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Step 1 Think about the objects you use

Write in the following table, two objects or people for each of the following categories.
It’s very important that you write them in English (except for proper nouns).
En la siguiente tabla, escribe dos objetos o personas/máscotas para cada una de las siguientes categorías, es importante que los
escribas en inglés (excepto los nombres propios).


 They should be things that you see in your

everyday life.
Deben ser cosas que veas en la vida cotidiana.


Object or Object or
people 1 people 2

Food Pozole Ramen noodles

Technology Android iOS

Sneakers Tennis
Places and
important Mon mum

Object or people 1 Object or people 2

Food Sopitos Lemon pie

Technology iPhone Mac

Personal items Jeans T-shirt

Places House Bedroom

Important people/pets hamster cousin

Step 2 Become a photographer!

2.1 Now you need to take a picture of each object, person or pet. There are 5 categories
and each one contains 2 objects or people so you will take 10 photos in total.

2.2 Then, write (in English) three comparative and two superlative sentences to
compare the objects, people or pets in each category. Think about adjectives you can
use to describe their features and the main differences between them.

Ahora necesitas tomar una foto de cada objeto, persona o mascota que escogiste. Hay 5 categorías y cada una contiene
dos fotos, así que en total tomarás 10 fotografías.

Después, escribe (en inglés) tres frases comparativas y dos superlativas para comparar los objetos, las personas o
máscotas de cada categoría. Piensa en los adjetivos que puedes usar para describir las características de cada uno y
las diferencias principales entre ellos.


Try not repeat the adjectives more than once in

your sentences. 
Intenta no repetir los adjetivos más de una vez en tus oraciones.


Object or people 1 Object or people 2


The plate of pozole is more delicious than the

instant ramen noodle soup. (comparative)

The instant ramen noodle soup is cheaper than the

plate of pozole. (comparative)

S4 The pozole is the most Mexican dish. (superlative)

The instant ramen noodle is the saltiest soup.

Object or people 1 Object or people 2

Sentence 1 The sopitos are more delicious than the lemon pie.

Sentence 2 Lemon pie is sweeter than sopitos.

Sentence 3 Sopitos are spicier than lemon pie.

Sentence 4 The lemon pie is the best dessert.

Sentence 5 The sopitos is the most Mexican food

Object or people 1 Object or people 2

Sentence 1 The iPhone is more portable than the Mac.

Sentence 2 The Mac is more useful than the iPhone.

Sentence 3 The iPhone is cheaper than the Mac.

Sentence 4 Mac is the biggest.

Sentence 5 iPhone is the most comfortable.

Object or people 1 Object or people 2
Personal items

Sentence 1 The t-shirt is cheaper than the jeans.

Sentence 2 The t-shirt is more basic than the jeans.

Sentence 3 The jeans are more expensive than the t-shirt.

Sentence 4 The t-shirt is the most comfortable.

Sentence 5 The jeans are the most used.

Object or people 1 Object or people 2

Sentence 1 My house is bigger than my bedroom.

Sentence 2 My bedroom is smaller than the house.

Sentence 3 My bedroom is quieter than the house.

Sentence 4 My bedroom is the most comfortable.

Sentence 5 My bedroom is the most beautiful.

Object or people 1 Object or people 2
Important people / pets

Sentence 1 My hamster is prettier than my cousin.

Sentence 2 My hamster is smaller than my cousin.

Sentence 3 My cousin is smarter than my hamster.

Sentence 4 My hamster is the cutest.

Sentence 5 My cousin is the most eater.

Autor: Eleanor Frances Edwards

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