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Selvest Talk 2.0 x Life at FMCG


Table of Contents:

Foreword 3

Project Overview 5

Project Result 6

Division Job Description, Performance, and Analytics 7

Activity Plan versus Realization 17

Event Rundown 20

Income Statement 23

Project Evaluation 25

Member Testimonial 26

Selvest is the biggest event I've ever run in my life so far. I say this not because of
this event's achievements, but because of the opportunity as well as the huge
responsibility entrusted to me. This is one of the biggest steps in my journey at AIESEC to
become a better version of Aiko. This event became the chisel that carved me as the
medium. Change the cylindrical simple block into a better object. Getting out of the
comfort zone is the reason most Aisecers join, and so am I, and this event is proof of that.
I stepped out of my comfort zone by becoming a leader as an actualization of the
leadership values ​that I was looking for at AIESEC. My biggest fear comes from the
expectations of the people around me, especially those who believe in me for great
things, conquered with this opportunity that I take.
Selvest 2.0 is truly far from perfect, not even in line with the expectations that I
built myself. This was carried out by my own imperfections that spread to my friends who
work, help me, in this event. I am very lucky to have those who are willing to sacrifice
their time to make this event happen. I have learned a lot from my OC and I hope they do
too. I hope that this event will be the worst experience for my OC as an AIESECer, so that
in the future they will not reap the same or even worse experiences. Thank you for your
trust. From this opportunity, I not only got to know AIESEC more deeply but also myself.

Best Regards,
Aiko Kurniadi Akbar
Organizing Committee President
Selvest Talk 2.0: Selvest Talk 2.0 “Career 101: A Comprehensive Guidance to HR Recruitment
Project Overview

Project Name:
Selvest Talk 2.0 x Life at FMCG

Project Objective:
A. Selvest Talk 2.0 is a series of events that are held as a part of the Selvest Talk 2.0
process with the theme of “Career 101: A Comprehensive Guidance to HR
Recruitment Process”.
1. On January 8th, a talk show session that focuses on the importance of
internship in preparing individuals in entering and adapting to the
professional world.
2. On January 9th, a workshop with two AIESEC alumni which focuses on the
importance of career preparation, followed by materials on how to make a
good Curriculum Vitae and how to successfully pass an interview.

The Committees:
Aiko Kurniadi (OC President)
Mazizah Nurul Latifah (OC Finance and Administration)
Naswa Aleyta Noerhudha (OC Finance and Administration)
Arundati Warastika (OC Program and Partnership)
Firdausi Adiwijaya (OC Program and Partnership)
Aulia Azmi (OC Program and Partnership)
Difha Aditama P (OC Brand and Marketing)
Freya Diptya Azzahra (OC Brand and Marketing)
Fadilla Zahra Azzura (OC Customer Experience)
Aylla Indrarani (OC Customer Experience)
Delicatya Chamhada R. A. (OC Customer Experience)

Project Duration:
October 2021 - January 2022
Project Result
Selvest Talk 2.0 x Life at FMCG

Number of Participants : 88 People

Number of Donations Gathered : Rp0
Number of Exchange Participants realised :0
People Number of TNs raised : 0 TNs
Number of Learning Partners raised : 0 Learning Partners
Number of Media Partner raised : 2 Partners
MC : Difha Aditama P
Moderator : Delicatya Chamhada R. A.
Speaker : Lana Sari, A Lutfi Karim, Melati Hafizha,
Joshua Febri
Attendees Satisfactions Rate : 4.9/5
Division Job Description, Performance, and Analytics
Organizing Committee President

1. Performance management of the team
2. Communication with national team
3. Report about preparation, progress, and post event
4. Conduct performance review by conduct team meeting & individual meeting
5. Ensuring all strategy preparation
6. Ensuring all strategy implementation

Strength Weakness
● High OC initiative ● Often miscommunication with
● High Sense of belonging to the NST
event ● Not all decisions are planned
● OCs lack of knowledge about
AIESEC event management

Feedback and Critics:

1. Aiko has been such a good leader and a good friend. A leader with a high
initiative, curiosity and fully dedicated himself for the role. A person who is
willing to take bigger steps and work hard to succeed. At any point, Aiko didn't
hesitate to clarify something that confused him further. Keep it up ko!
2. Kak Aiko is such a great OCP, he is always there whenever we need help and
consultation.. I often text him late at night or even call him without making an
appointment first, sorry kak T_T Anyway, thank you for always being there!
3. Kak Aiko is an inspiring leader, it’s amazing to see you manage a bazillion
things in a short time and your confidence in the work is spectacular. Thank
you so much kak Aiko!
4. Kak Aiko has taught me a lot throughout these past few months. He is
determined despite the challenges we’ve faced during this project. He’s a
great leader and I really enjoy working with him!
Performance Analysis
Key Performance Index Target Actual
% Selvest Talk 2.0 planning creation 100% 100%
% Selvest Talk 2.0 planning execution 100% 100%
# 4 External Speakers 4 4
Organizing Committee Finance and Administration

1. Create and control financial needs (budget plan, cash flow, budget
2. Create administration and financial report (MoM, MoU, project report,
3. Fulfil logistic needs.

Strength Weakness
● Able to complete administration ● Communication with other OCs is
and financial needs on time not optimal
● Cashflow is updated regularly to
avoid errors
● Detail-oriented

Feedback and Critics:

1. Kak Tifa and Naswaa, thank you for being such a patient person! Sorry for
being slow respon sometimes hehe. You guys did such great work, neat, and
very structured! It was a nice opportunity to work with you <3
2. Thank you for all your efforts and help kak Tifa and Naswaaa!!! I am sincerely
grateful for all the support and help you guys have given to the team! <3

KPI Fulfillment
KP Target Actual
% Budget Plan Created 100 100
% MoM Created 100 100
% Cash Flow Compiled 100 100
# Financial Report 1 1
% Budget Report 100 100
# Fund Submission to Ditmawa for 2 2
Selvest Talk 2.0 (Proposal & LPJ)
Organizing Committee Program and Partnership

1. Do research about the theme or relevant topic for agenda creation
2. Create agenda based on research
3. Map out potential speakers and partners and, delegates persona
4. Approach potential speakers and partners which plan to be involved in
the event
5. Manage the implementation of event

Strength Weakness
● Able to coordinate well in ● Lack of people involved.
assigning roles between ● Late approach to partners so the
partnership and program while response also came late.
supporting each role both in ● Limitation of work, since some OCs
approaching potential partners don’t have AIESEC’s mail and
as well as planning and signature to propose partnership.
executing the event.
● Effective work execution.
● Manage to extend the
partnership so the target of
speaker number could be
● Manage to plan and execute
the event well, and intuitive in
d-day issues.
● Flexible performance on
D-day event, didn't panic
when the event change a bit
from the plan.

Feedback and Critics:

1. Great job guys! You did amazing! All of the OCs were able to organize the
event very well even though there were lots of obstacles throughout the
process. Special appreciation for Firda tho, for her to be fully dedicated and
responsible towards her jobs. Kudos to you all!
2. It is awesome how you help us to plan the entire event and it is really
admirable to see you go beyond what is needed, providing the best
conditions to work smoothly. You guys really are passionate about the work!
Thank you so much Fir and Aul!!
KPI Fulfillment
KP Target Actual
% of research for the agenda 100 100
% of research for the potential speakers, 100 100
partners, and delegates persona

# of theme and topics created 2 2

% of agenda created 100 100
# of speakers involved 4 4
# of partners raised 4 2
Organizing Committee Brand and Marketing

1. Plan and carry out campaigns, marketing strategies, and digital branding
throughout the event.
2. Brainstorm to create the concepts and layouts for publications on social media
platforms based on creative briefs and meetings with the OC President.
3. Ensure every publication on social media platforms has passed AIESEC and
Selvest Talk 2.0 brand guidelines.
4. Analyze and evaluate marketing contents.

Strength Weakness
● Able to connect audiences ● Lack of balance in allocating
through Instagram Story. content design tasks with
● Successfully posted all the limited time.
contents needed in the ● Lack of consistency in
content matrix. managing contents for
● Able to attract engagement as Instagram.
well as participants for the ● Lack of media partners.

Feedback and Critics:

1. Thank you to Kak Freya and Dif for being flexible to revisions for marketing
tools LIKE LITERALLY EVERY TIME (sorry for contacting you at random
time). Also, thank you so much for being volunteer to be either to edit CV,
bumper videos, being MC or operator/host on D-Day selvest, HUHU THAT

2. BIG THANKS TO YOU GUYS! All the contents turned out wonderful and
deserves a lot of appreciation. Despite all of the uncertainty that we have
faced, both Freya and Dhifa have been amazing in doing their job.

KPI Fulfillment
KPI Target Actual
%Content Plan 100 100
#Marketing Content Created 23 23
%E-Certificate for speakers, moderators,
and delegates 100 100
#Logistics necessity (virtual Zoom 2 3
Background, dll.)
#Post Event Content Created 1 2
Organizing Committee Customer Experience

1. Prepare concept flow for registration and communication routines
2. Prepare channel for communication with the delegates
3. Create delegates registration form
4. Create delegates satisfaction form
5. Maintain communication with the delegates
6. Ensure delegates satisfaction
7. Prepare games during the event
8. Create digital ticket for delegates
9. Create email marketing broadcast to Selvest Talk 1.0 delegates
10. Ensure delegates to call to action

Strength Weakness
● Able to create effective ways of ● Unable to insert ticket in Autocrat
communicating with delegates by (Google Forms’ add ons) on time.
planning communication flow and ● Mistaken in shortened link
planning each broadcast creation.

Feedback and Critics:

coordination and revisions might be randomly tiring, thank you for your

excellent performance. That actually means a lot to help OC Progpar, we
love you Also kak fadila and kak aylla for being such an ice in the

middle of chaos, you guys are calming and very very fun! You guys enlighten
the mood. It was my pleasure to be able to work with you, guys!
2. THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS! Thanks deli for being quick in
responding to all matters relating to customer experience, and also for
voluntarily becoming the MC of our event, you are so loved. As for fadila and
aylla, you guys did a very great job as an OC of Delegates Services in
preparing all the necessary things related to participants throughout this
event. Working with you all was a really great experience.
3. Thank you so much kak Aylla and kak Dilla, we did a great job managing all
the things and providing the best for our delegates! IT’S A PLEASURE TO
have worked hard, proud <3
KPI Fulfillment
KP Target Actual
# Preparing concept flow for registration 1 1
and communication routines
# Delegates communication channel 2 2
# Delegates registration form created 1 1
# Delegates satisfaction form created 2 2
% Ensuring communication with 100 100
% Delegates satisfaction with the event 100 98
Activity Plan versus Realisation
OC Finance and Administration
Plan Actual Cause Recommendation
Receive revenue from Receive revenue from Create a detailed Submit the proposal
DITMAWA UGM DITMAWA UGM proposal and on time so there’s
submitting it on time enough time for
confirmation and
Receive a total Receive a total Marketing strategy Create a marketing
revenue of Rp revenue of was not implemented strategy that is
1.960.000 from Rp1.676.000 from efficiently and effective and
DITMAWA UGM and DITMAWA UGM, successfully.
registration fee registration fee, and appealing to
financial partnerships audiences.

OC Program and Partnership

Plan Actual Cause Recommendation
Involve 4 speakers Involve 4 speakers, We plan to have Approach speakers
(with huge not the same as the speakers who can and partners as early
engagement) for the target–small help us in the as possible, they will
event, 2 speakers engagement rate, and marketing process respond late. It also
from HR and 2 the speakers didn’t with their increases the
speakers from interns really encourage engagement, but it possibility of reaching
which encourage people to have turns out they have a speakers who suit
people to have internship experience, ‘rate card’. The your event’s goals.
internship experience. speakers are also Also, please reach
from LAF, not from the speakers at the
AIESEC, so they beginning of the
didn’t recognise the month, they usually
purpose of this event have “free slots”.
as a soft selling.
All partners and Not all partners and Might be because Emphasize the
speakers fill the pre & speakers fill the pre & lack of emphasis in importance of the
post survey post survey the importance of survey beforehand,
those survey and only monitor the
receive the responses responses sheets as
sheets after the event soon as sending the
therefore not survey to them, so
monitoring it and that we can remind
remind them to fill it them to fill it.

OC Brand and Marketing

Plan Actual Cause Recommendation
Create content Created and posted regular posting Plan contents
planning from pre contents from pre schedule. Every beforehand with great
events, event events, event content is related to time management
realization, post realization, post Selvest Talk 2.0
events in one sheet events.
for Selvest Talk 2.0.

OC Customer Experience
Plan Actual Cause Recommendation
We planned to only We only make group We want to manage We should write
have two groups LINE, specifically 2 effective down in the
consisting of WA groups. communication with registration form that
Group and LINE our delegates by we have a LINE
group to coordinate maintaining only two group only so
with all delegates groups consisting of delegates could
during Selvest Talk day 1 and day 2. download it before
2.0: Selvest Talk 2.0. the event begins.
Obtain 100 Obtain 88 participants Some delegates were Either make more
participants (2 days) (2 days) confused because we content about it or
were already held move all of the
"Selvest Talk 2.0 #1" “Selvest Talk 2.0”
so they might think event schedule after
that the registration the registration
was already closed. closes.
Event Rundown

● Saturday, 8th January 2022

Time Activity Description

09.30 - 10.00 Open Room Zoom Duration: 30 minutes

● 5 minutes - Play
background song while
● 17 minutes - Bumper
Videos Partnership
● 5 minutes - Greetings by
● 8 minutes - Opening speech
by MC

10.00 - 10.05 Opening Session Duration: 5 minutes

● Med-part adlibs
● Explain the rundown briefly

10.05 - 10.10 Roll Dance Duration: 5 minutes

● Roll Dance

10.10 - 10.55 Talk Show Session Duration: 45 minutes

● 5 minutes - An appeal from
MC regarding the change of
● 10 minutes - Speaker
● 30 minutes - Talk show

Duration: 5 minutes
10.55 - 11.00 Mini Games ● Playing games with

Duration: 15 minutes
11.00 - 11.15 Question & Answer ● Allowing delegates to ask
question to the speakers

11.15 -11.20 CTA Duration: 5 minutes

● Guideline for CTA &
Satisfaction survey for the

Duration: 5 minutes
11.20 - 11.25 Closing ● Farewell and
documentation session
● Sunday, 9th January 2022

Time Activity Description

Open Room Zoom Duration: 30 minutes

● 5 minutes - Play
background song while
● 17 minutes - Bumper
10.00 - 10.30
Videos Partnership
● 5 minutes - Greetings by
● 8 minutes - Opening speech
by MC

Opening Session Duration: 5 minutes

10.30 - 10.40 ● Med-part adlibs
● Explain the rundown briefly

Roll Dance Duration: 5 minutes

10.40 - 10.45
● Roll Dance

Welcoming Remarks Duration: 5 minutes

10.45 - 10.50 ● Welcoming remarks by

Material Presentation: CV Duration: 35 minutes

● Speaker introduction
10.50 - 11.25 ● Speaker delivering material
about CV and college

Material Presentation: Interview Duration: 30 minutes

● Speaker introduction
11.25 - 11.55 ● Speaker delivering material
about how to succeed at

Duration: 10 minutes
11.55 - 12.05 Break ● MC allows participants to
take a short break

Private Session: CV and

12.05 - 12.40 Duration: 35 minutes
● CV - Speakers provide
feedback on participants'
● Interview - Speaker doing
mock interview with

Duration: 20 minutes
12.40 - 13.00 Question & Answer ● Allowing delegates to ask
question to the speaker

Duration: 5 minutes
● Appreciation for the
13.00 - 13.05 CTA
● Guideline for CTA &
Satisfaction survey for the

Duration: 5 minutes
13.05 - 13.10 Closing ● Farewell and
documentation session
Income Statement


No Revenue Price Quantity Total

1 Direktorat Kemahasiswaan Rp 700.000,00 1 Rp 700.000,00

2 Registration Fee Rp 10.000,00 12 Rp 120.000,00

3 Registration Fee Rp 15.000,00 22 Rp 330.000,00

4 Registration Fee Rp 24.000,00 4 Rp 96.000,00

5 Registration Fee Rp 30.000,00 1 Rp 30.000,00

6 Media Partner By U Rp 400.000,00 1 Rp 400.000,00

Total Rp 1.676.000,00

No Expense Price Quantity Total

I Delegates Expense

1 Reward for Delegates Rp 25.000,00 4 Rp 100.000,00

II Financial Expense

1 Zoom Premium Rp 15.000,00 2 Rp 30.000,00

2 Speakers Fee Rp 150.000,00 2 Rp 300.000,00

Total Rp 430.000,00


1 Revenue Rp 1.676.000,00

2 Cost Rp 430.000,00

3 Profit Rp 1.246.000,00
Project Evaluation

Things to Stop Things to Things to Start

Approaching partners or Making Cue Card and doing Approach speakers and
speakers near the D-Day dry-run & practice for partners as early as
event. MC/Moderator before the possible, at the beginning of
Day the month is better.
Only little time given for Still coordinate with Give more time for Question
Question & Answer session MC/Moderator during the & Answer and more
event opportunities for delegates
to actively participate
Not monitoring the pre & Give partner the opportunity Monitor the pre & post
post partnership survey to attend our event partnership survey
responses responses and remind them
to fill it
Not preparing detailed Keep producing content Preparing detailed content
content/marketing ideas for ideas during realization to ideas since the very
instagram story during maximize our marketing beginning
Member Testimonial
“This project has definitely faced a lot more challenges than what I have imagined and
indeed it got quite difficult along the way, but I’m really grateful to know that I have my
team and can ask their opinion when we are exposed to unexpected situations. I
certainly learned a lot from this experience and I’m beyond thankful that I can get to
know my team and work with such wonderful people <3”.

Aiko Kurniadi
Organizing Committee

“As the last event throughout my journey in AIESEC, Selvest Talk 2.0 was indeed worth
all the energy and the time. Big thanks to Aiko, the members of OGTa and all of the
OCs for believing in me to handle such a big responsibility as the OC Finance and
Administration. Also many thanks to Naswa for sticking with me through all the
challenges that we have faced, I don’t think I can go through this all by myself. No
words can describe how grateful I am to have the chance to work with such a great
team. Sending love to you all!”.
Mazizah Nurul Latifah
OC Finance and Administration

“This is actually my first ever project in AIESEC, and it’s been so FUN! I got to meet a
lot of great people through Selvest Talk 2.0 and I couldn’t be happier. Big thanks to Kak
Tifa for being patient with me and guiding me through this journey. Also thanks to all of
the other OCs, I’m grateful for meeting you all!”.
OC Finance and Administration

“This is the best opportunity that I took as an intern! I can never forget the very first
experience of me being an OC, the lessons and also the team that I worked with. I
learnt a lot from this project. I learned how to be responsible for my duty, how to
negotiate and maintain relationships with partners and speakers, how to manage my
time, how do AIESECer works, how to arrange and conduct an event, and many more. I
also met a lot of amazing and inspiring people. Especially Kak Aiko who is very patient,
full of understanding, and always accompanies us. Also, thank you to Selvest Talk, I

can fulfil both of my general and functional scores to the max. This experience
completes my internship and introduction to AIESEC! ”
Firdausi Adiwijaya
OC Program &
"It was a pleasure to work with selvest guys. Lots of experience i learnt and lots of
connections i made. I just want to say thank you and I am so sorry as well for not being
well all the time. Hope we can have a bright future together."
Aulia Azmi
OC Program &

“The event and project was very very memorable, as with the team members involved.
Though we faced errors along the way, our leader was able to rediscover our strategies,
ensuring that we made significant improvements right away.”
Arundati Warastika
OC Program &

“Although it was short, it was pretty memorable as we needed to work in a fast pace
and this event taught me more about time management. I would like to thank all the
OCs for successfully doing their job well given the short time frame. Congrats, all! You
did it. Sorry if I ever did any wrong during this event hehe love you all <3 ”.
Freya Diptya Azzahra
OC Brand & Marketing

“Becoming OC MMVD for Selvest Talk 2.0 is a decision I will never, ever regret in my
whole life! You know why? Because IT’S A WRAP! Indeed, doing is the best way to
learn. Every bit of work feels fun because of the atmosphere, never would it be possible
if it weren’t for my partner, OCP, and the rest of the teammates. Please if you ever think
about doing something, just do that thing”.

Difha Aditama P.
OC Brand & Marketing

“Selvest Talk 2.0’’ is one of the best experiences I’ve had in AIESEC. I got a lot of
insights about project management as well as delegate service. I’m also grateful that I
could work with great teammates during this project. Thanks a lot for this opportunity.
Fadilla Zahra A.
OC Customer Experience

This project might be one of the best AIESEC journeys I’ve ever had. I really gained a
lot of knowledge and experience that impacted my self-development personally. All OC
members synergize well while working on this project, so I don't feel this is a burden.
I’m so grateful for contributing to this project as Delegate Service and got to work with
Deli & Fadilla again, as well as OC members. Thanks a lot, glad to meet another dream
team that is reliable yet fun to work with! <33
Aylla Indrarani Ramadhanti
OC Customer Experience

Getting an opportunity to be part of the Selvest Talk Organizing Committee was a

challenge for me but at the same time became a memorable experience during my
on-boarding phase. It was my first OC experience in AIESEC and I got to learn many
useful tools during Selvest Talk preparation. I’m truly grateful for this opportunity and
beyond thankful to all OC that worked together to make this event successful.
Delicatya Rafa
OC Customer Experience

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