae) 1 When sane, put your cla up a. 2 on tng i ban ta of chan 3 Won aeping, you shout ane a carob matass. nnn ‘8, Undorstnding the Pasoag0 Cheeta the concet onewort 1 What tis broeture mein about? a. Inpsovhg poste 2 water ne 6 Skeprgtiter 2 Wet pe of eharis good for your posture? ante ale act oar noha aback 3 Which good standing posture? (RULES 5 Patng yo oat 5. Kooping your head down «ening your sms hang down a pe ssemiet & 4 Which is bad walking posture? Looking sagt aad Pushing yeu ead ore «6: Latin your cms ening ina. natura wy | What othe socond thing to do fr good sloaping posture? 2 Foowing to stops for standing '.Tiyng aleas on you back ‘Supporting your head and nec, 6 ‘nrenee What ean bo inter rom the story? 2 These Steps wl ep you mtn your nag ara song These steps wl unt your hela ard stenah. © How can you a and tong iin te ns wth be conect soon. © ne 2 en soo, gwar the fran enn Tiavamarg. So ptr canna you hay ae Eh ta ~X tray tery tes ae le el Sage Inland sina?” an doo ‘ss0agpadplon apart a on a gas latyout ems hang down dleyouratms singin a natural ay LU\VAINS IU 3.3/ S10 SAVE SSN EIEIEES Olay{al(0)9) aa: a, 8 Hl iP ipas i in ely Haigl ployer ‘tan conch 2 The word __means to become a member o something” ain make ‘escoe 1. Usage choo the corset words, “1 Mary ia ofton ekok. Sho is vory we | atong 2 Wiehe met tbadand ary Ingheda oka at +3 Doni John. You ean do i Try again’ continue | give up ‘A Finding the Facts Check Thue) or Fabel 1 twas amas ard stone 2 Wien Kt as 0,F8cou thm payne mates. 2 age 1, Ke scored ne ving goa against foam, £8, Understanding the Passage Choose te concer anewer. 1 What the story male bout? |. Waning 2 e0ccr game ®.ormnram scee are Beha good per by Frpsoving pose 2 Whon was hot timo Kitna a eoecer team? aatago 0 batage 1 ce atagn te 2 What id it rma tho gyi? stung cape be soceer good peste (Yay to improve te poste? atoemagim S whavea gad boy © too a good sce plier wih ata anc strong body 5 When kitexeesed, ne worked on nis ‘rock muscles tack ard enewaor mace logs ena head muscios © arence What eam be inert the stony? Kt beameo tr seer payor besaues he work on his psa. 5 Rt beame tr soceer ayer Because was ays alan ston, vr 1 je Wht ia cone ts sentenco foreach saregrash wahoo centces 7 Se wee Inthe bon “s er 'e ee tana oe {ina frescos py: tho wa hays bay eae ai cere owe 2. tern ndings port. He tr wn ee todaiorest oo ¢. Kino tear boa i eam. Noone ghd thir OS Sauces payh areote wats xa i 7 «. Goad poste and exert heped become a good vey cei lone: Eee rer cr Work of Love: Animal Keepers Word Practice 1 Gil te comet parts of speech. Then write the wordsin English ed the Same words your language. 2 tayo gesi wie 1. Flin the blanks and compete the purse, 4 Meee ewer 2 Wy cote 5 Ansara ou ro tod a a ©. croose tne best words o complet the sentences 1 Brae Teta ot wr ean ‘nein ‘easy esau sale ingen ea Listening Practice ob 1A. Laton an i th bla. Me Tryp anne oder soma ea caer sein sion pe Ys bc tgos can aia hwgars So eto Oh tale eon hewnds ea Set valnerngb, me potsan sty alo, © Listen adn and answer he questions, {Toy har ona 1 Thy cv frais 12 Tn sty eargeros ana 2 Won tn tnt st bia ania ange? Ski dingoour axsnat netong ki onyensacemes weesro 1. Cecio the corac parts of speech hen wrte he wordt Engen and he ‘Se wens in your inguogs atin [Bessy] ost | onton Reepebenniees peel mm ea ed tel we oe wooo tore one owcog {Flin the blanks an complet the puzale 2 myaogie mssng Pensecsi ne pee Ste Ty ea 8 Mydopi sopra ina ‘©. Choose th best words to complete the sentnces. 1 bro doac ts congue. a0 0am eta 2 Basin goad br Ho, syste suescan st bnnsas tres 0 Listening Practice ty din Arn nb do yous ab 7 mt eee dm Wowyou ed ome dn hitante py wh pope? any Mot tn i ey 2. Listen again ae arawer the cuestions. 1 wt ee ry HOF doa ain ote 1 Sho gos food and yates. € Shots te oues Thay nag ther oo rer, They oo ue BI loves Word Practice ‘A. Gil the conect pats of speech Than wie the word in Enptoh and te ‘Ste werd in your argue etna [tt sen] Word | anton ected iin | 6 peyton pct anece vn fre 7 edt ior quay 1. Flin he inne and come rg bm ‘stoycon patot 4 Wyroe sian ‘©, Choco the bes! word fe complet he sentence. state emi sareh bone feat Listening Practice 2. ston ae fii blanks art eset tog eemake ‘on epenenapownetae te 1. ston gain ae anew the ination ner ngeiate pow bate rio the 20 2 Mow dea re et abou coking pancate at 8 en? ‘loo diet andorra Bovey eatin oO ©, Choose the best words to complete the sentences. Good Food Fixes Everything 1 Deed ny Word Practice 2 tre snare ones ert an tno oa nntebue wo tevt ‘A. Gel th correct ports of space han wit the wards Englah andthe ‘sme words nyouranguage. 2 Ny toy eae kan Can you ” a any rh oarer om Denton vnsatsonen| Wows Trnaaton | "gcercrgsee ott | an fan ae Listening Practice 2 be est | oe i & eas alae 1 Listen an fi the lon, | eu. geottns rn Stoamppenpuraneywein isc] we iia our al Sin Yl don was ee ae etedy Ptrekae ne =f | ux ate agrodlan!| wart mekaaerco oo ite 1 rang ey unepry ec Pa ey ne we bgt ete 1 Fain the blanks an compete the puree at pres ‘ads gon bee Wan seed Sin ate 2 The waters nc ceo. ean uch ne ihe Tanga ent eoie 4 tate Bens pon has Listen op end enewer te quedo, 4 Yeu i! cent ew 2 Hovwlmabebboe wm sy. ‘Hovis era pana. oon 6 revamae gonstoronn cokes. 1 tertgstenarepen__ oes 2 What doce Mala? ‘Sn sorfomha hn 3 Yogatt uy yuan pent ‘5 Seow boanoy win Plane rm © Suni ogre ‘Need Creates Change @ practic 1 Cacia te correct pars of speech Then wre the were n gto nd the ‘Some words Inyouongusee- etn Pattee | Wed ein] ed |» apamiersion | von | apmon xan aniratis aoc. 1 Fain tn lane anc complete te pen, 1 iy ste eo retin Eg Soe 4 Do youhove any goat . Kebony tatty i? f 5 ea Seo. enero 2 eat ecco se name ©. Chote the best words to complet the sentences. swe nina 2 Yuna Kms a aresiatng sta Seryore rons ree aque bane Ctamoue Listening Practice Bey | Listen ar fin the Bonk. Ben Treyectnara vat thobotom othe cates Inbcbay ay dangede wou Ho elptanan, Tats a gat ny tel del role Ys Soma pape edt and goad oy bam, 1. sten agen and answer the questons. 1s can mets change chara! wor? sign anavage cena 2 it oue Su tk about te cater naka? ‘nea Werccann Word Bractice 1 Ciclo te correo ports of speech Then wie he word in Engh andthe ‘hme words nyu language. “bataticn a 1 pat amove or abeck owe | bergquatmciraponis stl va | | tommoioustappy sounds | own | set | {ya npn tasty | ggunetb ese ‘sori ning many bets | on | sen {Fain he blanks ac complet ne pure, 2 deny Has oat Teena ETT 1 Loved ajo bacon oe ‘meester nth 2 He marta ames wt ry ©. Choote the best words to complete the rentence. 1 Dany he ir wba rg Hoe he pat 2 Patt beots onthe sot onthe oe ecko boost eto 2 ay erin She can mae sad 08 acy bet © un Listening Practice 2 ‘A. ston andi he banks. ‘ny Oa, yourornbar ke, ora Rn wy? Dat) Sore Heart mar aM? hoy es Henne ‘Gioy—Oxrcass race an hy Kletbote boy Btn ea se ocomen ecamete tos remaneg ate Dat ‘om got tend oyna sop Cindy Yen ine sper ‘tend, ©. Lston again and answer the questlons. 2A suport ndhg bo nising bokshot 'Aipotey tang te shy Boy A suputey indy tho mssig ta How aes nay tk abou Nie? Ba ene omy cageattvond Word Practice 1 Cacia the corect pets of scech Thea write the words in ngih nd he Same words your anauoge ernon ersinen | wort | Tnstten al peo! let det 2 aces soon 5 heap on rd se Tove mneytrsonereg —_lowmton we je worineseyersemenrg [are wo 1 Ftinte blanks ane comotete he pure. 1 naa cre sr ame or otra Wie darathawe anor eodrg 2 Stuer hep comg ab tre The achat agoning hove uth Listening Practice BE Listen an lin the Banks. a sat ean foramen he mere oven hoe , Uhats sat! They have alt a eto Yor Thar it 5.90 ra 1 Linton again anc anaier thequsctions 1 How emmy Baske-febb shops re ture the wel? ‘aaweut ooo Sabet 5.80 nope 8 beat 968 noe ‘41; ob0 noi me wang tvs. itoeeds wor fats. tina mary tao, Word acco ‘Grete tho cvrest pats of speech Then wt he words ia Enh and he Sone wotdsinyourlangueas Detain 3 agarobenwen fecie tones pry oa goa ume 7 test on pa aae step 5 doo won et pre wing © Choose the bet words to complee the enlences, 1 ison dork Canyon santo? 2 Geren citel a sangorus sen tuo Listening Practice by 2 Liston ant te Bee Nom wohada. ‘oy scandent, Ber WuOK wane ty ad eneyr adn. 1 Ustenapatn ae onsmer the qvetions. 1 wich hey de Benches ees? ogy abo rg. Helenappyeecass re eye he coset BB What Are Those Things in the Sky? @ rat [A Cite te covet nats of saver Than wile he word Enis and the ‘Sse words In your longo. | ettin eareimar Soon 2 wai tase a ©, Choose the best words to compile the renames. the uci tater ba shape 0 2 Bocusht The ee onthe bois ton Listening Practice ti |. ison an fin he bians iy aeons {ogee on, st ree abvste ston orn nay corm at 8 en Insupracdl Onsis era wate? Iman thy 0a wr? en Cues esl Tht Pek ie, {Listen agin nd anor he qunitions 1 hy meson ious ate? They ao mado nate 2 Moyock caviht © ees oe coas atten ha Bop {-=10) A White, Fluffy Cloud wo ‘Word practice | Grcle ne covect pars of speech. Then wnte the words mEngish andthe Samo words m your language. Detain [Persatseees) wer Taateten 1 semen won | 2 amare wah no ona {oe ey bes woe ene Panmmguassenepectzecpe |e von tospaskioy 7 standin 1 eae ira cocuej yim sattmcie UW Seeks I 2 Tove the eneator mer 2 Ss halon cat. a rnece ©. Choose the best words lo complete he sestonces, 1 tmaneoe bony oa ‘rig, ss sonetnes ‘slower cera 2 nee to tbe and take ome modi. na Te wonde rive Listening Practice Bp ‘A Lsten and fin the lank, ror neta no Sony vanet nt nnd ou 0 elds sae frewe On tris atassig ny Pate as ap een, 9981? Sonny et peter hop mer ‘eta ioctarge ne LUsten egln and answer the quest 1 he boone anudinte ey? 2 How don Jn 6 6b og 7? Sheers charset 6: Sho ia i or. a New Year's around the World Word bractice ‘Cite tho come paris of speech Then wee the words in Gnas a he ‘Soe words in your gue. aa aes Sotentemdine mibed ergot bey Pn Aptana erg po Teper HS + ono } oom I Taam tn | ere Bett + tna ney set © Chooee tho best words 0 cama the sntonces. 1 neon pep vay ‘wosioteren po alenye tht oor cha 2 Cou you fhe sa wt sam nce paper andartbon? som enn coy atopoe Soa etn Listening Practice ‘Un and tin the bars. Fata es ste on Now D7 over ar bye? Nima Tatriht i ow Dey alae 1. Lste aain and ane he questions. They berry 2 Try wet momen Sanwronag 2 as seca Ed The Best of Both Worlds (3 ‘Word Practice ‘A Gio te corect parts of spaech. Ten wit he Words Enpish andthe Sime warden your anguage aon 2 whaleonehog lato SI 1 18. Fin th blanks end compete the puzsle 2 think rabuvetse bd Ths wt 2 Leet iho ft. ‘hey sm no nret 5 agro vera ©. choos the bos: words to complete the sentences. 1 Sees ait ever {hos gin Hon ed tue ee aleve 3 Tmovow van wath oe Listening Practice hy 1 Listen ant inthe banks. Det Hera ‘ane hao he don do? Tar Sheena and ivohk Wee fad tw amy Nertistane She ot bot__Ger pepe Tony You Bent eoeieg Yaw et ane at Listen agein od answer the questions. ‘needy 12 ro warts eal met aed tok wn Sar, 5 Son eee te garam, (2 Smowanistohave nw ys, ea ap Where Did Kings Live? Word Practice ‘A Chelo to coret ports of speech Then writ the werd in ria and he ‘cme word in your tnguge- enon ord) alan + abeckwih omatonct aT a Fapectoveniorwating | ate | oan 9 atic eer tone | 1 Bad opal pepe sie sa 7 aia sey 008) a san {8 FiLin the banks srt complet he puso ny mont woe Bg af your tire 2 Wyatt nr vt Seow othe eas ining’ icon and olen a © Choose he best words to complete tho senonces, 1 es thor tne wae form Erte den ike uke ‘coweta siswoway > pales xeon amy, leemat area nate nerenacsion ace sutoot olaeund| cote ‘Sam wa ae youre? Story Tmasng sees cmap ‘Sem Chasptosepng? Your son ng 1 ry ano an crac an ecnvogon Longe. Monn Res Many petontr fr Soreonghen eso ng scam ‘atecundscoot Hy cantgevih 1 Leto apn and answer the questions. sineongeon bStenengien € Moouerasang 2 who witeappn on Sunny? Sum and Joy wl st Changes get any wa vn CurgieoRna oN. Sam as ny wl ea bok ste enon. Building for the King @ Word Practice ‘A Crete he corect parts of speech Then ne he word Engl ad ie ‘Sane words in your languaae otien Pesslepech| rd | ron lSeetienniymerrente ned mn | oo me fete eget ant ae |e Stugemenemesamazagt see sortel sar | 1 alin th blanks an compet the puso. tee ee | C Tr) sem | ‘ca ©. Choose the beet words to complet the sentences 1 Tiesolaieo an tet ovr 2 nyse ee Fay seat nn mony nee eeeny ‘tba ‘bakery chavo Listening Practice Tee Tas non patos iow stow masses Chapsi ‘erp Tasalage iscalsu Aetroae Tae Gy tyson ey lememy coor? Kprarin esa tg, tht you bach Hagen Daou ON fen Yel shen Orargdoigong Yow Sa Listen agsin an anawer the questions a Hewecrpting ~ herpes b.myeongoon hig Bodom eupeoak terry 2 Mow does eng abut Crangecigung? tie oven te vena the platen Cnungtesging 1. Hothon al the pogo Grargicokgng. He doce Be anya he placos in Ghangaechung. | Word practice [A Crete the correct pata of pooch Then wre he werd ia English and he sme wordsin your language. Datnicon PC a ol |? tater si 1 tot bran mae ete ne eperowenper seta ioc orange "Risotto ta a 1. Flin the Banks and complete the puzzle, Posie aramvomnte 5 Hho yor eas. Lots ak abo te ©. cheoee the beet wordt te compte the intone, clita bose dangerous 2 nents cae Bota riveted, as ee cay Listening Practice ty lmy Neste nave nin ong her a pore Jory aj nan Bema Sena oy 1. Lsten agin and anor te questions &Meeved ibe an angry bv 2 itoring © octing BD aie econ Word Practice ‘A Chole the corel paris of epeech. Than wits the word in English andthe Sas words nyu ensue | eataion [Pars stsnecr| Word nto | ty ty Sm =|= ‘eminent arsang neta ae 7 2 Yorn tetes 2 Anew i movennes I | 4 Frets pop vor ro 1 They non toga toca ey [ as ay ha 5 Meslemanceen ©. Choose he best words to complete the sentences. ‘ey erenere eee ‘ator atone suey 1 Hecate gone te Ohms Hew sa 1 aie! noe naib Listening Practice By 2 Lita and te Bar am Toevwes orm tr aa on nr seery avait bo? iim tas cbota ene tn Se gy | ery eb? Whew seerySourotucane at no one 1 Linton apn and ansner he questions 1 ty tito aay ‘taco he ord raves ‘cain he et apn 369 6 bout be am hagas 2 Hew dos Jon el abe ho? a ‘A Ceo tha corect pats of pouch Then wit the nerd in Engh ard the ‘Same werden your language. [ oemen ‘estsomen| Word Temaaon emieatarce mies en | wn | et sete | a | seeps = | zero cer ron sere | ane | | | 1 aetna =|=| 2 ty garccneccea rethave goed =~ ate szeagooscecs ©. Choose the bes! words to complot the sentnces. ve (090 at oon a ngh. Away goth edits ‘8 canonout ah teen 2 bent he els such np yl he dik ers 2 oy gn Cepesal 2 yuma aan hr ae i cept i a cheers hock teh ot Lstening Practice ty waster Repu Wa sou ‘at nm eh? Sim Pon ogee nthe ‘esa Aon Sam rd bon Sarg ie Veeareint 2 Liston agbin an onower the questions. 1 ty 2 tates nave ag neo? ‘ie wath cll lone ‘3 The sven dort snow abot arin echo hems to 1b The sadn Fave sane undesiany of arms ania: Meves, 1 Fillin the Banks and complete te pute, tebe xt ©. Choote the beet words to cemplte the eantncos 1 Cane tein the 2 Late tie ‘exrame, ok old na hirer. 2 tata tonerstop ‘Hearne set tows, A overyutae bmw e neity Listening Practice by ‘4 Usten and tin he bn. rp cok Tarwe Fry eset sins on! on can web ? {Goalie can ot en 2 pare Geel Listen agen end anater the questions. 1 Yow ao Philpand fry hope Ace ox? They mora te cag eae pa 9 Tey te ne hater and cpen me eae They opin tho cage ae ak he A os a a. 2 hat do Prt ana fy tan about ne esa 2 onet rm Ae fo ao cold xan Ate foe |. Cxclo te correct prt of speech Then wnt the worsen Engith andthe Ste worden yourlongvage. word anaalon 1 baa doa adey postin tay are ae er 4 tne osu hao myengen 5 yeasts tom nba 2 leet seep 3 ort one be oe rc 1 danas ©. chante th het word to complete the santnces. 1 Wises exe pun ‘ong svppor Listening Practice List and ate bla vay Tact weary new an ra ‘ety Oat ae ey wag . Teche explo wade og yor amis a nay owt sb ny ¥eepno ay rete si, tea; oe.iely_iwadommnovey Sa Listen again and anewer the avestons. 1 Wich he dg poo? 1 Sib Sep on your pack 2 Now dees hey tk ao ironing poke ensy arse tuna ony @ Good Posture Makes a Soccer star UJ Word racice ‘A Circle the coment part ef speech. Then wre he worden Engh ad the ‘ame werden our lnguoge. Vos) Wana) deesptys lam] tbe ewterstsmmtig| me | me | seuunemusrsay — Pr! aan) a btan ou ey be 1 Filin he bank and complet th pe. 5 hemy omen 2 oye wart peat? Seo a Sones 4 ext er ty at Pog ©. Choose th bei wordt complete te sentences. 1 aye rates, yur ec ana ' tie serps eed 5 Rivage camel ogame LUstening Practice |. Listen end in the blank. Tommy inert» avoser Xb, Btw coe oven nod Ser wa a ie ‘oem Roa? ony You tos ethno Sony Waste do? Jeony moan " Tempera isposiw eet day Tonmy Yow te wasinerm bare dt tio aca ‘gn nw ony mee eer hat 1 ston agin are answer ine questions. 1 at twa! Try dota gow ta ond tog sat mersang 9 meee ns pots 1 read beck aout sce Bye Kt Seapact 2 How do Tam 1? b agiatpuaon e aamatponon

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