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1935 Constitution 1973 Constitution 1987 Constitution

Suffrage • Only male • By citizen of • By at least
citizens the Philippines citizens of the
• At least 21 • At least 18 Philippines
years of age years of age • At least 18
• Able to read • No literacy, years of age
and write property or • Residence for
• Residence for other at least one
at least one substantive year and six
year and six requirements months in the
months in the on the exercise place propose
place propose of suffrage to vote
to vote • Residence for preceding the
preceding the at least one election
elections year and six • No literacy
months in the property or
place propose other
to vote substantive
preceding the requirements
elections. on the exercise
• The Batasang of suffrage
Pambansa • The congress
shall provide a shall provide a
system for the system for
purpose of securing the
securing the secrecy and
secrecy and sanity of the
sanity of the ballot as well
vote as the system
for absentee
voting by
Filipino abroad
Kind of Congress • National • Batasang • Congress
Assembly Pambansa
Comelec: • One chairman • One chairman • One chairman
Composition and two and eight and six
commissioners commissioners commissioners
Appointed by: • By the • By the Prime • By the
President with Minister President with
the consent of the consent of
commission on commission on
appointments appointments
Powers and • Exclusive • Enforce and • Enforce and
Functions charge of the administer all administer all
enforcement laws relative to laws and
and the conduct of regulations
administration elections relative to the
of all laws • Be the sole conduct of the
judge of all election,
relative to the contest initiatives,
conduct relating to the referendum
• Exercise all elections, and recall
other function return and • Exercise
which may be qualifications exclusive
conferred of all members original
upon by it law of the National jurisdiction
• Decide, save Assembly and over all
the involving elective contests
the right to provincial and relating to the
vote, all city officials election
administrative • Decide, save returns and
questions those involving qualification of
affecting the right to all elective
election, vote, regional
including: administrative provincial and
• The questions city official and
determination affecting appellate
of the number elections, jurisdiction
and location of including the over all
polling places. determination contests
of the number involving
and location elected
and polling municipal
places, the official decided
appointment by trial court
of elections or of general
official and jurisdiction or
inspectors, and involving
the elective
registration of barangay
voters official decided
by trial courts
of limited
• Decisions, final
orders or
ruling for the
commission of
municipal and
officer shall be
final executory
and not
The Inherent Power of State

Police Power Power of Eminent Power of Taxation

Definition ➢ Power of the ➢ Enables the ➢ The state is
state to state of able to
regulate forcibly demand from
liberty and acquire the member
property for private of society
the property, their
promotion of upon payment proportionate
the general of just share or
welfare compensation, contribution
or some in the
intended maintenance
public use of the
Nature ➢ Attribute of ➢ It is based on ➢ An inherent
sovereignty genuine of state
and founded necessity and exercise
on the that necessity through the
obligation of must be of legislature
the state to public
provide character
for it’s
citizens and
the safety
and good
order of
As of Exercising the ➢ Only by the ➢ By private ➢ By
Authority government entities with government
the express
Purpose ➢ For public ➢ For public use ➢ For revenue
good and or purpose and support
welfare government
As to the Amount of ➢ Sufficient to ➢ The owner is ➢ No limit
Imposition cover the paid the fair
cost of market value
regulations of the

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