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Ubuntu Server Exercises – LAMP

1. Among the options below, indicate a Web server that can be installed on the Linux
Operating System

a) Apache
b) FreeBSD
c) KDE
d) Samba
e) IIS

2. The Apache server installation on Linux is normally linked to the existing facilities in
the Linux distribution itself. For example, if you use a Debian-based Operating System
like Ubuntu, you can install Apache using the following command:

a) apt-get install apache

b) install apache config
c) tar install apache
d) apache setup
e) start apache

3. The combination of open source technologies is quite popular, due to its low cost,
performance and scalability. Another good reason for adopting LAMP is the ease of
switching servers, since the vast majority of hosting services have this software. This,
for other languages and databases, is usually an inconvenience, given the different
configurations and restrictions of the servers. LAMP is an acronym for the combination

a) Language + Apache + Moodle + Perl.

b) Linux + Amanda + Moodle + Python.
c) Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP, Perl or Python.
d) Linux + Amanda + MySQL + PHP.
e) Language + Apache + Moodle + PHP.

4. The Apache web server is configured by the following master file:

a) httpd.conf
b) apache.conf
c) webapp.conf
d) htaccess.conf

5. Consider the scenario where you have installed a web page server program (Apache
or IIS) on a computer. To test if the web page server is working, using a web browser
on that computer, enter the address: http://

6. What is a superuser usually called in mysql?

a. root
B. admin
C. mysql
D. user

7. Which of the following is a way to restart Apache on the system *

a. apache reboot
b. apache restart
C. httpd restart
D. httpd reboot

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