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Gieniel S.

Lucero Readings in the Philippine History

BSN 1E 09/07/2022
Directions: Give concise explanation/discussion of the following items.

1. What is historical criticism?

Historical criticism is a way how texts were analyzed or examined according to their origins to
better appreciate their significance in today's events. This is like peeling the underlying messages
the authors wanted to convey in the creation of a certain document. This is also to identify
whether a historical material is authentic, or it does not contain enough evidence.
2. Discuss the importance of historical criticism?
It is crucial for historical materials to be criticized as these are records of the past which are
relevant as to how we deal with today’s cultural, societal, and political issues. These documents
determine if we should declare an author or an information reliable. It helps us assess what were
the true events that occurred then so we would not repeat what they have done wrong which is an
important aspect in humanity’s continuous progress.
3. Do you believe that writing history is subjective? Why? Explain.
Our written history is where we base off our perspective on the events of the past. Everyone who
has witnessed what transpired can write a written document about it. But we draw the line
whether it can be called history when there is factual evidence presented along with it and
historians approve the said account. Therefore, an account on it can be written subjectively, but it
will still undergo scrutiny if it can be considered as part of our written history.
4. How can the writing of history be objective? Explain.
Writing of history can be objective using methodologies such as historical methods and analysis
including historical criticism that follow a step-by-step process to make sure that each part is
examined thoroughly. These methodologies ensure objectivity by disregarding any opinions or
emotions associated with a certain matter of the past.

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