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A renewable resource is one that can be used repeatedly and does not run out because it is
naturally replaced. In essence, a renewable resource is a commodity that has an infinite
supply. Just like the sun, wind, or water, some resources are considered renewable, even if
they require some time or effort to regenerate. The majority of precious metals are also
renewable. Although precious metals cannot be replaced naturally, they can be recycled
because they are not damaged during their extraction and usage. Solar and large-scale
wind farms are probably the most well-known renewable resources, but there are a few
other forms that are a big part of the US energy mix.

Examples of renewable energy resources include:

Solar Energy – Solar energy is classified as "renewable" because solar panels may provide
electricity for many years by simply absorbing sunlight. Solar panels do nothing except sit
there and generate energy once they've been made and installed. Renewable resources,
such as solar panels, create pollution-free energy for the rest of their lives after being
manufactured. One issue with solar panels is that they must be recycled at the end of their
lives, which is normally 25-30 years. Solar panels, on the other hand, are currently

Wind Energy – Another renewable energy source is wind power. The kinetic energy of the
wind causes turbines to spin and provide mechanical action. The mechanical energy is then
converted into electricity via a generator. Onshore wind turbines, off-shore wind turbines,
and even floating wind turbines are all examples of wind renewable energy. However, the
working principles for all of these types of wind-generated energy are essentially the same.

Hydroelectric Power – The energy of the water is harnessed as it rushes through the plant,
propelling turbines that generate electricity. Hydropower plants have been reported to
displace local people communities, obstruct fish migration patterns, and increase drought
by retaining more water upstream while reducing the amount available to downstream
populations. Hydropower, on the other hand, is a fantastic source of energy when done in
an environmentally responsible and well-managed manner. Water will constantly flow
unless there is a drought, and it is fully renewable.

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