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of Swine
Feeding Dry and Pregnant Sows
◈ Proper swine nutrition begins with ◈ Measure in controlling weight gain during gestation.
the sow. Sows should be flushed to 1. Limit energy intake of the sow/gilt only to
promote ovulation and increase the cover requirements for its maintenance, and
number of ova released from the deposition of protein and fat in the maternal
ovary. tissue and conceptus.
◈ Provide pregnant sows/gilts 2. Limit feeding to allow maximum efficiency of
additional nutrients to allow about 25 pregnant gilts and sows.
kg maternal weight gain and 20 kg 3. Fibrous, bulky diets keep them from becoming
conception products for normal too fat and prevent constipation. Bulky diets
reproduction. or rations should be fed a few days before
expected farrowing to prevent constipation.
Feeding Lactating Sows
◈ Feeding management of sows must be planned to obtain optimum nutrient intake
during lactation.
◈ Gradually increase the feed given each day to lactating sows and then allow full
feeding on the 4th and 5th day after farrowing. This is done to increase the milk
yield; condition the sow’s body, and ensure successful rebreeding soon after
◈ Lactating diet should be high in energy and low in fiber, with adequate
protein/amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
Feeding Suckling
◈ Pigs less than seven days old utilize only glucose and lactose; those aging 7–10
days old, fructose and sucrose.
◈ Feed two-week-old or older pigs with starch or cereal-based diets since their
digestive systems are sufficiently developed to produce pancreatic amylase and
intestinal disaccharidases.
◈ Introduce booster feed to piglets at five days old and then shift to pre-starter feed
when piglets are 5–10 kg LW. Booster and pre-starter feeds are high in protein
(21–24% CP), low in fiber, and well fortified with vitamins, minerals, and
Feeding Starter Pigs
◈ One week after weaning (10-12 kg LW), shift to the starter ration (18% CP).
◈ Gradually replace pre-starter feed with starter ration until weanlings are fully
fed with starter ration. When the live weight of piglets reaches 18-20 kilograms
fed the gradually with grower feeds.
Feeding Grower/Finisher Pigs
◈ Grower phase is the stage when the pig is about three months old and weighs 20–60
kg LW. Feed 16% CP grower mash to 20–35 kg pigs, and 15% CP grower mash to
35–60 kg animals. Beyond 60 kg, the animal’s protein requirements are decreased,
thus, reduce the CP content to 14% (finisher ration). Feed the pigs up to market or
slaughter weight of 90–110 kg.
◈ Grower/finisher pigs adjust their feed intake according to the energy content of the
diet. At each growth stage, the formulation should meet the energy, amino acid,
vitamin, and mineral (macro- and trace elements) requirements of the animal
Feeding Breeding Pigs
◈ Give breeders high-energy feeds before breeding to increase ovulation rate and
produce large litter size at farrowing. The sow should not be too fat at breeding as it
may lead to reduced litter size and increased number of stillborn pigs and
mummified fetuses. To attain the best reproductive efficiency of the sow, minimize
the weight and fat loss during lactation

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