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UNESCO defines gender equality as the “equal rights, responsibilities and

opportunities of women and men, and girls and boys. Equality does not
mean that women and men are the same, but rather that rights,
responsibilities and opportunities do not depend on the sex they were born
with. Gender equality implies that the interests, needs and priorities of both
women and men are taken into account, recognizing the diversity of
different groups of women and men» .
¿Why is it necessary to have a gender equality policy?
The gender equality public policy document mentions that, in Peru, discrimination

against women is structural and crosses all stages of their lives. It is rooted in society

privileging the masculine over the feminine, which causes inequality and reinforces the

situation of inferiority or subordination of women. How does this structural

discrimination affect them? Discrimination violates the right of women to a life free of

violence. Gender violence against women manifests itself in different ways: sexual

harassment, sexual harassment, political harassment, physical, psychological or sexual

violence, human trafficking, femicide.

The Peruvian National Gender Equality Policy

It has six priority objectives:

Reduce violence against women

Guarantee the exercise of the rights to sexual and reproductive health of women.

Guarantee the exercise of women's economic and social rights.

Reduce the incidence of discriminatory sociocultural patterns in the population

Reduce the incidence of discriminatory socio-cultural patterns in the population.

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