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Speech Writing – Oral Communication

Everyone has a dream that they desire to fulfill. Its either a short-term or a long-term. Our
lives are more exciting when we have goals. They make us rise up every morning to pursue
them. Life would be pointless, without purpose, and without a sense of direction if they didn't
exist. We are pursuing our ambition in order to rescue our future selves. Like many others, I
have a goal that I must attain no matter how difficult the circumstances are. Dreaming that
one day, when I wake up, I won't have to worry about the debts and costs that plague me every

I'm a little afraid about seeing myself 10 years from now. Sometimes I wonder if the dream
I'm pursuing is actually for me, and if I'm on the wrong track. It scares me because, my goal is
unrealistic for me; no matter how close this to my heart. And by that, I'm implying that I'm
questioning myself and that I need to devise a contingency plan. A profession that can save
me in this game called “life”. However, we are unable to foresee the future. A decade is,
without a doubt, a considerable period of time. That's a ten-year period. In 10 years, a lot can
happen. In a single year, a lot may happen. We can't always predict whether or not it will
happen to us; myself. But one thing I am certain, is that if God gives me the opportunity to get
to that age, I will make to most of my years and put all my effort to become a successful,
happy woman.

A vision I've always had of myself in 10 years is as a successful architect who runs an
architectural firm and is well-known across the world. It may seem unrealistic, but I've always
wished to have and be like that. Ever since I was young, I have been interested in drawing, the
way things are put together and design for as long as I can remember. Whether it was playing
with Lego as a kid or enjoying playing minecraft online. Now that I am in senior high, it has
progressed to the point where I am enthralled by the prospect of planning and constructing
futuristic-looking structures. In the workplace, I picture myself interacting with clients,
drafting project specs, and fulfilling needs and objectives for new projects. Or on the job site,
where my designs are implemented. And, of course, explore the world as I learn more about
architecture. In a few years, I'll construct my mother her own mansion and buy her the things
she missed as a child. Despite my hectic schedule, I will always make time to be with my
family. Spending time with them and seeing them smile makes my heart melt.

Much of the money I earn will go toward helping young people with limited financial
resources get a decent education so they may have a brighter future, as I will be creating jobs
and assisting those in need. I'm not a fan of watching individuals trying to make ends meet. I
promise to myself that, I will always help the poor and share my blessings to other people. We
would share our time to show the societies what is missing, to stand up for those who can’t
stand up for themselves, and to volunteer our effort to at least somewhat help reinforce the
cultures that we once used to embraced dearly. We know that it would take a protracted time
to complete any of these, we grow old with the dilapidated bodies, but our ideas and our
values will be abiding and immutable through the times to watch the next generation arise
and act in the different ways from us.

I may not be certain that I will achieve any of these goals in my life, but I will promise to my
future self that I will be a strong, independent, healthy, and most importantly, happy woman,
and I am aware that the only person who can get me there is myself, and I am aware that the
only person who can get me there is myself by putting all of my passion, effort, and
determination into everything I do. As many accomplishments as I have, I honestly feel that
life is judged by the moments that steal your breath away, and so my purpose in the trip God
has given me the opportunity to go through will not be solely materialistic.

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