Pay Day Loan 1

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Black lives matter or Kanye’s newest dying trend, white lives matter, immigration, religious

faiths, republican’s vs democrats, vaccinated vs nonvaccinated, socialism vs capitalism; each heavy

weighted topics of discussion with one goal in mind; division. Division from what? The 1% vs you and
me, the 99%. The United States currently employs a capitalistic societal model with several carefully
placed divisional ideologies yet we fail to realize the most slave inducing one of them all, the
entrapment of the almighty dollar and the American dream. As George Carlin famously said “It’s called
the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it”. Such a quote that could go over
anyone’s head or as those born to parents with the means to explain, they can just ask mommy and
daddy. Why is the American dream dead or as George stated, “You have to be asleep to believe it”?
Look no further than you would for a cheeseburger from America’s favorite franchise, McDonalds which
has 14,027 locations, pay day loan storefront with 14,348 locations.

A pay day loan is a short term, high interest loan targeted to certain demographics to reach the
maximum amount of profits. Seems silly? In accounting we are taught that the single most important
goal is maximize shareholder value so it only makes sense to apply the same concept to any business
plan but even more so with the predatory pay day loan. But how does it trap you? After all, it’s a
decision you made so you must be aware of the repercussions, right? Let me explain.

I need money and I need it now so let’s take a walk to our nearest pay day loan storefront with
their friendly staff and ask for a loan, such a simple process. I show you my $100 paycheck that I will be
getting on Friday. But its Tuesday and I need money now. The friendly “shark”, I mean clerk says "ok, I’ll
give you $100 now, but on Tuesday you'll pay me back $120. Since I'm silly or desperate or both, I say
sure. The problem is, the factors that made me need to borrow $100 before pay day are more than
likely still going to exist on Friday. So, on Friday, I get my $100 back. I pay it to you. But now I owe you
$20 MORE. Where do I get it? Did I magically grow $20? Did I win the lottery? Get a raise? I wish! So now
I owe you $20. Maybe I’ll win the lottery next week. Yeah. Next week. So, you say: Hey, that’s ok. Tell
you what. I know that next week you'll get paid $100, so how about next Friday you'll owe me $40. So I
work an extra shift, make $40... but on Tuesday the car breaks down. $60. On Friday I pay you your $40,
but now I can't buy groceries. What do I do? Ask you to borrow $100 against NEXT Friday. And the
vicious cycle continues.

But business is business, right? We are taught from an early age that all men are created equal
but yet we are not born into equal households. Some are born into households that, luckily, still contain
the two-parent dynamic. Some, that are even more fortunate, are born to parents with an education,
which that alone improves your odds of “survival”, sorry I mean your chance at achieving the American
Dream. A large amount of us, before the large spike in inflation and syphoning of savings in pursuit of
corporate profits, can go to our parents and ask for a small loan of a million dollars, if your last name is
Trump. But for 99% of us, due to such a corrupt system, have few options so we take what we can get, a
pay day loan.

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