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ASSIGNMENT 1 (Observations): After arrival, take a seat in a nonintrusive location to begin

your classroom observations. Complete the questions below:

Observation 1: What are your first impressions of the classroom environment? Is it warm, inviting,
organized, etc? Describe the physical environment in detail. >>>

My first impressions of the classroom environment were very welcoming and informative. The
classroom was filled with procedures and strategies! The class was well organized and well
equipped with educational materials and quotes. All the tables and chairs were situated as per
the students’ needs. All the cupboards and drawers were locked for safety purposes. All the
study material were organized as per the day’s plan.

Observation 2: Please describe the student make-up of the class, including gender, ethnicity, ELL,
students with physical challenges, and any other apparent attributes that are important to note. >>>

The class was of the 5th grade. The class consist of 26 students. 14 were girls and 12 were boys. There
were 2 IEP (Learning disable) student in the classroom. The IEP were seated at the end. There was
one ELL students. Most of the students were Caucasians, 5 were Hispanics, 3 were black and 1 was
Asian. The teacher guided all the students equally.

Observation 3: What are the posted class rules in the room? (exactly as written) >>>

There were no classroom rules posted. I did check with the teacher. She mentioned that she had it in
the beginning but have taken it off as students were well equipped with it.

Observation 4: Does the teacher enforce these posted rules? Are rewards or consequences being used
for compliance or noncompliance? >>>

I did not notice the posted classroom rules. But yes the class was organized, disciplined and

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