DIGITALIZE BOOK-advantages of Multimedia

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INTRODUCTION............................................. 2

NOTES GUIDE ................................................ 3

01. Business ......................................................3
02. Entertainment ............................................ 4
03. Industry ....................................................... 4
04. Commercial ................................................ 5
05. Education .................................................... 5


Pre-Production ................................................. 6
Production ......................................................... 6
Post-production ............................................... 6


EXERCISE ........................................................ 8

EXERCISE ........................................................ 9

CASE STUDY .................................................. 10

CASE STUDY .................................................. 11

ASSESSMENT ................................................ 12

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................... 13


Multimedia has become an inevitable part of any
Interactive multimedia is called hypermedia

presentation. when the user is given the structure of linked

elements to control it.

Multimedia is something people can see, hear,

touch and read on websites, radio, television,

Based on how multimedia programs are used,

video games, phone applications, retail stores,

multimedia can be divided into two forms –

cinema halls and ATMs. Multimedia can be

linear multimedia and non-linear multimedia. In

defined as a combination of picture, text, sound,

linear multimedia, information is read or

video and animation. In simple terms, multimedia

viewed in a continuous sequence. Usually, these

is the combination of more than one media.

presentations begin at a predetermined

starting point and end at a predetermined end

Multimedia is the medium which provides

point. They can be automated so that each

information to the users in the form of text,

screen comes after a fixed time interval.

audio, video, animation and graphics. The

information is delivered to the users by digital or

On the other hand, non-linear multimedia

electronic means. When a user is allowed to

information is not presented in sequential or

control the elements of multimedia then it

chronological manner. Non-linear multimedia

becomes interactive multimedia.

programs are usually interactive and require

audience interaction.
Digital and computer based images,

text, graphics, animation, audio and

video that can be turned from one

form to another are two fundamental

features of multimedia. Generally,

multimedia presentations are viewed

in person in a boardroom, class, on

stage or in an auditorium. They can be

transmitted, projected or played on a

projector using a media player such as

a computer. A live or recorded

presentation is called a broadcast.

Multimedia games can be used in a

physical environment with multiple

users in an online network, with

special effects or with an off-line

computer or game system

Interaction in a multimedia program can be

increased by mixing multiple forms of
media content. However, depending upon
the kinds multimedia content available, it
may differ online.
Multimedia can be used in a variety of ways in myriad fields.
A multimedia presentation can be put together in varied
formats. Some of the most common applications are given

Multimedia is used for advertising and selling products on
the Internet. Some businesses use multimedia tools such as
CD-ROMs, DVDs or online tutorials for training or educating
staff members about things the employer want them to learn
or know. Staff members can learn at their own speed and at a
specific time suitable to them as well as the company. It also
saves money of the employers as now they don’t have to pay
extra expenses on training or education of their human
resources. Multimedia is one of the best ways to provide
short-term training to the workers in a company.

Multimedia is used to create special effects in films, TV

serials, radio shows, games and animations. Multimedia
games are popular software programs that available online as
well as on DVDs and CD-ROMs. Use of special technologies
such as virtual reality turn these games into real life
experiences. These games allow uses to fly aeroplanes, drive
cars, do wrestling, etc.

In the Industrial sector, multimedia is used to present
information to all people related to the industry such as
stakeholders, shareholders, senior level managers and co-
workers. Multimedia is also helpful in advertising and selling
products all over the world over internet.

Global positioning system (GPS)

is popular multimedia device

used for mapping routes and

directions while driving, travelling

or hiking.

Creative presentations are used to grab the attention of the

masses in advertising. Industrial, business to business and
interoffice communications are mostly developed by firms
providing creative services. They work on advanced
multimedia presentations rather than simple slide shows to
sell ideas or make training programs more interesting.

Multimedia is used as a source of information in the field of
education. Pupils can research on various topics such as
solar system or information technology using different
multimedia presentations. To make teaching more interesting
and fun for pupils, teachers can make multimedia
presentations of chapters. Visual images, animation,
diagrams, etc., have more effect on pupils. Various
computer-based training (CBT) courses are also available
online for study.
Stages of


These stages are sequential. Before beginning any work,
everybody involved in the project should agree to what is to be
done and why. Lack of agreement can create
misunderstandings which can have grim effects in the
production process. Therefore, initial agreements give a
reference point for subsequent decisions and assessments.
After the clarification of why, what multimedia product has to
do in order to fulfil its purpose is decided. The “why” and
“what” determine all the how decisions including storyboards,
flow chart, media content, etc.


Idea or Motivation During the initial why phase of production,

the first question the production team ask is “why” you want to
develop a multimedia project? Is the idea marketable and
profitable? Is multimedia the best option, or would a print
product being more effective? It takes several brainstorming
sessions to come up with an idea. Then the production team
decides what the product needs to accomplish in the market.
It should keep in account what information and function they
need to provide to meet desired goals. Activities such as
developing a planning document, interviewing the client and
building specifications for production help in doing so.


In the production stage all components of planning come into

effect. If pre-production was done properly, all individuals will
carry out their assigned work according to the plan. During this
phase graphic artists, instructional designers, animators,
audiographers and videographers begin to create artwork,
animation, scripts, video, audio and interface. The production
phase runs easily if the project manager has distributed
responsibilities to the right individuals and created practical
and achievable production schedule. Scriptwriting The scripts
for the text, transitions, audio narrations, voice-overs and
video are written. Existing material also needs to be rewritten
and reorganized for an electronic medium. Then the written
material is edited for readability, grammar and consistency.
Art Illustrations, graphics, buttons, and icons are created using
the prototype screens as a guide. Existing photographs,
illustrations, and graphics are digitized for use in an electronic


After the production of the multimedia project, post-

production technicalities should be addressed to produce a
perfect and error free project. It is one of the most
fundamental of all stages of production. The stage of post-
production involves: Testing The product is tested on multiple
computers and monitors. It is imperative to evaluate, test and
revise the product to make sure the quality and success of the
product. Mastering Mastering can be as simple as writing a
CD-ROM or floppy disk. Or it can be as complex as sending
the files to a service that will create a pre-master from which
the master is made.
OF Multimedia
Deeper understanding
According to research, a benefit of multimedia

learning is that it takes advantage of the brain's ability

to make connections between verbal and visual

representations of content, leading to a deeper

understanding, which in turn supports the transfer of

learning to other situations. All of this is important in

today’s 21st century classrooms, as we are preparing

students for a future where higher-level thinking,

problem solving and collaborative skills will be


Improved problem solving

A large percentage of the human brain

dedicates itself to visual processing.

Thus, using images, video and

animations alongside a text stimulates

the brain. Student attention and

retention increase. Under these

circumstances, in a multimedia learning

environment, students can identify and

solve problems more easily compared

to the scenario where teaching is made

possible only by textbooks.

Access to a vast variety of

With computers, tablets, smartphones and the

internet, students are today better equipped than

ever to search and find the information they

need. A study revealed that 95% of students who

have access to internet, use it to search for

online information. Sharing the information and

participating in class discussions is done in a

more confident way when access to information

is as easy as today.

Choose the correct option to

answer the following:

1. Multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of ........................
(a) Devices (b) Media
(c) Technologies (d) All of the above
2. What is the term for presentation that are sequential and

typically do not have interactivity?

(a) Linear (b) Non-linear
(c) Hyperlinked (d) None of the above
3. Which of the following is not considered digital?
(a) Scanned

(b) Audio cassette tapes

(c) Web
(d) Computer animations
interface buttons
4. A live or recorded presentation is called a .......................
(a) PowerPoint

(b) Announcement
(c) Multimedia

(d) Broadcast
5. What is the other name for interactive multimedia?
(a) Hypertext (b) Graphic media
(c) Hypermedia (d) Print media

Answer the following

1. What is multimedia? Describe.

2. What are different types of multimedia?

3. Explain the process and importance of planning in the

production of multimedia project.

4. Write down the applications of multimedia.

5. What is multimedia on a computer system?

6. Explain in detail various steps involved in the process of


7. What is a multimedia designer? Explain in brief.

8. Why is team spirit essential for people working in a team?

9. What is the first stage of a multimedia project?

10. Multimedia has become an important entity in today’s world.


Future of Multimedia
There seems to be a rising flourish of enthusiasm about Internet
courseware and multimedia. Additional individuals learn, the
more they want to learn. For example, once their essential
classes Web pages are complete, instructors often decide that
they want pictures, then perhaps some audio, then animation,

There are a number of advantages to using audio over the

Internet. Professors are able to create archived lectures or live
broadcasts, allowing for asynchronous or synchronous
communication. They have been experimenting with live audio
broadcasts, and they see an advantage in the interaction:
students can call in (similar to a talk radio show) and talk to the
professor, rather than passively listening. Audio over the
Internet also allows instructors to provide guest lecturers from
all over the world at low cost. The capacity to archive these
presentations makes them available at times convenient for
students for review, or for the first time if they miss a live

The current advantages and disadvantages of multimedia

online are multimedia allows people to communicate more
effectively online. I believe that with technology like 3-D
modelling and virtual reality, people from different places will
be able to work in groups to construct projects over the
Internet. I also see multimedia as a shape of self-expression: it
enables the creator to add personality to a website or course.
Multimedia, whether in the form of video, animation or a
scanned picture can demonstrate concepts or ideas that can
cannot be communicated easily in any other way.

The future of multimedia online is at present, video is rather

primitive, but in the future users will be able to interact visually
with people from all over the world. I don't see multimedia
replacing human contact; rather, it will supplement it by
allowing individuals to interact in ways and places that would
otherwise be impossible.

According to Allyn J Radford, Senior Research Fellow in the

Faculty of Art, Design and Communication at RMIT University in
Melbourne, Australia, "The future of interactive media in
education, when it is separated from the issues of technology
that tend to mystifydiscussion and place it firmly in the sole
grasp of those that are highly technologically capable, is that of
communication tool. Its dimensions and capabilities will evolve
and expand at the same time as the potential to author
becomes more widely accessible. The potential for students of
all ages to author as part of a creative educational program that
is based on achievement of goals and competencies rather than
time served will assist educators to shift from teacher to
facilitator and mentor. Interactive communication tools will
transform our capability to embrace an educational paradigm
that deals with learning as a vital, fulfilling, and continuing part
of life at home and in the workplace as well as within
educational institutions."

1. How is multimedia useful in daily life?
2. Can you imagine a life without multimedia? Explain
With the wide access of smart devices,
making videos, audio, and graphics have
become much easier for students.
Multimedia assignments have become
more common in recent years as it
provides options and sparks creativity in
students’ work. Multimedia assessment
could include recording the process of
completing a task, recording a video or
audio on a given topic, designing a poster
or infographics, or even creating an
animated video for storytelling.

Adopting multimedia assessment help

develop students’ computer and digital
literacy. Students could also have the
opportunity to practice as many times as
they need before submitting their final
work. Because they are in a digital format,
these assignments are easier to showcase
as a part of a student’s portfolio.

Multimedia is a combination of text, Virtual reality is an extension of

graphic art, sound, animation, and multimedia. There are three stages
video. There are two types of of multimedia – pre-production,
multimedia projects – linear and production and post-production.
non-linear. Multimedia projects are The team involved in a creating a
often stored on CD-ROM or DVDs multimedia project should be
and on the Web. Multimedia is knowledgeable , experienced and
widely used in business, schools, efficient. Every team member
public places, hospitals, research, should perform their responsibilities
for entertainment, at home, etc. as well as others if need arises.

B M M 1 0 1 0 3

Never stop learning,

Never stop growing


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