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The great texts of Psychiatry

Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and criteria§,§§

Troubles médicaux et mentaux : définition et critères proposés
Robert L. Spitzer a,b, Jean Endicott a,b, Jean-Arthur Micoulaud Franchi c,*
American Psychiatric Association Task Force on Nomenclature and Statistics, United States of America
Biometrics Research Unit, New York State Psychiatric Institute, 10032 New York, United States of America
Services d’explorations fonctionnelles du système nerveux, CHU de Bordeaux, clinique du sommeil, place Amélie Raba-Leon, 33076 Bordeaux, France


Article history: There was a need for a definition of mental disorder in the preparation of the Third Edition of the American
Available online xxx Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-III). Decisions had to be made on a variety
of issues that seemed to us to relate to the fundamental question of the boundaries of the concept of mental
Keywords: disorder. Without some definition of mental disorder, there would be no explicit guiding principles that
Mental disorder would help to determine which conditions should be included in the nomenclature, which excluded, and
DSM-III how conditions included should be defined. This article describes a definition of and criteria for medical
disorders. The definition of mental disorder proposed here is merely a subset of the definition of medical
Operational criteria
disorder, it contributes to the continuing debate concerning the appropriateness of the medical model as
Distress applied to psychiatric disturbance. The proposed definition is: ‘‘A medical disorder is a relatively distinct
Disability condition resulting from an organismic dysfunction which in its fully developed or extreme form is directly and
Impairment intrinsically associated with distress, disability, or certain other types of disadvantage. The disadvantage may be
Disadvantage of a physical, perceptual, sexual, or interpersonal nature. Implicitly there is a call for action on the part of the
Robert Spitzer person who has the condition, the medical or its allied professions, and society. A mental disorder is a medical
disorder whose manifestations are primarily signs or symptoms of a psychological (behavioral) nature, or if
physical, can be understood only using psychological concepts’’. Operational criteria are proposed to provide
sufficient evidence for both an organismic dysfunction and justification for societal recognition of the
appropriateness of the sick role. A condition must meet all criteria to be considered a medical disorder. Each
of the criteria follows with explication of key concepts.
C 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction American Psychiatric Association (the first and second editions of the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), made no attempt
It is rather remarkable that classifications of mental (psychiatric) to address the issue. Nor, with a single exception [17], do the standard
and other medical disorders have existed for decades despite the lack textbooks of medicine and psychiatry.
of any agreed on definition for what constitutes a medical disorder in As Kendell [7] has noted, physicians rarely concern themselves
the first place. In fact, the official classification of the World Health with I defining what is a medical disorder and instead spend their
Organization (the International Classification of Diseases) and of the time, as best they can, diagnosing and treating individual patients.
If questioned, they readily acknowledge that much of their work
actually involves conditions which are generally not considered
Initially published in: Critical issues in psychiatric diagnosis, edited by Robert medical disorders, such as pregnancy or childbirth, or preventive
L. Spitzer and Donald F. Klein. Raven Press, New York, 1978.
§§ medicine, such as giving advice to mothers of children attending a
The original article did not have abstract or keywords. They are proposed by the
translators of the French version of the paper: Jean-Arthur MICOULAUD-FRANCHI well-baby clinic, or advising middle-aged men regarding diet and
(Service d’explorations fonctionnelles du système nerveux, Clinique du sommeil, exercise.
CHU de Bordeaux / USR CNRS 3413 SANPSY, CHU Pellegrin, Université de Bordeaux, A review of some of the literature regarding definitions of
France) et Clélia QUILES (Pôle universitaire de psychiatrie adulte, centre hospitalier illness, disease, and other related conditions indicates that the
Charles-Perrens, Bordeaux / Centre référent de réhabilitation psychosociale
Nouvelle Aquitaine Sud, Bordeaux, France).
problem has been of more interest to’ sociologists, psychologists,
* Corresponding author. philosophers of science, and members of the legal profession than
E-mail address: (J.-A. Micoulaud Franchi). it has been to medical professionals [2,8,9,12]. Of the medical
0003-4487/ C 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Spitzer RL, et al. Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and criteria. Ann Med Psychol
(Paris) (2018),
G Model
AMEPSY-2591; No. of Pages 10

2 R.L. Spitzer et al. / Annales Médico-Psychologiques xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

specialties, psychiatry has shown the most concern because of its Perhaps as evidence of our failure to learn from experience, we
difficulty in defining its own professional responsibility [13]. have continued to modify the definition to meet some of the
Our own preoccupation with defining medical and mental criticisms received. We are still convinced that some working
disorders grew out of our involvement with the American definition of medical and mental disorders is of value. This chapter
Psychiatric Association’s Task Force on Nomenclature and Statis- describes our current definition of and criteria for medical and
tics, which is responsible for developing the official classification mental disorders with the hope that many of the deficiencies of the
system of the mental disorders in this country. The initial impetus initial attempt have been corrected. Surveying the literature of
grew out of the controversy as to whether or not homosexuality, previous attempts to grapple with these difficult issues indicates
per se, should be deleted from the psychiatric nomenclature that the approach taken here is unique in providing not only a
[18]. This led to an initial attempt on our part to delineate criteria definition of medical disorder, but detailed operational criteria.
for mental disorders [17], without any consideration as to how it Furthermore, these criteria avoid such terms as ‘‘dysfunction’’,
related to a definition of the more general rubric of medical ‘‘maladaptive’’, or ‘‘abnormal’’, terms which themselves beg
disorder. definition.
Our conviction that there was a need for a definition of mental We believe that the definition offered here helps clarify the
disorder grew as we became involved in the preparation of the goals of medical classification. It helps delineate the areas of
Third Edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic responsibility of the medical system from those of other societal
and Statistical Manual (DSM-III). Decisions had to be made on a systems which also have as their purpose improving or otherwise
variety of issues that seemed to us to relate to the fundamental changing human functioning, such as the educational or criminal
question of the boundaries of the concept of mental disorder. We justice systems. It provides a rationale for decisions as to which
believed that without some definition of mental disorder, there conditions should be included or excluded from a medical
would be no explicit guiding principles that would help to classification. In addition, it provides guidelines for determining
determine which conditions should be included in the nomencla- the boundaries of those disorders which are seemingly continuous
ture, which excluded, and how conditions included should be with variations in ‘‘normal’’ functioning. Furthermore, since the
defined. As we considered the many conditions traditionally definition of mental disorder proposed here is merely a subset of
included in the nomenclature, we realized that although the the definition of medical disorder, it contributes to the continuing
definition of mental disorder proposed at the time of the debate concerning the appropriateness of the medical model as
controversy regarding homosexuality was suitable for almost all applied to psychiatric disturbance [14].
of them, a broader definition seemed necessary.
With the help of our colleagues, particularly other members of
2. Key concepts in the definition of medical disorder
the Task Force on Nomenclature and Statistics, we eventually came
to believe that mental disorder should be defined as merely a
We believe that there are several fundamental concepts in the
subset of medical disorder, and that our attention should therefore
notion of a medical disorder:
be directed toward defining the broad rubric of medical disorder.
We developed such a working definition which we believed could
 negative consequences of the condition;
serve many functions. With the recognition that any proposed
 an inferred or identified organismic dysfunction;
definition is tentative and likely to change with further knowledge,
 and an implicit call for action.
the Task Force (with a few dissenting members) was initially
convinced that such a working definition was not only of value in
There is no assumption that the organismic dysfunction or its
developing the revised 1 classification, but that it should be
negative consequences are of a physical nature. Therefore,
included in DSM-III as a formal statement.
throughout this chapter we use the broader term ‘‘disorder’’,
This initial definition of medical and mental disorder was
rather than ‘‘disease’’ (which often denotes a progressive physical
presented at a special session of the 1976 annual meeting of the
disorder with known pathophysiology) or ‘‘illness’’ which often
American Psychiatric Association [15]. The definition was critiqued
refers to the clinical manifestations of a disorder [5]1.
by a panel of discussants representing many disciplines and points
The purpose of a classification of medical disorders is to identify
of view, as well as by members of the audience. For the most part,
those conditions which, because of their negative consequences,
to our chagrin, the reaction was negative. Some questioned the
implicitly have a call to action to the profession, the person with the
need and wisdom of having any definition. Many argued that the
condition, and society. The call to action on the part of the medical
definition proposed was too restrictive, and if officially adopted,
profession (and its allied professions) is to offer treatment for the
would have the potential for limiting the appropriate activities of
condition or a means to prevent its development, Of, if knowledge is
our profession and would redefine the major educational activities
lacking, to conduct appropriate research. The call to the person with
of psychiatry; they also felt that it was out of keeping with trends in
the condition is to assume the patient or sick role [9]. The call to
medicine that emphasize the continuity of health and illness.
action on the part of society takes several forms which may include
Furthermore, some questioned our claim that the definition that
giving various exemptions from certain responsibilities to those in
we proposed was actually helpful in making decisions regarding
the sick role and to provide a means for the delivery of medical care.
the nomenclature. Rather, it was argued, decisions were made and
Implicit in the call to action is the assumption that something
then the definition tinkered with to justify them.
has gone wrong with the human organism which has led to negative
With the wisdom of hindsight, we now acknowledge that many
consequences. On the other hand, this does not imply that
of these criticisms were warranted. It now seems unlikely that any
conditions which are not considered disorders are equally
proposed definition will be found generally acceptable to the
desirable or represent optimal functioning or should be ignored
profession. Without such acceptance, there would be little
by the profession. For example, although the medical profession
justification for its adoption by the Task Force as part of DSM-
recognizes that it is generally better to have the physical stamina
III. We also recognize that it is not possible or useful to sharply
needed to participate in active sports, its absence when due to
define the boundaries between disorder and ‘‘normality’’, as we
had originally intended, and that the definition that we had 1
We note with pleasure that in the text of the World Health Organization’s
proposed was, indeed, too narrow (even though some of our critics International Classification of Diseases, the term "disorder" is used in the same sense
thought it was too broad). as we use it.

Please cite this article in press as: Spitzer RL, et al. Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and criteria. Ann Med Psychol
(Paris) (2018),
G Model
AMEPSY-2591; No. of Pages 10

R.L. Spitzer et al. / Annales Médico-Psychologiques xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1
Proposed operational criteria for a medical disorder. All four criteria, A through D, must be met for a condition to be designated as a medical disorder. It should be noted that if
criterion A is met only by virtue of A.3, disadvantage, the designation of the condition as a disorder is heavily dependent on social definitions of the degree of the disadvantage
or undesirableness, as well as other considerations, as to the consequences of considering the condition a medical disorder.


Criteria Medical (Non-mental) Mental

A. The condition, in the fully developed or extreme form, in all

environments (other than one especially created to compensate
for the condition), is directly associated with at least one of the
1. Distress-acknowledged by the individual or manifested Trigeminal neuralgia Phobic disorder
2. Disability-some impairment in functioning in a wide range Pituitary dwarfism Antisocial personality disorder, manic disorder,
of activities alcoholism
3. Disadvantage (not resulting from the above)-certain forms
of disadvantage to the individual in interacting with aspects
of the physical or social environment because of an
identifiable psychological or physical factor. The following
forms of disadvantage, even when not associated with
distress or disability, are now considered, in our culture, as
suggestive of some type of organismic dysfunction
warranting the designation of medical disorder:
a. Impaired ability to make important environmental Color blindness, lack of pain perception
b. Lack of ability to reproduce Sterility
c. Cosmetically unattractive because of a deviation in kind, Fused toes
rather than degree, from physical structure Port wine stain
d. Atypical and inflexible sexual or other impulse-driven Sexual sadism, kleptomania, pathological
behavior which often has painful consequences gambling
e. Impairment in the ability to experience sexual pleasure in Anorgosmia, fetishism
an interpersonal context
f. Marked impairment in the ability to form relatively Narcissistic personality disorder, hysterical
lasting and non-conflictual interpersonal relationships personality disorder
B. The controlling variables tend to be attributed to being largely
within the organism with regard to either initiating or
maintaining the condition. Therefore, a condition is included only
if it meets both of the following criteria:
1. Simple informative or standard educational procedures do Thus, anxiety regarding physical health
not lead to a reversal of the condition unrelieved by negative laboratory tests
suggests hypochondriasis, and illiteracy despite
adequate standard reading instruction suggests
a specific reading developmental disorder or
mental retardation
2. Non-technical interventions do not bring about a quick Thus, pain of foot while caught in door Thus, inattentiveness and hyperactivity which
reversal of the condition suggests a medical disorder only if it is not persist in a child despite changes in school and
quickly relieved by opening the door other environment suggest attention deficit
C. Conditions are not included if the associated distress, disability, Thus, wanted pregnancy and childbirth are Thus, simple grief is not considered a mental
or other disadvantage is apparently the necessary price not medical disorders even though they disorder but is seen as the natural consequence
associated with attaining some positive goal cause pain and some disability of psychological attachment to others
D. Distinctness from other conditions in one or more of the Tuberculosis (but not cough) Panic disorder (but not nervousness);
following features: clinical phenomenology, course, response to depressive disorder (but not unhappiness)
treatment, familial incidence, or etiology

simple lack of sufficient regular exercise is by itself not considered A medical disorder is a relatively distinct condition resulting
a disorder. Similarly, although a high degree of intellectual from an organismic dysfunction which in its fully developed or
curiosity is generally viewed as desirable, its absence in an extreme form is directly and intrinsically associated with distress,
individual who is not mentally retarded is not usually viewed as a disability, or certain other types of disadvantage. The disadvantage
manifestation of a disorder. may be of a physical, perceptual, sexual, or interpersonal nature.
There is no implication that it is inappropriate for the medical Implicitly there is a call for action on the part of the person who has
profession to be interested in conditions that are not disorders. For the condition, the medical or its allied professions, and society.
example, the study of genius, longevity, and normal coping A mental disorder is a medical disorder whose manifestations
mechanisms may be of interest in and of itself, and may provide are primarily signs or symptoms of a psychological (behavioral)
knowledge which, in the long run, will be of value in preventing or nature, or if physical, can be understood only using psychological
treating disorders. concepts.

3. Proposed definition of medical and mental disorder 4. Operational criteria for medical disorder

The proposed definition of medical and mental disorder is The operational criteria discussed in the following sections can
presented here in a highly abbreviated form. The rationale for the be viewed as providing sufficient evidence for both an organismic
definition is to be found in the discussion of the operational criteria dysfunction and justification for societal recognition of the
which follow. appropriateness of the sick role.

Please cite this article in press as: Spitzer RL, et al. Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and criteria. Ann Med Psychol
(Paris) (2018),
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AMEPSY-2591; No. of Pages 10

4 R.L. Spitzer et al. / Annales Médico-Psychologiques xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

A condition must meet all four criteria to be considered a The phrase ‘‘(other than one especially created to compensate for
medical disorder. The criteria with examples of both mental the condition)’’ is used in recognition of the fact that occasionally it
disorders and other medical disorders are shown in Table 1. Each of is possible to create a special environment that will prevent the
the criteria follows with explication of key concepts. negative consequences that would result from the interaction of a
disorder with all naturally existing environments. For example, an
4.1. Criterion A. The condition in the fully developed or extreme form, individual without the normal immune mechanisms can be placed
in all environments (other than one especially created to compensate in a germ-free environment to avoid the otherwise inevitable
for the condition), is directly associated with. . . consequences of such a disorder. Similarly, an individual with a
phobic disorder may be able to organize his immediate environ-
A condition is any set of facts about an organism which has ment to avoid exposure to the phobic situation and the negative
correlates. Liking pistachio ice cream and being an American are consequences of such avoidance. Nevertheless, in both instances,
both conditions, although the correlates of these conditions (liking the condition should be regarded as a disorder.
ice cream in general, speaking English) are not of any relevance to The phrase ‘‘directly associated with. . .’’ recognizes the distinc-
medical disorder. tion between a predisposing condition and a condition which is a
The phrase in the fully developed or extreme form is used because disorder. A predisposing condition increases the probability of
in medicine many conditions are recognizable in an early form, developing a disorder but may not itself have the negative
frequently with the aid of laboratory tests, before they have any consequences required in the definition of a disorder. Thus, social
undesirable consequences. For example, an X-ray examination drinking predisposes to alcoholism, and skiing predisposes to
may reveal a carcinoma of the lung before the patient has any fracture. Some disorders are also predisposing conditions. Thus,
clinical sign of the illness. The condition is still regarded as a tobacco use disorder (as defined in DSM-III) and hypertension are
medical disorder because the natural history of carcinoma is such both disorders and predisposing conditions because they increase
that In the fully developed form there are inevitably undesirable the likelihood of developing other disorders.
consequences of the condition. As Feinstein [6] has noted, this was Whether a predisposing condition should be prevented
not always the case. Early in the history of medicine, disorders depends on an evaluation of all of its consequences, some of
were not recognized unless they were clinically manifested by which may be desirable. Thus, although social drinking does
signs of illness. Unfortunately, in psychiatry we rarely have predispose toward alcoholism, it also has some positive correlates,
laboratory procedures which permit us to diagnose mental such as relief of tension and increased sociability, which mitigate
disorders before they have clinical manifestations. However, against a medical policy of discouraging all social drinking. On the
sometimes our knowledge of the clinical course of psychiatric other hand, being overweight predisposes to the development of a
disorders, such as mania, alcoholism, or schizophrenia, does permit variety of medical disorders and would seem to have no redeeming
us to detect the disorder prior to the development of obviously features. In such a case, it is reasonable for medical intervention to
negative consequences. be used to prevent the development of the predisposing condition.
In defining the boundaries of a disorder, it is essential to exclude There are three undesirable consequences for the individual
related conditions which may seemingly appear to be milder forms with the condition, at least one of which is required for criterion
of the disorder. Thus, a useful definition of alcoholism excludes A. Fortunately, for mnemonic purposes, they all begin with the
social drinking because the correlates of the two conditions are letter D: distress, disability and disadvantage.
extremely different. Defining alcoholism to include social drinking
would greatly weaken its power as a diagnostic category. Thus, 4.1.1. Distress – Acknowledged by the Individual or Manifest
alcoholism is conceptualized as a different condition than social This means that either the subject complains about the distress
drinking and not merely an extreme form of it. that he experiences or distress is inferred from his manifest
The phrase ‘‘in all environments (other than one especially created behavior. The distress may be in the form of physical pain or any
to compensate for the condition)’’ is used to operationally assure that dysphoric affect such as anxiety, depression, or anger. An example
the negative consequences of the condition are intrinsic to that of a non-mental medical disorder which causes distress is
condition, rather than a result of an interaction between the trigeminal neuralgia. An example of a mental disorder which
condition and a specific environment. If the negative consequences causes distress is phobic disorder.
occur in all environments, the condition is a disorder. If they occur
only in special environments, then the condition is considered a 4.1.2. Disability – Some Impairment in Functioning in a Wide Range of
vulnerability. For example, sickle cell trait is a vulnerability Activities
because in environments of oxygen deprivation the disorder of This means that there is impairment in more than one area of
sickle cell crisis may develop, although in all other environments it functioning. The reason that a wide range of activities needs to be
has either no negative consequences or in environments in which affected is to avoid a priori decisions as to what areas of human
malaria is endemic, it actually has some advantage. On the other activity are ‘‘basic’’, or ‘‘essential’’. Pituitary dwarfism is an
hand, sickle cell disease is a disorder because it has undesirable example of a non-mental medical disorder resulting in disability
consequences in all environments. as defined here, as are antisocial personality (as defined in DSM-
The distinction between a vulnerability and a disorder is III), manic disorder, and alcoholism. Some disorders which
recognized in other fields of medicine. Much of medical practice is ordinarily result in disability may occasionally result in immediate
directed toward preventing the development of conditions rather death (the ultimate disability) without passing through a stage of
than treating disorders. For example, the use of antigens to impaired functioning, as, for example, a’ suddenly rupturing aortic
desensitize an individual who has a vulnerability for the aneurysm.
development of hay fever is clearly different from the use of As a consequence of the requirement of generalized im-
antihistamines to treat the symptomatic disorder, hay fever. Some pairment, it is possible for a condition to be associated with
psychiatric practice is also directed toward reduction of vulnera- impairment in a single function and not be classified as a disorder,
bility for the development of a disorder, for example, counseling all providing that the condition does not result in any of the other two
freshmen to detect and possibly reduce the vulnerability of those D’s. Thus, homosexuality per se, which represents an impairment
who appear to have a high likelihood of the development of a in functioning in the area of heterosexual relationships, is not
mental disorder. considered a mental disorder because the area of impairment is

Please cite this article in press as: Spitzer RL, et al. Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and criteria. Ann Med Psychol
(Paris) (2018),
G Model
AMEPSY-2591; No. of Pages 10

R.L. Spitzer et al. / Annales Médico-Psychologiques xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

often limited, and this condition does not qualify for either of the disadvantage of sufficient magnitude to justify the label of medical
other D’s, as we have defined them. disorder in the absence of acknowledged distress.
Before proceeding to the third and most controversial D, it is On the other hand, lack of orgasm in women was until recently
important to recognize that almost all of the conditions viewed by Western society as of either no significance or desirable.
traditionally regarded as medical disorders (including the mental Now the same condition, at least in an extreme form, is regarded by
disorders) meet the inclusion criteria of distress or disability as many as undesirable, evidence of an organismic dysfunction, and
defined here. All of the major psychiatric disorders, such as the sufficiently disadvantageous as to justify its classification as a
organic mental disorders, schizophrenia, paranoid disorders, medical disorder. Although logically it is possible to have a
personality disorders, affective disorders, and anxiety disorders, disorder for which there is no treatment, the fact that a condition,
in their extreme or fully developed form are almost invariably such as lack of orgasm, can often be changed by a technical
associated with impairment in functioning in many areas. intervention adds weight to the logic of conceptualizing it as due to
an organismic dysfunction rather than due to normal variation.
4.1.3. Disadvantage (not resulting from the above) – certain forms of Some of the current controversy about the limits of ‘‘normal’’
disadvantage to the individual in interacting with aspects of the sexual response, particularly in females, has been influenced by
physical or social environment because of an identifiable psychological evidence regarding which aspects of sexual response are modifi-
or physical factor able and which are not.
There is an extremely small number of conditions generally The following forms of disadvantage, even when not associated
regarded as medical disorders which are not directly and with distress or disability, are now considered, in our culture, as
intrinsically associated with either distress or disability. A feature suggestive of some type of organismic dysfunction warranting the
that these conditions all share is that the individual with the designation of medical disorder.
condition is at a disadvantage in dealing with some aspect of the The first three forms of disadvantage are applicable to non-
physical or social environment. However, many conditions which mental medical disorders and would appear to be sufficient to
place an individual at a relative disadvantage are not usually explain the rationale for designating a condition as a medical
considered medical disorders, for example, short stature, tone disorder if it failed to meet the criteria of either distress or disability.
deafness, greediness, poor sense of humor, unattractive appear-
ance, and limited intelligence (but not mental retardation). Impaired Ability to Make Important Environmental Discri-
Conditions such as these are usually regarded as the inevitable minations. This would be the basis for classifying color blindness
consequence of ‘‘normal variation’’ rather than a result of or lack of pain perception as medical disorders. It is of interest to
‘‘something having gone wrong’’. This is the case even if medical note that tone deafness would also seem to qualify as a medical
intervention can be used to change the condition, as with plastic disorder on the basis of this criterion. However, presumably
surgery for an unattractive nose. society does not regard that condition to be a serious enough
The designation of a condition as a disorder on the basis of disadvantage to warrant designation as a medical disorder.
disadvantage without intrinsic distress or disability is heavily
dependent on social definitions of the degree of the disadvantage, Lack of Ability to Reproduce. On the basis of this criterion,
the undesirableness of the behavior, and other considerations as to sterility is viewed as a medical disorder, even when the cause is not
the consequences of considering the condition as a medical known. Some would argue that this criterion would apply to
disorder. For these reasons, all the conditions considered medical homosexuality, whereas others would argue that in this condition
disorders on the basis of this criterion alone are the ones that are there is no impairment in the reproductive function, since
most apt to be a source of intense controversy, particularly those conception is possible without coitus.
regarded as mental disorders.
The history of the classification of various sexual conditions is Cosmetically Unattractive Because of a Deviation in Kind,
illustrative. For a long time masturbation was regarded as a disease Rather than Degree, from Physical Structure. People come in an
[4]. In part this was undoubtedly due to factual errors regarding its manners of shape, and appearance. Quantitative variation, such as
presumed association with other disorders. However, in large part a big or small nose, even when grossly unattractive, tends not to be
it reflected a value judgment, that the behavior was extremely viewed as a disorder, even if plastic surgery is employed to
undesirable, and therefore placed the afflicted individual at a improve the condition. On the other hand, some even minimally
serious disadvantage. There was an overt call to action and various cosmetically unattractive conditions, such as a small port wine
treatment procedures were forced on the unfortunate individuals stain or fused toes (syndactyly), are regarded as medical disorders
so diagnosed who were then coerced into the patient role. In time, because they are qualitative deviations which suggest that some
with the realization that masturbation had no inevitable dire organismic function has gone wrong.
consequences and was common, and with a general shift in the The following three forms of disadvantage are applicable to
attitude toward sexuality, masturbation per se was no longer mental disorders. They have been chosen by us from a larger pool of
viewed as a disorder. potential criteria. They seem to adequately cover the few conditions
Homosexuality was up to very recently firmly established in the in the standard psychiatric nomenclature which are not intrinsically
psychiatric nomenclature as a medical disorder for a variety of associated with either distress or disability. In addition, they reflect
reasons. The removal of homosexuality from the nomenclature common clinical criteria used in the evaluation of patients who may
was in part a recognition of factual errors that had been made not evidence either distress or disability. Finally, they are not so
regarding the inevitable association of homosexuality with either broad as to bring about the inclusion of all forms of behavior or
distress or disability in numerous areas of functioning, However, functioning which are less than optimal.
many who acknowledged these factual errors still insisted that the
inability of many homosexuals to function heterosexually was a Atypical and Inflexible Sexual or Other Impulse-Driven
sufficient disadvantage to warrant the designation of medical Behavior Which Often Leads to Painful Consequences. Examples of
disorder, regardless of whether or not the condition was conditions covered by this criterion include sexual sadism,
egosyntonic. Many of those who opposed this view asserted that kleptomania, and pathological gambling. Homosexuality frequently
as long as an individual could function sexually in an interpersonal leads to painful consequences in environments which demand
context, regardless of the sex of the partner, there was no heterosexual functioning or punish homosexual behavior. In

Please cite this article in press as: Spitzer RL, et al. Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and criteria. Ann Med Psychol
(Paris) (2018),
G Model
AMEPSY-2591; No. of Pages 10

6 R.L. Spitzer et al. / Annales Médico-Psychologiques xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

environments which support or are indifferent to such behavior, sense something is wrong with such an automobile regardless of
there is no necessary association with a painful outcome. On the the cause, it is useful to distinguish between such conditions as
other hand, it is hard to imagine a society which can be generally being out of gas and having a defective carburetor. If the car is
indifferent to sexual sadism, kleptomania, or pathological gambling. simply out of gas, no special technical knowledge or skills are
required to reverse the condition. All that is needed is the non- Impairment in the Ability to Experience Sexual Pleasure in an technical intervention of providing gas. On the other hand, repair of
Interpersonal Context. Examples of conditions covered by this a defective carburetor requires a specialized knowledge of how
criterion include anorgasmia and fetishism. automobiles work.
If one’s foot is caught in a door causing intense pain, the Marked impairment in the Ability to Form Relatively Lasting condition would not be regarded as a medical disorder if the pain
and Non-conflictual Interpersonal Relationships. Examples of condi- quickly subsided with the opening of the door. On the other hand, if
tions covered by this criterion include narcissistic personality the pain did persist, it would suggest that there had been an injury
disorder and hysterical personality disorder. Admittedly, this (medical disorder) to the foot. Similarly, if a child’s inattentiveness
criterion is highly dependent on cultural definitions of appropriate and hyperactivity in school quickly disappear with a simple change
interpersonal relationships. Since few people have completely of teachers, he would not be considered to have a mental disorder.
non-conflictual interpersonal relationships, only a marked im- However, if such behavior persists despite changes in school
pairment warrants an inference of an organismic dysfunction. environment, and also occurs in other settings, the diagnosis of an
attentional deficit disorder (DSM-III term for hyperactive syn-
4.2. Criterion B. The controlling variables tend to be attributed to drome) is suggested.
being largely within the organism with regard to either initiating or The distinction between a non-technical and a technical
maintaining the condition intervention here depends on whether or not some specialized
knowledge or training with regard to biological functioning is
As noted previously, implicit in the concept of a medical required, other than that which is part of the general knowledge of
disorder is the notion that something is wrong within the organism all informed members of society. Thus, it is common knowledge
that has either started the condition or is responsible for that water and food must be taken regularly to avoid various signs
maintaining it. This does not mean that factors outside of the of organismic discomfort. On the other hand, the knowledge that a,
organism are of no importance. The phrase ‘‘tend to be attributed’’ diabetic must take sugar to reverse a hypoglycemic crisis is
acknowledges our lack of certainty regarding the locus of the regarded as specialized, and such an intervention is regarded as
trouble but does reflect that generally the profession assumes that technical. It should be noted that a technical intervention can be
the locus of the disturbance in a medical disorder is at least partly made by a person who does not himself have medical training.
within the organism. The nature of what is wrong may be known or The operational criteria for criterion B help differentiate distress
unknown, and mayor may not be conceptualized in somatic, or or disability that is primarily due to something wrong within the
physiological terms. Some dysfunctions may be understandable organism from that which is primarily due to noxious environ-
only on the basis of psychological concepts, such as learning or mental influences. The violation of this principle results in labeling
conflict, and may never be reducible to biochemical or neuro- dissidents in certain countries as mentally ill on the basis of their
physiological constructs. inability to conform to the political and social norms of a particular
Operationally, this criterion is determined by the following: repressive society.
In practice it is often difficult to determine whether the distress
 a condition is included only if it meets both of the following or disability associated with a noxious environment (e.g., poverty,
criteria: irritable wife, lack of opportunity for job advancement, warfare)
 simple informative or standard educational procedures do not represents an expected and ‘‘normal’’ reaction – in which case the
lead to a reversal of the condition, organism is functioning properly – or a sign of organismic
 non-technical interventions do not bring about a quick dysfunction, a disorder. At times a noxious environment may
reversal of the condition. overwhelm the adaptive capacity of the organism resulting in a
dysfunctional state. For example, this is the conceptual basis for
These two criteria exclude conditions in which the organism distinguishing between a ‘‘normal’’ reaction of depressed mood to
appears to be intact but its functioning has been negatively a business failure and an adjustment disorder with depressed
affected by the absence of information or by unfortunate features. In practice, making such distinctions often requires
environmental contingencies. knowledge of subcultural norms and the frequency of various
There is no example of a non-mental medical condition in Table forms of reaction to environmental contingencies.
1 for criterion B.1. Even where information or standard educational
procedures are of value in preventing or modifying medical 4.3. Criterion C. Conditions are not included if the associated distress,
disorders some environmental or behavioral change is required. disability, or other disadvantage is apparently the necessary price
For example, an elementary knowledge of nutrition can prevent or associated with attaining some positive goal
reverse vitamin deficiencies, but only by modifying the diet, not by
mere knowledge alone. In contrast, some mental conditions can be Some human conditions associated with distress or disability
reversed by information alone. Thus, anxiety regarding physical are not considered medical disorders because the intrinsic
health which is relieved by negative laboratory tests is not a negative consequences are regarded as a necessary price for some
medical disorder whereas the persistence of anxiety, even with the positive goal. For example, the pain and disability associated with a
information, does suggests hypochondriasis. Similarly, illiteracy wanted pregnancy are regarded as the price a woman must pay in
which is relieved by standard educational procedures does not order to have a child. Simple grief upon the loss of a loved one is
suggest a medical disorder, whereas unresponsiveness to such apparently the price that one pays for having attachments.
procedures suggests either a specific reading developmental When individuals undergo deprivation and distress in order to
disorder or mental retardation. obtain some understandable positive goal, we assume that the
The best way to explain the concept involved in criterion B.2 is organism is working and do not infer a dysfunction. Thus, the pain
an analogy with an automobile that will not start. Although in a associated with repeatedly exposing oneself to the criticisms of

Please cite this article in press as: Spitzer RL, et al. Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and criteria. Ann Med Psychol
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AMEPSY-2591; No. of Pages 10

R.L. Spitzer et al. / Annales Médico-Psychologiques xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 7

one’s esteemed colleagues in an effort to define mental disorder is many aspects of personality functioning. Thus, psychomotor and
not, by itself, evidence of mental disorder. Clinically, the distress is temporal lobe epilepsy are considered neurological disorders, ever
less likely to be considered as due to a mental disorder to the extent though their manifestations are purely behavioral, whereas senile
that the positive goal is understandable and in keeping with dementia and mental retardation are considered mental disorder,
reality. even when the specific brain pathology is known. (On the basis of
Frequently the conditions which would be excluded on the this principle it has been argued that Gilles de la Tourette’s
basis of criterion C have widespread subcultural supports or disorder would best be classified as a neurological disorder,
sanctions. For example, there are non-medical institutionalized although traditionally it has been considered a mental disorder. It
ways of dealing with simple grief, and the medical care given to win be listed in DSM-III as a mental disorder only because failure to
pregnant women is understood by all as preventing possible do so would remove it entirely from the current official
complications of pregnancy. It is the complications of pregnancy classification system for medical disorders.).
which are considered disorders. In a few disorders the overt manifestations are primarily
physical, yet they are regarded as mental disorders because the
4.4. Criterion D. Distinctness from other conditions in one or more of etiology is viewed as understandable only in psychological terms.
the following features: clinical phenomenology, course, response to Examples are conversion disorders and some sexual dysfunctions.
treatment, familial incidence, or etiology

The purpose of the criterion of distinctness is to ensure that the 6. Guidelines for determining whether an individual has a
condition is conceptualized at the syndromal or disease level of disorder
understanding rather than being a mere symptom. A symptom is a
condition that may be associated with many different disorders The discussion up to now has focused on the definition and
and therefore has only limited power to predict other facts of criteria for determining whether a condition is a medical or mental
interest. A syndrome is a collection of symptoms (or signs) that co- disorder. The clinical problem is different in that it focuses on the
vary and has more power than a symptom but nevertheless may be individual patient and the need to determine whether any disorder
associated with a variety of underlying pathophysiological can be presumed to be present. The clinical question can be loosely
processes. A disease, on the other hand, implies knowledge of phrased as ‘‘Is this person sick?’’.
etiology or underlying processes. As is well known, most of the Agreed upon clinical or laboratory criteria are available for
mental disorders represent syndromes rather than diseases since many medical disorders. DSM-III will contain specific operational
rarely is the etiology or underlying process known. criteria for all of the conditions listed [16]. If a subject meets
The operations by which syndromes and diseases are distin- criteria for one of the disorders it can be assumed that the disorder
guished from each other and from symptoms consist of examining is present. It should be noted that frequently for both mental and
the extent to which the external correlates of interest differ. The other medical disorders the criteria for making the diagnosis do not
more they differ, the more likely it is that the conditions represent require distress, disability, or overt signs of other disadvantage. For
syndromes or diseases and not mere symptoms. Tuberculosis is example, a diagnosis of lung cancer can be made on the basis of X-
considered a medical disorder whereas cough is merely a ray findings prior to any symptomatic manifestations of the
symptom. Similarly, panic and depressive disorder (as defined in disorder. Similarly, it is possible, although unlikely, for a diagnosis
DSM-III) are disorders at the syndromal level although mere of schizophrenia to be made on the basis of clinical phenomenolo-
nervousness or unhappiness is considered a symptom. gy using the DSM-III criteria In the absence of distress, disability, or
other specific forms of disadvantage.
Frequently individuals have various symptoms or signs of
5. Distinction between mental disorders and other medical impaired functioning that cannot be clearly classified into a
disorders distinct disorder. If the individual does not meet the criteria for any
specific disorder, a reasonable assumption can be made that some
Examination of the entire medical classification system reveal form of disorder is present if his condition meets criteria A, B, and C
that no single principle accounts for the allocation of disorders to for a medical disorder.
various subgroupings. Some assignments appear to be on the basis An example of such a situation might be an individual who
of the organ systems that are involved, for example, there are demonstrated significant signs of anxiety or depressed mood
subgroupings of circulatory disorders and endocrine disorders. (criterion A) but failed to meet the criteria for any specific DSM-III
Other subgroupings depend on knowledge of the etiology, for category. Furthermore, in the clinician’s judgment it was unlikely
example, the subgroup of infectious and parasitic diseases. that mere information or standard education procedures or a non-
For the most part, the disorders listed in the mental disorders technical environmental change would relieve the condition.
portion of the medical classification system are those in which the Finally, the distress of the condition was not apparently the
presenting symptoms or behavioral manifestation are psychologi- necessary price associated with obtaining some positive goal
cal rather than physical. Psychological manifestations as used here (criterion C). In DSM-III, such patients would be categorized either
refer to disturbances In subjective feelings (other than physical as some residual category within a group of disorders (e.g., atypical
pain), ideation, reality testing and, purposeful behavior. For this anxiety disorder, other psychosexual disorder), or in a final
reason, as noted previously, we have merely defined mental residual category, other or unspecified non-psychotic disorder.
disorders as the subset of medical disorders in which the Frequently individuals come to the attention of the mental
manifestation are primarily signs or symptoms of a psychological health professions with a problem that appears to be primarily
(behavioral) nature, or if physical, can be understood only using related to environmental factors so that no inference of organismic
psychological concepts. dysfunction seems warranted. If the individual is distressed, the
The border between neurological and mental disorders is more distress does not appear to be excessive or inappropriate given the
blurred than that between mental disorders and the other medical circumstances. We expect grief following the loss of a loved one,
disorders. To a great degree, whether or not a condition is and distress associated with a marital conflict that does not appear
considered neurological or mental depends on whether or not the to be secondary to significant psychopathology is — generally not
manifestations are focal and stereotyped, or generalized to involve viewed as a disorder. These examples are perhaps analogous to the

Please cite this article in press as: Spitzer RL, et al. Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and criteria. Ann Med Psychol
(Paris) (2018),
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AMEPSY-2591; No. of Pages 10

8 R.L. Spitzer et al. / Annales Médico-Psychologiques xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

earlier example of experiencing pain while one’s foot is caught in It is recognized that it will not be easy to develop criteria which
the door. sharply distinguish normal variation for this function from the
DSM-III provides a list of such conditions under the rubric of disorder. However, subjective distress will not be required to make
‘‘conditions not attributable to a known mental disorder’’ e.g., the diagnosis; although its presence will undoubtedly be a factor in
interpersonal relationship problem, occupational problem, life a clinical judgment of the saliency of the condition in terms of the
circumstance problem, and simple bereavement. need for treatment.
Our conception of medical disorder forces us to recognize that
frequently the so-called sexual dysfunctions are not medical
7. Applicability of proposed criteria to development of DSM-III disorders but are conditions that are the result of lack of
information or are highly dependent on a specific environment
As we have noted earlier, since almost all of the traditional (e.g., sexual partner’s techniques). The claim for including these
psychiatric disorders are associated, in their fully developed or conditions as disorders in such instances is obviously much weaker
extreme form, with either distress or disability, the utility of the than when there is evidence that they are clearly due to some
proposed definition is best demonstrated by examining its internalized psychological conflict.
relationship to decisions made about those conditions whose The Ninth Edition of the International Classification of Diseases
inclusion or exclusion from the nomenclature is controversial. lists Tobacco Dependence as a medical disorder within the mental
As mentioned before, homosexuality per se does not meet the disorder section. As they define the condition, mere physiological
criteria for the specific forms of disadvantage that we have dependence is sufficient for the diagnosis even if not accompanied
proposed and will not be included in DSM-III as such. However, in by any signs or symptoms of distress. If physiological dependence
environments which demand heterosexual functioning or punish on a drug were by itself sufficient to regard use of that drug as a
homosexual functioning, homosexuality is frequently associated medical disorder, then one would have to categorize almost all
with distress. Therefore, according to our previous discussion, tobacco users as well as most regular coffee drinkers as having a
obligatory homosexuality could be viewed as a vulnerability. We mental disorder. Application of the proposed criteria for medical
recognize that slightly different specifications for the types of disorder to the problem of tobacco use has helped the Task Force
disadvantage other than distress or disability would have the effect define tobacco use disorder in a more restricted and, we think,
of including homosexuality as a disorder. (Some have argued that useful way. Thus, the essential feature of tobacco use disorder is
both obligate homosexuality and obligate heterosexuality are described in the following manner:
disadvantageous as compared to bisexuality!). Just as alcohol and some other forms of drug use are by
On the other hand, there is another condition which is themselves not considered a mental disorder, so the use of
characterized by homosexual orientation and dissatisfaction or tobacco is considered here as a disorder only when it fulfills the
distress either regarding the inability to respond heterosexually following criteria: the use of the substance is directly associated
or with the homosexual impulses themselves. This condition in with either:
the extreme form in all environments is directly associated with
distress. For this reason, individuals with this condition frequent-  distress at the need to repeatedly take the substance, or;
ly wish to assume the patient role and technical intervention may  there is evidence of both a tobacco related medical disorder and
be of value in modifying the condition. Therefore, this condition physiological dependence on tobacco.
does meet the criteria for a medical disorder and will be called
dyshomophilia in DSM-III. Some homosexual activists assert that Heavy use of tobacco, with or without physiological depen-
the distress associated with this condition is merely the result of dence on nicotine, that does not meet the above criteria, is not
environmental attitudes and sanctions. According to this logic, the regarded as a mental disorder here, although such behavior clearly
condition would then not qualify as a disorder because it would predisposes to the development of Tobacco Use Disorder as well as
presumably be reversible by non-technical environmental chan- a variety of serious medical disorders which are noted below under
ges or the provision of information. That this is the case is by no complications.
means clear, and we believe that the more prudent approach is to As here defined, the justification for regarding this condition as
recognize condition as a disorder so as to legitimize the patient a medical disorder is criterion A.l (distress) or A.3.d (atypical and
role for those individuals with the condition who desire inflexible sexual or other impulse-driven behavior which often has
treatment. painful consequences).
The problem of categorizing lack of sexual responsivity Applying the four criteria to the problems of personality types
highlights the problems involved in defining the boundary of has led the Task Force to distinguish between personality traits and
medical disorder. Certainly, lack of sexual responsiveness is not personality disorders. Personality traits are habitual and pervasive
intrinsically associated with distress or disability in a wide variety predispositions to relate to the environment in a specific style, but
of areas. On the other hand, there is a clear organismic function any disadvantage from the possession of such traits is viewed as
involved in sexual response, such that the total absence of the within the normal range of expected variability. Personality
response in appropriate circumstances supports the inference of an disorders, on the other hand, are by definition conditions in which
organismic dysfunction which is of some disadvantage. the personality characteristics are so inflexible and maladaptive
In the earliest discussions of the Task Force’s Advisory that they result in distress, disability, or significant disadvantage,
Committee on Sexual Disorders, the majority viewed lack of such as marked impairment in the ability to form relatively stable
sexual responsiveness by itself as not sufficient to designate a and non-conflictual relationships.
mental disorder, unless accompanied by subjective distress or The classification of conditions associated with antisocial
dissatisfaction. This was consistent with our first attempt to define behavior is also controversial. In both DSM-I and in DSM-II a
mental disorder. Part of the appeal of this approach was the wish to distinction was made between antisocial behavior which was a
avoid labeling as disordered individuals who were not distressed consequence of a personality disorder and antisocial behavior
and had no signs of generalized disability. With out more recent which was associated with membership in a subcultural group
definition, it is clear that the extreme form of lack of sexual which accepts or encourages the behavior. The former was
responsivity represents a disadvantage which in our culture is considered a mental disorder, and the latter classified in DSM-II
viewed as significant enough to be considered a medical disorder. as one of the ‘‘conditions without manifest psychiatric disorder’’. If

Please cite this article in press as: Spitzer RL, et al. Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and criteria. Ann Med Psychol
(Paris) (2018),
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AMEPSY-2591; No. of Pages 10

R.L. Spitzer et al. / Annales Médico-Psychologiques xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 9

one applies the criteria for a medical disorder proposed here, this incompatible with the definition and criteria proposed here which
distinction is maintained. DSM-III will define antisocial personality provide a rationale for including such disorders within the broad
disorder in such a way that a lifelong pattern of ineffectual social rubric of medical disorder.
and occupational adjustment is required (criterion A.2 of disability One of the reasons for their desire to limit the concept of mental
in a wide variety of areas). Antisocial behavior which has strong disorder to the major classic disorders, such as schizophrenia and
subcultural supports, as in group delinquent activity, or in affective disorders, is to focus the psychiatric profession on caring
organized crime, or in apparent response to extreme poverty, will for the seriously ill, leaving individuals with less severe problems
by itself not be evidence of a mental disorder, and will be classified to non-physician caretakers. This makes as much sense to us as
as either childhood or adult antisocial behavior in the category of arguing that the milder physical disorders, like the common cold
conditions not attributable to a known mental disorder. and hay should be removed from the medical nomenclature so: hat
Some individuals may engage in antisocial behavior which the attention of physicians can be directed toward more serious
meets the criteria for a medical disorder on the basis of conditions; such as tuberculosis and coronary artery disease.
disadvantage associated with atypical and inflexible impulse- Some preeminent psychologists also apparently believe that the
driven behavior which often has painful consequences (criterion DSM-III approach to defining mental disorder is too broad. At the April
A.3.d). Two distinct conditions which have been identified and 1976 Saint-Louis Conference on Critically Examining DSM-III in
which will be included in DSM-III on this basis are kleptomania and Midstream, Dr. Maurice Lorr, representing the American Psychologi-
pyromania. Certainly the incomprehensibility of these conditions cal Association, expressed the view that mental disorders (as medical
to the untrained observer is further support for viewing these disorders) should be limited to those conditions for which a biological
conditions as evidence of an organismic dysfunction. etiology or pathophysiology could be demonstrated. Dr. George Albee
Undoubtedly, a large proportion of individuals involved in [1], Ex-President of the American Psychological Association, recently
criminal behavior meet the criteria for antisocial personality expressed his concern that DSM-III was ‘‘turning every human
disorder. Unfortunately, there may be little that the mental health problem into a disease, in anticipation of the shower of health plan
professions now have to offer in treating such individuals. We do gold that is over the horizon’’.
not regard these two facts as good reasons for excluding antisocial As we have tried to make clear throughout this chapter, not all
personality from the mental disorders as has been suggested pain or distress represents evidence of a medical disorder. To
elsewhere [11]. Criminal behavior in an antisocial personality, as remind clinicians of this elementary observation, DSM-III provides
well as criminal behavior associated with other mental disorders, a list of problems which frequently come to the attention of
is now, for the most part, handled by the criminal justice system. psychiatrists under the rubric of ‘‘conditions not attributable to a
The classification of a condition as a medical disorder and the known mental disorder’’. Just as it makes no sense to argue that
response of society to manifestations of that condition are separate trigeminal neuralgia is not a medical disorder because of the lack of
issues which should not be confused. Although it is true that the demonstrable pathophysiology or anatomical defect, so it seems
‘‘sick role’’ implies some exemptions from certain responsibilities, unduly limiting to require the demonstration of a biological or
the specific exemptions given by society vary considerably from pathophysiological etiology for a mental disorder.
condition to condition, Thus, the common cold or a wart receives Obviously there are professional boundary problems between
far fewer exemptions than does a myocardial infarction. Similarly, psychiatry and psychology, and to a lesser extent with other
criminal behavior which is part of an episode of psychotic illness mental health professions such as social work, pastoral counseling,
usually is viewed as exempt from legal responsibility, whereas that and some forms of special education. The listing of a condition as a
associated with antisocial personality disorder is not. mental disorder for us says nothing about whether it can also be
The principle involved in criterion D, distinctness, has led the appropriately conceptualized as a psychological disorder, or which
Task Force to exclude some conditions that were in DSM-II and profession can best study or treat it.
appear in ICD-9. For example, the psychophysiological disorders, At the other extreme, there are those who believe that any
which were by and large listed by organ systems, have been deviation from optimal functioning is syllonynlous with mental
excluded as specific mental disorders. Furthermore, listing a disorder. For example, Waugh [19] has proposed the following: ‘‘An
disorder such as asthma as a psychophysiological respiratory emotional disorder is a psychological pattern or state that to some
disorder violates the principle that mental disorders are a subset of degree handicaps the individual from utilizing his or her own abilities
medical disorders with primarily behavioral manifestations. and capacities’’. As Waugh acknowledged, his definition is such that
Asthma is first of all a non-mental medical disorder and should essentially no one would meet the counter criteria for ‘‘normal’’.
be coded as such. However, there will be a provision in DSM-III for It seems to us that such a broad definition of mental disorder is
noting the degree to which psychological factors are judged of virtually meaningless, particularly as a guide toward the develop-
importance in the etiology or maintenance of any specific non- ment of a classification of mental disorders. It has no more virtue
mental medical disorder, but this coding is not a diagnosis in the than does the World Health Organization’s [3] definition of health
sense of a specific disorder. as ‘‘a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’’. This approach in
psychiatry would result in a different set of conceptual problems
8. Anticipated criticisms of the definition and criteria than we have addressed in this chapter as the profession would
then have to agree on what represents optimal psychological
We anticipate four major criticisms of the proposed definition functioning. This is no easy task.
and criteria: it is too broad; it is too narrow; it is atheoretical; and it Our approach has been criticized as being atheoretical. Other
is not useful (and this criticism hurts the most). authors have attempted to define medical disorder within a
There are many who agree with the Schwartz’s [11] that the biological or evolutionary framework. Klein (this volume) has
concept of mental disorder, particularly in this country has become defined disease as ‘‘covert, objective, suboptimal, part dysfunction,
broad, diffuse, and vague resulting m the inclusion of ‘‘almost any recognizing that functions are evolved and hierarchically orga-
type of maladaptive or socially unacceptable behavior’’. They argue nized’’. Scadding [10] first proposed the notion that disease
that even the traditional categories of personality disorders, drug represented biological disadvantage but failed to indicate the exact
and alcohol abuse, and sexual deviations should be removed from form that the disadvantage took. Kendell [7] attempted to use
the official psychiatric nomenclature. Surely, such a view is Scadding’s approach with the classic psychiatric disorders and

Please cite this article in press as: Spitzer RL, et al. Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and criteria. Ann Med Psychol
(Paris) (2018),
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AMEPSY-2591; No. of Pages 10

10 R.L. Spitzer et al. / Annales Médico-Psychologiques xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

interpreted biological disadvantage to mean conditions which 9. Conclusion

reduce fertility or shorten life. He acknowledged that such a
restrictive interpretation excluded such ordinary medical dis- For hundreds of years the medical profession has managed
orders as postherpetic neuralgia and psoriasis. He concluded that without a set of criteria for defining which conditions are to be
even with this restricted definition of medical disorder, the major considered medical disorders. There are those who argue that any
psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and manic-depressive attempt to provide such a definition, even with the recognition that
psychosis, could be justified as bona fide medical disorders. it is tentative, is doomed to failure and will cause more problems
Implicit in our approach to defining disorder is the concept of than it will solve. We disagree. We have proposed a set of criteria
disadvantage. However, it differs from that of Scadding and for defining medical disorder which takes into account the
Kendell in that it first focuses on the obvious disadvantage of complexities of the problem and is remarkably concordant in its
distress and disability, and then deals with more subtle forms classification of conditions which have traditionally been consid-
of disadvantage. In addition, our approach makes explicit an ered medical disorders, including the mental disorders. The
underlying assumption that is present in all discussions of disease principles involved in this definition have been useful in
or disorder, the concept of organismic dysfunction. In this sense it determining which conditions should be listed as mental disorders
is similar to Klein’s approach but we have ignored issues of in DSM-III and in defining their boundaries. Finally, the successful
evolution and the hierarchical organization of functions. application of the criteria for medical disorder to that subset
The ultimate issue in judging the proposed definition and termed mental disorders demonstrates the appropriateness of the
criteria for medical and mental disorder is simply that it is useful. medical model as applied to mental disorders.
As eminent a nosologist as Feinstein [6] has asserted that ‘‘the only
workable definition of disease is that it represents whatever the
doctors of a particular era have defined as disease’’. We disagree. Disclosure of interest
We believe that whether we like it or not, the issue of defining the
boundaries of medical and mental disorder cannot be ignored. The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
Increasingly there is pressure for the medical profession, and
psychiatry in particular, to define its area of prime responsibility. Acknowledgements
We believe that the definition and criteria proposed here can
contribute to such efforts by at least focusing on some of the major The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the other
issues. members of the Task Force on Nomenclature and Statistics, in
We recognize that some of the component terms in the particular, Drs. Donald Klein and Rachel Gittelman-Klein. However,
operational criteria are not without some ambiguity. For example, the views expressed here are the responsibility of the authors
when does a non-technical environmental intervention become a alone.
technical intervention? (One of our critics asked whether it was
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Please cite this article in press as: Spitzer RL, et al. Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and criteria. Ann Med Psychol
(Paris) (2018),

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