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1. Read the paragraphs below.

In each one, highlight the topic

sentence and put a line through any sentence that does not support
the main idea:

a. People go on diets for many different reasons. Some people will change
the way they eat for their health. For example, doctors sometimes make
people go on special diets because certain foods make them sick. People
who are overweight will go on diets because they don’t want health
problems in the future, like heart disease. Heart disease kills thousands of
people every year. Other people go on diets in order to look good. Some
people are unhappy with their size and shape, so they stop eating fatty
food in order to look and feel more attractive. These people often diet
before a special event, like a wedding, or to get ready for summertime
beach season. Women usually care more about diets than men do. Also,
many people go on a diet because the diet is popular. If people see in a
magazine or on TV that their favorite movie star is on a certain diet, many
of them will follow the diet because they want to be like famous people.

b. People say that health is the most important thing in life. However, it can
be difficult for poor people to have healthy eating habits. First of all, poor
people often need to work long days, and sometimes two jobs, just to get
enough money for their families. Because of this, they often don’t have
time to cook and end up eating frozen or processed foods, which are not
good for you. Also, poor areas in large cities might not have supermarkets
with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. People in these poor
neighbourhoods have to buy food from convenience stores like 7-11, which
sell mainly junk food with lots of fat, sugar and salt. People who live in
wealthier areas can buy lots of fresh, organic food. Lastly, fast food and
processed foods are usually cheaper than healthy, organic food, so many
poor families eat at places like McDonald’s because they can feed five
people for very little money. Millions of people eat at McDonald’s every
2. For each topic sentence, write three supporting sentences:

a. Cycling to school has many benefits

Cycling to school has many benefits for the environment and for health, like this
way we can reduce the pollution and save money for the gas; riding a bike is
too good to maintain a good physical condition.

b. Children should learn more about healthy living in school.

Children should learn more about healthy living in school. Childrens are more
able to learn more about healthy life. Teaching in school about healthy living is
good because it allows them to know more about their bodies and how to take
care of it. The practice of this kind of things it could be better for learn new
habits about the health for them future and life in they houses and their lifes.
3. Read the topic sentence below. In the next sentences, highlight the
supporting sentences in blue, and the concluding sentences in

The ocean is my favorite part of nature.

a. I love the smell of salt water in the morning air.
b. I will always live close to my beloved ocean.
c. When I swim in the ocean, I feel so small and my problems feel small too.
d. I enjoy walking along the beach and listening to the seagulls to relax

Pancakes are very easy to make.

a. You see, pancakes are so simple to make that anybody can do it.
b. Turn the stove on, put some oil in a frying pan and pour some of the
mixture into the frying pan.
c. In a bowl, mix together a cup of flour, a spoonful of baking powder, a cup of
milk and an egg.
d. When the pancake starts to turn golden brown on the bottom, flip it and
cook the other side.

The Internet is a very useful tool for education.

a. The internet gives students more freedom to find answers by themselves.
b. Teachers can send lessons and homework to students who are sick and
miss class.
c. The internet has done so many wonderful things for education, it is
amazing what we did without it.
d. Teachers can use images and videos from the internet to help students
learn and to make the class more interesting.

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