Qatar Climate Policies

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“Political Geography”



Father’s Name: Rehmat Hassan

Assignment Topic: Qatar
Seat No: H1961024
Group Members: Syeda Ailia Batool, Abeer Shamim, Mariya Kulsoom, Hiba Absar,
Hurishba Ashraf, Ibid Khan
Qatar’s Progress So Far in Avoiding Harmful Climate Change
Percussions and Future Policies
What is meant by Climate Change?

Climate in a narrow sense is usually defined as the "average weather," or more rigorously, as the
statistical description in terms of the mean and variability of relevant quantities over a period ranging
from months to thousands or millions of years. The classical period is 30 years, as defined by the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO).

In the 1980s, the terms global warming and climate change became more common. Though the two
terms are sometimes used interchangeably, scientifically, global warming refers only to increased
surface warming, and climate change describes the full effect of greenhouse gases on Earth's climate
system. These changes can be caused by processes internal to the Earth, external forces (e.g. variations
in sunlight intensity) or, more recently, human activities.

Qatar’s Climate:

Qatar has a desert climate. The country experiences long summers from May to September
characterized by intense dry heat, with temperatures rising above 45°C. Winter temperatures are mild
but may fall below 5°C. Rainfall is only experienced during the winter with the northern parts of the
country receiving 30% more rainfall than the south. Qatar is impacted by Shamal winds, which cause
sand and dust storms throughout the year.

Already one of the hottest places on Earth, Qatar has seen average temperatures rise more than 2
degrees Celsius above preindustrial times, the current international goal for limiting the damage of
global warming. The 2015 Paris climate summit said it would be better to keep temperatures "well
below" that, ideally to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Qatar’s Progress on Climate Change:
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established an international
environmental treaty to combat "dangerous human interference with the climate system", in part by
stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. It was signed by 154 states at the United
Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).

As one of the first countries to ratify in 1996, Qatar

has a long-standing commitment to addressing
global environmental challenges. Qatar is an active
partner in the international community’s campaign to
confront the climate crisis.

 Qatar signed the Kyoto Protocol in 2005, an agreement which marked an important milestone in
which the international community agreed for the first time on binding targets and measures for
combating climate change.

 In 2012, more than 20,000 delegates and key members from governments, UN Organizations and
civil society gathered in Doha for the Eighteenth Session of the Conference of States Parties to the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

 Qatar spared no effort to ensure the success of negotiations of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement
and is a proud signatory of the seminal treaty.

 Additionally, Qatar supports global efforts to promote sustainability through projects assisting those
most affected by climate change.

 During the Climate Action Summit in September 2019, His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al
Thani, announced the State of Qatar’s contribution of $100 million to support small island
developing states and least developed countries to address climate change and environmental

 The State of Qatar discussed its plans to combat climate change and its ambitious goals to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. This was during its participation in the United Nations Climate Change
Conference (COP26) held in Glasgow.
Qatar and its Future Policies:
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges the world will face during this century, and Qatar is
committed to playing a key role in the fight against this global issue.

Qatar is aiming to be a regional model in fulfilling both developmental and environmental targets, with
the new environmental strategy covering five key environmental spheres: greenhouse gas emissions and
air quality, biodiversity, water, circular economy and waste management, and land use.

Qatar’s National Environment and Climate Change Strategy (QNE) provides a robust policy framework to
safeguard Qatar’s environment for future generations.

GHG Emissions & Air Quality

 Reduce GHG emissions by 25% versus a business-
as-usual scenario by 2030.
 Enhance Ambient Air Quality standards and
update limit value aims by 2024.
 Enhance Indoor Air Quality standards by 2024
with reference to WHO guidelines and latest
scientific developments.
 Establish national network of measurement
stations with more than 30+ stations in
operations by 2023 to improve ambient air
quality monitoring.
 Establish comprehensive National Air Emissions Inventory by 2023.


 Conserve and effectively manage more than

25% of land by 2030 and strive to meet sea
area target in line with post-2020 Global
Biodiversity Framework.
 Protect and recover threatened species with
protection and recovery plans in place.
 All fish sustainably caught.
 Enhance awareness, participation and
capabilities of biodiversity conservation.
 Ensure biodiversity conservation is
incorporated in national & corporate planning.
Waste Management
 Account for 100% of all waste.
 Achieve a 15% material recycling rate of municipal
 Close and rehabilitate 100% of unsanitary
 Use 35% of recycled materials in construction
 Achieve 30% circular public procurement in public
 50% reduction in per capita food waste at retail and consumer levels, and encourage
reduction of food losses along production and supply chains.
 Apply circular industry principles across Qatar's industrial cities.

 Regular and effective monitoring of all water
sources (groundwater, seawater & potable water).
 More than 55% desalination from RO or more
sustainable technology.
 60% reduction in groundwater extraction.
 Reduce and maintain total loss to <8%, real loss to
 Conduct household water survey, and develop
roadmap to reduce per capita household water
consumption by 33% from 2019 level to -310
liters / capita / day.
 100% of recycled water reused.

Land Use
 More than 50% improvement in farm land
productivity from 2019 levels.
 Soil quality monitored and tracked to improve soil carbon.
 16% public transport modal share.
 Develop a comprehensive open space & recreation strategy by 2022 with the goal of
providing green space access to the Qatari population.
 Establish and mandate green building requirements for new developments.

Sustainable cities

Qatar is home to Lusail City and Msheireb Downtown, both smart and sustainable cities, which were
designed to combine planet friendly technology with optimized urban planning. These cities both meet
the highest environmental standards and promote environmental stewardship and research.

Most notably, Msheireb Downtown is the world’s first sustainable downtown regeneration project.

Designed to limit the need for personal car use, Msherieb Downtown is mitigating carbon emissions and
congested traffic grids. The district was designed to sustainably conserve water using new technologies
and practices that are reducing water usage by up to 30% as well as increase energy efficiency through
more than 5,200 photovoltaic (PV) solar panels that provide both electricity and hot water.

Lusail City is equipped with a state-of-the-art District Cooling System, which is amongst the biggest in
the world and has been designed to save 65 million tons of CO² annually. The city also hosts a light rail
train, a park and ride strategy, and a cycle and pedestrian ways system that provide reliable and eco-
friendly transportation solutions.
Throughout Qatar, the Qatar Green Building Council conducts and deploys environmentally sustainable
practices for the design and development of sustainable infrastructure.

Green Transport

Qatar has made significant investments in green public transportation and infrastructure projects to
provide an integrated, world-class, multimodal transportation system that offers safe, reliable and eco-
friendly transport services.

The Doha Metro is the backbone of Qatar’s vision for an integrated public transport system and aims to
revolutionize the way people move around Doha. The metro serves the capital’s locations quickly,
conveniently and safely – making it a far more sustainable option to the private car, and all metro
stations are designed to operate in such a way to reduce the impact on the environment particularly in
terms of energy and water consumption.

Hamad Port provides the State with a modern, resilient sea-freight connection hub that is guided by
internationally accepted sustainability criteria, ensuring that materials selection, water consumption and
energy use are aligned to minimize its carbon footprint.

Qatar Airways is committed to working with the aviation industry towards realizing environmental goals
and is certified under the IATA’s Environmental Assessment Program which provides a framework for
delivering continual improvement of environmental performance across business functions.
A source for clean energy

Qatar is a leading exporter of one of the cleanest fuels in the world, helping countries meet their energy
needs while reducing carbon emissions from coal.

As a global energy producer, Qatar Energy launched a new Sustainability Strategy in January 2021 that
illustrates its commitment to people and planet. The strategy establishes a number of targets in
alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement and sets in motion a plan to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by 25% by 2030.

Qatar’s first large-scale solar power plant was announced in January 2020 and will provide sustainable,
affordable and clean energy to Qatari citizens and businesses.

Additionally, Qatar is conducting long-term research to address environmental priorities in the energy
sector, from reducing methane to working with strategic partners to develop and integrate carbon
capture and storage technologies across operations.

Qatar National Vision 2030

Qatar’s National Vision aims that, by 2030, Qatar becomes an advanced society capable of sustaining its
development and providing a high standard of living for its people. Qatar’s National Vision defines the
long-term goals for the country and provides a framework in which national strategies and
implementation plans can be developed.

The National Vision addresses five major challenges facing Qatar:

1. Modernization and preservation of traditions
2. The needs of the current generation and of future generations
3. Managed growth and uncontrolled expansion
4. The size and quality of the expatriate labor force and the selected path of development
5. Economic growth, social development, and environmental management
 Environment and Sustainability - Government Communications Office

 Qatar Climate Change Data | Emissions and Policies | Climate Watch


 Qatar National Vision 2030 - Government Communications Office


 Climate Change (


 The Doha Climate Gateway | UNFCCC


 What is the Kyoto Protocol? | UNFCCC


 The Doha Amendment | UNFCCC


 Sustainability | Qatar 2022™


 Strategic Plans and Projects (


 Qatar - Wikipedia

 Qatar: ‘Climate change issue demands COVID-19 like measures’ (


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