Tugas Introduction To Literature

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The sociolinguistic approach

William labov and joshua walettzeky(1967) took an entirely diffrent approach by

asking the question”how do people tell each other storiess in everyday life?” the purpose of
this investigation was to find out if there were correclations between the social characteristics
of storytellers and the structure of the stories. For this purpose, labov and waletzky collected
stories from people belonging to diffrent social classes.
after the evaluation comes the solution, as as in the case of. If a story end with”I almost god
killed”, then the solution is also beeing given, namely,that the first person narrator is not
dead. In some of the stories collected by labov and waletzky, they also encountered a number
of closing sentences, the coda, with which the narrator returned.
Using this analytical model, labov and waletzky aimed to find out if there was a correclation
between the narrator`s social characteristics and the structure of his tories, but not able to find
one. Labov and waletzky`s story structure does provide a good general framework for the
analysis of stories, but for a detailed analysis more precies distinctions are necessary.

2. The psycholinguistic approach

Rules similar in type to the prase structure rules used in generative grammar have
been suggested for describing the structure of a story.
A story consist of a setting plus an episod. The setting and the episode are in some respects
simmilar to the orientation and the complication in labov and waletzky`s analysis. The
episode is divided into the beginning, the development, and the ending. The development
consist of a complex reaction and a goal path.
Promoted by the psycholinguistic approach to narratives, the question of what constitutes a
story has also been addressed. In the opinion of some rescarches, robert wilensky(1983), for
example, it is the occurence of one or more”story-points”. There are the aspects of a story
that attract the interest of the reader.
Research done by nancy stein and margaret policastro(1984) showed that it is imposibel to
compose a list of constant story characteristics. It has, however, become clear that subjects
are apt to view a discourse as a story if it contains a protagonist or when events are presented
in a causual relationship.
3. The Fence

“The Fence”

“The fence” is a short story by indonesian author Hamsad Rangkuti. It takes place
during the rainy seoson in sumatra, indonesia, where Rangkuti lives. The story in narrated by
a child of unkown age and gender. It begins in pouring rain. An ald vagrant takes shelter
under the eaves of the house where the narrator lives with mother and father.
Rangkuti begin his writing career while living on the streets of jakarta, indonesia`s
capital city. Here he mingled with the mony thousands of poor who lived along side him.
Between 1986 and 2002, rangkuti worked as an editor at horison, a literary megazine. He has
also served on the jakarta arts council and has published four collections of short stories in
addition to a novel.
Father and mother have a discussion about whether there is a need to keep the sugar
jar if there is no sugar to put in it. Father think they should get rid of the sugar jar if theye are
out of the sugar, and uses example of the fence. Mother responds taht they may get sugar
later. Father says he is getting a headache and asks for this tobacco.

Simple story

1. The story begins with a heavy rain

2. Mother tern the light and keep the old man from seeing the family
3. The mother complains about the family should build a fence
4. The father disaggre with the mother idea
5. The vegrants knock the door
6. They tell that they don`t have home and just look for fence
7. After the leave,the father and mother discuss about keeping the jar
8. They built simple fence
9. The most letter during rainy seson, they forget to look the gate
10. The vergants knock the door and come in
11. The vergants come bade to shaiter under eaves of their house
12. The man pull out the family and tie them with the cairs
13. The vegrants search the house
14. They don`t find something valuable
15. The leave
Psycholinguistics approach

Structure of the fence story

setting Event structure


Beginning development Ending

Event1 Event 2

complecration goalpath

Simplereaction Goal attempt outcome

Event 8 Event

Sociolinguistics approach

3,4,5 13,14,15

4. Senyum karyamin

Suatu saat,karyamin sedang mempunyai banyak beban yang sangat keras(seperti

membawa batu), dia membawa batu ke atas dengan banyak rintangan. Tetapi,karyamin tidak
pernah mengeluh dengan semua beban yang dia punya. Sesampainnya dia tidak bisa
mencapai semua impiannya tapi, di pertengahan jalan tiba-tiba, karyamin jatuh sampai
terguling-guling ke jurangdan semua temannya suka menertawakan karyamin. Karena,
mereka senang kalau melihat salah satu temannya terjatuh ke jurang.
Hari ke hari, karyamin pergi pulang ke rumahnya, tapi dia melihat dua orang yang
sedang menagih hutang kepada istrinya.(kedua orang itu adalah bank harian). Dia tidak
bertanggung jawab sebagai suami dia malah mebalikkan badan dan meninggalkan tempat
tersebut. Tetapi dia bertemu dengan bapak penagih sumbangan panti asuhan tapi, dia tidak
memberinya karna dia tidak punya uang sereceh pun
Di pertengahan jalan,karyamin sadar bahwa istrinya sedang sakit tapi, smuanya sudah

Simple story

1. Karyamin adsalah pria yang mempunyai banyak beban

2. Karyamin orang yang kuat
3. Disaat karyamin jatuh dua kali
4. Karyamin teriak sekeras mungkin disaat dia kehilangan semangatnya
5. Empat atau lima orang menertawakan karyamin disaat dia jatuh
6. Istrinya menjadi alasan buat pulang
7. Karyamin yang punya harapan buat pulang jadi dia membalikkan badan dan
meninggalkan tempat tersebut untuk menghindari bank-bank yang ada di rumahnya
8. Karyamin pergi dari tempat itu
9. Dengan keadaan karyamin pergi, dia lupa bahwa istrinya sedang sakit
10. Karyamin membuat banyak orang lapar
11. Dengan karyamin tertawa puas
12. Karyamin kehilangan semangatnya sampai dia jatuh pingsan
13. Karyamin tidak bisa bersama dengan istrinya
14. Karyamin gagal
15. Smua harapan hilang begitu saja.
Structure of the senyum karyamin

setting eventstructure

Event episode

Event 1 Event 2
beginning developnment Ending

complecration goalpath

Simplereaction Goal
attempt outcome

Event 8 Event

Sociolinguistics approach



5. Surabanglus


Dengan tangan yang pucat dan bergerak lemah. Tengkuk dan dahi suing berkeringat
bukan karena terik matahari atau panasnya perapian melainkan keringat dingin karena,
kehabisan tenaga. Kimin dan suing mencuri kayu dan dikejar oleh polisi kehutanan
padahal,mereka hanya dimintai uang oleh mandor dilum. Tetapi, mandor tersebut malah
hilang sehingga dua orang tersebut kedatangan polisi kehutanan suing yang kelaparan dan
haus tiba-tiba memakan singkong yang beracun. Sehingga membuat tubuhnya jatuh ke tanah
dan tidak berdaya.

Simple story

1. Kimin dan suing melarikan diri dari kejaran polisi kehutanan menuju semak dan
2. Mereka aman setelah bersembunyi didalam belukar puyengan
3. Suing jatuhpingsan karena kehabisan tenaga
4. Suing bersikeras memakan singkong surabanglus
5. Suing berubah menjadi topeng yang pasi tubuhnya mengigil dingin seperti kulit
6. Suing kehabisa tenaga karna lapar dan haus
7. Kimin mulai bingung antara keluar dari belukar atau suing harus di popong sampai
8. Karena kimin merasa lebih kecil,jadi kimin melihat sebuah pohon pisang yang bisa
membantu suing dari haus dan laparnya
9. Kimin mengambil kulit batang pisang yang di potong kecil-kecil lalu disuapkan ke
mulut suing
10. Kimin turun menuju sebuah warung untuk membeli sebungkus nasi
11. Kimin berhasil membuat suing lebih tenang
12. Kimin menguncurkan air kemulut suing hingga suing berubah menjadi beringas
seperti orang kesetanan
13. Kimin bangkit dan berjalan seperti orang kebingungan
14. Membuat suing memakan singkok sirabanglus
15. Tubuh suing bungkam bahkan rebah ke tanah

Psycholinguistics approach
Structure of surabanglus

setting Event structure

Event episode

Event 1 Event 2 beginning developnment Ending



complecretion Goal path

Simpereaction Goal attempt outcome

Event Event
9,10 11,12,1

Sociolinguistics approach




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