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1 Figure 6.1 shows the properties of acids and alkalis ‘Acids Alkalis ey i i 2 ide solution, soap water, " (example: hydrochloric acid, vinegar, (example: sodium hydrox : es juice) toothpaste) | * Corrosive © pH value less than 7 « pH value greater than 7 © Taste sour © Taste bitter and feel soapy © Turn moist blue litmus paper red © Tum moist red litmus paper blue * React with reactive metals to produce © Do not react with reactive metals hydrogen gas ‘* Show their properties only in the presence of water * Show their properties only in the presence of water : ne change in sodium — no change n ance the colour of a ‘the colour of acid in water red litmus: in water Blu mus paper paper tiv tus F dloct paper ta sot reaiimes rare fed sodium, paper turns —L oe hydroxide bie Without ae ar with Without water With water Figure 6.1 2 Table 6.1 shows the types of indicat Mee. calito icators and the colour of the indicator in acidic, alkaline and new'® Table 6.1 Phenolphthalein Methyl orange - Colourtess a Universal indicator Red Yalow Yellow Red litmus Red Green Purple Blue litmus Red Red Blue Blue Blue Acid and Alkali diagram below shows the result ¢ jal reaction between solution aa a Mark (7) for substances that could possibly fnagnesium ribbon au 2 be solution X Leos [ime water Fas wee Ammonia | | ‘burning splinter — Concentrated vinegar ee Hydrochlo aries rd roc rh ric 3 id 3 | sak solution x Solution Eee Sait vobon ‘oncentrated vinegar ¥ / Hydrochloric acid ¥ ¥ _{a) State the taste of lemon juice. saa oe [1 mark the observation if lemon juice is tested with a blue litmus paper. [1 mark (b) ‘The blue litmus paper turns red 7 Strength of acids and alkalis 1 The strength of acids and alkalis can be measured on a pH scale as shown in Figure 6.2. more acidic more alkaline strong acid weak acid weak alkali strong alkali Figure 6.2 2 Referring to the pH scale, ; * the lower the pH value, the stronger the acid _ '* the higher the pH value, the stronger the alkali Uses of acids Hydrochloric acid: to remove rust on. the surface of metals Benzoic acid: to pr in bottles such as chilli sauce and tomato sauce ~ j ee) et poss before coating Sulphuric acid: as olyte in ane | car accumulators to manufacture paints, fertilisers Ascorbic acid: tc vitamin C tablet and detergents in food and drinks Formic acid Carbonic acid, ©) to coagulate tartaric acid and latex before it is phosphoric acid processed into are used to produce Sodium hydroxide: to Uses of alkalis rubber sheets carbonated drinks manufacture detergents, soap, Magnesium hydroxid to produce toothpaste and medicines such as antacids Calcium hydroxide: to manufacture cement, mortar, glass, slaked lime and to reduce soil acidity Caustic soda: a mixture of sodiu™ hydroxide and calcium hydroxide is used as a cleaning agent Ammonia: to oe manufacture en es Mecind Potassium hydroxide: agent and to prevent as electrolyte in coagulation of latex rechargeable alkaline batteries y GRMN 6 2 7 2 The word equation for neutralisation is: aria uses vinegar to produce pickled m Tsing reasonable answers, justify the and its effect angoes, Acid + alkali + salt + water Use of vinegar 3 During neutralisation, the acid loses {4 marks and the alkali loses alkalinity. 4 Table 6.2 shows some examples of Vinegar femoves water from the mangoes, therefore neutralisation reactions microorganisms cannot grow on them. / Hence the mangoes last longer V. However, cidity that Table 6.2 the mangoes FET 5 pitts reduced freshness ¥ and vitaming 7 ne het aes Hydrochloric | Sodium Sodium acid | hydroxide _| chloride Neutralisation Sulphuric acid | Calcium Calcium —_————* BME on is a reaction t hydroxide __| sulphate 1 Neutralis: reaction between an acid - a Nitric acid Ammo! ‘Ammo Gndanallall to produce a salt and water LD A Carbonic acid | Potassium Potassium hydroxide _| carbonate @ ‘The type of salt produced during neutralisation depends on the reacting acid and alkali. Sulphuric acid + sodium hydroxide [2 marks} (acid) (alkali) — sodium sulphate + water 2 -point. jon occurs at an end- POM acid and the misture has a pH value of 7. ; fi A complete neutralisat ‘a completely 3 At the end-point, alkali 0.5 M hydrochloric acig © 25 mi of 5 ise 25 mi of 0.5 M sodium to neutrali solution. When hydrochloric acid is added, sodiury solution loses its alkalinity « At the end-point, sodium hydro pletely when phenolp 25 miot 0.5 M sodium hydroxide solution neutralised completely when, phenol +3 drops of phenolphthalein changes colour from pin! to colourless, This shows that the mixture has become wi (pH = 7)- ne The word equation for the reaction is: burete 25 ml of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid ey Hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide — sodium chloride + water 1 The end-point is achieved when phenolphtha. changes colour from pink to colourless. 2 The hypothesis is accepted. a pH value of 13. When sduhon! to it the pH value of the mixture becons (7) for substances that represent solution! applications of neutralisation shows thi Pe applications ble 6. 1 Table ‘ "neutralisation in daily life 6 Table 6.3 | B Application z Acidic soil is neutralised es sed with slaked! lime or wood ash | | il is neutralised with com | Industry * Sulp uulphur dioxide gas (acidic) fr | ic) from factories is neutralised with lime before it is released to the atmospher Fatty acid i Y acid in latex is neutralised with ammonia to prevent coagulation of latex Health Excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach is neutralised with antacid or milk of magnesia nar stings (alkaline) can be neutralised with vinegar ee and bee stings (acidic) can be neutralised with baking powder: tl mouth is neutralised with toothpaste ea cleanser (alkaline) is neutralised with toner to prevent dryness of the * Hair shampoo (alkaline) is neutralised with hair conditioner to make the hair softer. 3 Elaine uses litmus papers to determine whether substances X, Y and Z are acidic or alkaline. Table 1 shows her results. 1 Underline the correct answers about the properties of acid {@) Acids have a pH value of (less than , more than) 7. | (6) Acids will change a litmus paper from blue to (purple , red) X | Blue litmus paper turns red © on acid reacts with ae to produce Y Blue litmus paper turns red hydrogen , ammonia) g28- (¢) An acid tastes (bitter , sour). Z| Red litmus paper turns blue [4 marks) att 2 Mark (V) for the correct statements about alkalis. (a) Complete Table 2 by marking (7) in the correct boxes. (@) Alkalis have a smooth and soapy texture (el (b) Concentrated alkalis are very corrosive i on | Table 2 (4) Alalis react with magnesium 2nd 0? (2 marks] [3 marks} ally to produce a salt and water? n (b) Which two of the three substances can react chemic: li of subst: S (©) Gan Elaine use the litmus papers to compare the strengths of acid and alkal! of substances x "an Explain your answer. hs 4 Giga eatries out titration between an acid and an alkali, The graph in Diagram 1 shows the changes value of the mixture, pH value, 4 2 3O 10 20 30 40 50 60 ‘volume of sodium hydroxide solution (cm*) Diagram 1 (a) What is the (b) At which (2 mat = (1 mae {1 mai 7% Principle of neutralisation ae Solution Fabric softener Toothpaste Milk of magnesi_ —————— ‘Wood ash {4 mas {@) Match each product below to its characteristic. Lemon mah —____ ——_ c Neutral Toothpaste + + eons \cidic Mineral water » r Alkaline | [2 marks] (b) Richard has aleo( Sought three facial care products, X, Y and Z. He wants to know the pH value for the s. Therefore, he tests each product with a litmus solution. Table 3 shows the test results. three product: No change in colour % The litmus solution changes to red No change in colour F The litmus solution changes to red No change in colour Table 3 Underline the correct answers for the following statements. (3 marks} (i) Product X is (alkaline , neutral), (ii) Product Y is (acidic , alkaline). (iii) Product Z is (acidic , neutral). (c) Vinegar and lime are two acidic substances. How do you compare the strength of acidity for these substances? (1 mark} 3 shows a variety of products. co. nattw beeee Bs bea ad neo oi Based on the products shown, mark (/) for the correct statements, (a) Lemon juice is more acidic than the carbonated drink | (b) Sodium hydroxide solution is more alkaline than the toothpaste (© Detergent and sodium hydroxide solution have equal strength of alkalinity 2 Lemon juice and distilled water have the same strength of acidity 8 (a) Diagram 4.1 shows two types of food. Diagram 4.1 be State the taste of each food above. (2 mang (b) Diagram 4.2 shows some lemon juice being squeezed into a test tube which contains some magnesun powder, (1 mal (i) Only red litmus paper in test tube @ turns blue State a property of calcium hydroxide. (ii) The word equation below shows the reaction between an acid and an alkali Acid + alkali — salt + water Explain the process that takes place during the above reaction. (2 marks} (iii) Complete the following reaction between hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide. Acid hydrochloric + potassium hydroxide » + water (1 mark) 9 Diagram 5.1 shows a method to perform a chemical reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution. n Diagram 5.1 > (b) Diagram 5.2 shows a graph that is plotted based on the experiment 2 PH value volume of dilute acid 5060. solution (cm") 10 2 30 40 musbod bre dion bieikende edgy desir. 9 Magram. Mark (/) for the correct statements. [2 mans sal indicator, complete the table ben (2 mi

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