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Curriculum Integration Reading Program

80 words


Low-High Elementary

Lesson Components
BIG IDEA Let’s Focus
The Big Idea section stimulates The Let’s Focus section encourages
students’ interest and gives students to think about the main idea as
them a wider understanding of they read through the passage.
the chapter’s theme.

Link to Self
The Link to Self section allows students to
relate ideas from the passage to their own
lives or to think critically about what they
have read.

Reading Comprehension
In this section, students’ understanding
Contents Map of the passage is checked through a
The Contents Map section previews the content covered in each series of multiple-choice and short-answer
lesson and presents the unifying theme. questions.

Find Evidence
The Find Evidence section encourages
Warm Up students to closely focus on the meaning
The Warm Up question section of individual words and sentences by
prepares students for the finding evidence from the text to answer
lesson by asking them about comprehension questions. Both detail and
something related to the topic. inference questions are included.

Graphic Organizer
The Graphic Organizer section helps
students to outline and summarize the

Background Link
The Background Link section
offers students background Vocabulary Worksheet
information and interesting Key Words After studying the Key Words section, students apply what they
activities that help motivate The Key Words section highlights the key have learned using the Vocabulary Worksheet. While answering
them to read the passage and words from the lesson and includes a picture questions that include the key words, students can activate their
understand it better. alongside each word. prior knowledge or experience and reinforce their learning.
CHAPTER 1 Wild Animals CHAPTER 3 Sky

1 Science Where Do Wild Animals Live? 90 6 9 Science How Birds Fly in the Sky 86 58

2 Music Swan Lake 98 14 10 Studies The Full Moon’s Special Names 98 66

3 Science Food Wild Animals Eat 91 20 11 Folktale Why the Sky Is Far Away 99 72

Social Social
4 Studies Say Cheese! 92 26 12 Studies Hospital in the Sky 99 78

CHAPTER 2 Oranges CHAPTER 4 Eggs


5 Science How Oranges Grow 94 32 13 Studies Sunny-Side Up, Please! 99 84

Social Studies
6 & Science Valencia and Navel Oranges 95 40 14 Science How Do Ducks Lay Eggs? 96 92

History & How Oranges Saved the Royal

7 Science Navy
100 46 15 Sports The Egg-and-Spoon Race 100 98

8 Art Tangerine Peel Art 100 52 16 Math Why Are Eggs Oval-Shaped? 96 104

Vocabulary Worksheet p. 113

Wild 1 Where Do Wild

Animals Live? 2 Swan Lake

e Mu





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4 Say Cheese! 3 Food Wild

Animals Eat

How do wild animals live?
Anima Forest
Where Do Wild Animals


Science Live? woodpecker

Warm Up
What animals live in the forest?
What about in the desert?



fennec fox

Background Link camel

Wild animals live in different places
such as forests, deserts, and rivers.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 02 Vocabulary Worksheet p.113

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

forest rain sunlight plant desert camel

8 Lesson 1 • Wild Animals 9
Wild Animals Science

Where Do Wild Animals
Let s Focus

This is a forest! There are many trees here.
There is also a river. Who lives here? Deer and This is a desert! It’s very hot. It’s also very dry.
bears live here. Who lives here? Camels and lizards live here.
Forests get lots of rain and sunlight. So Deserts don’t get much rain, but they get lots
plants grow well here. There is enough food for of sunlight. There aren’t many plants here. But
everyone. that’s okay. Desert animals can live without food
and water for a long time.
Words 90

Deserts are home to lizards.

Link to Where do you want to go,

Self to a forest or a desert?
10 Lesson 1 • Wild Animals 11
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the main idea of the passage? Step 1

a. Wild animals need water to live. Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. Wild animals find food in nature. 1 Animals have enough food in the forest.
c. Wild animals live in different places.
2 Plants grow well in the desert.

2 Who lives in a forest?

Step 2 Go to pages 10 – 11.
a. deer b. camels c. lizards Find and underline the text clue
for each answer in Step 1 .

3 Forests get a lot of and sunlight.

a. sand b. rain c. wind

Graphic Compare and Contrast

4 What is the weather like in a desert? Organizer Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
a. hot and dry
Where Wild Animals Live
b. warm and wet
c. cold and rainy Forests Deserts

• lots of rain and • hot and

• little rain but lots of sunlight
5 Deserts don’t get much rain, so they don’t have .
• many trees and plants
a. many plants b. any animals c. lots of sunlight • not many plants
Environment •  food for
• not much food for wild animals
wild animals

6 How do animals live in the desert? Wild Animals • deer, bears •  , lizards

Desert animals can live a long time without food and .

camels dry sunlight enough

12 Lesson 1 • Wild Animals 13
ild l


Swan Lake
M us i c

Warm Up
What do you know about ballet?

A tutu is a beautiful dress

for ballet.

Ballerinas wear toe shoes.

Background Link
Ballet is a kind of music and dance.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 04 Vocabulary Worksheet p.114

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

ballet swan raise bend spread feather

14 Lesson 2 • Wild Animals 15
Wild Animals Music

Swan Lake
In Swan Lake , the ballerina dances like a real
She raises one arm straight up. Then she bends
her wrist. Her arm is the swan’s neck. Her hand is
the swan’s head.
Now she spreads her arms. They are wings! She
moves them slowly to the music. She flies to the
The white swan wears a special tutu. This tutu
Let s Focus is short and round. It also has feathers!
Words 98

Swan Lake is a popular ballet. It is a love story

about a prince and a white swan. Pyotr Ilyich
Tchaikovsky wrote the lovely music for this ballet.

Swans swim gracefully

in the lake.

Link to Self How do you dance like a swan?

16 Lesson 2 • Wild Animals 17
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the passage mainly about? Step 1

a. how to write music for ballet Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. how ballerinas dance like swans in a ballet 1 Swan Lake is a love story between a prince and a swan.
c. why ballerinas wear tutus in Swan Lake
2 The ballerina’s arms can be a swan’s neck and wings.

Tchaikovsky for Swan Lake.
Step 2 Go to pages 16 – 17.
a. danced b. wrote a story c. made music
Find and underline the text clue
for each answer in Step 1 .

3 The ballerina her arm to make a swan’s neck.

a. raises b. hides c. puts down

4 How does the ballerina make a swan’s wings?

Graphic Main Idea and Details
a. She bends her wrist.
Organizer Connect each paragraph to its main idea.
b. She spreads her arms.
c. She holds her hands together.
Paragraph 1
to dance like a swan.
Swan Lake is a ballet
5 Which is true about the tutu for Swan Lake?
a. It is a type of shoe. Paragraph 2–4
b. It is long and round. The ballerina uses her a special tutu.
c. It has feathers. body

6 How does the ballerina dance in Swan Lake? Paragraph 5 with beautiful music by
The white swan wears Tchaikovsky.
She dances like a real .

18 Lesson 2 • Wild Animals 19
ild l

Background Link

Food Wild Animals Eat Animals eat different kinds of food.
Science They get food from nature.

Warm Up
What do these animals eat?
Guess and circle the food.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 06 Vocabulary Worksheet p.115

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

leaf chew twig flat hunt beak

20 Lesson 3 • Wild Animals 21
Wild Animals Science

Food Wild Animals Eat
Some animals eat other animals. Lions hunt
zebras. They use their sharp teeth to bite them.
Penguins eat small fish. They use their sharp beaks
to get the fish.
Some animals eat both plants and other
animals. Ostriches eat leaves, snakes, and lizards.
Bears eat berries and fish!
Words 91

Let s Focus

Animals need food to live. What do different

wild animals eat?
Some animals eat only plants. Zebras eat grass
and leaves. They chew the grass with their strong
teeth. Giraffes eat leaves, fruits, and twigs. They
chew the food with their flat teeth.  

Link to What are some other wild

Self animals and their foods?
22 Lesson 3 • Wild Animals 23
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the main idea of the passage? Step 1

a. Wild animals help each other. Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. Different animals eat different foods. 1 Zebras and ostriches eat only plants.
c. Animals should eat plants for their health.
2 Bears sometimes hunt other animals for food.

2 What animal only eats plants?

Step 2 Go to pages 22 – 23.
a. giraffes b. lions c. ostriches Find and underline the text clue
for each answer in Step 1 .

3 Which is NOT true about zebras?

a. They eat grass and leaves.
b. They hunt with their strong teeth.
Graphic Main Idea and Details
c. They are food for lions. Organizer Connect each paragraph to its main idea.

4 What helps lions eat their food? Paragraph 1 Wild animals eat different kinds of food.

a. flat teeth b. sharp teeth c. long beaks

Paragraph 2
hunt other animals.
Zebras and giraffes
5 Penguins eat with their sharp beaks.
a. grass b. twigs c. fish Paragraph 3 only eat plants, such as
Lions and penguins grass and leaves.

6 What do bears eat?

Paragraph 4 eat both plants and
They eat both plants and other .
Ostriches and bears other animals.

24 Lesson 3 • Wild Animals 25
ild l


So s
Say Cheese!
cia e
l Studi

Warm Up
Is there a national park in your country?

Serengeti National Park in Tanzania is home to wild animals.

Background Link
We make national parks to Animals such as lions, cheetahs, gazelles, and zebras live
protect natural areas. in the plains there.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 08 Vocabulary Worksheet p.116

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

look at park picture walk check cut

26 Lesson 4 • Wild Animals 27
Wild Animals Social Studies

Say Cheese!

Let s
How do the cameras take the pictures? They
Do you like looking at wild animals? There are have sensors. The cameras take pictures when an
so many in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park! animal walks by.
In 2010, a team from the United The team members check the cameras every
States set up 225 cameras around the day. They also cut the tall grass in front of the
park. The cameras take pictures of cameras. So they can get better pictures!
Words 92
wild animals every day. The pictures
show how the animals live together.
Link to Which animal do you want
Self to take pictures of?
28 Lesson 4 • Wild Animals 29
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the passage mainly about? Step 1

a. why animals like to take pictures Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. how to get pictures of animals in the wild 1 The pictures show how the animals live.
c. what animals live together in the national park
2 The cameras can take pictures without people.

2 A team cameras in the park in 2010.

Step 2 Go to pages 28 – 29.
a. lost b. set up c. put away
Find and underline the text clue
for each answer in Step 1 .

3 What do the pictures show about the animals in the park?

a. what they fight for
b. how they live together
c. why they live in the park
Graphic Categorize
Organizer Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
4 When do the cameras take pictures?
a. when an animal walks by Pictures from the Serengeti National Park
b. when there is a loud noise • have
The Cameras
c. when an animal pushes the button • take pictures when animals by

The Team • check the cameras every day

5 The team members check the cameras . Members • cut the in front of the cameras
a. every day b. every week c. every month
The Pictures • show how the animals live

6 Why do the team members cut the grass in front of the cameras?
They can get pictures. together walk sensors grass

30 Lesson 4 • Wild Animals 31

Oranges 5 How Oranges

Grow 6 Valencia and
Navel Oranges

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tu nce



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8 Tangerine Peel
Art 7 How Oranges Saved
the Royal Navy

What do you know about oranges?

How Oranges Grow
Warm Up
What is your favorite fruit?
Do you know where it is from?

Background Link

Some fruits grow on trees.

grapes watermelons

Background Link
A national park is an area to
Other fruits grow on vines.
preserve nature.
Farmers grow fruits on their farms.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 10 Vocabulary Worksheet p.117

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

grow warm tiny pick sweet wait

34 Lesson 5 • Oranges 35
Oranges Science

How Oranges Grow


Let s Focus
The oranges grow all
Oranges come from trees. These trees summer and fall. They need plenty of sun and
grow in warm places like California. Let’s water. Some oranges need five months to grow
learn how oranges grow on a farm in big. Other oranges need up to fifteen months.
California. In winter, the farmers are ready to pick the
In spring, orange trees have white oranges. But oranges get sweeter on the tree. So
California, USA
flowers. When the flowers lose their petals, sometimes the farmers wait a few months!
Words 94
tiny oranges begin to form.

Link to Self Do oranges grow in your country?

36 Lesson 5 • Oranges 37
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the main idea of the passage? Step 1

a. Oranges need sun and water to grow. Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. Oranges grow on trees as the seasons change. 1 Oranges grow well in all kinds of weather.
c. Orange trees have beautiful white flowers.
2 Farmers pick oranges right after they grow big.

2 Orange trees grow well in places.

Step 2 Go to pages 36 – 37.
a. dry b. cold c. warm
Find and underline the text clue
for each answer in Step 1 .

3 What happens to orange trees in spring?

a. Oranges get very sweet. 
b. Flowers lose their petals.
c. Oranges grow big enough to pick.

Graphic Sequence
4 Oranges need months to grow big enough. Organizer Write the numbers in the correct order.
a. two to four
b. five to fifteen The flowers lose their petals.
c. more than fifteen
Orange trees have beautiful white flowers.

Farmers oranges in winter. Orange trees have tiny oranges.
a. buy b. cut c. pick
Oranges grow bigger with enough sun and water.

6 Why do farmers still wait after the oranges are big enough?
Oranges get on the tree.

38 Lesson 5 • Oranges 39

Valencia and Navel


6 Oranges

St en

udies & S

United States Italy



Chile South Africa

Warm Up
Background Link
Some fruits grow better in certain countries.
Can you add more fruits to this map? Fruits come from around the world.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 12 Vocabulary Worksheet p.118

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

thin seed juicy bottom belly button thick

40 Lesson 6 • Oranges 41
Oranges Social Studies & Science

Valencia and Navel
Navel means a belly button.
Let s Focus

Oranges are popular all around the world. But

oranges are not all the same. Let’s look at two of
the world’s favorite oranges. 

Navel Oranges

Navel oranges have a funny name. The bottom

of the fruit looks like a belly button! These oranges
have thick skin and no seeds. They are also very
Valencia Oranges sweet. So people love eating them!
Words 95
Valencia oranges got their name from the city
of Valencia, Spain. Surprisingly, they are actually
from the United States! These oranges have thin
skin and some seeds. They are also very juicy. So
people make juice with them!

Link to Self Which orange do you like better? Why?

42 Lesson 6 • Oranges 43
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the passage mainly about? Step 1

a. different kinds of oranges Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. why oranges have thick skin 1 Valencia oranges are from the United States.
c. how sweet oranges are
2 The bottom of Navel oranges looks like a body part.

2 Where do Valencia oranges come from?

Step 2 Go to pages 42 – 43.
a. Valencia, Spain
Find and underline the text clue
b. the United States for each answer in Step 1 .
c. every country

3 Valencia oranges have

 skin and seeds.
a. thin, some b. thin, no c. thick, some
Graphic Compare and Contrast
Organizer Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
The of a Navel orange looks like a belly button.
a. seed b. skin c. bottom Valencia and Navel Oranges
Valencia Oranges Navel Oranges
5 Which is NOT true about Navel oranges? • skin • skin
Skin & Seed
a. Their skin is thick. • some seeds • no seeds
b. They have some seeds.
Traits • • very sweet
c. They taste very sweet.
• T hey are not from • T heir looks
Fun Facts
Valencia, Spain. like a belly button.
6 How do people like to eat Valencia oranges?
People make with them. bottom thick thin juicy

44 Lesson 6 • Oranges 45

How Oranges

7 Saved the Royal Navy

ory ce n
& Scie

Warm Up
How often do you eat fruit?

Background Link Vitamin C is good for your teeth and bones.

Vitamin C

We can get vitamin C from fruits. Each fruit has a different amount of vitamin C.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 14 Vocabulary Worksheet p.119

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

sailor bleed choose pair medicine vinegar

46 Lesson 7 • Oranges 47
Oranges History & Science

How Oranges
Saved the Royal Navy
Let s Focus

In 1747, the Royal Navy went on a long sea trip.

During the trip, many of the sailors got sick. They
all had the same problem. They were bleeding
from the mouth. Sadly, many of them died.

James Lind was a doctor in the Royal Navy.

One day, he had an idea. He chose twelve sick
people and made six pairs. Then he gave each
pair different medicine. For example, one pair had
oranges. Another pair drank vinegar.
A few days later, two sailors became much
better. Why? They both ate oranges! The vitamin C
in the oranges saved them.
Words 100

Link to Self How do you usually get vitamin C?

48 Lesson 7 • Oranges 49
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the main idea of the passage? Step 1

a. Some medicines were hard to get in the past. Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. James Lind saved the sailors with oranges. 1 Twelve sailors had the same medicine.
c. Sailors in the Royal Navy had various problems.
2 The vitamin C in oranges helped the sailors get

2 What problem did the sailors have?

a. They broke their arms. Step 2 Go to pages 48 – 49.
b. They had problems with their legs. Find and underline the text clue
for each answer in Step 1 .
c. They were bleeding from their mouths.

3 James Lind was in the Royal Navy.

a. a sailor b. a doctor c. a teacher

Graphic Problems and Solutions

Organizer Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
4 How many kinds of medicine did James Lind use?
a. two b. six c. twelve Problem Solution

• Sailors were bleeding from • James Lind gave twelve sailors

their . medicine.
5 Two sailors became better after they had .
• Many of them even • The vitamin C in oranges
a. oranges b. vinegar c. salt
. two sailors.

6 Why did the sailors get sick during the sea trip?
different mouths saved died
They didn’t have enough .

50 Lesson 7 • Oranges 51

Background Link
Tangerine Peel Art Oranges, lemons, and tangerines are
Art citrus fruits. They all have peels.

Warm Up
What are some ways to peel fruit?

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 16 Vocabulary Worksheet p.120

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

peel scorpion knife rabbit face leg

52 Lesson 8 • Oranges 53
Oranges Art

Tangerine Peel Art
Let s

Okada is an artist from Japan. One day, he

peeled a tangerine. The peel looked like a scorpion.
After that, he started to make tangerine peel art.
Now Okada makes over 170 designs. You
can make them too! You need some
tangerines, a pen, and a knife.

Let’s make a rabbit. First, draw the rabbit’s face

on the upper side of a tangerine. The green circle
will be its eye. Next, draw two ears. The
front legs are under its face. The back
legs are next to its nose. Use the knife
to peel the tangerine. What a cute
Words 100

Link to Self What animals do you want to make?

54 Lesson 8 • Oranges 55
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the passage mainly about? Step 1

a. how to make art with tangerines Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. why Okada makes art with tangerines 1 Okada makes different tangerine peel designs.
c. different ways to cook with tangerines
2 You need to draw the rabbit’s face first.

2 Which is true about Okada?

Step 2 Go to pages 54 – 55.
a. He is an artist from Japan. Find and underline the text clue
for each answer in Step 1 .
b. He peels tangerines to cook.
c. His first design was a rabbit.

3 What do you NOT need to make tangerine peel art?

Graphic Categorize
a. a pen b. a knife c. scissors
Organizer Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

4 You should a rabbit on a tangerine before you peel it. Tangerine Peel Art
a. cut b. draw c. paint Artist • Okada

Works of Art • over 170 designs, including a and a rabbit

5 The green circle on the tangerine becomes the rabbit’s .

What You Need • a tangerine, a pen, a
a. eye b. ear c. nose

•  a design with the pen on the tangerine.

How to Make It
6 What does Okada do after he draws on a tangerine? •  the tangerine with the knife.

He peels the tangerine with a .

draw peel knife scorpion

56 Lesson 8 • Oranges 57

Sky 9 How Birds Fly

in the Sky 10 The Full Moon’s
Special Names

e Socia
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12 Hospital
in the Sky 11 Why the Sky Is
Far Away

What does the sky mean to you?
Sk y

How Birds Fly in the Sky
Warm Up
Look at the bird’s body parts.
What do they look like?

Background Link
Birds have feathers and wings.
Wings flap up and down when birds fly.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 18 Vocabulary Worksheet p.121

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

wing flap lift off bone empty light

60 Lesson 9 • Sky 61
Sky Science

How Birds Fly in the Sky
Second, birds have special
bones. Their bones are thin and
empty inside. That makes birds
very light.
Third, birds don’t have teeth.
Birds’ bone
They have beaks. Beaks are much
lighter than mouths with teeth. So birds are light!
Don’t you think that birds have perfect bodies
for flying?
Words 86

Let s Focus

When people made the airplane, their model

was birds. Birds are good at flying. How do they
do it?
First, birds have two strong wings. They flap
their wings hard to fly. This helps them lift off the
Link to In your opinion, which body part is
Self the most important for birds to fly?
62 Lesson 9 • Sky 63
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the main idea of the passage? Step 1

a. Some birds are lighter than others. Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. Birds are the only animals that can fly. 1 Birds keep their wings close to their bodies to fly.
c. Birds have special body parts for flying.
2 Some parts of birds’ bodies make them light.

Birds to fly up into the sky.
Step 2 Go to pages 62 – 63.
a. flap their wings
Find and underline the text clue
b. move their feet for each answer in Step 1 .
c. use their beaks

3 What are birds’ bones like?

a. thin and heavy
b. thin and empty inside
Graphic Categorize
c. thick and empty inside
Organizer Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

4 Beaks are than mouths with teeth. How Birds Fly in the Sky
a. lighter b. stronger c. heavier • h
 elp them the

5 Which body parts do NOT make birds light? • thin and inside • Birds’ body parts
• make them very light them fly.
a. their bones b. their beaks c. their feet
•  than mouths with
6 How do birds fly in the sky?
Birds have perfect for flying.
help lighter empty lift off

64 Lesson 9 • Sky 65
Sk y

The Full Moon’s

l Studi
s e Special Names
Warm Up
When did you last see the full moon?

first quarter

full new

last quarter

Background Link
The moon is up in the sky. The moon’s shape is always changing.
It shines brightly at night. You can see the full moon every 29.5 days.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 20 Vocabulary Worksheet p.122

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

full moon wolf melt worm trail harvest

66 Lesson 10 • Sky 67
SKY Social Studies

The Full Moon’s
Special Names
Let s Focus
January February March

Every month, you can see a full moon. Native

Americans gave each full moon a special name.
In January, it is cold. Food is hard to find. Wolves
howl a lot because they are hungry! So January’s April May June
full moon is called the Wolf Moon.
In March, the snow melts. Worms come up
from the ground and make trails. March’s full
moon is called the Worm Moon.
In North America, people pick strawberries
July August September
in June. June’s full moon is called the Strawberry
In September, it is time for the harvest!
September’s full moon is called the Harvest Moon.
Words 98

October November December

Link to What nickname would you give to

Self a full moon?
68 Lesson 10 • Sky 69
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the passage mainly about? Step 1

a. the moon’s changing shape Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. the lives of Native Americans 1 There is a lot of food for wolves in January.
c. interesting names for full moons
2 Worms are easy to find in March.

2 In January, wolves because they are hungry.

Step 2 Go to pages 68 – 69.
a. howl b. hunt c. sleep
Find and underline the text clue
for each answer in Step 1 .

3 What does NOT happen in March?

a. There is no full moon.
b. The snow starts to melt.
Graphic Categorize
c. Worms make trails on the ground. Organizer Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

4 In North America, people strawberries in June. The Full Moon’s Special Names
a. buy b. plant c. pick Month What Happens Nickname
• Wolves howl because they are
January • Wolf Moon
5 Why is September’s full moon called the Harvest Moon?

a. Food is hard to find. March • Worms come up from the . • Worm Moon
b. It is time for the harvest.
• S trawberry
c. Native Americans plant seeds. June • People strawberries.

September • It is time for the . • Harvest Moon

6 How did Native Americans name the full moon?
They called it a different name every .
hungry harvest ground pick

70 Lesson 10 • Sky 71
Sk y

Why the Sky Is Far Away
Warm Up
If you could get a piece of the sky,
what would you do with it?

Background Link
The sky plays an important role
in many myths and folktales.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 22 Vocabulary Worksheet p.123

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

piece throw away waste far greedy touch

72 Lesson 11 • Sky 73
SKY Folktale

Why the Sky Is Far Away

The next day, people were surprised and asked,

“Where is the sky?”
The sky answered, “I moved far away. Now you
have to work hard. Plant seeds and hunt animals.”
Now people cannot touch the sky anymore.
Words 99

Let s

Long ago, the sky was close to the ground.

People didn’t grow food. They just ate the sky.
They cut out big pieces of the sky but only ate
a little. They threw away the rest.
The sky got angry and said, “Do not waste me.
I will move far away.”
One greedy woman didn’t listen. She threw
a lot away.

Link to If you were the sky, what would you

Self do to these greedy people?
74 Lesson 11 • Sky 75
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the main idea of the passage? Step 1

a. The sky gives people delicious food. Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. People didn’t grow food in the past.

1 People took more of the sky than they could eat.

c. Greedy people made the sky move far away.
2 The sky moved far away without saying a word.

2 A long time ago, the sky was the ground.

Step 2 Go to pages 74 – 75.
a. far from b. close to c. stuck to
Find and underline the text clue
for each answer in Step 1 .

3 Why did the sky get angry?

a. People moved far away.
b. People threw away a lot of the sky.
c. People didn’t want to eat the sky.
Graphic Cause and Effect
Organizer Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
4 What did the greedy woman do?
a. She ate all of the sky. Cause Effect
b. She grew a lot of food. • The sky got angry and
• P eople the
c. She didn’t listen to the sky. far away.
sky, but they
• People had to
a lot of it.
5 People had to
 when the sky moved far away. hard to get food.

a. work hard b. say sorry c. leave their homes

work wasted moved ate

6 Why is the sky far away now?
The sky moved away because people it too much.

76 Lesson 11 • Sky 77
Sk y

Warm Up

Hospital in the Sky Look for these things in the picture.
l Studi
s e a rescue worker an ambulance
a helicopter
Can you guess what they are doing?

Background Link
An ambulance takes sick people to and
from the hospital in emergencies.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 24 Vocabulary Worksheet p.124

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

hospital ambulance twin healthy helicopter nurse

78 Lesson 12 • Sky 79
SKY Social Studies

Hospital in the Sky
Let s Focus

It’s an emergency. But there is no hospital

nearby. Don’t worry! An air ambulance can help.
One Australian woman, Amanda Davis, needed
such help. She had twins but they were born too
early. They were not healthy. The hospital in her
town was too small. So doctors couldn’t help the
The doctors called a special helicopter. It was
an air ambulance. It flew to a hospital in the big
city. A nurse in the helicopter took care of the
babies. They arrived at the hospital in an hour!
Now the babies are healthy. The air ambulance
saved them!
Words 99

Link to In which situation can you call

Self the air ambulance?
80 Lesson 12 • Sky 81
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the passage mainly about? Step 1

a. how fast an air ambulance can fly Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. who made the first air ambulance 1 The twins were born too early.
c. how an air ambulance saved twins
2 The helicopter flew to the hospital in an hour.

2 Why did Amanda Davis visit the hospital?

a. She couldn’t call an ambulance. Step 2 Go to pages 80 – 81.
Find and underline the text clue
b. She wanted to get a health check. for each answer in Step 1 .
c. Her twins were not in good health.

3 Why did the doctors call an air ambulance?

a. They couldn’t help the babies.
b. The twins felt better. Graphic Sequence
Organizer Write the numbers in the correct order.
c. They felt too tired.

4 The babies went to a big hospital . The twins flew to a big hospital in an air ambulance.
a. by car b. by bus c. by helicopter
Amanda Davis’s twins were not in good health.

5 How long did it take to arrive at the hospital?

 The twins visited the small hospital in the town.
a. 30 minutes b. one hour c. two hours
The twins became healthy.

6 Who took care of the babies in the helicopter?

A took care of them in the helicopter.

82 Lesson 12 • Sky 83

Eggs 13 Sunny-Side Up,

Please! 14 How Do Ducks
Lay Eggs?

tudi Sci




h o

16 Why Are Eggs

Oval-Shaped? 15 The Egg-and-Spoon

What are the features of eggs?
E g gs

l Studi
s e
Sunny-Side Up, Please!
egg shell

Warm Up white
Do you like egg dishes?

Background Link

There are various egg recipes around the world.

Eggs are full of protein. Protein builds your muscles.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 26 Vocabulary Worksheet p.125

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

cook boil oil crack fry flip

86 Lesson 13 • Eggs 87
Eggs Social Studies

Sunny - Side Up, Please!

For sunny-side up, put some oil into a pan

first. Then crack the eggs into it. Fry the eggs
but don’t flip them! Just wait for the edges to
turn brown.
Let s Focus Over-easy eggs are like sunny-side up
eggs. But now you should flip them!
People like eggs because there are many ways
Let’s make some scrambled eggs. Crack
to cook them!  
the eggs into a hot, oiled pan. Then mix
First, put some eggs in a pot of water. Then
them. The eggs are soft and tasty.
boil them. After ten minutes, cool your Words 99

boiled eggs in ice water.

Link to Which way do you want to cook

Self eggs? Why?
88 Lesson 13 • Eggs 89
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the passage mainly about? Step 1

a. how to choose fresh eggs Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. why eggs are good for meals 1 You don’t need oil to make boiled eggs.
c. different ways to cook eggs
2 You should cook only one side of the egg for
sunny-side up eggs.
2 For boiled eggs, the eggs in a pot of water first.
a. crack b. put c. mix
Step 2 Go to pages 88 – 89.
Find and underline the text clue
3 What do you do after boiling eggs for ten minutes?
 for each answer in Step 1 .

a. fry the eggs

b. add some more eggs
c. cool the eggs in ice water
Graphic Categorize
Organizer Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
4 Which is NOT true about sunny-side up eggs?
a. You should put some oil into a pan. Four Ways to Cook Eggs
b. You should crack the eggs into a pan. • Boil the eggs in a pot.
Boiled Eggs
• them in ice water.
c. You should flip the eggs when the edges turn brown.
• Crack the eggs into an oiled pan.
Sunny-Side Up Eggs
• Wait for the edges to turn .
5 For over-easy eggs,
 the sunny-side up eggs.
Over-Easy Eggs • the sunny-side up eggs.
a. cool b. flip c. mix
• Crack the eggs into a oiled pan.
Scrambled Eggs
• Mix the eggs.
6 How do you make scrambled eggs?
You should crack and the eggs in a pan.
brown hot flip cool

90 Lesson 13 • Eggs 91
E g gs
Warm Up
How Do Ducks Lay Eggs? ostrich
Birds lay eggs. Whose eggs are these?
Guess and Match.

chicken duck


My eggs are light brown My eggs are larger than My eggs are big and My eggs have black dots.
and small. a chicken’s eggs. round.

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 28 Vocabulary Worksheet p.126

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

female lay nest hatch sharp break

92 Lesson 14 • Eggs 93
Eggs Science

How Do Ducks Lay Eggs?
After 28 days, the eggs start shaking.
The ducklings are hatching. Each duckling
has a sharp egg tooth. It uses this tooth
to break its egg. Now the ducklings are
The hen quickly leads the ducklings to water.
She teaches them how to find food. The ducklings
have lots of things to learn!
Words 96

Let s Focus

A female duck is called a hen. Where are her

babies? They are in the eggs!
A mother duck can lay 5 to 12 eggs
at once. She keeps her eggs in a nest.
She sits on them to keep them

a hen

Link to Self Have you ever seen eggs hatch?

94 Lesson 14 • Eggs 95
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the passage mainly about? Step 1

a. why eggs are very hard Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. how ducklings are born 1 A hen keeps her eggs warm before they hatch.
c. how hens teach their babies
2 A hen teaches her babies how to fly first.

2 Where does a hen keep her eggs?

Step 2 Go to pages 94 – 95.
a. in a nest
Find and underline the text clue
b. on the grass for each answer in Step 1 .
c. under the water

3 A hen sits on her eggs to keep them

a. cool b. warm c. free

Graphic Sequence
4 What happens 28 days after a hen sits on her eggs? Organizer Write the numbers in the correct order.
a. The eggs change color.
b. The ducklings start hatching. The hen teaches her ducklings how to find food.
c. The hen breaks the eggs with her beak.
The hen lays the eggs in a nest.

5 The ducklings use their

 to break the eggs. The hen keeps her eggs warm by sitting on them.
a. head b. feet c. egg tooth
The ducklings break their eggs and hatch.

6 What does a hen do after the ducklings hatch?

The hen leads the ducklings to .

96 Lesson 14 • Eggs 97
E g gs

The Egg-and-Spoon
Warm Up
Think about your school’s sports day.
What fun games do you play? Look and check.



Background Link
Sack Race
Schools around the world have sports days!

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 30 Vocabulary Worksheet p.127

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

spoon race hold balance pick up win

98 Lesson 15 • Eggs 99
Eggs Sports

The Egg-and-Spoon

Let s Focus

Do you want to play a fun game? You just need Here are some tips to win. At first, walk slowly.
an egg and a spoon! American students often Then start running. Keep the spoon close to your
use them in a race on sports days.  body. Focus on the finish line and go straight. You
The rules are simple. Hold a spoon will be there in no time! 
Words 100
in one hand. Balance the egg on
the spoon. Then race to the finish
line! Sometimes the egg falls off
the spoon. You can pick it up and
continue the race.

Link to What is the most interesting part

Self of the egg-and-spoon race for you?
100 Lesson 15 • Eggs 101
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the passage mainly about? Step 1

a. various ways to use a spoon Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. a fun race using an egg and a spoon 1 The race will end if your egg falls off the spoon.
c. how to carry an egg without breaking it
2 You should run fast during the whole race.

2 American students do the egg-and-spoon race on .

Step 2 Go to pages 100 – 101.
a. vacation b. field trips c. sports day
Find and underline the text clue
for each answer in Step 1 .

3 The egg-and-spoon race has

a. simple b. difficult c. too many

4 Which is true about the rules of the race? Graphic Categorize

a. You must hold a spoon in both hands. Organizer Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
b. You must balance the egg on the spoon.
The Egg-and-Spoon Race
c. You must not pick up the egg when it falls.
What You Need • an egg and a spoon

5 What are some tips to win the race?

 • a spoon with an egg on it.
a. Walk fast from the start. • Race to the finish line.
b. Keep the spoon away from your body. • When the egg falls off the spoon, pick it up
and the race.
c. Try to focus on the finish line.
• slowly at first and then run.
• Keep the spoon to your body.
6 What should you do to win the race?
You should the egg on the spoon and go straight to the close walk continue hold
finish line.

102 Lesson 15 • Eggs 103
E g gs

Why Are Eggs

Warm Up

What shapes are these? Think about
the shapes around you.

Triangle A triangle has three sides. Circle A circle is a completely round shape.

Square A square has four sides. Oval An oval has the shape of an egg!

Key Words Listen and repeat the words. 32 Vocabulary Worksheet p.128

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

round oval cliff roll safe less

104 Lesson 16 • Eggs 105
Eggs Math

Why Are Eggs
Oval-Shaped? Not all eggs are oval, though. Some birds
lay their eggs on the ground. Their eggs are less
oval-shaped. Look at the eggs of an ostrich. They
oval-shaped are very big and round!
Words 96

Three eggs are in a nest on a tree.

Let s

Look closely at these eggs. Are they round?

No, they are not. They’re oval! Let’s find out why.
Most birds lay their eggs in nests. These nests
are everywhere. They can be on trees, rocks, and round shape
cliffs. A round egg can roll out of the nest easily.
But the oval-shaped egg is safer. The oval shape
stops the egg from rolling off and breaking.

Link to Can you find an oval-shaped

Self object around you?
106 Lesson 16 • Eggs 107
Comprehension Find Evidence

1 What is the main idea of the passage? Step 1

a. Birds lay eggs in various places. Reread. Check True or Not True. True Not True

b. Some eggs are less oval-shaped. 1 Round eggs are safer in nests.
c. The oval shape keeps the eggs safe.
2 Ostriches lay their eggs on the ground.

2 Which is NOT true about birds’ nests?

Step 2 Go to pages 106 – 107.
a. Most birds lay their eggs in them.
Find and underline the text clue
b. They can be on the cliffs. for each answer in Step 1 .
c. Eggs never roll off them.

3 What happens if eggs are round?

a. They can be safer. Graphic Main Idea and Details
b. They can roll out of the nest. Organizer Connect each paragraph to its main idea.
c. They cannot easily break.
Paragraph 1 lay less oval-shaped
Most bird eggs eggs.
4 The oval shape of eggs stops them from .
a. laying b. rolling c. hatching
Paragraph 2
keeps them safe in their
The oval shape of the
5 Some birds, such as
 , have less oval-shaped eggs. eggs
a. ducks b. chickens c. ostriches
Paragraph 3
are oval-shaped.
Some birds
6 What do an ostrich’s eggs look like?
They are big and .

108 Lesson 16 • Eggs 109
Supplementary Material
Vocabulary Worksheet
ild l

1 Where Do Wild Animals Live?


1. Which animal can you see in the forest? 2. What object do we use to stay dry in
the rain?
a. b.

We use a(n) to stay dry in

the rain.

3. How can we protect our eyes from 4. What does a plant need to grow?

We can wear ( a jacket / sunglasses ). It needs soil, sunlight, and

to grow.

5. What is the weather usually like in the 6. How many camels do you see?
desert during the day?

It is very in the desert I see camels.

during the day. 113
Anima Anima
ild l ild l

2 Swan Lake 3 Food Wild Animals Eat

M us i c Science

1. Who practices ballet? 2. What color is this swan? 1. Which part of a plant is its leaf? 2. Which part of our bodies do we use
to chew?
a. b. a. b.

It is . We use our to chew.

3. Why does the baby raise his right 4. Which body part does the baby bend? 3. Which animal eats twigs, a tiger or a 4. Which bread is flat?
hand? giraffe?
a. b.

He raises his hand to touch the She bends her ( hands / knees ). A eats twigs.
( fruit / bread ).

5. Why do birds spread their wings? 6. Which animal does not have feathers? 5. What are these lions hunting? 6. Which animal has a beak?

a. a.

b. b.

They spread their wings to . They are hunting a ( zebra / cow ).

114 115
Anima ange
ild l Or

4 5

W Say Cheese! How Oranges Grow
ial Studie


1. What are the girls looking at? 2. What color do you see the most in this 1. What does the man grow in his garden? 2. How can you make your food warm?

They are looking at a ( cell phone / letter ). I see __________ the most in this park. He grows in his garden. You can ( heat / cut ) your food up in the

3. Where is the picture hanging? 4. Which shoes are better if you want to 3. What are these tiny ants doing? 4. What does this person pick on the
walk for a long time? farm?
a. b.

The picture is hanging on the They are carrying a(n) . He or she picks .

5. How can you check your weight? 6. Which tool can we use to cut things? 5. Which fruit tastes sweet? 6. What is the woman waiting for?

a. b. a. b.

I can step on a ( scale / floor ). She is waiting for a(n) .

116 117
ange ange
Or Or

6 7
Valencia and Navel Oranges How Oranges Saved the Royal Navy


St n

udi es & S or y

& Scie

1. Which is thinner, a piece of paper or a 2. What is this fruit with a big seed in the 1. Where do sailors work? 2. Who should you see when you bleed
book? middle? a lot?


A is thinner. This fruit with a big seed in the middle is You should see a(n) when
a ( peach / lemon ). you bleed a lot.

3. Which food is juicy, a fruit or a cookie? 4. What food is at the bottom of this 3. Which one do we choose to use in the 4. Which picture shows a pair?
salad? summer?
a. b. a. b.

A is juicy. are at the bottom of this

5. When do we take medicine? 6. Which food is made with vinegar,
5. In which picture can you see the baby’s 6. What do we wear in winter, a thick coat pickled vegetables or fruit jams?
belly button? or a short sleeve shirt?
a. b. a. b.

We take medicine when we feel ( bad / are made of vinegar.

better ).
118 119
ange Sky

8 9
Tangerine Peel Art Science
How Birds Fly in the Sky

1. What part of the fruit does the man 2. What body part does a scorpion use to 1. Which object does not have wings, an 2. How do birds move their wings when
peel? sting? airplane or a bicycle? they flap them?

He peels the ( seed / skin ) of the fruit. It uses the end of its ( head / tail ) to sting. A(n) does not have wings. They move their wings up and
when they flap them.

3. What does this person do with a knife? 4. What color is the rabbit? 3. What do birds do after they lift off the 4. What does the dog do with the bone?

He mushrooms with a knife. It is . They in the sky. It the bone.

5. Which face looks sad? 6. How many legs does a crab have? 5. Which room is empty? 6. Which is lighter?
a. b. a. a. b.


It has legs.

120 121
Sky Sky

10 The Full Moon’s Special Names
ial Studie
11 Why the Sky Is Far Away

1. What shape is a full moon? 2. What do wild wolves eat? 1. How many pieces of cake do you see? 2. Where should we throw away trash,
in the street or in a garbage bin?

It is a full ( circle / square ). They eat other . I see piece(s) of cake. We should throw away trash
in .

3. When does snow melt? 4. Where do worms live? 3. Which person wastes food after a 4. Which person is watching things far
meal? away?
a. b. a. b.

It melts after . They live in the ( soil / water ).

5. Which picture shows a trail? 6. Which picture shows the time for the 5. What can the girl do to stop being 6. What is the boy touching?
harvest? greedy?
a. b. a.


She can her candy with her He is touching his ( eyes / head ).
122 123
Sky Eggs

12 Hospital in the Sky
ial Studie
13 Sunny-Side Up, Please!
ial Studie


1. Who do we meet most at a hospital? 2. When do people take an ambulance to 1. Where does the man cook the food? 2. What should we put in the pot to boil
the hospital? the eggs?

We most meet and nurses. They take an ambulance when they have He cooks the food in the ( kitchen / We should put in the pot
( an emergency / time ). bathroom ). to boil the eggs.

3. How are twins different from other 4. Which snacks are healthier for you, 3. Where does the person put oil? 4. What are some ways to crack an
sisters and brothers? apples or chips? egg?

Twins are born together on the are healthier. He or she puts oil in a(n) . We can use our hands or ( hit / roll ) it
day. on a hard object.

5. Which is faster at reaching faraway 6. What does the nurse do in this picture? 5. Which food do we fry? 6. Which picture shows food flipping?
places, a helicopter or a car?
a. b. a. b.

A is faster.
She helps a man ( walk / sleep ).
124 125
Eggs Eggs

14 How Do Ducks Lay Eggs?

15 The Egg-and-Spoon Race

1. How many female workers can you see 2. Which animal lays eggs, a chicken or 1. Where is the spoon in the picture? 2. What kind of race are the people
in this picture? a dog? having?

I can see female workers. A lays eggs. It is to the of the green They are doing a(n) race.

3. What color are the eggs inside the nest 4. Which animal hatches from an egg? 3. What does the woman hold? 4. Which person balances on one leg?
in this picture?
a. b.
a. b.

She holds a(n) .

The eggs inside the nest are ( white /
golden ).
5. What is the person picking up? 6. What shows us these girls won the
5. Which tool is sharp? 6. Why did the glass break?

a. b.

He or she is picking up a(n) . The ( shirts / medals ) show us the girls

A(n) broke it.
126 won. 127

16 Why Are Eggs Oval-Shaped?

Vocabulary List
1. What does the round mat look like? 2. Which shape is an oval? Lesson 1 Lesson 4 Lesson 7
forest look at sailor
a. b.
rain park bleed
sunlight picture choose
plant walk pair
desert check medicine
camel cut vinegar
The mat looks like a(n) .

3. What does the man do from the cliff? 4. How many dice does the man roll? Lesson 2 Lesson 5 Lesson 8
ballet grow peel
swan warm scorpion
raise tiny knife
bend pick rabbit
spread sweet face
feather wait leg
He ( jumps / throws ) from the cliff into He rolls dice.
the ocean.

5. What should we do to have a safe trip? 6. Which food has less sugar, a donut or
Lesson 3 Lesson 6 Lesson 9
an apple?
a. leaf thin wing
chew seed flap
twig juicy lift off
flat bottom bone
hunt belly button empty
beak thick light
A(n) has less sugar.
128 129
Vocabulary List
Lesson 10 Lesson 13 Lesson 16
full moon cook round
wolf boil oval
melt oil cliff
worm crack roll
trail fry safe
harvest flip less

Lesson 11 Lesson 14
piece female
throw away lay
waste nest
far hatch
greedy sharp
touch break

Lesson 12 Lesson 15
hospital spoon
ambulance race
twin hold
healthy balance
helicopter pick up
nurse win


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