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Teaching Philosophy-

Education itself is a way of life. One must possess a great level of passion in order to be a
successful educator. While we educate children, it is important that we grow alongside them.
This is how I know I am going to prove to be a successful educator. Any person, regardless of
age, should always strive to learn more in order to empower themselves with true knowledge.
People must always be open to change and new opinions, as this is an unpredictable world we
live in today. This is especially true for educators.  To always be able to go with the flow of the
day, planning as best as possible. It is an educator’s responsibility to not only teach fields of
study, but also on life morals and manners. Many students look up to their teachers as role
models. Educators demonstrate several significant life lessons such as knowing right from
wrong, respecting others, how to handle social situations, and countless more. Effective
educators will always find methods of motivating and encouraging all students to succeed.

It is important to be aware of highly effective teaching strategies that have been proven
accurate by past researchers. One effective strategy that I implement in the classroom every day
is Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. It is vital that students are provided with
opportunities to learn and explore on their own in a safe environment. In doing so, students are
able to gradually increase the capacity of their cognitive abilities. Another strategy I feel strongly
about is Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory. Social interaction within the classroom has proven to
be a major influence on cognitive development. In the world today it is important that educators
create unique ways that allow students to socialize with each other on an academic level while
respecting social distancing. Providing students with socializing opportunities aids them in
several developmental fields while enjoying it as well.
Providing students with a positive outlook on learning and education in general can prove
to be vital to how students perform in the classroom. Supporting students even when they are
incorrect is equally important for promoting success. Each and every student is unique and
therefore, may learn at varied paces through critically designed learning methods. This being
said, educators must be flexible with their curriculum and workload in order to be suitable for
each student. Gaining student engagement is vital to true learning within the classroom.
Encouraging active engagement in each lesson helps ensure students will retain the information
they learn. Motivating students is another key role of an educator. It is proven that with
motivation, students are able to learn at an elevated rate while becoming better able to form
connections between new and old information. When both motivation and encouragement are
involved, learning and educating is much more successful. To be a truly effective educator
means having the capability to implement these types of factors into the classroom and its
environment every day.

In order to ensure the most effective learning environment, students must be able to feel
comfortable in the classroom. Students should be provided opportunities to problem solve and
experiment both independently and cooperatively. Allowing students these opportunities helps
secure a comfortable learning environment where the most effective learning can take place. This
also provides great assistance in activating students’ schemata, keeping them more involved in
the learning process, giving them a deeper understanding of academic concepts. This is
especially important for students with exceptionalities. Students deserve to be educated based on
age and developmentally appropriate curriculum. This encourages growth in cognitive, physical,
social, and emotional areas among all students. Peer learning should be highly praised as it often
provides students with social opportunities while encouraging academic skills. Students tend to
reflect upon, compare, and contrast each other's work, creating a newfound respect,
understanding, and friendship among each other. Allowing students to collaborate together helps
them conquer attempting new things while learning hands-on from their experiences. With
adaptability and an open mind, any educator can provide these to all students in order to provide
the best education available.

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