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Stephanie Hedges Grade 6 ELA: Comma in Clauses Nov 29 & Dec 1, 2022

General Learning Outcome:

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of

Specific Learning Outcomes:

4.1: Enhance and Improve
“identify and reduce fragments and run-on sentences” (Grade 4)

4.2: Attend to Conventions

“identify the use of coordinate and subordinate conjunctions to express ideas” (Grade 6)

Learning Objectives:
● At the end of the lesson, students will be able to independently identify and correct run-on
sentences in provided sentences. (Specific Outcome 4.1)
● At the end of the lesson, students will be able to list a variety of coordinate conjunctions, and
use them appropriately in writing. (Specific Outcome 4.2)
● At the end of the lesson, students will be able to list where commas are used in grammar as a
review of the lessons so far. (Specific Outcome 4.1 and 4.2)

Formative Assessments/Observations
● Independently identify and correct run-on sentences. (SLO 4.1)
● Think/Pair/Share for identifying coordinating conjunctions and correctly use them with a
comma. (SLO 4.2)
● Review and list as a class the situations where commas are used. (SLO 4.1 and 4.2)

● Comma PowerPoint Part 2
● Sentences Worksheet on coordinating conjunctions

LESSON PLAN (55 minutes)

Independent Writing (15 minutes)

● Students will write independently at their desks responding to a
picture prompt provided. The teacher will then call on 3-5
volunteers who wish to share their writing piece.

Introduction (5 minutes)
● Introduce the topic by reminding students when we listed
“conjunctions” and “pauses” on the board for comma use.
● List what the conjunctions are: FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or,
yet, so)

Lesson (22 minutes)

● Using a PowerPoint, review comma use with conjunctions and
how to correct run-on sentences with them. The powerpoint will
also cover what makes up an independent clause.
● For each case, share an example and ask students to share an example with the class.
Stephanie Hedges Grade 6 ELA: Comma in Clauses Nov 29 & Dec 1, 2022

● Check for students’ understanding by doing a Fist-to-Five formative assessment. Talk to students
who showed low understanding one-on-one before class or during group work. (Formative
assessment 4.2)

Activity (10 minutes)

● Divide the students into 4 groups. Number the students off so the groups are random. Have
areas in the room where students move to according to their station number.
● Each station will have a sentence for the students to correct together.
● After 5 minutes, get the students’ attention. Display all four sentences on the board, and have a
representative from each group to come and correct the sentences.

Conclusion (3 minutes)
● Have students return to their seats. Wrap up the lesson by summing up the rules with
coordinating conjunctions and having the students list the 7 coordinating conjunctions.
● Dismiss them at the bell.

Sponge Activity
● Have students open up their writing journal, turn to an entry, and correct their own work for
run-on sentences. During this time, play soft background music to help create a calming and
quiet atmosphere.

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